# | pub/ | cpm/ | cpm.qif | 1 | 276388 | 7 | 970215 | No description available
1 | pub/ | cpm/22rsx/ | 22rsx-20.ark | 1 | 29372 | 8 | 850209 | Adds RSX capability to CP/M 2.2 |
2 | pub/ | cpm/22rsx/ | byersx.ark | 1 | 71791 | 8 | 880429 | A BYE replacement RSX |
3 | pub/ | cpm/22rsx/ | byestuff.ark | 1 | 46794 | 8 | 880429 | Supporting files for BYERSX |
4 | pub/ | cpm/22rsx/ | rsx12.ark | 1 | 32823 | 8 | 880429 | Adds RSX capability to CP/M 2.2 |
5 | pub/ | cpm/22rsx/ | rsx2.lbr | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 870801 | Add system calls to CP/M 2.2 system |
6 | pub/ | cpm/22rsx/ | rxmd.ark | 1 | 56773 | 8 | 880429 | File transfer using BYERSX |
7 | pub/ | cpm/6502/ | 6502dasm.lbr | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 830909 | 6502 disassembler for CP/M-80 |
8 | pub/ | cpm/6502/ | 6502sim.lbr | 1 | 50048 | 8 | 850209 | Runs 6502 code on 8080/Z80 system |
9 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | aug.let | 1 | 3848 | 7 | 840116 | Information about the Amethyst User Group |
10 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | augarch.txt | 1 | 71628 | 7 | 840116 | Archive from the Amethyst User Group mail list |
11 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | aumotu.mss | 1 | 7349 | 7 | 840116 | Amethyst info. from Mark of the Unicorn |
12 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | auxil.dif | 1 | 2393 | 7 | 840116 | Scribble auxilliary routines |
13 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | badnts.mss | 1 | 4383 | 7 | 840116 | Description of Amethyst User Group Disk 1 |
14 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | cat.ag1 | 1 | 6129 | 8 | 840116 | Catalog of Amethyst User Group Disk #1 |
15 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | cbind.c | 1 | 9194 | 7 | 840116 | Customized bindings by MOTU for Mince |
16 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | cbind.sub | 1 | 437 | 7 | 840116 | Submit file to compile Mince bindings |
17 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | comm4.c | 1 | 5317 | 7 | 840116 | Mince extensions by MOTU |
18 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | comm5.c | 1 | 7218 | 7 | 840116 | Mince extensions by MOTU |
19 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | commws.c | 1 | 2020 | 7 | 840116 | Dave W. Smith's Mince extensions |
20 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | comtoo.dif | 1 | 6070 | 7 | 840116 | More Jeffrey D. Stone Mince extensions |
21 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | craynh.dif | 1 | 473 | 7 | 840116 | Jeffrey D. Stone's Mince extensions |
22 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | crayon.dif | 1 | 4345 | 7 | 840116 | Jeffrey D. Stone's Mince extensions |
23 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | curler.sub | 1 | 687 | 7 | 840116 | Submit file to compile all Mince sources |
24 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | demo.c | 1 | 7701 | 7 | 840116 | Creates a MOTU demo disk |
25 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | driver.dif | 1 | 759 | 7 | 840116 | Jeffrey D. Stone's Mince extensions |
26 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | dwsmith.mss | 1 | 2011 | 7 | 840116 | David W. Smith's notes on his Mince extensions |
27 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | fw-emacs.def | 1 | 384 | 7 | 850430 | No description available |
28 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | jdstone.mss | 1 | 2051 | 7 | 840116 | Jeffrey D. Stone's extension documentation |
29 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | kbdmacro.txt | 1 | 6432 | 7 | 840116 | Mince EMACS-like keyboard macros |
30 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | lcbind.sub | 1 | 443 | 7 | 840116 | Submit file to compile a large bindings file |
31 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | lcurler.sub | 1 | 758 | 7 | 840116 | Submit file to compile all Mince sources |
32 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | macbind.c | 1 | 14095 | 7 | 840116 | Macros by Barry A. Dobyns |
33 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | mlist.c | 1 | 671 | 7 | 840116 | A mailing list manager |
34 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | mptab.c | 1 | 316 | 7 | 840116 | Page mode tab |
35 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | ogoldman.mss | 1 | 1783 | 7 | 840116 | Oscar Goldman's Crayon 1.0 page pause fix |
36 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | quartz.c | 1 | 3744 | 7 | 840116 | MOTU's Quartz Mode code |
37 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | scrbtest.mss | 1 | 14759 | 7 | 840116 | Barry Dobyns' Scribbble/Crayon exerciser |
38 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | sepmotu.mss | 1 | 5992 | 7 | 840116 | September 1981 MOTU bug/bugfix statement |
39 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | subform.mss | 1 | 3092 | 7 | 840116 | Optional program/extension submittal form |
40 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | tabs.c | 1 | 9379 | 7 | 840116 | MOTU code for randomly spaced tabstops |
41 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | ugform.mss | 1 | 4469 | 7 | 840116 | Amethyst User's Group membership form |
42 | pub/ | cpm/amethyst/ | view.c | 1 | 2903 | 7 | 840116 | MOTU code for non-destructive 'view' mode |
43 | pub/ | cpm/ampro/ | aan-8801.tzt | 1 | 17024 | 8 | 880131 | Using SCSI port for generalized I/O |
44 | pub/ | cpm/ampro/ | aan-8802.tzt | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 880131 | Intro to the AMPRO little boards |
45 | pub/ | cpm/ampro/ | amproclk.lbr | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 870727 | TurboModula- access to Ampro Clock |
46 | pub/ | cpm/ampro/ | biosclk.lbr | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 870823 | Sets BIOS clock for Ampro |
47 | pub/ | cpm/ampro/ | hdinfo.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 880216 | Show AMPRO hard disk buffer address |
48 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | ap-cpm.fix | 1 | 2656 | 7 | 830909 | Apple Softcard intermittancy and patch |
49 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | ap2-pics.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870628 | Apple // I/O for PICS & ROS BBS |
50 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | ap40trk.lbr | 1 | 14336 | 8 | 870705 | 40 tracks for Apple w/Applicard |
51 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | ap40trk.tzt | 1 | 768 | 8 | 870705 | 40 tracks for Apple w/Softcard |
52 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | ap60zcpr.lbr | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 870227 | ZCPR3 for Apple Softcard 60K |
53 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | apbdsc.pat | 1 | 7154 | 7 | 830909 | How to customize BDS-C for Apple II |
54 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | apboot.mqc | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850209 | Boot Apple CP/M from another slot |
55 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | apclktc.lbr | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 870308 | Apple Softcard/Thunderclock code |
56 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | apcpmxfr.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 870127 | CP/M to Apple DOS file transfer |
57 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | apgraf.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 870509 | Pascal Grafx for Softcard and AEng |
58 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | aphimem.aqm | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 850209 | Routines to access 'high memory' on Apple II |
59 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | aplcat99.lbr | 1 | 67328 | 8 | 861221 | Modem program for Apple-CAT |
60 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | aplcpmlg.7z7 | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 870720 | GEnie CP/M Roundtable Apple files |
61 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | aplicard.txt | 1 | 6854 | 7 | 850612 | Review of the PCPI AppliCard |
62 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | aplvidex.ark | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 870426 | Apple ][ w/Videx screen speedup |
63 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | apmboot.aqm | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | Modem boot program for Apple CP/M |
64 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | appatch1.aqm | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | Patch to allow control chars to reach CP/M |
65 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | appatch2.com | 1 | 256 | 8 | 850209 | Patch similar to appatch1 |
66 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | appatch2.mqc | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850209 | Patch similar to appatch1 |
67 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | appicsav.lbr | 1 | 88576 | 8 | 880419 | PICS for Apple and Avatex 2400 mdm |
68 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | applcrt3.aqm | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 860912 | MEXplus terminal overlay for ][+ and //e |
69 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | appldisk.dzc | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 870127 | Info about Apple II soft sector disk |
70 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | appledrv.dqc | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 850209 | Mechanics and use of the Apple II disk drive |
71 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | applutil.lbr | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 860921 | CP/M to Apple DOS 3.3 conversion pgm |
72 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | apunspol.msg | 1 | 3528 | 7 | 830909 | Patching UNSPOOL for Apple CP/M |
73 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | binhex.bas | 1 | 19610 | 7 | 841210 | Convert binary file to HEX file |
74 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | binhex.hex | 1 | 11977 | 7 | 841210 | Binary to HEX file converter |
75 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | cardz180.inf | 1 | 3315 | 7 | 890124 | New Apple CP/M card w/64180 |
76 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | cpmdir.inf | 1 | 1187 | 7 | 861221 | Info on CP/M directory |
77 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | cpmxfer.com | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | Apple CP/M to AppleDOS disk transfer |
78 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | cpmxfer.dqc | 1 | 384 | 8 | 850209 | Apple CP/M to AppleDOS disk transfer |
79 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | lisa01.dqc | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | Description of the Apple LISA |
80 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | loksmith.dqc | 1 | 23936 | 8 | 850209 | Info on AppleDOS disk unlock pgm. |
81 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | mxh-cz11.lbr | 1 | 12032 | 8 | 890817 | MEX overlay for CardZ180 |
82 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-mon.lbr | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 870207 | 6502 monitor calls from PCPI CP/M |
83 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-ram.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870207 | ramdisk for PCPI and //e (built-in) |
84 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-rtc.lbr | 1 | 23040 | 8 | 870509 | RTC for Applicard using CTC |
85 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-sio.lbr | 1 | 30592 | 8 | 870207 | support for Applicard Z80-SIO card |
86 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-ug.1z1 | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870714 | Applicard UG Newsletter #101 |
87 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-ug.1z2 | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 870812 | Applicard UG Newsletter #102 |
88 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-ug.1z3 | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 871211 | Applicard UG Newsletter #103 |
89 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-ug.1z4 | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 871210 | Applicard UG Newsletter #104 |
90 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-ug.izf | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 870505 | AppliCard user group information |
91 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-ws4.azm | 1 | 768 | 8 | 870911 | Applicard/Wordstar 4.0 Patch |
92 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi-xy.bzs | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 870207 | VTAB and HTAB for PCPI w/MBASIC |
93 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi.doc | 1 | 815 | 7 | 850419 | Read/write Apple memory using AppliCard |
94 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi.mac | 1 | 577 | 7 | 850419 | Place parameters on stack using AppliCard |
95 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpi6502.mzp | 1 | 768 | 8 | 870207 | 6502 memory map for apple with PCPI |
96 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpias11.azm | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 870815 | Applicard Z3 AUTOST w/Alias Fix |
97 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpibdos.mzc | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 870207 | bdos patch for Applicard |
98 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpiboot.aqm | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 870127 | Customize Applicard boot message |
99 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpibye1.lbr | 1 | 16640 | 8 | 880115 | Applicard Super Serial BYE/KMD |
100 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpiclk2.lbr | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 880605 | DateStamper support w/ PCPI card |
101 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpiclk3.lbr | 1 | 18944 | 8 | 870910 | Full-Screen Clock for Applicard |
102 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpicolr.lbr | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 861221 | color for Apple PCPI card |
103 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpidbii.fix | 1 | 1136 | 7 | 870720 | Fixes DBII and Applicard problem |
104 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpidrvr.zip | 1 | 30904 | 8 | 940326 | PCPI AppliCard device drivers |
105 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpidvr6.lzt | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 880211 | List of Applicard Drivers |
106 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpifst6.ark | 1 | 5250 | 8 | 890628 | Speed-Up info for the Applicard |
107 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpigprt.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870207 | use applicard game port as SIO |
108 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpigrf2.lbr | 1 | 58624 | 8 | 870727 | Applicard DHR Graphics |
109 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpigrfx.lbr | 1 | 50944 | 8 | 870227 | Graphics for the Applicard |
110 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpigrlr.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870810 | Applicard/Grappler 8th-bit Driver |
111 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpimmii.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 870720 | Applicard/MicroModem II Set-Up |
112 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpitime.lbr | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 870831 | PCPI/DS1216E/Turbo Modula-2 support |
113 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpiuni.lbr | 1 | 24320 | 8 | 870709 | Applicard .DVR for UDC and 3.5/800K |
114 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpivers.azm | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 870207 | Versacard support for Applicard |
115 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpixfer.lbr | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 871227 | Transfer between PCPI CP/M & DOS3.3 |
116 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | pcpiz3v2.mzp | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 870207 | Z80 memory map for Applicard/ZCPR3 |
117 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | sscdrvr.aqm | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 870509 | Apple SSC interrupt driver |
118 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | thunder.azm | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 880102 | Softcard I/Thunderclock routine |
119 | pub/ | cpm/apple/ | wspatch.lbr | 1 | 21760 | 8 | 870531 | Hints on patching WordStar for Apple |
120 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ads.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 881216 | Change date/time stamps of ARK files |
121 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ads2.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 890301 | Change date/time stamps in ARKs |
122 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | arc-file.izf | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 880303 | Technical description of ARC format |
123 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ark11.ark | 1 | 13953 | 8 | 900216 | Version 1.1 file ARKiver |
124 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ccpxtend.lbr | 1 | 30720 | 8 | 870214 | Execute COM files from Libraries |
125 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | cl10.lbr | 1 | 25344 | 8 | 910531 | Compact library files similar to NULU -K |
126 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | cpmshar.lbr | 1 | 32768 | 8 | 860720 | CP/M version of Unix SHAR/UNSHAR |
127 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | cpmunarj.zip | 1 | 18205 | 8 | 940330 | Paul Hunt's CP/M Un-ARJ program |
128 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | delbr11a.bug | 1 | 1121 | 7 | 870417 | Bug report - DELBR program |
129 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | delbr12.ark | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 891210 | Extracts files from LBRs |
130 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | dirarc2.pqs | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 860604 | Display directory of MSDOS ARC's |
131 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | exl.lbr | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 910604 | View a file |
132 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | exlpat.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 910611 | Patch to exl to fix output file problem |
133 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | extract.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 860522 | Extracts files from LBRs |
134 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | fastnulu.lbr | 1 | 14720 | 8 | 870523 | Patched NULU comes up faster |
135 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lbrdsk23.lbr | 1 | 16384 | 8 | 850304 | Treat libraries as a logical drive |
136 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lbrutil.lbr | 1 | 79232 | 8 | 861227 | Date stamping for libraries (LBRs) |
137 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lchek.doc | 1 | 206 | 7 | 840130 | Generate CHEK 1.5 compatible .lbr CRCs (DOC) |
138 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lchek11.com | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | Generate CHEK 1.5 compatible .lbr CRCs (DOC) |
139 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lcrc.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 880124 | Calculates and stores CRCs in LBRs |
140 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lcrck11.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 850617 | Calculate .lbr file CRC |
141 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ldir-h1.lbr | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 880511 | List the directory of a library |
142 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ldir2.lbr | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 850617 | Quick LBR direcotry list |
143 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ldirb14.lbr | 1 | 26240 | 8 | 880902 | Display LBR directory w/date/CRC/des |
144 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ldirb15.lbr | 1 | 24448 | 8 | 891212 | Display LBR directory |
145 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lh-cpm11.lbr | 1 | 23552 | 8 | 890503 | Uncompression utility for LHARC file |
146 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | libutils.tzt | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 880130 | Using NULU and LRUN with libraries |
147 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lrepair.lbr | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 910612 | Repair .lbr file headers |
148 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lrun20.aqm | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 850209 | Run .COM files inside LBRs |
149 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lrun20.com | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Run .COM files inside LBRs |
150 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lrun23.lbr | 1 | 17792 | 8 | 850717 | Run .COM files inside LBRs |
151 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lsweep13.com | 1 | 16000 | 8 | 850209 | Easy to use LBR file utility |
152 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lsweep13.dqc | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 850209 | Easy to use LBR file utility (Doc) |
153 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lt31.lbr | 1 | 64768 | 8 | 921010 | File type/extract/decompress |
154 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lu300.dqc | 1 | 20992 | 8 | 850209 | Documentation for LU |
155 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lu300c.hqp | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 850209 | LU library utility help |
156 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lu310.com | 1 | 20224 | 8 | 850209 | Library Utility version 3.10 |
157 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lu310.hlp | 1 | 580 | 7 | 850118 | Help file for use with LU310 |
158 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | lu310.uqd | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Update info on LU310 |
159 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | ludef5.dqc | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 850209 | Internal structure of LBR files |
160 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nlupatch.mzc | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870228 | Patches to NULU 1.51 |
161 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu.pzt | 1 | 768 | 8 | 870510 | Patch to speed up NULU start up |
162 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu01.iqf | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850526 | Information about NULU LBR utility |
163 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu10.hqp | 1 | 19200 | 8 | 850209 | Help and usage description of NULU |
164 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu11.bq2 | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 851114 | Description of a problem in NULU 1.1 |
165 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu15.bqg | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 851114 | Bug fix for NULU 1.5 |
166 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu15.fix | 1 | 1385 | 7 | 860214 | Bug fix for NULU 1.5 |
167 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu15.not | 1 | 1280 | 7 | 860215 | A note from the author of NULU151 |
168 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu15.wq | 1 | 38912 | 8 | 860215 | Complete user's guide for NULU151 |
169 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu151.com | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 860215 | Machine lang. Library Utility pgm |
170 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nulu152a.lbr | 1 | 56192 | 8 | 871216 | Library maintenance utility |
171 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | nuluterm.aqm | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 860215 | Terminal configuration for NULU151 |
172 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | patchark.ark | 1 | 3261 | 8 | 880830 | Kaypro RTC use for ARK035 or later |
173 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | patvlu11.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 880124 | Use sweep-like utility with CP/M 2.2 |
174 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | pmautoae.com | 1 | 30976 | 8 | 940330 | Self-extracting LZH and LHA archive utility |
175 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | pull.lbr | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 861123 | Extract one file from a library |
176 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | setd01.lbr | 1 | 18944 | 8 | 871020 | Set dates for members of libraries |
177 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | setd22.lbr | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 880213 | Set dates for members of libraries |
178 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | sort.asm | 1 | 2117 | 7 | 840109 | Shell-Metzner sort |
179 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | sort.rel | 1 | 512 | 8 | 850209 | Shell-Metzner sort (see sort.asm) |
180 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | splay.arc | 1 | 3314 | 8 | 880902 | SPLAY Trees data compression method |
181 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | typel36.lbr | 1 | 19456 | 8 | 850209 | Type ASCII files |
182 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | typelz22.lbr | 1 | 38272 | 8 | 871031 | Types ASCII |
183 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | tzinst15.dzc | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 861228 | Install instructions for TYPELZ v15+ |
184 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | unarc16.ark | 1 | 38656 | 8 | 870405 | ARK/ARC file extraction utility |
185 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | unarc16.com | 1 | 38656 | 8 | 940330 | Self-extracting copy of UNARC version 1.6 |
186 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | unarc16.msg | 1 | 6192 | 7 | 870609 | Extracting files from UNARK16.ARK |
187 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | unarc16s.ark | 1 | 68096 | 8 | 870405 | Source code of UNARC version 1.6 |
188 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | unarj101.lbr | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 940512 | UNARJ 1.01 for CP/M |
189 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | usqbase.mqc | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Handle unsqueezing files in programs |
190 | pub/ | cpm/arc-lbr/ | usqbase.rel | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850209 | Handle unsqueezing files in programs |
191 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | arraylib.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 871026 | Subroutines for array accessing |
192 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | asmbly.tzt | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 880130 | Assembly language primer for CP/M |
193 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | asmhelp.lbr | 1 | 16128 | 8 | 850322 | Assembly language primer |
194 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | asmlib1.lbr | 1 | 177792 | 8 | 940531 | Collection of routines for Z80 (cpm2 and cpm3) |
195 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | asmlib2.lbr | 1 | 136960 | 8 | 940531 | ASMLIB Manual |
196 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | asmpatch.aqm | 1 | 896 | 8 | 850209 | Upper/lower case mod - 1.4 ASM.COM |
197 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | asmsubs.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | Handy submit files - ASM |
198 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | bdosequ.lib | 1 | 1423 | 7 | 841007 | CP/M and BDOS equates |
199 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | biglib.lbr | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 871026 | Subroutines for string manipulation |
200 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | buffers.lbr | 1 | 95360 | 8 | 870115 | Assembly language buffering routines |
201 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | chkif.lbr | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 870909 | Check for balanced conditionals |
202 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | clnres.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 871127 | Cleans disassembled source files |
203 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | crowecpm.lbr | 1 | 64512 | 8 | 861207 | CROWE Z80 assembler |
204 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | dlnkloc2.lbr | 1 | 52352 | 8 | 870703 | Disk based linker and loader |
205 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | entab16.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 880220 | Replaces spaces with tabs in source |
206 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | form7.lbr | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850514 | Formats assembler language source |
207 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | freset.azm | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 871229 | Fast reset of CP/M drives |
208 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | gen180.lbr | 1 | 14464 | 8 | 871204 | Adds HD64180 instructions to M80 |
209 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | h80.lzb | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 871024 | Macros for HD64180 unique opcodes |
210 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | hd64180a.lbr | 1 | 184704 | 8 | 940531 | Embedded controllers software |
211 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | hd64180b.lbr | 1 | 67584 | 8 | 940531 | Embedded controllers software |
212 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | hello.lbr | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 880305 | COM displays 'HELLO' on screen |
213 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | id2id.lbr | 1 | 25984 | 8 | 861228 | Renames identifiers in source code |
214 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | l80reset.pat | 1 | 1591 | 7 | 840326 | Patch to L80 to remove extra disk resets |
215 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | lasm-tdl.lbr | 1 | 57856 | 8 | 860215 | TDL mnemonic Z80 macro assembler |
216 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | lasm.lbr | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 880316 | A linking CP/M 8080 assembler |
217 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | lasm3.lbr | 1 | 19200 | 8 | 850209 | A linking CP/M 8080 assembler |
218 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | lc22.lbr | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 860427 | Converts ASM files to lower case |
219 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | link.mod | 1 | 781 | 7 | 831031 | Patch to DR LINK to fix keystroke aborts |
220 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | link80.dzc | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870628 | Help for using LINK-80 |
221 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | m80-l80.lbr | 1 | 9600 | 8 | 870718 | Help for using M80/L80 |
222 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | m80-v344.pat | 1 | 1029 | 7 | 840930 | Patch to make all labels public in M80 |
223 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | m80date.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 870718 | Current Date/Time in M80 lists |
224 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | m80str11.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 880216 | Structured programming for M80 |
225 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | mac.fix | 1 | 2551 | 7 | 831121 | Eliminates lowercase-uppercase MAC conv. |
226 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | macros.tqp | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 860506 | Macro tip |
227 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | make-ds.lbr | 1 | 59136 | 8 | 860905 | Unix Make |
228 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | makefcb.aqm | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | Make CP/M file control block |
229 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | makefcb.lib | 1 | 2456 | 7 | 841025 | Make CP/M file control block |
230 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | maksrl.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 861129 | Creates a self-relocating program |
231 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | meyertut.ark | 1 | 88318 | 8 | 871204 | CP/M 8080 assembly language tutorial |
232 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | mload24.bug | 1 | 721 | 7 | 880216 | Fix for MLOAD overlay CCP |
233 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | mload25.lbr | 1 | 26112 | 8 | 880312 | Improved LOAD.COM replacement |
234 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | mloadpch.tzt | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880129 | Patch to MLOAD for use with XBIOS |
235 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | movhex.lbr | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 871024 | Changes load location of HEX file |
236 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | mpblib.lbr | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 871026 | Subroutines for binary arithmetic |
237 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | mpdlib.lbr | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 871026 | Subroutines for decimal arithmetic |
238 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | musicbox.lbr | 1 | 22016 | 8 | 880402 | Demo for relocating macro assembler |
239 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | neat7.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 850514 | Formats assembler language source |
240 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | notate.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 880316 | Add comments to assembler programs |
241 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | page0.lbr | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 870420 | Memory dump of page 0 in hex |
242 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | pdln10.lbr | 1 | 29824 | 8 | 860418 | Linker Loader |
243 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | pload10.lbr | 1 | 19968 | 8 | 860506 | An absolute 8080/Z80 loader |
244 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | pmake2.lbr | 1 | 42240 | 8 | 861116 | A 'make file' utility for CP/M-80 |
245 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | pretty23.lbr | 1 | 28800 | 8 | 870825 | Reformat assembler language source |
246 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | prolnk15.lbr | 1 | 66048 | 8 | 860224 | Advanced linkage editor-REL/HEX file |
247 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | prtval.zz0 | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 880118 | Macro prints assembly-time values |
248 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | reloc23.lbr | 1 | 54656 | 8 | 860506 | Generates self-relocating programs |
249 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | relocate.tzt | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 880108 | Writing assembler relocatable code |
250 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | rmac.mod | 1 | 1095 | 7 | 831031 | Modification to RMAC to allow use of SYSLIB |
251 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | rmacpat.aqm | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Patches for MAC and RMAC |
252 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | shofnc10.lbr | 1 | 21888 | 8 | 870918 | Trace BDOS calls in executed program |
253 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | sload.lbr | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 870124 | Enhanced replacement for LOAD.COM |
254 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | smmaclnk.ark | 1 | 94461 | 8 | 871010 | Small-Mac macro assembler and linker |
255 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | sortsym.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 871015 | Sorted symbol file for M80/L80 |
256 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | spasm201.lbr | 1 | 32000 | 8 | 880902 | Single pass assembler |
257 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | strip11.lbr | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 871108 | Strip comments from assembly source |
258 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | strlib.lbr | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 871026 | Subroutines for string manipulation |
259 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | symx23.ark | 1 | 20435 | 8 | 870101 | Expanded symbol table for M80 assemb |
260 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | tbjmpdmo.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | Demo of alternate special character entry |
261 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | tdl-tool.lbr | 1 | 68224 | 8 | 851201 | TDL assembler/debugger/disassembler |
262 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | timestmp.lbr | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 851201 | Insert time/date in text/asm files |
263 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | ucasm.lbr | 1 | 27520 | 8 | 880108 | Assembler for 80xx micro-controllers |
264 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | vrslib10.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 870316 | Keep track of versions of programs |
265 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xizi-3.lbr | 1 | 19456 | 8 | 860910 | Intel 8080 <--> Zilog Z80 translator |
266 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xlate5.lbr | 1 | 43392 | 8 | 850209 | Translate 8080 to Z80 assembler for M80 |
267 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xlatetst.aqm | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | Demo of xlate5 |
268 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xlt80-8.lbr | 1 | 42496 | 8 | 851223 | Translate Z80 assembly to 8080 |
269 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xlt86.lbr | 1 | 83584 | 8 | 850917 | 8080 to 8086 source code translator |
270 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xref241.lbr | 1 | 56320 | 8 | 850209 | Cross-reference for assembler source |
271 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xref250.lbr | 1 | 32128 | 8 | 850209 | Cross-reference for assembler source |
272 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xref27.lbr | 1 | 40704 | 8 | 851117 | Cross-reference for assembler source |
273 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | xref36.lbr | 1 | 46720 | 8 | 870825 | Cross reference for assembler source |
274 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | z1.ark | 1 | 22419 | 8 | 880830 | Fast Z80 assembler |
275 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | z80asm24.lbr | 1 | 27648 | 8 | 871013 | Assembler for Zilog OP codes |
276 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | z80mr-a.lbr | 1 | 45952 | 8 | 880406 | Enhanced 8080/Z80 macro assembler |
277 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | zas-slr.dqc | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 860905 | Assembling syslib with ZAS and Z80ASM (SLR) |
278 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | zlink14.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 871030 | Linkage editor for ZMAC |
279 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | zm.lbr | 1 | 35712 | 8 | 870308 | Translate Z80 symbolic lang. to COM/HEX files |
280 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | zm3p.lbr | 1 | 31616 | 8 | 870729 | Assembler for Zilog source |
281 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | zmac17.lbr | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 871030 | Assembler for Zilog Mnemonics |
282 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | zmaclink.lbr | 1 | 24576 | 8 | 860901 | Z80 macro assem/linker/relocatable |
283 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | zmrsym.lbr | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 880106 | Z80MR SYM files for debugging |
284 | pub/ | cpm/asmutl/ | zsm23.lbr | 1 | 98304 | 8 | 910828 | Z80 macro assembler |
285 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | amodem42.bas | 1 | 8914 | 7 | 830909 | Atari BASIC version of XMODEM |
286 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | amodem42.doc | 1 | 5122 | 7 | 830909 | Atari BASIC version of XMODEM |
287 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | atr8000.txt | 1 | 7135 | 7 | 840602 | Review of the SWP SYSTEM-ATR 8000 |
288 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | auto850.bas | 1 | 607 | 7 | 830909 | Auto initialization for AMODEM |
289 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | binhex.bas | 1 | 1582 | 7 | 841114 | Convert binary file to HEX file |
290 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | hexbin11.bas | 1 | 1993 | 7 | 841205 | Convert HEX file to binary |
291 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | letrprft.bas | 1 | 5081 | 7 | 840909 | LetterPerfect document copy utility |
292 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | letrprft.doc | 1 | 2527 | 7 | 840909 | LetterPerfect document copy utility (Doc) |
293 | pub/ | cpm/atari/ | rgbtocom.arc | 1 | 12892 | 8 | 870105 | Convert RGB color to composite |
294 | pub/ | cpm/aztec-c/ | az-croot.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850824 | Add wild cards and pipes to Aztec-C |
295 | pub/ | cpm/aztec-c/ | azpipe11.ark | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 891122 | Pipes for Aztec C |
296 | pub/ | cpm/aztec-c/ | aztec-c.bug | 1 | 1971 | 7 | 850106 | Bug fix for Aztek-C |
297 | pub/ | cpm/aztec-c/ | aztec-c.fix | 1 | 1760 | 7 | 850106 | Bug fix for Aztec-C |
298 | pub/ | cpm/aztec-c/ | find.c | 1 | 3014 | 7 | 850105 | C source to a file find utility |
299 | pub/ | cpm/aztec-c/ | minder.ark | 1 | 62402 | 8 | 860619 | Personal reminder/notices/multi-user |
300 | pub/ | cpm/aztec-c/ | minroot.c | 1 | 1023 | 7 | 841009 | Minimize size of Aztec-C .COM files |
301 | pub/ | cpm/aztec-c/ | quote.ark | 1 | 52356 | 8 | 860619 | Prints quotes from indexed file |
302 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | 555-ic.bqs | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 861231 | Find values for 555 timer-oscillator |
303 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | 567-ic.bqs | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 861231 | Finds values for 567 tone decoder |
304 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | adven-80.ark | 1 | 30848 | 8 | 861122 | Interpreter for writing adventures |
305 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | aim30.lbr | 1 | 19200 | 8 | 880130 | Tracks and advises stock investments |
306 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | airmiles.bzs | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 870718 | Calculate city-to-city airmiles |
307 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | alien.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 870703 | Space game with graphics |
308 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | asm2mac.bqs | 1 | 4734 | 8 | 831209 | Convert 8080 mnemonics to Zilog Z80 |
309 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | astrmenu.lbr | 1 | 44800 | 8 | 870426 | Astronomy calculations in MBASIC |
310 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | astrnmy2.bzs | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 870731 | Astronomy Related programs |
311 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | astrolog.lbr | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 870810 | Horoscope planet position calculator |
312 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | atten.bzs | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 870705 | T |
313 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | audiolab.bzs | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 861228 | Calculates values used in audio |
314 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | b-compil.lbr | 1 | 87424 | 8 | 860720 | Public Domain BASIC compiler |
315 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | bas-rel1.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 880227 | Machine language subrtns for BASCOM |
316 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | bascmnot.lbr | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 860715 | Notes on the use of BASCOM |
317 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | basic5.lbr | 1 | 59520 | 8 | 861031 | Processor Technology 5k Basic |
318 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | basictut.ark | 1 | 51076 | 8 | 850209 | Learning Microsoft MBASIC |
319 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | basutil.lbr | 1 | 11264 | 8 | 850209 | Comprehensive BASIC utility routines |
320 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | biblio.lbr | 1 | 35584 | 8 | 850209 | Bibliographic search program |
321 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | bigcal2.bqs | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850414 | Extended precision calculator |
322 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | billing.lbr | 1 | 31104 | 8 | 870316 | MBASIC billing programs |
323 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | birthday.bzs | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 871206 | Tells facts about your birthday |
324 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | budget.bas | 1 | 10274 | 7 | 840903 | Family budget |
325 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | buildsub.bas | 1 | 689 | 7 | 840903 | Chain from Basic to another .COM pgm |
326 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | cbasedit.bqs | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Input character editing for CBASIC |
327 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | codecrak.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 860713 | Decodes DISARM data file. |
328 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | cpm-pert.bas | 1 | 10011 | 7 | 840408 | PERT project management |
329 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | cpmio.mqc | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 850209 | BASCOM CPMIO replacement |
330 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | cpmprt51.bas | 1 | 10857 | 7 | 840806 | PERT project management |
331 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | cvrisk.lbr | 1 | 22272 | 8 | 860921 | A cardiovascular risk program |
332 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | deprec.bzs | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 870705 | Calculate tax depreciation |
333 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | deskmstr.lbr | 1 | 35456 | 8 | 850209 | Office automation (calendar/calc/memos/cards) |
334 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | directry.bqs | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | Maintain Name and Address data base |
335 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | ebasic.hqp | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 850209 | Public Domain EBASIC help |
336 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | ebasic.lbr | 1 | 32256 | 8 | 860509 | Two-step BASIC compiler/interpreter |
337 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | egbas.lbr | 1 | 20352 | 8 | 880124 | Sample programs for MBASIC |
338 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | el-e.bqs | 1 | 13793 | 8 | 850209 | Electronic Engineering in EBASIC |
339 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | el-e.int | 1 | 15872 | 7 | 850209 | Electronic Engineering in EBASIC |
340 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | extend.lbr | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 861031 | MBasic assembly Language Extensions |
341 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | finance.bas | 1 | 5271 | 7 | 840903 | Financial calculations |
342 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | gradebok.lbr | 1 | 59392 | 8 | 850209 | Teacher's gradebook program |
343 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | hurricpm.bzs | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 870721 | Track hurricanes!! |
344 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | ic-timer.bqs | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 861231 | Calculate IC timer chip R/C values |
345 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | interest.bas | 1 | 882 | 7 | 840903 | Compute interest payments |
346 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | intrate.bas | 1 | 1266 | 7 | 840903 | Loan amortization and interest rate calc. |
347 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | invstmnt.lbr | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 850209 | Calculate stock purchase commissions |
348 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | jumble12.lbr | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 870706 | Do JUMBLE puzzles in newspapers |
349 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | keywrdfx.bas | 1 | 4215 | 7 | 841111 | Change 4.51 MBASIC to 5.x source |
350 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | loan2.bzs | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 871122 | Loan calculation program |
351 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | log10k.bzs | 1 | 896 | 8 | 870720 | Elkin's Log 10000! Benchmark |
352 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | math.ark | 1 | 99584 | 8 | 861221 | Scientific math routines for BASIC |
353 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbas521.mod | 1 | 2331 | 7 | 860614 | MBASIC 5.21 DELete key mod |
354 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbasedit.bqs | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Charater input editing for MBASIC |
355 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbasic-p.doc | 1 | 306 | 7 | 841018 | Unprotecting MBASIC programs |
356 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbasic.fre | 1 | 1872 | 7 | 861221 | Avoid MBASIC string cleanup delays |
357 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbasic.txt | 1 | 4660 | 7 | 840417 | How to switch from display to printer output |
358 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbaspos.tzt | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880130 | Cursor positioning with MBASIC |
359 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbastip.tqt | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 860119 | MBASIC tip: cursor positioning |
360 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbastips.tzt | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 880130 | Tips for MBASIC programmers |
361 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbextend.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 880124 | MBASIC assembly language extensions |
362 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbpre-12.lbr | 1 | 17536 | 8 | 860810 | Allows writing MBASIC without line # |
363 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mbrsv13.bas | 1 | 28969 | 7 | 840330 | Maintain church donation records |
364 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | million.bzs | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 870712 | Become a millionaire in MBASIC |
365 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mocst3.lbr | 1 | 19328 | 8 | 880120 | Nice freeware amortization program. |
366 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | mortgage.bas | 1 | 4712 | 7 | 840903 | Mortgage analysis |
367 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | navprog7.lbr | 1 | 73728 | 8 | 870215 | Prepares a flight log |
368 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | nsd.lbr | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 861023 | Simple terminal program in ZBasic |
369 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | ohmslaw.bzs | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 861228 | Calculates values based on Ohm's law |
370 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | pbs.lbr | 1 | 31360 | 8 | 880506 | Pre-processor for BASIC programs |
371 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | poker.bzs | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 870810 | Poker card game for MBASIC |
372 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | prebas.lbr | 1 | 67456 | 8 | 850319 | BASIC preprocessor |
373 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | race2.lbr | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 870718 | Calculate car race track times |
374 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | rc.bqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850209 | Computes std. value of 5% resistors/caps |
375 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | redir.aqm | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 850209 | Redirect output of MBASIC |
376 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | roulette.bzs | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 870928 | Win with Roulette game in MBASIC |
377 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | rs2ms.bas | 1 | 6383 | 7 | 840514 | TRS80 Basic to Microsoft Basic conv. |
378 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | rs2ms.doc | 1 | 2027 | 7 | 840514 | TRS80 Basic to Microsoft Basic conv. |
379 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | satcom.lbr | 1 | 18816 | 8 | 861207 | Positions home earth stations |
380 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | satelite.bas | 1 | 4740 | 7 | 840908 | Aiming synchronous satellite dish |
381 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | setup.asm | 1 | 1119 | 7 | 840408 | Used with CPM-PERT.BAS list output |
382 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | survival.bzs | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 870913 | Survive in space with MBASIC game |
383 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | tinidisk.lbr | 1 | 44672 | 8 | 850514 | Sherry Brothers Tiny Basic ver 3.1 |
384 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | trivia.lbr | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 861016 | Question and answer game in MBasic |
385 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | ttl-scrl.bas | 1 | 1280 | 7 | 860506 | Scrolls banner across screen |
386 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | txt2hlp.lbr | 1 | 20608 | 8 | 880530 | Create help files for BASIC |
387 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | unpro.com | 1 | 896 | 8 | 850209 | Unprotect MBASIC programs |
388 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | unpro.doc | 1 | 823 | 7 | 840306 | Unprotect MBASIC programs |
389 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | unprotct.bas | 1 | 1188 | 7 | 841020 | Unprotect MBASIC programs |
390 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | unvbasut.lbr | 1 | 61440 | 8 | 850209 | MBASIC beautifier |
391 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | utbilaud.lbr | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850209 | Audit gas |
392 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | vader.bzs | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 870913 | Battle Darth Vader in MBASIC game |
393 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | windchil.bqs | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 861205 | Calculates wind chill factor |
394 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | worldbld.bqs | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 850209 | Build Science Fiction solar systems |
395 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | worldbr.lbr | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 870928 | Build Science Fiction solar systems |
396 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | xfer13.bas | 1 | 5601 | 7 | 830909 | Build submit files for auto. downloading |
397 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | xfer13.dqc | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | Build submit files for auto. downloading |
398 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | xformer.bzs | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 870322 | Transformer Design Aid |
399 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | xref.bas | 1 | 5227 | 7 | 830909 | List variables and line numbers in BASIC-80 |
400 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | xref19.bzs | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 870128 | List variables and line numbers |
401 | pub/ | cpm/basic/ | zbasdemo.lbr | 1 | 37248 | 8 | 860608 | Free demo of ZBASIC from ZEDCOR |
402 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | bbs-law.lzt | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 870703 | BBS-related laws of several states |
403 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | bbs-suit.ark | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 880518 | BBS user sues SysOp - suit details |
404 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | citadel.lbr | 1 | 171520 | 8 | 870725 | Multi-room bulletin board system |
405 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | crr0160.zip | 1 | 58008 | 8 | 940330 | CP/M offline message reader |
406 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | crrdocps.zip | 1 | 14530 | 8 | 940330 | Documentation for CRR 1.60 (uses A4/A5 paper) |
407 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | crrpatch.com | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 940330 | Patch for CRR 1.60 time routines |
408 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | dbbs50.lbr | 1 | 42496 | 8 | 880331 | dBASEII mail/msg/conference BBS pgm. |
409 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | emx-313.lbr | 1 | 89856 | 8 | 880130 | Remote mail exchange BBS system |
410 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | emx-gt.lbr | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 880130 | Time routines for EMX |
411 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | emx-util.lbr | 1 | 30336 | 8 | 880130 | Utility support programs for EMX |
412 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | foodo-v1.lbr | 1 | 114432 | 8 | 940330 | FidoNet compatible mail/file requester |
413 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | pics-ap2.lbr | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870604 | Apple 2 drivers for PICS 1.5 |
414 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | pics-fix.001 | 1 | 780 | 7 | 870718 | Fix to PICS 1.6 |
415 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | pics16.ark | 1 | 150528 | 8 | 870629 | Turbo Pascal BBS system. |
416 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | picsdemo.ark | 1 | 106368 | 8 | 861116 | PICS demo |
417 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | picsdocs.ark | 1 | 66432 | 8 | 861018 | PICS BBS/file transfer RCP/M docs |
418 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | picssup.ark | 1 | 60288 | 8 | 861018 | I/O and clock drivers for PICS |
419 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | privacy.ark | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 880518 | Electronic Communication Privacy Act |
420 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | qbbs-utl.ark | 1 | 101699 | 8 | 860914 | QBBS Bulletin Board utilities |
421 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | qbbs4-a.lbr | 1 | 112000 | 8 | 870426 | Compiled MBASIC Bulletin Board - A |
422 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | qbbs4-b.lbr | 1 | 88576 | 8 | 870426 | Compiled MBASIC Bulletin Board - B |
423 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | qrun410.lbr | 1 | 66560 | 8 | 891103 | Main runtime module for QBBS |
424 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | safebbs.lbr | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 870208 | Resident program hides files on RCPM |
425 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | tpbbs10.ark | 1 | 33696 | 8 | 860914 | Turbo Pascal Bulletin Board System |
426 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | turbobbs.ark | 1 | 82688 | 8 | 861221 | Turbo Pascal Bulletin Board System |
427 | pub/ | cpm/bbs/ | xbbsv23.ark | 1 | 24977 | 8 | 860914 | A Bulletin Board System in MBASIC |
428 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | aaaread.me | 1 | 67 | 7 | 890513 | Information on files in this dir. |
429 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | findrcpm.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 860715 | Selects subset of RCPMxxx.LST |
430 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | jcpm1289.lbr | 1 | 33792 | 8 | 890107 | List monitors RCP/M activity |
431 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | qxrcpm05.lzt | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 870322 | List of QX remote systems |
432 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | rcpm0594.bzf | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 940501 | Concice version (one line/system) of rcpm0594 |
433 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | rcpm0594.lzt | 1 | 34432 | 8 | 940501 | International Remote CP/M list for May 94 |
434 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | rcpmscan.lbr | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 880702 | Scan for strings in monthy RCPM list |
435 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | rnet0588.lzt | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 880614 | Listing of ROSNET systems |
436 | pub/ | cpm/bbslists/ | thlst102.lbr | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 880214 | List of Atlanta Bulletin Boards |
437 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | bdosfunc.dqc | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 860902 | A BDOS Function Summary |
438 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | bdpatch2.aqm | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 850209 | Adds a 'public' attribute to CP/M 2.2 |
439 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | cpmdate.lbr | 1 | 16768 | 8 | 871028 | Display and set date for Z80DOS |
440 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | dospls25.ark | 1 | 99404 | 8 | 880409 | Enhanced replacement for CP/M 2.2 |
441 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | dosplsor.ark | 1 | 134686 | 8 | 880409 | Source code for DOSPLS25.ARK |
442 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | ext-bdos.asm | 1 | 3354 | 7 | 831012 | Extended BDOS |
443 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | nosltdos.lbr | 1 | 20480 | 8 | 871204 | No-slot clock for file date stamping |
444 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | novadosi.lbr | 1 | 94080 | 8 | 890107 | Replacement for CP/M BDOS |
445 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | p2dos23.for | 1 | 856 | 7 | 880219 | Description of p2dos23 |
446 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | p2dos23.lbr | 1 | 63616 | 8 | 880219 | Enhanced CP/M 2.2 BDOS replacement |
447 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | sdate10.lbr | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 880930 | Set date for Z80DOS with no clock |
448 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | suprbdos.izf | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 870928 | SUPRBDOS install experiences/hints |
449 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | suprdos2.lbr | 1 | 90112 | 8 | 871004 | Enhanced CP/M 2.2 BDOS replacement |
450 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | z-system.mqg | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 861003 | A user's look at ZRDOS features |
451 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | z80d24sr.lbr | 1 | 80384 | 8 | 890505 | Source files for Z80DOS |
452 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | z80dos10.lbr | 1 | 94976 | 8 | 871004 | Z80 replacement for CP/M 2.2 BDOS |
453 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | z80dovl.lbr | 1 | 40960 | 8 | 890505 | Program overlays to support Z80DOS |
454 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | z80ds231.lbr | 1 | 40960 | 8 | 881127 | CP/M BDOS replacement for Z80 |
455 | pub/ | cpm/bdos/ | z8d-utl1.lbr | 1 | 28032 | 8 | 871028 | Support utilities for Z80DOS |
456 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | bds-cpol.txt | 1 | 449 | 7 | 831103 | Update policy for BDS-C |
457 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | bds46.lqb | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | Support for BDS-C C.CCC |
458 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | bdscio.h | 1 | 5084 | 7 | 830909 | BDS-C standard I/O header file |
459 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | bdscio50.h | 1 | 3104 | 7 | 830909 | BDS-C standard I/O header file |
460 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | bdsnew.cqm | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850209 | New BDS-C library functions in ASM |
461 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | bdsnew.msg | 1 | 1086 | 7 | 831128 | New BDS-C library functions in ASM |
462 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | c.ccc | 1 | 1152 | 7 | 850209 | BDS-C run-time |
463 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | casm.cq | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 850209 | ASM to CRL pre-processor for BDS-C |
464 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | casm.dqc | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | ASM to CRL pre-processor for BDS-C |
465 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | casm.sub | 1 | 186 | 7 | 830909 | ASM to CRL pre-processor for BDS-C |
466 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | ccc.aqm | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C run-time package v1.45 |
467 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | deff.crl | 1 | 8704 | 7 | 850209 | BDS-C standard library functions |
468 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | deff2.cqm | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C standard library functions |
469 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | deff2.crl | 1 | 5888 | 7 | 850209 | BDS-C standard library functions |
470 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | deff2a.cqm | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C standard library functions |
471 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | dio.cq | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 850209 | Directed I/O package for BDS-C |
472 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | dio.h | 1 | 768 | 7 | 830909 | Directed I/O package for BDS-C |
473 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | float.cq | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C Floating point package support |
474 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | float.dqc | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C Floating point package support |
475 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | fltsum.cq | 1 | 896 | 8 | 850209 | Example of how to use float.cq |
476 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | fp.cqm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C floating point and long support |
477 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | hware50.h | 1 | 2055 | 7 | 830909 | BDS-C hardware dependent definitions |
478 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | noboot.cq | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | Utility to disable warm boot after run |
479 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | noclr.cq | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C utility to disable clearing externals |
480 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | sieve.cq | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C version of Sieve of Eratosthenes |
481 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | stdlib1.cq | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C standard library |
482 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | stdlib2.cq | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C standard library |
483 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | wildex16.cq | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C command line wild-card expansion |
484 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | wildex20.cq | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850214 | BDS-C command line wild-card expansion |
485 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-1/ | wildexp.cq | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C command line wild-card expansion |
486 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | chario.cq | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C character-oriented file I/O |
487 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | crypt.com | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | File encryption routine written in BDS-C |
488 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | crypt.cq | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 850209 | File encryption routine written in BDS-C |
489 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | l2-225.ark | 1 | 66141 | 8 | 880618 | Improved L2 linker for BDS-C compiler |
490 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | l2.cq | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 850209 | Improved BDS-C CRL linker |
491 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | l2.dqc | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 850209 | Improved BDS-C CRL linker |
492 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | l2link.fix | 1 | 1351 | 7 | 830909 | Fixes to the L2 linker |
493 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | load.cq | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | LOAD.COM compatible utility in BDS-C |
494 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | lpr.cq | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | Line printer formatter in BDS-C |
495 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | lprint.cq | 1 | 896 | 8 | 850209 | Lprintf and lputs functions for BDS-C |
496 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | makovl.cq | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 850209 | Overlay builder/manager for BDS-C |
497 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | nl2.cq | 1 | 16256 | 8 | 850209 | Improved BDS-C CRL linker |
498 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | ph.cq | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | Punch Hex |
499 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | portio.h | 1 | 366 | 7 | 830909 | Port I/O routines for BDS-C |
500 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | scott.cq | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 850209 | Scott Layson's personal misc. BDS-C library |
501 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | teled12.cq | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 850209 | Telecomm. program with MODEM xfer |
502 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | teled12.dqc | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | Telecomm. program with MODEM xfer |
503 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | uniq.cq | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 850209 | Report repeated lines in a file |
504 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | untip.cq | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 850209 | Modify ITS captured files for CP/M format |
505 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | wavy.cq | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | H19 wavy lines display |
506 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-2/ | xc.cq | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 850209 | A 'C' concordance utility |
507 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | alph.cq | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Alphabetize a file by lines |
508 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | append1.cq | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Append a file to another file |
509 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | cat.cq | 1 | 896 | 8 | 850209 | Concatenate two or more files |
510 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | cdir.cq | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | Change user numbers using names |
511 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | cio.cq | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Raw console I/O for BDS-C |
512 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | cp.cq | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Copy files between disks/user areas |
513 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | echo.cq | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 850209 | Display computed command line |
514 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | fp.cq | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | Find a pattern in a file |
515 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | fs.cq | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 850209 | Find a string in a file |
516 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | lcheck.cq | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 850209 | Check nesting of braces in a BDS-C program |
517 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | long1.cq | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | 32-bit long signed integer package |
518 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | long1.cqm | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | 32-bit long signed integer package |
519 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | long1.crl | 1 | 2560 | 7 | 850209 | 32-bit long signed integer package |
520 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | long1.dqc | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 850209 | 32-bit long signed integer package |
521 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | pat.cq | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | Pattern search utility |
522 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | pat.h | 1 | 1563 | 7 | 830909 | Pattern search utility |
523 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | qsort.tip | 1 | 1247 | 7 | 830909 | Tips on how to use BDS-C qsort function |
524 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | rm.cq | 1 | 640 | 8 | 850209 | Remove listed files |
525 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | rmf.cq | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 850209 | Remove file names w/multiple extensions |
526 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | rmx.cq | 1 | 896 | 8 | 850209 | Remove multiple files w/given extension |
527 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | sample.cqm | 1 | 768 | 8 | 850209 | Sample function in CSM format |
528 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | sd.cq | 1 | 640 | 8 | 850209 | Front end for sid |
529 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | sort3.cq | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850209 | Sort/Merge from Software Tools |
530 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | stdlib.dqc | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C Standard Library summary |
531 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | stripc.cq | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Strip comments from ASM source |
532 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | symp.cq | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Alphabetize symbols from ASM86 file |
533 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | usercode.cq | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Extend CP/M filenames to include user |
534 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | v143.dqc | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C User's Guide Addenda |
535 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | v144.dqc | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C User's Guide Addenda |
536 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | v145.dqc | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C User's Guide Addenda |
537 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | v146.dqc | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C User's Guide Addenda |
538 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | v150-2.dqc | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C New Features |
539 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-3/ | wc.cq | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 850209 | Count characters |
540 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | acrl.lbr | 1 | 36992 | 8 | 880107 | Assembler for use with BDS-C |
541 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | append.cq | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Append a file to another file |
542 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | bdslib.ark | 1 | 16989 | 8 | 880104 | Standard C Library for BDS-C 1.5 |
