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Text File
447 lines
Documentation for MCAT505.MAC
Harold F. Bower
27 August 1985
- DateStamper is trademarked by Plu*Perfect Systems
- CP/M is trademarked by Digital Research
MCAT v 5. provides the capability to create a file containing an alphabeti-
cally sorted list of all programs and files from one or more disks for later
examination. This 'catalog' may then serve as an index into one's library, and
permit better organization of information on disks. The catalog (named
MAST.CAT) contains the filename and type of each directory entry on disks, and
optionally; the user area in which the entry is stored, and Date information
provided by Plu*Perfect Systems' DateStamper(tm) system.
This program is a logical extension of Irv Hoff's MCAT version 4.5. Changes
made to produce this version were significant enough to warrant upgrading the
version number. Among the more important changes are:
- Screen oriented operation following Plu*Perfect System's TERMCAP
definition thereby permitting automatic customization to a wide
variety of computer systems using SETTERM (provided with
- Incorporation of interfaces to Plu*Perfect Systems' DateStamper(tm)
system of Date and Time stamping files. This feature is NOT required
for operation, and automatically disables itself if DateStamper is
not installed.
- Protection against inadvertant corruption of MAST.CAT by incorrect
settings of DATE and USER options.
- Ability to delete entries for specified disk Volume numbers. (Erase
disks from library)
- Automatic adjustment of the internal buffer sizes to accomodate disks
with different maximum numbers of directory entries. This avoids the
requirement to re-assemble MCAT to accomodate different size systems.
- The ability to create a basic MAST.CAT file from within MCAT, which
contains a special header entry defining optional fields in the
Catalog. This entry prevents conflicts in option settings for
successive passes of MCAT, and cross-reference listings with the
companion XCAT program. The !!!TIME&.DAT file which is on all disks
initialized for use with DateStamper is automatically included in the
"ignore" file list and up to 35 additional names may be entered.
- Ability to enter "wildcard" or "ambiguous" file names to the IGNORE
list in the MAST.CAT. This permits exclusion of entire catagories
of files from the catalog.
- The ability to add and/or delete the optional USER and DATE fields
from the cataloging operation from within MCAT without reassembly of
the program, or having different versions to handle the four possible
Master Catalog formats.
- The ability to change assignment of the drive to catalog, as well as
the drive and user area of the Master Catalog from within MCAT.
- 'Expert' provisions to short-circuit menus for drive selection,
Catalog location, and option selection when calling the program from
CP/M. Passing parameters causes immediate execution of MCAT, and
return to CP/M upon completion, unless errors are detected. Errors
cause a transfer to the menu mode of operation.
- The ability to create a disk "name" on the disk if none exists. When
this situation is detected by MCAT, the user is notified and has the
option of aborting the run and returning to the main menu, or
entering a name. This is added to the disk to be cataloged as a null
length file preceded by a dash after checking to insure that the name
does not already exist on the selected MAST.CAT
These features were added in a fashion which provides expanded operational
capabilities while retaining compatibility with existing catalogs. A compan-
ion program, XCAT has been modified to take advantage of the expanded capabil-
ities provided by Version 5 of MCAT.
The basic version of MCAT Version 5 operates in an interactive manner
with the operator by providing printed status and prompt statements on the
user's terminal device. It should operate satisfactorily on any computer run-
ning CP/M versions 2 or 3. The optional date field, however, is only accurate
under version 2.2 with Plu*Perfect's DateStamper(tm) system.
Built-in Help is available for MCAT, providing abbreviated information on
operation and configuration. If help is selected, the window structure is not
displayed on the screen, but the information is displayed, one screenful at a
time. To obtain the on-line HELP, type:
MCAT ? <cr>
To bring up the basic system in a "windowed" menu-driven mode, type:
MCAT <cr>
A series of messages will appear announcing the program, and informing you
of the format which will be used in the Master Catalog (what entries will be
made),what disk drive you are cataloging (drive ID defined in the header of the
program), and what disk and user area is assumed to contain the MAST.CAT file.
