home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* checks.c -- main source file for check register program */
- /* copyright (c) 1986 by Jim Woolley and WoolleyWare, San Jose, CA */
- /* vers. 1.0, 12/85 thru 5/86
- */
- /* this file contains:
- * main()
- * startup()
- * getval( q)
- * getentry()
- * getinfo()
- * getyesno( def)
- * struct nlist *install( name, def)
- * struct nlist *lookup( s)
- * hash( s)
- * char *strsave( s)
- * compdate( e1, e2)
- * datecomp( d1, d2)
- * comppayee( e1, e2)
- * compcateg( e1, e2)
- * categcomp( e1, e2)
- * compamount( e1, e2)
- * compbbf( e1, e2)
- * compabrev( p1, p2)
- * isebbf( e)
- * isibbf( i)
- * char *index( s, c)
- * char *skipspace( s)
- * typcat( f, t)
- * openerr()
- * readerr()
- * writerr( s)
- * createrr( s)
- * baddisk()
- */
- #include "a:checks.h"
- main( argc, argv) /* check register program */
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- char *p, *copyright, *allrights;
- int i, length;
- copyright = "Check Register Program, v.1.0 (c) 1986 by WoolleyWare";
- /* copyright must be < (COLS - FNAMSIZE - 3) chars */
- allrights = "All Rights Reserved";
- _Outdev = CONOUT; /* direct putchar() to screen */
- _Lastch = 0; /* used by getchar()/ungetch() */
- Speed = 5; /* initial Speed for ^QW and ^QZ */
- Today.yy = 0; /* initialize other globals */
- Savrecno = Oldfield = -1;
- Modified = Printing = Ctrlyundo = FALSE;
- for ( i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; ++i)
- Hashtab[ i] = 0;
- strcpy( Title, copyright);
- Ftoc[ MMFIELD] = 1; /* Ftoc[ f] = c */
- Ftoc[ DDFIELD] = 4; /* locates cursor for Field f */
- Ftoc[ YYFIELD] = 7; /* at column c, where c = 0 */
- Ftoc[ PAYFIELD] = 9; /* corresponds to left edge */
- Ftoc[ CATFIELD] = 52; /* of screen */
- Ftoc[ AMTFIELD] = 61;
- Ftoc[ DEPFIELD] = 63;
- Ftoc[ CLRFIELD] = 67;
- if ( argc > 1) /* get Filename root */
- p = argv[ 1];
- else p = DEFNAM;
- length = strlen( p);
- if ( !index( p, ':')) /* if no drive designated */
- {
- Filename[ 0] = 'A' + defdsk();
- Filename[ 1] = ':';
- i = 2;
- }
- else /* drive was designated */
- {
- if ( length == 2) /* if just d: without filename */
- {
- strcpy( Filename, p);
- p = DEFNAM; /* use default */
- i = 2;
- }
- else i = 0;
- }
- if ( length > ( FNAMSIZE - 5 - i)) /* should be FALSE if p = DEFNAM */
- *( p + FNAMSIZE - 5 - i) = '\0';
- strcpy(( Filename + i), p);
- if ( !( p = index( Filename, '.'))) /* add dot if none */
- *( p = Filename + strlen( Filename)) = '.';
- *( p + 1) = '\0'; /* truncate after dot */
- startup();
- getentry(); /* read entry data */
- disheading(); /* initialize display */
- Recno = Maxentry + ( 1 - PAGE); /* initialize gobottom() */
- First = Recno - PAGE;
- Last = First - 1;
- Field = 0;
- gobottom();
- getinfo(); /* read title, abrev, auto entries */
- control(); /* never returns */
- }
- startup() /* startup check register program */
- {
- char line, *p, *q, s[ MAXLINE], f[ FNAMSIZE], buf[ BUFSIZ], *fgets();
- int i;
- strcpy( f, DEFNAM);
- typcat( f, SCRTYP);
- if ( fopen( f, buf) == ERROR)
- abort( "Cannot open ", f); /* never returns */