543 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | config12.com | 1 | 18816 | 8 | 850209 | Configure TVI950 terminal attributes |
544 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | config12.cq | 1 | 16128 | 8 | 850209 | Configure TVI950 terminal attributes |
545 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | curly.ark | 1 | 4552 | 8 | 870818 | Check for unmatched curly braces |
546 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | device.cq | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850209 | Assign mnemonic names to CP/M devices |
547 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | di.cq | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Compare 2 text files for differences |
548 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | nro.cq | 1 | 32256 | 8 | 850209 | Nroff |
549 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | tail.cq | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | Print last several lines in a text file |
550 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | tinit.cq | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | Initialize a TVI950 to desired state |
551 | pub/ | cpm/bdsc-4/ | ucsdtran.cq | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 850209 | UCSD p-system to CP/M disk conversion |
552 | pub/ | cpm/benchmark/ | jetprime.lbr | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 870124 | Super-fast version of Byte's SIEVE |
553 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bg-revu.tzt | 1 | 14464 | 8 | 870924 | Review of BackGrounder II |
554 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bg2wyse.lbr | 1 | 28288 | 8 | 870813 | Wyse terminal driver for BG-II |
555 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgecp.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870322 | BackGrounder ECP loader |
556 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgh19scr.lbr | 1 | 15488 | 8 | 870227 | HEATH-19 screen driver source for BG |
557 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bghist04.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870915 | BGii History Shell w/ZEX fix |
558 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgii-if.tzt | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 880712 | Info. about flow control with BG II |
559 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgiidem3.lbr | 1 | 142720 | 8 | 870515 | Demo version of super OS enhancement |
560 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgiidrv.lbr | 1 | 59776 | 8 | 870322 | drivers for BackGrounder ii |
561 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgiifact.txt | 1 | 3117 | 7 | 870124 | Fact sheet on Backgrounder ii |
562 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgiipcpi.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 861229 | How to implement BG ii with PCPI AppliCard |
563 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgk84scr.lbr | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 870227 | Source for Kaypro '84 screen driver |
564 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgquick.lbr | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 870426 | Ease loading of BackGrounder w/ZCPR3 |
565 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgqwkswp.inf | 1 | 1265 | 7 | 870227 | Hints for speedy BG ii swapping |
566 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | bgscreen.dzc | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 870910 | Info to BackGrounder screen drivers |
567 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | dealers.bz2 | 1 | 512 | 8 | 870924 | BackGrounder dealer list |
568 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | kugel.dzc | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 870421 | Review of BackGrounder ii |
569 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | ocp145c.lbr | 1 | 29824 | 8 | 870322 | OCP for BackGrounder ii (Prelim.) |
570 | pub/ | cpm/bkground/ | sapp52.lbr | 1 | 23424 | 8 | 870316 | Sort and pack BGII CP/M directory |
571 | pub/ | cpm/bondwell/ | bondwel2.mqr | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 860718 | More info about the Bondwell-2 |
572 | pub/ | cpm/bondwell/ | bondwel2.rqv | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 860718 | Bondwell 2 laptop computer review |
573 | pub/ | cpm/bondwell/ | bw2-comm.lbr | 1 | 165504 | 8 | 870509 | Communications set up for Bondwell 2 |
574 | pub/ | cpm/bondwell/ | bw2info.tzt | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 870523 | Port/pin info for Bondwell 2 |
575 | pub/ | cpm/bondwell/ | bw2util1.lbr | 1 | 65280 | 8 | 870322 | Utilities for the Bondwell 2 laptop |
576 | pub/ | cpm/bsr-x10/ | x-10.lbr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 870124 | X-10 wireless controller interface |
577 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | rqpatch.aqm | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 850209 | Patching BSTAM for remote use |
578 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | tqpatch.aqm | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850209 | Patching BSTAM for remote use |
579 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | uapple.aqm | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Apple CP/M overlay for BSTAM |
580 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | uh89-j30.aqm | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | HZ89 overlay for BSTAM |
581 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | uhayes2.aqm | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 850209 | Hayes S100 modem overlay for BSTAM |
582 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | uhp125.aqm | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | HP125 overlay for BSTAM |
583 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | uhs46.aqm | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Horizon serial port BSTAM overlay |
584 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | uims.aqm | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | Industrial Microsys. BSTAM overlay |
585 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | uioprts3.aqm | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 850209 | Generalized USART overlay for BSTAM |
586 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | ukaypro.aqm | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Kaypro overlay for BSTAM |
587 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | umorrow.aqm | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | Morrow overlay for BSTAM |
588 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | upmmi2.aqm | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 850209 | PMMI S100 modem overlay for BSTAM |
589 | pub/ | cpm/bstam/ | utelevid.aqm | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | TeleVideo overlay for BSTAM |
590 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | asmb3.sub | 1 | 1541 | 7 | 850318 | Submit file for compiling BYE3xx |
591 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3ac-2.iqs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Novation Apple-Cat |
592 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3ad-2.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for AD Super Six CPU board |
593 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3am-2.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Ampro 'Little Board' |
594 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3ap-2.iqs | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Apple Mountain CPS |
595 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3b2-0.iqs | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Big Board II |
596 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-5832.iqs | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 851117 | Generic OKI MSM5832 clock routine for BYE3 |
597 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-6242.lbr | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 850823 | Generic OKI MSM6242 clock routine for BYE3 |
598 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-bbii.iqs | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for Big Board II |
599 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-bin.iqs | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for Zilog Z80A CTC |
600 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-cw.iqs | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for CompuTime/QT clock card |
601 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-dd.iqs | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for Digital Dynamics card |
602 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-kct.iqs | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for Kenmore Z80 piggyback |
603 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-kp4.iqs | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for KayPro 4-84 |
604 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-kpro.iqs | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for Kaypro 2 w/Pro-Clock |
605 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-leg2.iqs | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for Kaypro w/Legacy RTC |
606 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-qx10.iqs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for QX-10 RTC |
607 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-ss1.iqs | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for System Support 1 |
608 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3c-xero.iqs | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 time insert for Xerox 820-II |
609 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3cc-2.iqs | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for CCS-2719 and SDS Z80-SIO |
610 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3cmp1.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Cermetek Infomate 212A |
611 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3cp-2.iqs | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for CompuPro Interfacer 3 |
612 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3cpmp1.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850815 | BYE3 insert for Cermetek Infomate 212A |
613 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3dp-2.iqs | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Datapoint 1560 |
614 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3ea-2.iqs | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Eagle II and Eagle III |
615 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3ep-1.iqs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Epson QX-10 |
616 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3h8-2.iqs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Heath H89 |
617 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3hz-2.iqs | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Heath/Zenith-100 |
618 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3kp-2.iqs | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Kaypro 2/4/10 |
619 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3md-2.iqs | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Morrow Micro Decision |
620 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3os-2.iqs | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Osborne OS-1 |
621 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3ov-2.iqs | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Osborne Vixen |
622 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3ph-2.iqs | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Philips 'Happy Man' P2000C |
623 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3pmmi-4.aqm | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 851209 | BYE3 insert for PMMI S100 modem card |
624 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3r1-2.iqs | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for TRS-80 Model I |
625 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3r2-2.iqs | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for TRS-80 Models 2/12/16/16B |
626 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3r3-2.iqs | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for TRS-80 Model III |
627 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3r4-2.iqs | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for TRS-80 Model IV and IV GA |
628 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3sa-2.iqs | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Sanyo MBC1200/1250 |
629 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3sb-2.iqs | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Intertec Superbrain |
630 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3tv-2.iqs | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for TeleVideo TS-802 |
631 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3us-2.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for US Robotics S100 modem |
632 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3xe-2.iqs | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Xerox 820 |
633 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | b3zb-3.iqs | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 851117 | BYE3 insert for Zorba |
634 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | bye3-ins.inf | 1 | 2287 | 7 | 851117 | Information on installing BYE3 |
635 | pub/ | cpm/bye3/ | bye339.lbr | 1 | 127872 | 8 | 851202 | Remote control of a CP/M system (for RCP/M) |
636 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | autokmd.lbr | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 880412 | Update the KMD.LOG offline |
637 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5-clock.lbr | 1 | 73600 | 8 | 860309 | Clock inserts for BYE5 |
638 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5-dssw.izs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 871211 | SMARTWATCH insert for BYE510 |
639 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5-time.iqf | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 860830 | Information about BYE5 time inserts |
640 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5a7-1.izs | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 871003 | BYE5 insert - Apple ][ w/CCS 7710 |
641 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5aa-3.iqs | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 860910 | BYE5 insert for Apple/Applicard/SSC |
642 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ab-1.iqs | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 860910 | BYE5 insert for Apple/ALS card/SSC |
643 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ab-3.iqs | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 861231 | BYE5 insert - Apple ALS/SSC card |
644 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ac-1.iqs | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 860514 | BYE5 insert for Apple/Soft/Applecat |
645 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ad-1.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 860514 | Adv. Digital SuprQuad insrt for BYE5 |
646 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5al-1.iqs | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 861130 | BYE5 Insert - Altos 5000 and 8000 |
647 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5am-1.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 860514 | Ampro Little Board insert for BYE5 |
648 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5an-1.iqs | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 861130 | BYE5 Insert - Apple ][+ |
649 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ap-2.iqs | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 860514 | AppleII/Mtn CPS ser. insert for BYE5 |
650 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5as-2.iqs | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 860910 | BYE5 insert for Apple/Softcard/SSC |
651 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5b2-2.iqs | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 861231 | BYE5 insert - Big Board II |
652 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5c-ds.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 880527 | BYE5 clock insert for DateStamper |
653 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5c-eve.izs | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 871020 | BYE 5.0 clock insert for Coleco Adam |
654 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5c-icm.iqs | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 860927 | BYE5 clock insert - Intersil ICM7170 |
655 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5c-kpav.izs | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 880312 | BYE5 clock overlay - Kaypro Advent |
656 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5c-lb36.izs | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 880216 | BYE Clock Insert for Ampro BIOS Clk |
657 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5c-sb.izs | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 861221 | BYE5 clock insert for SB180 |
658 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5c-tv1.iqs | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 861231 | BYE5 insert - TeleVideo 803H |
659 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5c8-2e.iqs | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 861115 | BYE5 insert for Commodore 128 |
660 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5cc-1.iqs | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 860514 | CCS2719/Sierra DatSci insrt for BYE5 |
661 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5cm-1.iqs | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 860514 | Cermetek Infomate 212a insert BYE5 |
662 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5cp-1.iqs | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 860514 | CompuPro Int3/4 |
663 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5dc-1.iqs | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 860514 | AppleII/Hayes MM100/80-103 inst BYE5 |
664 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5dp-1.iqs | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 860514 | Datapoint insert for BYE5 |
665 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ea-2.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 860514 | BYE5 Insert - Eagle III and III |
666 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ea-3.iqs | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 861130 | BYE5 Insert - Eagle IIE Series |
667 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ep-1.iqs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 860514 | Epson QX-10 insert for BYE5 |
668 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5eq-2.iqs | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 860514 | BYE5 Insert - Insight Enterprises EQ-4 |
669 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5eq-3.iqs | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 861130 | BYE5 Insert - Insight Enterprises |
670 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5h8-2.iqs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 861129 | BYE5 Insert - Heath H89 |
671 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5hz-1.iqs | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 860514 | Heath/Zenith 100 insert for BYE5 |
672 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5kp-1.iqs | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 860514 | KayPro insert for BYE5 |
673 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5lo-1.iqs | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 860514 | Lobo insert for BYE5 |
674 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5md-1.iqs | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 860514 | Morrow MicroDecision insert BYE5 |
675 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5mh-3.iqs | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 860514 | Morrow MD5 |
676 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5mh-5.iqs | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 861231 | BYE5 insert - Morrow |
677 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5mm-1.iqs | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 860514 | MicroMint SB180 insert for BYE5 |
678 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5mt-1.iqs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 861130 | BYE5 Insert - Memotech SDX-512 |
679 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5nh-1.izs | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870121 | BYE5 Insert - North Star Horizon |
680 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ns-4.iqs | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 860514 | NS Horizon & Advantage insert BYE5 |
681 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ns-7.iqs | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 861231 | BYE5 insert-NorthStar Horizon/Advntg |
682 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5os-3.iqs | 1 | 14720 | 8 | 861130 | BYE5 Insert - Osborne OS-1 |
683 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ov-1.iqs | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 860514 | Osborne Vixon insert for BYE5 |
684 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ox-2.iqs | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 860830 | Osborne Executive insert for BYE5 |
685 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5ph-1.iqs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 860514 | Philips P2000C insert for BYE5 |
686 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5r1-1.iqs | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 860514 | TRS-80 model I insert for BYE5 |
687 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5r2-1.iqs | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 860514 | RS II |
688 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5r3-1.iqs | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 860514 | TRS-80 Model III insert for BYE5 |
689 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5r4-1.iqs | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 860514 | TRS80 Model IV insert for BYE5 |
690 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5sb-2.iqs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 860514 | InterTek Super Brain overlay for BYE |
691 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5sp-1.izs | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 870121 | BYE5 Insert - Adam with EVE SP1 |
692 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5sv-1.iqs | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 860514 | BYE5 insert - Servo-8 SBC |
693 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5sy-1.iqs | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 861128 | BYE5 Insert - Sanyo 1000/1100/1200 |
694 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5tv-3.iqs | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 860514 | BYE5 insert - TeleVideo 802/803/804 |
695 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5tvh-2.izs | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 870121 | BYE5 Insert - TeleVideo 803H |
696 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5us-1.iqs | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 860514 | USRobotics S-100 modem insert BYE5 |
697 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5xe-1.iqs | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 860514 | Xerox 820 insert for BYE5 |
698 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | b5zb-4.iqs | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 861130 | BYE5 Insert - Zorba |
699 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | by96hst.mzd | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 881216 | Mods to BYE510 for Courier HST modem |
700 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | bye5-ins.lqt | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 860830 | Listing of available BYE5 inserts |
701 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | bye510.fix | 1 | 2381 | 7 | 860810 | Fix to BYE510 with local keyboard |
702 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | bye510.fx2 | 1 | 1431 | 7 | 860924 | Fix to BYE5 when using RBBS |
703 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | bye510.lbr | 1 | 174208 | 8 | 860830 | Remote CP/M console from modem |
704 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | bye520.lbr | 1 | 179072 | 8 | 900401 | Remote CP/M console from modem |
705 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | bye5call.bak | 1 | 3195 | 7 | 850928 | Proposed addition to BYE5 allowing callback |
706 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | ffor.aqm | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 860713 | Shows description of uploaded files |
707 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | kmd.hqp | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 860418 | Instructions for using the KMD pgm. |
708 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | kmd23.lbr | 1 | 115968 | 8 | 880114 | File transfer program for RCP/M |
709 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | kmdrsx.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 860806 | CP/M-Plus RSX enhances KMD use |
710 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | new06.aqm | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 860713 | Reports new uploads from KMD log |
711 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | ozbye510.dqc | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 860930 | Installing BYE on the Osborne |
712 | pub/ | cpm/bye5/ | whatsn05.lbr | 1 | 20352 | 8 | 860418 | Reads XMODEM.LOG |
713 | pub/ | cpm/c/ | c-beaut.lbr | 1 | 26752 | 8 | 870227 | A 'C' source statement beautifier |
714 | pub/ | cpm/c/ | ccheck.lbr | 1 | 16000 | 8 | 870318 | Checks syntax of C source statements |
715 | pub/ | cpm/c/ | ebcdic.cq | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 851209 | C code to convert ASCII<->EBCDIC |
716 | pub/ | cpm/c/ | mfile.lbr | 1 | 12032 | 8 | 870706 | Use many files concurrently in 'C' |
717 | pub/ | cpm/c/ | sci-12.ark | 1 | 33536 | 8 | 861216 | Small-C Interpreter - version 1.2 |
718 | pub/ | cpm/c/ | xc1e.lbr | 1 | 27904 | 8 | 870614 | 'C' cross-reference utility |
719 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | 64convrt | 1 | 11136 | 7 | 860203 | No description available |
720 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | 801prt11.lbr | 1 | 27136 | 8 | 860908 | Lists files on MPS801/803/1525 prntr |
721 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | asciisys.lbr | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 861225 | Converts C128 Dec. 6 system to ASCII |
722 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | b5c8-2.iqs | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 860813 | BYE5 insert -- Commodore C128 |
723 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | b5c8-2e.iqs | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 861115 | BYE5 insert for Commodore 128 |
724 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | bios-r62.for | 1 | 666 | 7 | 940329 | C128 BIOS-R6 Release 2 brief description |
725 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | bios-r62.lbr | 1 | 148224 | 8 | 940329 | C128 BIOS-R6 Release 2 executable & source |
726 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | bios4mod.lbr | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 871018 | Add serial printer on BIOS4 for C128 |
727 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | biosr4.ark | 1 | 100361 | 8 | 871003 | Commodore C128 CP/M enhanced BIOS |
728 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | bye-on.1z8 | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 870712 | Setting up an RCP/M-BBS on a C-128 |
729 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | bye128.lbr | 1 | 46976 | 8 | 861204 | Files for running BYE on the C-128 |
730 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | bye1670e.lbr | 1 | 23168 | 8 | 861216 | Run BYE on C128 and 1670 modem |
731 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128-mex.com | 1 | 24576 | 8 | 861107 | MEX 114 set up for the C-128 |
732 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128-new.doc | 1 | 11961 | 7 | 860203 | Fix for C128 BIOS modem support |
733 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128-new.irv | 1 | 2466 | 7 | 860203 | Updating C128 BIOS to support modem |
734 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128-xgr.for | 1 | 310 | 7 | 940329 | C128 Z3 Termcap w / character graphics desc. |
735 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128-xgr.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 940329 | C128 Z3 Termcap binary & source code |
736 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128beta.rzp | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 870131 | C128 CP/M+ Beta-Tester's report |
737 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128bye.ark | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 870629 | C-128 BYE for PBBS on A: drive |
738 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128cmpt.dzc | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870920 | Disk/Data transfer programs for C128 |
739 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128cnf3.lbr | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 860810 | Commodore C128 CP/M configuration program |
740 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128sys.ark | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 870630 | C-128 system for use with BBS |
741 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c128tvx2.ark | 1 | 147497 | 8 | 860813 | Full screen text editor for C-128 |
742 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c1571-2.com | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 860812 | Commodore C128 disk write speedup #2 |
743 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | c8filcpy.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 860813 | Copies files using virtual drive E: |
744 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | clock128.lbr | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 880106 | Use RightTime clock to set C128 time |
745 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | commodor.tzt | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880130 | Commodore/Kaypro compatibility |
746 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | cp4-c128.lbr | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 860701 | KERMIT 4.05 for the Commodore C-128 |
747 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | cpmprmr1.tqt | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 860812 | CP/M+ Primer -- The DIR command |
748 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | cpmprmr2.tqt | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 860907 | CP/M+ Primer -- Part 2 |
749 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | cpmprmr3.tqt | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 861008 | CP/M Plus primer -- Part 3 |
750 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | format2.com | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870217 | Format IBM |
751 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | format2.doc | 1 | 277 | 7 | 870707 | Format IBM |
752 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | format81.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 870918 | Format the 1581 on C128 under CP/M |
753 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | giunti.tqt | 1 | 12032 | 8 | 861107 | Conference transcript of 10/29/86 |
754 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | htk20.zip | 1 | 19427 | 8 | 961002 | C128 Hackers Toolkit |
755 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | i2c8-2.azm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Commodore C128 |
756 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | imp-c8.com | 1 | 18688 | 8 | 870621 | IMP245 configured for Commodore C128 |
757 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | jugg34.zip | 1 | 50909 | 8 | 961002 | Jugg'ler-128 |
758 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | kaypro.rsx | 1 | 640 | 7 | 860203 | KAYPRO video routines for C-128 |
759 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | key128-2.ark | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 870621 | Save key configurations on C-128 |
760 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | m7-c1660.aqm | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 860908 | MDM7 overlay--C128 |
761 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | m7-c1670.aqm | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 860908 | MDM7 overlay for C128 and 1670 modem |
762 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | mex.hlp | 1 | 52992 | 7 | 860203 | Help file for use with MEX114 |
763 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | mexhelp.dzc | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 870712 | A short tutorial on MEX.COM |
764 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | mload25.czm | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 880312 | Easy user overlay patching for MEX |
765 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | mxm-c128.aqm | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 860203 | MEX overlay - Commodore C-128 |
766 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | mxo-c128.aqm | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 860203 | MEX overlay - Commodore C-128 |
767 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | new2cpm.doc | 1 | 6380 | 7 | 871013 | GEnie Help File for C-128 CP/Mers |
768 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | newsys.com | 1 | 27136 | 8 | 860203 | CP/M+ update to support RS232 USER port |
769 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | pbbs8com.ark | 1 | 66816 | 8 | 870630 | C-128 PBBS COM files for A0: & A14: |
770 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | pip-help.tzt | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 870729 | Help file for PIP |
771 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | rampak.ark | 1 | 135552 | 8 | 870712 | C128 ramdisk utils with PROFILE.SUB |
772 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | rampak.dzc | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 870712 | C128 ramdisk utils with PROFILE.SUB |
773 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | rampakd.ark | 1 | 77568 | 8 | 870712 | Documents for RAMPAK Utilities |
774 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | rdcbm21.lbr | 1 | 18816 | 8 | 870927 | C-128 DOS to CP/M file copier |
775 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | rdms233c.lbr | 1 | 47104 | 8 | 861101 | Read MSDOS disks on Commodore C128 |
776 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | rdskinfo.doc | 1 | 2042 | 7 | 871013 | How to set C128 ramdisk drive letter |
777 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | scram20.zip | 1 | 19288 | 8 | 961002 | Scram'bler 128 |
778 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | sgtool10.lbr | 1 | 26880 | 8 | 940512 | Steve Goldsmith's C=128 tools for HI-Tech 'C' |
779 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | sgtool11.lbr | 1 | 36608 | 8 | 940512 | Steve Goldsmith's C=128 tools for HI-Tech 'C' |
780 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | sgtool12.lbr | 1 | 56576 | 8 | 940512 | Steve Goldsmith's C=128 tools for HI-Tech 'C' |
781 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | sgtool13.lbr | 1 | 69120 | 8 | 940512 | Steve Goldsmith's C=128 tools for HI-Tech 'C' |
782 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | sigmv800.ark | 1 | 185216 | 8 | 870718 | SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #1 |
783 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | sigmv801.ark | 1 | 198272 | 8 | 870718 | SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #2 |
784 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | spzap128.ark | 1 | 55185 | 8 | 871210 | C-128 full-screen disk editor |
785 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | tbohires.pzs | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 871030 | 80 column graphics for C128 CP/M |
786 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | unidrive.lbr | 1 | 20480 | 8 | 861117 | Use more CP/M disk formats on C-128 |
787 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | vde-c128.ark | 1 | 91903 | 8 | 890204 | VDE266 for the Commodore C=128 |
788 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | vdo-c128.lbr | 1 | 18816 | 8 | 870910 | VDO memory based editor for C-128 |
789 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | whycpm.doc | 1 | 7820 | 7 | 871013 | Article on C128 CP/M+ features |
790 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | wordstar.iqf | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 860907 | Customizing WordStar on the C-128 |
791 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | ws-c128.azm | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 871018 | Set C128 video attr/delays for WS4.0 |
792 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | zccp.for | 1 | 95 | 7 | 940329 | ZCCP brief description |
793 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | zccpc128.ark | 1 | 27879 | 8 | 940329 | Files to bring up ZCCP on a C128 |
794 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | zccpc128.for | 1 | 101 | 7 | 940329 | Brief description of C128 ZCCP files |
795 | pub/ | cpm/c128/ | zccpdoc.doc | 1 | 13063 | 7 | 940329 | ZCCP documentation |
796 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | c64-cpm.msg | 1 | 1615 | 7 | 840314 | Background on CP/M on the Commodore C-64 |
797 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | c64modem.com | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Simple C-64 CP/M modem comm. with Xmodem |
798 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | c64modem.doc | 1 | 4199 | 7 | 840210 | Simple C-64 CP/M modem comm. with Xmodem |
799 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | charedit.com | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 850209 | Customize soft80 character set on C-64 CP/M |
800 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | charedit.inf | 1 | 661 | 7 | 841003 | Customize soft80 character set on C-64 CP/M |
801 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | md730c64.com | 1 | 19200 | 8 | 850209 | Port of MODEM 730 to C-64 CP/M |
802 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | md730c64.doc | 1 | 2192 | 7 | 841002 | Port of MODEM 730 to C-64 CP/M |
803 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | rptpat1.asm | 1 | 2909 | 7 | 841003 | Add automatic key repeat to C-64 CP/M |
804 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | soft80.com | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | 80 column display for C-64 CP/M |
805 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | soft80.doc | 1 | 7232 | 7 | 841003 | 80 column display for C-64 CP/M |
806 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | term-v2.c1 | 1 | 20331 | 7 | 850621 | C-64 BASIC modem comm. program |
807 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | term-v2.msg | 1 | 814 | 7 | 850621 | C-64 BASIC modem comm. program |
808 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | tvbios.asm | 1 | 8707 | 7 | 841003 | Televideo 920 term. emulation for C-64 CP/M |
809 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | vdo.com | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | VDO text editor |
810 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | vdo.doc | 1 | 11821 | 7 | 841002 | VDO text editor |
811 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | vicxmodm.bas | 1 | 5748 | 7 | 841229 | VIC-20 BASIC Xmodem program |
812 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | vicxmodm.msg | 1 | 852 | 7 | 841229 | VIC-20 BASIC Xmodem program |
813 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | xmodem64.ans | 1 | 847 | 7 | 841010 | Answer to xmodem64.bug |
814 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | xmodem64.bas | 1 | 5113 | 7 | 840829 | C-64 BASIC Xmodem modem file transfer |
815 | pub/ | cpm/c64/ | xmodem64.bug | 1 | 779 | 7 | 840831 | C-64 BASIC Xmodem modem file transfer |
816 | pub/ | cpm/c80/ | c80fns.cq | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | New functions for Software Toolworks C/80 C |
817 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | adm3rpn.lbr | 1 | 29056 | 8 | 870725 | Full-screen RPN calc for ADM-3 |
818 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | annuity.ark | 1 | 11907 | 8 | 870927 | Calc. missing variable in annuities |
819 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | baseconv.lbr | 1 | 16256 | 8 | 880124 | Convert numbers to other bases |
820 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | bigcal22.lbr | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 870924 | Produce wall sized calendar |
821 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | calc224.lbr | 1 | 30976 | 8 | 870719 | Interactive expression evaluator |
822 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | calc32.lbr | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 880324 | Calculator does 32 bit arithmetic |
823 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | hp11.lbr | 1 | 22912 | 8 | 890813 | HP-like calculator |
824 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | hpcalc12.lbr | 1 | 37120 | 8 | 870829 | Full function HP calculator |
825 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | julian.lbr | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 870131 | Set current date on dBASEII menu top |
826 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | rpncalc.lbr | 1 | 36224 | 8 | 870912 | RPN calculator - w/command stg. |
827 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | stackalc.bzs | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 870725 | RPN Calculator in MTBasic |
828 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | stardate.lbr | 1 | 69248 | 8 | 870131 | Calendar/almanac/astronomical calc. |
829 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | unit.lbr | 1 | 28800 | 8 | 871206 | Units conversion program |
830 | pub/ | cpm/calculator/ | units.lbr | 1 | 23808 | 8 | 870115 | Convert units of measurements |
831 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | bbcat10.lbr | 1 | 26240 | 8 | 850807 | Display catalogs of bback622 backup files |
832 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | cat2.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 850209 | Wild card search MAST.CAT for files |
833 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | catla10.lbr | 1 | 56704 | 8 | 880510 | Catalog library and archive files |
834 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | ccat26.lbr | 1 | 28544 | 8 | 860119 | Compare two MAST.LST for duplicates |
835 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | crcbuild.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 850209 | Build SIG/M -CATALOG format file |
836 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | dcat10.lbr | 1 | 15232 | 8 | 851007 | A MCAT cross reference utility |
837 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | disknum.lbr | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 880106 | Create null file -disk.nnn numbers |
838 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | dmaster.lbr | 1 | 24320 | 8 | 870827 | dBase file maintenance program |
839 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | dsklabl1.lbr | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 870214 | Print label showing files on disk |
840 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | dsklbl16.lbr | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 870206 | Makes labels for your disk |
841 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | fatcat24.lbr | 1 | 157824 | 8 | 860614 | Buffered multi-disk catalog program |
842 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | fatcat2x.bug | 1 | 921 | 7 | 860625 | FATCAT problem report and fix |
843 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | fatcatsb.lbr | 1 | 40192 | 8 | 870426 | Disk cataloging with SB180 w/ZCPR3 |
844 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | find54.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 860309 | Find text string(s) in text file(s) |
845 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | fml.lbr | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 860818 | Fast catalog and phone list search |
846 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | kprtlstp.lbr | 1 | 27776 | 8 | 860602 | Print MAST.LST in 3 column form |
847 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | label.aqm | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 860518 | Prints a directory on any size label |
848 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | lcat20.lbr | 1 | 56320 | 8 | 870801 | Library Cataloging Utility ver 2.0 |
849 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | lstool11.lbr | 1 | 40832 | 8 | 860407 | Read two MAST.LST to show dup files |
850 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | m-xcat5.msg | 1 | 2410 | 7 | 851221 | Announcement of enhanced MCAT/XCAT |
851 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | mcat45.lbr | 1 | 83968 | 8 | 851123 | Catalog maintenance utilities |
852 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | mcat505.lbr | 1 | 100864 | 8 | 851213 | Enhanced disk cataloging program |
853 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | numberit.lbr | 1 | 9600 | 8 | 861216 | Prepare disks for cataloging program |
854 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | organizr.lbr | 1 | 61056 | 8 | 871220 | 'The Organizer' disk file cataloguer |
855 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | printlst.lbr | 1 | 39552 | 8 | 850209 | Print MAST.LST in 3 column form |
856 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | prntdf10.lbr | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 870208 | Keep track of user group disks |
857 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | volnum.lbr | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 860910 | Labels disks to use with cataloging |
858 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | xcat43.lbr | 1 | 30592 | 8 | 851123 | Create cross-referenced disk catalog |
859 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | xcat502.lbr | 1 | 81664 | 8 | 851213 | Enhanced disk cataloging program |
860 | pub/ | cpm/catlog/ | yayanc02.lbr | 1 | 30592 | 8 | 870103 | File catalog program in 'C' |
861 | pub/ | cpm/cb80/ | cap-cb80.ark | 1 | 18115 | 8 | 840202 | Map CB80 reserved words upper case |
862 | pub/ | cpm/cb80/ | cbtod.aqm | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | CB80 2.0 time/date replacement modul |
863 | pub/ | cpm/cbios/ | acibs1k.ark | 1 | 33356 | 8 | 891108 | CBIOS for ALSPA |
864 | pub/ | cpm/cbios/ | cnkyos22.lbr | 1 | 75392 | 8 | 871212 | BIOS for Columbia M64 |
865 | pub/ | cpm/cbios/ | dvrpatch.aqm | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850209 | Temporary alternate console driver |
866 | pub/ | cpm/cbios/ | fifos.mzc | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 880409 | Example for adding interrupts to I/O |
867 | pub/ | cpm/cbios/ | lstpatch.aqm | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 850209 | Patch CP/M for temporary list driver |
868 | pub/ | cpm/cbios/ | savbios.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 871104 | Save new BIOS for Montezuma Micro |
869 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | 22public.asm | 1 | 2471 | 7 | 830909 | CP/M 2.2 patch to make user 0 public |
870 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | 22public.bug | 1 | 1953 | 7 | 880304 | Suggestions on how to improve 22public |
871 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | autoboot.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 870308 | Autoboot a command at start up |
872 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | autox.asm | 1 | 1552 | 7 | 830909 | Using autostart to launch a command |
873 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | ccpchain.lbr | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 861012 | Chains assembly language programs |
874 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | ccppatch.asm | 1 | 839 | 7 | 830909 | Patch to make CCP look on A: for pgms |
875 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | cmdln11a.lbr | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880124 | Execute program when system boots |
876 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | epex11.ark | 1 | 61952 | 8 | 860506 | Advanced CP/M 2.2 oper. environment |
877 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | epex11.nqt | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 860601 | EPEX problem notice |
878 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | ezalias3.lbr | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 870730 | Construct alias files for EZCPR |
879 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | ezcpr.lbr | 1 | 59008 | 8 | 850209 | Ready-to-run ZCPR subset. |
880 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | hist197.azt | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 870816 | Author's article/info on HIST197 |
881 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | hist197.lbr | 1 | 45952 | 8 | 870515 | Recall last 9 CP/M command lines |
882 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | logon12.lbr | 1 | 29056 | 8 | 850209 | Command line menu/password utility |
883 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | patchcpm.lbr | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850617 | Multiple patches for CP/M 2.2 |
884 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | protccp.lbr | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 870215 | Protect CCP from being overwritten |
885 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | xtcpm15.lbr | 1 | 29184 | 8 | 850617 | Patch to CPM to allow du:file syntax |
886 | pub/ | cpm/ccp/ | z80ccp.ark | 1 | 19085 | 8 | 880314 | Z80 CCP replacement - Enhanced CCP |
887 | pub/ | cpm/cdrom/ | cdzswp10.lbr | 1 | 68992 | 8 | 971026 | Read CD-ROMs natively, includes driver src. |
888 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | bproto.lbr | 1 | 54272 | 8 | 861130 | Doc. and C source of CIS B implementation |
889 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | bufexc.aqm | 1 | 19456 | 8 | 850209 | CIS Executive for CP/M |
890 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | cis-sys.dqc | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | Historical info. about downloading from CIS |
891 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | cisquick.dqc | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | How to set up CIS to use CP-MIG |
892 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | dow12.com | 1 | 896 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M support for CIS A protocol |
893 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | dow12.mqc | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M support for CIS A protocol |
894 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | dowpmm.dif | 1 | 2063 | 7 | 830909 | No description available |
895 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | mnexec.dqc | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | MicroNet Executive for CIS |
896 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | protcisa.tzt | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 870705 | Revised CIS A protocol notes |
897 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | protoc.cqs | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850209 | Protocol notes for CIS A |
898 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | upload12.com | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Upload util. for CIS A protocol |
899 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | upload12.mqc | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 850209 | Upload util. for CIS A protocol |
900 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | uppmmi.dif | 1 | 2179 | 7 | 830909 | No description available |
901 | pub/ | cpm/cis/ | vidtex.ark | 1 | 23424 | 8 | 870322 | Unsupported CIS term. emulator |
902 | pub/ | cpm/clock/ | lb-tstp1.lbr | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 880117 | Install date/time in source code |
903 | pub/ | cpm/clock/ | mdclck13.lbr | 1 | 81280 | 8 | 880106 | Info to install clock for Morrow MD |
904 | pub/ | cpm/clock/ | no-slot.lbr | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 870718 | Set/display time on no-slot clock |
905 | pub/ | cpm/clock/ | noslt20.lbr | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 871029 | Read and set no-slot clock |
906 | pub/ | cpm/cobol/ | cobol21.ark | 1 | 60800 | 8 | 861012 | NPS Micro-COBOL compiler ver. 2.1 |
907 | pub/ | cpm/comal/ | dem2cmal.lbr | 1 | 93824 | 8 | 870614 | Comal-80/Z80 demo update |
908 | pub/ | cpm/comnd/ | comnd004.ark | 1 | 72114 | 8 | 860617 | TOPS20-style command parsing/Aztec-C |
909 | pub/ | cpm/conix/ | conix.lbr | 1 | 212096 | 8 | 861008 | Extension to CP/M operating system |
910 | pub/ | cpm/conix/ | nuluz15.lbr | 1 | 25728 | 8 | 871123 | Uncrunching LBR utility for ConIX |
911 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | bankrsx.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 860119 | RSX for SID to access banked memory |
912 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | bankswap.lbr | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 851218 | Provides access to alternate memory |
913 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | bds-bios.csm | 1 | 1234 | 7 | 840411 | BDS-C bios/biosh functions for CP/M+ |
914 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | bios2rsx.lbr | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 850617 | CP/M 2.2 BIOS support for CP/M-Plus |
915 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | bios3.aqm | 1 | 22016 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M+ BIOS and loader BIOS for DJ2D cntrl. |
916 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | ccp105p.ark | 1 | 126592 | 8 | 861023 | A CCP replacement for CP/M Plus |
917 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | chn31.lbr | 1 | 16512 | 8 | 880106 | Chain CP/M+ multiple COM files |
918 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm+.hzp | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 880216 | Help for CP/M Plus commands |
919 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm22em.azm | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 870812 | Emulate CP/M 2.2 for CP/M 3 systems |
920 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm3.bug | 1 | 1706 | 7 | 830909 | Description of bug in set.com |
921 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm3apn.001 | 1 | 1018 | 7 | 831115 | CP/M+ application note: RMAC |
922 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm3fix.pqt | 1 | 22912 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M+ fix to RESBDOS |
923 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm3lib.dqc | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | Subroutines to access CP/M+ features |
924 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm3lib.rel | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | Subroutines to access CP/M+ features |
925 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm3pat.10 | 1 | 2410 | 7 | 841103 | CP/M+ patch to DIRLBL |
926 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpm3scb.lbr | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 861216 | Describes CP/M 3.1 Sys Control Block |
927 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpmmake.ark | 1 | 46443 | 8 | 860901 | CP/M-Plus version of Unix MAKE util. |
928 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpmore30.ark | 1 | 61440 | 8 | 861216 | Integrated set of CP/M 3.0 utilities |
929 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | cpmpadd4.lbr | 1 | 41984 | 8 | 870812 | Examine CP/M+ memory architecture |
930 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | da.lbr | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M+ directory list and attribute util |
931 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | date+2.lbr | 1 | 36096 | 8 | 880213 | CP/M Plus DATE replacement |
932 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | date.pqs | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 870103 | Turbo version of CP/M+ DATE utility |
933 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | dirdate.sub | 1 | 512 | 7 | 870228 | CP/M+ DIR patch shows date in DD/MM |
934 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | dp-dup.lbr | 1 | 48896 | 8 | 870115 | Spool print requests in CP/M+ |
935 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | duoncpm+.lbr | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 861229 | Disk/User syntax with CP/M+ |
936 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | histplus.lbr | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 860727 | Recall CP/M+ command lines |
937 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | hp-plus.lbr | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | Memory resident RPN calculator |
938 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | install.czp | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 870913 | Setting up a RCP/M under CP/M Plus |
939 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | ld301.lbr | 1 | 14336 | 8 | 861021 | Access LBRs and archives as subdirectories |
940 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | mformat.lbr | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 870910 | Formats RAM disk on cold boot |
941 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | neutexec.lbr | 1 | 25088 | 8 | 860422 | Technical character generator |
942 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | null.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 870812 | Create -DISK.number files for CP/M+ |
943 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | qs-cpm3.ark | 1 | 2545 | 8 | 870818 | Set/reset file attributes in CP/M 3 |
944 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | rsxdemo.lbr | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 850617 | Demo for CP/M-Plus use of RSX |
945 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | rsxmaker.lbr | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 860407 | RSX maker for CP/M 2.2 |
946 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | rsxmap.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 870913 | Display dynamic memory in CP/M Plus |
947 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | sapp15.lbr | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 870728 | Sort and pack CP/M+ directories |
948 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | sidrsx11.lbr | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 860604 | RSX allows hex/ascii search with SID |
949 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | szrz100.lbr | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 920819 | Zmodem send/receive for CP/M+ |
950 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | timebsx.lbr | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 871117 | Time routines for banked XBIOS |
951 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | ts312.aqm | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 850606 | Date and time stamp text files |
952 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | u3-102.lbr | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M+ utility recovers erased files |
953 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | u3-v11.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870801 | CP/M+ utility recovers erased files |
954 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | verify.lbr | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 870426 | Find bad sectors for CP/M Plus |
955 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | writeccp.lbr | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 871027 | Writes CCP to system tracks |
956 | pub/ | cpm/cpm3/ | zfile3p.lbr | 1 | 23168 | 8 | 870725 | Fast scan of all drive/user areas for a file |
957 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | 68000usq.lbr | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 850209 | Squeeze/Unsqueeze for CP/M-68K |
958 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | aaaread.me | 1 | 5044 | 7 | 860531 | Information on files in this dir. |
959 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | arc68k.arc | 1 | 133888 | 8 | 871127 | ARC 5.12 for CP/M-68K |
960 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | ccpx2+.doc | 1 | 14510 | 7 | 870222 | An alternative CCP for CP/M-68K |
961 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | com2.68k | 1 | 23808 | 8 | 860907 | 8080 simulator for MC68000 |
962 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | com2.lbr | 1 | 50688 | 8 | 860907 | 8080 simulator for MC68000 |
963 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | f83v2-68.lbr | 1 | 237568 | 8 | 850209 | FORTH-83 for CP/M-68k |
964 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | kmince.lbr | 1 | 89984 | 8 | 860829 | KeyPad editor for CP/M-68K Mince |
965 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | lu.68k | 1 | 77184 | 8 | 861121 | LU for CP/M-68K. See XLU68K.LBR too. |
966 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | msutils.lbr | 1 | 135424 | 8 | 880218 | CP/M-86k utility package |
967 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | roff4161.lbr | 1 | 229120 | 8 | 860522 | Powerful customizable text formatter |
968 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | sd68k.lbr | 1 | 27136 | 8 | 860611 | Sort directories (similar to SD) for CP/M 68k |
969 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | sdb.lbr | 1 | 201856 | 8 | 861031 | Simple Data Base for CP/M-68K |
970 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | snobol4.lbr | 1 | 109696 | 8 | 860522 | Collection of CP/M-64k C programs |
971 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | syshacks.lbr | 1 | 49792 | 8 | 860522 | Collection of patches and utils for CP/M-68k |
972 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | utils.lbr | 1 | 161408 | 8 | 860522 | C-based utilities for CP/M-68k |
973 | pub/ | cpm/cpm68k/ | xlu68k.lbr | 1 | 171136 | 8 | 861116 | Source and Documentation for LU.68K |
974 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | ccpr8612.lbr | 1 | 32640 | 8 | 890916 | Better CCP for CP/M-86 |
975 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | crc.cmd | 1 | 3712 | 7 | 860522 | Calculate CRCs on a file |
976 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | crc.uue | 1 | 5227 | 7 | 860928 | Calculate CRCs on a file |
977 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | delbr11.c | 1 | 6789 | 7 | 840626 | LBR file extractor for CP/M-86 |
978 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | delbr11.cmd | 1 | 13056 | 7 | 850209 | LBR file extractor for CP/M-86 |
979 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | emul-v22.lbr | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 851209 | Emulate 8080 on V20 and V30 under CP/M-86 |
980 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | fmacs86.ark | 1 | 171468 | 8 | 890503 | FreEMACS text editor for CP/M-86 |
981 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | lu86-2.lbr | 1 | 31488 | 8 | 871122 | Library Utility for CP/M-86 |
982 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8cnfg11.cmd | 1 | 10752 | 7 | 850209 | Reconfigure MDM8xx |
983 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8gp-1.aq6 | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850209 | General purpose overlay for MDM8xx |
984 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8hz-1.aq6 | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850209 | Zenith 100 overlay for MDM8xx |
985 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8in-1.aq6 | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | CompuPro I3/I4 overlay for MDM8xx |
986 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8lib.cmd | 1 | 3328 | 7 | 850209 | Util to change phone numbers in MDMxx |
987 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8lib.doc | 1 | 591 | 7 | 841118 | Util to change phone numbers in MDMxx |
988 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8mpmin.aq6 | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 850209 | CompuPro I3/I4 overlay for MDM8xx |
989 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8nm-40.aq6 | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 850209 | Telephone number overlay for MDM8xx |
990 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8rb-1.aq6 | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | DEC Rainbow overlay for MDM8xx |
991 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | m8upd-1.txt | 1 | 1344 | 7 | 841118 | Update 1 for MDM830 |
992 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | mboot86.a86 | 1 | 7153 | 7 | 851013 | MODEM bootstrap program - CP/M-86 |
993 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | mdm840.doc | 1 | 41374 | 7 | 841118 | Communications program for CP/M-86 |
994 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | mdm840.h86 | 1 | 49000 | 7 | 841118 | Communications program for CP/M-86 |
995 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | mdm840.not | 1 | 1346 | 7 | 841118 | Communications program for CP/M-86 |
996 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | mdm9ibm1.aq6 | 1 | 78080 | 8 | 850209 | XMODEM/MODEM for CP/M-86 on IBM-PC |
997 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | mdm9ibm1.fix | 1 | 476 | 7 | 850205 | A bug fix for MDM9IBM1.AQ6 |
998 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | modem840.lbr | 1 | 146816 | 8 | 850209 | MDM740 (MODEM7) for CP/M-86 |
999 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | msup.aq6 | 1 | 27776 | 8 | 850209 | Modem supervisor for CompuPro MPM 8-16 |
1000 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | msup.doc | 1 | 2537 | 7 | 841118 | Modem supervisor for CompuPro MPM 8-16 |
1001 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | nusq110.cmd | 1 | 2816 | 7 | 850209 | CP/M-86 NUSQ UnSQueezer |
1002 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | nusq110.doc | 1 | 13154 | 7 | 840626 | Instructions for NUSQ UnSQueezer |
1003 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | nusq110.uue | 1 | 3975 | 7 | 860918 | CP/M-86 NUSQ UnSQueezer |
1004 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | ramdisk.aq6 | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-86 memory-based virtual disk |
1005 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | resour86.lbr | 1 | 16384 | 8 | 850209 | Disassembler for 8086 code |
1006 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | swv20.lbr | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 880312 | CP/M 2.2 emulator for CP/M-86 mach. |
1007 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | trbtol86.lbr | 1 | 72704 | 8 | 851023 | 'Software Tools in Pascal' ported to Pascal |
1008 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | uudecode.cmd | 1 | 13056 | 7 | 860929 | Convert ASCII to binary files |
1009 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | uudecode.pas | 1 | 7922 | 7 | 860929 | Convert ASCII to binary files |
1010 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | uuencode.cmd | 1 | 12544 | 7 | 860929 | Convert binary files to ASCII |
1011 | pub/ | cpm/cpm86/ | uuencode.pas | 1 | 7426 | 7 | 860929 | Convert binary files to ASCII |
1012 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | 22cpm.dqc | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Documentation of new CP/M 2.2 functions |
1013 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | 22cpmcrc.lst | 1 | 462 | 7 | 830909 | CRCKs of CP/M 2.2 files |
1014 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | 22dblk.mor | 1 | 625 | 7 | 830909 | 2.2 patch for deblocked systems |
1015 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | 22dblock.dqc | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 850209 | 2.2 patch for deblocked systems |
1016 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | asms.dqc | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Summary of the various CP/M-80 assemblers |
1017 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | autostar.txt | 1 | 6215 | 7 | 830909 | How to use the CP/M autostart facility |
1018 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | backspac.pat | 1 | 396 | 7 | 830909 | CP/M 2.2 backspace patch for DELETE |
1019 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | chain.dqc | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850209 | How to chain programs under CP/M 2.2 |
1020 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc00.ndx | 1 | 3200 | 7 | 861227 | Index to Silveira's CP/M Connection |
1021 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc01.azt | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 861227 | CC-01 -Finding the Best P/D Software |
1022 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc02.azt | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 861227 | CC-02 -Communications Programs |
1023 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc03.azt | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 861227 | CC-03 -Find Your Way Around an RCP/M |
1024 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc04.azt | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 861227 | CC-04 -Basic Utilities |
1025 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc05.azt | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 861227 | CC-05 -WordStar Utilities |
1026 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc06.azt | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 861227 | CC-06 -Keys and Outlines |
1027 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc07.azt | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 861227 | CC-07 -More Utilities for Writers |
1028 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc08.azt | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 861227 | CC-08 -Where are they Now? |
1029 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc09.azt | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 861227 | CC-09 -Games? In CP/M? |
1030 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc10.azt | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 861227 | CC-10 -Something New for CP/M |
1031 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc11.azt | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 861227 | CC-11 -Tools for dBase II |
1032 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc12.azt | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 861227 | CC-12 -Communications Update |
1033 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc13.azt | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 861227 | CC-13 -Learning About CP/M |
1034 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc14.azt | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 861227 | CC-14 -One for the Programmers |
1035 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc15.azt | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 861227 | CC-15 -Any Signs of Life? |
1036 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc16.azt | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 861227 | CC-16 -How Smart is SmartBrain? |
1037 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc17.azt | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 861227 | CC-17 -Christmas Treats |
1038 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc18.azt | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 861227 | CC-18 -New Tricks For The Old Dog |
1039 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc19.azt | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 861227 | CC-19 -All the News from C to Z |
1040 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc20.azt | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 861227 | CC-20 -ModemMail Does It All |
1041 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc21.azt | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 861227 | CC-21 -More On ModemMail |
1042 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc22.azt | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 861227 | CC-22 -Emulating CP/M |
1043 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc23.azt | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 861227 | CC-23 -Hard disks for CP/M |
1044 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc24.azt | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 861227 | CC-24 -The Wonderful World of Z |
1045 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc25.azt | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 861227 | CC-25 -Z: The Saga Continues |
1046 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc26.azt | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 861227 | CC-26 -Living with Z |
1047 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc27.azt | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 861227 | CC-27 -Z: The Final Chapter -For Now |
1048 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc28.azt | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 861227 | CC-28 -What the Future Holds |
1049 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc29.azt | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 861227 | CC-29 -Living With a RAM Disk |
1050 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-cc30.azt | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 861227 | CC-30 -Letters and Dream Machines |
1051 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-dir1.nzt | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 880320 | CP/M directory structure discussion |
1052 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm-dos.azt | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 861231 | Article on 8-bit/16-bit differences |
1053 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm.dqc | 1 | 25088 | 8 | 850209 | Documentation and architecture of CP/M 2.2 |
1054 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm22app.lbr | 1 | 34944 | 8 | 860902 | Application notes for CP/M 2.2 |
1055 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpm22pat.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 860728 | Patches to CP/M utilities from DRI |
1056 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpmdisc.lbr | 1 | 42112 | 8 | 871122 | Discussion of CP/M's past and future |
1057 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpmnotes.pqn | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 850209 | Brief notes on CP/M and CP/M commands |
1058 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpmpats6.tzt | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 880320 | Patches to CP/M and DRI utilities |
1059 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | cpmplus.tzt | 1 | 20224 | 8 | 880320 | Review of CP/M-Plus |
1060 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | diskdef.asm | 1 | 382 | 7 | 840429 | Defining disk drives under CP/M |
1061 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | diskdef.lib | 1 | 6506 | 7 | 840429 | Defining disk drives under CP/M |
1062 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | easybdos.lbr | 1 | 69376 | 8 | 870809 | 3-part tutorial - Understanding BDOS |
1063 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | os-cpm.faq | 1 | 30189 | 7 | 940404 | FAQ list for comp.os.cpm news group |
1064 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | quikie3.hnt | 1 | 5416 | 7 | 830909 | CP/M hints |
1065 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | stat.tzt | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 880130 | What STAT does and how to use it |
1066 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | tell02.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 861124 | Displays addresses of BDOS and BIOS |
1067 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | undoccpm.dqc | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | An undocumented feature in the CP/M 2.2 BDOS |
1068 | pub/ | cpm/cpminfo/ | userarea.tzt | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 880130 | Tips on using user areas |
1069 | pub/ | cpm/cpr86/ | cpr860.cmd | 1 | 2432 | 7 | 850209 | CCP replacement for CP/M-86 and CP/M816 |
1070 | pub/ | cpm/cpr86/ | cpr860.doc | 1 | 24276 | 7 | 840524 | CCP replacement for CP/M-86 and CP/M816 |
1071 | pub/ | cpm/cpr86/ | cpr861.cmd | 1 | 2432 | 7 | 850209 | CCP replacement for CP/M-86 and CP/M816 |
1072 | pub/ | cpm/cpr86/ | cpr86z.pat | 1 | 3343 | 7 | 840527 | Patch to CPR860 to allow Z100 8-bit to work |
1073 | pub/ | cpm/cpr86/ | instl0.doc | 1 | 10987 | 7 | 840524 | How to install CPR86 |
1074 | pub/ | cpm/cpr86/ | overlay1.cmd | 1 | 5504 | 7 | 850209 | Overlay for CPR86 |
1075 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-1.lbr | 1 | 118528 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 1 |
1076 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-10.lbr | 1 | 106112 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 10 |
1077 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-11.lbr | 1 | 133888 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 11 |