A list of available commands preceded with a carat (^) is also shown. If you
have installed terminal definitions, and your terminal supports these func-
tions, then the carat and first character of the command are highlighted. If
you have defined both the disk to be cataloged, and the location of MAST.CAT to
be the same drive, a message will be displayed stating that you will alternate-
ly place the disk to be cataloged and the master catalog in the drive. The
Master Catalog format assumed at startup (default) can be changed by varying
the two bytes in the beginning of the program for USER and DATE (NO (00H) means
do NOT include, YES (0FFH) means include).
If Plu*Perfect Systems' DateStamper(tm) is not installed, the user is
prompted to enter the current month and day. If this is accomplished, a
default year is assumed, which is stored as one two-digit Binary Coded Decimal
byte in the header portion of MCAT. It can be easily changed using DDT or
other debugging tool without reassembling MCAT. The current date is then added
to the pseudo file '+++nnnk.FRE' on the master catalog which shows the number
of free kilobytes on the disk. By examining this entry in the Master Catalog,
the date of cataloging is known (providing the DATE option is active).
For those who desire to initiate MCAT with different parameters (Drive to
catalog, Drive and User for the MAST.CAT file, and optional fields), Version
5 includes the ability to pass these parameters on the command line. This
is accomplished by adding one to three additional entries after the "MCAT"
directive, and they can appear in any order. These parameters are:
"<" - This symbol indicates that the following character designates
the disk drive to be cataloged. The letter can be followed
by an optional colon for clarity, if desired.
">" - This symbol indicates that the following parameters designate the
drive/user area where the desired MAST.CAT file is to be found.
A letter indicating a drive, a number in the range of 0-31 for the
desired user area, or both may follow this symbol.
"$" - This symbol is used to specify the format of the MAST.CAT entries.
When it is detected, both USER and DATE capabilities are turned
off, and must be explicitly reset. Follow this symbol with a "D"
if you want Dates to be included, and "U" if you want user areas to
be included. Either one or both characters are accepted.
If any of these parameters are missing from the command line, default para-
meters are assumed. These defaults can be changed by either re-assembling the
program or changing memory locations as described later under "Customizing with
DDT". Examples of acceptable entries (with alternatives) are:
MCAT <A >B10 $U <-- Catalog the 'A' drive, Look for MAST.CAT on drive
MCAT <A: $U >B10: 'B' in user area 10, Catalog only file names and
User areas.
MCAT <C $DU <-- Catalog the 'C' drive, look for MAST.CAT on the
MCAT <C $UD default drive in the default area, Catalog file
MCAT $DU <C: names with Dates and User areas
MCAT $ <-- Catalog the default drive, Look for MAST.CAT on the
default drive in the default area, Catalog only
Five commands are available at any point where the program asks for confir-
mation that the correct disks are installed. These commands are:
^D (Control-D) - Define the disk drive to catalog. A command prompt
(beginning with '==>') is issued, and a single
character is accepted with no carriage return. If a
space, carriage return, or other control character is
entered, no change is made to the current drive.
^L (Control-L) - Log the drive and user area which contains (or should
contain) the MAST.CAT Master Catalog file. The expec-
ted response is a letter followed by one or more num-
bers. If only a letter is entered, the user ares is
unchanged. If only a number is entered, then the
currently selected drive is retained, and the user area
is changed. The entry is terminated when a non-numeric
character is detected. NO EDITING of the entry is
supported (e.g. backspace). If the first character
entered is a space or carriage return, the current
selection is unchanged.
^I (Control-I) - Initialize a MAST.CAT file on the currently selected
disk and user area. To avoid inadvertant erasure of
an existing Master catalog, two levels of protection
are provided; First, a confirmation prompt is given,
and secondly, MCAT renames any existing MAST.CAT to
^F (Control-F) - Change the Format to be used for the MAST.CAT. Two
Command prompts (beginning with '==>') are given which
expect Yes or No (Y/N) responses. These define whether
or not to include USER and DATE entries in the Master
^R (Control-R) - Remove references to a specified disk. The user is
prompted to enter a disk name. This should match the
name of a disk (the leading dash is shown in the
prompt) to be deleted. To insure that this is OK, a
confirmation prompt is issued which expects a 'Y/N'
response. All MAST.CAT entries containing this name
as a disk ID will be removed from the catalog. Editing
(backspace) is supported during name entry.
^Z (Control-Z) - The terminal screen is cleared and redrawn. This is to
support programs that may be activated from within
your system and destroy the screen.
