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392 lines
.he Command Syntax
Command Syntax
Portions of a command are separated by a delimiter in ì
most cases. The delimiter is represented in the command ì
descriptions by '%', which implies either comma or space.
Numeric values (addresses or symbol values, for example) ì
are expected to be in hexadecimal notation. When entering the hex ì
number, as many hex characters as desired may be entered; only ì
the last four will be used by REVAS. If you type the wrong ì
number, simply retype it without intervening keyboard entries.
If a non-hex character is entered then REVAS simply ì
returns to the command mode and you may re-enter the command or ì
change to another command. It's a good way to escape a command ì
sequence when you change your mind..
Spaces in the formal command descriptions are present for ì
clarity of presentation only; they are not a part of the keyboard ì
REVAS accepts commands in either upper or lower case. ì
Upper case is used in the command descriptions only for clarity.
Definition Syntax
/../ Text enclosed by slashes is typed by REVAS. Other parts ì
of the commands are typed by the user.
^ (up-arrow) means "depress the ctrl key and keep it ì
depressed while typing the next character".
+ The logical "inclusive-or" function. "a+b+c" means ì
"one or more of the parameters listed".
. The logical "exclusive-or" function. "a!b!c" means ì
"one and only one of the parameters listed". !cp 8
% Means "enter a space or comma from the console ì
keyboard". I.e., %=<space>!<comma>
@ Means "enter a carriage return by depressing the console ì
keyboard return key".
.PAè<..> Text enclosed by "<" and ">" is a symbolic representation ì
of a keyboard entry. The actual entry, if not self ì
evident, is explained in the command description.
[..] The expression(s) enclosed by square brackets may be ì
included in or excluded from the command at the user's ì
option. The command processor in REVAS will recognize ì
the intent of the command either way. Furthermore, the ì
brackets also imply that the contents may be repeated an ì
indefinite number of times.
? Means "Enter any printable character". A space is ì
considered a printable character.
(..) Parentheses are used to group elements of a command in ì
the command descriptions to avoid ambiguity of ì
interpretation. The parentheses are not part of the ì
actual command.
.he Immediate Commands
Immediate Commands
The next three commands may be used at any time ì
during a disassembly activity (even when printout has been ì
R Returε t∩ commanΣ mode«á Thi≤ commanΣ cause≤ aε abor⌠ oµ ì
ááááthσá curren⌠ listinτ anΣ aε immediatσ returε t∩ thσá commanΣ ì
áááámode«á Thσá promp⌠ characte≥ wil∞ bσ printeΣ anΣá ß ì
ááááne≈ commanΣ sequencσ i≤ expected.
S SuspenΣ printou⌠ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thi≤ line«á Thi≤ commanΣ ì
áááácause≤á thσ disassembl∙ t∩ pausσ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thσá curren⌠ ì
ááááline«á Escapσá froφá thi≤ pausσ (o≥ wait⌐ statσ i≤á viß ì
ááááan∙ keyboarΣ entry.
The next command may be used at any time:
^C (control/C⌐ thi≤ commanΣ cause≤ aε immediatσ tra≡ t∩ ì
ááááthσ monitor«á I⌠ ma∙ bσ useΣ a⌠ an∙ timσ durinτ ì
ááááthσá disassembl∙ o≥ commanΣ phases«á Iµ yo⌡ arσá usinτá ß ì
áááámonito≥ froφ Technica∞ Desigε Labs¼á theε ß returε viß ì
ááááthσá monito≥á 'Gºá commanΣ withou⌠á aεá argumen⌠á wil∞ ì
ááááresul⌠á iε resumptioε oµ thσ interupteΣ activit∙ iµ nonσ ì
ááááoµ thσ register≤ ha≤ beeε changed«á Notσ tha⌠ iµ ^├ ì
áááái≤á executeΣá durinτá thσá pausσá afte≥á thσá 'Sºá command¼ ì
ááááreturε wil∞ bσ t∩ thσ pausσ statσ anΣ ß keyboarΣá entr∙ ì
ááááwil∞ bσ needeΣ t∩ continuσ thσ disassembly.