- for ( line = 6; line; --line) /* skip 6 lines */
- if ( !fgets( s, buf))
- readerr( f); /* never returns */
- for ( line = 0; line < 11; ++line) /* get cursor/screen controls */
- {
- if ( !fgets(( q = s), buf))
- readerr( f); /* never returns */
- switch ( line)
- {
- case 0:
- p = Clead1;
- break;
- case 1:
- p = Clead2;
- break;
- case 2:
- p = Ctrail;
- break;
- case 3:
- Cb4flg = getval( &q);
- Linoff = getval( &q);
- Coloff = getval( &q);
- if ( Ascur = getval( &q)) /* Ascur must be 0, 2, or 3 */
- Ascur = min( 3, max( 2, Ascur));
- break;
- case 4:
- p = Eraeol;
- break;
- case 5:
- p = Lindel;
- break;
- case 6:
- p = Linins;
- break;
- case 7:
- p = Ivon;
- break;
- case 8:
- p = Ivoff;
- break;
- case 9:
- p = Trmini;
- break;
- case 10:
- Dloop = (( DLOOP/10)*max( 1, min( 1000, getval( &q))))/10;
- Inserton = getval( &q);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if ( line != 3) /* note that i may be negative */
- for ( *p++ = i = getval( &q); i > 0; --i)
- *p++ = getval( &q);
- }
- if ( fgets( s, buf)) /* if more than 17 lines */
- {
- clrscr();
- while (( i = getc( buf)) != CPMEOF && i != ERROR)
- putchar( i - 1);
- if ( getchar() == CTRLC)
- exit(); /* never returns */
- }
- fclose( buf);
- clrscr();
- }
- /* getval( q) returns next int value from string of decimal numbers separated
- * by white space; string must be pointed to by *q; each decimal number in
- * string may be headed by white space with optional minus sign followed by
- * consecutive decimal digits; first non-digit terminates the scan; zero is
- * returned if no legal value is found; *q will be updated to point to first
- * white space char following the current decimal number; *q will not point
- * beyond end of string
- *
- * sample calling program segment:
- *
- * char *p; string pointer
- * p = " 1 -32 123 9"; point to typical space separated string
- * printf( "%d", getval( &p)); pass pointer to string pointer
- */
- getval( q) /* return int value and update *q */
- char **q; /* pointer to string pointer */
- {
- int i;
- i = atoi( *q = skipspace( *q));
- while ( !isspace( **q) && **q)
- ++( *q);
- return ( i);
- }
- getentry() /* get check register entries */
- {
- char *p, buf[ BUFSIZ];
- int g, imax;
- typcat( Filename, DATTYP);
- if ( fopen( Filename, buf) == ERROR)
- {
- openerr( Filename);
- Maxentry = -1; /* initialize */
- Memory.dollar = Memory.cent = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (( g = getw( buf)) == ERROR)
- readerr( Filename); /* never returns */
- imax = RECSIZ*g;
- Maxentry = g - 1;
- Memory.dollar = getw( buf); /* assume no read error */
- Memory.cent = getw( buf);
- p = Entry;
- while ( imax--)
- {
- if (( g = getc( buf)) == ERROR)
- readerr( Filename); /* never returns */
- *p++ = g;
- }
- fclose( buf);
- for ( g = 0; g <= Maxentry; ++g)
- newbalance( g);
- }
- getinfo() /* get title, abrev, and auto trans */
- {
- char *p, *q, *amsg, c, new, next, def, savmodified;
- char *key[ 3], buf[ BUFSIZ], s[ MAXLINE], *fgets();
- char adate, adeposit, acategory;
- int i, delta, count, adollar, acent, compdate();
- struct record *e;
