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502 lines
{* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *
* *
* U S E R I N T E R F A C E P R O C E D U R E S *
* *
* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *}
procedure DisplayHelpInfo ;
* DisplayHelpInfo - Display a short description of this program on
* the standard output file.
WriteLn( 'DecUF (DECode_Uuencoded_File) v 1.3' ) ;
Write ( 'Usage: DecUF <InputFile> [/o<OutputPath>]' ) ;
WriteLn( ' [/c{+,-}] [/s{+,-}] [/v{+,-}]' ) ;
WriteLn( ' c : Checking is strict (+) or relaxed (-).' ) ;
WriteLn( ' s : a Single file (+) or multiple files (-) are encoded.' ) ;
WriteLn( ' v : Verbose mode (+) or quiet mode (-).' ) ;
WriteLn( ' The default setting is /c- /s- /v+' ) ;
WriteLn ;
WriteLn( 'Written by W. Nelis, Nelis@NLR.NL, 199209' ) ;
WriteLn ;
end ; { of DisplayHelpInfo }
procedure Panic( Severity : ErrorTypes ; ErrorMsg : Message ) ; forward ;
procedure CrackParameters ;
* CrackParameters - Proces the parameters supplied to this program.
Parameters = ( InputFile , { Drive/user/name of input file }
OutputPath , { Drive/user for decoded files }
FileCount , { Input file contains one encoded file }
CheckMode , { Strict or relaxed checking }
Verbose ) ; { Progress report enabled }
Specified : set of Parameters ; { Specified parameters }
NextParam : KeywordString ; { Next parameter from command line }
ColonPos : Integer ; { Position of ':' in path name }
I : Integer ; { Loop control variable }
procedure ParameterError ;
* ParameterError : Issue an error meesage about a parameter in error.
* The parameter in question is ignored.
Panic( Informative, 'Illegal Parameter "'+NextParam+'". It is ignored' ) ;
end; { of ParameterError }
procedure SetFlag( var Variable : Boolean ; VarType : Parameters ) ;
* SetFlag : Set the option Variable to TRUE if the third character in the
* parameterstring is a '+' sign and set it to FALSE if it is a
* '-' sign. The presence of the option is saved in Specified.
if VarType in Specified then
if (Length(NextParam)=3) and (NextParam[3] in ['+','-']) then
Specified:= Specified + [VarType] ;
Variable := NextParam[3]='+' ;
ParameterError ;
end ; { of SetFlag }
Specified:= [] ; { Empty set of specified parameters }
for I:= 1 to ParamCount do
NextParam:= ParamStr(I) ;
if (Length(NextParam)>1) and (NextParam[1]='/') then
* The parameter on the command line has the format /KV, in which 'K' is
* a one-character keyword and V the associated value.
case NextParam[2] of
* Specify the path, that is the drive and the user number, to the area
* to save the decoded file(s).
'O' : begin
if Outputpath in Specified then
else { OutputPath is not yet specified }
Specified := Specified + [OutputPath] ;
OutputFilePath:= Copy( NextParam, 3, 255 ) ;
ColonPos := Pos( ':', OutputFilePath ) ;
if ColonPos=0 then
OutputFilePath:= OutputFilePath + ':'
OutputFilePath:= Copy( OutputFilePath, 1, ColonPos ) ;
end ; { of else }
end ; { of case O }
* Specify whether the input file contains one (S+) or more (S-) encoded
* files.
'S' : SetFlag( OnlyOneFile , FileCount ) ;
* Specify whether an error in the format is a fatal error (C+) or is to
* be ignored (C-). In the latter case email headers are allowed within
* the input file.
'C' : SetFlag( StrictChecking, CheckMode ) ;
* Specify whether a progres report, together with statistics, is to be
* generated (V+) or not (V-).
'V' : SetFlag( VerboseMode , Verbose ) ;
else { the parameter is not supported }
ParameterError ;
end ; { of cases }
end { of if }
* The parameter on the command line is not of the format /KV, thus it must
* be the name of the input file.
if InputFile in Specified then
Specified := Specified + [InputFile] ;
InputFileName:= NextParam ;
if Pos( '.', InputFileName )=0 then
InputFileName:= InputFileName + DefaultExtension ;
end ; { of else }
end ; { of else }
end ; { of for }
* The inputfile must have been specified.
if not (InputFile in Specified) then
Panic( Catastrophic, 'No input file specified' ) ;
end ; { of CrackParameters }
procedure DisplayStatistics ;
* DisplayStatistics - Display the statistics of this conversion run.