.he Display & Analysis
.PAè Disassembly Display & Analysis Commands
/#/ D? /addr range=/ <start addr> % <end addr> @
áááá'Dºá mean≤á "displa∙á thσá objec⌠á codσá a≤á mnemoniπ ì
ááááassembl∙ instructions"« Thi≤ commanΣ result≤ iε disassembl∙ ì
ááááoµ thσ objec⌠ codσ specifieΣ b∙ thσ star⌠ anΣ enΣ addresses.
ááááIµá thσ <?╛ characte≥ i≤ ß 'Tº theε thσ objec⌠ codσ ì
áááái≤á interpreteΣ a≤ datß table≤ anΣ printeΣ iε .BYT┼á format« ì
ááááWheεá modσá informatioεá i≤ encountereΣá iεá thσá Inde° ì
áááátable¼á tha⌠ modσ automaticall∙ take≤ precedencσá anΣ ì
áááásubsequen⌠á printou⌠á i≤á controlleΣ b∙ thσ flaτá iεá thσ ì
ááááInde° table.
ááááIµá thσ characte≥ followinτ thσ 'Dº o≥ 'DTº i≤ ßá HE╪á digi⌠ ì
áááátheε thσ promp⌠ messagσ (ADD╥ RANGE=⌐ i≤ suppressed¼ anΣ ì
ááááyo⌡á ma∙á continuσ witΦ thσ addres≤á entries«á An∙á othe≥ ì
áááácharacte≥á iεá thi≤ positioε cause≤ printinτ oµ thσá promp⌠ ì
/#/ F [?]%<arg>/addr range=/ <start addr>%<end addr>@
ááááFinΣá al∞ statement≤ iε thσ addres≤á rangσá specifieΣ ì
áááátha⌠á referencσá <arg╛ a≤ ß 1╢ bi⌠ number«á Thesσ woulΣá bσ ì
áááácalls¼á jumps¼ LX╔ statements¼ etc« EacΦ sucΦ statemen⌠ i≤ ì
ááááprinteΣ ou⌠ iε thσ norma∞ disassembl∙ format«á Thσ startinτ ì
ááááaddres≤ mus⌠ bσ thσ star⌠ oµ aε instructioε t∩ avoiΣá aε ì
ááááinitia∞á phasσá probleφ anΣ aεá inaccuratσá disassembly« ì
ááááThi≤á instructioεá load≤á thσ HE╪ numbe≥ int∩á thσá inde° ì
áááátablσá beforσ startinτ it≤ search¼á s∩ thσ commanΣ ma∙á bσ ì
ááááuseΣá eveε beforσ table≤ havσ beeε built«á Yo⌡á caεá removσ ì
ááááthσá numbe≥ froφ thσ table≤ late≥ oε witΦ thσ 'Kº commanΣ iµ ì
ááááyo⌡á wish«á Yo⌡á coulΣá usσ thi≤ commanΣá t∩á finΣá al∞á thσ ì
áááálocation≤á iεá thσá objec⌠ prograφ tha⌠á cal∞á ßá particula≥ ì
/#/ P @
ááááPrin⌠á ou⌠á thσ symbo∞ table«á Onl∙ thosσ symbol≤á (anΣ ì
ááááthei≥á addresses⌐ t∩ whicΦ yo⌡ havσ assigneΣ ßá namσá wil∞ ì
áááábσ printed«á Synthetiπ symbol≤ arσ no⌠ printed¼ sincσ thei≥ ì
ááááaddresse≤ arσ par⌠ oµ thσ symbol.
.cp 14è/#/ X /addr range=/ <start addr> % <end addr> @!%
áááá/syφ va∞ range=» <firs⌠ addr╛ Ñ <las⌠ addr╛ @
ááááThi≤á commanΣá searche≤ repeatedl∙ througΦá thσá addres≤ ì
áááárangσá specified¼áá printinτá ou⌠á thosσá instruction≤á tha⌠ ì
ááááreferencσá symbol≤á whosσ addresse≤ arσ iε thσ rangσá oµ ì
ááááaddresse≤ááá requesteΣááá b∙ááá /sym_val_range/«áááá Thσ ì
ááááinstruction≤ tha⌠ referencσ thσ smalles⌠ addres≤ valuσá arσ ì
áááálisteΣ first╗á theε thσ nex⌠ valuσ i≤ used╗ thσ proces≤ i≤ ì
áááárepeateΣá fo≥ eacΦ valuσ iε thσ range«á Thi≤ commanΣá use≤ ì
ááááthσá informatioε iε thσ symbo∞ tables¼á s∩ i⌠ wil∞ onl∙ bσ ì
ááááusefu∞ afte≥ thσ symbo∞ addres≤ value≤ havσ beeε entereΣá b∙ ì
ááááthσ B,L,S¼ o≥ ╘ commands.