1078 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-12.lbr | 1 | 100480 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 12 |
1079 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-2.lbr | 1 | 107904 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 2 |
1080 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-3.lbr | 1 | 92160 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 3 |
1081 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-4.lbr | 1 | 102528 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 4 |
1082 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-5.lbr | 1 | 86400 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 5 |
1083 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-6.lbr | 1 | 93824 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 6 |
1084 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-7.lbr | 1 | 140544 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 7 |
1085 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-8.lbr | 1 | 114432 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 8 |
1086 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softt-9.lbr | 1 | 119936 | 8 | 840705 | Software Tools User Group disk 9 |
1087 | pub/ | cpm/cug/ | softtdir.qqq | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 840705 | Directory of Software Tools UG disks |
1088 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | addres11.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 900318 | Print addresses on DeskJet envelopes |
1089 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | areacode.lbr | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 880312 | Area Code Database for JetFind |
1090 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | axcal87.lbr | 1 | 58368 | 8 | 870426 | Monthly appointment calendar |
1091 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | cal32.lbr | 1 | 20480 | 8 | 880426 | Calendar / Notepad |
1092 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | chef-5.lbr | 1 | 113536 | 8 | 870131 | A recipe data base program |
1093 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | chef-fix.lbr | 1 | 29568 | 8 | 870207 | Fix to CHEF |
1094 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | chekbook.ark | 1 | 18083 | 8 | 900318 | Maintain a personal checkbook |
1095 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | chx8010a.lbr | 1 | 66048 | 8 | 860713 | A Check Register Program - part A |
1096 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | chx8010b.lbr | 1 | 78464 | 8 | 860713 | A Check Register Program - part B |
1097 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | cpmtax.ark | 1 | 116018 | 8 | 890119 | 1988 tax preparation 1040/1040A |
1098 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | creator.lbr | 1 | 43904 | 8 | 871025 | A database and report generator |
1099 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | data206.lbr | 1 | 36864 | 8 | 861229 | MBasic database management system |
1100 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | database.tzt | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880130 | General look at database programs |
1101 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | datastar.tzt | 1 | 896 | 8 | 880130 | Tip using FormGen and DataStar |
1102 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | db110.lbr | 1 | 55040 | 8 | 890301 | Modula- Database -- new version |
1103 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | dblist11.lbr | 1 | 48128 | 8 | 870918 | Produces cross reference for dBASE |
1104 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | dims103.ark | 1 | 114176 | 8 | 861207 | File management utility in MBasic |
1105 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | eclipse.lbr | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 870227 | Predict the eclipse of Moon and Sun |
1106 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | ezfile.lbr | 1 | 17152 | 8 | 861008 | Create and add to sequential files |
1107 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | filcrd46.lbr | 1 | 131328 | 8 | 870913 | 4-by-6 file card database |
1108 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | filebase.lbr | 1 | 145664 | 8 | 900318 | Shareware general purpose database |
1109 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | fmlytre2.lbr | 1 | 16000 | 8 | 860726 | A family tree database program |
1110 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | ft-cpm.ark | 1 | 148717 | 8 | 880602 | Family Ties Genealogy program |
1111 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | genstat.lbr | 1 | 68864 | 8 | 860727 | A general statistics program |
1112 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | handy21s.lbr | 1 | 58496 | 8 | 861229 | Source for Personal Time Mgm't Sys |
1113 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | handy21x.lbr | 1 | 73600 | 8 | 861229 | Personal Time Management System |
1114 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | handyp10.lbr | 1 | 74496 | 8 | 870707 | Enhanced Personal Time Management System |
1115 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | hippo11c.lbr | 1 | 165504 | 8 | 860715 | Security investment report/organize |
1116 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | ira.lbr | 1 | 12032 | 8 | 870127 | An IRA Calculator |
1117 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | keeptrak.lbr | 1 | 39936 | 8 | 861229 | Club Membership Data Base System |
1118 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | kphandyp.lbr | 1 | 74112 | 8 | 870707 | Advanced Personal Time Management Sys (KayPro) |
1119 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | kwiklist.lbr | 1 | 21120 | 8 | 880704 | Menu-driven utility for printing |
1120 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | ledgers.lbr | 1 | 71296 | 8 | 870510 | dBASE menu-driven general ledger sys |
1121 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | mail20.ark | 1 | 119552 | 8 | 860926 | Comprehensive mailing list database |
1122 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | mail32.lbr | 1 | 27392 | 8 | 870124 | Create mailing labels |
1123 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | outthink.azt | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 861231 | Review: OUT-THINK outline processor |
1124 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | pams10.lbr | 1 | 30336 | 8 | 880407 | Self contained database of BBS lists |
1125 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | pcfile.ark | 1 | 86656 | 8 | 861005 | Osborne/C-128 Database |
1126 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | phonedat.lbr | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 870227 | Keep track of RCP/M and BBS systems |
1127 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | roldex31.lbr | 1 | 70144 | 8 | 870215 | Roladex for names and phone numbers |
1128 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | schedule.ark | 1 | 24448 | 8 | 870221 | A personal schedule handler |
1129 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | scrivner.lbr | 1 | 100352 | 8 | 861213 | Outstanding data/text manipulator. |
1130 | pub/ | cpm/database/ | ttgen10c.lbr | 1 | 48640 | 8 | 871021 | Format family database |
1131 | pub/ | cpm/datestmp/ | ds-util1.lbr | 1 | 66432 | 8 | 880404 | Utilities for use with DateStamper |
1132 | pub/ | cpm/datestmp/ | dscresv1.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 880405 | Save DateStamper date when editing |
1133 | pub/ | cpm/datestmp/ | dslbr.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 880331 | Library maintenance utilities for Z3 |
1134 | pub/ | cpm/datestmp/ | dsutil.lbr | 1 | 60544 | 8 | 880830 | Non-ZCPR3 Datestamper utilities |
1135 | pub/ | cpm/datestmp/ | ppip17ds.lbr | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 880616 | PPIP173 non-ZCPR DateStamper version |
1136 | pub/ | cpm/datestmp/ | setdds.lbr | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 880213 | SETD overlay for DateStamper |
1137 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | animate2.cqd | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 870614 | Problem with dBASE ANIMATE.CMD |
1138 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | banking.lbr | 1 | 32256 | 8 | 860805 | Small business checking system |
1139 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | checkbk2.lbr | 1 | 24832 | 8 | 860806 | dBASE II checkbook maintainer |
1140 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | checksdb.lbr | 1 | 44800 | 8 | 870131 | dBASEII deluxe checkbook maintainer |
1141 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | cmdgen.lbr | 1 | 9600 | 8 | 870801 | Generate dBase command files |
1142 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | comm.lbr | 1 | 21888 | 8 | 900402 | dBASE II |
1143 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dataflow.lbr | 1 | 144512 | 8 | 890615 | dBASEII ledger/stock/order/invoice |
1144 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | db-chain.dqc | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850921 | dBASE II machine language interface |
1145 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | db-gen.lbr | 1 | 18944 | 8 | 870801 | Automatic Menu generator for dBaseII |
1146 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | db2shl30.ark | 1 | 30636 | 8 | 871218 | Multi-purpose shell for dBASEII |
1147 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbar-12.lbr | 1 | 21504 | 8 | 871204 | dBASE and GRAPH bargraph maker |
1148 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbasebg.lbr | 1 | 24704 | 8 | 870526 | .HLP files for DBase |
1149 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbasedir.ark | 1 | 2469 | 8 | 861208 | Reads directory into dBASEII files |
1150 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbbbs20.lbr | 1 | 23808 | 8 | 860918 | dBASE database system for BBS number |
1151 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbclinic.lbr | 1 | 17536 | 8 | 850209 | dBASEII file maintenance utility |
1152 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbcloc11.lbr | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 880426 | Gets date for dBII from DateStamper |
1153 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbclock.lbr | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 870523 | DateStamper driver for dBaseII |
1154 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbdecode.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 890813 | Decrypts compiled dBASE II CMD files |
1155 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbedit.tzt | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 880130 | dBASE II editing tips |
1156 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbeditor.tzt | 1 | 768 | 8 | 880130 | Limitation of dBASE command editor |
1157 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbezmenu.tqt | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 860506 | Easier creation of dBASEII menus |
1158 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbfull.tzt | 1 | 512 | 8 | 880130 | dBASE II DISK IS FULL message |
1159 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbhelp2.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 870712 | dBASEII on-line HELP command |
1160 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbjoin.tzt | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 880130 | Bug in dBASE II JOIN command |
1161 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dblibray.lbr | 1 | 23168 | 8 | 880504 | Database for articles and books |
1162 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbmusic.lbr | 1 | 20992 | 8 | 870810 | Dbase II Music Management system |
1163 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbshop30.lbr | 1 | 39552 | 8 | 860428 | dBASEII grocery shopping system |
1164 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | dbsquash.lbr | 1 | 28032 | 8 | 860422 | Compacts dBASEII command files |
1165 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | doz.ark | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 870526 | dBASEII menu command file; good |
1166 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | family.lbr | 1 | 28032 | 8 | 870505 | Church Membership Management system |
1167 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | geneolgy.bug | 1 | 893 | 7 | 860407 | Small bug fix for GENEOLGY.LBR |
1168 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | geneolgy.lbr | 1 | 76160 | 8 | 860407 | dBASEII Family Genealogy database |
1169 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | mail65l.ark | 1 | 77184 | 8 | 861016 | dBASE system manages mailing lists |
1170 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | newbs11.azm | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 861130 | dBASE II patches and enhancements |
1171 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | pi-eval.lbr | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 870910 | Translate injury into dollar value |
1172 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | roffmrge.tzt | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 880416 | Merge letters using ROFF4 and dBASE |
1173 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | suprckbk.lbr | 1 | 61440 | 8 | 860407 | dBASEII Super Checkbook 26 routines |
1174 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | tdas.ark | 1 | 47143 | 8 | 871220 | Teacher/Doctor dBASEII account syst. |
1175 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | tolog.lbr | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 871204 | Flexible database utility for dBase |
1176 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | unique24.ark | 1 | 14186 | 8 | 871218 | Purges duplicate records for dBASEII |
1177 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | vidlog20.lbr | 1 | 58880 | 8 | 860831 | Logging home videotapes - dBASEII |
1178 | pub/ | cpm/dbaseii/ | zdirfile.lbr | 1 | 17024 | 8 | 860926 | Sort and create a database of directories |
1179 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | 18e-src.lbr | 1 | 92800 | 8 | 880127 | Source for 18e debug monitor |
1180 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | 18e.lbr | 1 | 20096 | 8 | 880125 | Debugger offers HD64180 support |
1181 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | back2ddt.aqm | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 850209 | Temporarily allows exit from DDT to CCP |
1182 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | ddtf5.lbr | 1 | 18176 | 8 | 880411 | Find string add-on for DDT |
1183 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | ddtport.lbr | 1 | 39552 | 8 | 870528 | Screen-oriented I/O port debugger |
1184 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | ddttools.aqm | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 861221 | Many useful enhancements for DDT |
1185 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | ddtz27.ark | 1 | 77208 | 8 | 880530 | Z80/V20/8080/64180 debugger |
1186 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | dumph.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 861031 | Dumps memory to the screen |
1187 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | fcb10.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 851021 | Shows FCB command tail formulation |
1188 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | jmon100.lbr | 1 | 22016 | 8 | 880216 | Debugger/Monitor for banked memory |
1189 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | m22.lbr | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 860427 | Displays memory in HEX and ASCII |
1190 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | nddt.lbr | 1 | 46592 | 8 | 850209 | Greatly enhanced DDT debugger |
1191 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | patddtz.szb | 1 | 768 | 8 | 880607 | Patch DDTZ to use CP/M DDT commands |
1192 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | peekcpm.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 851007 | Memory examine and modify/PEEK-POKE |
1193 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | q.aqm | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 850209 | Dump transient program area |
1194 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | rddt.lbr | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850209 | Allows relocation of DDT |
1195 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | sdt.lbr | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 850617 | Enhancement patch for CP/M 2.2's DDT |
1196 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | sid2tty.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 850209 | SID/DDT console redirection patch |
1197 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | wade.lbr | 1 | 77824 | 8 | 880617 | Interactive symbolic Z80 debugger |
1198 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | wadesrc.lbr | 1 | 99584 | 8 | 880619 | Source for WADE Z80 symbolic debugger |
1199 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | xsub.pat | 1 | 721 | 7 | 830909 | Patch xsub to eliminate extra line feeds |
1200 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | zdebug17.lbr | 1 | 23424 | 8 | 850209 | Z80 machine language debugger |
1201 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | zdp.lbr | 1 | 40960 | 8 | 860427 | Relocatable Z80 debug/trace/edit |
1202 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | zdt20.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 870128 | Debugger using TDL Z-80 Mnemonics |
1203 | pub/ | cpm/debug/ | zsid.pat | 1 | 1691 | 7 | 830909 | Patch to ZSID to use same dump disp as DDT/SID |
1204 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | abuser84.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 860427 | Changes user number without copy |
1205 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | aka13.lbr | 1 | 12032 | 8 | 860608 | Passes multiple commands to CP/M |
1206 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | alldir11.lbr | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 850923 | Display directory - all users |
1207 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | bak11.lbr | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 870523 | Erases BAK files from disk |
1208 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | cdir11.lbr | 1 | 20992 | 8 | 860407 | Compare directories of two disks |
1209 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | cfa10.lbr | 1 | 22528 | 8 | 880211 | Change file attributes/user area |
1210 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | chdir.lbr | 1 | 30976 | 8 | 871226 | Name disk user areas - like MSDOS |
1211 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | check28.lbr | 1 | 24576 | 8 | 870316 | Copy |
1212 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | chg11.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 860407 | UNERAse or change user num. of file |
1213 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | cleanup.com | 1 | 768 | 8 | 850209 | Quick erase or display of files in a dir |
1214 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | cu.lbr | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 850410 | Move files to another user area |
1215 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | d-29.aqm | 1 | 18432 | 8 | 850209 | Display changes in a directory (whatsnew) |
1216 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | d-29.com | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Display changes in a directory (whatsnew) |
1217 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | d-31.aqm | 1 | 17920 | 8 | 850209 | Display changes in a directory (whatsnew) |
1218 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | d-42a.lbr | 1 | 24448 | 8 | 850318 | Display changes in a directory |
1219 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | d-v100.lbr | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 860119 | Z80 directory display w/options |
1220 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | da22.lbr | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870121 | Directory lister also sets attribute |
1221 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dir-fix.aqm | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | Corrects CP/M 1.4 directory entry |
1222 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dir1st31.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 860418 | Sorted DIR prints 1st line of file |
1223 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dirdirs2.lbr | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 870910 | DIR command for CCP replacements |
1224 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dirf.aqm | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 850209 | Routines allow listing of directory |
1225 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dirf.mqc | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | Routine for listing directory (M80) |
1226 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dirfile3.lbr | 1 | 32000 | 8 | 850209 | DIR list includes description |
1227 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dirfree.lbr | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 880326 | Reports directory status |
1228 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dirr5.lbr | 1 | 50944 | 8 | 860119 | Sorted dir display with file sizes |
1229 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dirrep21.lbr | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 860427 | Repair kit for disk directories |
1230 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dirsize.lbr | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 860428 | Disk directory file count |
1231 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dl.lbr | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 870509 | Unix-like replacement for CP/M's ERA |
1232 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dlq.lbr | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 870727 | Deletes squeezed files after USQ |
1233 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dr24.lbr | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 880108 | Alphabetical directory lister |
1234 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | dupusr2.aqm | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | Duplicate files in multiple user areas |
1235 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | edir.lbr | 1 | 25600 | 8 | 871224 | Recover files accidentally erased |
1236 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | eradir10.lbr | 1 | 12544 | 8 | 870121 | Erases the directory of CP/M disk |
1237 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | eraq20.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 850713 | Erase with confirmation query |
1238 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | erase.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 851031 | Enhanced file erase with query |
1239 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | erax12.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 860427 | Extended erase program with query |
1240 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | eraz11.lbr | 1 | 19968 | 8 | 880510 | Z80 Erase utility |
1241 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | ez10.lbr | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 860407 | Autoload preselected COM w/argument |
1242 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | file23.lbr | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 870810 | Finds files on all drives/user areas |
1243 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | filelock.lbr | 1 | 24960 | 8 | 870614 | Protect files on a shared system |
1244 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | front51.ark | 1 | 40320 | 8 | 861216 | Cursor-oriented command menu utility |
1245 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | go105.lbr | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 871013 | Move easily around drives/user areas |
1246 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | klean20.lbr | 1 | 18816 | 8 | 871021 | Intelligent file erase utility |
1247 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | l-c-dir.lbr | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 870524 | Directory display in all lower case letters |
1248 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | make26.lbr | 1 | 19840 | 8 | 870206 | Change user area without moving file |
1249 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | map104.lbr | 1 | 16640 | 8 | 860713 | Displays all directory names |
1250 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | mdir21.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | Sorted DIR - files in all user areas |
1251 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | menu.com | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 850209 | General purpose menu processor for CP/M |
1252 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | menu.dqc | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 850209 | General purpose menu processor for CP/M |
1253 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | menu.mqc | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | General purpose menu processor for CP/M |
1254 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | move22.lbr | 1 | 16768 | 8 | 891210 | Moves files between user areas |
1255 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | newd.lbr | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 851114 | Enhanced directory program for KayPro |
1256 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | nindex.com | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 850209 | Alpha. listing of disk directory |
1257 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | nindex.dqc | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 850209 | Alpha. listing of disk directory |
1258 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | packhelp.lbr | 1 | 16256 | 8 | 871127 | Provides PACK list of disk directory |
1259 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | protect.lbr | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 851031 | Set file protection & attribute bits |
1260 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | rec22a.aqm | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 850209 | Reinstate deleted disk files |
1261 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | rec22a.com | 1 | 640 | 8 | 850209 | Reinstate deleted disk files |
1262 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | recover.lbr | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 860713 | Super file recovery/unerase util for CP/M 2.2 |
1263 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | recvr21.lbr | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 870115 | Recover files accidentally erased |
1264 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | rename.lbr | 1 | 19456 | 8 | 851031 | Selective multiple REName |
1265 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | renamz15.lbr | 1 | 23296 | 8 | 880510 | Z80 rename utility |
1266 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | rm104.ark | 1 | 15938 | 8 | 870217 | A UNIX-like file deletion program |
1267 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | rn21.lbr | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 860427 | Wildcard rename utility |
1268 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sap60.lbr | 1 | 18176 | 8 | 870727 | Sort/pack CP/M disk directory |
1269 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sd-22.aqm | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 850209 | Super directory |
1270 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sd127.bug | 1 | 841 | 7 | 871213 | Problem with SD127 |
1271 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sd137.lbr | 1 | 95616 | 8 | 890301 | Super Directory |
1272 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sdd102.lbr | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 850807 | Directory list with sizes |
1273 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sdpat130.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 880111 | SD COM file |
1274 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sdzd134.ark | 1 | 78869 | 8 | 880715 | Super Directory list with time stamp |
1275 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sdzd134.lbr | 1 | 76032 | 8 | 880830 | Super Directory list with time stamp |
1276 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | setatt.lbr | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 870322 | Set READ-ONLY and SYSTEM attribute |
1277 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | setdru.azt | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 871021 | Z80DOS |
1278 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | setdru13.lbr | 1 | 45056 | 8 | 860727 | Drive/user search path for overlays |
1279 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | sfa16.lbr | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 850617 | Set file attributes rapidly |
1280 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | srtdir31.lbr | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 850209 | Sort and pack CP/M 2.x directories |
1281 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | ssd.lbr | 1 | 70784 | 8 | 860621 | Simple sorted directory programs |
1282 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | switch11.lbr | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 860427 | Hide files in user area 16 |
1283 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | syn.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 860427 | Makes a file out of command line |
1284 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | synonym3.lbr | 1 | 11264 | 8 | 850617 | Allows two names for a CP/M command |
1285 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | u3.lbr | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 860427 | Changes drive/user |
1286 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | unera33.lbr | 1 | 15232 | 8 | 890301 | Unerase accidentally erased files |
1287 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | uneraz11.lbr | 1 | 21888 | 8 | 880510 | Z80 file recovery utility |
1288 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | vol-2.lbr | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 860618 | Creates/displays disk volume label |
1289 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | wherfind.lbr | 1 | 47872 | 8 | 860713 | Searches all directories for a file |
1290 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | wipe12.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 870523 | Erases work files from disk drive |
1291 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | xdir3-12.lbr | 1 | 58240 | 8 | 850617 | CP/M 2.2 extended directory display |
1292 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | xrase33.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 860427 | UNERASES files mistakenly erased |
1293 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | xren.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 870115 | Allows use of wildcards for REN |
1294 | pub/ | cpm/dirutl/ | zdr.lbr | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 850904 | Small disk directory program |
1295 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | compress.aqm | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 851201 | Remove unneeded comments from RESOURCE |
1296 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | dasmtdl.lbr | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 860407 | Disassembler for TDL or Z80 mnemonic |
1297 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | dcom8048.lbr | 1 | 23424 | 8 | 860509 | A disassembler for 8048 |
1298 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | dis.com | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | 8080 disassembler |
1299 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | dis.dqc | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | 8080 disassembler |
1300 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | dis85.com | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | 8085 disassembler |
1301 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | dis85.dqc | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 850209 | 8085 disassembler |
1302 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | disrel.lbr | 1 | 12672 | 8 | 850209 | Disassembler for REL files |
1303 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | dz-nov86.lbr | 1 | 93056 | 8 | 870222 | DazzleStar vid-oriented disassembler |
1304 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | msa15.lbr | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 870227 | Simple |
1305 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | resource.lbr | 1 | 23936 | 8 | 850617 | Disassembler for 8080 code |
1306 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | revas25.lbr | 1 | 71680 | 8 | 870316 | PD version of REVerse ASsembler |
1307 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | z80dis22.lbr | 1 | 85248 | 8 | 870510 | Disassembler for Z80 code |
1308 | pub/ | cpm/disasm/ | zdasm15.lbr | 1 | 77440 | 8 | 850617 | Z80 (Zilog/TDL) disassembler |
1309 | pub/ | cpm/diskplot/ | diskplot.lbr | 1 | 22656 | 8 | 850617 | Disk based plotter for large plots |
1310 | pub/ | cpm/draco/ | draco-1.ark | 1 | 214912 | 8 | 861115 | DRACO - Documentation |
1311 | pub/ | cpm/draco/ | draco-2.ark | 1 | 190592 | 8 | 861115 | DRACO - Compiler |
1312 | pub/ | cpm/draco/ | draco-3.ark | 1 | 134528 | 8 | 861115 | DRACO - Programs |
1313 | pub/ | cpm/draco/ | draco123.mqg | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 861115 | DRACO - Systems programming language |
1314 | pub/ | cpm/dskbuf/ | prlmove.aqm | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Move bit mapped relocatable files below CCP |
1315 | pub/ | cpm/dskbuf/ | ramdisk.lbr | 1 | 17536 | 8 | 850617 | A memory resident floppy disk program |
1316 | pub/ | cpm/dskbuf/ | ramdrv5.mqc | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 850209 | Use bank select or extended memory for RAMDISK |
1317 | pub/ | cpm/dskbuf/ | xdrive10.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 850617 | Extra memory to be used as disk |
1318 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | 3740util.lbr | 1 | 58496 | 8 | 850419 | Access files on IBM 3740 disks |
1319 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | alloc3.lbr | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 850209 | Displays allocation bit map for disk |
1320 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | anydisk.lbr | 1 | 36224 | 8 | 850209 | Examines/Modifies CP/M disks |
1321 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | archive.aqm | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 850209 | Selectively backup and restore files |
1322 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | arcopy21.lbr | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 880331 | File copy utility |
1323 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | bback622.lbr | 1 | 29056 | 8 | 860427 | System to archive hard disk files |
1324 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | bd04.lbr | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 870523 | Find bad disk sectors and files. |
1325 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | bmap7-11.aqm | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | Display a bitmap of disk utilization |
1326 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | bwfmt.lbr | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 860901 | Bondwell 12/14 format programs |
1327 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | certify.lbr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 850311 | Disk certification utility |
1328 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | cpyfst43.lbr | 1 | 50688 | 8 | 850617 | Fast disk to disk copy |
1329 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | cpyfstu.lbr | 1 | 62336 | 8 | 871231 | Universal fast diskette copy program |
1330 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | ddd.lbr | 1 | 24832 | 8 | 850617 | Disk drive diagnostics |
1331 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | ddd1.aqm | 1 | 29824 | 8 | 850209 | Disk drive diagnostics |
1332 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | dddtarb.lbr | 1 | 29952 | 8 | 850617 | Tarbel disk drive diagnostic |
1333 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | dddtv802.lbr | 1 | 58624 | 8 | 850209 | TeleVideo 802 disk drive diagnostic |
1334 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | diag.mqc | 1 | 26112 | 8 | 850209 | Disk drive diagnostics |
1335 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | disk-fix.lbr | 1 | 24704 | 8 | 870308 | Disk maintenance |
1336 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | diskbug.com | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 850209 | Single sided 8'' disk (3741) sector access |
1337 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | diskbug.dqc | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 850209 | Single sided 8'' disk (3741) sector access |
1338 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | diskdiag.tzt | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 880130 | Diagnosing disk drive problems |
1339 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | diskstat.mqc | 1 | 29696 | 8 | 850209 | Disc characteristics and file alloc. display |
1340 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | diskx11.lbr | 1 | 38912 | 8 | 871010 | A comprehensive disk exercisor |
1341 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | djfmtgen.lbr | 1 | 25088 | 8 | 850617 | Disk format program for Disk Jockey 2D cntlr. |
1342 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | dmap.lbr | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 860427 | Displays disk allocation vector |
1343 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | ds21doc.lbr | 1 | 70272 | 8 | 870214 | Inspect floppy discs for bad sectors |
1344 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | dskdrv16.lbr | 1 | 44288 | 8 | 860611 | Allows read/write of foreign disks |
1345 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | dskfrmts.dqt | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 861226 | Defines many disk formats |
1346 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | du-v87.hqp | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | DU-V87 disk utility help |
1347 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | du-v89.lbr | 1 | 55808 | 8 | 850318 | Disk Utility read/write track/sector |
1348 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | ed405.fzx | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 861231 | Fix to EDFILE |
1349 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | ed409.azm | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 861231 | Fix to EDFILE |
1350 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | edfilcnf.azm | 1 | 512 | 8 | 861231 | EDFILE terminal configuration file |
1351 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | edfile.aqt | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 861102 | Using EDFILE to modify a CP/M system |
1352 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | edfile.lbr | 1 | 23424 | 8 | 850617 | Disk file editor |
1353 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | edfile3.lbr | 1 | 18944 | 8 | 870115 | Disk file editor |
1354 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | edfile80.com | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 850209 | Hex/ASCII disk file editor |
1355 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | eset.aqm | 1 | 12800 | 8 | 850209 | Read foreign disk formats (AMPRO-1) |
1356 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | fbad60b.lbr | 1 | 27392 | 8 | 871208 | Find and lock out bad spots on disk |
1357 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | fbad70.lbr | 1 | 21376 | 8 | 881205 | Checks/locks out bad tracks on disks |
1358 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | fire12.lbr | 1 | 67328 | 8 | 870829 | Cleans up fragmented disk |
1359 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | fix.lbr | 1 | 37376 | 8 | 860430 | File fixer/UNERAse/directory check |
1360 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | harddisk.tzt | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880130 | How to treat hard disks |
1361 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | logdisk.tzt | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880130 | Disk switching |
1362 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | magnets.tzt | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 880130 | Problems with magnets near computers |
1363 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | megadisk.lbr | 1 | 42112 | 8 | 860713 | Reads/writes foreign disks on AMPRO |
1364 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | msodball.arc | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 940330 | Amstrad/Spectrum CP/M<->MS-DOS disk converter |
1365 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | pas2cpm.aqm | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | Copy Pascal files from Pascal disk to CP/M |
1366 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | patch18a.lbr | 1 | 66176 | 8 | 850513 | Disk |
1367 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | patch18a.pzt | 1 | 768 | 8 | 880131 | Patches for PATCH18A |
1368 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | patchz80.lbr | 1 | 21632 | 8 | 850209 | Patch memory contents |
1369 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | pcswp05.lbr | 1 | 27776 | 8 | 890301 | Sweep through IBM-PC disks |
1370 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | rdms233.lbr | 1 | 39808 | 8 | 860531 | Reads/copies files from MSDOS disks |
1371 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | rdmsdos.lbr | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 860423 | Read/write MSDOS disks on CP/M sys. |
1372 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | read-pc.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 870706 | Read MS/PCDOS disks on CP/M |
1373 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | readonly.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850904 | Protect against Trojan horse program |
1374 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | repair.lbr | 1 | 52992 | 8 | 880410 | Repair a damaged disk directory |
1375 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | restorea.lbr | 1 | 33792 | 8 | 870614 | Re-org fragmented disk |
1376 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | scsiboot.lbr | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 870730 | Hooks for SCSI/PLUS bus interface |
1377 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | shoblk11.lbr | 1 | 21504 | 8 | 880130 | Shows file allocated to track/sector |
1378 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | shoblock.lbr | 1 | 30464 | 8 | 860119 | Show filename for given disk block |
1379 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | sodu82.lbr | 1 | 33536 | 8 | 851209 | Screen Oriented Disk Utility |
1380 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | spec.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 870124 | Protect trial software |
1381 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | spedup12.lbr | 1 | 26496 | 8 | 890107 | Reduce wear and tear on disk drives |
1382 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | speedup.lbr | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 890418 | A Disk DIR Cache for ANY system |
1383 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | spy-8611.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 861129 | Investigates use of disk by program |
1384 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | swp-ms10.ark | 1 | 85120 | 8 | 911118 | Swap MS-DOS files on a CP/M host |
1385 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | syscop.cq | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850613 | Portable SYSGEN replacement in BDS-C |
1386 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | szap51.ark | 1 | 102784 | 8 | 910612 | Screen-oriented disk sec/trk editor |
1387 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | tapdsk21.lbr | 1 | 27392 | 8 | 880120 | Backup disks to tape |
1388 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | transf12.lbr | 1 | 79872 | 8 | 861227 | Transfer files to/from MS/DOS disks |
1389 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | transf18.ark | 1 | 70912 | 8 | 910915 | Transfer files to/from MS/DOS disks |
1390 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | wren-ii.cdc | 1 | 1722 | 7 | 870910 | How to get Control Data disk drives |
1391 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | xformat.lbr | 1 | 28544 | 8 | 861021 | Format/Copy utility for Xerox 820/1 |
1392 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | z80disk.lbr | 1 | 22144 | 8 | 861002 | Z80 utility to test disk drive |
1393 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | zap35.ark | 1 | 83268 | 8 | 860919 | Screen-oriented disk sec/trk editor |
1394 | pub/ | cpm/dskutl/ | zscan3.lbr | 1 | 28288 | 8 | 861009 | Read/alter/write each sector of disk |
1395 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed1.h | 1 | 3192 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1396 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed10.c | 1 | 8196 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1397 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed2.c | 1 | 8603 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1398 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed3.c | 1 | 12925 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1399 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed4.c | 1 | 12213 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1400 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed5.c | 1 | 3034 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1401 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed6.c | 1 | 2014 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1402 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed7.c | 1 | 2658 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1403 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed8.c | 1 | 3387 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1404 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | ed9.c | 1 | 3631 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1405 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | edlib.c | 1 | 1024 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1406 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | edscreen.c | 1 | 167 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1407 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | edscreen.doc | 1 | 5234 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1408 | pub/ | cpm/editc80/ | edscreen.txt | 1 | 549 | 7 | 840615 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor in C/80 |
1409 | pub/ | cpm/editor/ | editor.ark | 1 | 33850 | 8 | 830909 | Doctor Dobb's screen editor w/ enhancements |
1410 | pub/ | cpm/editor/ | expres11.ark | 1 | 117561 | 8 | 871021 | Full featured screen editor |
1411 | pub/ | cpm/editor/ | powerout.tzt | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 880130 | Benefits of frequent workfile saves |
1412 | pub/ | cpm/editor/ | sfgr.ark | 1 | 43553 | 8 | 871028 | Screen format generator for RPG II |
1413 | pub/ | cpm/editor/ | ted.lbr | 1 | 23936 | 8 | 861031 | Line-oriented text editor |
1414 | pub/ | cpm/editor/ | vedit-ws.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 870919 | VEDIT WS custom key bindings |
1415 | pub/ | cpm/editor/ | vedit.izf | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870926 | VEDIT windowing demo screens |
1416 | pub/ | cpm/editor/ | zde16.lbr | 1 | 48384 | 8 | 900927 | Z-System and CP/M WordStar-type text editor |
1417 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | abc.lbr | 1 | 21120 | 8 | 861012 | MBasic program for learning alphabet |
1418 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | alphabet.ark | 1 | 9061 | 8 | 880424 | Learn alphabet with large block letters |
1419 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | aviautl1.lbr | 1 | 68096 | 8 | 870322 | Aviation Utilities |
1420 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | comuflt.lbr | 1 | 22656 | 8 | 870322 | Flight Planning Program |
1421 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | flash.lbr | 1 | 25728 | 8 | 870227 | Flash card program |
1422 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | french.lbr | 1 | 30592 | 8 | 870426 | Learn French with flash cards |
1423 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | german.bzs | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 880123 | Test vocabulary skills in German |
1424 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | hebrew.lbr | 1 | 50688 | 8 | 861204 | Hebrew vocabulary drilling system |
1425 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | k-ching.lbr | 1 | 82048 | 8 | 871204 | Book of Changes in Modula2/Pascal |
1426 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | kidmath.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870705 | Addition/subtraction tutor |
1427 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | latin.bzs | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 880123 | Test vocabulary skills in Latin |
1428 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | mdlplne2.lbr | 1 | 35456 | 8 | 860810 | Design and testing of model airplane |
1429 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | pr11.lbr | 1 | 54784 | 8 | 860713 | The Inversion of Large Matrices |
1430 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | psalms.lbr | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 880117 | Tests ability to memorize Psalms |
1431 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | spellbe4.lbr | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 860615 | Spelling Bee - Educational game |
1432 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | trivia2.lbr | 1 | 30848 | 8 | 870227 | Trivial Pursuit word game |
1433 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | ttype3.lbr | 1 | 48128 | 8 | 860514 | Comprehensive touch typing tutor |
1434 | pub/ | cpm/education/ | typteach.lbr | 1 | 26752 | 8 | 860629 | Touch typing tutorial/measure speed |
1435 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | barcode.lbr | 1 | 23808 | 8 | 851207 | Print 3 of 9 barcode on Epson LX80 |
1436 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | ep-wspat.prn | 1 | 3886 | 7 | 840401 | Patch WordStar to use the Epson printer |
1437 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | epsetup.lbr | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 870206 | Epson MX/RX/FX80 printer setup |
1438 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | epslink.azm | 1 | 16640 | 8 | 871110 | CP/M file transfer with Epson Geneva |
1439 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | epsondsk.lbr | 1 | 23936 | 8 | 860428 | Epson Support Disks catalog |
1440 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | epsonjan.lzt | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 870131 | January Epson newsletter |
1441 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | epsonspe.txt | 1 | 5815 | 7 | 830909 | Epson MX series printer specifications |
1442 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | facelift.bqs | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 851119 | Select typeface-Epson RX/FX/MX ptrs. |
1443 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | filink.sh | 1 | 12083 | 7 | 940902 | Unix-based file transfer w/ Epson Geneva/PX-8 |
1444 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | fncfnt.com | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | Demo of fancy fonts with Epson MX printers |
1445 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | fncfnt.dm1 | 1 | 37760 | 7 | 850209 | Demo of fancy fonts with Epson MX printers |
1446 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | fncfnt.doc | 1 | 951 | 7 | 830909 | Demo of fancy fonts with Epson MX printers |
1447 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | fx80-q.lbr | 1 | 15488 | 8 | 880410 | Utilities for Epson Fx80 printer |
1448 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | fx80ptpr.lbr | 1 | 22528 | 8 | 880102 | Epson FX-80 print option setter |
1449 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | fxchar.lbr | 1 | 40704 | 8 | 880102 | Epson FX printer char. set generator |
1450 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | fxparms.bzs | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880102 | Epson FX-80 type styles illustration |
1451 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | fxprint.ark | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870816 | Epson FX-80 printer setup pgm. |
1452 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | gcsfx.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 870919 | Epson FX-85 setup/print/typewriter |
1453 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | grafmx80.lbr | 1 | 24576 | 8 | 880102 | Epson MX80/100 bit-image graphics |
1454 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | higkfont.lbr | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 870906 | Greek character set for Epson Fx |
1455 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | mxset12.com | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Set/reset major Epson MX-80 functions |
1456 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | mxset12.mac | 1 | 3883 | 7 | 840116 | Set/reset major Epson MX-80 functions |
1457 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | printr.c | 1 | 4281 | 7 | 830909 | BDS-C program to manipulate Epson MX-80 |
1458 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | printr.com | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | BDS-C program to manipulate Epson MX-80 |
1459 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | promform.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 880320 | Prepare ROMS for Epson Geneva PX-8 |
1460 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | px8info.lbr | 1 | 20992 | 8 | 870918 | Technical info for PX-8 laptop |
1461 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | rtx141.lbr | 1 | 28416 | 8 | 880305 | Easier use of Epson PX-8 facilities |
1462 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | vprint.lbr | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 871213 | Vertical Printing Program |
1463 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | wsepem.txt | 1 | 3618 | 7 | 840308 | Epson MX-80 emphasize ctl from WS |
1464 | pub/ | cpm/epson/ | zcmd-qx.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 870719 | Install ZCMD on the Epson QX-10 |
1465 | pub/ | cpm/fast2/ | fast2.ark | 1 | 41373 | 8 | 850209 | Speed up CP/M programs via disk buffering |
1466 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | acopy30.lbr | 1 | 35072 | 8 | 900318 | Z80 file copy utility |
1467 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | b29v304.ark | 1 | 86656 | 8 | 861123 | Enhanced SWEEP-like utility |
1468 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | ccf.lbr | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 871208 | Combine |
1469 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | cpyfil15.lbr | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 850613 | Selective file copy program |
1470 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | csweep.lbr | 1 | 19840 | 8 | 860407 | Command line SWEEP-like utility |
1471 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | csweep21.lbr | 1 | 17920 | 8 | 861002 | Command line SWEEP-like utility |
1472 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | disk77b.lbr | 1 | 53504 | 8 | 850613 | Fast file copy |
1473 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | fip.lbr | 1 | 36608 | 8 | 851117 | User oriented file interchange pgm |
1474 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | mft48.lbr | 1 | 22912 | 8 | 850613 | Copies files using one drive |
1475 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | move.aqm | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | Move a file from disk to disk using 1 drive |
1476 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | msweep.lbr | 1 | 28544 | 8 | 860418 | Copy files to/from 8'' CP/M & MSDOS |
1477 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | nc.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | New copy |
1478 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | newnc115.lbr | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 860713 | Copies like or unlike files |
1479 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | nswp207.lbr | 1 | 31872 | 8 | 880110 | Disk/File maintenance utility |
1480 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | nswphint.tqt | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 860428 | Hints on more effective use of NSWP |
1481 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | nswptips.0q1 | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 861120 | Helpful hints on using NSWP207 |
1482 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | nswptips.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 870227 | Tips about the disk Maint utility |
1483 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | pipe18.lbr | 1 | 18048 | 8 | 880117 | Fast file copier |
1484 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | pippat2.aqm | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Add exit |
1485 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | ppip18.lbr | 1 | 74112 | 8 | 890813 | File copy program replaces PIP |
1486 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | rpl.lbr | 1 | 39168 | 8 | 870215 | Copy files with replace |
1487 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | smartmov.lbr | 1 | 19456 | 8 | 861123 | Smart file management utility |
1488 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | splitter.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 850209 | Break up files into small pieces for xfer |
1489 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | sweep40.lbr | 1 | 42368 | 8 | 850613 | Disk/File maintenance utility |
1490 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | wash15.lbr | 1 | 26752 | 8 | 870308 | Disk Maintenance Program |
1491 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | zcopy20.lbr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 880220 | Generic CP/M 2.2 file copy utility |
1492 | pub/ | cpm/filcpy/ | zx2.lbr | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 851013 | A horizontal directory lister |
1493 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | aaaread.me | 1 | 3128 | 7 | 940326 | Information on files in this dir. |
1494 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | cpm.idx | 1 | 366000 | 7 | 971026 | OAK CP/M files listing with descriptions |
1495 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | cpmindex.zip | 1 | 106265 | 8 | 971026 | OAK CP/M files listing with descriptions |
1496 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcpm.db2 | 1 | 697 | 7 | 871205 | Print cpm.idx using dBASE II |
1497 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcpm.hdr | 1 | 113 | 7 | 880516 | PC-File+ header for cpm.idx |
1498 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcpm.inf | 1 | 168 | 7 | 880516 | Record structure of cpm.idx |
1499 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcvax.bas | 1 | 7675 | 7 | 921123 | Convert IDX file to LST file using VAX/VMS |
1500 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcvt.bas | 1 | 903 | 7 | 881127 | Basic program to print OAK's cpm.idx |
1501 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcvt.c | 1 | 3087 | 7 | 900122 | Unix C program to print OAK's cpm.idx |
1502 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcvt.exc | 1 | 3387 | 7 | 900131 | VM/VMS REXX program to print cpm.idx |
1503 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcvt.for | 1 | 2314 | 7 | 891218 | VAX/VMS FORTRAN program to print cpm.idx |
1504 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcvt.sps | 1 | 1761 | 7 | 890807 | VAX/VMS SPS program to print cpm.idx |
1505 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simcvt2.bas | 1 | 1422 | 7 | 890315 | Basic program to print OAK's cpm.idx |
1506 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simdif.for | 1 | 19954 | 7 | 900808 | Display differences between OAK idx files |
1507 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simdisp.awk | 1 | 1215 | 7 | 901206 | AWK script displays cpm.idx in outline form |
1508 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simdisp.doc | 1 | 280 | 7 | 900114 | How to use SIMDISP.AWK |
1509 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | simdisp.pl | 1 | 2052 | 7 | 900114 | Perl script to print OAK's cpm.idx |
1510 | pub/ | cpm/filedocs/ | upload.inf | 1 | 1445 | 7 | 940208 | Instructions how to upload files to OAK |
1511 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | chek15.lbr | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 850613 | Calculates CRC value for files |
1512 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | citcrc11.lbr | 1 | 24320 | 8 | 870810 | CRC check using CCITT polynomial |
1513 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | ckcrc11.lbr | 1 | 18176 | 8 | 880320 | Calculates and validates CRC of file |
1514 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | cmp20.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 870222 | Unix-like binary file comparison program |
1515 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | comid1.lbr | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 851201 | Identifies if COM file is CP/M/MSDOS |
1516 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | comp13.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 871030 | Compares two COM (binary) files |
1517 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | compar.lbr | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 850209 | Compare two program files |
1518 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | compar11.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 851213 | Compare two program files |
1519 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | compare.aqm | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Compare two files |
1520 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | compare.com | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 850209 | Compare two files |
1521 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | compare3.lbr | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 880308 | Compare and verify two files |
1522 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | crck44.lbr | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 850613 | Calculates CRC value for files |
1523 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | crckk33.lbr | 1 | 41216 | 8 | 870515 | Calculates 16-bit CRC of a file |
1524 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | cryp512.lbr | 1 | 58624 | 8 | 861221 | Secure encryption of data files |
1525 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | cut10.lbr | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 880211 | CP/M file splitting utility |
1526 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | decuf13.ark | 1 | 30720 | 8 | 920915 | Decode uuencoded files |
1527 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | difcom16.lbr | 1 | 29440 | 8 | 850209 | File comparison utility |
1528 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | find20.lbr | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 850613 | Find ASCII char. strings in multiple files |
1529 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | find40.lbr | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 850613 | Find ASCII char. strings in multiple files |
1530 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | find54.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 860309 | Find text string(s) in text file(s) |
1531 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | findu10.lbr | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 850613 | Find text strings in files |
1532 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | fu-v13.lbr | 1 | 48512 | 8 | 870729 | Full screen binary file editor |
1533 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | gf10.lbr | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 890301 | Generalized file filter utility |
1534 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | grab.lbr | 1 | 21376 | 8 | 851201 | Find & grab paragraphs from WS files |
1535 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | hexdif2.com | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 850209 | Compare files and store results in new file |
1536 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | lock.bug | 1 | 1210 | 7 | 850119 | Warning about damage to files by LOCK.COM |
1537 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | lock10.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 900220 | Keyboard lock using a password |
1538 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | locker.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850228 | Protect and encrypt program files |
1539 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | ncrck1.lbr | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | File CRC error-checking program |
1540 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | pass30.com | 1 | 512 | 8 | 850209 | Adds password protection to COM file |
1541 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | pass30.dqc | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 850209 | Adds password protection to COM file |
1542 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | passwd30.aqm | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 850209 | Adds password protection to COM file |
1543 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | pcpck.lbr | 1 | 10112 | 8 | 861021 | Check for PC Pursuit escape sequence |
1544 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | pwd20.lbr | 1 | 42496 | 8 | 890107 | Provides Password security to files |
1545 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | qlock.lbr | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 871125 | Universal file encryption utility |
1546 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | rt11.lbr | 1 | 37888 | 8 | 850613 | Exchange files between RT-11 and CP/M systems |
1547 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | scrambl2.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850613 | Scramble CP/M files using a password |
1548 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | scrmbl21.aqm | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | Scramble CP/M files using a password |
1549 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | split4.nzt | 1 | 640 | 8 | 870308 | How to put SPLIT4ed files together |
1550 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | tablecrc.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 851117 | Illustration of a table-driven CRC routine |
1551 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | unload22.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 870910 | Convert a .COM file to a .HEX file |
1552 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | unload23.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 880131 | Convert a .COM file to a .HEX file |
1553 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | uudec01.lbr | 1 | 30336 | 8 | 880308 | Convert ASCII to binary files |
1554 | pub/ | cpm/filutl/ | wildex.rel | 1 | 256 | 8 | 850209 | Linkable wild card expansion routine |
1555 | pub/ | cpm/finance/ | finpak-c.lbr | 1 | 55936 | 8 | 851007 | A multi-function financial package |
1556 | pub/ | cpm/finance/ | invest.lbr | 1 | 107392 | 8 | 870515 | Investment calculations in MBASIC |
1557 | pub/ | cpm/finance/ | monyfund.lbr | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 870515 | Calcstar Portfolio Review |
1558 | pub/ | cpm/forth-83/ | blktofth.ark | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 870702 | F83 .BLK to .TXT conversion |
1559 | pub/ | cpm/forth-83/ | f83-20.mzn | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 870702 | Forth-83 Manual |
1560 | pub/ | cpm/forth-83/ | f83v2-80.ark | 1 | 155136 | 8 | 870206 | Forth-83 ver. 2 for CP/M-80 |
1561 | pub/ | cpm/forth-83/ | nit4th.asm | 1 | 5890 | 7 | 830909 | Reserve space on disks for Fig-Forth |
1562 | pub/ | cpm/forth-83/ | tools.bqk | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 860514 | A selection of tools for FORTH-83 |
1563 | pub/ | cpm/forth-83/ | uniforth.lbr | 1 | 96896 | 8 | 871117 | Sampler of Professional Uniforth |
1564 | pub/ | cpm/forth-83/ | zeditor.fq3 | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 861031 | Full screen editor for Forth |
1565 | pub/ | cpm/fortran/ | cpmlib.ark | 1 | 41334 | 8 | 871227 | FORTRAN-80 BDOS call enhancement |
1566 | pub/ | cpm/fortran/ | palasm.lbr | 1 | 71168 | 8 | 850414 | Programmable Array Logic Assembler |
1567 | pub/ | cpm/fortran/ | ratfor.lbr | 1 | 53120 | 8 | 860427 | Rational preprocessor for Fortran-80 |
1568 | pub/ | cpm/fortran/ | spectral.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 870128 | Scientific applications in Fortran |
1569 | pub/ | cpm/fortran/ | watfiv.lbr | 1 | 37376 | 8 | 840630 | FORTRAN pre-processor |
1570 | pub/ | cpm/games/ | rogue17.pma | 1 | 22400 | 8 | 940330 | D. Goodenough's port of Rogue |
1571 | pub/ | cpm/games/ | wand2-2.lbr | 1 | 20224 | 8 | 940330 | Update and additional screens for Wanderer |
1572 | pub/ | cpm/games/ | wanderer.lbr | 1 | 39424 | 8 | 940330 | A game of skill. Requires QTERM overlay |
1573 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | append.asm | 1 | 831 | 7 | 830909 | Append a file to another file |
1574 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | area17.lbr | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 880419 | Find location by areacode or city |
1575 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | areacd21.lbr | 1 | 20096 | 8 | 861213 | Find region and state of an areacode |
1576 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | carry12.aqm | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 850209 | Load and execute program after changing disks |
1577 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | conversi.aqm | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 850209 | Base conversion program |
1578 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | convrs12.aqm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | Base conversion program |
1579 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | crc120.aqm | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850209 | 16 bit CRC subroutines for 8080 |
1580 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | crc16.aqm | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | 16 bit CRC subroutines |
1581 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | dispmen.lbr | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 851123 | Display menus in two columns |
1582 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | duracode.aqm | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 850209 | Code converter for Dura Mach 10 typewriter |
1583 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | educator.aqm | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 850209 | EDUCATOR-8080 |
1584 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | em220.lbr | 1 | 19456 | 8 | 860514 | Aid in teaching 8080 assembly lang. |
1585 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | flifeh89.lbr | 1 | 16384 | 8 | 871110 | Z80 game of LIFE for the H89 |
1586 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | fmap.aqm | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 850209 | Sorted directory map utility |
1587 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | jnztest.asm | 1 | 1514 | 7 | 830909 | JZ and JNZ test file for DCON |
1588 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | lotto.lbr | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 870322 | LOTTO game for making lotto numbers! |
1589 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | lucky13.lbr | 1 | 28672 | 8 | 870928 | Lottery number generator/checker |
1590 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | nosltpop.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 871121 | Displays clock while running program |
1591 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | prlod.asm | 1 | 3123 | 7 | 840909 | Loader allowing program relocation |
1592 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | spttim10.aqm | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | Time support package for DC Hayes Chronograph |
1593 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | time11.mqc | 1 | 14336 | 8 | 850209 | Display |
1594 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | u.asm | 1 | 3006 | 7 | 830909 | Select drive and user area with 1 command |
1595 | pub/ | cpm/genasm/ | zsioinit.aqm | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | SIO initialization for Televideo 801/802 |
1596 | pub/ | cpm/gencom/ | clndr.lbr | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 870829 | Twelve month calendar for any year |
1597 | pub/ | cpm/gencom/ | device.com | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 850209 | Assign mnemonic names to CP/M devices |
1598 | pub/ | cpm/gencom/ | fmap.com | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Sorted directory map utility |
1599 | pub/ | cpm/gencom/ | time11.com | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 850209 | Display |
1600 | pub/ | cpm/gencom/ | worldtim.com | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 860428 | World time calculator |
1601 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | 9trks100.msg | 1 | 5506 | 7 | 841222 | Summary of S100 9-track controllers |
1602 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | address.ug | 1 | 788 | 7 | 840509 | Addresses of CP/M user groups |
1603 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | advent.szl | 1 | 38400 | 8 | 870208 | Walkthrough of Adventure Version B01 |
1604 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | amstrad.inf | 1 | 1519 | 7 | 880206 | Information on Amstrad CP/M systems |
1605 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | anti-aps.ckt | 1 | 2422 | 7 | 850628 | Protect computer-repeated power loss |
1606 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | backup.tzt | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 880130 | A look at backup philosophy |
1607 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | battery.bzr | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 881216 | Warning about batteries in computers |
1608 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | bible.src | 1 | 3191 | 7 | 860804 | Machine-readable Bible text summary |
1609 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | byondz80.tqt | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 860608 | Discussion of life beyond the Z80 |
1610 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | cachedsk.dqc | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | Info on RCPM 'cache' disks of common programs |
1611 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | calndr88.tzt | 1 | 896 | 8 | 880102 | 1988 Calendar |
1612 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | can-cust.msg | 1 | 2320 | 7 | 850421 | Dated info. about Canadian imports of software |
1613 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | care.tzt | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 880130 | Use and care of computers |
1614 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ccink.txt | 1 | 5261 | 7 | 871208 | Info- Steve Ciarcia's new newsletter |
1615 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ccs-disk.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 881109 | Suggested fixes for CCS disk controller |
1616 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ccsbios.fix | 1 | 2560 | 7 | 830909 | Fix for spurious select error |
1617 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ccsdisk.fqx | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850209 | Suggested fixes for CCS disk controller |
1618 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | cd-disks.tqt | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 860608 | CD ROM replacement for the hard disk |
1619 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | comm180.tqt | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850924 | Info. about Micromint COMM180 expansion board |
1620 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | copyrite.dqc | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Copyright law pertaining to computer (dated) |
1621 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | copyrite.iqf | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | Copyright law pertaining to computer (dated) |
1622 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | copyrite.lqw | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 860928 | Copyright law pertaining to computer (dated) |