ByteCount : Real ; { Actual number of bytes written }
ByteCount:= 128.0 * BytesWritten ;
Write ( ^M ) ; ClrEol ;
WriteLn ;
WriteLn( 'Number of lines read ....... ', LinesRead:10 ) ;
WriteLn( 'Number of lines written .... ', LinesWritten:10 ) ;
WriteLn( 'Number of characters read .. ', CharactersRead:10 ) ;
WriteLn( 'Number of bytes written .... ', ByteCount:10:0 ) ;
WriteLn( 'Number of heap flushes ..... ', HeapFlushes:10 ) ;
WriteLn( 'Number of lines skipped .... ', LinesSkipped:10 ) ;
WriteLn( 'Number of characters skipped ', CharactersSkipped:10 ) ;
end ; { of DisplayStatistics }
procedure PresetDecodeTable ;
* PresetDecodeTable - Preset the character-to-sextet conversion table
* to its default.
I : Char ; { Loop control variable }
for I:= ' ' to '_' do
DecodeTable[I]:= Ord(I) - Ord(' ') ;
for I:= Succ('_') to Chr(255) do
DecodeTable[I]:= $FF ;
DecodeTable['`']:= DecodeTable[' '] ;
end ; { of PresetDecodeTable }
{* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *
* *
* P R O L O G U E S A N D E P I L O G U E S *
* *
* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *}
* Both the execution of this program and the conversion of one file
* are encapsulated between a prologue and an epilogue.
procedure CloseOutputFile ; forward ;
procedure FilePrologue ;
* FilePrologue - Preset the global variables prior to the decoding of
* the (next) file.
OutputFileName := OutputFilePath + 'NoName.XYZ' ;
OutputFileOpen := False ;
PresetDecodeTable ;
DecodeState := Sextet0 ;
LineFormat := Unknown ;
BytesWritten := 0 ;
CharactersRead := 0 ;
CharactersSkipped:= 0 ;
HeapFlushes := 0 ;
LinesRead := 0 ;
LinesSkipped := 0 ;
LinesWritten := 0 ;
AllocateChunk ; { Reserve space for output data }
end ; { of FilePrologue }
procedure FileEpilogue ;
* FileEpilogue - Finish processing of the current output file. The
* global variables, except for the options, are set to
* their default value.
* Finish processing on the current result file.
CloseOutputFile ;
if VerboseMode then
DisplayStatistics ;
* (P)reset global variables.
ReleaseChunks ; { Reset chunklist pointers, just to be sure }
end ; { of FileEpilogue }
procedure ProgramPrologue ;
* ProgramPrologue - Preset the global variables and interpret the command
* line options.
* Preset the global variables.
HeadChunkList:= Nil ;
TailChunkList:= Nil ;
NextLine := ' ' ;
LineIndex := 1 ;
ErrorsInLine := [ ] ;
* Set defaults for all the options
OutputFilePath:= Chr( Bdos($19) + Ord('A') ) + ':' ;
OnlyOneFile := False ;
StrictChecking:= False ;
VerboseMode := True ;
* Now it is time to execute the file prologue: it resets the various
* global variables, which MUST be (re)set in case the error processor
* is invoked!
FilePrologue ;
* Read the command line and extract the options.
if ParamCount=0 then
DisplayHelpInfo ;
UnInitFileNameUnit ;
Halt ;
CrackParameters ;
end ; { of ProgramPrologue }
procedure ProgramEpilogue ;
* ProgramEpilogue - Clean up before termination of the program.
Close( InputFile ) ;
CloseOutputFile ;
end ; { of ProgramEpilogue }
procedure Panic ;
* Panic - Proces an error condition.
* Exit from this routine, if the error is to be ignored.
if (Severity=Warning) and (not StrictChecking) then
Exit ;
* Remove the progres report line from the screen.
if VerboseMode then
Write( ^M ) ; { Goto left side of screen }
ClrEol ; { Remove progres report }
end ; { of if }
* Display the errormessage, together with more detailed messages, if
* available.
if LinesRead=0 then
Write( 'Error' )
Write( 'Error at line ', LinesRead ) ;
WriteLn( ' - ', ErrorMsg, '.' ) ;
if IllegalCharacter in ErrorsInLine then
WriteLn( ' - Illegal character found.' ) ;
if Overflow in ErrorsInLine then
WriteLn( ' - Internal line buffer too small.' ) ;
if IllegalFormat in ErrorsInLine then
WriteLn( ' - Length field cannot be decoded.' ) ;
if WrongLength in ErrorsInLine then
WriteLn( ' - Length field wrong.' ) ;
if WrongTerminator in ErrorsInLine then
WriteLn( ' - Line terminator is not ''M''.' ) ;
* Take further actions, depending on the type of error.