- struct calendar maxdate;
- key[ 0] = "TITLE"; /* initialize */
- key[ 1] = "ABREV";
- key[ 2] = "AUTOM";
- amsg = "Installing abreviations ... ";
- typcat( Filename, INFTYP);
- if ( fopen( Filename, buf) == ERROR)
- {
- openerr( Filename);
- return;
- }
- next = 0;
- while ( fgets( s, buf)) /* read one line at a time */
- {
- s[ strlen( s) - 1] = '\0'; /* truncate Abc\n\0 at \n */
- if ( p = index( s, '|')) /* skip comment starting with | */
- *p = '\0';
- if ( s[ 0] == '\0')
- continue;
- for ( new = 3; new; --new) /* look for keyword */
- {
- p = key[ new - 1];
- for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- if ( toupper( s[ i]) != *p++)
- break;
- if ( i == 5)
- {
- if (( next = new) == 2)
- prompt( amsg);
- break; /* break for loop on new */
- }
- }
- if ( new) /* if keyword found */
- continue; /* get next line from file */
- switch ( next)
- {
- case 2: /* keyword was ABREV */
- if ( strlen( p = s) < 3)
- {
- prompt( "Invalid abreviation ");
- goto error;
- }
- while ( p < ( s + 3)) /* make abreviation upper case */
- {
- *p = toupper( *p);
- ++p;
- }
- *p++ = '\0'; /* end abreviation */
- p = skipspace( p); /* locate full text */
- if ( strlen( p) > ( PAYEESIZE - 1))
- *( p + PAYEESIZE - 1) = '\0';
- if ( !install( s, p))
- {
- prompt( "Could not install abreviation ");
- goto error;
- }
- break; /* break switch on next */
- error: puts( s); /* complete error message */
- waitesc();
- prompt( amsg);
- break; /* break switch on next */
- case 3: /* keyword was AUTOM */
- if ( Maxentry == ( ENTRYSIZE - 1))
- {
- prompt( "Number of entries is maximum allowed");
- waitesc();
- next = 0;
- break; /* break switch on next */
- }
- if ( !Today.yy) /* initialize maxdate once */
- maxdate.mm = maxdate.dd = maxdate.yy = 0;
- ++Maxentry; /* create temporary entry */
- ++Last;
- for ( i = 0; i < Maxentry; ++i)
- datemax( &maxdate, &( Entry[ i].date));
- cursorput( Recno, 0); /* Recno and Maxentry are same */
- putdate( &maxdate);
- e = &Entry[ Recno]; /* setup to use eddate */
- e->date.mm = maxdate.mm;
- e->date.dd = maxdate.dd;
- e->date.yy = maxdate.yy;
- count = Ftoc[ YYFIELD] + 4;
- savmodified = Modified;
- {
- if ( Today.yy)
- goto query;
- cursorput( Recno, count);
- puts( p = "<<< Enter today's date");
- Field = MMFIELD;
- while ( Field < ( YYFIELD + 1))
- {
- putquery();
- putcursor( Recno, Field);
- c = eddate( getchar());
- if ( c == ESC)
- goto skipit;
- switch ( c)
- {
- case 0:
- break;
- case CTRLD: case '\r': case CTRLF: case '\t':
- goright( c);
- break;
- case CTRLS: case '\b': case CTRLA:
- if ( Field > MMFIELD)
- {
- goleft( c);
- break;
- } /* else fall thru */
- default:
- putchar( BEL);
- break;
- } /* end of switch on c */
- } /* end of while loop on Field */
- query: cursorput( Recno, count);
- clreol( count);
- prompt( "Do you wish to revise today's date (Y/N)? ");
- if ( getyesno( NO))
- Today.yy = 0;
- else break; /* break FOREVER loop */
- } /* end of FOREVER loop */
- skipit: Today.mm = e->date.mm;
- Today.dd = e->date.dd;
- Today.yy = e->date.yy;
- if ( Recno > 0) /* delta = last date to cur month */
- { /* limit 1 year; use 32 days/month */