1623 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | copyrite.tqt | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850209 | Copyright law pertaining to computer (dated) |
1624 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | cpm-disk.ark | 1 | 18390 | 8 | 880703 | Tips for systems with Hard Disks |
1625 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | cpmconf.tzt | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 880130 | Quick look of future of CP/M |
1626 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | cpmsrc-j.lzt | 1 | 23680 | 8 | 900210 | Updated list of CP/M Software Source |
1627 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | crcart.dqc | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Information about the use of CRC |
1628 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | crcksort.dqc | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | Sort output from CRCK alphabetically |
1629 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | cryptana.lbr | 1 | 24320 | 8 | 860719 | Cryptanalysis collection of tables |
1630 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | diskflip.dqc | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 850209 | Why NOT to use backside of floppys |
1631 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | disklube.doc | 1 | 696 | 7 | 840510 | Shugart disk drive lubrication |
1632 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | dj2d-ctl.fix | 1 | 706 | 7 | 840620 | Problem with the DJ2D controller |
1633 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | dskinfo.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 880130 | 5-1/4 inch floppy formats list |
1634 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | dt42.tzt | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 870706 | New DT42 Computer from SemiDisk |
1635 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | europe.tzt | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 871125 | Discusses computing in Europe |
1636 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | fast-180.msg | 1 | 1758 | 7 | 870207 | CPU speed upgrade for SB-180 |
1637 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | fifos.doc | 1 | 3120 | 7 | 850901 | Info. on FIFO chips |
1638 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | filename.izf | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 871127 | Discussion of file utilities |
1639 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | files.tzt | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880130 | Copying |
1640 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | floppy3.fzt | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 880319 | 5 1/4 inch floppy formats list |
1641 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | fog-conf.tqt | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 861111 | First Osborne Group conference info. |
1642 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | future.tzt | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 870227 | Comment on future of user groups |
1643 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | futureof.cqm | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 860720 | Discussion of the Future of CP/M |
1644 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | godbtz80.dqc | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 850209 | Enhancement/modification to GODBOUT Z-80 card |
1645 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | govtpubs.tqt | 1 | 14720 | 8 | 860815 | GPO computer related publications |
1646 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | groups.usr | 1 | 1542 | 7 | 830909 | User groups list |
1647 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | harddisk.buy | 1 | 2263 | 7 | 860930 | Installing a hard disk on the Kaypro |
1648 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | hd64180.bug | 1 | 4952 | 7 | 860220 | NEC HD64180 support |
1649 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | hd64180.wq2 | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 850912 | Info on NEC HD64180 chip - Rick Conn |
1650 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | hdisk003.dzt | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 880223 | Hard Disk Info (Cyls |
1651 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | hedclean.dqc | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 850209 | Shugart head cleaning disk recommendations |
1652 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | hex.tzt | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 870227 | Tutorial on hex and binary numbers |
1653 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | how2hack.msg | 1 | 3520 | 7 | 830909 | How to modify RCPM programs |
1654 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ilisp.nzt | 1 | 896 | 8 | 870815 | ILISP 2.0 user report of 2 bug fixes |
1655 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | infocom.inf | 1 | 2534 | 7 | 871112 | Information about Infocom games |
1656 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | intrview.wqc | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850424 | Interview of Ward Christensen |
1657 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | jadebigz.fix | 1 | 1509 | 7 | 881224 | Suggestions on how to fix Jade cards |
1658 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | library.ctl | 1 | 11949 | 7 | 830909 | Microcomputer Diskette Library Control |
1659 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | lightng.pqo | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850823 | Protecting against lightning strikes |
1660 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | lunch.tzt | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 870523 | Reflections about 'dead CP/M' |
1661 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | machmach.dqc | 1 | 43008 | 8 | 850209 | Specifications for machine-machine translation |
1662 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | magicpr3.izf | 1 | 18944 | 8 | 890107 | Information about Magic Print |
1663 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | mdisk.izf | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 871015 | 1 Megabyte RAM disk for AMPRO |
1664 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | midi.dqc | 1 | 16768 | 8 | 860206 | Questions/Answers on MIDI interface |
1665 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | modula2.rqs | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 861031 | Gives features of Z80 Turbo Modula-2 |
1666 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | msoftsav.inf | 1 | 1618 | 7 | 870127 | Patch for Heathkit Microsoft product |
1667 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | mssconv.tzt | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 870712 | Article about manuscript conventions |
1668 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | nec8001.hlp | 1 | 7227 | 7 | 840705 | Tips and hints for the NEC 8001 computer |
1669 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | patchit.tzt | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 870705 | How to Patch a program file |
1670 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | pcfile80.izf | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 890107 | Info for support of PC-File 80 |
1671 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | presto.rzv | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 870308 | Review of PRESTO! for Kaypros |
1672 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | proguide.msg | 1 | 2265 | 7 | 841010 | The Programmer's Guide to CP/M addenda |
1673 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | promlamp.msg | 1 | 1313 | 7 | 840923 | Details about PROM lamp erasers |
1674 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ramdisk.rqv | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 860804 | Info. about RAM disk cards for CP/M systems |
1675 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | readme.azt | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 870705 | Discussion of -READ.ME tradition |
1676 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | response.fzg | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870524 | CRUNCH author responds to FOG |
1677 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | runcpm.iqf | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 880111 | Run CP/M on IBM-PC at up to 10 MHz! |
1678 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | s100book.inf | 1 | 820 | 7 | 880610 | Interfacing to S-100 microcomputers |
1679 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | s100dc.txt | 1 | 4262 | 7 | 830909 | Survey of S-100 disk controllers |
1680 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | sb180.tqt | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850714 | SB180 single-board CP/M computer |
1681 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | sb180.txt | 1 | 10901 | 7 | 850911 | SB180 single-board CP/M computer |
1682 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | screnclr.dqc | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850209 | Solving screen clear problems |
1683 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | siemens8.iqf | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Tips on Siemens 100-8 SSDD 8'' drive |
1684 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | snoopy88.czl | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880213 | 1988 Snoopy calendar ready to print |
1685 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | snyoscrn.doc | 1 | 4327 | 7 | 850617 | How to do inverse type on Sanyo |
1686 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | squeal.doc | 1 | 1359 | 7 | 850419 | How to solve 'squealing diskettes' |
1687 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | standard.fzg | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 870524 | FOG standards for file submissions |
1688 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | starlet.izf | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 870625 | NEC Starlet battery recharger |
1689 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | sunrise.rzv | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 880529 | Review of Xerox 1815 laptop |
1690 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | tcj.inf | 1 | 1572 | 7 | 871026 | Info about The Computer Journal |
1691 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | toadbios.dqc | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 850209 | Toad Hall's BIOS modifications/patches |
1692 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | tv803fb1.lbr | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 870801 | Info about TeleVideo field bulletins |
1693 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ucpm.ark | 1 | 3403 | 8 | 871220 | 'Universal' CP/M survey form |
1694 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ucpm10.ark | 1 | 74064 | 8 | 880202 | UCPM Universal CP/M Manual |
1695 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | ukcat.0q0 | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 850209 | Catalogs of UK library disks |
1696 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | upd70116.v30 | 1 | 3396 | 7 | 850915 | Information about the NEC uPD70116 |
1697 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | wirewrap.doc | 1 | 18009 | 7 | 850701 | Details about wire wrap tools |
1698 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | z800.dqc | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | Technical specs of the Zilog Z800 |
1699 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | z800more.dqc | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850517 | More details about the Zilog Z800 |
1700 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | z80h.txt | 1 | 1887 | 7 | 870619 | Speed up with the Z80H CPU chip |
1701 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | zorkfact.inf | 1 | 873 | 7 | 870531 | ZORK STORY utility info |
1702 | pub/ | cpm/gendoc/ | zorknote.tzt | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 871222 | Modifying Infocom CP/M game tcap's |
1703 | pub/ | cpm/genie/ | cpmmay94.lyt | 1 | 143744 | 7 | 940513 | CP/M RoundTable files as of May 13 |
1704 | pub/ | cpm/genie/ | geniecpm.inf | 1 | 5319 | 7 | 881205 | National CP/M RoundTable signup info |
1705 | pub/ | cpm/genie/ | genielst.bqs | 1 | 1458 | 8 | 880604 | Makes weekly/monthly GEnie file list |
1706 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | basplot.lbr | 1 | 71040 | 8 | 910625 | BASIC data plotting program |
1707 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | draw140.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 861231 | Plotter routines for Diablo 630 |
1708 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | draw630.lbr | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 861207 | Turbo Pascal plotting subroutines |
1709 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | grafstan.tqt | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 860518 | Graphic notation for circuit diagram |
1710 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | gt-rects.lbr | 1 | 20736 | 8 | 870426 | Drawing demo for the GT180 |
1711 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | omnidemo.lbr | 1 | 49664 | 8 | 871110 | Window interface for Kaypro |
1712 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | rdump10.lbr | 1 | 33664 | 8 | 870819 | Display Run Length Encoded graphics |
1713 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | turt100.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 861231 | Turbo Pascal graphic routines |
1714 | pub/ | cpm/graphics/ | wdraw.lbr | 1 | 61568 | 8 | 870308 | Drawing Program |
1715 | pub/ | cpm/hamming/ | ham10-t.ark | 1 | 57674 | 8 | 850209 | Generates Hamming code encoding table |
1716 | pub/ | cpm/hamming/ | hamming.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850617 | Generates Hamming code encoding table |
1717 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | 00readme.doc | 1 | 2139 | 7 | 840625 | Further details about the files in this dir |
1718 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | aaaread.me | 1 | 62 | 7 | 870131 | Information on files in this dir. |
1719 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | bearing.bzs | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 870704 | A heading/distance program |
1720 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | hfprop.bzs | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 870509 | HF propagation program |
1721 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | induct20.bzs | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 870604 | Inductance calculations in MBasic |
1722 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | list-log.lbr | 1 | 20480 | 8 | 870208 | Manipulate list of records |
1723 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | micromuf.pas | 1 | 7695 | 7 | 861005 | Utility to compute freq. of shortwave paths |
1724 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | minimuf.for | 1 | 6059 | 7 | 840828 | Utility to compute freq. of shortwave paths |
1725 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | mix.lbr | 1 | 19456 | 8 | 870318 | R.F. intermodulation products calc. |
1726 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | mnprop2.lbr | 1 | 113280 | 8 | 871010 | Radio H.F. propagation predictions |
1727 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | morsetxt.lbr | 1 | 67456 | 8 | 871031 | Send text files with Morse Code |
1728 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | mtrack.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 850815 | Track locations of polar orbit satellites |
1729 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | network.lbr | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 870830 | RF filter/network/trans. line design |
1730 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | network2.lbr | 1 | 36608 | 8 | 871011 | RF filter/network/trans. line design |
1731 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | novice1f.lbr | 1 | 41728 | 8 | 870809 | FCC NOVICE test video or printer |
1732 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | orbit23.ark | 1 | 37059 | 8 | 870326 | Ham Radio satellite orbit simulator |
1733 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | rtty3.lbr | 1 | 34688 | 8 | 870221 | RTTY support for CP/M |
1734 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | tec2.lbr | 1 | 45312 | 8 | 880225 | Ham Radio Technician test aid |
1735 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | unigrid2.bzs | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870505 | update to N6NB's gridlocator prog. |
1736 | pub/ | cpm/hamradio/ | vhfprop.bzs | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 870507 | VHF/UHF propagation program |
1737 | pub/ | cpm/hbbs/ | hbbs-1.lbr | 1 | 220032 | 8 | 880421 | Bulletin Board Message System |
1738 | pub/ | cpm/hbbs/ | hbbs-1su.lbr | 1 | 92416 | 8 | 880419 | Supplemental library for HBBS |
1739 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | backmw.dqc | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 850209 | Incremental backup of |
1740 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | backmw27.lbr | 1 | 25088 | 8 | 850209 | Incremental backup of |
1741 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | bakup23a.lbr | 1 | 27008 | 8 | 850209 | Backup files from harddisk to floppy |
1742 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | bigburst.aqm | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | Large file backup/recovery |
1743 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | bigburst.doc | 1 | 2120 | 7 | 830909 | Large file backup/recovery |
1744 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | bu-ddj-f.lbr | 1 | 31104 | 8 | 860522 | Hard disk back-up utility |
1745 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | bu-v12.lbr | 1 | 58112 | 8 | 850209 | Hard disk back-up utility |
1746 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | bu20.lbr | 1 | 59136 | 8 | 861005 | An incremental backup program in 'C' |
1747 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | flopcopy.aqm | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 850209 | Copy floppy disks with only 1 drive |
1748 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | flopcopy.doc | 1 | 1317 | 7 | 830909 | Copy floppy disks with only 1 drive |
1749 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | fromhard.aqm | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 850209 | Transfer CP/M files from hard disk to floppy |
1750 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | hdisk.shl | 1 | 4275 | 7 | 850205 | Example Microshell script |
1751 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | iback.lbr | 1 | 67968 | 8 | 861225 | Backup/Restore hard disks |
1752 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | multcopy.aqm | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 850209 | Multiple file copy utility |
1753 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | multcopy.doc | 1 | 688 | 7 | 830909 | Multiple file copy utility |
1754 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | newback.aqm | 1 | 26240 | 8 | 850209 | Back up hard disk to floppies |
1755 | pub/ | cpm/hdutl/ | tohard.aqm | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 850209 | Transfer files from CP/M floppies to hard disk |
1756 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | consol.h | 1 | 641 | 7 | 830909 | Routines to access Heath console |
1757 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | dial.asm | 1 | 6988 | 7 | 851112 | Dialing directory for POPCOM modem |
1758 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | dial.ins | 1 | 663 | 7 | 851112 | Instructions for dialer on Z-100 |
1759 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | dirf38hz.lbr | 1 | 17920 | 8 | 870926 | HZ19/89 DIR list with descriptions |
1760 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | h19codes.doc | 1 | 2927 | 7 | 830909 | H19 cursor/screen manipulation sequences |
1761 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | h19h89.txt | 1 | 8262 | 7 | 830909 | Upgrading Z-19 terminal to Heath H-89 computer |
1762 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | h19sup.rqm | 1 | 16256 | 8 | 850209 | Info. about upgraded ROMs for H-19 |
1763 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | h8.upg | 1 | 1345 | 7 | 830909 | Suggestions on how to upgrade the Heath H8 |
1764 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | h89-fix.msg | 1 | 2058 | 7 | 840324 | Suggestion for loading CP/M on H89 |
1765 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | h89.mod | 1 | 8696 | 7 | 830909 | Heath H89 computer speedup |
1766 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | h89cpu.lst | 1 | 1716 | 7 | 830909 | H89 CPU parts list |
1767 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | heath.opt | 1 | 2312 | 7 | 830909 | Heath versions of Microsoft software |
1768 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | heathh29.txt | 1 | 5150 | 7 | 830909 | H29 terminal specifications |
1769 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | hmodem20.lbr | 1 | 54272 | 8 | 880516 | X/Y/ZMODEM for Heath/Zenith 89 |
1770 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | hmsrc20.lbr | 1 | 77952 | 8 | 880516 | X/Y/ZMODEM for HZ89 source code |
1771 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | hz-venix.msg | 1 | 759 | 7 | 850421 | Info. on VENIX (Unix) for H/Z-100 |
1772 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | hz100ibm.kit | 1 | 1683 | 7 | 841226 | IBM PC emulator for H/Z-100 info. |
1773 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | jmodz100.lbr | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850520 | CRT control |
1774 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | mbooth89.asm | 1 | 4751 | 7 | 840805 | Modem bootstrap program for H89 |
1775 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | money.lbr | 1 | 30848 | 8 | 870322 | Financial Utilities for H/Z-89 |
1776 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | repeat89.dqc | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 850414 | Adding auto-repeat to H19/H89 |
1777 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | szofrm.c | 1 | 170 | 7 | 830909 | Compute maximum size that alloc will allow |
1778 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | teledt.abs | 1 | 12288 | 7 | 850209 | Modem comm. program based on MODEM |
1779 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | teledt.c | 1 | 18100 | 7 | 830909 | Modem comm. program based on MODEM |
1780 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | teledt.doc | 1 | 5067 | 7 | 830909 | Modem comm. program based on MODEM |
1781 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | z100wrap.doc | 1 | 1218 | 7 | 850419 | Info. about Z-100 esc. sequences |
1782 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | z19cn.mod | 1 | 1346 | 7 | 830909 | Modifications to speed up H19/z19 |
1783 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | zb4mhz.asm | 1 | 6979 | 7 | 830909 | Changes to BIOS to allow 4MHz operation on H89 |
1784 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | zb4mhz.doc | 1 | 5346 | 7 | 830909 | Changes to BIOS to allow 4MHz operation on H89 |
1785 | pub/ | cpm/heath/ | zds.bb | 1 | 304651 | 7 | 850124 | List of files on the Zenith BBS |
1786 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | algolm.hqp | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 850209 | Help file for Algol-M |
1787 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | asm2.hqp | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M 2.2 assembler help |
1788 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | bascom.hzp | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for MBASIC compiler |
1789 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | bdos.hzp | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for CP/M BDOS |
1790 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | bios.hzp | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for CP/M BIOS |
1791 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | c.hqp | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 850209 | HELP file for BDS-C |
1792 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | catlog.hqp | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 850209 | HELP file for CATALOG |
1793 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | cbas.hqp | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850209 | HELP for CBASIC |
1794 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | cbas2.hqp | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 850209 | HELP for CBASIC2 |
1795 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | cpm2.hqp | 1 | 19840 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M 2.2 help |
1796 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | du-v75.hqp | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 850209 | DU-V75 disk utility help |
1797 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | ed.hzp | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for CP/M ED |
1798 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | ex.hzp | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for EX |
1799 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | fortran.hqp | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850209 | Microsoft FORTRAN-80 help |
1800 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | help18u.aqm | 1 | 23936 | 8 | 850209 | HELP ver 1.8 UnSQueeze display .HLP |
1801 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | help20.lbr | 1 | 42240 | 8 | 850617 | Display indexed help files |
1802 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | helper.lbr | 1 | 18944 | 8 | 880830 | Converts text file into COM file |
1803 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | hjelp.lbr | 1 | 59520 | 8 | 861221 | Help utility works with libraries |
1804 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | lbrhlp13.lbr | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 880216 | Read crunched help files |
1805 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | link.hqp | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | Help for using LINK-80 |
1806 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | lzed.hzp | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 870227 | Help for the Little Z EDitor |
1807 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | mac.hqp | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 850209 | Digital Research MAC assembler help |
1808 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | masm.hqp | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 850209 | Help for using MACRO-80 (M80) |
1809 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | mbasic.hqp | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 850209 | MBASIC (Microsoft) help file |
1810 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | mload.hzp | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for MLOAD |
1811 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | nulu.hzp | 1 | 14720 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for NULU |
1812 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | pascal.hqp | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850209 | Pascal/MT compiler help |
1813 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | phelp.com | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | Prints .HLP (help) files on printer |
1814 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | phelp.mqc | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | Prints .HLP files on your printer |
1815 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | pip.hzp | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for PIP |
1816 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | printhlp.lbr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 861031 | Prints ZCPR help files |
1817 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | ratfor.hqp | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 860629 | Help for the RATFOR preprocessor |
1818 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | resource.hqp | 1 | 18048 | 8 | 850209 | Help for RESOURCE disassembler |
1819 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | sid.hqp | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 850209 | SID debugger help file |
1820 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | sio.hzp | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for the Z80 SIO |
1821 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | slrsys.hzp | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for the SLR assembler |
1822 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | stat.hzp | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for the CP/M STAT command |
1823 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | sweep.hzp | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for NEW SWEEP |
1824 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | syslib.hzp | 1 | 14720 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for SYSLIB |
1825 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | turbopas.hzp | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 870906 | Help file for Turbo Pascal |
1826 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | uncr.hzp | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for UNCR utility. |
1827 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | vde.hzp | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for the VDE editor |
1828 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | ws.hqp | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 851124 | Help file for WordStar |
1829 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | xlate.hzp | 1 | 768 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for 8080/Z80 translator |
1830 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | xmodem11.hzp | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 870131 | Description of how Xmodem works |
1831 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | z80mr.hzp | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for Z80 Macro assembler |
1832 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | z8e.hzp | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for Z8E debugger |
1833 | pub/ | cpm/help/ | zdasm.hzp | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 870115 | Help file for ZDASM disassembler |
1834 | pub/ | cpm/hex/ | itscvt.hex | 1 | 3884 | 7 | 830909 | Convert MIT ITS files to CP/M |
1835 | pub/ | cpm/hitech-c/ | hitec-c1.lbr | 1 | 215040 | 8 | 930628 | HI-TECH Z80 CP/M C compiler |
1836 | pub/ | cpm/hitech-c/ | hitec-c2.lbr | 1 | 125056 | 8 | 930629 | HI-TECH Z80 CP/M C compiler |
1837 | pub/ | cpm/hitech-c/ | hitec-c3.lbr | 1 | 116992 | 8 | 930629 | HI-TECH Z80 CP/M C compiler |
1838 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i218-4.azm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - SB180 MicroMint |
1839 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2a2-3.azm | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Apple //c |
1840 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2a3-3.azm | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Apple /// |
1841 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ac-2.azm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Actrix computer |
1842 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ad-2.azm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Advanced Digital |
1843 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ae-1.azm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 870825 | IMP Overlay - Action Enterprises |
1844 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2al-3.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Altos 8000 |
1845 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2am-4.azm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Ampro Little Board |
1846 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ap-10.azm | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 870608 | IMP Overlay - various Apple CP/M |
1847 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ap-11.azm | 1 | 19200 | 8 | 881118 | IMP Overlay - Apple II computers |
1848 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2as-2.azm | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 880412 | IMP Overlay - Amstrad PCW-8256 |
1849 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2av-1.azm | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Apple PCPI Applicard |
1850 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2b2-2.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Big Board II |
1851 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2b3-2.azm | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Bondwell 2 Laptop |
1852 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2bt-4.azm | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Beehive Topper |
1853 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2bw-3.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Bondwell 12/14 |
1854 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2c8-2.azm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Commodore C128 |
1855 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2cc-5.azm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - CCS 2719/2830 |
1856 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2cp-2.azm | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Compupro Interfacer |
1857 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2cr-1.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 880107 | IMP Overlay - Cromemco Tuart |
1858 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ct-1.azm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 871231 | IMP Overlay - Cromemco TUART |
1859 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2da-2.azm | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Davidge DST3-4/6 |
1860 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2dg-2.azm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Digital Group |
1861 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2dm-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Dynabyte Monarch |
1862 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2dp-2.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Datapoint 1560 |
1863 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2dv-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Datavue 3000 |
1864 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ea-2.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Eagle II and III |
1865 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ep-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Epson QX-10 |
1866 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2eq-4.azm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Insight Enterprises |
1867 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ft-2.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Facit DTC Computers |
1868 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2gs-1.azm | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 890429 | IMP for Apple //gs w/Softcard |
1869 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2gs-2.azm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 890429 | IMP for Apple //gs w/Applicard |
1870 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2h8-5.azm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Heath/Zenith 89 |
1871 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2hz-6.azm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Heath/Zenith 100 |
1872 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2kp-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Kaypro |
1873 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2lo-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Lobo MAZ-80 |
1874 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2mc-2.azm | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Molecular Series X |
1875 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2md-2.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Morrow MD3 |
1876 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2mda-3.azm | 1 | 9600 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Morrow MD3 |
1877 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2me-3.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Morrow MD5/MD11 |
1878 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2mic-1.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 881112 | IMP Overlay - Multitech MIC 504 |
1879 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2mm-4.zz0 | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - MicroMint SB180 |
1880 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2mo-3.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 880716 | IMP Overlay -- Morrow MD-3 |
1881 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2mt-2.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Memotech SDZ-512 |
1882 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2na-3.azm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - North Star Advantage |
1883 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2nc-2.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - NCR Decision Mate 5 |
1884 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ne-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - NEC 8801 |
1885 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2nh-3.azm | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - North Star Horizon |
1886 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ns-6.azm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - North Star Horizon |
1887 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2oa-2.azm | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Otrona Attache |
1888 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2os-5.azm | 1 | 16000 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Osborne OS-1 |
1889 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ov-3.azm | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Osborne Vixen |
1890 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ox-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Osborne Executive |
1891 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2r2-2.azm | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - TRS-80 Model II/12 |
1892 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2r4-2.azm | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - TRS-80 Model 4 |
1893 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2rv-6.azm | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 870728 | IMP Overlay - Racal-Vadic modems |
1894 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ry-1.azm | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 870802 | IMP Overlay - Royal Alphatronics |
1895 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2s2-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Sanyo 1200/1250 |
1896 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2sb-2.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Intertec Super Brain |
1897 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2sd-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - SD Systems SBC-200 |
1898 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2sp-2.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Coleco Adam/EVE SP-1 |
1899 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ss-3.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - CompuPro Sys Support 1 |
1900 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2sv-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - SVI-238 |
1901 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2sy-3.azm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Sanyo computers |
1902 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2td-2.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - TurboDOS 1.4x |
1903 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2ts-2.azm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Timex-Sinclair 2068 |
1904 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2tv-5.azm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - TeleVideo 801/802/804 |
1905 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2us-1.azm | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - US Robotics S-100 |
1906 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2vb-3.azm | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Verbose only modems |
1907 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2vg-2.azm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Vector Graphics 3/4 |
1908 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2vi-2.azm | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Visual 1050 |
1909 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2wm-3.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - WaveMate Bullet |
1910 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2xe-2.azm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Xerox 820 |
1911 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | i2zb-2.azm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 870606 | IMP Overlay - Zorba |
1912 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | imp-ovl.czs | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870530 | IMP Overlay customization notes |
1913 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | imp-ovl.lzt | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 870608 | List of IMP (245) overlays |
1914 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | imp-sp.lbr | 1 | 50176 | 8 | 860719 | IMP configured for the ADAM SP-1 |
1915 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | imp244.pzt | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 870530 | Three patches to IMP 244 |
1916 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | imp245.lbr | 1 | 78080 | 8 | 870606 | IMP modem communications program |
1917 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | imp24dsc.fix | 1 | 1687 | 7 | 870523 | Fix for the IMP disconnect problem |
1918 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | imp2z11.lbr | 1 | 12800 | 8 | 870606 | A ZCPR shell escape for IMP |
1919 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | imp4mds.lbr | 1 | 60800 | 8 | 880405 | Morrow MD overlays for IMP 245 |
1920 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | impatch2.lbr | 1 | 20352 | 8 | 870619 | Menu program to change IMP options |
1921 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | impdsc.fix | 1 | 1687 | 7 | 870505 | Disconnection fix for IMP244 |
1922 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | impsteps.tqt | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 860817 | Step by step instructions for IMP244 |
1923 | pub/ | cpm/imp/ | impstrad.lbr | 1 | 92672 | 8 | 880407 | IMP245 Amstrad PCW-8256 |
1924 | pub/ | cpm/insidcpm/ | insidcpm.lbr | 1 | 26496 | 8 | 850209 | Source used in Cortesi's INSIDE CP/M |
1925 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | 256crkt.upd | 1 | 2824 | 8 | 860820 | Corrected 256K Kaypro RAM circuit |
1926 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | 256new.ans | 1 | 2611 | 7 | 860824 | Answer to Kaypro RAM upgrade problem |
1927 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | 84kp256.lbr | 1 | 26880 | 8 | 860826 | 256K RAM for the KayPro '84's |
1928 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | 84kp256a.ark | 1 | 13375 | 8 | 880214 | 190K RAMdisk for '84 Kaypros - $40 |
1929 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | advent1.ark | 1 | 54784 | 8 | 860921 | Collection of patches/enhancements for KP |
1930 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | advent2.ark | 1 | 88704 | 8 | 860921 | Collection of patches/enhancements for KP |
1931 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | altdrive.lbr | 1 | 33408 | 8 | 850605 | Dynamic re-configuration of DSKDRV |
1932 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | artie71.lbr | 1 | 52352 | 8 | 880117 | Block graphic editor for Kaypro |
1933 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | artist.lbr | 1 | 20352 | 8 | 861115 | Drawing program for Kaypro in Turbo |
1934 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | autoboot.ark | 1 | 6396 | 8 | 880314 | AUTOBOOT.WS & MicroSphere ramdisk |
1935 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | autoboot.wz | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 880312 | Tips on auto-start at Kaypro bootup |
1936 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | autokeys.lbr | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 880220 | Configure Kaypro keypad |
1937 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | biosmr12.lbr | 1 | 39808 | 8 | 851007 | Improved Kaypro BIOS fast/more storg |
1938 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | brief-sq.inf | 1 | 1050 | 7 | 850119 | How to squeeze and unsqueeze files |
1939 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | commands.iqf | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850209 | Documentation about the Acropolis RCP/M |
1940 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | copy.tzt | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 880130 | Kaypro autoboot a command at startup |
1941 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | cpm-book.iqf | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 850209 | Reviews of several 1981-82 CP/M books |
1942 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | crhrdsft.lbr | 1 | 25088 | 8 | 860815 | WordStar <--> ASCII text conversion |
1943 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | cursor.lbr | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850525 | Change cursor size on Kaypro w/6545 CRT chip |
1944 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dcom.tzt | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880130 | Uncovering some secrets of D.COM |
1945 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dirf37kp.lbr | 1 | 26624 | 8 | 860611 | DIR list includes description |
1946 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dkug-dec.inf | 1 | 558 | 7 | 850119 | Info. about Detroit Kaypro Users Group |
1947 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dskdrv13.lbr | 1 | 56448 | 8 | 850605 | Allows read/write of foreign disks |
1948 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dualport.lbr | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 861221 | Multiple console displays for Kaypro |
1949 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dump-at.com | 1 | 256 | 8 | 850209 | Dump screen to printer |
1950 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dump10.com | 1 | 384 | 8 | 850209 | Dump screen to printer (Kaypro 10) |
1951 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dump1084.doc | 1 | 2992 | 7 | 840721 | Dump screen to printer |
1952 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dump1084.mqc | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 850209 | Dump screen to printer |
1953 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dump24.com | 1 | 384 | 8 | 850209 | Dump screen to printer (Kaypro 2/4) |
1954 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dump24.doc | 1 | 2871 | 7 | 840721 | Dump screen to printer (Kaypro 2/4) |
1955 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dump24.mqc | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 850209 | Dump screen to printer (Kaypro 2/4) |
1956 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dump484.com | 1 | 384 | 8 | 850209 | Dump screen to printer (Kaypro 4-84) |
1957 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dumpkp1.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 880315 | Screen dump program for Kaypro 1 |
1958 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dumpkp84.com | 1 | 384 | 8 | 850209 | Screen dump program for Kaypro 4-84 |
1959 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dumpread.me | 1 | 654 | 7 | 840721 | Info. about screen dump programs |
1960 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | dvorak.tqt | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 860611 | How to mod. Keytronic KL 5151 for Dvorak KB |
1961 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | fastterm.lbr | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850530 | Fast terminal program for Kaypro |
1962 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | filer.dte | 1 | 830 | 7 | 880319 | Perfect Filer patch for date problem |
1963 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | fltkp100.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 871208 | Kaypro transfer to/from TRS mod 100 |
1964 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | format.tzt | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 880130 | Disk format options on Kaypros |
1965 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | graf2k10.lbr | 1 | 33920 | 8 | 850209 | Bar graph generator for Kaypro 10 |
1966 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | grafkii.lbr | 1 | 31488 | 8 | 850209 | Bar graph generator for Kaypro II |
1967 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | harddisk.tqt | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 860611 | Add a hard disk to Kaypro-84 models |
1968 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | hardnote.tqt | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 860713 | Install harddisk on Kaypro /TurboROM |
1969 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | harness.tzt | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 880130 | Wiring harness problems with Kaypros |
1970 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | hotkey11.lbr | 1 | 18048 | 8 | 880518 | Arrow/keypad redefinition program |
1971 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | intptch3.lbr | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 871204 | Kaypro FASTTERM/INTTERM improvements |
1972 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | iocapkp.lbr | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 860418 | Captures console output for print |
1973 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k-dial11.lbr | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 870121 | Phone auto-dialer for Kaypro '84 |
1974 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k10chess.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 880129 | Chess for Kaypro 10 and other video models |
1975 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k10time.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | Read time from Legacy Computer Systems RTC |
1976 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k10z33.lbr | 1 | 87808 | 8 | 880615 | ZCPR 33 install files for Kaypro 10 |
1977 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k16---k2.tzt | 1 | 640 | 8 | 880130 | Connecting a Kaypro 16 to Kaypro 2 |
1978 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k1kerm11.lbr | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 880716 | Kermit-80 ver 4.05 - Kaypro 1 |
1979 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k1screen.izf | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 871129 | Video escape sequences for Kaypro 1 |
1980 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k256bios.lbr | 1 | 48256 | 8 | 860628 | Software needed for Kaypro 256K mod |
1981 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k484timr.lbr | 1 | 20608 | 8 | 850209 | Autostart MEX at predefined time |
1982 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k4sketch.lbr | 1 | 21632 | 8 | 880504 | Draw lines and pixels on Kaypro '84 |
1983 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k4time11.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | Kaypro 4-84 time stamping program |
1984 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k4x.dzc | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 880315 | Enhancements for Kaypro |
1985 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k4zsysin.dqc | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 851001 | Implementing ZCPR3 on Kaypro 4-84 |
1986 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | k83z33.lbr | 1 | 81408 | 8 | 880615 | ZCPR33 install files for Kaypro 83 |
1987 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kay-disk.izf | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 880222 | Kaypro floppy disk formats |
1988 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kay256.fix | 1 | 1093 | 7 | 860815 | Fix to Kaypro 256K RAM disk mod |
1989 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kay256.lbr | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 860526 | Install 256k chips on the Kaypro IV |
1990 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kay256.msg | 1 | 1434 | 7 | 860615 | Install 256k chips on the Kaypro IV |
1991 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kayak.lbr | 1 | 22656 | 8 | 880124 | Kayak race for Kaypro systems |
1992 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kaydiag.lbr | 1 | 44032 | 8 | 861130 | Diagnostics for Kaypro II & IV. |
1993 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kayeasel.lbr | 1 | 77824 | 8 | 870322 | Electronic graphics easel for Kaypro |
1994 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kayinfo.lbr | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 861130 | Kaypro Information -- Keyboard etc. |
1995 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kaymaint.tzt | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 880316 | Maintenance tips for Kaypro systems |
1996 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kaypro10.rev | 1 | 6074 | 7 | 840202 | Review of Kaypro 10 and supplied software |
1997 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kbshw321.lbr | 1 | 33152 | 8 | 850209 | Kaypro version of BISHOW |
1998 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kchrset1.lbr | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 851117 | Display entire char. set on video-able Kaypro |
1999 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-arrow.lbr | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 880502 | Change values of Kaypro's arrow keys |
2000 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-calup.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 880305 | Kaypro phone rolodex/dialing utility |
2001 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-cboot.doc | 1 | 4706 | 7 | 840710 | How to change I/O conf. on KP 10 coldboot |
2002 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-edit2.lbr | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 870131 | Small WordStar-like editor for Kpro |
2003 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-host.lbr | 1 | 118400 | 8 | 870719 | Files for remote system on Kaypro |
2004 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-membr.lbr | 1 | 25088 | 8 | 870322 | Database manager for user groups |
2005 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-ports.iqf | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 850209 | Kaypro II I/O ports description |
2006 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-radar.lbr | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 880326 | Display CIS weather radar maps on KP 4-84 |
2007 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-ubios.mzc | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 861231 | Kaypro BIOS for 'U' ROM |
2008 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-vdump.lbr | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 870509 | Screen dump for Graphic-type Kaypro |
2009 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-versn.tzt | 1 | 640 | 8 | 880220 | Cross reference of Kaypro ROM/BIOS |
2010 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-vt52.lbr | 1 | 27648 | 8 | 850906 | VT52 terminal emulator for Kaypro |
2011 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp-zdos.lbr | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 870608 | Kaypro Self-install CP/M look-alike |
2012 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp10bios.doc | 1 | 646 | 7 | 840826 | Kaypro 10 BIOS with ZCPR3 initialization |
2013 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp10bios.mqc | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 850209 | Kaypro 10 BIOS with ZCPR3 initialization |
2014 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp10mony.lbr | 1 | 64640 | 8 | 870221 | Money management package - Kaypro10 |
2015 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp10user.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 870207 | MASMENU replacement for Kaypro 10 |
2016 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp2-edit.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 860608 | VDO-like text editor for Kaypro |
2017 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kp4time2.lbr | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 850209 | Set and display Kaypro 4-84 real time clock |
2018 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kparkpat.ark | 1 | 14495 | 8 | 880604 | Patch ARK02.COM for '84 Kaypro RTC |
2019 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpbumper.ark | 1 | 13409 | 8 | 871204 | 25th line 'Bumper Stickers' for Kaypros |
2020 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpbye5.lbr | 1 | 23040 | 8 | 870604 | RCP/M system for Kaypro |
2021 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpclick.lbr | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 880123 | Turn keyboard click on/off on Kaypros |
2022 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpclock.inf | 1 | 914 | 7 | 850119 | Info. about Alpha Systems real time clock |
2023 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpcur20.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 870728 | Set shape of Kaypro cursor |
2024 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpcw.lbr | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 860522 | Morse code practice using Kaypro |
2025 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpdd10.lbr | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 870729 | Directory utility for the Kaypro |
2026 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpdev.lbr | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 861111 | Connecting printers |
2027 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpdiag.lbr | 1 | 50048 | 8 | 861002 | Diagnostic utilities for the Kaypro |
2028 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpedfont.lbr | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 880516 | Editor for Bradford font files |
2029 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpeng13.lbr | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 870531 | Disk analysis program for Kaypro |
2030 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpfixsel.aqm | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 861211 | Patch for select error on Kaypro |
2031 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpgrafic.tqt | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 861001 | Info about graphics on the Kaypro |
2032 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpgrfcl1.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 861207 | A graphic clock for the Kaypro |
2033 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpimp245.lbr | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 870703 | IMP 245 for Kayrpo with Avatex modem |
2034 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpintrpt.msg | 1 | 1107 | 7 | 841124 | Discussion of Kaypro interrupt-driven I/O |
2035 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpkbd.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 861231 | Printable Kaypro keyboard templets |
2036 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpker405.lbr | 1 | 28160 | 8 | 870322 | Kermit protocol and modem pgm. for Kaypros |
2037 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpld517u.lbr | 1 | 26112 | 8 | 870819 | Kaypro video text file display |
2038 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpltime.aqm | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 861021 | TIME program for Kaypro with Legacy |
2039 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpmovcpm.dzc | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 861229 | Problems with Kaypro MOVCPM |
2040 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpnewtrm.lbr | 1 | 16256 | 8 | 880131 | Kaypro interrupt driven termnial pgm |
2041 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpnurom.lbr | 1 | 61312 | 8 | 870127 | Enhanced ROM for '83 Kaypros |
2042 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kppatch.aqm | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Patch to Kaypro IV LISTST BIOS function |
2043 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpramdsk.lbr | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 871225 | Add 256K RAM disk to Kaypro '84 |
2044 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpreset.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850605 | Cold boot Kaypro 10 and 4-84 |
2045 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpro-8in.inf | 1 | 601 | 7 | 850119 | Info. about 8'' floppy drive interface |
2046 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpro-bbs.msg | 1 | 978 | 7 | 840603 | Kaypro BBS |
2047 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpro-bos.inf | 1 | 1054 | 7 | 850119 | Kaypro BBS |
2048 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpro-lan.inf | 1 | 1420 | 7 | 850119 | Info. about Kaynet LAN for Kaypros |
2049 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpro-net.inf | 1 | 1850 | 7 | 850119 | Kaypro BBS |
2050 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpro-vid.inf | 1 | 897 | 7 | 850119 | Improving the Kaypro video display |
2051 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kprocnfg.doc | 1 | 1524 | 7 | 830909 | Configuration for Kaypro II and Modem7 |
2052 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kprodemo.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 880124 | Connect six Kaypros for demos |
2053 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kprolist.bug | 1 | 1454 | 7 | 840119 | Patch to Kaypro LISTST function |
2054 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kproterm.inf | 1 | 1794 | 7 | 850119 | Kaypro II video driver esc. sequences |
2055 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kprule25.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870308 | Put column rule on Kaypro 25th line |
2056 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpsetkey.lbr | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 861001 | Keypad re-definer for Kaypro |
2057 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpspeed.inf | 1 | 828 | 7 | 850119 | How to speed up a Kaypro |
2058 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpspeedu.txt | 1 | 2789 | 7 | 831121 | Speed up Kaypro from 2.5MHz to 5MHz |
2059 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kptrclk.lbr | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 870222 | Caption for TurboRom time display |
2060 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpu87mod.iqf | 1 | 1378 | 8 | 880110 | Fix on early Kaypros for data errors |
2061 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpvid.lbr | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870813 | Kaypro programs use screen functions |
2062 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kpvlu102.lbr | 1 | 26752 | 8 | 880124 | Video library utility for Kaypros |
2063 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kramdisk.tzt | 1 | 22656 | 8 | 870227 | Make most of Kaypro with a RAM disk |
2064 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kscreen.inf | 1 | 1954 | 7 | 871115 | Kaypro video escape sequences |
2065 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | kvidtex.lbr | 1 | 32512 | 8 | 870705 | CIS VIDTEX modem program for Kaypros |
2066 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | lazy.tzt | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 880130 | Fewer keystrokes for lazy Kuggers |
2067 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | line25kp.doc | 1 | 1764 | 7 | 840130 | Accessing Kaypro 25th line and cursor saves |
2068 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | m100-kp.ark | 1 | 22016 | 8 | 870706 | Kaypro <--> TRS100 file transfers |
2069 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | masmenu.tzt | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 880130 | Thoughts on Kaypro's master menus |
2070 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | metakeys.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 870614 | Redefine Kaypro's vector keys/keypad |
2071 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | mfdisk.inf | 1 | 1757 | 7 | 840202 | Multi-disk formatter for Kaypro systems |
2072 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | mfdisk10.com | 1 | 21888 | 8 | 850209 | Multi-disk formatter for Kaypro systems |
2073 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | mfdisk2.com | 1 | 21632 | 8 | 850209 | Multi-disk formatter for Kaypro systems |
2074 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | mfdisk4.com | 1 | 22272 | 8 | 850209 | Multi-disk formatter for Kaypro systems |
2075 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | nccp84.lbr | 1 | 10112 | 8 | 861211 | CCP replacement for Kaypro 4-84 |
2076 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | ndskmstr.lbr | 1 | 39424 | 8 | 851116 | KP 'desk' utilities |
2077 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | newritkp.lbr | 1 | 22912 | 8 | 861227 | Formatter for TOUR20 |
2078 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | noring.lbr | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 890301 | Set Kaypro internal mdm answer mode |
2079 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | nswp2-kp.inf | 1 | 1810 | 7 | 840318 | How to modify NSWP2 for Kaypro inverse video |
2080 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | outliner.lbr | 1 | 49792 | 8 | 870921 | Text outline processor |
2081 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pairp.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 861221 | Finds un-paired chars in PW files. |
2082 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pcalc110.pzt | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 880305 | Use reverse video with Perfect Calc |
2083 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pf2asc.lbr | 1 | 21120 | 8 | 880419 | Convert Perfect Filer files to ASCII |
2084 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pfctwrtr.lbr | 1 | 72960 | 8 | 861202 | PD Utils for Perfect Writer. |
2085 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pflines.tzt | 1 | 640 | 8 | 880130 | Perfect Filer carriage returns |
2086 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | phn21.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 860427 | Modem Dialer and number lister |
2087 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pix11.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870124 | Play with Kaypro graphics |
2088 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | prfclcut.lbr | 1 | 61824 | 8 | 861221 | Utilities for Perfect Calc |
2089 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | prftcalc.lbr | 1 | 30848 | 8 | 861221 | Utilities for Perfect Calc |
2090 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | profiles.lbr | 1 | 27904 | 8 | 861111 | Index of PROFILE articles - June |
2091 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pw-swap.inf | 1 | 1860 | 7 | 850119 | Adjusting size of PW.SWP files |
2092 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pw.tzt | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 880130 | Printing PW documents |
2093 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | pwcomnds.iqf | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 850209 | PW command reference |
2094 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | qc10-v13.lbr | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 851013 | Kaypro 10 fast floppy disk copier |
2095 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | ramtools.lbr | 1 | 24576 | 8 | 870505 | RAM resident utility for Kaypro 4'84 |
2096 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | rcp-best.iqf | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 850209 | The Best of the RCP/M |
2097 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | realtime.tzt | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880130 | Accessing real time clock in Kaypros |
2098 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | restart.inf | 1 | 1071 | 7 | 850119 | How to restart CP/M programs |
2099 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | savecrt.lbr | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 860824 | Turns off screen on video Kaypro |
2100 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | sd-quiet.lbr | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 870124 | SD mod to quiet Kaypro 2-84 keyboard |
2101 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | setkp-io.lbr | 1 | 20480 | 8 | 870124 | Set Kaypro modem/printer serial port |
2102 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | shaft.lbr | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 871204 | Demonstration of graphics on Kaypro |
2103 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | sidearm.lbr | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 870308 | Limited notepad SideArm demo |
2104 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | skipmap.lbr | 1 | 23296 | 8 | 880419 | Skip rebuilding of allocation table |
2105 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | sstat-kp.lbr | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 880315 | STAT replacement for Kaypros |
2106 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | statline.lbr | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 861123 | Turn Kaypro status line On/Off |
2107 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | swcopy23.lbr | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 850209 | Single drive file copy program |
2108 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | tdd.lbr | 1 | 38656 | 8 | 861229 | Kaypro Telecommuncation for the Deaf |
2109 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | tinkerk2.lbr | 1 | 77184 | 8 | 861002 | Customize your Kaypro II |
2110 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | tinkr484.lbr | 1 | 107648 | 8 | 861001 | Customize your Kaypro 4-84 |
2111 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | toon12.lbr | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 861213 | Kaypro II-'83 save screen to disk |
2112 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | transkp4.lbr | 1 | 41472 | 8 | 860713 | Transfer files between CP/M & MS-DOS |
2113 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | tromhint.lbr | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 860629 | Advent TurboROM Kaypro video speedup |
2114 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | trompat1.lbr | 1 | 66432 | 8 | 860713 | TurboROM patch software |
2115 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | trpatch1.lbr | 1 | 27648 | 8 | 860715 | Patch software on Kaypro w/TurboROM |
2116 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | trs2kpro.tqt | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 860912 | Pass data from Kaypro to TRS mod 100 |
2117 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | trstatln.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 860713 | Enable/disable 25th line w/TurboROM |
2118 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | turbkpex.lbr | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 860713 | Forces cold boot for harddisk start |
2119 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | turborom.dqc | 1 | 24064 | 8 | 860713 | Theory of the TurboROM's operation |
2120 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | turbosaf.lbr | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 860713 | PARK heads of harddisk w/TurboROM |
2121 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | turboscr.iqf | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 861111 | 'Slow screen' problem with TurboROM |
2122 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | typekp84.lbr | 1 | 38528 | 8 | 880320 | Touch typing tutor for Kaypro '84 |
2123 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | uromkeys.azm | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 861231 | Redefine function keys on Kaypro 'U' |
2124 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | vde-fix.lbr | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 880127 | Modify VDE keyboard and video layout |
2125 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | vt100kay.lbr | 1 | 16768 | 8 | 870823 | VT100 emulator for Kaypro |
2126 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | ws-kp25+.lbr | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 861221 | IBM-style help line for Kaypro WS |
2127 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | ws-urom.fqx | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 860816 | Patch to WordStar for Z-system BIOS |
2128 | pub/ | cpm/kaypro/ | wskp.ark | 1 | 16384 | 8 | 871129 | Redefine keypad for Kaypro/WordStar |
2129 | pub/ | cpm/kermit/ | cp409doc.ark | 1 | 68131 | 8 | 880520 | Kermit-80 ver. 4.09 documentation |
2130 | pub/ | cpm/kermit/ | cp411hex.ark | 1 | 156812 | 8 | 910603 | Kermit-80 ver. 4.11 executable |
2131 | pub/ | cpm/kermit/ | cp411src.ark | 1 | 442675 | 8 | 910910 | Kermit-80 ver. 4.11 ASM source code |
2132 | pub/ | cpm/kermit/ | cpkhex.bas | 1 | 2682 | 7 | 880517 | Check HEX file for validity |
2133 | pub/ | cpm/kermit/ | ddntac.hlp | 1 | 4113 | 7 | 850304 | Using Kermit with a DDN TAC |
2134 | pub/ | cpm/kermit/ | pcprint.c | 1 | 5190 | 7 | 890504 | Print Unix host text files on PC (req. Kermit) |
2135 | pub/ | cpm/kermit/ | pcprint.nr | 1 | 2994 | 7 | 890504 | Unix man page for PCPRINT.C |
2136 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | banner.aqm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850209 | Print banners with large letters |
2137 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | banner.lbr | 1 | 23424 | 8 | 870830 | Print banners with large letters |
2138 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | banner03.lbr | 1 | 49920 | 8 | 880108 | Print large letters in 2 styles |
2139 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | bargraph.lbr | 1 | 23936 | 8 | 870830 | Configure/print bar graphs on Kaypro |
2140 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | bfupdat1.lbr | 1 | 57984 | 8 | 880618 | Bradford 2.02 - uses less memory |
2141 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | brad-grk.lbr | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 871204 | Greek font for Bradford |
2142 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | brad-heb.lbr | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 871104 | Hebrew font for Bradford |
2143 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | brad-ws.tqp | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 860608 | Bradford tip for WordStar dot cmds |
2144 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | brad2-a.ark | 1 | 88210 | 8 | 880325 | NLQ & lotsa fonts for Epson |
2145 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | brad2-b.ark | 1 | 75324 | 8 | 880325 | Lots more fonts; use with BRAD2-A |
2146 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | bradcon.lbr | 1 | 47360 | 8 | 860608 | Font creation for Bradford |
2147 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | bradfix.pat | 1 | 2048 | 7 | 860407 | An update for BRADFORD |
2148 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | bradfont.lbr | 1 | 10112 | 8 | 870808 | Disassemble Bradford font files |
2149 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | bradford.lbr | 1 | 47104 | 8 | 860501 | Near letter qual. on dot matrix ptr. |
2150 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | bradford.mqg | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 860608 | Bradford command summary |
2151 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | bradzex.lbr | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 860608 | Using ZEX to control Bradford |
2152 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | brfonts.lbr | 1 | 14336 | 8 | 870802 | Fonts for Bradford printing program |
2153 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | chrs.lbr | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 861207 | Generalized printer setup utility |
2154 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | citoh.lbr | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 871229 | Preset C-ITOH M-1550 options. |
2155 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | dbl401.lbr | 1 | 32000 | 8 | 851027 | Print two pages side-by-side |
2156 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | decset.lbr | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 870910 | DEC LA-120 printer setup program |