.he Symbol Control
.PAè Index & Symbol Table Control Commands
/#/ B? /addr range=/ <start addr> , <end addr> @
ááááThσá forφ oµ thi≤ commanΣ i≤ exactl∙ thσ samσ a≤ tha⌠ oµ thσ ì
áááá'Dº command« Yo⌡ ma∙ avoiΣ thσ promp⌠ messagσ thσ samσ way.
áááá'Bº mean≤ 'builΣ thσ Inde° table'« Wheε thσ instructioε modσ ì
áááái≤ specified(B┐ i≤ anythinτ excep⌠ BT)¼ eacΦ 2-bytσ ì
ááááargumen⌠ encountereΣ durinτ thσ disassembl∙ i≤ assigneΣ ß ì
áááásynthetiπ symbo∞ namσ whicΦ i≤ thσ he° valuσ preceedeΣ b∙ ì
áááá'S'« Thi≤ synthetiπ symbo∞ i≤ placeΣ iε thσ labe∞ fielΣ ì
ááááoµ thσ listinτ wheε thσ correspondinτ addres≤ i≤ ì
ááááencountereΣ iε thσ disassembly« Wheε thσ tablσ modσ i≤ ì
ááááspecifieΣ (BT⌐ thσ objec⌠ codσ i≤ listeΣ iε ".BYTEó forma⌠ ì
ááááa≤ data« Thσ modσ oµ an∙ label≤ encountereΣ i≤ changeΣ t∩ ì
áááá'Tº anΣ thσ synthetiπ symbo∞ prefi° i≤ changeΣ froφ 'Sº t∩ ì
ááááWheε buildinτ tables¼ thσ 'B?º commanΣ shoulΣ no⌠ bσ useΣ ì
ááááunti∞ thσ instructioε codσ sequence≤ havσ beeε ì
áááádisassembled« Theε usσ thσ B╘ commanΣ t∩ identif∙ thσ tablσ ì
ááááareß labels« Thi≤ wil∞ avoiΣ thσ neeΣ t∩ re-builΣ table≤ ì
ááááfo≥ somσ area≤ oµ thσ objec⌠ program« Notσ tha⌠ therσ i≤ ì
áááán∩ probleφ witΦ usinτ thi≤ commanΣ repeatedl∙ oε thσ samσ ì
ááááo≥ overlappinτ addres≤ ranges« Symbol≤ alread∙ entereΣ ì
ááááarσ retained╗ onl∙ thσ modσ flaτ associateΣ witΦ thσ ì
áááásymbo∞ i≤ affected.
/#/ L [%] <address> / =/ <alpha string> @!%
ááááCreatσ ß labe∞ iε thσ symbo∞ table« Thσ alphß strinτ ì
ááááspecifie≤ thσ labe∞ name« Iµ morσ thaε ╢ character≤ arσ ì
áááátyped¼ onl∙ thσ firs⌠ ╢ wil∞ bσ storeΣ anΣ used« thσ modσ ì
ááááflaτ i≤ no⌠ affected.
/#/ S [%] <address> / =/ <alpha string> @!%
ááááSamσ a≤ 'L'¼ excep⌠ modσ flaτ i≤ rese⌠ t∩ indicatσ tha⌠ thi≤ ì
áááái≤ aε instruction.
.cp 10
/#/ T [%] <address> / =/ <alpha string> @!%
ááááSamσ a≤ 'L'¼ excep⌠ modσ flaτ i≤ se⌠ t∩ indicatσ tha⌠ thi≤ ì
áááái≤ ß labe∞ fo≥ data.