- delta = ( min( 1, ( Today.yy - maxdate.yy))*12
- + ( Today.mm - maxdate.mm - 1))*32 + ( 32 - maxdate.dd);
- }
- else delta = 0;
- /* graphical representation of various automatic entry parameters:
- *
- * when month of most recent entry (last) < current month (today):
- *
- * | delta | Today.dd |
- * | | adate | |
- * ----|-------|--------|---------------|-----------|---
- * last 32|0 auto today 32|
- * last month | current month |
- *
- * when month of most recent entry (last) = current month (today):
- *
- * | Today.dd |
- * | -delta | delta+Today.dd|
- * ------------|--------|-----|---------|-----------|---
- * 32|0 last auto today 32|
- * last month | current month |
- */
- cursorput( Recno, 0); /* clear today's date */
- clreol( 0);
- --Maxentry; /* delete temporary entry */
- --Last;
- Field = 0;
- Modified = savmodified;
- if (( delta + Today.dd) <= 0)
- {
- next = 0;
- break; /* break switch on next */
- }
- next = 4; /* prepare for next line from file */
- case 4: /* interpret automatic transaction */
- adate = atoi( p = skipspace( s));
- acategory = DEFCAT;
- if ( q = index( p, ' '))
- acategory = *( p = skipspace( q));
- if ( acategory == '-')
- acategory = DEFCAT;
- else acategory = toupper( acategory);
- adollar = acent = 0;
- if ( q = index( p, ' '))
- {
- q = skipspace( q); /* start of amount */
- while ( *q == '-')
- ++q; /* ignore minus signs */
- if ( p = index( q, '.'))
- acent = atoi( p + 1);
- else p = index( q, ' ');
- if (( p - q) > 2)
- {
- p -= 2;
- acent += 100*atoi( p);
- *p = '|'; /* mark end of adollar */
- adollar = atoi( q);
- }
- else acent += 100*atoi( q);
- p = q;
- }
- adeposit = FALSE;
- if ( q = index( p, ' '))
- adeposit = ( toupper( *( p = skipspace( q))) == 'D');
- if ( q = index( p, ' '))
- p = skipspace( q); /* start of payee */
- if ( strlen( p) > ( PAYEESIZE - 1))
- *( p + PAYEESIZE - 1) = '\0';
- count = max( 0, ( delta + adate - 1)/32);
- if ( Today.dd >= adate && -delta < adate)
- ++count; /* count is number of entries */
- while ( count--) /* skip if count is zero */
- {
- savmodified = Modified;
- if ( !insert()) /* if cannot insert Recno */
- {
- next = 0;
- break; /* break while loop on count */
- }
- e = &Entry[ Recno];
- i = Today.mm - count;
- if ( Today.dd < adate)
- --i;
- e->date.yy = Today.yy;
- while ( i <= 0)
- {
- i += 12;
- --( e->date.yy);
- }
- e->date.mm = i;
- e->date.dd = adate;
- strcpy( e->payee, p);
- e->category = acategory;
- e->amount.dollar = adollar;
- e->amount.cent = acent;
- e->deposit = adeposit;
- newbalance( Recno);
- putrecord( Recno);
- def = NO; /* default */
- c = ESC;
- while ( c == ESC)
- {
- prompt( "Do you accept this automatic entry (Y/N)? ");
- def = !def; /* reverse */
- putchar( def ? 'Y' : 'N');
- putcursor( Recno, ( Field = 0));
- c = getchar();
- }
- c = toupper( c);
- if ( c == 'N' || ( !def && c != 'Y'))
- {
- delete(); /* delete Recno */
- Modified = savmodified;
- Ctrlyundo = FALSE;
- }
- else godown( CTRLX);
- } /* end of while loop on count */
- break; /* break switch on next */
- case 1: /* keyword was TITLE */
- s[ COLS - FNAMSIZE - 3] = '\0';