2157 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | diabl630.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 861023 | Custom print wheel install-Diablo630 |
2158 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | edfont.lbr | 1 | 25216 | 8 | 870505 | Full screen editor to create fonts |
2159 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | enspol10.lbr | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 861214 | Captures all LST device output |
2160 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ep-adds.ark | 1 | 6011 | 8 | 880702 | Additional fonts for Epson Print pgm |
2161 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ep-coms.ark | 1 | 28692 | 8 | 880618 | Epson Print formatter executables |
2162 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ep-docs.ark | 1 | 77649 | 8 | 880618 | Documentation for Epson Print |
2163 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ep-eched.ark | 1 | 28914 | 8 | 880618 | Font editor for Epson Print |
2164 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ep-fonts.ark | 1 | 210117 | 8 | 880625 | Fonts used with Epson Print |
2165 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ep-info.ark | 1 | 6117 | 8 | 880618 | Info file of Epson Printer formatter |
2166 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ep-misc.ark | 1 | 18675 | 8 | 880618 | Files needed to compile Epson Print |
2167 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ep-src.ark | 1 | 138938 | 8 | 880618 | BDS-C source for Epson Print |
2168 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | epup.lbr | 1 | 18048 | 8 | 870510 | Send control codes to Epson FX-80 |
2169 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | extrafon.lbr | 1 | 22528 | 8 | 870222 | Additional fonts for Bradford print |
2170 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | fancyprt.lbr | 1 | 136448 | 8 | 850216 | Fancy print formatter for LA50 |
2171 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | fanfld21.lbr | 1 | 83968 | 8 | 900318 | Print on both sides of paper |
2172 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | fantest.lbr | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 871021 | FANFOLD utility checks available TPA |
2173 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | filepl31.lbr | 1 | 61568 | 8 | 870830 | Print plots using Dot Matrix printer |
2174 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | fivlnlbl.lbr | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 870127 | Prints a five line label |
2175 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | font-fog.lbr | 1 | 123264 | 8 | 870830 | Multiple font banner printer |
2176 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | gallery.lbr | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 850523 | Generate printers gallery for books |
2177 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | geefont4.lbr | 1 | 34560 | 8 | 870802 | Fonts with MAKEFONT compiler |
2178 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | gemprint.lbr | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 870426 | Sets up the Gemini 10x printer |
2179 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | gemset10.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 850617 | Sets up the Gemini 10x printer |
2180 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | gfonts.lbr | 1 | 77696 | 8 | 870206 | Fonts for GEEFONT |
2181 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | gfsrc.lbr | 1 | 98816 | 8 | 870207 | Source for fonts in GFONTS.LBR |
2182 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | gothic.lbr | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 860408 | Gothic-style characters on printer |
2183 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | gset.lbr | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 861207 | Star Micronics printer setup utility |
2184 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | gsigns32.ark | 1 | 54016 | 8 | 870103 | Turbo Pascal files for SIGNS |
2185 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | hapfonts.lbr | 1 | 31232 | 8 | 870608 | Font printing program |
2186 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | hb15-pt1.ark | 1 | 117376 | 8 | 870316 | Hershey fonts banner printer - part1 |
2187 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | hb15-pt2.ark | 1 | 160768 | 8 | 870316 | Hershey fonts banner printer - part2 |
2188 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | lblmkr4.lbr | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 870426 | Prints mailing lists on labels |
2189 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | linepage.lbr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 870823 | Page formatter for use with DBL |
2190 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | list.aqm | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 850209 | Display a text file |
2191 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | list.com | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 850209 | Display a text file |
2192 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | listt16.lbr | 1 | 15488 | 8 | 870308 | Paginated file lister with options |
2193 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | mdprint.aqm | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 850209 | Patch LST: to terminal aux port on Morrow |
2194 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ml1-1.lbr | 1 | 42112 | 8 | 890107 | Label Generation program |
2195 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | mlist50.lbr | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 850617 | Type multiple text files w/buffering |
2196 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | msigns12.ark | 1 | 42938 | 8 | 870103 | Pascal MT+ SIGNS for 8080 systems |
2197 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | mt180l.lbr | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 850617 | Configuration program for MT-180L printer |
2198 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | nd110.lbr | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 880205 | ND textfile printer dumping utility |
2199 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | necelf.tzt | 1 | 896 | 8 | 880130 | Printer head assembly lubrication |
2200 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | necset.aqm | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | Sets NEC-8023A-C printer parameters |
2201 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | nlq.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 861031 | NLQ on bit image graphics printer |
2202 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | pdsw.lbr | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 870531 | Print text sideways |
2203 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | pf-inst.iqf | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 861021 | Install printer for Perfect Writer |
2204 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | pmaster.lbr | 1 | 116736 | 8 | 860713 | Prints custom made signs |
2205 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | ppg213.lbr | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 880830 | Print DOC |
2206 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | pr2-pr3.lbr | 1 | 52480 | 8 | 880216 | Epson/Gemini printer utility |
2207 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | print235.lbr | 1 | 30208 | 8 | 850617 | A file printing utility |
2208 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | print24a.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 860604 | A file printing utility |
2209 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | printcpm.lbr | 1 | 18688 | 8 | 870614 | Several printer setup utilities |
2210 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | printset.lbr | 1 | 30848 | 8 | 870614 | General printer set up utility |
2211 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | prntchar.lbr | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 860618 | Printer setup using text files |
2212 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | prntrasm.tzt | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 880130 | Writing a printer control program |
2213 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | proset.bas | 1 | 8587 | 7 | 841009 | Set printer config. on C. Itoh/NEC PC8023A |
2214 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | prtcol10.lbr | 1 | 38656 | 8 | 870910 | Format text into two or more columns |
2215 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | pset16a.lbr | 1 | 38528 | 8 | 860728 | Configure Epson |
2216 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | qlist15.lbr | 1 | 24064 | 8 | 870105 | Paginated lister for SQueezed text |
2217 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | qwikfont.lbr | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 870124 | Generalized printer set up |
2218 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | rap.lbr | 1 | 25344 | 8 | 890107 | Directs printer output to disk file |
2219 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | send.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870523 | Sends string to LST: device |
2220 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | set192v3.aqm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 860518 | OKI 192/193 setup utility |
2221 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | setids.aqm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 850209 | IDS Microprism printer configuration |
2222 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | setmrg21.lbr | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 871108 | Set margins on Diablo printers |
2223 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | setoki92.aqm | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | Configure Okidata printer |
2224 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | sidemt4.lbr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 870316 | List file sideways on printer |
2225 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | sidewys4.lbr | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 890301 | Print sideways on printer |
2226 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | signs.dqc | 1 | 22722 | 8 | 870103 | Documentation for SIGNS |
2227 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | signs.mqg | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 870124 | Message about the SIGNS package |
2228 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | slmt.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 880225 | Set margins on daisywheel printers |
2229 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | smpsqzpr.ark | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 900628 | Squeeze print (compress print) on Epson ptr |
2230 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | swap.asm | 1 | 923 | 7 | 830909 | Swaps console and list device output |
2231 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | techfont.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 891130 | Greek & Technical font for Bradford |
2232 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | tpbanner.lbr | 1 | 17152 | 8 | 880117 | Print banners with Turbo Pascal |
2233 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | tsigns41.ark | 1 | 41432 | 8 | 870103 | Turbo Pascal support files for SIGNS |
2234 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | typrint3.lbr | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 860407 | Use printer as a typewriter |
2235 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | unspol42.lbr | 1 | 26496 | 8 | 861214 | Background printer spooler |
2236 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | wallpap3.lbr | 1 | 21504 | 8 | 861211 | Prints interesting patterns in Turbo |
2237 | pub/ | cpm/list/ | zipp.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 851110 | Joins up to seven ASCII files |
2238 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | debug.mac | 1 | 2060 | 7 | 830909 | Debug macro library |
2239 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | i8085.doc | 1 | 493 | 7 | 840724 | Additional Intel 8085 ASM instructions w/MAC |
2240 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | i8085.lib | 1 | 1163 | 7 | 841125 | Additional Intel 8085 ASM instructions w/MAC |
2241 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | macro.lqb | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 850209 | New macro library |
2242 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | macros.tqp | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | Macro tip |
2243 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | macroz.mqc | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 850209 | Modified MACRO.LIB with Z80 instr |
2244 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | opcode.lqb | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Extended opcode libraryExtended opcode library |
2245 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | seqio.lqb | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 850209 | Sequential file I/O library |
2246 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | seqio22.lqb | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 850209 | Sequential file I/O library |
2247 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | xmac.asm | 1 | 714 | 7 | 830909 | Disable 8080 opcodes in MAC for x-assembly |
2248 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | z80-v3.lqb | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 850209 | Z80 instruction set |
2249 | pub/ | cpm/maclib/ | z80ext.lqb | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | Undocumented Z80 instructions |
2250 | pub/ | cpm/math/ | atsign.lbr | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 860201 | An online expression evaluator |
2251 | pub/ | cpm/math/ | base.lbr | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 851214 | Number conversion program |
2252 | pub/ | cpm/math/ | eac.lbr | 1 | 32512 | 8 | 860201 | Calculator for large numbers |
2253 | pub/ | cpm/math/ | hp.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 850209 | A calculator for programmers |
2254 | pub/ | cpm/math/ | n30.lbr | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | Converts numbers to hex |
2255 | pub/ | cpm/math/ | n41.lbr | 1 | 28416 | 8 | 861031 | Converts numbers to hex |
2256 | pub/ | cpm/math/ | qmul.mqc | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Quick 16 x 16 multiply |
2257 | pub/ | cpm/math/ | rpn.lbr | 1 | 98560 | 8 | 850209 | Reverse Polish notation calculator |
2258 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | avatexsm.tqt | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 860818 | Mod. to MBYE33 for AVATEX 300/1200 modem |
2259 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mb-kmd11.lbr | 1 | 139776 | 8 | 860802 | Stand alone file transfer program |
2260 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mb2651-1.aqm | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for National Semiconductor 2651 |
2261 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mb7201-1.aqm | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for Epson QX-10 |
2262 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mb8250-1.aqm | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for Western Digital 8250 |
2263 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mb8251-2.aqm | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for 8251A/Morrow MicroDecision |
2264 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbacat-1.aqm | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for Novation Apple-Cat |
2265 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbbs45a.lbr | 1 | 126848 | 8 | 860424 | Micro Bulletin Board System part #1 |
2266 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbbs45b.lbr | 1 | 143104 | 8 | 860424 | Micro Bulletin Board System part #2 |
2267 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbc-kpro.aqm | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE Clock insert for Kaypro II |
2268 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbdch1-1.aqm | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for D.C. Hayes MicroModem 100 |
2269 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbk484-1.aqm | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for Kaypro 4-84 |
2270 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbkmd120.lbr | 1 | 114560 | 8 | 870221 | File transfer with 1k/batch protocol |
2271 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbkmdovl.lbr | 1 | 116096 | 8 | 870221 | Machine specific overlays for MB-KMD |
2272 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbkmdovl.lst | 1 | 4165 | 7 | 870227 | List and instructions for mbkmdovl.lbr |
2273 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mblo-10.aqm | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for Lobo Max-80 |
2274 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbmmii-1.aqm | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for D.C. Hayes MicroModem ][ |
2275 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbotr-1.aqm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for Otrona Attache |
2276 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbpmmi-1.aqm | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for PMMI S100 card |
2277 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbsio-2.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870215 | MBYE insert for Zilog SIO |
2278 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbtrs3-2.aqm | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for TRS-80 Model III |
2279 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbxmk484.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 850605 | MBYE insert for Kaypro 4'84 internal modem |
2280 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbye&k10.dqc | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 860407 | How to use 25th Kaypro line for user info disp |
2281 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbye45.lbr | 1 | 84224 | 8 | 860715 | Enables system to operate remotely |
2282 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbyerig.0q1 | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850414 | Flash 'waiting for ring' in MBYE |
2283 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mbzsio-2.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850917 | MBYE insert for Zilog Z80-SIO/DART |
2284 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mfmsg20.lbr | 1 | 28672 | 8 | 851104 | MBBS file-to-message utility |
2285 | pub/ | cpm/mbbs/ | mwhats10.lbr | 1 | 22016 | 8 | 850929 | WHATS NEW program for MBBS systems |
2286 | pub/ | cpm/memtest/ | brainwsh.aqm | 1 | 18688 | 8 | 850209 | Rigorously test memory to find slow chips |
2287 | pub/ | cpm/memtest/ | brainwsh.msg | 1 | 845 | 7 | 830909 | Rigorously test memory to find slow chips |
2288 | pub/ | cpm/memtest/ | memtest1.lbr | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 850209 | Pattern memory tester |
2289 | pub/ | cpm/memtest/ | umpire.com | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850209 | Memory test program |
2290 | pub/ | cpm/memtest/ | umpire.doc | 1 | 1124 | 7 | 830909 | Memory test program |
2291 | pub/ | cpm/memtest/ | worm21.aqm | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | Extensive memory test |
2292 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | atrpat.mex | 1 | 3055 | 7 | 841229 | MEX patches for ATR8000 w/ MDM7 overlay |
2293 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | automex.iqf | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | Automatically start MEX for file transfer |
2294 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | c128-mex.fix | 1 | 1291 | 7 | 860807 | Change to MEX to change backspace to delete |
2295 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | dowjones.mex | 1 | 1267 | 7 | 850318 | MEX |
2296 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | fix165.mex | 1 | 1264 | 7 | 860428 | Fix for MEX-Plus ver. 1.65 |
2297 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | inikp.mex | 1 | 95 | 7 | 850818 | Set up MEX for use with Kaypro |
2298 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | kgrafmex.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Kaypro graphics in MEX read files |
2299 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | li.mqx | 1 | 3968 | 7 | 860407 | Log-In MexPlus script |
2300 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | linkup.txt | 1 | 526 | 7 | 870316 | Info for communicating using modem |
2301 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mcimex11.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 860518 | MEX READ files to call MCI MAIL |
2302 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex+apii.lbr | 1 | 41344 | 8 | 861209 | MEX overlays for Apple II series |
2303 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex-buff.lbr | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 860905 | Instructions to adjust MEX buffers |
2304 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex-easy.dzc | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 880417 | MEX made easy - hints on use |
2305 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex-ovl.hqp | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850923 | Documents MEX overlays in mex-ovlb.lbr |
2306 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex-ovly.bug | 1 | 1480 | 7 | 850806 | Describes CLONING bug in some MEX overlays |
2307 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex-rvw.txt | 1 | 2588 | 7 | 840712 | Review of MEX10 with usage tips |
2308 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex-set2.dqc | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 850209 | Notes on using MEX READ files |
2309 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex-tdos.lbr | 1 | 35328 | 8 | 850805 | MEX customization for TurboDOS |
2310 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex.hqp | 1 | 32640 | 8 | 850209 | On-line help file for MEX114.COM |
2311 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex114.com | 1 | 24576 | 8 | 860209 | Ron Fowler's ModemEXecutive |
2312 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex114.lbr | 1 | 145152 | 8 | 850721 | Ron Fowler's ModemEXecutive program |
2313 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex114.pqn | 1 | 33792 | 8 | 860815 | Documentation for MEX 114 |
2314 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex114.rev | 1 | 7489 | 7 | 860628 | Review of MEX |
2315 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex114fx.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 881231 | Bug fixes for MEX 1.14 |
2316 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex114kp.nqt | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 860608 | How to bring up MEX on Kaypro 2X |
2317 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex16.azn | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 870228 | Features of MEX-Plus ver. 1.6 |
2318 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex16sum.wq | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 860408 | Summary of cmds in new MEX-Plus 1.65 |
2319 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mex2z12.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 890301 | Shell to Z-System from MEX |
2320 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexart.lbr | 1 | 24064 | 8 | 861229 | Articles about MEX modem program |
2321 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexcls.pat | 1 | 408 | 7 | 870315 | Disable clearing the screen in MEX |
2322 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexfiles.iqf | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | Description of Irv Block's MEX files |
2323 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexnews.0q1 | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | MEX Newsletter #001 |
2324 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexnews.0q2 | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 850209 | MEX Newsletter #002 |
2325 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexnews.0q3 | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | MEX Newsletter #003 |
2326 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexnews.0q4 | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 850209 | MEX Newsletter #004 |
2327 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexovl10.lst | 1 | 7749 | 7 | 881219 | List of 230+ overlays for MEX |
2328 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexovl10.lzt | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 871129 | List of 230+ overlays for MEX |
2329 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexread.azt | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 861231 | Info about MEX read files |
2330 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexsteps.tqt | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 860817 | Step by step instructions for MEX114 |
2331 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexsum.dqc | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 850209 | MEX documentation summary |
2332 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mexwelcm.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | Automated 'remote' mode for MEX |
2333 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mload25.czm | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 880312 | Easy user overlay patching for MEX |
2334 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mtimer12.bqs | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 850209 | Run MEX at a specified time |
2335 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mx-sm13a.aqm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850806 | MEX dialer overlay for Anchor modem |
2336 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mx-sm13a.fix | 1 | 1225 | 7 | 850806 | Using MEX with the Anchor modem info |
2337 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mx114doc.pqn | 1 | 54656 | 8 | 860826 | Printer formatted MEX114 user manual |
2338 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxc-ads1.zz0 | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870322 | MEX overlay - Apple //e with Dallas DS1216E |
2339 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxc-kc10.azm | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 870208 | MEX Overlay - Kaypro Kenmore Ztime-I |
2340 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh+os16.lbr | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 880406 | Mex-Plus 1.65 overlays for Osborne 1 |
2341 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-am11.aqm | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 861006 | MEX+ overlay - Ampro Little Board |
2342 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-am12.zz0 | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 871024 | MEX Overlay - Ampro Little Board |
2343 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-ap55.azm | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 870505 | MEX for Applicard w/Ring Buffer |
2344 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-cc16.azm | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 861221 | MEX overlay - Columbia Data Prod M64 |
2345 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-cc18.azm | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 870227 | MEX overlay - Columbia Commander |
2346 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-cpm3.azm | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 870208 | MEX Overlay - CPM Plus |
2347 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-ep14.zq0 | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 861107 | MEX Overlay - Epson QX-10 |
2348 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-kp53.azm | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 870416 | MEX Overlay - Kaypro computers |
2349 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-mi11.azm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 870105 | MEX Overlay - PMC Micromate 101 |
2350 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-na13.aqm | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 861102 | MEX Overlay - NorthStar Advantage |
2351 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-vg4.azm | 1 | 17792 | 8 | 870208 | MEX Overlay - Vector 4 |
2352 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-vi10.azm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 871129 | MEX Overlay - Visual 1050 |
2353 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-vt.aqm | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 860824 | MEX/MEX-Plus overlay - VT180/Robin |
2354 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxh-vt36.azm | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 870208 | MEX Overlay - DEC Micro VT180 |
2355 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-2416.aqm | 1 | 18048 | 8 | 861125 | MEX 2400 bps auto fallback overlay |
2356 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-ad14.aqm | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 851218 | MEX overlay - ADAM home computers |
2357 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-ad14.hqx | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 851218 | MEX overlay - ADAM home computers |
2358 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-cd10.aqm | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Concord Data Sys 224AD |
2359 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-cm11.aqm | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Cermetek/Infomate 212a |
2360 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-cq12.aqm | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 850908 | MEX overlay - Concord Data Systems 224ARQ/AD |
2361 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-mm3.aqm | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 861220 | MEX Overlay - Apple2 SS/Nov JCAT |
2362 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-ne10.azm | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 871114 | MEX Overlay - NEC N202BR-L1 modem |
2363 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-rt11.aqm | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 850908 | MEX overlay - RV 3451 autodial modem |
2364 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-rv16.aqm | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 850908 | MEX overlay - RV VA212 & 3451 modems |
2365 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-sc13.azm | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870105 | MEX Overlay - SwichCom Canadiana |
2366 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-sm15.azm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870606 | MEX Overlay - Hayes SmartModem |
2367 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-sm16.azm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 870703 | MEX overlay for the Hayes SmartModem |
2368 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-ud10.aqm | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - UDS 212 A/D modem |
2369 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-us13.aqm | 1 | 18432 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - USRobotics S100 modem |
2370 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxm-usr2.aqm | 1 | 20096 | 8 | 850717 | MEX Overlay - U.S. Robotics 212A |
2371 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ac01.aqm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay-ApplecCatII Softcard/ALS |
2372 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ad13.aqm | 1 | 18944 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Adv Digital Super-six |
2373 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-al10.aqm | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Altos series 5 |
2374 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-al11.aqm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Altos 580 |
2375 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-am11.aqm | 1 | 14336 | 8 | 861006 | MEX overlay - Ampro Little Board |
2376 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ap12.aqm | 1 | 17536 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Apple 2 various serial |
2377 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ap31.aqm | 1 | 31488 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Apple2 MtnHdw or PCPI |
2378 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ap50.aqm | 1 | 20864 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay-Apple2E |
2379 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-apcc.aqm | 1 | 19328 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay-Apple2 var serial cards |
2380 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-as10.azm | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 861221 | MEX Overlay - Alspa ACI-1 |
2381 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ax11.azm | 1 | 17024 | 8 | 870208 | MEX Overlay - Actrix computer |
2382 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-bb11.aqm | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Big Board I |
2383 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-bw12.aqm | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 851205 | MEX overlay - Bondwell 2 |
2384 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ct14.aqm | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - CTS Companion modem |
2385 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-cz10.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 860119 | MEX overlay - Int. Micro. CPZ-4800X |
2386 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-db10.aqm | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Dynabyte DB 8/1 |
2387 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-dm20.azm | 1 | 11264 | 8 | 870813 | MEX Overlay - NCR DecisionMate V |
2388 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-dp10.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Datapoint 1560 |
2389 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-dt10.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Datec 212 modem |
2390 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-dv10.aqm | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Davidge DSB-4/6 SBC |
2391 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ep30.aqm | 1 | 21504 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Epson QX-10 |
2392 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-gb11.aqm | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - CompuPro Interfacer 3/4 |
2393 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-gb12.azm | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 871114 | MEX Overlay - CompuPro I3/I4 |
2394 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-gs10.azm | 1 | 14720 | 8 | 881118 | MEX Overlay - Apple computers |
2395 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-h815.aqm | 1 | 14464 | 8 | 850914 | MEX overlay - Heath/Zenith H89 |
2396 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-hp1.azm | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 890504 | MEX overlay - HP-125 Series 100 |
2397 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-hu11.azm | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 870530 | MEX overlay - HZ-100/USR S-100 |
2398 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-hz20.aqm | 1 | 16128 | 8 | 851110 | MEX overlay - Heath/Zenith Z100 |
2399 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-i510.aqm | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 861124 | MEX overlay - SSM IO-5 |
2400 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-if10.aqm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Informer Computers |
2401 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ii13.aqm | 1 | 13440 | 8 | 850608 | MEX overlay - Intersystems VIO |
2402 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-im11.aqm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Cermatek Info-mate modem |
2403 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-in13.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850923 | MEX Overlay - Intel 8251 |
2404 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-k484.aqm | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Kaypro 4/84 int modem |
2405 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-kp43.aqm | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 850830 | MEX overlay - Kaypro int/ext modem |
2406 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-kp50.lbr | 1 | 36096 | 8 | 870308 | MEX Overlay - Kaypro int/ext modem |
2407 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-kps4.aqm | 1 | 21376 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Kaypro |
2408 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-lb22.aqm | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 861006 | MEX overlay - AMPRO Series 100 |
2409 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-lb3.aqm | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 861006 | MEX overlay - AMPRO Little Board |
2410 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-lo15.aqm | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 850813 | MEX overlay - Lobo Max-80 |
2411 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-mc10.aqm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Magic Computer PC-88 |
2412 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-md11.aqm | 1 | 11264 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Morrow Micro Decision |
2413 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-md30.azm | 1 | 12672 | 8 | 870215 | Mex Overlay - Micro Decision 3.0 |
2414 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-mg10.aqm | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Mega Z80 SBC |
2415 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-mm10.aqm | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Morrow Multi I/O board |
2416 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-mm2.aqm | 1 | 13440 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Micromodem II |
2417 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-mo10.lbr | 1 | 36352 | 8 | 870924 | MEX overlay - MicroMint SB180 MOSRT |
2418 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-mr10.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Morrow Micro Decision |
2419 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-mr11.aqm | 1 | 23936 | 8 | 851209 | MEX overlay - Morrow MicroDecision 11 |
2420 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-mw10.aqm | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Racal-Vadic MAXWELL |
2421 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-n815.lbr | 1 | 48256 | 8 | 850805 | MEX overlay - NEC PC-8801A |
2422 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-na1.aqm | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - NorthStar Advantage |
2423 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ne11.aqm | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - NEC PC-8001A |
2424 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ne88.aqm | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - NEC PC-8001A |
2425 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ns11.aqm | 1 | 14464 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - NorthStar Horizon |
2426 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-oa11.aqm | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Otrona Attache |
2427 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-oc10.aqm | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Osborne COMM-PAC modem |
2428 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-on2.lbr | 1 | 22912 | 8 | 871125 | MEX Overlay - ON! computers |
2429 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-os22.aqm | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Osborne-1 serial |
2430 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-p1-1.aqm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - PMC Micromate 101 |
2431 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-pm22.aqm | 1 | 25728 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - PMMI S-100 modem |
2432 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-pr10.aqm | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Penril AD Rixon |
2433 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-px8.aqm | 1 | 22400 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Epson PX-8 |
2434 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-px8.dqc | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850806 | Doc on customizing MEX for Epson PX8 |
2435 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-qx10.aqm | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Epson QX-10 |
2436 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-r213.azm | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 870215 | MEX Overlay - TRS-80 Model II |
2437 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-rp10.aqm | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Tandy TRS-80 Model 4 |
2438 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-rs21.aqm | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 860815 | MEX114 overlay - Radio Shack Model 4 |
2439 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-rs32.aqm | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 860916 | Interrupt Driven TRS80 MEX Overlay |
2440 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-rs4p.aqm | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 860713 | MEX overlay - TRS-80 Model IV |
2441 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-rt10.azm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 870813 | MEX overlay - Racal-Vadic VA3451 |
2442 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-rv13.aqm | 1 | 10112 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Racal-Vadic VA212 |
2443 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-s511.aqm | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 861031 | MEX Overlay - SSM IO-5 board |
2444 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sb12.aqm | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Intertec Superbrain |
2445 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sbs2.zq0 | 1 | 21120 | 8 | 860531 | MEX overlay - Micromint SB180 |
2446 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sc10.aqm | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Novation SmartCat |
2447 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sd10.aqm | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Sierra Data SBC-100 |
2448 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sm13.aqm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Hayes/Hayes compatible |
2449 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sm14.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Hayes/Hayes compatible |
2450 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sm4p.aqm | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 860713 | MEX overlay - TRS-80 Model 4p int. modem |
2451 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sn10.azm | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 870924 | MEX Overlay - Sanyo MBC-1200/1250 |
2452 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sp2.azm | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 871127 | MEX Port overlay for Spectravideo SV |
2453 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ss10.aqm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Adv. Dig. Super-6 |
2454 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-st.lbr | 1 | 17536 | 8 | 861103 | MEX114 overlay for Atari ST |
2455 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sv10.aqm | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850714 | MEX overlay - Servo-8 |
2456 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sx10.aqm | 1 | 18048 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Starplex Natl Semi |
2457 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-sy21.aqm | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Sanyo MBC-1000 |
2458 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-td30.aqm | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - TurboDos comms chnls |
2459 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-tsa.aqm | 1 | 22784 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Toshiba T100 |
2460 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-tv13.aqm | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 850830 | MEX overlay - TeleVideo TS-802 |
2461 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-tv84.aqm | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 870127 | MEX Overlay - TeleVideo TS-804 |
2462 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ud10.aqm | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - UDS 212 A/D |
2463 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-ur13.aqm | 1 | 25216 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - USRobotics S-100 modem |
2464 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-us13.aqm | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - USRobotics S-100 modem |
2465 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-vp10.aqm | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Ventel MD212-Plus |
2466 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-vt11.aqm | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - DEC VT-180 |
2467 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-vt11.azm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 890301 | MEX Overlay -- DEC Micro VT180 |
2468 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-vtl1.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Ventel/Osborne Attache |
2469 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-xe12.aqm | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Xerox 820/820-II |
2470 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-xe2u.aqm | 1 | 22272 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Xerox 820-II |
2471 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-xe36.azm | 1 | 22016 | 8 | 880328 | Modem overlay for Xerox 820-II |
2472 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-z321.aqm | 1 | 16384 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - OSM Zeus 3 |
2473 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxo-zb11.aqm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850806 | MEX overlay - Zorba |
2474 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxsum831.mqg | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 850209 | Is there life after MEX? |
2475 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxt-ap31.azm | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 870707 | MEXplus term ovly for Apple |
2476 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | mxtimout.fqx | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 860408 | Timeout fix for MEX on slow disk |
2477 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | otronmex.lbr | 1 | 34944 | 8 | 850805 | MEX overlay - Otrona Attache w/Smartmodem |
2478 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | pcpfast.mzx | 1 | 12800 | 8 | 870131 | Easy PC Pursuit access with MEX114 |
2479 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | pcpmex22.lbr | 1 | 32896 | 8 | 881103 | MEX-Plus script files for PC Pursuit |
2480 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | pcpmx+20.lbr | 1 | 56064 | 8 | 880911 | MexPlus script using PC Pursuit |
2481 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | picknums.lbr | 1 | 47360 | 8 | 861116 | Select numbers from MEX .PHN files |
2482 | pub/ | cpm/mex/ | pursue.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 851028 | Automate use of PC Pursuit |
2483 | pub/ | cpm/misc/ | apl-z.ark | 1 | 58255 | 8 | 870823 | An APL interpreter for Z80 CP/M |
2484 | pub/ | cpm/misc/ | bcpl.ark | 1 | 115712 | 8 | 900320 | BCPL compiler |
2485 | pub/ | cpm/misc/ | cpmutl7.lbr | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 880715 | Read/write CP/M floppy on VAX-780 |
2486 | pub/ | cpm/misc/ | mouse.lbr | 1 | 65024 | 8 | 880712 | Programming language of mouse |
2487 | pub/ | cpm/misc/ | plm80.ark | 1 | 150790 | 8 | 890518 | Source code for PL/M-80 compiler |
2488 | pub/ | cpm/misc/ | smc203.ark | 1 | 115741 | 8 | 880712 | Small-C Compiler version 2.03 |
2489 | pub/ | cpm/misc/ | stage2.lbr | 1 | 94464 | 8 | 871208 | STAGE2 -- A programming language |
2490 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | 4kxmodem.dzc | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 880802 | 4K-XMODEM protocol specifications |
2491 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | altosini.asm | 1 | 1543 | 7 | 841110 | Initialize ALTOS SIO for modem use |
2492 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | batchcom.ark | 1 | 8303 | 8 | 850209 | Automatic file upload/download via SUBMIT |
2493 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | baud.mac | 1 | 1772 | 7 | 841110 | Allows caller to set baud rates on PMMI |
2494 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | baudset.lbr | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 871018 | Sets baud rates with IMP overlay |
2495 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | break.asm | 1 | 911 | 7 | 841110 | Subroutine sends BREAK using USART |
2496 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | cp405hex.ark | 1 | 77257 | 8 | 861226 | Kermit-80 ver. 4.05 executable |
2497 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | cp405src.ark | 1 | 286416 | 8 | 861226 | Source code for Kermit-80 ver 4.05 |
2498 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | crc.nzt | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 870813 | Notes on calculating CRC values |
2499 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | dial3.aqm | 1 | 14720 | 8 | 850209 | PMMI console loading |
2500 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | dialog.lbr | 1 | 49024 | 8 | 870131 | Automatic terminal dialog via modem |
2501 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | fr21.lbr | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 860728 | File transfers using XON/XOFF |
2502 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | getit.aqm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850209 | Simple terminal program with file capture |
2503 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | hayescmd.tzt | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 880130 | S-registers used by Hayes modems |
2504 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | hays1200.fix | 1 | 3859 | 7 | 840909 | How to fix overheating problem with Hayes 1200 |
2505 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | hays2400.iqf | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 850520 | Review and setup of Hayes Smartmodem 2400 |
2506 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | hays9600.tzt | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 870809 | Hayes Smartmodem 9600 baud info |
2507 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | hbaud11.lbr | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 870426 | Sets baud rates for Hitachi HD64180 |
2508 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | hexlink.lbr | 1 | 17152 | 8 | 850514 | Helps get that first modem program |
2509 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | inte8251.azt | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 861231 | Info about the Intel 8251A USART |
2510 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | intfrnc.dzc | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 890325 | Article on modem interfacing problem |
2511 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | intrtran.lbr | 1 | 21888 | 8 | 861008 | Computer-to-computer file transfer |
2512 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | jcatdial.lbr | 1 | 12544 | 8 | 850608 | Dial the Novation Apple-Cat modem |
2513 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | kermit.txt | 1 | 419 | 7 | 861226 | Release info. for Kermit 4.05 |
2514 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | kintro.dqc | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 850209 | Tutorial on how to use Kermit |
2515 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | mdmbrate.aqm | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850209 | Universal baud rate sel. |
2516 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | mdmcable.tzt | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 880124 | Discussion of cables and RS-232 |
2517 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | mdmerr.wq | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 860427 | How to deal with modem line noise |
2518 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | mdmhnts.dzc | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 890325 | Setting up a new modem |
2519 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | megalink.dzc | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 870524 | Info on MegaLink Protocol |
2520 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | modempat.aqm | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | Temp. control of console by modem |
2521 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | modmloop.mzg | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870604 | Discussion of modem loop problems |
2522 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | mtn.inf | 1 | 5170 | 7 | 830909 | Archive of the INFO-MTN mailing list |
2523 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | mtn21off.com | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 850209 | MTN 2.1 loaded at offset for TRS-80 Mod. I |
2524 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | mtn21off.doc | 1 | 677 | 7 | 830909 | MTN 2.1 loaded at offset for TRS-80 Mod. I |
2525 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | mtn22b.lbr | 1 | 24192 | 8 | 850209 | MicroTELNET terminal program w/ file transfer |
2526 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | node104.lbr | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 880830 | PC Pursuit remote dialer (CP/M Plus) |
2527 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | nsd.ark | 1 | 8000 | 8 | 871204 | Terminal program in Zbasic |
2528 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | pc-psuit.lbr | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 860815 | Automate login to PC Pursuit |
2529 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | pipmodem.asm | 1 | 2330 | 7 | 830909 | Using PIP to copy files via modem |
2530 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | pipmodem.doc | 1 | 6761 | 7 | 850226 | Documentation for PIPMODEM.ASM |
2531 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | pipmodm2.asm | 1 | 3046 | 7 | 850226 | Using PIP to copy files via modem |
2532 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | plink65.dqc | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850209 | Copy a program to a CP/M system via modem |
2533 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | plink67a.aqm | 1 | 19584 | 8 | 850209 | Copy a program to a CP/M system via modem |
2534 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | promo.lbr | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 850209 | Set time on Prometheus modem |
2535 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | protocol.dzc | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 870510 | Info on modem protocols |
2536 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | raidsys1.lbr | 1 | 51968 | 8 | 880402 | Method of batch file transfers |
2537 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | readnews.lbr | 1 | 35712 | 8 | 871031 | Automate reading news on StarText |
2538 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | rs232cbl.lbr | 1 | 15232 | 8 | 861124 | RS232 interconnect cable information |
2539 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | rt11modm.lbr | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 871108 | Exchange files between RT-11 and CP/M systems |
2540 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | sendout8.aqm | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850209 | Sends string to modem |
2541 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | ssterm20.lbr | 1 | 29056 | 8 | 870608 | Split Screen terminal program |
2542 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | teled14.lbr | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 880102 | Modem terminal/file transfer - BDS-C |
2543 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | thruputs.dzc | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 870701 | Study of file transmission speeds |
2544 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | tinyterm.lbr | 1 | 21120 | 8 | 861228 | A tiny terminal program |
2545 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | ubpmmi.aqm | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 850824 | PMMI overlay for BSTMS |
2546 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | usarts.dqc | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 850209 | Defines for various serial port chips |
2547 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | usr-s100.fix | 1 | 1053 | 7 | 840403 | Change to USR S100 modem to fix DTR behavior |
2548 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | usr-s100.mod | 1 | 1468 | 7 | 840406 | Change to USR S100 modem to fix DTR behavior |
2549 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | usr-s100.upd | 1 | 833 | 8 | 860526 | Mod corrects USR S-100 modem problem |
2550 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | usr-v32.lbr | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 881120 | USRobotics new V.32 dual std. modems |
2551 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | usr9600.tqt | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 861213 | Info on Courier HST 9600 bps modem |
2552 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | x25.ark | 1 | 106910 | 8 | 860728 | X.25 protocol support for CP/M |
2553 | pub/ | cpm/modem/ | yam428.lbr | 1 | 223488 | 8 | 850209 | Yet Another Modem |
2554 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | bmodem.bas | 1 | 1081 | 7 | 850105 | Simple XMODEM boot program in BASIC |
2555 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | bmodem.doc | 1 | 635 | 7 | 850105 | How to configure BMODEM.BAS |
2556 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | cmodem13.c | 1 | 14331 | 7 | 830909 | Modem file xfer in C for PMMI |
2557 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | dch.h | 1 | 1333 | 7 | 830909 | Hayes S100 modem defines for C |
2558 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | mboot3.asm | 1 | 7621 | 7 | 830909 | XMODEM bootstrap program |
2559 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | modem.dqc | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | Documentation for Modem2 |
2560 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | modem2.pro | 1 | 7431 | 7 | 850717 | Description of the Modem/Xmodem protocol |
2561 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | modm221a.aqm | 1 | 58112 | 8 | 850209 | Modem2 file transfer and terminal program |
2562 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | modmprot.003 | 1 | 15436 | 7 | 850419 | Christensen Modem protocol overview |
2563 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | pmmi.h | 1 | 1012 | 7 | 830909 | PMMI S-100 definition |
2564 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | robust.eot | 1 | 2488 | 7 | 851214 | Improving EOT handling in XMODEM |
2565 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | rt11modm.c | 1 | 7967 | 7 | 850720 | Exchange files between RT-11 and CP/M systems |
2566 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | rt11modm.doc | 1 | 924 | 7 | 840804 | Exchange files between RT-11 and CP/M systems |
2567 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | ukm7.aqm | 1 | 39680 | 8 | 850209 | UK CP/M Users Group version of MDM7 |
2568 | pub/ | cpm/modem2/ | ukm7.dqc | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 850209 | UK CP/M Users Group version of MDM7 |
2569 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | batprot.col | 1 | 1505 | 7 | 870112 | Description of Modem/Xmodem batch protocol |
2570 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | chglib22.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | Modify the phone number library in MDM7 |
2571 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | copyrite.mdm | 1 | 2857 | 7 | 840407 | Damaging effects of copyrights on MDM modules |
2572 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7-2710.aqm | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for CCS 2710 board |
2573 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7-2719.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for CCS 2719 board |
2574 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7-2830.aqm | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for CCS 2830 Dart board |
2575 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7-ovl29.lqt | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 860621 | MDM7xx overlay list - 05/11/86 |
2576 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7-scat.aqm | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Novation SmartCat |
2577 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m730-mpm.lbr | 1 | 30336 | 8 | 850209 | MDM730 changes to work with MP/M |
2578 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m740ft.mod | 1 | 2267 | 7 | 850213 | MDM740 mod. to support T-mode file transfer |
2579 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ad-4.azm | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 870924 | MDM700 overlay for Adam Syndmodem |
2580 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7al8-1.aqm | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Altos series 8000 |
2581 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7am-1.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Apple ][ w/ Mountain CPS |
2582 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ap-6.aqm | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Apple ][ w/ Super Serial Card |
2583 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7aq-4.aqm | 1 | 12800 | 8 | 850508 | MDM7 overlay for Apple ][ w/ Micromodem II |
2584 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7atr1.aqm | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for ATR8000 |
2585 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7bt-1.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 851201 | MDM7 overlay for Beehive 'Topper' computer |
2586 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7c3-1.aqm | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for CP/M Plus auxiliary device |
2587 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7c3-2.aqm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for CP/M Plus |
2588 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7cd-2.aqm | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Cromemco w/ TUART card |
2589 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7crcard.msg | 1 | 1229 | 7 | 840318 | How to use telephone credit cards w/ MDM7xx |
2590 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7dp-1.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Datapoint 1560 |
2591 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7eg-1.aqm | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Eagle IIE computer |
2592 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7egl-1.aqm | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Eagle II and III computers |
2593 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ep-2.aqm | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Epson QX-10 computer |
2594 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7fa-2.aqm | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Franklin ACE computer |
2595 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7fnk.com | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850421 | Redefine MDM724 or later function keys |
2596 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7fnk.doc | 1 | 1365 | 7 | 840305 | Redefine MDM724 or later function keys |
2597 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7fnk.dqc | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850421 | Redefine MDM724 or later function keys |
2598 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7fnk.not | 1 | 2193 | 7 | 840305 | How to use MDM7xx function keys |
2599 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7fnk.nqt | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850421 | How to use MDM7xx function keys |
2600 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ft-1.aqm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 850824 | MDM7 overlay for Facit DTC 6500 computer |
2601 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7gp-1.aqm | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 general purpose overlay |
2602 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7h8-2-1.aqm | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 860802 | MDM7 overlay for Heath H8 computer |
2603 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7h8-4a.aqm | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Heath H89 computer |
2604 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7h8-7.aqm | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850317 | MDM7 overlay for Heath H89 computer |
2605 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7h82661.aqm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Heath H89 w/Z-89-11 card |
2606 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7hp-1.aqm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for HP125 series 100 computer |
2607 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7hz-1.aqm | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for H/Z-100 computer |
2608 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7im-1.aqm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for IMS 5000 w/ IMS 440 |
2609 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7im-2.aqm | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for IMS w/ 682 I/O |
2610 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7in-3.aqm | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for CompuPro I3/I4/SS1 |
2611 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7jc-2.aqm | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Apple ][ w/Novation J-Cat |
2612 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7kp-1.aqm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Kaypro II |
2613 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7kp-2.aqm | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Kaypro II (revised) |
2614 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7kp-2.msg | 1 | 7042 | 7 | 840220 | MDM7 overlay for Kaypro II (revised) |
2615 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7kp-x48.aqm | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Kaypro II |
2616 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7kp-x48.msg | 1 | 1204 | 7 | 840804 | MDM7 overlay for Kaypro II |
2617 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7lib.com | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850421 | Change phone numbers in MDM7 dial library |
2618 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7lib.doc | 1 | 2239 | 7 | 840305 | Change phone numbers in MDM7 dial library |
2619 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7lib.dqc | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850421 | Change phone numbers in MDM7 dial library |
2620 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7lo-2.aqm | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Lobo Max-80 |
2621 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7md-1.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Morrow MicroDecision |
2622 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7md11.aqm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Morrow MicroDecision 11 |
2623 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7mdx-1.aqm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for SIO MOSTEC MDX-SIO board |
2624 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7mfio-2.aqm | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for For Electralogics MFIO board |
2625 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7mh-2.aqm | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Morrow MicroDecision 11 |
2626 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7mm-1.aqm | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Morrow Multi-I/O board |
2627 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7mmp4.aqm | 1 | 25728 | 8 | 850825 | MDM7 overlay for Apple ][ w/ Micromodem II |
2628 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7mol-2.aqm | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Molecular SuperMicro |
2629 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7na-1.aqm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for North Star Advantage |
2630 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7nc-1.aqm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 850908 | MDM7 overlay for NCR DecisionMate IV |
2631 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ne-1.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for NEC PC-8001 computer |
2632 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7nh-2.aqm | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for North Star Horizon w/ HSIO |
2633 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7nm-6.aqm | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 850421 | MDM7 telephone number overlay file |
2634 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ns-2.aqm | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for North Star Horizon |
2635 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7nsp-1.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for NSC Starplex |
2636 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7oa-1.aqm | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Otrona Attache |
2637 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7od-5.aqm | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Osborne I w/COMM-PAC modem |
2638 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7os-1.aqm | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Osborne |
2639 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7os-2.aqm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Osborne |
2640 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ovlist.wq8 | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 851013 | Overlay list for MDM7xx |
2641 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ox-1.aqm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Osborne Executive |
2642 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ox-2.aqm | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 850317 | MDM7 overlay for Osborne Executive |
2643 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7p1-1.aqm | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for PMC Micromate 101 |
2644 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7pc-1.aqm | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for IBM-PC w/ Baby Blue Z80 |
2645 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7pm-1.aqm | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for PMMI S-100 modem board |
2646 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7pp-1.aqm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Pied Piper |
2647 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7pp.aqm | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Pied Piper |
2648 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7px-1.aqm | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Epson PX-8 |
2649 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7qx-3.aqm | 1 | 19328 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Epson QX-10 w/ VALDOCS 1.1x |
2650 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7r1-3.aqm | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for TRS-80 Model I |
2651 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7r2-2.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for TRS-80 Model II |
2652 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7r3-1.aqm | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for TRS-80 Model III |
2653 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7r4-7.aqm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850818 | MDM7 overlay for TRS-80 Model IV |
2654 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7rscpp.aqm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for TRS-80 Model IV |
2655 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7s1-1.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Sanyo MBC-1100 |
2656 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7sb-1.aqm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Superbrain |
2657 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7sd-1.aqm | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for SD200 System Computer |
2658 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7sg-1.aqm | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Systems Group System 2800 |
2659 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7ssm-2.aqm | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for SSM-I/O board |
2660 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7sy-3.aqm | 1 | 14464 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Sanyo MBC-1000 |
2661 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7sy-3.msg | 1 | 3235 | 7 | 840220 | MDM7 overlay for Sanyo MBC-1000 |
2662 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7tt-2.aqm | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Teletek Systemaster |
2663 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7tv-6.aqm | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for TeleVideo TS-802/803 |
2664 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7tv-7.aqm | 1 | 9600 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for TeleVideo TS-802/803 |
2665 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7tv-9.aqm | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 851201 | MDM7 overlay for TeleVideo TPC-I |
2666 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7us-2.aqm | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for U.S. Robotics S-100 |
2667 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7vg-1.aqm | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Vector Graphic |
2668 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7vg-2.aqm | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Vector Graphic Bitstreamer II |
2669 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7vio-2.aqm | 1 | 12800 | 8 | 851013 | MDM7 overlay for Ithaca VIO w/ 2651 |
2670 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7vt-5.aqm | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for DEC VT180 |
2671 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7xe-1.aqm | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Xerox 820 and 820-II |
2672 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7xsmb-1.aqm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for XITAN SMB Interface |
2673 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | m7zb-2.aqm | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Zorba |
2674 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | mdm7abc.aqm | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 850209 | MDM711/712 driver |
2675 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | mdm7adds.aqm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Adds Multivision |
2676 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | mdm7db.aqm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850209 | MDM711/712 driver for Dynabyte serial port |
2677 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | mdm7sol.aqm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850209 | MDM711/712 driver for Processor Tech SOL |
2678 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | mdmlnk.com | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850421 | Utility to link overlays into MDM7 w/o DDT |
2679 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | mdmlnk.doc | 1 | 1390 | 7 | 850421 | Utility to link overlays into MDM7 w/o DDT |
2680 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | mo700rv.aqm | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 overlay for Racal-Vadic VA212PA |
2681 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | modm700.aqm | 1 | 104320 | 8 | 850209 | Modem2 file transfer and terminal program |
2682 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | modm700.com | 1 | 18688 | 8 | 850421 | Modem2 file transfer and terminal program |
2683 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | modm700.dqc | 1 | 25600 | 8 | 850421 | Modem2 file transfer and terminal program |
2684 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | modm700.iqf | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 850421 | How to auto-link phone numbers |
2685 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | modm700.lbr | 1 | 71936 | 8 | 850209 | Execs/Docs - last pub. domain MODEM7 |