ááááL,S¼ anΣ ╘ ma∙ bσ useΣ t∩ replacσ ß labe∞ anΣ changσ it≤ modσ ì
ááááa≤ ofteε a≤ required« Thesσ command≤ ma∙ bσ useΣ eveε ì
áááábeforσ thσ symbo∞ table≤ havσ beeε buil⌠ witΦ thσ 'Bº ì
.cp 19è/#/ M [%] <address> % (0 ! 1) (@!%)
áááá░ mean≤ 'thσ addres≤ specifieΣ i≤ aε instruction'« ▒ mean≤ ì
áááá'thσ addres≤ specifieΣ i≤ ß datß byte'.
ááááThi≤ commanΣ permit≤ markinτ oµ datß o≥ instruction≤ iε ì
ááááthσ prograφ fo≥ whicΦ therσ i≤ n∩ label« I⌠ i≤ typicall∙ ì
ááááuseΣ t∩ marδ thσ beginninτ oµ ß tablσ oµ datß whosσ ì
ááááfirs⌠ bytσ i≤ no⌠ referenceΣ directly« Likewise¼ i⌠ migh⌠ ì
áááábσ useΣ t∩ marδ thσ firs⌠ instructioε followinτ ß table¼ ì
ááááwherσ n∩ direc⌠ referencσ i≤ madσ (referencσ migh⌠ bσ b∙ ì
áááámean≤ oµ ß jum≡ table¼ fo≥ example).
ááááWheε thσ delimite≥ (%⌐ i≤ useΣ t∩ terminatσ thσ L,S,T¼ o≥ ì
áááá═ commands¼ thσ nex⌠ promp⌠ (#⌐ wil∞ bσ oε thσ samσ linσ ì
ááááa≤ thσ las⌠ one« Thesσ command≤ caε bσ 'strunτ outº ì
ááááacros≤ thσ pagσ usinτ thi≤ feature.
.cp 17
/#/ K [ [%] <address> % ] @
ááááKil∞ ß symbo∞ tablσ entry« Thi≤ commanΣ remove≤ al∞ referencσ ì
áááát∩ thσ addres≤ giveε froφ thσ symbo∞ tables« It'≤ mos⌠ ì
ááááimportan⌠ usσ i≤ t∩ removσ 1╢ bi⌠ constant≤ froφ thσ table≤ ì
áááás∩ tha⌠ the∙ wil∞ prin⌠ ou⌠ durinτ disassembl∙ a≤ ì
ááááconstant≤ (numbers⌐ rathe≥ thaε synthetiπ labels« Yo⌡ ma∙ ì
ááááals∩ usσ 'Kº t∩ removσ label≤ assigneΣ b∙ thσ L,S¼ anΣ ╘ ì
ááááWheε ß delimite≥ i≤ useΣ afte≥ thσ address¼ anothe≥ addres≤ ì
ááááma∙ bσ entered¼ anΣ another¼ etπ unti∞ ß carriagσ returε ì
áááái≤ entereΣ t∩ terminatσ thσ Kil∞ mode« Fo≥ example¼ ì
áááá"/#/K0,1,2,4,8,A00@ó woulΣ resul⌠ iε deletioε oµ 0000¼ ì
áááá0001¼ 0002¼ 0004¼ 0008¼ anΣ 0A0░ froφ thσ tables.
.he Utility Commands
.PAè Utility Commands
/#/ I^F^F
ááááThi≤ commanΣ initialize≤ thσ symbo∞ table≤ b∙ assigninτ ì
ááááinitia∞ value≤ t∩ thσ Symbo∞ Tablσ Pointer≤ correspondinτ t∩ ì
ááááempt∙ table≤ locateΣ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ REVAS« I⌠ i≤ typicall∙ ì
ááááuseΣ t∩ star⌠ ß ne≈ disassembly.