- strcpy( Title, s); /* s truncated at max Title length */
- cursorto( 0, 0);
- putscr( Ivon);
- puttitle();
- putscr( Ivoff);
- break; /* break switch on next */
- default:
- break; /* break switch on next */
- } /* end of switch on next */
- } /* end of while loop on fgets */
- fclose( buf);
- }
- getyesno( def) /* return YES or NO response */
- char def; /* default response */
- {
- char c;
- def = !def; /* reverse default */
- c = ESC;
- while ( c == ESC)
- {
- def = !def; /* reverse default */
- putchar( def ? 'Y' : 'N'); /* display default */
- putchar( '\b');
- c = getchar();
- }
- c = toupper( c);
- if (( def && c != 'N') || ( !def && c != 'Y'))
- return ( def);
- def = !def; /* reverse default */
- putchar( def ? 'Y' : 'N'); /* display response */
- return ( def);
- }
- struct nlist *install( name, def) /* install in Hashtab */
- char *name; /* abrev */
- char *def; /* fullname */
- { /* ref. K & R, p. 136 */
- int hashval;
- struct nlist *np;
- if ( !( np = lookup( name))) /* if not found */
- {
- if ( !( np = alloc( sizeof( *np))))
- return ( 0);
- if ( !( np->abrev = strsave( name)))
- return ( 0);
- hashval = hash( np->abrev);
- np->next = Hashtab[ hashval]; /* initialized to zero */
- Hashtab[ hashval] = np;
- }
- else if ( np->fullname)
- free( np->fullname);
- if ( !( np->fullname = strsave( def)))
- return ( 0);
- return ( np);
- }
- struct nlist *lookup( s) /* look for s in Hashtab */
- char *s;
- { /* ref. K & R, p. 135 */
- struct nlist *np;
- for ( np = Hashtab[ hash( s)]; np; np = np->next)
- if ( !strcmp( s, np->abrev))
- return ( np); /* found */
- return ( 0); /* not found */
- }
- hash( s) /* determine hash value for s */
- char *s;
- { /* ref. K & R, p. 135 */
- int hashval;
- hashval = 0;
- while ( *s)
- hashval += *s++;
- return ( hashval%HASHSIZE);
- }
- char *strsave( s) /* save s somewhere */
- char *s;
- { /* ref. K & R, p. 103 */
- char *p;
- if ( p = alloc( strlen( s) + 1))
- strcpy( p, s);
- return ( p);
- }
- compdate( e1, e2) /* return 1 if date of e1 > e2 */
- struct record *e1, *e2; /* return -1 if date of e1 < e2 */
- { /* else, return strcmp on payee */
- int test;
- if ( test = compbbf( e1, e2)) /* sort BBF entries to top */
- return ( test);
- if ( test = datecomp( &( e1->date), &( e2->date)))
- return ( test);
- return ( strcmp( e1->payee, e2->payee));
- }
- datecomp( d1, d2) /* return 1 if calendar d1 > d2 */
- struct calendar *d1, *d2; /* return -1 if calendar d1 < d2 */
- { /* else, return 0 */
- if ( d1->yy > d2->yy)
- return ( 1);
- if ( d1->yy < d2->yy)
- return ( -1);
- if ( d1->mm > d2->mm)
- return ( 1);
- if ( d1->mm < d2->mm)
- return ( -1);
- if ( d1->dd > d2->dd)
- return ( 1);
- if ( d1->dd < d2->dd)
- return ( -1);
- return ( 0);
- }
- comppayee( e1, e2) /* return 1 if payee of e1 > e2 */
- struct record *e1, *e2; /* return -1 if payee of e1 < e2 */
- { /* else, return compdate( e1, e2) */
- int test;
- if ( test = compbbf( e1, e2)) /* sort BBF entries to top */
- return ( test);
- if ( test = strcmp( e1->payee, e2->payee))
- return ( test);
- return ( compdate( e1, e2));
- }