At any point in the program where Yes or No responses are expected, the
following conventions apply:
NO - 'N', 'n', Control-C, Control-X.
YES - 'Y', 'y', Carriage Return (Control-M), Space, all other
characters not covered by NO.
To exit MCAT, simply respond with a NO answer to the main command prompt
that asks if the disk to be cataloged is installed in the correct drive.
A warm boot will then be performed back to CP/M
MCAT Version 5 will NOT operate under CP/M Version 1.x. It fully supports
cataloging of file names with and without USER areas under CP/M 2.x and 3.
DATE entries are NOT possible without Plu*Perfect Systems' DateStamper(tm)
system, only the date of the cataloging operation (on the +++nnnk.FRE pseudo
file name) will have any meaning.
Release 5.05 of MCAT contains totally re-structured internal buffer formats
which should permit disk directories of up to 2048 names to be cataloged
provided that the transient program area is greater than that afforded in a 53K
standard CP/M system. If inadequate TPA space is available, a warning will be
issued, and MCAT will abort. This may occur if relocatable modules have been
added which reduce the available TPA space below the minimum required values.
The only effects of operating with smaller TPA spaces will be increased disk
activity due to reduced input and output buffer space.
The only requirements to catalog disks (without Dates) are:
1) A special directory entry to be used as a disk name. This entry MUST
begin with a leading dash (-). While additional characters can be
included in the file name portion (before the period), it is recommen-
ded that only the dash be entered in the name portion. The file type
for this pseudo name may then be a numerical field in the range of 0
to 999 and serve as the 'index' for locating disks. Additional
entries preceded with a dash followed by characters will be sorted
after the basic disk 'name', and will not be cataloged in the MAST.CAT
file. The lack of a disk "name" will be detected by MCAT and flagged.
The user then has the option of adding a name and resuming the opera-
tion, or aborting. If the "name" is added from within MCAT, the
3-character ID will be checked against those already cataloged in the
logged MAST.CAT and a warning will be issued if duplicates are
detected. To add this file separately under CP/M version 2.x, simply
SAVE 0 -.nnn
where nnn is the three-digit disk number. Under CP/M version 3,
special techniques must be applied. See the Documentation file for
MCAT v4.5 or the Source code for details.
2) A MAST.CAT must exist in the drive and user area set in MCAT. This
catalog differs slightly from previous versions of MCAT, in that a
special header field must exist as the first entry in the IGNORE list.
MAST.CAT files created from within MCAT using the ^I command automati-
cally contain this header. To use existing catalogs, the entry must be
added with your editor. The rules for making this file are:
- It must begin with a left curly brace immediately after the
opening parenthesis at the beginning of the Ignore list.
- If user areas are included, a semicolon is added.
- (For new catalogs..) If dates are to be included, a vertical bar
(|) is added followed by two digits for the current default year.
This entry is for future enhancements to reduce the size of
- Right curly braces terminate the header and should be ended with a
carriage return/line feed combination.
Examples are:
({} <-- Catalog contains only names
({;} <-- Catalog contains names and user areas
A typical Ignore list created from within MCAT with users and dates
might appear as:
({;|85} <-- Catalog has users, dates; year is 1985.
!!!TIME&.DAT <-- Ignore the DateStamper file.
*.BAK <-- Ignore all .BAK files.
*.00? <-- Ignore all files with type beginning as 00.
DDT.COM) <-- Ignore DDT. Closing parens ends IGNORE
To make the most utility of the Date field, the disk must have the
!!!TIME&.DAT file added under the DateStamper(tm) system. A null meaning entry
is added if Date fields are specified for the Master Catalog and this file is
not present.
MCAT contains several storage areas in the beginning of the program
that can be changed to tailor the program for your particular hardware
Configure MCAT V5 for your terminal by using Plu*Perfect Systems'
SETTERM utility, supplied with the DateStamper(tm) system. Select the
Other option and specify an address of 0100hex for the terminal
definition. Or use DDT to patch in the terminal data in accordance with
the locations in the source code.
Default parameters can be easily changed by using Digital Research's DDT
debugging tool. The procedure for making changes is:
Next PC
3100 0100
- <=== make necessary changes using Dump and Substitute
Storage locations, other than terminal commands, are:
113H Number of lines on the display terminal.