*¬ D╧ NO╘ US┼ THI╙ COMMAN─ **
.cp 11
/#/ A^F^F [%] <address> @
ááááAssigε thσ star⌠ oµ thσ symbo∞ table≤ t∩ thσ memor∙ ì
ááááaddres≤ specified« Thσ table≤ arσ moveΣ t∩ thσ ne≈ ì
áááálocatioε anΣ thσ Symbo∞ Tablσ Pointer≤ arσ adjusteΣ t∩ ì
áááácorresponΣ t∩ thσ ne≈ tablσ location« Thσ Symbo∞ Tablσ ì
ááááPointer≤ arσ thσ solσ linδ betweeε REVA╙ anΣ thσ tables¼ ì
ááááanΣ thei≥ locatioε i≤ no⌠ changed« Copie≤ oµ REVA╙ a⌠ tw∩ ì
áááádifferen⌠ location≤ coulΣ usσ thσ samσ table≤ iµ yo⌡ werσ ì
áááát∩ cop∙ thσ S╘ Pointer≤ froφ onσ REVA╙ cop∙ t∩ thσ ì
ááááother« Normall∙ yo⌡ woulΣ usσ thi≤ commanΣ a⌠ thσ star⌠ ì
ááááoµ ß sessioε t∩ placσ thσ table≤ advantageousl∙ iε you≥ ì
áááámemor∙ space« Table≤ arσ buil⌠ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ REVA╙ iµ no⌠ ì
ááááotherwisσ assigneΣ witΦ thi≤ command.
Thσ tw∩ ^╞ character≤ immediatel∙ followinτ thσ 'Iº anΣ 'Aº ì
command≤ arσ includeΣ a≤ ß safet∙ featurσ t∩ preven⌠ inadvertan⌠ ì
issuancσ oµ thesσ commands« Yo⌡ caε changσ thesσ 'lockoutº ì
character≤ b∙ changinτ thσ content≤ oµ tw∩ memor∙ locations« (seσ ì
PatcΦ Location≤ below⌐ Notσ tha⌠ thσ parit∙ bi⌠ oµ thσ seconΣ ì
bytσ mus⌠ bσ SE╘ (=1)« Thus¼ iµ yo⌡ selecteΣ 'PEº a≤ thσ tw∩ ì
(ASCII⌐ characters¼ thσ entrie≤ woulΣ bσ 5░ anΣ C5.
/#/ O [ [?] (C!P!L) [?] % ] @
Thσ outpu⌠ device(s⌐ fo≥ thσ disassembl∙ listinτ arσ determineΣ ì
b∙ thi≤ command« Notσ tha⌠ al∞ bu⌠ thσ CR(@⌐ ma∙ bσ ommitted« Iε ì
tha⌠ case¼ onl∙ thσ commanΣ dialoτ wil∞ bσ printeΣ oε thσ ì
console« Thi≤ optioε i≤ usefu∞ wheε yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ builΣ ('Bº ì
command⌐ table≤ withou⌠ wastinτ timσ witΦ thσ listing.
/#/O C Assigns disassembly listing to the console
/#/OL Assign≤ listinτ t∩ thσ lis⌠ devicσ (5╢ line≤ pe≥ page)
/#/OP List≤ thσ label¼ operator¼ anΣ operanΣ field≤ oε ì
ááááááááthσ puncΦ device« (suitablσ fo≥ reassembly!)
è/#/0ut Console,List,Punch
ááááááááThi≤ i≤ aε acceptablσ commanΣ whicΦ wil∞ resul⌠ iε ì
áááááááálistinτ oε al∞ │ devices« Notσ that¼ fo≥ thi≤ ì
áááááááácommand¼ word≤ ma∙ bσ substituteΣ fo≥ thσ singlσ ì
ááááááááletter≤ tha⌠ REVA╙ recognizes« Thσ firs⌠ lette≥ ì
ááááááááshoulΣ bσ O,C,L¼ o≥ ╨ a≤ implieΣ iε thσ example.
.cp 12
G [?] <addr>@
ááááááááThi≤ i≤ thσ 'GOº commanΣ tha⌠ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ transfe≥ t∩ ì
ááááááááyou≥ owε subroutine« Iµ thσ subroutinσ terminate≤ witΦ ì
ááááááááß 'RETº statemen⌠ anΣ thσ stacδ pointe≥ ha≤ thσ samσ ì
áááááááávaluσ a≤ i⌠ haΣ a⌠ thσ star⌠ oµ you≥ routine¼ theε ì
ááááááááreturε wil∞ bσ t∩ thσ REVA╙ commanΣ processo≥ afte≥ ì
ááááááááyou≥ routinσ ha≤ donσ it'≤ job« Onσ usσ fo≥ thi≤ ì
áááááááácommanΣ iε m∙ systeφ i≤ t∩ ruε ß routinσ tha⌠ close≤ ß ì
áááááááádisπ filσ afte≥ REVA╙ ha≤ finisheΣ writinτ ß disassembl∙ ì
áááááááálistinτ t∩ it.