- compcateg( e1, e2) /* return 1 if category of e1 > e2 */
- struct record *e1, *e2; /* return -1 if category of e1 < e2 */
- { /* else, return compdate( e1, e2) */
- int test;
- if ( test = compbbf( e1, e2)) /* sort BBF entries to top */
- return ( test);
- return ( categcomp( e1, e2));
- }
- categcomp( e1, e2) /* return 1 if category of e1 > e2 */
- struct record *e1, *e2; /* return -1 if category of e1 < e2 */
- { /* else, return compdate( e1, e2) */
- if ( e1->category > e2->category)
- return ( 1);
- if ( e1->category < e2->category)
- return ( -1);
- return ( compdate( e1, e2));
- }
- compamount( e1, e2) /* return 1 if amount of e1 > e2 */
- struct record *e1, *e2; /* return -1 if amount of e1 < e2 */
- { /* else, return compdate( e1, e2) */
- int test;
- struct money *m1, *m2;
- if ( test = compbbf( e1, e2)) /* sort BBF entries to top */
- return ( test);
- m1 = &( e1->amount);
- m2 = &( e2->amount);
- if ( m1->dollar > m2->dollar)
- return ( 1);
- if ( m1->dollar < m2->dollar)
- return ( -1);
- if ( m1->cent > m2->cent)
- return ( 1);
- if ( m1->cent < m2->cent)
- return ( -1);
- return ( compdate( e1, e2));
- }
- compbbf( e1, e2) /* return 1 if e1 not BBF, e2 is */
- struct record *e1, *e2; /* return -1 if e1 is BBF, e2 not */
- { /* return 1 if both BBF, e1 > e2 */
- /* return -1 if both BBF, e1 < e2 */
- /* else, return 0 */
- if ( isebbf( e1))
- {
- if ( isebbf( e2)) /* note two BBF entries cannot */
- return ( categcomp( e1, e2)); /* have the same category */
- return ( -1);
- }
- if ( isebbf( e2))
- return ( 1);
- return ( 0);
- }
- compabrev( p1, p2) /* return 1 if abrev at p1 > p2 */
- struct nlist **p1, **p2; /* return -1 if abrev at p1 < p2 */
- { /* else, return 0 (not possible) */
- return ( strcmp(( *p1)->abrev, ( *p2)->abrev));
- }
- isebbf( e) /* return TRUE if e is a BBF entry */
- struct record *e; /* else, return FALSE */
- {
- return ( e->category & 0x80);
- }
- isibbf( i) /* return TRUE if Entry[ i] is BBF */
- { /* else, return FALSE */
- return ( isebbf( &Entry[ i]));
- }
- char *index( s, c) /* point to char c in string s */
- char *s, c;
- {
- while ( *s && ( *s != c))
- ++s;
- return ( *s == c ? s : NULL);
- }
- char *skipspace( s) /* point to next non-space in s */
- char *s;
- {
- while ( *s && isspace( *s))
- ++s;
- return ( s);
- }
- typcat( f, t) /* add filetype t to filename f */
- char *f, *t;
- {
- strcpy(( index( f, '.') + 1), t); /* filename f MUST have a dot */
- }
- openerr( f) /* display file open error */
- char *f;
- {
- prompt( "Could not open ");
- puts( f);
- waitkey(); /* may never return */
- }
- readerr( f) /* display file read error */
- char *f;
- {
- abort( "Error reading ", f); /* never returns */
- }
- writerr( f) /* display file write error */
- char *f;
- {
- prompt( "Error writing ");
- puts( f);
- waitesc();
- unlink( f);
- baddisk();
- }
- createrr( f) /* display file write error */
- char *f;
- {
- prompt( "Could not create ");
- puts( f);
- waitesc();
- baddisk();
- }
- baddisk() /* prompt for another disk */
- {
- prompt( "Try another disk in ");
- putchar( Filename[ 0]);
- putchar( Filename[ 1]);
- waitesc();
- }