2686 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | modm700.mqg | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850421 | Notes about MDM7xx |
2687 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | modm700.upd | 1 | 735 | 8 | 850421 | Notes about last |
2688 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | necmdmx.lbr | 1 | 27520 | 8 | 850209 | MDM7 pre-built for NEC PC-8801 |
2689 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | pat700v2.aqm | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | Modification and enhancements to MDM7 |
2690 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | pat700v2.asm | 1 | 2976 | 7 | 841228 | Modification and enhancements to MDM7 |
2691 | pub/ | cpm/modem7/ | pat700v2.msg | 1 | 923 | 7 | 841229 | Description of patches in pat700v2.aqm |
2692 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | afai.def | 1 | 161 | 7 | 870108 | No description available |
2693 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | afai.mod | 1 | 1075 | 7 | 870108 | No description available |
2694 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | allq.mzd | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 870426 | Finds solutions of 8 queens problem |
2695 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | baltree.mod | 1 | 7714 | 7 | 870108 | Insertion/deletoin in AVL-balanced tree |
2696 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | bench.mod | 1 | 810 | 7 | 870108 | Read text file |
2697 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | bingcd.mod | 1 | 971 | 7 | 870108 | Find greatest common divisor of two numbers |
2698 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | bitwise.mzd | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 870910 | More bit stuff for Modula-2 |
2699 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | btree.mod | 1 | 6968 | 7 | 870108 | Insert/delete elements in a B-tree |
2700 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | case.lbr | 1 | 27648 | 8 | 870505 | Modula-2 programming tool |
2701 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | cmpisqrt.mod | 1 | 715 | 7 | 870108 | Compute largest integer <= square root of int |
2702 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | cmppower.mod | 1 | 745 | 7 | 870108 | Raise integer to a positive power |
2703 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | complex.mod | 1 | 647 | 7 | 870108 | Multiply complex numbers |
2704 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | cross1.mod | 1 | 3385 | 7 | 870108 | Generate a cross-reference table from a text |
2705 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | cross2.mod | 1 | 15267 | 7 | 870108 | Generate cross-reference table using hash tbl |
2706 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | crunch.mod | 1 | 658 | 7 | 870108 | Eliminate multiple blank spaces in a file |
2707 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | dicetest.mzd | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 870426 | Dice rolling test in Modula-2 |
2708 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | divide.mod | 1 | 975 | 7 | 870108 | Divide an integer by a natural number |
2709 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | edit.mod | 1 | 1729 | 7 | 870108 | Read a text |
2710 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | fibonacc.mod | 1 | 797 | 7 | 870108 | Compute Fibonacci numbers |
2711 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | fraction.mod | 1 | 872 | 7 | 870108 | Compute a table of exact fractions |
2712 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | gcdlcm.mod | 1 | 889 | 7 | 870108 | Compute GCD and LCM of two natural numbers |
2713 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | harmonic.mod | 1 | 1187 | 7 | 870108 | Compute the harmonic function |
2714 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | knightst.mod | 1 | 1350 | 7 | 870108 | Knight's Test problem |
2715 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | list.mod | 1 | 1392 | 7 | 870108 | Locate records in an ordered list by a key |
2716 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | list2.mod | 1 | 1313 | 7 | 870108 | Locate records in an ordered list by a key |
2717 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | m2vhoch.lbr | 1 | 19200 | 8 | 870426 | Two prime computation programs |
2718 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | magicsqu.mod | 1 | 810 | 7 | 870108 | Count number of words in text by length |
2719 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | marriage.mod | 1 | 2548 | 7 | 870108 | Find solution to stable marriage problem |
2720 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | mergesor.mod | 1 | 3538 | 7 | 870108 | Natural merge sort w/ 3 files |
2721 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | mtmod2.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 870830 | A selection of Modula-2 programs |
2722 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | optimalt.mod | 1 | 7529 | 7 | 870108 | Find optimally structured binary search tree |
2723 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | palindro.mod | 1 | 613 | 7 | 870108 | Find integers whose squares are palindromes |
2724 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | permute.mod | 1 | 734 | 7 | 870108 | Compute all n! permuatations of integers |
2725 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | plo.mod | 1 | 8458 | 7 | 870108 | Skeleton compiler w/ syntax checking |
2726 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | polysort.mod | 1 | 4922 | 7 | 870108 | Polyphase sort program |
2727 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | postfix.mod | 1 | 962 | 7 | 870108 | Convert expressions from infix to postfix |
2728 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | power2.mod | 1 | 1127 | 7 | 870108 | Compute table of positive and neg. powers of 2 |
2729 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | pplot.mod | 1 | 1474 | 7 | 870108 | Printer plot module |
2730 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | primes.mod | 1 | 925 | 7 | 870108 | Compute a table of first n prime numbers |
2731 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | printerp.mod | 1 | 954 | 7 | 870108 | Plot a function on the screen |
2732 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | procon.fzx | 1 | 896 | 8 | 870426 | Producer/Consumer Test Module |
2733 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | procon.mzd | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 870426 | Producer/Consumer Test module |
2734 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | queens8.mod | 1 | 1139 | 7 | 870108 | 8 Queens problem |
2735 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | recurren.mod | 1 | 2041 | 7 | 870108 | Determine recurrence relations |
2736 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | selectio.mod | 1 | 1994 | 7 | 870108 | Find optimal selection of objs from a set |
2737 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | sequence.mod | 1 | 1064 | 7 | 870108 | Find non-adjacent sequence of digits |
2738 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | shellif.mzd | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870426 | ZCPR3 MOD for IF/ELSE in a shell |
2739 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | sierpins.mod | 1 | 1116 | 7 | 870108 | Sierpinski module |
2740 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | sieve.mod | 1 | 736 | 7 | 870108 | Table of primes using sieve of Erasthenes |
2741 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | sort.mod | 1 | 3682 | 7 | 870108 | Performs various types of sorts on an array |
2742 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | strlib.def | 1 | 4154 | 7 | 870108 | String manipulation for MRI Modula2 |
2743 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | strlib.mod | 1 | 15523 | 7 | 870108 | String manipulation for MRI Modula2 |
2744 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | strtes.mod | 1 | 2052 | 7 | 870108 | Demonstrate string functions in strlib.mod |
2745 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | sum10000.mod | 1 | 959 | 7 | 870108 | Computes sum in four different ways |
2746 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | sumofcub.mod | 1 | 1411 | 7 | 870108 | Find smallest pos. integer from two cubes |
2747 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | ticktock.mod | 1 | 942 | 7 | 870124 | Corrected Modula-2 sample program |
2748 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | topsort.mod | 1 | 2061 | 7 | 870108 | Topological sorting |
2749 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | tree.mod | 1 | 2162 | 7 | 870108 | Insertion/deletion of elements in binary tree |
2750 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | useafai.mod | 1 | 499 | 7 | 870108 | No description available |
2751 | pub/ | cpm/modula2/ | wordleng.mod | 1 | 810 | 7 | 870108 | Read text and count words by length |
2752 | pub/ | cpm/msoft/ | bascom53.doc | 1 | 2302 | 7 | 830909 | Comparison between MBASIC compiler 5.2/5.3 |
2753 | pub/ | cpm/msoft/ | mbasic.fre | 1 | 1872 | 7 | 830909 | Avoid MBASIC string cleanup delays |
2754 | pub/ | cpm/msoft/ | microsft.feb | 1 | 838 | 7 | 860206 | Free Microsoft Language Publication |
2755 | pub/ | cpm/msoft/ | msftcall.txt | 1 | 3691 | 7 | 830909 | How to use the CALL statement |
2756 | pub/ | cpm/msoft/ | msftnw82.apr | 1 | 8525 | 7 | 830909 | Microsoft Newsletter |
2757 | pub/ | cpm/msoft/ | msftnw82.mar | 1 | 2337 | 7 | 830909 | Microsoft Newsletter |
2758 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | apr86.mqg | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 860407 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2759 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | aug85.mzg | 1 | 20224 | 8 | 870927 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2760 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.aqg | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2761 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.aqr | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2762 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.fqb | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2763 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.jql | 1 | 25216 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2764 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.jqn | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2765 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.jqy | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2766 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.mqr | 1 | 14336 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2767 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.mqy | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2768 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | cpmnet81.sqp | 1 | 24960 | 8 | 850209 | CP/M-Net News |
2769 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | dec85.mzg | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 851201 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2770 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | dec86.mqg | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 861128 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2771 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | feb86.mzg | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 870927 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2772 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | feb87.mqg | 1 | 16768 | 8 | 870131 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2773 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | jan86.mzg | 1 | 22144 | 8 | 870927 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2774 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | jan87.mqg | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 861226 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2775 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | jul85.mzg | 1 | 24960 | 8 | 850711 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2776 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | jul86.mqg | 1 | 20096 | 8 | 860628 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News magazine |
2777 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | jun87.mzg | 1 | 22400 | 8 | 870524 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2778 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | may85.mzg | 1 | 23040 | 8 | 850713 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2779 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | may86.mqg | 1 | 16000 | 8 | 860427 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2780 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | may87.mqg | 1 | 31744 | 8 | 870505 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2781 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | micropro.aug | 1 | 2348 | 7 | 850823 | MicroPro product update |
2782 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | news-007.lzr | 1 | 28544 | 8 | 870809 | PRACSA News Letter -- July |
2783 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | nov85.mzg | 1 | 20608 | 8 | 851028 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2784 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | nov86.mqg | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 861031 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2785 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | oct85.mzg | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 870927 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2786 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | oct86.mqg | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 860930 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2787 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | sep85.mzg | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 870927 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine |
2788 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | sep86.mqg | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 860826 | The $R/O (ReadOnly) News magazine |
2789 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | sig-m81.jqn | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 850209 | SIG/M Report |
2790 | pub/ | cpm/news/ | tcf94.txt | 1 | 10025 | 7 | 940428 | News from the 1994 Trenton Computer Festival |
2791 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | 00readme.doc | 1 | 787 | 7 | 830909 | Further details about the files in this dir |
2792 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | format.dqc | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Documents structure of format byte |
2793 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | gendoc.dqc | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | North Star CP/M user area documentation |
2794 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | geneusys.dqc | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 850209 | Replacement North Star cold boot routine |
2795 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | gensys32.aqm | 1 | 17152 | 8 | 850209 | New cold boot routine |
2796 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | genusr37.aqm | 1 | 35840 | 8 | 850209 | Many improvements to North Star CP/M |
2797 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | genusr48.aqm | 1 | 38016 | 8 | 850209 | Many improvements to North Star CP/M |
2798 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | hd18.dos | 1 | 20480 | 7 | 850209 | No description available |
2799 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | htrans.ien | 1 | 12800 | 7 | 850209 | No description available |
2800 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | li.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 871110 | List dir/copy NorthStar disk to CP/M |
2801 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | newcpy16.com | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | North Star diskette duplicator |
2802 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | newfmt14.com | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | North Star diskette formatter |
2803 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | newfrm14.aqm | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 850209 | North Star diskette formatter |
2804 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | ns2cpm.com | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | Copy files from North Star DOS to CP/M |
2805 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | ns2cpm.dqc | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Copy files from North Star DOS to CP/M |
2806 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | nsbas59.aqm | 1 | 14336 | 8 | 850209 | Interface between North Star BASIC and CP/M |
2807 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | nsbas59.dqc | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 850209 | Interface between North Star BASIC and CP/M |
2808 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | nsgen.com | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 850209 | Generate CP/M system images |
2809 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | nstrteac.iqs | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 850209 | How to install TEAC 55F drives in Horizon |
2810 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | nsuser5z.aqm | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850209 | I/O routines for CP/M-2 |
2811 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | putusr.aqm | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850209 | Update user area on system tracks easily |
2812 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | putusr.dqc | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850209 | Update user area on system tracks easily |
2813 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | ramtest.com | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 850209 | North Star RAM test |
2814 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | user.cfg | 1 | 3833 | 7 | 871026 | Reconfiguring North Star to support new drives |
2815 | pub/ | cpm/nstar/ | ws4-ns.lbr | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 871030 | NorthStar Advantage overlays for WS4 |
2816 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nu-clock.lbr | 1 | 76800 | 8 | 860628 | Clock inserts for NUBYE |
2817 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nub101-s.lbr | 1 | 124416 | 8 | 860806 | NUBYE |
2818 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nuby-fix.003 | 1 | 996 | 7 | 860924 | Fix to NUBYE |
2819 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nuby-fix.0q2 | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 860924 | Fix to NUBYE101 |
2820 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nuby-ins.lbr | 1 | 144384 | 8 | 860629 | Computer dependent inserts for NUBYE |
2821 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nuby-mod.001 | 1 | 1230 | 7 | 861008 | Mod to NUBYE |
2822 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nuby-mod.002 | 1 | 3930 | 7 | 861008 | Mod to NUBYE |
2823 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nuby-sup.lbr | 1 | 33792 | 8 | 860629 | Supporting files/info for NUBYE |
2824 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nubye101.fix | 1 | 1255 | 7 | 860824 | FIX to NUBYE if running PBBS |
2825 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nubye101.lbr | 1 | 147712 | 8 | 860806 | RCP/M modem remote console |
2826 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nuc-kp4.iqs | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 861116 | NUBYE clock insert for Kaypro |
2827 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nuc-tv.iqs | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 861031 | Clock insert for NUBYE on Televideo |
2828 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nucd.lbr | 1 | 31744 | 8 | 860901 | Change Directories with NUBYE |
2829 | pub/ | cpm/nubye/ | nukmd111.ark | 1 | 126848 | 8 | 870206 | XMODEM/YMODEM file transfer for RCPM |
2830 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | almazar.lbr | 1 | 26112 | 8 | 870318 | MBASIC 72 room adventure game |
2831 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | bdscio-h.osb | 1 | 5360 | 7 | 830909 | BDS-C bdscio.h for Osborne I |
2832 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | clock.lbr | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 880106 | Realtime resident s/w clock for OSB1 |
2833 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | console.aqm | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 861221 | Attaches a remote console to Osborne |
2834 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | dirpatch.aqm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850209 | Patch Osborne Executive dir cmd for disk space |
2835 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | dirpatch.hex | 1 | 326 | 7 | 850103 | Patch Osborne Executive dir cmd for disk space |
2836 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | e-sketch.bqs | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 850209 | Sketch program for Osborne Executive |
2837 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | exkermi1.lbr | 1 | 16256 | 8 | 861006 | Kermit for the Osborne Executive |
2838 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | exkermit.lbr | 1 | 26880 | 8 | 860324 | Kermit for Osborne Executive |
2839 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | exrdtrak.lbr | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 860324 | Osborne Exec. read disk track util. |
2840 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | extime89.lbr | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 880523 | Osborne Executive clock setting util |
2841 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | exwindow.lbr | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 860324 | Osborne Exec. two windows on screen |
2842 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | findchar.bas | 1 | 2560 | 7 | 850209 | Display entire Osborne Executive char set |
2843 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | flipkeys.lbr | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 861227 | Flip arrow keys on Osborne-1 |
2844 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | function.bas | 1 | 1792 | 7 | 850209 | See oxtricks.dqc for documentation |
2845 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | mdio-c.osb | 1 | 2751 | 7 | 830909 | Modem I/O routines for TELNET |
2846 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | osbn-bio.bqs | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 850209 | Biorhythm for Osborne BASIC |
2847 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | osbplink.aqm | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 850209 | Copy a program to a CP/M system via modem |
2848 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | osbtrx10.dqc | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 850209 | Osborne I undocumented tricks |
2849 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | osbws4.lbr | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 880127 | Patches to WordStar 4 for Osborne I |
2850 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | osdtr.txt | 1 | 3092 | 7 | 850213 | Modification to Osborne I serial I/O for DTR |
2851 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | osextime.fix | 1 | 2327 | 7 | 850114 | Osborne Executive BIOS time-out fix |
2852 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | osuart.dzc | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 880409 | Improved access to Osborne 1 RS-232 |
2853 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | oterm401.dqc | 1 | 27136 | 8 | 850209 | Osborne terminal/file transfer program |
2854 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | oterm404.msg | 1 | 244 | 7 | 830909 | Osborne terminal/file transfer program |
2855 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | oterm405.com | 1 | 31744 | 8 | 850209 | Osborne terminal/file transfer program |
2856 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | oterm405.sub | 1 | 1577 | 7 | 830909 | Osborne terminal/file transfer program |
2857 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | otset4.com | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 850209 | Set up function key definitions in OTERM |
2858 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | otset4.dqc | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | Set up function key definitions in OTERM |
2859 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | oxsdump.lbr | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 850209 | Screen dump for Osborne Executive |
2860 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | oxtricks.dqc | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Documentation for Osborne Executive pgms |
2861 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | ozexcent.msg | 1 | 2642 | 7 | 841123 | How to connect Osborne Executive to Centronics |
2862 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | rain.cq | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | Terminal 'rain' for Osborne I |
2863 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | rox.lbr | 1 | 124416 | 8 | 851207 | Remote Operating System for Osborne |
2864 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | tpatch.lbr | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 850209 | Turbo Pascal on Osborne Executive |
2865 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | tricks.bqs | 1 | 16640 | 8 | 850209 | See oxtricks.dqc for documentation |
2866 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | videonum.bas | 1 | 1024 | 7 | 850209 | Displays memory locations from Osborne Exec |
2867 | pub/ | cpm/osborne/ | window.bas | 1 | 3328 | 7 | 850209 | Defines a scroll region on Osborne Executive |
2868 | pub/ | cpm/packet/ | dedpk87.ark | 1 | 97499 | 8 | 870826 | WA8DED ver 1.2 PK-87 packet firmware |
2869 | pub/ | cpm/packet/ | dedtnc1.ark | 1 | 44836 | 8 | 870826 | WA8DED ver 1.2 TNC-1 packet firmware |
2870 | pub/ | cpm/packet/ | dedtnc2.ark | 1 | 60248 | 8 | 870826 | WA8DED ver 1.2 TNC-2 packet firmware |
2871 | pub/ | cpm/packet/ | mulrpt.lbr | 1 | 34944 | 8 | 851124 | Two port packet repeater - Xerox820 |
2872 | pub/ | cpm/packet/ | packet89.lbr | 1 | 64384 | 8 | 910221 | Interface H/Z-89 or H/Z-90 with packet TNC |
2873 | pub/ | cpm/packet/ | pbbsm100.ark | 1 | 25472 | 8 | 870125 | Mini-PBBS for TRS-80 Model 100 |
2874 | pub/ | cpm/packet/ | rli120.ark | 1 | 229800 | 8 | 870611 | W0RLI MailBox/GateWay |
2875 | pub/ | cpm/packet/ | rli120.upd | 1 | 1812 | 8 | 870611 | Update info W0RLI Packet BBS/Gateway |
2876 | pub/ | cpm/parasol/ | asm-a86.ark | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 861008 | 8080->8086 cnvrsn utility in PARASOL |
2877 | pub/ | cpm/parasol/ | disam86.ark | 1 | 26240 | 8 | 861008 | 8086 disassembler written in PARASOL |
2878 | pub/ | cpm/parasol/ | parasol.ark | 1 | 111232 | 8 | 861008 | Business-oriented assembler/compiler |
2879 | pub/ | cpm/parasol/ | parasols.ark | 1 | 149632 | 8 | 861009 | PARASOL assembler/compiler source |
2880 | pub/ | cpm/parasol/ | videosto.ark | 1 | 113024 | 8 | 861014 | Video rental store management system |
2881 | pub/ | cpm/pascal-p/ | plotter.lbr | 1 | 35968 | 8 | 870206 | Plotter routines for PascalP |
2882 | pub/ | cpm/pascal-p/ | pp319doc.lbr | 1 | 67200 | 8 | 870203 | Documentation for Pascal-P |
2883 | pub/ | cpm/pascal-p/ | pp319fix.lbr | 1 | 35072 | 8 | 870124 | Fix to Pascal-P v 3.1.9 |
2884 | pub/ | cpm/pascal-p/ | pp319upd.lbr | 1 | 149376 | 8 | 870115 | PASCAL-P Compiler version 3.1.9 |
2885 | pub/ | cpm/pascal-p/ | ppmanual.pzn | 1 | 60928 | 8 | 870203 | Documentation file for Pascal-P |
2886 | pub/ | cpm/pascal-p/ | profiler.lbr | 1 | 48896 | 8 | 870115 | Execution time profiler for Pascal-P |
2887 | pub/ | cpm/pascal-p/ | xrefc26.lbr | 1 | 38016 | 8 | 870115 | Cross reference of C programs |
2888 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | autoc23a.lbr | 1 | 26752 | 8 | 871231 | Auto compile control - .PAS or .MAC |
2889 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | cal.com | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 850209 | Generate a calendar |
2890 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | cal.pas | 1 | 14445 | 7 | 830909 | Generate a calendar |
2891 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | cpmcop.pas | 1 | 6539 | 7 | 830909 | Transfer CP/M files to Pascal disk |
2892 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | invent.pqs | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 861111 | Turbo Pascal Inventory Management |
2893 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | jdate.pqs | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850523 | Converts from Gregorian to Julian |
2894 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | mdm38080.asm | 1 | 1518 | 7 | 830909 | 8080 I/O routines for Modem3 |
2895 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | mdm3z80.asm | 1 | 1500 | 7 | 830909 | Z80 I/O routines for Modem3 |
2896 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | modem3.pas | 1 | 13960 | 7 | 830909 | Pascal implementation of Christensen protocol |
2897 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | pascalio.dzc | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 870228 | Explanation of Pascal I/O |
2898 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | ppas80.lbr | 1 | 28416 | 8 | 850209 | Pretty print Pascal programs |
2899 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | pset.src | 1 | 6885 | 7 | 830909 | Configure Epson |
2900 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | sq.pqs | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 850209 | File SQueezer |
2901 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | strings.lbr | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 870228 | String operations in Pascal |
2902 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | tausgen3.pqs | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 850619 | Tausworthe Pseudorandom nr generator |
2903 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | usq.pqs | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 850209 | SQueezed file UnSQueezer |
2904 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | wildcard.lbr | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 860506 | TurboPascal procedure-CP/M filenames |
2905 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | xydemo.pas | 1 | 1121 | 7 | 830909 | Demonstration of xyplot.pas |
2906 | pub/ | cpm/pascal/ | xyplot.pas | 1 | 5045 | 7 | 830909 | Generate 2D X/Y plots |
2907 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | fastpbbs.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 860407 | Easy automatic compiling of PBBS |
2908 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | hp-fix01.ark | 1 | 5536 | 8 | 880707 | Fix to HBBS/PBBS bulletin board |
2909 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | laston10.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 880331 | Two new utilities for PBBS |
2910 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | mbb2pbbs.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 860506 | Converts MBBS files to PBBS format |
2911 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | pbbs-50.lbr | 1 | 225280 | 8 | 910612 | PBBS v5.0 Bulletin Board System |
2912 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | pbbs.slr | 1 | 2265 | 7 | 860913 | Assembling PBBS with SLR assembler |
2913 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | pbbs5fix.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 910612 | Fixes for PBBS version 5.0 BBS |
2914 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | pbbsup50.lbr | 1 | 88064 | 8 | 910612 | PBBS 5.0 support files |
2915 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | pbbsutl4.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 871101 | Utilities for PBBS 4.0 |
2916 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | pchat11.mqc | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 860727 | Allow PBBS caller to chat with SysOp |
2917 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | pinstal.czm | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 871110 | PBBS install program |
2918 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | preg451.lbr | 1 | 36224 | 8 | 890813 | User registration utility for PBBS |
2919 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | pstat453.lbr | 1 | 28416 | 8 | 890813 | Examine settings of PBBS |
2920 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | puser18.lbr | 1 | 54144 | 8 | 880216 | Utility to report on PBBS user file |
2921 | pub/ | cpm/pbbs/ | puser45.lbr | 1 | 40192 | 8 | 890813 | PBBS utility for user base |
2922 | pub/ | cpm/pilot80/ | pilot80.lbr | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 880305 | PILOT interpreter written in MBASIC |
2923 | pub/ | cpm/plot33/ | plot33.lbr | 1 | 154752 | 8 | 850209 | Flexible graph plotting system |
2924 | pub/ | cpm/pmnetwrk/ | cnkypm10.azm | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 870604 | PoorMan's Network/Columbia Shoebox |
2925 | pub/ | cpm/pmnetwrk/ | pcpipm11.zz0 | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 870509 | Applicard/Poor Man's Network driver |
2926 | pub/ | cpm/ppspel/ | speled.dqc | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 850209 | Spell checker dictionary editor |
2927 | pub/ | cpm/ppspel/ | speled3.com | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 850209 | Spell checker dictionary editor |
2928 | pub/ | cpm/ppspel/ | spell11.aqm | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 850209 | Spell checker |
2929 | pub/ | cpm/ppspel/ | spell11.com | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 850209 | Spell checker |
2930 | pub/ | cpm/ppspel/ | spell11.doc | 1 | 1667 | 7 | 830909 | Spell checker |
2931 | pub/ | cpm/prolog/ | epro23.ark | 1 | 54144 | 8 | 861102 | Small PROLOG system for Z80 CP/M |
2932 | pub/ | cpm/pubkey/ | pks10-m.inf | 1 | 701 | 7 | 840928 | Public key encryption for CP/M |
2933 | pub/ | cpm/pubkey/ | pks10-m.lbr | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 850209 | Public key encryption for CP/M |
2934 | pub/ | cpm/pubkey/ | rsa13-t.lbr | 1 | 104448 | 8 | 850209 | Implementation of RSA public key encryption |
2935 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | author.pub | 1 | 2980 | 7 | 850124 | Author's notes about Public patch |
2936 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | disk7p.com | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 850617 | Manipulate files |
2937 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | disk7p.doc | 1 | 1112 | 7 | 850617 | Manipulate files |
2938 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | license.not | 1 | 741 | 7 | 850617 | License for use of Public patches |
2939 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | public.aqm | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850617 | Prints drive/user of files |
2940 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | public.com | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850617 | Prints drive/user of files |
2941 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | public.doc | 1 | 1277 | 7 | 850617 | Corrections and instructions for public.asm |
2942 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | pubnotes.tzt | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 871108 | BDOS patch for public files |
2943 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | pubpatch.aqm | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850617 | Supports PUBlic files |
2944 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | pubpatch.hxr | 1 | 714 | 7 | 850617 | Supports PUBlic files |
2945 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | pubptz10.lbr | 1 | 37248 | 8 | 870910 | Plu*Perfect Public patch for ZRDOS |
2946 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | relpublc.com | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 850617 | No description available |
2947 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | sd.com | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850617 | SuperDirectory |
2948 | pub/ | cpm/pubpatch/ | sd.doc | 1 | 621 | 7 | 850617 | SuperDirectory |
2949 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qt-zba.zy | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 910530 | QTERM overlay for Telcon Zorba computer |
2950 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qt43efx2.ark | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 910529 | Patches for QTERM 4.3E and Ymodem |
2951 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qt43src.lbr | 1 | 75136 | 8 | 910529 | Source code to QTERM 4.3 |
2952 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qt6-sb18.zz0 | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 890424 | Qterm overlay for the SB-180 |
2953 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qterm43e.lbr | 1 | 54272 | 8 | 910529 | Terminal prog. X/Ymodem Kermit VT100 |
2954 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qto-hp1c.azm | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 890504 | QTERM overlay for HP150 |
2955 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qto-xer2.zz0 | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 890504 | QTERM Overlay -- Xerox 820-II |
2956 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qto-zb10.azm | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 890418 | Telcon Zorba overlay for QTERM |
2957 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qto-zb12.aym | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 900318 | Telcon Zorba overlay for QTERM |
2958 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qtp-xer2.azm | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 890418 | Xerox820-II & 16/8 overlay for QTERM |
2959 | pub/ | cpm/qterm/ | qtpat42.lbr | 1 | 104192 | 8 | 910529 | Patches for QTERM 4.2 |
2960 | pub/ | cpm/rbbs/ | rbbs37-1.lbr | 1 | 134272 | 8 | 850209 | Remote Bulletin Board System in MBASIC |
2961 | pub/ | cpm/rbbs/ | rbbs37-2.lbr | 1 | 67456 | 8 | 850209 | Remote Bulletin Board System in MBASIC |
2962 | pub/ | cpm/rbbs/ | rbbs37.msg | 1 | 1108 | 7 | 850105 | Info. about changes to RBBS37 |
2963 | pub/ | cpm/rbbs/ | rbbs37.not | 1 | 739 | 7 | 850307 | Info. about RBBS37 interactions w/ZCPR3 |
2964 | pub/ | cpm/rbbs/ | rbbs40.lbr | 1 | 30976 | 8 | 850516 | Bulletin Board System in MBasic |
2965 | pub/ | cpm/rbbs/ | rbbsuse.dqc | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850209 | How to set up and run an RBBS |
2966 | pub/ | cpm/rbbs4/ | rbbs4102.ark | 1 | 67628 | 8 | 850209 | Remote Bulletin Board System in 'C' |
2967 | pub/ | cpm/rbbs4/ | rbbs4102.bug | 1 | 1305 | 7 | 850912 | Documentation on RBBS4102 message bug |
2968 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | 1kpacket.dqc | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850806 | Optional 1k packets in MEX and IMP |
2969 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | anch-bye.fqx | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850419 | Using Anchor MK XII modem with BYE |
2970 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | bbsetiq.tqt | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 860621 | A word about computer etiquette |
2971 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | bbsnoise.tzt | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 880229 | Noise on BBS phone lines & modems |
2972 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | bkrsm11.lbr | 1 | 86016 | 8 | 860423 | Information on Kaypro RCP/M set-up |
2973 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | byecom.mqc | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 850209 | BYE util: get a signoff comment then hangup |
2974 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | byesub.aqm | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | Load/run a .com file on request |
2975 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | byexclbk.mqd | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 850914 | Bye callback notification |
2976 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | bytime31.azm | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 870910 | Display user stats on RCP/M system |
2977 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | calls2.aqm | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | Print number of log-in attempts and log-ins |
2978 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | cbye.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 871108 | Display maxuser maxdrive wheel bytes |
2979 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | cd7.aqm | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 860621 | RCP/M Change Directory command |
2980 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | chat46.lbr | 1 | 28544 | 8 | 860715 | RCP/M chat with SysOp utility |
2981 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | comsec13.aqm | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 850209 | Util to take sysop messages/comments |
2982 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | fastgo11.aqm | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 850209 | Move to labelled user areas |
2983 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | fastgo11.doc | 1 | 1699 | 7 | 840507 | Move to labelled user areas |
2984 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | lux100.lbr | 1 | 52096 | 8 | 870322 | Library/archive Utility eXtension |
2985 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | lux101.lbr | 1 | 50304 | 8 | 880712 | Library/archive Utility eXtension |
2986 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | lux77b.lbr | 1 | 58880 | 8 | 871020 | Library/Archive Utility eXtension |
2987 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | lux80.ark | 1 | 101376 | 8 | 870308 | Library/archive Utility eXtension |
2988 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | lux8080.ark | 1 | 51530 | 8 | 871230 | 8080 version of LUX v4.3 |
2989 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | luxi80.lbr | 1 | 66304 | 8 | 880407 | RCP/M Library Utility for 8080/8085 |
2990 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | message.aqm | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Generate messages when a command is typed |
2991 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | message.com | 1 | 256 | 8 | 850209 | Generate messages when a command is typed |
2992 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | message.doc | 1 | 1199 | 7 | 840825 | Generate messages when a command is typed |
2993 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | mubye33.ark | 1 | 48128 | 8 | 860926 | Multi-User MBYE33 for '84 Kaypros |
2994 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | nbye10.lbr | 1 | 100224 | 8 | 850515 | Improved remote console program for CP/M |
2995 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | newbd22.aqm | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 850209 | Remote baud rate change for PMMI/wd8250 |
2996 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | newbye.msg | 1 | 3348 | 7 | 871229 | Suggestion for improvements to BYE |
2997 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | note1-3.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 850209 | Leave a note for the SYSOP |
2998 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | nuchat.dqc | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850209 | Improved RCP/M chat utility |
2999 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | nuchat12.aqm | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 850209 | Improved RCP/M chat utility |
3000 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | password.fun | 1 | 2163 | 7 | 830909 | All about silly passwords |
3001 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | pubtool1.lbr | 1 | 22272 | 8 | 870816 | Search RCP/M off-line catalog |
3002 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | qwik4v1.lbr | 1 | 90624 | 8 | 871220 | Replacement for RCP/M FOR database |
3003 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | rcpm-ug.prn | 1 | 51550 | 7 | 850605 | A user's guide to RCP/M systems |
3004 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | rcpm-ug.wq | 1 | 33792 | 8 | 850518 | A user's guide to RCP/M systems (WS) |
3005 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | rcpmbgnr.dqc | 1 | 16640 | 8 | 850209 | Beginner's guide to RCP/M |
3006 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | rdir15p.lbr | 1 | 18048 | 8 | 870810 | Shows dir. of files with download times |
3007 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | rpass14.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 870128 | Set IOBYTE/WHEEL byte running BYE5 |
3008 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | run201.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 870829 | Run programs not normally accessible |
3009 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | runfile.aqm | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 850209 | Helps users run the message program |
3010 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | scanlst2.lbr | 1 | 16640 | 8 | 860506 | Extracts from the RCPM-nnn lists |
3011 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | sect2.aqm | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850918 | Changes user numbers using a menu or name |
3012 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | section.mqc | 1 | 11264 | 8 | 850917 | Changes user numbers using a menu or name |
3013 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | section2.aqm | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | Changes user numbers using a menu or name |
3014 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | secton31.aqm | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 850414 | Change user num. using menu/name |
3015 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | secursys.dqc | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850209 | Suggestions how to secure a RCP/M system |
3016 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | securty2.aqm | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850209 | Patch to run MINICBBS from any user area |
3017 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | sfile31.lbr | 1 | 43008 | 8 | 861021 | Search for files in dirs and lbrs |
3018 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | survey.lbr | 1 | 18688 | 8 | 860713 | Questionnaire for new users of RCP/M |
3019 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | sysop.tqt | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 860621 | Who Knows What Madness Lurks ... in a SysOp |
3020 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | tag2.aqm | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | Set/reset no copy flag on a file |
3021 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | twit-log.lbr | 1 | 15616 | 8 | 870228 | Track unauthorized RCP/M command use |
3022 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | user88.aqm | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | Restrict access to high user areas |
3023 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | userpw37.aqm | 1 | 14464 | 8 | 850209 | Password protect user areas |
3024 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | whatsa-t.wit | 1 | 3024 | 7 | 860720 | Discussion of twits on RCP/Ms |
3025 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | whatsn05.lbr | 1 | 20352 | 8 | 860418 | Reads XMODEM.LOG |
3026 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | wheel.azm | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 870222 | Activate the WHEEL byte for SYSOP |
3027 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | whlchk11.lbr | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850209 | Mod. program to check wheel byte for access |
3028 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | who.aqm | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Show who is on a RCP/M system |
3029 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | wis105.lbr | 1 | 18176 | 8 | 860629 | Find files |
3030 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | xfrtable.lbr | 1 | 31104 | 8 | 860726 | Compute file transfer times |
3031 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | xfrtool4.lbr | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 870907 | Report on KMD or XMODEM logs |
3032 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | z3andbye.dqc | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850209 | Notes on using BYE with ZCPR3 |
3033 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | zbye12a.lbr | 1 | 44032 | 8 | 870316 | BYE |
3034 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | zcmd30b.lbr | 1 | 80896 | 8 | 880319 | Secure ZCPR (CCP) for RCP/M systems |
3035 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | zcmd8080.lbr | 1 | 53248 | 8 | 871114 | CCP replacement for 8080 systems |
3036 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | zcmdren.fzx | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 880529 | Fix to REN problem of ZCMD |
3037 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | zfile5.lbr | 1 | 23168 | 8 | 870830 | Scan all drive/user areas for a file |
3038 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | zmd150.lbr | 1 | 190208 | 8 | 880930 | X/YMODEM Z80 remote file transf. pgm |
3039 | pub/ | cpm/rcpm/ | zmdovl2.lbr | 1 | 47616 | 8 | 880118 | ZMD Overlays with Stand Alone mode |
3040 | pub/ | cpm/ros/ | rnet1086.lqt | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 861008 | Information on the National ROS Network |
3041 | pub/ | cpm/ros/ | ros-mac.lbr | 1 | 87936 | 8 | 860728 | I/O and Clock drivers for ROS |
3042 | pub/ | cpm/ros/ | ros1k.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 860727 | Adds 1k XMODEM protocol to ROS34 |
3043 | pub/ | cpm/ros/ | ros32k10.lbr | 1 | 102272 | 8 | 850626 | Complete BBS/XMODEM/BYE in Turbo Pascal |
3044 | pub/ | cpm/ros/ | ros34.lbr | 1 | 128128 | 8 | 860728 | Complete BBS/XMODEM/BYE in Pascal |
3045 | pub/ | cpm/ros/ | rosmac.lbr | 1 | 34944 | 8 | 850626 | Machine dep. I/O and clock drivers for ROS |
3046 | pub/ | cpm/ros/ | rosmisc.lbr | 1 | 30080 | 8 | 860728 | Supporting mods |
3047 | pub/ | cpm/sb180/ | ets180io.dzc | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 871224 | Info on the ETS I/O board for SB180 |
3048 | pub/ | cpm/sb180/ | pmo-sb10.zz0 | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 870512 | Poor Man's Network driver - SB180 |
3049 | pub/ | cpm/sb180/ | ramfix.lbr | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 880308 | Fix for RAM disk on SB180 |
3050 | pub/ | cpm/sb180/ | swtime.lbr | 1 | 28928 | 8 | 870718 | Software for SmartWatch |
3051 | pub/ | cpm/sb180/ | tdsk201a.lbr | 1 | 34944 | 8 | 880412 | Backs up fixed disk to tape |
3052 | pub/ | cpm/sb180/ | xbios.izf | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 871224 | Info on the new XBIOS for SB180 |
3053 | pub/ | cpm/scrngen/ | sfgr.lbr | 1 | 60160 | 8 | 860726 | A screen format generator for RPG II |
3054 | pub/ | cpm/smallc21/ | smc21lib.lbr | 1 | 62848 | 8 | 850401 | Small-C Compiler ver. 2.1 part #3 |
3055 | pub/ | cpm/smallc21/ | smc21obj.lbr | 1 | 59776 | 8 | 850401 | Small-C Compiler ver. 2.1 part #2 |
3056 | pub/ | cpm/smallc21/ | smc21src.lbr | 1 | 58880 | 8 | 850401 | Small-C Compiler ver. 2.1 part #1 |
3057 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | b-sort.ark | 1 | 12713 | 8 | 850209 | Disk-based B-Tree file sort |
3058 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | bsort.lbr | 1 | 34432 | 8 | 850209 | Fixed length record combination sort |
3059 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | lexlate.csm | 1 | 2547 | 7 | 840429 | Lexical character order translate |
3060 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | sortordr.aqm | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850209 | Sort using several collating sequences |
3061 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | sortv-15.lbr | 1 | 12544 | 8 | 870606 | Variable length record sort |
3062 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | sortv.doc | 1 | 1815 | 7 | 830909 | Variable length record sort |
3063 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | sortv14.aqm | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 850209 | Variable length record sort |
3064 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | srt12a.lbr | 1 | 43520 | 8 | 860424 | Memory/disk-based ascii text sort |
3065 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | ssort.lbr | 1 | 45056 | 8 | 850209 | Merge (disk) sort text utility |
3066 | pub/ | cpm/sort/ | twosorts.lbr | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 870206 | Memory and disk sort using quicksort |
3067 | pub/ | cpm/spectrum/ | plus3hnt.txt | 1 | 10240 | 7 | 940608 | Collection of hints for Spectrum +3 w/ CP/M |
3068 | pub/ | cpm/spectrum/ | qt-plus3.z | 1 | 5761 | 8 | 940608 | QTERM overlay for Spectrum +3 w/ CP/M |
3069 | pub/ | cpm/spectrum/ | qtplus3.com | 1 | 17536 | 8 | 940608 | Pre-patched QTERM for Spectrum +3 w/ CP/M |
3070 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | diccre20.com | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | Create dict.dic and spell0.mac files |
3071 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | diccre20.mqc | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 850209 | Create dict.dic and spell0.mac files |
3072 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | dict.dic | 1 | 56576 | 7 | 850209 | 39 |
3073 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | dict.ltr | 1 | 2024 | 7 | 830909 | Info. about spell checker dictionaries |
3074 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | spell0.mqc | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 850209 | For dict.dic: spell checker index file |
3075 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | spell20.com | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 850209 | Spell checker |
3076 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | spell20.dqc | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 850209 | Spell checker |
3077 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | spell20.mqc | 1 | 37376 | 8 | 850209 | Spell checker |
3078 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | spell21.lbr | 1 | 114176 | 8 | 850216 | Include spell checking in a program |
3079 | pub/ | cpm/spell/ | spell21x.lbr | 1 | 121088 | 8 | 850222 | Include spell checking in a program |
3080 | pub/ | cpm/spredsht/ | 87taxes.lbr | 1 | 81536 | 8 | 880213 | 1987 tax templates for SuperCalc |
3081 | pub/ | cpm/spredsht/ | chalk21.ark | 1 | 60288 | 8 | 861012 | Electronic Spreadsheet for CP/M-80 |
3082 | pub/ | cpm/spredsht/ | extrcal1.ark | 1 | 137856 | 8 | 861204 | SuperCalc spreadsheet add-on |
3083 | pub/ | cpm/spredsht/ | loanamor.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 880124 | Loan amortization for SuperCalc |
3084 | pub/ | cpm/spredsht/ | pcalctax.lbr | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 880313 | 1987 tax templates for Perfect Calc |
3085 | pub/ | cpm/spredsht/ | qsolve11.lbr | 1 | 29056 | 8 | 870426 | A spread sheet for CP/M. |
3086 | pub/ | cpm/spredsht/ | spread.tzt | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 871026 | Spreadsheets for Data Analysis |
3087 | pub/ | cpm/spredsht/ | taxcal11.lbr | 1 | 56192 | 8 | 870322 | Supercalc templates for 1986 income |
3088 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | bdscio.h | 1 | 6065 | 7 | 830909 | BDS-C standard I/O header file |
3089 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | changes.doc | 1 | 1909 | 7 | 830909 | Revision history |
3090 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | compress.ark | 1 | 36864 | 8 | 890314 | 12-bit LZW 'compress' for CP/M |
3091 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | compress.tqt | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 860617 | Non-tech article on data compression |
3092 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | cp-pksq.cpr | 1 | 513 | 7 | 870628 | Squash/crunch comparison |
3093 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | crlzh11.lbr | 1 | 115584 | 8 | 891212 | CRUNCH utilities |
3094 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | crlzh20.lbr | 1 | 143616 | 8 | 910812 | CRUNCH utilities |
3095 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | crn24pat.azm | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 880611 | Patch to CRUNCH 2.4 for AZM files |
3096 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | crnch24s.lbr | 1 | 97536 | 8 | 880218 | Source for Cruncher/Uncruncher |
3097 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | crunch.abs | 1 | 3909 | 7 | 861205 | Crunch technical abstract |
3098 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | crunch.izf | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 880229 | Specs for CRUNCHed header record |
3099 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | crunch20.dat | 1 | 1925 | 7 | 860913 | Info on performance of CRUNCH |
3100 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | crunch24.lbr | 1 | 30080 | 8 | 870916 | LZW data compression utilities |
3101 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | dio.h | 1 | 420 | 7 | 830909 | Directed I/O package for BDS-C |
3102 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | dio2.c | 1 | 6471 | 7 | 830909 | Directed I/O package for BDS-C v1.4x |
3103 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | fcrlzh11.lbr | 1 | 58112 | 8 | 891212 | LZH encoding for 8080/8085 users |
3104 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | fcrlzh20.lbr | 1 | 58880 | 8 | 910812 | LZH encoding for 8080/8085 users |
3105 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | fcrnch11.lbr | 1 | 94080 | 8 | 861225 | CRUNCHer for Z80 |
3106 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | fls.c | 1 | 4199 | 7 | 830909 | Build parameter lists |
3107 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | fls11.com | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 850209 | Build parameter lists |
3108 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | freeze.lbr | 1 | 24704 | 8 | 890610 | standard of LZHUF technique for CPM |
3109 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | history.dqc | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | History of a File Compression Utility |
3110 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | io.c | 1 | 599 | 7 | 830909 | BDS-C I/O |
3111 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | lzw.lbr | 1 | 50816 | 8 | 860424 | Compression/decompression Utilities |
3112 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | obscure.bzg | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 880125 | Problem with LT/VLU with attribute |
3113 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | readme.doc | 1 | 944 | 7 | 830909 | Documentation of files in this dir |
3114 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | restrict.c | 1 | 1113 | 7 | 830909 | Routine to determine if user area is allowed |
3115 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | rosuncr.lbr | 1 | 56192 | 8 | 880127 | Type crunched files with ROS 3.4 |
3116 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | sq-17.c | 1 | 7404 | 7 | 831112 | SQueeze a file |
3117 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | sq-17.com | 1 | 16128 | 8 | 850209 | SQueeze a file |
3118 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | sq-17.h | 1 | 1814 | 7 | 831112 | SQueeze a file |
3119 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | sq-17.sub | 1 | 191 | 7 | 831112 | SQueeze a file |
3120 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | sq111.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 880127 | Machine language SQueezer -- fast |
3121 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | sq17.bug | 1 | 693 | 7 | 850520 | Bug and correction for sq-17 |
3122 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | sqcom.h | 1 | 397 | 7 | 830909 | Common definitions for SQueeze |
3123 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | sqdebug.c | 1 | 767 | 7 | 830909 | Debugging aids for SQ and related modules |
3124 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | squeeze.tqt | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850824 | Data Compression Techniques |
3125 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | squeezer.dqc | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 850209 | How to use and recompile sq/usq/fls |
3126 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | squprt33.ark | 1 | 25303 | 8 | 861108 | Portable SQueeze/UnSQueeze in C |
3127 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | squsq15.doc | 1 | 1427 | 7 | 830909 | Documentation on SQ/USQ |
3128 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | squsqbug.msg | 1 | 4793 | 7 | 830909 | Information on damaging versions of SQ/USQ |
3129 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | tlzh11.lbr | 1 | 60032 | 8 | 891212 | Type utility for LZH files |
3130 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | tlzh20.lbr | 1 | 61056 | 8 | 910812 | Type utility for LZH files |
3131 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | tr1.c | 1 | 1259 | 7 | 830909 | Character translation |
3132 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | tr2.c | 1 | 12580 | 7 | 830909 | Translate bytes to variable length strings |
3133 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | typeqz17.lbr | 1 | 45824 | 8 | 870727 | TYPE utility with wildcard filenames |
3134 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | uncr8080.lbr | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 861009 | UNCRunch for the 8080/8085 |
3135 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | unsq-cr.lbr | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 880125 | REL files for Uncruncher/Unsqueezer |
3136 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | unsq15.lbr | 1 | 17152 | 8 | 850209 | Uncruncher/Unsqueezer |
3137 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | usq-20.c | 1 | 8692 | 7 | 840708 | Unsqueeze a file |
3138 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | usq-20.com | 1 | 12800 | 8 | 850209 | Unsqueeze a file |
3139 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | usq-20.h | 1 | 388 | 7 | 840708 | Unsqueeze a file |
3140 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | usq-20.sub | 1 | 88 | 7 | 840708 | Unsqueeze a file |
3141 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | usq120.com | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 861011 | Unsqueezer for all CP/M systems |
3142 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | usq120.dqc | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850912 | Documentation for Dave Rand's USQ120 |
3143 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | usqfst20.lbr | 1 | 27520 | 8 | 860819 | Fast unsqueezer for Z80 computers |
3144 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | utr.c | 1 | 1673 | 7 | 830909 | BDS-C char. decoding |
3145 | pub/ | cpm/squsq/ | ztype11.lbr | 1 | 25344 | 8 | 861111 | Types with underlining and boldface |
3146 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | 00-files.doc | 1 | 6995 | 7 | 930307 | No description available |
3147 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | aaread.me | 1 | 2225 | 7 | 880530 | Information on files in this dir. |
3148 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | apmboot.asm | 1 | 7113 | 7 | 860816 | MODEM bootstrap pgm for Apple CP/M |
3149 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | bmodem.bas | 1 | 1081 | 7 | 850105 | Simple XMODEM boot program in BASIC |
3150 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | bmodem.doc | 1 | 635 | 7 | 850105 | How to configure BMODEM.BAS |
3151 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | compress.txt | 1 | 12232 | 7 | 860618 | Compression techniques & some utilities |
3152 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | cpm.dirlst | 1 | 2049 | 7 | 891028 | Quick reference list to OAK CP/M dirs |
3153 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | crck44.com | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 861017 | Calculates CRC value for files |
3154 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | crck44.hex | 1 | 4334 | 7 | 861203 | Calculates CRC value for files |
3155 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | crunch.com | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 880218 | LZW data compression utility |
3156 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | crunch.hex | 1 | 14152 | 7 | 880218 | LZW data compression utility |
3157 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | crunch.inf | 1 | 4222 | 7 | 861205 | Info on LZW data compression utility |
3158 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | delbr12.c | 1 | 6986 | 7 | 891124 | Extracts files from LBRs |
3159 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | delbr12.com | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 891124 | Extracts files from LBRs |
3160 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | delbr12.hex | 1 | 29812 | 7 | 891210 | Extracts files from LBRs |
3161 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | lu300.dqc | 1 | 20992 | 8 | 850209 | Documentation for LU |
3162 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | lu310.com | 1 | 20224 | 8 | 850209 | Library Utility version 3.10 |
3163 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | lu310.hex | 1 | 48560 | 7 | 860910 | Library Utility version 3.10 |
3164 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | lu310.hlp | 1 | 580 | 7 | 850118 | Help file for use with LU310 |
3165 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | mboot3.asm | 1 | 7621 | 7 | 830909 | XMODEM bootstrap program |
3166 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | pipmodem.asm | 1 | 2330 | 7 | 830909 | Using PIP to copy files via modem |
3167 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | pipmodem.doc | 1 | 6761 | 7 | 850226 | Documentation for PIPMODEM.ASM |
3168 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | quickref.lst | 1 | 2640 | 7 | 911213 | No description available |
3169 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | simtel20.inf | 1 | 15947 | 7 | 930826 | No description available |
3170 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | sq111.com | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850209 | Machine language SQueezer |
3171 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | sq111.hex | 1 | 14456 | 7 | 861203 | Machine language SQueezer -- fast |
3172 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | squeeze.txt | 1 | 12014 | 7 | 850824 | Tutorial on SQueeze/UnSQueeze |
3173 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | unarc.com-z80 | 1 | 4736 | 7 | 870405 | description available |
3174 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | unarc.doc | 1 | 30549 | 7 | 870327 | Doc for ARK/ARC file extraction utility |
3175 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | unarc.hex-z80 | 1 | 11254 | 7 | 870405 | description available |
3176 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | unarca.com-8080 | 1 | 5760 | 7 | 870405 | No description available |
3177 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | unarca.hex-8080 | 1 | 13836 | 7 | 870405 | No description available |
3178 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uncr-z80.com | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 880218 | Z80 uncruncher for LZW compressed files |
3179 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uncr-z80.hex | 1 | 15380 | 7 | 880218 | Z80 uncruncher for LZW compressed files |
3180 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uncr8080.com | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 861109 | 8080 uncruncher for LZW compressed files |
3181 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uncr8080.doc | 1 | 852 | 7 | 861109 | Doc for 8080 LZW uncruncher |
3182 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uncr8080.hex | 1 | 9848 | 7 | 861203 | 8080 uncruncher for LZW compressed files |
3183 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | unzip.com | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 930320 | No description available |
3184 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | unzip.hex | 1 | 8000 | 7 | 930323 | No description available |
3185 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | usq120.com | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 861011 | Unsqueezer for all CP/M systems |
3186 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | usq120.doc | 1 | 2671 | 7 | 851202 | Documentation for Dave Rand's USQ120 |
3187 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | usq120.hex | 1 | 4320 | 7 | 860910 | Unsqueezer for all CP/M systems |
3188 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uudecode.bas | 1 | 2023 | 7 | 861012 | Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary |
3189 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uudecode.com | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 860817 | Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary |
3190 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uudecode.hex | 1 | 25204 | 7 | 860910 | Convert ASCII to binary files |
3191 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uudecode.pas | 1 | 7669 | 7 | 860928 | Convert ASCII to binary files |
3192 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uuencode.com | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 860817 | Convert binary files to ASCII |
3193 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uuencode.hex | 1 | 24596 | 7 | 860817 | Convert binary files to ASCII |
3194 | pub/ | cpm/starter-kit/ | uuencode.pas | 1 | 7304 | 7 | 860928 | Convert binary files to ASCII |
3195 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | batch.lbr | 1 | 27776 | 8 | 851203 | Enhanced submit-style autopilot utility |
3196 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | ex15.lbr | 1 | 33024 | 8 | 851202 | Memory-based submit |
3197 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | gsub20.lbr | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 860930 | Super SUBMIT replacement |
3198 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | ifskip21.lbr | 1 | 21632 | 8 | 861214 | IF and SKIP processor for SUBMIT |
3199 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | job15.lbr | 1 | 19328 | 8 | 861225 | Enhanced SUBMIT replacement. |
3200 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | makesub2.aqm | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 860202 | Chain from one program to another |
3201 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | newbat3.lbr | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 880123 | Makes SUBMIT-like batch COM files |
3202 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | newbatch.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 871114 | Make SUBMIT-like COM files |
3203 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | rels.utl | 1 | 2048 | 7 | 850209 | No description available |
3204 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | sub.lbr | 1 | 20224 | 8 | 851203 | Extended SUBMIT utility |
3205 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | subgen12.lbr | 1 | 19968 | 8 | 851203 | Generate submit files for easy file manip |
3206 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | submit.iqf | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 851201 | A discussion of using SUBMIT.COM |
3207 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | submit.pat | 1 | 786 | 7 | 850303 | Patch to submit to allow use from any drive |
3208 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | submit.tzt | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880130 | Tips using SUBMIT |
3209 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | subtool.lbr | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 861115 | Pauses/Delete files in SUB procedure |
3210 | pub/ | cpm/submit/ | supsub13.lbr | 1 | 16000 | 8 | 880225 | A super SUBMIT replacement |
3211 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | 1kutils3.lbr | 1 | 15232 | 8 | 871115 | Small |
3212 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | chgdisk.fzx | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 870426 | Fix to Advent Ramdisk configurer |
3213 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | chgdsk11.lbr | 1 | 22912 | 8 | 870426 | Change Advent Ramdisk parameters |
3214 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | com-menu.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 870131 | Simple menu system for COM files |
3215 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | cop11.lbr | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 890411 | Console filter for blind CP/M users |
3216 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | cpm.lbr | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | Display CP/M TPA and BDOS/BIOS areas |
3217 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | cpmore2x.ark | 1 | 57344 | 8 | 861216 | Integrated set of CP/M 2.2 utilities |
3218 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | cputest.lbr | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 880830 | Identify which CPU chip is in system |
3219 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | doslike.lbr | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 860717 | Five MS-DOS like utilities |
3220 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | dsk-bio7.lbr | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 851007 | Disk biology: display format of disk |
3221 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | dstat10.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 870809 | Displays info of disk control blocks |
3222 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | egutil53.lbr | 1 | 142720 | 8 | 880712 | Eric Gans great CP/M utilities |
3223 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | go108.lbr | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 880529 | Move easily around drives/user areas |
3224 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | hold10.lbr | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850411 | Program waits till time elapsed |
3225 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | iomap.aqm | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | Microcosm I/O map display |
3226 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | iomap.com | 1 | 256 | 8 | 850209 | Microcosm I/O map display |
3227 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | log10.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 870227 | Log in drive and user |
3228 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | logon12.lbr | 1 | 22528 | 8 | 871108 | Command line menu/password utility |
3229 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | memdisks.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 860912 | Create a RAM disk out of TPA memory |
3230 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | memdsk32.lbr | 1 | 22144 | 8 | 861221 | Create a RAM disk out of TPA memory |
3231 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | memmap.aqm | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | Microcosm memory map display |
3232 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | memmap.com | 1 | 256 | 8 | 850209 | Microcosm memory map display |
3233 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | mimic.lbr | 1 | 768 | 8 | 870825 | Mimics keystrokes to screen |
3234 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | msxrt3.lbr | 1 | 21504 | 8 | 860927 | Info on the Intersil ICM7170 clock |
3235 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | nsztime.lbr | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 871208 | Add Ztime clock to NorthStar |
3236 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | offctrlc.lbr | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 880117 | Disable control C break |
3237 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | offrun34.lbr | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 860427 | Autoloads command on system startup |
3238 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | pass11.lbr | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 860427 | System startup password protection |
3239 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | patcky11.lbr | 1 | 23040 | 8 | 880417 | Modify function keys for Sanyo |
3240 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | portchk.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 871122 | Displays data present at a port |
3241 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | portpoll.lbr | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 880407 | Poll an I/O port entered at keyboard |
3242 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | probe102.lbr | 1 | 38272 | 8 | 861228 | Display address of CCP |
3243 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | rammap.lbr | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870829 | Displays key CP/M locations. |