.cp 7
/#/ C
ááááááááCommen⌠ fielΣ control...Thi≤ commanΣ switche≤ thσ commen⌠ ì
ááááááááfielΣ oε anΣ off« Iµ thσ las⌠ outpu⌠ includeΣ thσ ì
áááááááácommen⌠ field¼ theε executioε oµ thi≤ commanΣ wil∞ ì
ááááááááinhibi⌠ printinτ oµ thσ commen⌠ fielΣ unti∞ thσ commanΣ ì
áááááááái≤ giveε again« Iµ yo⌡ havσ alread∙ madσ usσ oµ thσ ì
áááááááádatß iε thσ commen⌠ field¼ theε yo⌡ caε inhibi⌠ it'≤ ì
ááááááááprintou⌠ witΦ thσ 'Cº commanΣ anΣ considerabl∙ ì
ááááááááincreasσ thσ printou⌠ speeΣ anΣ ge⌠ cleane≥ cop∙ iε thσ ì
áááááááábargain« (Thσ printe≥ doesn'⌠ havσ t∩ prin⌠ al∞ thosσ ì
ááááááááspace≤ betweeε thσ operanΣ fielΣ anΣ thσ commen⌠ field)
.cp 15
/#/ H
ááááááááHAL╘ a⌠ thσ to≡ oµ thσ eacΦ pagσ oµ thσ logica∞ lis⌠ ì
áááááááádevice« Thi≤ commanΣ ma∙ bσ useΣ a⌠ an∙ time¼ eveε ì
ááááááááwhilσ listinτ i≤ iε progress« Listinτ i≤ resumeΣ wheε ì
ááááááááan∙ keyboarΣ entr∙ i≤ detected« Iµ thσ entr∙ i≤ ß ^C¼ ì
áááááááátheε tha⌠ functioε i≤ performeΣ firs⌠ anΣ listinτ wil∞ ì
ááááááááresumσ immediatel∙ oε returε froφ thσ monitor.
ááááááááB∙ assigninτ thσ logica∞ lis⌠ devicσ t∩ ß CR╘ o≥ T╓ ì
áááááááádispla∙ anΣ settinτ thσ to≡ margin¼ lines/page¼ ì
ááááááááanΣ bottoφ margiε appropriately¼ thσ HAL╘ functioε ì
áááááááácaε bσ useΣ t∩ ste≡ througΦ ß completσ disassembl∙ onσ ì
ááááááááscreen-ful∞ a⌠ ß time.
.cp 10è/#/^H
ááááááááThσ ^╚ characte≥ cancel≤ thσ HAL╘ mode¼ resultinτ iε ì
áááááááácontinuou≤ paginateΣ listinτ withou⌠ pausσ a⌠ pagσ ì
ááááááááboundaries« Thi≤ i≤ thσ defaul⌠ modσ fo≥ REVAS.
.cp 20
/#/ E
ááááááááThσ 'Eº commanΣ cause≤ thσ '.ENDº Pseudo-o≡ t∩ bσ outpu⌠ ì
áááááááát∩ thσ activσ (assigneΣ b∙ 'O'⌐ outpu⌠ devices« Thi≤ ì
ááááááááPseudo-o≡ i≤ requireΣ b∙ mos⌠ assembler≤ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ ì
ááááááááthσ sourcσ listing.
/#/ ^L
ááááááááControl-L¼ thσ ASCI╔ Forφ Feed¼ cause≤ thσ logica∞ lis⌠ ì
áááááááádevicσ t∩ spacσ t∩ thσ to≡ oµ thσ nex⌠ page« I⌠ ma∙ bσ ì
ááááááááuseΣ a⌠ an∙ time¼ eveε wheε thσ lis⌠ devicσ i≤ unassigneΣ ì
ááááááááb∙ thσ 'Oº command.
This completes the description of the REVAS commands. Experiment ì
with them until their nuances become familiar to you, and you ì
will then get the most benefit from your REVAS disassembler.