114H Number of character positions per line on the display.
193H Current year stored as a BCD digit (85H for 1985)
194H 0FFH here means include Dates on file names, 0 means do not.
195H 0FFH here means include Users on file names, 0 means do not.
196H Stores the binary drive designator (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc) for the
default MAST.CAT file. Enter 0FFH to default to currently
logged drive.
197H Stores the binary default user area for MAST.CAT (0,1,2..etc).
Enter 0FFH to default to current logged user area.
198H Stores the binary drive designator (see 196H) for the default
drive TO BE CATALOGED. (0FFH = currently logged drive)
199H Stores the disk general-reset flag. Set non-zero to force
resetting all disks, 0 for fast reset (0 = default).
If your BIOS does not determine disk type when a new disk
is selected, you may not be able to mix different types of
disk in a single MCAT run unless this flag is set.
------------------------------ Technical -------------------------------------
MAST.CAT Master Catalog:
To accomodate optional file dating and user areas, the format for MAST.CAT
entries has been extended. If only the file name is included, individual
entries take the form:
/ / \ \
File name__/ / \ \___Disk number
/ \
File type_____/ \___Disk name without leading dash
(recommended to be null entry)
Examples: DDT.COM,MASTER.215 (With disk name)
ED.COM,.301 (No disk name)
With only user areas selected, the format adds the user area as a single
digit or alphabetic character preceded by a semi-colon. User areas range from
0 through 31. Areas 0-9 are the digits '0'-'9' with areas 10-31 using the
alphabet ('A'-'V'). Typical entries might be:
If both USER and DATE fields are selected, six additional characters are
added to comprise the date. The first two are the DAY, the next two are the
MONTH, and the last two are the YEAR. The configuration is:
/ / | | | \ \ \___Year
File Name_/ / | | | \ \________Month
File Type___/ | | \ \____________Day
Disk Name/ | \___User Area
Disk Number
Examples: DDT.COM,.193;F270485 (User area 15, 27 Feb 1985)
ED.COM,.340;0090184 (User area 0, 9 Jan 1984)
If the DATE field is selected, but the USER is not, the semicolon is changed
to a vertical bar ('|') character to provide proper distinction from the User
to both human, and automated users of the Master catalog. Examples of this
layout are:
Additional Notes.
DateStamper(tm) Interface:
If DateStamper(tm) is installed, the system date is automatically
read and displayed. If not, the user must supply the current month and
day. In addition, when the user has installed MCAT for cursor
addressing, the time is displayed at a pre-determined location on the
screen, but is only updated if a real time clock is installed. The
'Relative' time at entry is displayed if a clock is not present.
Screen-Oriented Operation:
This is the recommended method of operating MCAT Version 5. When the
proper cursor addressing and video attribute codes are added, the screen is
functionally divided into a series of 'windows' which display specific
information. MCAT can operate on systems displaying somewhat less than 80
characters per line, but overwrite may occur with consequent disruption of the
screen if less than 72 characters are available.
Six lines (rows) are required to establish the basic 'windows'. Operation
on an 8-line terminal such as the small LCD displays sometimes used in
portables is possible, although the instructions will quickly jump off the
screen. A typical screen layout might appear as:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Top of Screen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MCAT Catalog Pgm v 5.01 - for - DateStamper 30 Jun 1985
^Drive Change ^Log MAST.CAT ^Initialize ^Format (DU) ^Remove Vol.
Catalog Drive : B | Format ==> FN.FT /User -Date
MAST.CAT on D/U : C16 |
For Help, reboot then type : MCAT ?
A scratch disk must remain in Drive A:
Catalog Drive B: (NO = Exit) Ready (Y/N) : _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bottom of Screen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In operation, the main 'window' smoothly "paints" down the screen and wraps
around to avoid problems in scrolling experienced by many types of terminals.
Enjoy using Version 5 of MCAT! Any comments or suggestions on improving
this program would be appreciated. If you make any improvements or
enhancements to this program, please coordinate them with me before you
release them to the public. In that manner some semblance of order might be
maintained in the development of MCAT. Thank you.
Harold F. Bower
Box 946
APO NY 09128
er might be
maintained in the development of MCAT. Thank you.