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MAP v1.04 fixes a bug in 1.03. It seems that when a particular
drive was selected for a MAP, the program would run ok except
for reporting drive A: as the mapped drive. This has been
In addition, I've modified the command syntax so that it makes a
little more sense. The "?" command now is treated as a request
for help and "D" enters descriptive mode (if used).
* * *
MAP v1.03 has a couple of improvements over older versions. I've
added code that allows a user to select which drive to map by
naming the drive on the command line (i.e. MAP B:). I also wrote
in a slew of IF...ENDIF statements to allow conditional
generation of descriptive mode code (for SYSOPs who don't want
each -*.* file to take up 1-8k). Finally, I defined XOFF and
abort characters in EQUates at the top of the program to make
changing these values easier for systems that can't handle the
default ^C and/or ^S (i.e. RTPM).
* * *
version 1.02
MAP v1.02 will read a description of a drive/user area from
inside the -*.* file and display it along with the other
information of the MAP ? command is executed. If the catalog
file is empty, then "Description not available..." is printed in
place of a description. In addition, this version handles XOFF
correctly and will abort upon receiving a ^C.
Now, there are a few rules you should know about file format.
MAP expects a -*.* file to either contain a description of the
drive/user area or to be null length (0k), anything else will
cause everything to go to pieces. As one and only one sector is
read from the file, information contained therein must be 128
bytes or less. My suggestion is to simply keep it to one line.
The drive/user description must be terminated by a "$" (not
unlike the BDOS print string function). An example of
descriptive text would be:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog...$
Notice no CR/LF before the "$", that's added by MAP.
That's all the notes on version 1.02. If there's any problem,
call or write. Address and RCP/M phone # are in the MAP source
* * *
version 1.01
MAP v1.01 fixes some bugs in the original. The first version
wouldn't log onto user 0 when it changed drives (why this wasn't
apparent from the beginning I'll never know.....) and wouldn't
handle more than 2 drives (both bugs in the NDRIVE: routine in
MAP.ASM). This version fixes those bugs and (hopefully) won't
present any more problems.
* * *
CRC and Checksum values for files in MAP104.LBR are as follows:
Filename CRC CheckSum
-------- --- --------
MAP104.AQM 80 B9 45 CE
MAP104.COM 43 F4 E4 E2
Library CRC information produced by NULU 1.1 and LU300 are
actually checksum values, therefore "CRC" values produced by
LU300 or NULU 1.1 should be identical to CheckSum values above
(use the -L command in LU300 or NULU to display CRC info.)
* * *
The .COM file in this library has been assembled for a system
with an 80-column display; allowing section descriptions; and
using ZCPR max drive and user-area values located at memory
locations 003D and 003F respectively.
Bob Horn