3244 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | redir31.lbr | 1 | 33152 | 8 | 870831 | I/O redirection utility |
3245 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | relcpm.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 880124 | Integrate BIOS into MOVCPM |
3246 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | safram6.lbr | 1 | 25600 | 8 | 880412 | Creates a safe zone below the BDOS |
3247 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | sgen2.lbr | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 870829 | SYSGEN CP/M for 3 or more tracks |
3248 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | srw150.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 880108 | Memory/Disk inspector/modifier |
3249 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | sstat18x.lbr | 1 | 60032 | 8 | 860408 | Video-oriented replacement for STAT. |
3250 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | status18.aqm | 1 | 20736 | 8 | 850209 | Show CP/M 2.20 options |
3251 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | survey4.aqm | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 850209 | Lists kbytes used and remaining |
3252 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | switchio.lbr | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 860621 | Changes I/O byte assignments |
3253 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | system.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 880131 | Jump to any memory location |
3254 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | timezd12.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 880823 | View/Set system time with Z80DOS |
3255 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | tools.lbr | 1 | 43904 | 8 | 870807 | Collection of CP/M utilities |
3256 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | tpa31.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 871123 | Report TPA memory available |
3257 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | tpa32.lbr | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 880312 | Report/change TPA memory available |
3258 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | unmdisk.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 880326 | Remove resident programs from memory |
3259 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | util-la.lbr | 1 | 163328 | 8 | 940607 | Logic Associates utilities for CP/M |
3260 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | util-la.txt | 1 | 4485 | 7 | 940607 | Descriptions of utilities in util-la.lbr |
3261 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | whoder1.aqm | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | A SAU to display sneaky BIOS reads/writes |
3262 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | xout.lbr | 1 | 896 | 8 | 870509 | Allows removal of XtraKey |
3263 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | xuser.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 870115 | Extend user numbers to 0-31 |
3264 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | xuser11.lbr | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 870124 | Extended USER command |
3265 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | ykey21.lbr | 1 | 38272 | 8 | 871211 | Set function keys in specific pgms. |
3266 | pub/ | cpm/sysutl/ | zx31.lbr | 1 | 14720 | 8 | 860508 | A horizontal directory lister |
3267 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | -read.me | 1 | 3381 | 7 | 860706 | No description available |
3268 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | alldir.com | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 860705 | Display directory - all users |
3269 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | alldir.doc | 1 | 607 | 7 | 860706 | Documentation for ALLDIR.COM |
3270 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | attrem.aq | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 860705 | Attach remote drivers via REMDRV |
3271 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | attrem.cmd | 1 | 1024 | 7 | 860705 | Remote attach - 16-bit TurboDOS |
3272 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | attrem.com | 1 | 512 | 8 | 860705 | Remote attach - 8-bit TurboDOS |
3273 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | attrem.mac | 1 | 2332 | 7 | 860706 | Remote attach - 8-bit TurboDOS |
3274 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | bindec.a | 1 | 1115 | 7 | 860706 | Binary to decimal conversion |
3275 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | breako.mac | 1 | 1376 | 7 | 860706 | Break apart 16 bit .O files |
3276 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | cbtod.aqm | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 860705 | CB80 2.0 time/date replacement modul |
3277 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dcheck.com | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 860705 | TurboDOS directory integrity check |
3278 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dcheck.doc | 1 | 910 | 7 | 860706 | TurboDOS directory integrity check |
3279 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dcheck.mqc | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 860705 | TurboDOS directory integrity check |
3280 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | delall.mqc | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 860705 | TurboDOS multiple file delete |
3281 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dirpat3.com | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 860705 | 8-bit TurboDOS directory patch util. |
3282 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dirpat3.mqc | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 860705 | 8-bit TurboDOS directory patch util. |
3283 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dirpat3.mqn | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 860705 | DIRectory PATch utility for TurboDOS |
3284 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dpinst.com | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 860705 | DIRPAT install program |
3285 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dpinst.mqc | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 860705 | DIRPAT install program source |
3286 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dskram.aq | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 860705 | RAMDISK implementation for TurboDOS |
3287 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dskram.dqc | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 860705 | RAMDISK implementation for TurboDOS |
3288 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dskram.o | 1 | 512 | 7 | 860705 | RAMDISK implementation for TurboDOS |
3289 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dut.com | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 860705 | Disk Utility for TurboDOS |
3290 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dut.do | 1 | 43 | 7 | 860706 | Disk Utility for TurboDOS |
3291 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | dut.mqc | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 860705 | Disk Utility for TurboDOS |
3292 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | empty.doc | 1 | 327 | 7 | 860706 | Display empty user areas on a drive |
3293 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | empty.mac | 1 | 1026 | 7 | 860706 | Display empty user areas on a drive |
3294 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | emul.aq | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 860705 | Emulate 8080 on V-30 for TurboDOS |
3295 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | emul.cmd | 1 | 2432 | 7 | 860705 | Emulate 8080 on V-30 for TurboDOS |
3296 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | emul.dqc | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 860705 | Emulate 8080 on V-30 for TurboDOS |
3297 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | fanled.aq | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 860705 | Fancy Line Editor for TurboDOS |
3298 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | fanled.dqc | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 860705 | Fancy Line Editor for TurboDOS |
3299 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | fanled.mqc | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 860705 | Fancy Line Editor for TurboDOS |
3300 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | fkey.a | 1 | 1264 | 7 | 860706 | Function key support under TurboDOS |
3301 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | fkey.dqc | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 860705 | Function key support under TurboDOS |
3302 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | fkey.mac | 1 | 1208 | 7 | 860706 | Function key support under TurboDOS |
3303 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | free.mac | 1 | 842 | 7 | 860706 | Compute free space on drives A:-D: |
3304 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | hexdec.a | 1 | 809 | 7 | 860706 | Hex to Decimal for 8086/8088 |
3305 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | hxdc24.mqc | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 860705 | Hex to decimal conversion |
3306 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | menu.aq | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 860705 | Menu utility for 16-bit TurboDOS |
3307 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | menu.gen | 1 | 5 | 7 | 860706 | Menu utility for 16-bit TurboDOS |
3308 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | menu.par | 1 | 2850 | 7 | 860706 | Menu utility for 16-bit TurboDOS |
3309 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | nswpt.com | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 860705 | NSWP for 8-bit TurboDOS |
3310 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | nswpt.dqc | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 860705 | NSWP for 8-bit TurboDOS |
3311 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | nswpt.gen | 1 | 6 | 7 | 860706 | NSWP for 8-bit TurboDOS |
3312 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | nswpt.mqc | 1 | 40832 | 8 | 860705 | NSWP for 8-bit TurboDOS |
3313 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | nswpt.par | 1 | 477 | 7 | 860706 | NSWP for 8-bit TurboDOS |
3314 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | nswpt.rel | 1 | 12544 | 8 | 860705 | NSWP for 8-bit TurboDOS |
3315 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | pd.mac | 1 | 1046 | 7 | 860706 | Display a directory list |
3316 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | pdir.doc | 1 | 604 | 7 | 860706 | 'Primitive directory' |
3317 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | pdir.mac | 1 | 616 | 7 | 860706 | 'Primitive directory' |
3318 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | remch0.a | 1 | 1425 | 7 | 860706 | Remote channel driver example |
3319 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | remch0.mac | 1 | 1256 | 7 | 860706 | Remote channel driver example |
3320 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | remch1.a | 1 | 1425 | 7 | 860706 | Remote channel driver example |
3321 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | remch1.mac | 1 | 1256 | 7 | 860706 | Remote channel driver example |
3322 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | remdrv.aq | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 860705 | Remote console driver |
3323 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | remdrv.dqc | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 860705 | Remote console driver |
3324 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | remdrv23.mqc | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 860705 | Remote console driver |
3325 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | retbit.mac | 1 | 853 | 7 | 860706 | Return or set bit in a bitmap |
3326 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | rtds14.lbr | 1 | 84992 | 8 | 860705 | Run one or more slaves as remotes in TurboDOS |
3327 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | rtds15up.lbr | 1 | 33280 | 8 | 860705 | Run one or more slaves as remotes in TurboDOS |
3328 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | suspend.com | 1 | 640 | 8 | 860705 | Suspend a slave program under TurboDOS |
3329 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | suspend.mac | 1 | 1073 | 7 | 860706 | Suspend a slave program under TurboDOS |
3330 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | systat.doc | 1 | 1208 | 7 | 860706 | Display TurboDOS statistics |
3331 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | systat.mac | 1 | 3353 | 7 | 860706 | Display TurboDOS statistics |
3332 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tcheck.mac | 1 | 873 | 7 | 860706 | Display contents of tshell.log |
3333 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | terminal.cfg | 1 | 1266 | 7 | 860706 | Terminal configuration for tShell |
3334 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | time.a | 1 | 732 | 7 | 860706 | Continuous time display |
3335 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | timecl.a | 1 | 1147 | 7 | 860706 | Display time and station in TurboDOS prompt |
3336 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | timecl.doc | 1 | 345 | 7 | 860706 | Display time and station in TurboDOS prompt |
3337 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | timecl.mac | 1 | 1283 | 7 | 860706 | Display time and station in TurboDOS prompt |
3338 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | timecl.o | 1 | 256 | 7 | 860705 | Display time and station in TurboDOS prompt |
3339 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | timecl1.mac | 1 | 1282 | 7 | 860706 | Display time and station in TurboDOS prompt |
3340 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | timedif.aq | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 860705 | Display time and station in TurboDOS prompt |
3341 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | timedif.asm | 1 | 4154 | 7 | 860706 | Display time and station in TurboDOS prompt |
3342 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tlogoff.com | 1 | 896 | 8 | 860705 | Logoff program for tShell |
3343 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tlogoff.mqc | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 860705 | Logoff program for tShell |
3344 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tlogon.com | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 860705 | Logon program for tShell |
3345 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tlogon.do | 1 | 76 | 7 | 860706 | Logon program for tShell |
3346 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tlogon.mqc | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 860705 | Logon program for tShell |
3347 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tlrs.com | 1 | 640 | 8 | 860705 | Display date/time system was last reset |
3348 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tlrs.mac | 1 | 1070 | 7 | 860706 | Display date/time system was last reset |
3349 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tshell.ann | 1 | 6302 | 7 | 860706 | Secure remote logins for TurboDOS |
3350 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tshell.def | 1 | 2649 | 7 | 860706 | tShell for TurboDOS |
3351 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tshell.do | 1 | 121 | 7 | 860706 | tShell for TurboDOS |
3352 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tshell.fcn | 1 | 2459 | 7 | 860706 | tShell funciton list |
3353 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tshell.ids | 1 | 256 | 7 | 860705 | tShell for TurboDOS |
3354 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tshell.mqc | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 860705 | tShell for TurboDOS |
3355 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | tshell.scr | 1 | 733 | 7 | 860706 | tShell for TurboDOS |
3356 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | typel.mqc | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 860705 | Type ASCII files |
3357 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | undate.rel | 1 | 512 | 8 | 860705 | No description available |
3358 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | usrstat.doc | 1 | 443 | 7 | 860706 | Displays number of files in each user area |
3359 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | usrstat.mqc | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 860705 | Displays number of files in each user area |
3360 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | who.mac | 1 | 252 | 7 | 860706 | Show who is on a RCP/M system |
3361 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | wildex.mac | 1 | 947 | 7 | 860706 | Linkable wild card expansion routine |
3362 | pub/ | cpm/tdossigi/ | wspat.asm | 1 | 1403 | 7 | 860706 | Patch Wordstar for turboDOS |
3363 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | 802clear.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 871030 | Get rid of status line on TeleVideo |
3364 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | 950func.aqm | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Loads function keys for Televideo |
3365 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | adm3-150.aqm | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 850209 | ADM3 emulator for Hazeltine 1500 |
3366 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | adm3swit.txt | 1 | 4851 | 7 | 851128 | Switch settings for ADM-3 terminal |
3367 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | ascii.lbr | 1 | 640 | 8 | 870712 | Display ASCII code of a pressed key |
3368 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | burn.tzt | 1 | 512 | 8 | 880130 | All about screen burn-in |
3369 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | cls.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 851117 | Clear screen |
3370 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | funkey.bqs | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 860921 | Wyse/TeleV. term. function key set |
3371 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | gate.lbr | 1 | 38016 | 8 | 851013 | Terminal emulators |
3372 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | gkx390.lbr | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 880214 | Keyboard enhancement program |
3373 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | gkxs372a.lbr | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 880115 | Keyboard enhancement program |
3374 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | h19vax.txt | 1 | 4267 | 7 | 830909 | Read H19 escape sequences on VAX/VMS |
3375 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | health.tzt | 1 | 896 | 8 | 880130 | Video screens and your health |
3376 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | inuse-11.lbr | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 850209 | Display that your system is in use |
3377 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | kbdtest.com | 1 | 19584 | 8 | 850424 | Keyboard test program for Xerox 820-II |
3378 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | kbdtest.doc | 1 | 543 | 7 | 850424 | Keyboard test program for Xerox 820-II |
3379 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | kptrmist.dqc | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 860907 | Terminal installation |
3380 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | mcimail3.lbr | 1 | 16768 | 8 | 850720 | Simplify MCI Mail use |
3381 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | qk21.lbr | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 850330 | QuickKey - a pd SmartKey for CP/M |
3382 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | qkshow.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 871224 | Examine values of QwikKey file |
3383 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | remscr.aqm | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 860427 | Converts dBase to use on 2 computers |
3384 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | spltvio.lbr | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 850619 | how to use VIO routine |
3385 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | vidterm.lbr | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 870705 | terminal attribute Info |
3386 | pub/ | cpm/term/ | z19.aqm | 1 | 14464 | 8 | 850209 | Z-19 emulator for SSM VB3 video card |
3387 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | by2psman.asm | 1 | 7108 | 7 | 841107 | ByeII support for Smartmodem |
3388 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | bytrs4an.asm | 1 | 5398 | 7 | 841107 | TRS-80 Model 4 RS-232 support for Bye |
3389 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | m100-xmd.lbr | 1 | 10496 | 8 | 860611 | Xmodem support for TRS-80 Model 100 |
3390 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | m100lf.bas | 1 | 1280 | 7 | 860611 | Fix line feeds in files |
3391 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | trs-ii.cpm | 1 | 2226 | 7 | 830909 | Info. on CP/M for TRS-80 model II |
3392 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | trs-ii.mdm | 1 | 965 | 7 | 830909 | MODEM equates for TRS-80 model II |
3393 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | trs4ovl.lbr | 1 | 25472 | 8 | 850209 | BYE overlays for TRS-80 Model IV |
3394 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | trsurt.asm | 1 | 738 | 7 | 830909 | Initiate TRS-80 Model I uart |
3395 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | xmtr4sm.asm | 1 | 2835 | 7 | 841107 | Xmodem patch for TRS-80 Model IV/Smartmodem |
3396 | pub/ | cpm/trs-80/ | xmtrs4.asm | 1 | 7711 | 7 | 841107 | Xmodem patch for TRS-80 Model IV |
3397 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | checkdir.lbr | 1 | 19456 | 8 | 861009 | TurboDOS Vers. 1.4+ |
3398 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | dirpat16.com | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | Edit TurboDOS dirs |
3399 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | dirpat16.dqc | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850209 | Edit TurboDOS dirs |
3400 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | dirpat17.lbr | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 880117 | DIRectory PATch utility for TurboDOS |
3401 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | disk12.lbr | 1 | 20224 | 8 | 860927 | TurboDOS disk/directory file editor |
3402 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | fanled.lbr | 1 | 12544 | 8 | 850414 | Fancy Line Editor for TurboDOS |
3403 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | lu310-td.cqm | 1 | 17877 | 8 | 880225 | Library Utility patched for TurboDOS |
3404 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | lufix.td | 1 | 1949 | 7 | 840930 | Fix to run LU under TurboDOS |
3405 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | lux53-td.lbr | 1 | 51968 | 8 | 860715 | LUX for TurboDOS |
3406 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | mdrv-td.lbr | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 871108 | TurboDOS driver for CompuPro |
3407 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | menu.mqc | 1 | 16384 | 8 | 850209 | General purpose menu processor for CP/M |
3408 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | pd.mac | 1 | 1046 | 7 | 840917 | Display a directory list |
3409 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | qdir.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 861009 | TurboDOS 1.4 Quick DIRectory list |
3410 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | td-zcpr3.lbr | 1 | 79488 | 8 | 881216 | ZCPR33 installation notes for TurboDOS |
3411 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | timecl12.lbr | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Display time and station in TurboDOS prompt |
3412 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | tug.inf | 1 | 199 | 7 | 860928 | Address of TurboDOS Users' Group |
3413 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | xm-td.lbr | 1 | 52736 | 8 | 850209 | Files needed to run Xmodem under TurboDOS |
3414 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | xm-tdos.lbr | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 850209 | Files needed to run Xmodem under TurboDOS |
3415 | pub/ | cpm/turbodos/ | xmtd-1.asm | 1 | 2583 | 7 | 841122 | Xmodem patch for TurboDOS |
3416 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | boxdemo.lbr | 1 | 19584 | 8 | 870123 | Demonstration of Turbo Modula-2 |
3417 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | codetest.lbr | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 890301 | Turbo Modula-2 Absolute Address |
3418 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | fdump.lbr | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 870727 | File dump utility in TurboModula-2 |
3419 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | log10k.mzd | 1 | 768 | 8 | 870721 | Elkin's Log(10K!) in Turbo Modula-2 |
3420 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | long-sub.mzd | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 870921 | Submit processing under ZCPR 3.3 |
3421 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2astro.lbr | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 870820 | TurboModula-2 Astronomy Module |
3422 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2bits.lbr | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 870910 | Bit stuff for Turbo Modula-2 |
3423 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2bugdem.mzd | 1 | 640 | 8 | 870921 | Demo of Modula2 bug |
3424 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2dsclk.lbr | 1 | 17792 | 8 | 870827 | Full-Screen DateStamper Clock |
3425 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2dsieve.lbr | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 870830 | DateStamper timed Sieve in TM2 |
3426 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2dstime.lbr | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 870827 | DateStamper access via TurboModula2 |
3427 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2fst.lbr | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 870910 | demo stuff for Modula-2 |
3428 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2guide.nzt | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 870131 | Turbo Modula-2 User's guide review |
3429 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2trig-2.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 870823 | Turbo Modula-2 Trig/Math Functions |
3430 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | m2trmfix.lbr | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 880512 | ANSI Terminal Patch for TurboModula |
3431 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | modula2.tzt | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 880130 | Information about Modula2 programming |
3432 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | monitor.tz2 | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 870910 | Technical Note on Turbo Modula-2 |
3433 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | srclist.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870131 | Modula-2 text lister to printer |
3434 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | tele.lbr | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870928 | TM2 graphics functions for TeleVideo |
3435 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | tm2not10.lbr | 1 | 16128 | 8 | 870215 | Notes about Modula-2 |
3436 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | tm2renam.lbr | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 870926 | Bug-fix for Turbo Modula-2 |
3437 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | windom2.lbr | 1 | 33664 | 8 | 870621 | Window Management in Turbo Modula 2 |
3438 | pub/ | cpm/turbom2/ | wndodemo.lbr | 1 | 37120 | 8 | 870910 | Window's for Turbo Modula-2 |
3439 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | aplsnd.pas | 1 | 1828 | 7 | 860605 | Apple CP/M music routines from Turbo |
3440 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | bgbalpas.lbr | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 870819 | Checks for balanced comment brackets |
3441 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | box1.ark | 1 | 36382 | 8 | 880308 | Draw a Box around text |
3442 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | bridge.lbr | 1 | 15488 | 8 | 880124 | Card game of Bridge |
3443 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | bullettp.lbr | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 870216 | Screen subroutines for Turbo Pascal |
3444 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | cellauto.lbr | 1 | 11264 | 8 | 870528 | plot Cellular Automata |
3445 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | cit3.mqd | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 860930 | Patches for Matt Wing's T-Room BBS |
3446 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | comdemo.ark | 1 | 18179 | 8 | 860824 | Turbo Pascal communications demo |
3447 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | crc16.pqs | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 861021 | Turbo routine to calculate CRC |
3448 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | crossref.ark | 1 | 17411 | 8 | 871228 | Pascal identifiers cross-reference |
3449 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | datetime.lbr | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 850209 | Sets date and time for Rainbow |
3450 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | easybuff.iqc | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 860531 | Turbo Pascal buffering routine |
3451 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | environ.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 870924 | Implement programming environment |
3452 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | extfn.ark | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 910419 | Handle du: file specs in Turbo programs |
3453 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | fname.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 870115 | Manipulation of filenames in Turbo |
3454 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | frac.pqs | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 860407 | Add or subtract fractions - Math |
3455 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | helppat.doc | 1 | 3227 | 7 | 850204 | Turbo Pascal patch to auto. load message file |
3456 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | keyword.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 860518 | Prints a list of words in a file |
3457 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | lcatcode.lbr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 850807 | A library catalog system |
3458 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | lineinp.lbr | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 860408 | Turbo Pascal formatted input module |
3459 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | log10k.pzs | 1 | 640 | 8 | 870720 | Elkin's Benchmark in TurboPascal |
3460 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | makedoc.lbr | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 860621 | Converts text file into help screen |
3461 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | map17.lbr | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 860728 | Analyzes a Turbo Pascal program |
3462 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | mapstatf.lbr | 1 | 57984 | 8 | 870124 | Statistical analysis package |
3463 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | maze.lbr | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 870819 | Maze generation algorithms |
3464 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | memsz104.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 860526 | Turbo Pascal automatic memory sizing |
3465 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | menudemo.lbr | 1 | 22784 | 8 | 871121 | Menu utilities in Turbo Pascal |
3466 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | multask.pqs | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 860602 | Multitasking terminal program |
3467 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | niceprnt.lbr | 1 | 18432 | 8 | 860621 | Reformats Turbo Pascal source |
3468 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | pars.pqs | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 860518 | Turbo Pascal expression parser |
3469 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | pascal.tzt | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 871106 | Turbo Pascal function & procedures |
3470 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | pascscr.lbr | 1 | 19968 | 8 | 860621 | Turbo data entry screen generator |
3471 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | pashelp.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 870124 | Display Turbo Editor's settings |
3472 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | pasprint.tzt | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870227 | Check printer status in Pascal |
3473 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | patch.pas | 1 | 3187 | 7 | 850205 | Patches Turbo pgm to save command |
3474 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | pmlink.lbr | 1 | 26240 | 8 | 860608 | Use M80 routines in Turbo Pascal |
3475 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | pmodem.ark | 1 | 49536 | 8 | 870628 | Turbo Pascal-based modem comm. pgm. |
3476 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | portmnio.pzs | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 880210 | I/O port monitor |
3477 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | pretty2.pqs | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 851112 | Formats Pascal source files |
3478 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | print120.lbr | 1 | 35712 | 8 | 860930 | Gives WordStar control over printers |
3479 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | prtproc3.lbr | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 870208 | List procedures |
3480 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | qkker25.ark | 1 | 90112 | 8 | 870115 | Turbo Pascal version of KERMIT |
3481 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | qqsort.lbr | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 870322 | Example of quick sort in Pascal |
3482 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | qubic32.lbr | 1 | 21248 | 8 | 870827 | Tic-Tac-Toe game in a 4x4x4 cube |
3483 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | recipe.pqs | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 860621 | Recipe database system in Pascal |
3484 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | refs13.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 850517 | Find references in Scientific manusc |
3485 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | refsort.lbr | 1 | 46592 | 8 | 861016 | Sort references longer than a line |
3486 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | rescue.lbr | 1 | 13568 | 8 | 860621 | Turbo Pascal program to recover text |
3487 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | rnf-pas.lbr | 1 | 105088 | 8 | 860716 | ROFF/TROFF/RUNOFF-like word proc. |
3488 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | samplpat.pas | 1 | 1527 | 7 | 850205 | Example on how to use patch.pas |
3489 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | scrngen.lbr | 1 | 33280 | 8 | 860618 | Xerox 820-II graphics editor |
3490 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | sortdir.pqs | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 860713 | Turbo routine to read/sort directory |
3491 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | sq-usq.lbr | 1 | 22272 | 8 | 850209 | SQueeze/UnSQueeze files |
3492 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | sqzturbo.lbr | 1 | 59648 | 8 | 860726 | Turbo routines for squeeze/unsqueeze |
3493 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | strip12.pqs | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850917 | Converts WordStar file to 7 bits |
3494 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | stripper.doc | 1 | 927 | 7 | 850729 | Converts WordStar file to 7 bits |
3495 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tbbs22.lbr | 1 | 45568 | 8 | 850209 | Turbo Pascal Bulletin Board pgm |
3496 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tbdemo.pqs | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 860522 | Turbo-Access demonstration pgm |
3497 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tdirv2.pqs | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850506 | Directory program for CP/M-80 |
3498 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | theseus.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 860422 | Turbo-Pascal MAZE program |
3499 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tkermit.lbr | 1 | 50048 | 8 | 850209 | Kermit modem program in TurboPascal |
3500 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tlist.lbr | 1 | 24704 | 8 | 851105 | Turbo Pascal code printer |
3501 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tlist11.lbr | 1 | 24832 | 8 | 851108 | Updated Turbo Pascal code printer |
3502 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tload.lbr | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 870308 | Link assembler routines in Turbo |
3503 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tp-la1.lbr | 1 | 27776 | 8 | 860726 | Loan amortization program |
3504 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tp-util.ark | 1 | 75008 | 8 | 860608 | Source from Complete Turbo Pascal |
3505 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tp-utl2.lbr | 1 | 70016 | 8 | 870426 | Programs by users of Blaise Pascal Rem. System |
3506 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tp-utl3.lbr | 1 | 99584 | 8 | 870426 | Programs by users of Blaise Pascal Rem. System |
3507 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tpmap.lbr | 1 | 13440 | 8 | 860912 | Turbo Pascal screen mapper |
3508 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tpwarmst.pzt | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 880117 | Exit Turbo program without warmstart |
3509 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | transfor.pzs | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 870713 | Transformation of data in Turbo |
3510 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | trbxref.lbr | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 860912 | Turbo Pascal cross reference program |
3511 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | trun.lbr | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 860726 | Turbo Pascal shell to run CHN files |
3512 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | ttutor1.lbr | 1 | 58496 | 8 | 850802 | Turbo Pascal Tutorial - Part 1 |
3513 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | ttutor2.lbr | 1 | 42368 | 8 | 850802 | Turbo Pascal Tutorial - Part 2 |
3514 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | tuglines.doc | 1 | 595 | 7 | 850610 | How to contact the Turbo User Group |
3515 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbload.lbr | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 880117 | Include assembler routines in Pascal |
3516 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbo-ug.adr | 1 | 584 | 7 | 841004 | Address of TurboDOS Users' Group |
3517 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbo3.txt | 1 | 3213 | 7 | 850507 | Turbo Pascal 3.0 review |
3518 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbobas.rqf | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 851013 | Turbo Pascal <--> MBASIC equivalents |
3519 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbobug.txt | 1 | 6316 | 7 | 850122 | Floating point bug report in Turbo 2.0 |
3520 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbofix.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 870228 | Fixes console input system of Turbo |
3521 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turboins.lbr | 1 | 22912 | 8 | 861221 | GP install util. Turbo .COM files |
3522 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbokey.dqc | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 850209 | Defines the DEC Rainbow keyboard for Turbo |
3523 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbop.lbr | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 870118 | Fix Turbo Pascal to run on Bondwell2 |
3524 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbopas.wrn | 1 | 756 | 7 | 841106 | Warning for Turbo pgms using the BIOS |
3525 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbopat.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 880407 | Patches to Turbo's message file |
3526 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbosav.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 850606 | Salvages text file in mem. after Turbo crash |
3527 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbscr.lbr | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 860621 | Turbo data entry screen generator |
3528 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbuser.bug | 1 | 1664 | 7 | 850330 | How to correct anomaly in TP 2.0 |
3529 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | turbwin3.lbr | 1 | 18816 | 8 | 870713 | Window procedure for Turbo Pascal |
3530 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | typex.pzs | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 870215 | Turbo lister and cross-reference |
3531 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | usq141.lbr | 1 | 21632 | 8 | 870921 | Turbo Pascal UnSQueezer |
3532 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | uuecpm.ark | 1 | 48862 | 8 | 860817 | CP/M vers. of Unix UUENCODE/UUDECODE |
3533 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | weekday.lbr | 1 | 51456 | 8 | 860428 | Vid-oriented Julian Date calculator |
3534 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | window11.lbr | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 880712 | ASCII windows for Turbo Pascal pgms |
3535 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | wipe.pas | 1 | 521 | 7 | 860621 | Routine to erase all .BAK files |
3536 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | xlist62.lbr | 1 | 51968 | 8 | 870801 | Cross-reference listing for Pascal |
3537 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | yesno.pat | 1 | 2201 | 7 | 850203 | Patch Turbo to include or not include messages |
3538 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | zindent5.lbr | 1 | 44800 | 8 | 860924 | Indent dBASE or Turbo Pascal source files |
3539 | pub/ | cpm/turbopas/ | zxref.lbr | 1 | 40192 | 8 | 860930 | dBASE & Turbo Pascal cross reference |
3540 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | alphat20.lbr | 1 | 53376 | 8 | 871204 | Embedded command txt print formatter |
3541 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | asciimp2.lbr | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 880327 | Print ASCII table on screen or LPT: |
3542 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | bishow34.ark | 1 | 32901 | 8 | 870928 | Bidirectional ASCII file viewer |
3543 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | bit7.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 870308 | Resets bit 7 in text files |
3544 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | bspad.lbr | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 871125 | Store 20 items in this Scratch Pad |
3545 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | cct2.lbr | 1 | 28288 | 8 | 850613 | Multi-purpose file handler |
3546 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | chop-app.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 880504 | Divide and put ASCII text back again |
3547 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | chop18.lbr | 1 | 14976 | 8 | 870426 | Chops large text files for editing |
3548 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | chop18a.lbr | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 870512 | Copies large files to smaller ones |
3549 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | ciph.lbr | 1 | 23296 | 8 | 850209 | Encode ASCII files for transmission |
3550 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | copyf.lbr | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 861225 | Reorders overprinted lines |
3551 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | cpa.lbr | 1 | 14080 | 8 | 880213 | Compare and analyze to text files |
3552 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | datasafe.lbr | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 880330 | Disp/save memory after editor crash |
3553 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | df-11.ark | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 880228 | Compare 2 text files for differences |
3554 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | dictnu.lbr | 1 | 39168 | 8 | 871125 | Check text files for diction errors |
3555 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | dif-ssed.dzc | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 870827 | Documentation for DIFF and SSED |
3556 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | dif-ssed.lbr | 1 | 45312 | 8 | 850613 | Make file of differences btw 2 files |
3557 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | dif22.lbr | 1 | 19200 | 8 | 870827 | Unix-style text file comparison tool |
3558 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | display.com | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | Display a file on the screen |
3559 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | dlcr.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870604 | File deletion utilities |
3560 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | endnote.lbr | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 871122 | Handles endnotes in a text file |
3561 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | ensoft.com | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | Convert txt file to WS document file |
3562 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | extend11.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 870503 | Enhanced append-string utility. |
3563 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | fig14.lbr | 1 | 29824 | 8 | 880620 | Analyzes readability of text files |
3564 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | filprnt.aqm | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850209 | Print ASCII file |
3565 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | filt7-cr.lbr | 1 | 9600 | 8 | 870604 | Filter for typesetting |
3566 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | filt7a.lbr | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 860514 | Filters garbage from ASCII text |
3567 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | filter11.lbr | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850613 | Filter out control chars from a text file |
3568 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | filter32.ark | 1 | 10915 | 8 | 880930 | Filter text files from other systems |
3569 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | filtex11.lbr | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 850613 | Filter out control chars from a text file |
3570 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | filtx2.lbr | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 850613 | Filter unwanted char from text files |
3571 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | find54.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 860309 | Find text string(s) in text file(s) |
3572 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | findlq11.lbr | 1 | 33152 | 8 | 871023 | Type/find |
3573 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | findu10.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 850209 | Find text strings in files |
3574 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | finrep28.lbr | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 880529 | Find and replace text utility |
3575 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | fix18.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 870121 | Adds/removes tabs |
3576 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | fixtex12.aqm | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 850209 | Adds/removes tabs |
3577 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | fixtext.lbr | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 871208 | Fix text files of orphan CR or LF |
3578 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | fncvt2.lbr | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 870823 | Format file for use with Magic Print |
3579 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | fogindex.lbr | 1 | 12288 | 8 | 860817 | Gives grade level of a text file |
3580 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | format.izf | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 880325 | A look at text format programs |
3581 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | gtxt11a.lbr | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 870308 | Conv. text to COM for easy display |
3582 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | hrm-cutl.lbr | 1 | 81024 | 8 | 871208 | Sort/merge/split/uniq text tools |
3583 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | i-21.lbr | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 870512 | Small bi-directional text display |
3584 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | justify.lbr | 1 | 26496 | 8 | 880325 | Justify text files with even margins |
3585 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | ld20.lbr | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 851201 | View text files |
3586 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | ld400.lbr | 1 | 30336 | 8 | 861031 | Flexible ASCII file viewer |
3587 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | lit.lbr | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 870924 | Convert test file to COM file |
3588 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | locater1.ark | 1 | 97891 | 8 | 850928 | Locate electronic parts |
3589 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | magic.lbr | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 870308 | Prints large letters to disk |
3590 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | note2.lbr | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 870910 | Put a note in a COM file |
3591 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | notepad.lbr | 1 | 23168 | 8 | 850414 | Cursor-oriented note pad utility |
3592 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | nt42.lbr | 1 | 15488 | 8 | 880325 | Write quick notes to disk file |
3593 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | number.lbr | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 880722 | Add numbers to lines of text file |
3594 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | outliner.lbr | 1 | 39552 | 8 | 870308 | Text outline processor |
3595 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | paste3.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 860918 | Join two files side by side |
3596 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | peep13.lbr | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 871115 | A bidirectional file viewer |
3597 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | petascii.ark | 1 | 15207 | 8 | 880105 | Translate Commodore PET ASCII to standard text |
3598 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | pf2asc.lbr | 1 | 21120 | 8 | 880830 | Convert Perfect Filer files to ASCII |
3599 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | pgprint.lbr | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 880510 | Pascal program prints documentation |
3600 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | phone.lbr | 1 | 22272 | 8 | 850209 | Search phone book file for argument |
3601 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | prn36.lbr | 1 | 74112 | 8 | 860629 | Prints graphic characters in WS file |
3602 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | prntxt15.lbr | 1 | 26624 | 8 | 890423 | Make COM files from text files |
3603 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | pwlkws24.lbr | 1 | 35456 | 8 | 890107 | Allow Perfect Writer use WS commands |
3604 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | pwmenu2.lbr | 1 | 18432 | 8 | 861111 | Menu replacement with Perfect Writer |
3605 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | ql41.lbr | 1 | 115968 | 8 | 890204 | Quick look typer for LBR/SQ/Crunched |
3606 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | qt11.aqm | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 850419 | QuickType II |
3607 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | quote.lbr | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 880305 | Display random quote |
3608 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | replace.lbr | 1 | 23040 | 8 | 860817 | Replace a string in a text file |
3609 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | rnf-pas.lbr | 1 | 74880 | 8 | 870131 | ROFF/TROFF/RUNOFF-like word proc. |
3610 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | rnf13.lbr | 1 | 97408 | 8 | 870203 | Text formatter/word processor |
3611 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | rnf13sor.lbr | 1 | 39168 | 8 | 870206 | Source for the RNF text formatter |
3612 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | roff.lbr | 1 | 22912 | 8 | 850613 | Powerful customizable text formatter |
3613 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | roff4161.lbr | 1 | 48512 | 8 | 870523 | Powerful customizable text formatter |
3614 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | savetip.tzt | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 870227 | Recover data from memory |
3615 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | scan12.lbr | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 851021 | A bi-directional text scroll utility |
3616 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | search22.lbr | 1 | 23552 | 8 | 881102 | Search text files for a Keyword |
3617 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | searcha.lbr | 1 | 27392 | 8 | 870927 | Search ASCII file for pattern match |
3618 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | sf11.lbr | 1 | 20736 | 8 | 880131 | Show a text file with options |
3619 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | skim.lbr | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 860608 | Removes non-printing chars from text |
3620 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | spltfst2.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 860918 | Break up large text files |
3621 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | sr2.lbr | 1 | 28416 | 8 | 861031 | String search and replace utility |
3622 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | ssed22.lbr | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 870827 | Stream editor used with DIF |
3623 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | stripa76.lbr | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 870725 | Text file conversion tool |
3624 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | stripnul.lbr | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 850209 | Strip nulls from a text file |
3625 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tab2spc2.lbr | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 880127 | Replaces TABs in text files |
3626 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tabify4.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 850613 | Convert mult. spaces into tabs in a file |
3627 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tabs7.lbr | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850514 | Sets tabs in text or asm files |
3628 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tail20.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 870222 | Displays end of text file |
3629 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | textcom.lbr | 1 | 22528 | 8 | 860621 | Compares two text files |
3630 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | titles2.lbr | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 880511 | Create an index of first lines |
3631 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tocol.lbr | 1 | 132224 | 8 | 870819 | Convert documents to multiple-column |
3632 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tour20.lbr | 1 | 96512 | 8 | 850523 | Collect and organize your thoughts into a DB |
3633 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tournd.lbr | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 850523 | Post processor for TOUR |
3634 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tp-dif.lbr | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 880305 | Compare 2 text files for differences |
3635 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | tr11.ark | 1 | 10890 | 8 | 860912 | Character translation utility |
3636 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | ttools.lbr | 1 | 112512 | 8 | 861207 | Text formatting utilities |
3637 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | txt23.lbr | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850613 | Turn a text message into a .COM file |
3638 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | txt71.lbr | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 861213 | Turns text files into .COM files |
3639 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | txtcom2.lbr | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 870805 | Converts ASCII test to COM files |
3640 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | txtl.lbr | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 860621 | Displays text using A-Z menu |
3641 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | txtsave.lbr | 1 | 12672 | 8 | 860119 | Text salvager after editor crash |
3642 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | uncap12.lbr | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 861207 | Capitalize letters in text file |
3643 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | unix2cpm.lbr | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 880419 | Converts UNIX text files to CP/M |
3644 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | unsoft1c.lbr | 1 | 11264 | 8 | 850613 | Filters WordStar document files |
3645 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | vcomp13.lbr | 1 | 27136 | 8 | 871115 | Visual file comparison |
3646 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | view43.lbr | 1 | 34304 | 8 | 880129 | Memory based View utility |
3647 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | vn-hzp.lbr | 1 | 34816 | 8 | 861231 | Help files for Van Nuys tools |
3648 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | wc.lbr | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850613 | Count words in a text file or WordStar file |
3649 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | wordct31.lbr | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870308 | Counts words of a text file |
3650 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | ws2mw.lbr | 1 | 45312 | 8 | 870228 | Converts WordStar files to MacWrite |
3651 | pub/ | cpm/txtutl/ | wt20.lbr | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 871122 | Bidirectional type/browse utility |
3652 | pub/ | cpm/uucp/ | mailutil.lbr | 1 | 25984 | 8 | 940330 | Utilities to help mail files using UUCP |
3653 | pub/ | cpm/uucp/ | uucp21b.lbr | 1 | 88064 | 8 | 900831 | UNIX UUCP and email system for CP/M |
3654 | pub/ | cpm/uzi/ | uzi-util.ark | 1 | 38531 | 8 | 881222 | File management utilities for UZI |
3655 | pub/ | cpm/uzi/ | uzi.ark | 1 | 60083 | 8 | 881129 | Unix 7th Edition Kernel for Z80 CP/M |
3656 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | pwline25.dzc | 1 | 896 | 8 | 871104 | Use 25 lines in Perfect Writer |
3657 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vde-pat.lbr | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 880129 | Patches to VDE 2.63 |
3658 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vde-z3.pzt | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 870729 | Patch to VDE for use with ZCPR |
3659 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vde265sp.lbr | 1 | 26880 | 8 | 880508 | VDE265 modification for film script |
3660 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vde266.lbr | 1 | 83968 | 8 | 880626 | Small |
3661 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vde266fx.dzc | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880801 | Bug fix for VDE266 |
3662 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vde266sp.lbr | 1 | 25984 | 8 | 880807 | VDE266 modification for film script |
3663 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vdecust.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 880117 | VDE customization for Morrow |
3664 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vdemac2.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 880207 | More macros for VDE text editor |
3665 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vdemacro.lbr | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 871127 | Macros for VDE 2.62 |
3666 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vdeptch3.zzx | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 870910 | VDE patch reverses down arrow/insert |
3667 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vdkcom12.lbr | 1 | 15488 | 8 | 880511 | Convert VDE file to/from VDK file |
3668 | pub/ | cpm/vdoedit/ | vdo25b.lbr | 1 | 57600 | 8 | 850924 | Video Oriented Editor |
3669 | pub/ | cpm/vis1050/ | gdump.lbr | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 880410 | Graphic screen dump |
3670 | pub/ | cpm/vis1050/ | vtcreset.txt | 1 | 2894 | 7 | 880413 | Make a reset switch |
3671 | pub/ | cpm/vis1050/ | vtcrle.lbr | 1 | 23424 | 8 | 880410 | RLE graphics for the Visual 1050 |
3672 | pub/ | cpm/vis1050/ | ws4vtc.lbr | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 880410 | WS4 function key patch |
3673 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | speech.bas | 1 | 3461 | 7 | 830909 | Generate speech using Votrax SC-01 |
3674 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | talk.lib | 1 | 701 | 7 | 830909 | Sweet Talker voice library |
3675 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | vmac.asm | 1 | 2025 | 7 | 830909 | Disable 8080 opcodes for cross-assembly work |
3676 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | voic-equ.lqb | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | Cross-compiler for ASCII to voice phonemes |
3677 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | voice-c.c | 1 | 8267 | 7 | 830909 | BDS C routines to use Votrax SC-01 |
3678 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | voice-c.doc | 1 | 1535 | 7 | 830909 | BDS C routines to use Votrax SC-01 |
3679 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | voice.crc | 1 | 266 | 7 | 830909 | CRC listing for files in this directory |
3680 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | voice.doc | 1 | 2797 | 7 | 830909 | Documentation for Voice Language System |
3681 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | voice.lqb | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 850209 | Voice x-compiler for ASCII to voice phonemes |
3682 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | vrmac.asm | 1 | 2121 | 7 | 830909 | Disables RMAC 8080 opcodes for cross assembly |
3683 | pub/ | cpm/voice/ | yesmst.voc | 1 | 518 | 7 | 830909 | Says 'yes master' using voice routines |
3684 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | anycode3.lbr | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 870323 | Use features of printer in WordStar |
3685 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | bookmakr.lbr | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 861207 | Format files for print with WordStar |
3686 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ensoft2.lbr | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 851201 | Convert txt file to WS document file |
3687 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ff.lbr | 1 | 26752 | 8 | 861226 | A WordStar add-on for screenwriters |
3688 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ftnote14.lbr | 1 | 35072 | 8 | 850209 | Formats footnotes for WordStar files |
3689 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | index.c | 1 | 12720 | 7 | 830909 | WordStar utility: text file index generator |
3690 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | index.com | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 850209 | WordStar utility: text file index generator |
3691 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | index.dqc | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | WordStar utility: text file index generator |
3692 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | keystows.aqt | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 860715 | Using macros in WordStar |
3693 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | leftoff.tzt | 1 | 896 | 8 | 880130 | Return to where you left off in edit |
3694 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | longdocs.tzt | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 880130 | Working with large files in WordStar |
3695 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | m-merge.lbr | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850414 | WS MailMerge example templates |
3696 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | mailmrge.dqc | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850414 | WordStar's MailMerge explained! |
3697 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | mergetut.lbr | 1 | 18688 | 8 | 880610 | Tutorial for WordStar's MailMerge |
3698 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | morews4.tzt | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 871017 | Impressions on WordStar 4.0 |
3699 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | multihdr.tzt | 1 | 768 | 8 | 880130 | Multiple-line headers/footers in WS |
3700 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | necwsovr.aqm | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 850209 | WordStar overlay for NEC PC-8023A printer |
3701 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | oddeven.pqt | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 851110 | Two-sided printing with WS & NewWord |
3702 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | outln11.lbr | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 860427 | Makes outlines of ASCII files |
3703 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | pagefind.tzt | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 880130 | How to mark text for finding pages |
3704 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | pairx131.lbr | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 860408 | Check for unmatched WS ctl chars |
3705 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | pamph13.lbr | 1 | 28800 | 8 | 860921 | Make folded pamphlet from WS text |
3706 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | patchws.aqm | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 850209 | Patches WordStar 3.0 to speed up response |
3707 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | reflist.ark | 1 | 15970 | 8 | 880222 | Create bibliography in WordStar |
3708 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | reflist.lbr | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 870124 | Create bibliography/reference lists |
3709 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | resq17.lbr | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 861031 | Recovers text in RAM after crash |
3710 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | savestar.lbr | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 860713 | Save WordStar text from system crash |
3711 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | simple.ark | 1 | 19914 | 8 | 871210 | Printer driver for WordStar 4.0 |
3712 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | soften.lbr | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 880210 | Convert ASCII text file to WordStar |
3713 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | sya13.lbr | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 880713 | Save memory buffer after WS crash |
3714 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | tbl20.lbr | 1 | 24192 | 8 | 871208 | Table of contents for WordStar |
3715 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | txttows.lbr | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | Turns text file into a WordStar doc file |
3716 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | windex31.lbr | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 870124 | Creates indexes for WordStar files |
3717 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws-col12.lbr | 1 | 25856 | 8 | 860921 | Reformat pages in side-by-side col. |
3718 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws-ctl-y.tqp | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 860927 | Change WS Control-Y |
3719 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws-kamas.azt | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 870614 | How to move text between WordStar and KAMAS |
3720 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws-macro.tqt | 1 | 21120 | 8 | 860729 | How to use macros in WordStar |
3721 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws-mail.lbr | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 870727 | MailMerge for labels |
3722 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws-user.aqm | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | Patch to WordStar to handle user areas |
3723 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws.hqp | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 851124 | Help file for WordStar |
3724 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws2roff.com | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 850209 | Convert WordStar files to roff |
3725 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws30.dqc | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 850209 | Correction for handshaking in WS 3.0 |
3726 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws30mod4.aqm | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 860924 | Memory mapped WS 3.0 for TRS-80 4/4P |
3727 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws30pat.dqc | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 850209 | How to customize WordStar 3.0 |
3728 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws30pat.pqs | 1 | 16512 | 8 | 850209 | Patch list for CP/M-80 Wordstar 3.0 |
3729 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws33-b.drv | 1 | 1930 | 7 | 870317 | WordStar patch to log in B: drive |
3730 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws3330.dqc | 1 | 13440 | 8 | 850630 | Patch points for WordStar 3.3 & 3.0 |
3731 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws33lbls.tqt | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 850209 | Patch labels for WordStar 3.3 |
3732 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws33mod4.aqm | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 860924 | Memory mapped WS 3.3 for TRS-80 4/4P |
3733 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws3550.azm | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870124 | WordStar patch for NEC3550 printer |
3734 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws3blink.lbr | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850209 | Patch WS for blinking cursor |
3735 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4-diab.fix | 1 | 1287 | 7 | 880120 | Fix to WordStar 4.0 and Diablo |
3736 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4.bug | 1 | 527 | 7 | 880412 | WordStar 4.0 printer option problem |
3737 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws40oz81.lbr | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 890301 | WS 4.0 overlay with Z80dos date |
3738 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4bw2.fix | 1 | 1264 | 7 | 870912 | WS 4.0 fix for Bondwell 2 |
3739 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4cpm.nzw | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 870810 | List of features for WordStar 4.0 |
3740 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4cpm.pz | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870805 | Announcement of new CP/M WordStar |
3741 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4kp.lbr | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 880407 | Mods for WordStar screen control |
3742 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4mt.fix | 1 | 1003 | 7 | 870911 | WS 4.0 fix for Morrow MT60/MT70 |
3743 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4revue.txt | 1 | 2853 | 7 | 870912 | WordStar 4 - is it really improved? |
3744 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4scrn.mzd | 1 | 1536 | 8 | 880407 | Mods to WordStar's screen control |
3745 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | ws4zcpr3.fix | 1 | 516 | 7 | 880211 | WordStar 4.0 fix for use with ZCPR3 |
3746 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsaveall.lbr | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 850209 | Save when Wordstar encounters disk full |
3747 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsbooks.azt | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 861231 | Review of two books on WordStar |
3748 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wscr.com | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 850209 | Ensures lines end with CR/LF |
3749 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wscr.msg | 1 | 963 | 7 | 841107 | Ensures lines end with CR/LF |
3750 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsctrl-y.izf | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870816 | Changing CTL-Y delete in WordStar |
3751 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsdocon.com | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 850209 | Convert non-document WS files to WS doc |
3752 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsdocon.dqc | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | Convert non-document WS files to WS doc |
3753 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsepem.tqt | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 850209 | Epson MX-80 emphasize ctl from WS |
3754 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsfast.msg | 1 | 615 | 7 | 840401 | Eliminates WS messages for faster start |
3755 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsfast23.lbr | 1 | 12032 | 8 | 850606 | Eliminates WS messages for faster start |
3756 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsgemini.lbr | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 860621 | Gemini printer patch for WordStar |
3757 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsguide.tqt | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 851026 | User's guide for WordStar |
3758 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wshades.tqt | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 860119 | 'Window Shades' |
3759 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wshead.tzt | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 880130 | Tips using header/footer in WordStar |
3760 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wskey.doc | 1 | 5322 | 7 | 861009 | Wordstar function key/numeric keypad impl |
3761 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wskey.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 861009 | Translate Heath keypad for WordStar |
3762 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wskeys.mqs | 1 | 26240 | 8 | 860718 | Use of strings for WordStar |
3763 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsload.lbr | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 861021 | Allows WordStar for several printers |
3764 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsmagic.tzt | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 880131 | Tips for speeding up editing tasks |
3765 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsmmtip.tzt | 1 | 896 | 8 | 880130 | Dot command bug fix for MailMerge |
3766 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsmulcop.lbr | 1 | 16000 | 8 | 851124 | Multiple printouts from WordStar |
3767 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsmx80.pat | 1 | 1353 | 7 | 830909 | Take advantage of MX-80 printer in WS |
3768 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsnot134.ark | 1 | 28674 | 8 | 880530 | Produce footnotes with WordStar |
3769 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsnote.qzf | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880616 | Quick reference list for wsNOTE |
3770 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsovr12.aqm | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 861004 | Various patches to WordStar 3.3 |
3771 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsp33.lbr | 1 | 17664 | 8 | 850209 | Collection of patches for WordStar 3.3 |
3772 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsp33.msg | 1 | 1677 | 7 | 841118 | Collection of patches for WordStar 3.3 |
3773 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wspat-33.dqc | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850701 | List of WS 3.3 patch labels |
3774 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wspatch.tql | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 860802 | Address of WordStar patch points |
3775 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wspatch1.3p3 | 1 | 1410 | 8 | 841114 | Eliminates MicroPro startup screen |
3776 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wspatnew.3z3 | 1 | 15488 | 8 | 870215 | Patches for WordStar |
3777 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsrefman.dzc | 1 | 60800 | 8 | 870614 | Customize WordStar's features |
3778 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsscript.pzt | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 870728 | WordStar patch for super/subscript |
3779 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wstips1.tqt | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 860119 | Tips for WordStar users |
3780 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wstips2.tqt | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 860119 | Tips for WordStar users |
3781 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wstips3.tqt | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 860119 | Tips for WordStar users |
3782 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsufix4.aqm | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | WordStar patch to handle OVRs in user area |
3783 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wsunderl.tqt | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 860119 | Underlining in WordStar w/ dot-matrix printer |
3784 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | wswldcrd.tzt | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 880131 | Changing WordStar's search wildcard |
3785 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | xerox-ws.lbr | 1 | 4480 | 8 | 860903 | Wordstar improver-Xerox 820 |
3786 | pub/ | cpm/wstar/ | yankback.tqt | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 860718 | Get back deleted WordStar blocks |
3787 | pub/ | cpm/xccp/ | era.com | 1 | 128 | 8 | 850209 | Enhanced eraSE program |
3788 | pub/ | cpm/xccp/ | ren.com | 1 | 256 | 8 | 850209 | Enhanced renAME command |
3789 | pub/ | cpm/xccp/ | xccp.com | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 850209 | Extended console command processor for CP/M-80 |
3790 | pub/ | cpm/xccp/ | xccp.dqc | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 850209 | Extended console command processor for CP/M-80 |
3791 | pub/ | cpm/xccp/ | xccp.hlp | 1 | 484 | 7 | 840825 | Extended console command processor for CP/M-80 |
3792 | pub/ | cpm/xccp/ | xccp.msg | 1 | 104 | 7 | 840825 | Extended console command processor for CP/M-80 |
3793 | pub/ | cpm/xerox/ | 8-mod.dzc | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 880407 | Xerox mod to generalize RAM support |
3794 | pub/ | cpm/xerox/ | 820diff.izf | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 870621 | Compares Xerox 820-1 Etch 1 and 2 |
3795 | pub/ | cpm/xerox/ | edxe.lbr | 1 | 19840 | 8 | 870524 | EDFILE modified for the Xerox 820 |
3796 | pub/ | cpm/xerox/ | newkeys.lbr | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 870807 | Xerox 820 key redefinition program |
3797 | pub/ | cpm/xerox/ | pc2xerox.lbr | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 880803 | Cable PC to Xerox 16/8 @ 19.2K baud |
3798 | pub/ | cpm/xerox/ | ultra-xe.izf | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 870705 | Info. on Ultraboard for Xerox 820 II & 16/8 |
3799 | pub/ | cpm/xerox/ | xe2-ws4.lbr | 1 | 15104 | 8 | 880118 | Patches to WordStar 4.0 on Xerox |
3800 | pub/ | cpm/xlisp/ | xlisp11.ark | 1 | 71851 | 8 | 861012 | No description available |
3801 | pub/ | cpm/xlisp/ | xlisp12.ark | 1 | 73864 | 8 | 850220 | No description available |
3802 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xm82oscp.aqm | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Osborne 1 w/ COMM-PAC |
3803 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xm91zorb.aqm | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Zorba BIOS & Hayes |
3804 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmac-1.aqm | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Apple-Cat modem |
3805 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmdc-1.aqm | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for D.C. Hayes modem |
3806 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmdm125.ark | 1 | 88341 | 8 | 860715 | Remote CP/M file transfer program |
3807 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmdp-1.aqm | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Datapoint 1560 |
3808 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmex-1.aqm | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for external modem |
3809 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmh8-1.aqm | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Heath/Zenith H89 |
3810 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmhz-1.aqm | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Heath/Zenith Z100 |
3811 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmin-2.aqm | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Interfacer-4 serial bd |
3812 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmkp-1.aqm | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Kaypro 1 |
3813 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmlo-10.aqm | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Lobo Max-80 |
3814 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmmm-1.aqm | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Hayes MM-II modem |
3815 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmox-2.aqm | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Osborne Executive |
3816 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmpm-1.aqm | 1 | 5632 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for the PMMI modem |
3817 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmsm-1.aqm | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Smartmodem |
3818 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmstats.lbr | 1 | 36864 | 8 | 850701 | Reports statistics from XMODEM log |
3819 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmtd-1.aqm | 1 | 2176 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for TurboDOS |
3820 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmtr4sm.aqm | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for TRS-80 Model IV/Smartmodem |
3821 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmtrs4.aqm | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for TRS-80 Model IV |
3822 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmtv-1.aqm | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for TeleVideo 802 |
3823 | pub/ | cpm/xmodem/ | xmzs-1.aqm | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | Xmodem patch for Z80-SIO |
3824 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | 232apr88.gzg | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 880412 | Article for CP/M programming - April |
3825 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | 232feb88.gzg | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 880326 | Article for CP/M programming - FEB |
3826 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | 232mar88.gzg | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 880326 | Article for CP/M programming - March |
3827 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | new280.tzt | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 880102 | Info about a planned Z280 system |
3828 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | rpm-tour.izf | 1 | 14464 | 8 | 870630 | Tour of RP operating system by XEDUX |
3829 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | z280-asm.lbr | 1 | 19072 | 8 | 880325 | M80/Z80ASM macros to assemble Z280 |
3830 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | z280-gne.iqf | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 870426 | Run CP/M twice as fast as IBM-AT |
3831 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | z280-j88.lbr | 1 | 18560 | 8 | 880106 | Collection of messages about Z280 |
3832 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | z280info.msg | 1 | 827 | 7 | 880228 | Where to get Z280 cpu |
3833 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | zadapter.izf | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870713 | Info about ZEDUX Z280/Z80 adapters |
3834 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | zdam-100.dzc | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 870802 | Maintain directories and catalog |
3835 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | zdam-101.dzc | 1 | 17536 | 8 | 870823 | Maintain directories and catalog |
3836 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | zedux.izf | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870630 | Info about ZEDUX Z280 adapter boards |
3837 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | zedux280.dzc | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 870609 | A Z280 add-on card for CP/M systems |
3838 | pub/ | cpm/z280/ | zedux280.lbr | 1 | 26624 | 8 | 870802 | Information about ZEDUX Z280 board |
3839 | pub/ | cpm/z8edebug/ | z8e35.ark | 1 | 250126 | 8 | 890204 | Interactive debugging tool for Z80 |
3840 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr/ | nzcpr-16.ark | 1 | 17630 | 8 | 861019 | No description available |
3841 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr/ | zcpr-d&j.com | 1 | 32896 | 8 | 940401 | Enhanced 19 command ZCPR1 |
3842 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr/ | zcpr-era.mod | 1 | 797 | 7 | 830909 | No description available |
3843 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr/ | zcpr1.ark | 1 | 59057 | 8 | 861019 | ZCPR 1.0 enhanced CCP for CP/M 2.2 |
3844 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr/ | zcprbf.asm | 1 | 2872 | 7 | 830909 | No description available |
3845 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ccploc.com | 1 | 640 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3846 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ccploc.mqc | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3847 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | cd.com | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3848 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | cd.mqc | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3849 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | cfiles.hqp | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3850 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | comment.com | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3851 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | comment.mqc | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3852 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | compare.com | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | Compare two files |
3853 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | compare.hqp | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3854 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | compare.mqc | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3855 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | config.com | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3856 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | cpmtr.hqp | 1 | 13696 | 8 | 851212 | CP/M 2.2 transient programs help |
3857 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | crc.com | 1 | 7680 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3858 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | crc.mqc | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3859 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | device.com | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 850209 | Assign mnemonic names to CP/M devices |
3860 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | device.mqc | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3861 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | diff.com | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3862 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | diff.mqc | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3863 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | diskio.aqm | 1 | 21504 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3864 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | du2-8080.com | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3865 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | du2.aqm | 1 | 49792 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3866 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | du2.com | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3867 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | du2.hqp | 1 | 23040 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3868 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | du2v18.ark | 1 | 57833 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3869 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | echo.com | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3870 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | echo.mqc | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3871 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | erase.com | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3872 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | erase.mqc | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3873 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | filer.hqp | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3874 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | filer8.com | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3875 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | filerz.com | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3876 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | find.aqm | 1 | 17152 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3877 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | find.com | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3878 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | genins.com | 1 | 13952 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3879 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | genins.mqc | 1 | 31616 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3880 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | help.com | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3881 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | help.hqp | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3882 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | help2.aqm | 1 | 23296 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3883 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | help2.hqp | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3884 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | help8080.com | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3885 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | io.hqp | 1 | 8960 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3886 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ioloader.com | 1 | 3840 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3887 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ioloader.mqc | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3888 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | kp10nz2.lbr | 1 | 29056 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3889 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ld.com | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3890 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ld.mqc | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3891 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ldirz.com | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3892 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ldirz.mqc | 1 | 8448 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3893 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | lrun8080.com | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3894 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | lrunz.aqm | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3895 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | lrunz.com | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3896 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | lu.hqp | 1 | 18048 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3897 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | mcheck.com | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3898 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | mcheck.mqc | 1 | 9344 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3899 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | mcopy.com | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3900 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | mcopy.hqp | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3901 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | mcopy.mqc | 1 | 24576 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3902 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | menu.com | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 850209 | General purpose menu processor for CP/M |
3903 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | menu.cpr | 1 | 447 | 7 | 840514 | No description available |
3904 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | menu.hqp | 1 | 18688 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3905 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | menu.mqc | 1 | 16128 | 8 | 850209 | General purpose menu processor for CP/M |
3906 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | mkdir.com | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3907 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | mkdir.mqc | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3908 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | namedir.cpr | 1 | 3773 | 7 | 840116 | No description available |
3909 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | ndirs.hqp | 1 | 23296 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3910 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | page.com | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3911 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | page.mqc | 1 | 18688 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3912 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | path.com | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3913 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | path.mqc | 1 | 9600 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3914 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | phelp.com | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | Prints .HLP (help) files on printer |
3915 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | phelp.mqc | 1 | 20608 | 8 | 850209 | Prints .HLP files on your printer |
3916 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | print3.com | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3917 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | print3.mqc | 1 | 20992 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3918 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | protect.com | 1 | 7424 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3919 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | protect.mqc | 1 | 11904 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3920 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | pwd.com | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3921 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | pwd.mqc | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3922 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | record.com | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3923 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | record.mqc | 1 | 5248 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3924 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | rename.com | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3925 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | rename.mqc | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3926 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | sak.com | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3927 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | sak.mqc | 1 | 5504 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3928 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | sinsform.mqc | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3929 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | startup.com | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3930 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | startup.mqc | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3931 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | sub.com | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | Extended SUBMIT utility |
3932 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | sub2.aqm | 1 | 20480 | 8 | 850209 | Extended SUBMIT utility |
3933 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | sysio.aqm | 1 | 18304 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3934 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | template.mqc | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3935 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | tinit.com | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 850209 | Initialize a TVI950 to desired state |
3936 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | tinit.mqc | 1 | 9088 | 8 | 850209 | Initialize a TVI950 to desired state |
3937 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | unera.aqm | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3938 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | unera.com | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3939 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | vector3.zcp | 1 | 2553 | 7 | 840318 | No description available |
3940 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | vfiler.aqm | 1 | 65792 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3941 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | vfiler.cmd | 1 | 379 | 7 | 840514 | No description available |
3942 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | vfiler.hqp | 1 | 13184 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3943 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | vfiler8.com | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3944 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | vfilersc.aqm | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3945 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | vfilerz.com | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3946 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | vfsc.aqm | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3947 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | wheel.com | 1 | 1408 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3948 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | wheel.mqc | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3949 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | xdir.com | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3950 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | xdir3.hqp | 1 | 18176 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3951 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | xdir3.mqc | 1 | 27520 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3952 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2alt.hqp | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3953 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2con.wq | 1 | 78720 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3954 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2con.wqh | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3955 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2ins.wq | 1 | 58240 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3956 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2ins.wqh | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3957 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2rat.wq | 1 | 34816 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3958 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2rat.wqh | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3959 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2res.hqp | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3960 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2sys-1.mod | 1 | 4352 | 7 | 850209 | No description available |
3961 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2sys-2.mod | 1 | 1664 | 7 | 850209 | No description available |
3962 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2sys-3.mod | 1 | 12800 | 7 | 850209 | No description available |
3963 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2sys-4.mod | 1 | 3328 | 7 | 850209 | No description available |
3964 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2ug.wq | 1 | 51072 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3965 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2ug.wqh | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3966 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2ug1.wq | 1 | 47616 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3967 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2ug2.wq | 1 | 37120 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3968 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2ug3.wq | 1 | 32256 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3969 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | z2utils.doc | 1 | 4832 | 7 | 831216 | No description available |
3970 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr.aqm | 1 | 37888 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3971 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr2-a6.lbr | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3972 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr2-ap.lbr | 1 | 11136 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3973 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr2-kp.lbr | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3974 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr2-md.lbr | 1 | 26112 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3975 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr2-oz.ark | 1 | 40598 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3976 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr2-xe.lbr | 1 | 29312 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3977 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr2.crclst | 1 | 4986 | 7 | 851212 | No description available |
3978 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr2.hqp | 1 | 3712 | 8 | 851212 | No description available |
3979 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr8080.aqm | 1 | 38528 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3980 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcpr8080.doc | 1 | 2058 | 7 | 830909 | No description available |
3981 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zcprhdr.lib | 1 | 14733 | 7 | 840514 | No description available |
3982 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zex.aqm | 1 | 30592 | 8 | 850209 | No description available |
3983 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zex.com | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 850210 | No description available |
3984 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr2/ | zex.zex | 1 | 4249 | 7 | 840514 | No description available |
3985 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | -nzcom.dzc | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 880607 | News about NZCOM... ready to ship |
3986 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | adir26.lbr | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 890107 | Sorted alias list in DIR format |
3987 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | alias11.lbr | 1 | 6144 | 8 | 880430 | Script expansion utility of ZCPR3 |
3988 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | arunz11.lbr | 1 | 68608 | 8 | 940512 | Z-System alias script processor |
3989 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | banksys.dzc | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 880117 | Proposal to support banked memory |
3990 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | banksys1.lbr | 1 | 36864 | 8 | 880131 | More on bank switched systems |
3991 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | bcomp11.lbr | 1 | 36096 | 8 | 880512 | Screen oriented binary comparison |
3992 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | bpbioclk.lbr | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 940409 | Clock driver for ZSDOS1 and B/P BIOS |
3993 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | bu-arch.dzc | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880216 | Aliases for hard disk backup |
3994 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | bushbetb.lbr | 1 | 146432 | 8 | 871201 | ZCPR3 Harddisk Backup utility |
3995 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | bushfix1.lbr | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 871204 | Correct COM file for BUSHBETB |
3996 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | c-help.lbr | 1 | 17920 | 8 | 880131 | Collection of HELP files for ZCPR33 |
3997 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | calcbsx.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 880402 | ZCPR resident command calculator |
3998 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | cd33.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870906 | ZCPR3 change directory command |
3999 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | cleand18.lbr | 1 | 32000 | 8 | 870620 | Sorts/packs/cleans ZCPR33 directory |
4000 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | cmd11.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 870729 | Define/run command line in ZCPR3 |
4001 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | cntlh11.lbr | 1 | 14592 | 8 | 890916 | Text utility/filterer |
4002 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | comif10.lbr | 1 | 28928 | 8 | 870719 | IF testing for submit under ZCPR |
4003 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | comp28.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 880430 | Compare files |
4004 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | concat03.lbr | 1 | 11520 | 8 | 891007 | Concatenate two or more files |
4005 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | concat18.lbr | 1 | 58496 | 8 | 940409 | Concatenates two or more source files |
4006 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | cpa12.lbr | 1 | 19968 | 8 | 890301 | Compare and analyze two text files |
4007 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | cpset11.lbr | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 890301 | Define console/printer features |
4008 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | d15.lbr | 1 | 37376 | 8 | 891007 | ZCPR3 directory display utility |
4009 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | dd17.lbr | 1 | 20224 | 8 | 880527 | Z80 disk directory utility |
4010 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | dev11a.lbr | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 880102 | Command driven ZCPR3 IOP control |
4011 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | diff30.lbr | 1 | 28288 | 8 | 890301 | Compares two files |
4012 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | diratr12.lbr | 1 | 30208 | 8 | 880419 | Displays file attributes |
4013 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | dosver02.lbr | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 870921 | Displays ZRDOS version number |
4014 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | dosver03.lbr | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880526 | DOS version utility for ZCPR3 |
4015 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | dslibsrc.lbr | 1 | 62848 | 8 | 940411 | DSLIB source |
4016 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | dstats16.lbr | 1 | 23168 | 8 | 940409 | ZCPR3 disk/user stats utility |
4017 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | dt42bugs.mzg | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 880402 | Problems with the DT42 systems |
4018 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | du314a.lbr | 1 | 75008 | 8 | 880228 | ZCPR3 disk maintenance utility |
4019 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | dump12.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 891007 | Dumps files in hex and ASCII |
4020 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ease20.lbr | 1 | 51712 | 8 | 880516 | ZCPR 3.3 command line editor |
4021 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ease20.qzf | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 880712 | Quick reference card for EASE |
4022 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ease20t.lbr | 1 | 5376 | 8 | 890301 | Overlay for EASE20 displays time |
4023 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | editnd.lbr | 1 | 36480 | 8 | 870921 | Edit the system named directory |
4024 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | editnd12.lbr | 1 | 37888 | 8 | 940409 | Z-System in-memory NDR editor |
4025 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ehoff.zz0 | 1 | 896 | 8 | 880216 | Shuts off ZCPR 3.3 error handlers |
4026 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | erase51a.lbr | 1 | 12800 | 8 | 880102 | Enhanced ERA command for ZCPR3 |
4027 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | err11.lbr | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 881216 | Returns disk error count for Heath89 |
4028 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | errata1.z33 | 1 | 886 | 7 | 870910 | Assembling the Z33 FCP and RCP |
4029 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | errorx11.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 870910 | Cancels ZCPR33 error handling |
4030 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | errset13.lbr | 1 | 4352 | 8 | 870909 | Displays/clears/sets error handler |
4031 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | errutils.lbr | 1 | 16768 | 8 | 870909 | Error handling routines for ZCPR33 |
4032 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | fastarnz.zzz | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 871108 | Optimizing automatic disk accesses |
4033 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ff10.lbr | 1 | 19584 | 8 | 880102 | Find a file in any ZCPR user area |
4034 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | finrp28z.lbr | 1 | 3968 | 8 | 880607 | Find/Replace utility for ZCPR |
4035 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | for-nxt2.lbr | 1 | 43136 | 8 | 870720 | Perform command repeatedly |
4036 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | for-supp.lbr | 1 | 37504 | 8 | 870815 | Z-system FOR and K-FOR |
4037 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | getvar12.lbr | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 870928 | Define and refer to shell variables |
4038 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | goto13.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 880914 | ZCPR3 branching tool for ZEX |
4039 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | hsh15.lbr | 1 | 21760 | 8 | 870921 | ZCPR3 history processing shell |
4040 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | hsh33pat.lbr | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 870604 | Patch to HSH15 for ZCPR 3.3 |
4041 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | iopug.lbr | 1 | 49792 | 8 | 870807 | ZCPR3 I/O Package User's Guide |
4042 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | jltools.lbr | 1 | 31616 | 8 | 880714 | Supporting tools for JetLDR |
4043 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | julian.lbr | 1 | 8704 | 8 | 880419 | Set current date on dBASEII menu top |
4044 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | keymap.lbr | 1 | 3072 | 8 | 880405 | Function key emulator IOP for ZCPR |
4045 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | kquestns.tzt | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 880130 | Z-System Kaypro questions/answers |
4046 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | lap.lbr | 1 | 4608 | 8 | 871204 | ZCPR path/LDR utility |
4047 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | lbrext27.lbr | 1 | 25728 | 8 | 891117 | Extracts library members |
4048 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ldr16.lbr | 1 | 13056 | 8 | 870810 | Gen-purpose ZCPR3 package loader |
4049 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ldsk20.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 870913 | Logs in disk directories for ZCPR3 |
4050 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | led02.lbr | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 870815 | Z3 Line Editor |
4051 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | libs45a.lbr | 1 | 57856 | 8 | 940411 | Ver 4.5a of library routines for CP/M & ZCPR |
4052 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | listcmd.pzs | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 880403 | No description available |
4053 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | lldr.lbr | 1 | 12416 | 8 | 870910 | Read files from a library into LDR |
4054 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | loadnd12.lbr | 1 | 29696 | 8 | 880430 | Updates ZCPR3 system Named Directory |
4055 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | locndo12.lbr | 1 | 12672 | 8 | 890813 | Locates files |
4056 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | longsub.zz0 | 1 | 16768 | 8 | 880220 | ZCPR3 patch for large submit files |
4057 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | lput18.lbr | 1 | 34304 | 8 | 890107 | Build libraries |
4058 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | lrunz302.lbr | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 880430 | Run COM files from a library |
4059 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | lush10.lbr | 1 | 22016 | 8 | 871204 | Library Utility SHell |
4060 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | lx19.lbr | 1 | 20096 | 8 | 880401 | ZCPR3 Library eXecute tool |
4061 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | m80hack.tzt | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 880328 | Patches to Macro80/Link80 for ZCPR |
4062 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | math24.lbr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 870809 | Math subroutines and macros for Z80 |
4063 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | mcopy47a.bzg | 1 | 1024 | 8 | 880226 | Doc file for a bug in mcopy47a. |
4064 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | mcopy47b.bug | 1 | 347 | 7 | 880504 | Bug in Mcopy version 4.7b with RSX. |
4065 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | mkdir32.lbr | 1 | 13312 | 8 | 880504 | Edit named directory files |
4066 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | move21b.bug | 1 | 674 | 7 | 880126 | Bug report and fix for MOVE21B |
4067 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | move21c.lbr | 1 | 12928 | 8 | 880127 | Moves a file to another user area |
4068 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | mu313.lbr | 1 | 20352 | 8 | 880712 | Memory utility for ZCPR3 |
4069 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | mu314.lbr | 1 | 26112 | 8 | 880811 | ZCPR3 memory utility |
4070 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ndrchg10.lbr | 1 | 3200 | 8 | 870807 | Rename a ZCPR3 named directory |
4071 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | newei.msg | 1 | 920 | 7 | 880426 | Important message about Echelon |
4072 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | nhsh-z33.lbr | 1 | 14208 | 8 | 870928 | Save and re-issue commands in ZCPR |
4073 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | nswppat.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 880108 | Patch to NSWP for 32 user areas |
4074 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | nzcom.dzc | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 880614 | NZ-COM 2.0 is now available - info |
4075 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | nzcom.msg | 1 | 4716 | 7 | 871228 | Info on progress of new Z-COM |
4076 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | nzex-d.lbr | 1 | 15744 | 8 | 871028 | Submit processor for ZCPR 3.3 |
4077 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | osh14.lbr | 1 | 19968 | 8 | 871031 | History shell for BackGrounder ii |
4078 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | pack10a.lbr | 1 | 24704 | 8 | 880124 | Improve hard disk performance |
4079 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | page21.lbr | 1 | 17536 | 8 | 880914 | Controlled-scrolling ZCPR3 typer |
4080 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | pause11.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 870918 | Pause in ZCPR3 ZEX files |
4081 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | pcpimpsh.dzc | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 871021 | Using PCPIMP with Z system |
4082 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | plf10.lbr | 1 | 51968 | 8 | 871018 | ZCPR33 aliases to process LBR files |
4083 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | poke10.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 880914 | Transient POKE command for ZCPR |
4084 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ptcap12.lbr | 1 | 51456 | 8 | 870720 | Install new TCAP on PBBS systems |
4085 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | push12.lbr | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 870921 | Save current drive/user |
4086 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | pwd14.lbr | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 880405 | Named directory display for ZCPR3 |
4087 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ql26.lbr | 1 | 89984 | 8 | 880409 | Memory based file viewing utility |
4088 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | rcph-gkt.lzb | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870913 | Displays ZCPR resident command list |
4089 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | rcpmc.lbr | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 871117 | Z33 file copier RCP |
4090 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | rcpmke13.lbr | 1 | 40832 | 8 | 871127 | Unix-like MAKE for ZCPR 33 |
4091 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | rcppeep.lbr | 1 | 11776 | 8 | 871117 | Text browser/lister Z33 RCP |
4092 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | rcptrggr.tzt | 1 | 2432 | 8 | 871117 | Info on ZCPR's RCP with trigger key |
4093 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | reg11.lbr | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 880414 | Convert to Zilog and ZCPR3 header |
4094 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | renam33a.lbr | 1 | 19712 | 8 | 880102 | Rename files in the ZCPR environment |
4095 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | rlx16.lbr | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 870614 | ZCPR33 Library utility |
4096 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | salas11d.lbr | 1 | 13440 | 8 | 880412 | No description available |
4097 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | salias13.lbr | 1 | 16896 | 8 | 890301 | Screen oriented Alias generator |
4098 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | salias1h.lbr | 1 | 52992 | 8 | 871129 | Screen oriented alias editor |
4099 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | save04.lbr | 1 | 11008 | 8 | 870523 | transient SAVE for ZCPR3.3 |
4100 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | savstmp3.lbr | 1 | 10368 | 8 | 880130 | Preserves DateStamper create date |
4101 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | sclock19.lbr | 1 | 25600 | 8 | 940403 | Ampro/Yasbec ZCPR33+ |
4102 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | setdz302.lbr | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 880220 | Patch to SETD for ZCPR3 DU reference |
4103 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | setfil11.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 890301 | Define/Display ZCPR3 file name |
4104 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | sh20.lbr | 1 | 24064 | 8 | 870809 | Illustrates shells under ZCPR3 |
4105 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | shellini.lbr | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 880216 | Fix for ZCPR3/WordStar shell stack |
4106 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | show14.lbr | 1 | 67712 | 8 | 890301 | Displays ZCPR33 system configuration |
4107 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | showtype.pzs | 1 | 1792 | 8 | 880411 | Display ZCPR compatility of COM file |
4108 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | shset21.lbr | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 880305 | Build command lines into aliases |
4109 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | slrlib.lbr | 1 | 22144 | 8 | 880619 | Z3 .REL files in SLR format |
4110 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | sltrap.lbr | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 870523 | Trap console/printer output to file |
4111 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | snap.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 881002 | Saves/reloads ZCPR control blocks |
4112 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | spp10.lbr | 1 | 42624 | 8 | 880807 | Super purge program to erase files |
4113 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | statpat.zz0 | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 871211 | Patch for STAT.COM under ZCPR 3.3 |
4114 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | sub34.lbr | 1 | 16000 | 8 | 870614 | Submit replacement for ZCPR33 |
4115 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | suggest.zz3 | 1 | 3328 | 8 | 871117 | Suggestions for ZCPR SYStem package |
4116 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | sysenv2.lbr | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 880529 | Enhanced System Environment for Z34 |
4117 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | syslbsrc.lbr | 1 | 259840 | 8 | 940411 | SYSLIB source |
4118 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | t12.lbr | 1 | 24704 | 8 | 891007 | Types screen display files |
4119 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | t3mstpat.lbr | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 880414 | Patch to T3MASTER/T3SERVER |
4120 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | t3sndr10.lbr | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 880414 | Sendout facility for TERM III |
4121 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcchec11.lbr | 1 | 4864 | 8 | 880226 | TCCHECK to check TCAP files. |
4122 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj25.mzg | 1 | 4224 | 8 | 870630 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4123 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj26.mzg | 1 | 12032 | 8 | 870630 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4124 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj27.mzg | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 870630 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4125 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj28.mzg | 1 | 20352 | 8 | 870913 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4126 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj29.mzg | 1 | 25984 | 8 | 871026 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4127 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj30.mzg | 1 | 17920 | 8 | 880324 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4128 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj31.mzg | 1 | 33792 | 8 | 880326 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4129 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj32.mzg | 1 | 23552 | 8 | 880620 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4130 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj33.mzg | 1 | 25216 | 8 | 890314 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4131 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj34.mzg | 1 | 11648 | 8 | 890314 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4132 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcj35.mzg | 1 | 13440 | 8 | 890314 | Sage ZSIG Column |
4133 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcsel32b.lbr | 1 | 32128 | 8 | 940403 | Update of ZCPR3 tool for installing Z3 TCAP |
4134 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tcview20.lbr | 1 | 8320 | 8 | 890813 | Display ZCPR TCAP entries |
4135 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | tex13.lbr | 1 | 32256 | 8 | 890107 | ZCPR Time Scheduling Shell |
4136 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | trim.lbr | 1 | 5760 | 8 | 880702 | Z-Tool to truncate object files |
4137 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | type3hdr.bug | 1 | 1826 | 7 | 870926 | Fix for type3hdr on interrupt driven |
4138 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | type3hdr.zz0 | 1 | 896 | 8 | 870921 | Type-3 environment header code |
4139 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | v4libhlp.lbr | 1 | 157824 | 8 | 891103 | Help for version 4 of syslib |
4140 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | valias11.lbr | 1 | 30848 | 8 | 870825 | Loads a Alias command line buffer |
4141 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | verror17.lbr | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 870918 | ZCPR3 error handler |
4142 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | vfiler43.lbr | 1 | 101760 | 8 | 870909 | ZCPR3 file maintenance utility |
4143 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | vlibsrc.lbr | 1 | 47488 | 8 | 940411 | VLIB source |
4144 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | vlu-cmd.lbr | 1 | 768 | 8 | 871222 | VFILER.CMD interface to VLU 1.01 |
4145 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | vlu107.lbr | 1 | 46336 | 8 | 881205 | Video Library Utility for ZCPR |
4146 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | vmenu26.lbr | 1 | 74880 | 8 | 870909 | ZCPR3 Menu command preprocessor |
4147 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | vren.lbr | 1 | 9984 | 8 | 880811 | Visual RENamer for ZCPR3 systems |
4148 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | vtcap11.lbr | 1 | 120448 | 8 | 871122 | Database management for TCAP files |
4149 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | w22.lbr | 1 | 26624 | 8 | 880504 | Helps other programs use wild cards |
4150 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | worddemo.lbr | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 880603 | Word Processing under ZCPR |
4151 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ws4pat.lbr | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 871231 | Patch to WS4 for ZCPR terminals |
4152 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ws4prndv.lbr | 1 | 4736 | 8 | 880115 | Use two printers with WordStar 4.0 |
4153 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ws4zcpr.tzt | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 870705 | No description available |
4154 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | xalias11.lbr | 1 | 24448 | 8 | 870815 | Enhanced Z3 ALIAS variant |
4155 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | xsubz14.lbr | 1 | 12160 | 8 | 870628 | ZCPR33 XSUB replacement |
4156 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z-plan.lbr | 1 | 25856 | 8 | 880807 | Alpha Systems' self installing Z-Sys |
4157 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z-rip11.lbr | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 871015 | Install ZPR3 programs |
4158 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33-m80.hzw | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 870608 | Changes to assemble ZCPR3.3 with M80 |
4159 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33-m80.lbr | 1 | 26496 | 8 | 870621 | ZCPR33 for use with MicroSoft M80 |
4160 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33-tm2.lbr | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870621 | ZCPR33 for use with Turbo Modula 2 |
4161 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33-zasm.lbr | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 870622 | Installing ZCPR33 with ZASM |
4162 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33anote.0z1 | 1 | 1152 | 8 | 870610 | No description available |
4163 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33anote.0z2 | 1 | 6016 | 8 | 870610 | No description available |
4164 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33debug.lbr | 1 | 15872 | 8 | 871027 | ZCPR33 DEBUG.LIB with HEX calculator |
4165 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33err07.lbr | 1 | 10880 | 8 | 870606 | ZCPR 3.3 error handler |
4166 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33fcp10.lbr | 1 | 41600 | 8 | 870606 | ZCPR 3.3 Flow Command Package |
4167 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33fix.0z1 | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 870610 | No description available |
4168 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33gconf.tzt | 1 | 25344 | 8 | 870628 | Transcript of ZCPR 3.3 conference |
4169 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33if14.lbr | 1 | 33152 | 8 | 880419 | Transient ZCPR IF processor |
4170 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33lib05.lbr | 1 | 7808 | 8 | 871027 | LIB routines for ZCPR Version 3.3 |
4171 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33make.lbr | 1 | 21120 | 8 | 871129 | Moves files to new user area |
4172 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33pnote.0z1 | 1 | 2688 | 8 | 870610 | No description available |
4173 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33pnote.0z2 | 1 | 2944 | 8 | 870610 | No description available |
4174 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33pnote.0z3 | 1 | 5120 | 8 | 870610 | No description available |
4175 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33rcp02.lbr | 1 | 48640 | 8 | 870621 | Revised RCP for ZCPR 3.3 |
4176 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33trc11.lbr | 1 | 14848 | 8 | 871129 | Transient RCP for ZCPR3.3 |
4177 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33tss-c.lbr | 1 | 109056 | 8 | 871030 | ZCPR 3.3 for NorthStar Horizon |
4178 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33upd.dzc | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 870418 | News about ZCPR3.3 |
4179 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33util.lbr | 1 | 27136 | 8 | 870512 | ZCPR3.3 Error Handlers |
4180 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33ver10.lbr | 1 | 32768 | 8 | 871015 | ZCPR33 screen oriented error handler |
4181 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z33zasm.lbr | 1 | 7936 | 8 | 870913 | No description available |
4182 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z34rcp10.lbr | 1 | 79232 | 8 | 880712 | ZCPR 34 Resident Command Package |
4183 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3cube11.lbr | 1 | 10112 | 8 | 890301 | Simulation of a 3-dimensional cube |
4184 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3ins15.lbr | 1 | 9856 | 8 | 880409 | ZCPR3 utility installation program |
4185 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3instp.lbr | 1 | 23040 | 8 | 871122 | ZCPR auto-installer for Turbo Pascal |
4186 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3key14.lbr | 1 | 67072 | 8 | 880716 | ZCPR3 assign char strings to keys |
4187 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3libhlp.lbr | 1 | 42496 | 8 | 890301 | Help files for Z3LIB version 1 |
4188 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3libsrc.lbr | 1 | 138624 | 8 | 940411 | Z3LIB source |
4189 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3loc13.lbr | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 880124 | Display location of CCP |
4190 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3loc15.ozj | 1 | 1664 | 8 | 880223 | Show addresses of CP/M system |
4191 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3tcap26.lbr | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 870705 | ZCPR3 terminal emulation program |
4192 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3turkp2.lbr | 1 | 34048 | 8 | 871219 | ZCPR3 install -- Kaypro 10/Turbo ROM |
4193 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | z3user.lbr | 1 | 26112 | 8 | 870913 | The user's perspective of ZCPR3 |
4194 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zapg.sz | 1 | 26112 | 8 | 870808 | ZCPR3 Applications Programmer Guide |
4195 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zarticls.lbr | 1 | 44288 | 8 | 880225 | Reviews from Morrow Owners Review |
4196 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zbgq11.lbr | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 871108 | Easy loading of BackGrounder |
4197 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zcnfg14.lbr | 1 | 82560 | 8 | 890107 | Confiure Z3 utilities |
4198 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zcolumns.lbr | 1 | 41344 | 8 | 880225 | Morrow Owners Review ZCPR3 articles |
4199 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zcpr3.tzt | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 880130 | Pros and Cons of ZCPR 3.0 |
4200 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zcpr33.fzr | 1 | 17280 | 8 | 870919 | Descriptions of ZCPR 3.3 files |
4201 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zcpr33.lbr | 1 | 83968 | 8 | 870606 | ZCPR 3.3 Command Processor |
4202 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zcpr33a.lbr | 1 | 60416 | 8 | 880714 | Special ZCPR33 |
4203 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zcrck12.lbr | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 880220 | Calc. CRCK & CHEK values under ZCPR3 |
4204 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zdb23.lbr | 1 | 87808 | 8 | 940409 | ZCPR3 name and address database manager |
4205 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zex-ppip.nzt | 1 | 3456 | 8 | 881216 | No description available |
4206 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zex50.lbr | 1 | 26240 | 8 | 891103 | New version of ZCPR ZEX processor. |
4207 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zf10f.azt | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 870630 | Discussion of new ZFILER features |
4208 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zf10h.lbr | 1 | 60544 | 8 | 870918 | SWEEP-like utility for ZCPR |
4209 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zf10j.lbr | 1 | 65408 | 8 | 880504 | SWEEP-like utility for ZCPR |
4210 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zfdocs.lbr | 1 | 16640 | 8 | 870910 | Documentation for ZFILER |
4211 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zfiler.bzg | 1 | 2816 | 8 | 871027 | Bug in Zfiler |
4212 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zfiles19.lzt | 1 | 11392 | 8 | 890107 | LIST of ZSYSTEM support files |
4213 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zhlpncf1.lbr | 1 | 4992 | 8 | 900401 | No description available |
4214 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zlt13a.lbr | 1 | 40064 | 8 | 890107 | ZCPR compressed/library file typer |
4215 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zlux25a.lbr | 1 | 38784 | 8 | 870913 | RCP/M utility handles LBR and ARK's |
4216 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zmang21d.lbr | 1 | 51712 | 8 | 881205 | Latest version of ZMANAGER |
4217 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | znodes45.lzt | 1 | 3584 | 8 | 880308 | Znode phone list -- January 12 |
4218 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zpatch13.lbr | 1 | 38912 | 8 | 880601 | Screen-oriented ZCPR3 file patcher |
4219 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zrdos12.dzc | 1 | 5888 | 8 | 870827 | Changes to ZRDOS Version 1.2 |
4220 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zrdpub10.lbr | 1 | 13824 | 8 | 880405 | ZRDOS fix losing public attribute |
4221 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zs10.lbr | 1 | 28416 | 8 | 910702 | No description available |
4222 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zsclks.lbr | 1 | 8064 | 8 | 890813 | Info for clock routines for ZSDOS |
4223 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zsstat19.lbr | 1 | 45696 | 8 | 880308 | Video-oriented replacement for STAT |
4224 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | ztime23.lbr | 1 | 12672 | 8 | 871020 | Kenmore Ztime RTC reader program |
4225 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zutilbug.0z1 | 1 | 1920 | 8 | 880227 | Buglist for current ZCPR utilities. |
4226 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zutilbug.0z2 | 1 | 2304 | 8 | 880504 | Latest bug report for ZCPR programs. |
4227 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr33/ | zxlate14.lbr | 1 | 25344 | 8 | 880107 | 8080 to Z80 source code translator |
4228 | pub/ | cpm/zcpr4/ | z40esrc.lbr | 1 | 102784 | 8 | 940512 | Source code for ZCPR 4.0 |
4229 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | as-0628.nzw | 1 | 1280 | 8 | 880714 | Information from Alpha Systems |
4230 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.7z7 | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 870621 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #707 |
4231 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.7z8 | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 870621 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #708 |
4232 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.7z9 | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 870820 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #709 |
4233 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z1 | 1 | 9216 | 8 | 870820 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #801 |
4234 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z2 | 1 | 10624 | 8 | 870910 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #802 |
4235 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z3 | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 870919 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #803 |
4236 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z4 | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 870919 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #804 |
4237 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z5 | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 871031 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #805 |
4238 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z6 | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 871121 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #806 |
4239 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z7 | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 880125 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #807 |
4240 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z8 | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 880306 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #808 |
4241 | pub/ | cpm/zcprnews/ | z-news.8z9 | 1 | 10240 | 8 | 880324 | ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRODS Newsletter #809 |
4242 | pub/ | cpm/zip/ | unzip099.lbr | 1 | 16128 | 8 | 890918 | CP/M UnZIPper |
4243 | pub/ | cpm/zip/ | unzip15.lbr | 1 | 23168 | 8 | 910612 | Utility to unpack ZIP files |
4244 | pub/ | cpm/zip/ | zipdir11.lbr | 1 | 19584 | 8 | 890908 | Lists directory of ZIP files |
4245 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | cork10.lbr | 1 | 17408 | 8 | 881217 | Console graphics filter for ZMP |
4246 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | rzmp-src.lbr | 1 | 43776 | 8 | 930204 | No description available |
4247 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | rzmp13.lbr | 1 | 34816 | 8 | 881217 | ZMODEM for RCP/M systems |
4248 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | rzmplog4.lbr | 1 | 50816 | 8 | 891103 | Log processing for RZMP |
4249 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-1805.zz0 | 1 | 9472 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- SB180-FX |
4250 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-al05.zz0 | 1 | 8576 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Altos 8000 |
4251 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-am05.zz0 | 1 | 10752 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Ampro Little Board |
4252 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-bb05.zz0 | 1 | 6528 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- BigBoard II |
4253 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-bw05.zz0 | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Bondwell 12/14 |
4254 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-cp05.zz0 | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Amstrad CPC6128 |
4255 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-ep05.zz0 | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Epson |
4256 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-h805.zz0 | 1 | 9600 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- H89-H19 |
4257 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-h89.zz0 | 1 | 6272 | 8 | 881216 | ZMP Overlay for Heath-89 computers |
4258 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-hp12.zz0 | 1 | 6400 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- HP12X |
4259 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-kp11.zz0 | 1 | 8832 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Kaypro computers |
4260 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-kp12.zz0 | 1 | 9151 | 8 | 890419 | ZMP Overlay -- Kaypro computers |
4261 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-md05.zz0 | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay - Morrow MD3 |
4262 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-mh05.zz0 | 1 | 7040 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Morrow MD11 |
4263 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-mic5.zz0 | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Multitech MIC-500 |
4264 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-ot05.zz0 | 1 | 6656 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Otrona Attache |
4265 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-ox05.zz0 | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Osborne exec |
4266 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-r405.zz0 | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 890418 | ZMP 1.5 overlay for Tandy 4 |
4267 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-r415.zz0 | 1 | 8192 | 8 | 890418 | Tandy TRS80 Model 4/4p ZMP15 overlay |
4268 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-rob5.zz0 | 1 | 7296 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- DEC Robin |
4269 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-sn05.zz0 | 1 | 7552 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Sanyo MBC |
4270 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-tv05.zz0 | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Televideo TS80 |
4271 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmo-xe05.zz0 | 1 | 6912 | 8 | 890427 | ZMP Overlay -- Xerox 820-II |
4272 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmoh89.zz0 | 1 | 6784 | 8 | 890429 | ZMP overlay for H89's |
4273 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmp15.lbr | 1 | 79872 | 8 | 890409 | X/Y/Zmodem file transfer program |
4274 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmp15kp.lbr | 1 | 20096 | 8 | 890419 | Adapts ZMP15 to video Kaypros |
4275 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmsource.arc | 1 | 210304 | 8 | 940330 | Source code for ZMP 1.5 and RZMP 1.6 |
4276 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmsource.lbr | 1 | 213248 | 8 | 940403 | Full source code (in 'C') for ZMP and RZMP |
4277 | pub/ | cpm/zmodem/ | zmxfer.zip | 1 | 11299 | 8 | 940330 | ZMP file transfer overlay |
4278 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak01.zip | 1 | 127608 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Z3COM package |
4279 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak02.zip | 1 | 182717 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4280 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak03.zip | 1 | 179961 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4281 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak04.zip | 1 | 178952 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4282 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak05.zip | 1 | 194214 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4283 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak06.zip | 1 | 181600 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4284 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak07.zip | 1 | 191628 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4285 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak08.zip | 1 | 165208 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4286 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak09.zip | 1 | 156665 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4287 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | compak10.zip | 1 | 144128 | 8 | 940515 | Z3COM Package |
4288 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | hlppak1.zip | 1 | 294227 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Z3HLP package |
4289 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | hlppak2.zip | 1 | 321311 | 8 | 940515 | Z3HLP Package |
4290 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | hlppak3.zip | 1 | 305818 | 8 | 940515 | Z3HLP Package |
4291 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | hlppak4.zip | 1 | 136242 | 8 | 940515 | Z3HLP Package |
4292 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | hlppak5.zip | 1 | 265998 | 8 | 940515 | Z3HLP Package |
4293 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | hlppak6.zip | 1 | 306540 | 8 | 940515 | Z3HLP Package |
4294 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | lbrpak1.zip | 1 | 301371 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Z3LBR Package |
4295 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | lbrpak2.zip | 1 | 291346 | 8 | 940515 | Z3LBR Package |
4296 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | lbrpak3.zip | 1 | 302074 | 8 | 940515 | Z3LBR Package |
4297 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | prgpak1.zip | 1 | 292866 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Programming Package for CP/M programmers |
4298 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | prgpak2.zip | 1 | 300482 | 8 | 940515 | Programming Package |
4299 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | prgpak3.zip | 1 | 288580 | 8 | 940515 | Programming Package |
4300 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | prgpak4.zip | 1 | 292222 | 8 | 940515 | Programming Package |
4301 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | prgpak5.zip | 1 | 282938 | 8 | 940515 | Programming Package |
4302 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | prgpak6.zip | 1 | 268333 | 8 | 940515 | Programming Package |
4303 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | prgpak7.zip | 1 | 162359 | 8 | 940515 | Programming Package |
4304 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | scan25.lbr | 1 | 74880 | 8 | 940705 | Bi-dir file viewer w/WordStar commands |
4305 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | tcjpak1.zip | 1 | 251748 | 8 | 940515 | Z-System articles from The Computer Journal |
4306 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | tcjpak2.zip | 1 | 254217 | 8 | 940515 | TCJ Package |
4307 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | tcjpak3.zip | 1 | 100374 | 8 | 940515 | TCJ Package |
4308 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-01.zip | 1 | 225853 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4309 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-02.zip | 1 | 259732 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4310 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-03.zip | 1 | 225478 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4311 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-04.zip | 1 | 283005 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4312 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-05.zip | 1 | 270569 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4313 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-06.zip | 1 | 288022 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4314 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-07.zip | 1 | 269573 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4315 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-08.zip | 1 | 285163 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4316 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-09.zip | 1 | 264859 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4317 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-10.zip | 1 | 297651 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4318 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-11.zip | 1 | 282630 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4319 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol1-12.zip | 1 | 276693 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4320 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-01.zip | 1 | 290911 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4321 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-02.zip | 1 | 290002 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4322 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-03.zip | 1 | 265804 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4323 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-04.zip | 1 | 270177 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4324 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-05.zip | 1 | 268123 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4325 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-06.zip | 1 | 164151 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4326 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-07.zip | 1 | 282587 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4327 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-08.zip | 1 | 277665 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4328 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-09.zip | 1 | 289353 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4329 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-10.zip | 1 | 301508 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4330 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-11.zip | 1 | 283518 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4331 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol2-12.zip | 1 | 290008 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4332 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol3-01.zip | 1 | 292880 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4333 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol3-02.zip | 1 | 294538 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4334 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | vol3-03.zip | 1 | 280310 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS Subscription Disk |
4335 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | wrdpak1.zip | 1 | 290478 | 8 | 940515 | ZSUS word processing utilities |
4336 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | wrdpak2.zip | 1 | 283660 | 8 | 940515 | Word Processing Package |
4337 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | wrdpak3.zip | 1 | 277962 | 8 | 940515 | Word Processing Package |
4338 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | wrdpak4.zip | 1 | 210880 | 8 | 940515 | Word Processing Package |
4339 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | zde16.lbr | 1 | 48384 | 8 | 900927 | Z-System and CP/M WordStar-type text editor |
4340 | pub/ | cpm/zsystem/ | zsyscat.ark | 1 | 29643 | 8 | 900324 | No description available