if Severity=Catastrophic then
WriteLn( 'Program premature terminated.' ) ;
ProgramEpilogue ;
UnInitFileNameUnit ;
Halt ;
if Severity<>Informative then
if OutputFileOpen then
WriteLn( 'File ', OutputFileName, ' is erased.' ) ;
ReleaseChunks ; { Destroy any data gathered in chunks }
CloseOutputFile ; { Close the result file and .. }
Erase( OutputFile ) ; { destroy the result file too }
end ; { of if }
ProcessingState:= Completed ; { Skip rest of file }
end ; { of if/else }
end ; { of Panic }
* FILES : Opening and closing of both the input file and the result
* file.
procedure OpenInputFile ;
* OpenInputFile - Open the input file.
* Rebuild the input file name.
SplitFileName( InputFileDesc, InputFileName ) ;
InputFileName:= ExpandFileName( InputFileDesc, DUNE_Format ) ;
RegisterFile( InputFileDesc, InputFile ) ;
Assign( InputFile, ExpandFileName(InputFileDesc,DNE_Format) ) ;
{$I-} Reset(InputFile) ; {$I+}
if IOResult<>0 then { the file doesn't exists }
Panic( Catastrophic, 'Can''t find file '+InputFileName )
if Eof(InputFile) then
Panic( Catastrophic, 'File '+InputFileName+' is empty' ) ;
end ; { of OpenInputFile }
procedure OpenOutputFile ;
* OpenOutputfile - Open the result file.
Answer : Char ; { Answer from user }
* Rebuild output file name.
SplitFileName( OutputFileDesc, OutputFileName ) ;
OutputFileName:= ExpandFileName( OutputFileDesc, DUNE_Format ) ;
RegisterFile( OutputFileDesc, OutputFile ) ;
Assign( OutputFile, ExpandFileName(OutputFileDesc,DNE_Format) ) ;
{$I-} Reset( OutputFile ) ; {$I+}
if IOResult=0 then { the file exists already }
Close( OutputFile ) ;
Write( ^G^M'Warning - file ', OutputFileName, ' exists. ' ) ;
Write( 'Overwrite (destroy) it (y/n)? ' ) ; ClrEol ;
Read ( Kbd, Answer ) ;
Answer:= UpCase( Answer ) ;
until Answer in ['N','Y'] ;
WriteLn( Answer ) ;
if Answer='N' then
ProcessingState:= Completed ; { Skip this encoded file }
Exit ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of if }
{$I-} Rewrite( OutputFile ) ; {$I+}
if IOResult=0 then
OutputFileOpen:= True
Panic( Catastrophic, 'Can''t write on file '+OutputFilename ) ;
end ; { of OpenOutputFile }
procedure CloseOutputFile ;
* CloseOutputFile - Write all buffered data to the result file and
* close it.
if OutputFileOpen then
FlushChunks ;
Close( OutputFile ) ;
OutputFileOpen:= False ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of CloseOutputFile }
* Handling of the input from the input file.
procedure ReadNextLine ;
* ReadNextLine - Read the next line from the input file into NextLine.
* Non-printable characters are removed from the line
* image.
LineLength : Integer ; { Current length of line read }
I : Integer ; { Loop control variable }
NextLine := '' ;
ErrorsInLine:= [] ;
CheckSum := 0 ;
if not Eof(InputFile) then
ReadLn( InputFile, NextLine ) ;
CharactersRead:= CharactersRead + Length(NextLine) ;
* Remove the trailing blanks from string : uuencoded files
* are (should be) insensitive to trailing blank removal.
LineLength:= Length(NextLine) ;
while (LineLength>0) and (NextLine[LineLength]=' ') do
Dec(LineLength) ;
if LineLength<Length(NextLine) then
NextLine:= Copy( NextLine, 1, LineLength ) ;
* See if there are any control-characters in the line read. Optionally
* these characters could be removed. However, the line probably will
* be rejected without interpretation.
if LineLength>0 then
for I:= LineLength downto 1 do
if NextLine[I]<' ' then
ErrorsInLine:= ErrorsInLine + [IllegalCharacter] ;
(* NextLine := Copy( NextLine, 1, I-1 ) +
Copy( NextLine, I+1, LineLength ) ; *)
Inc( CharactersSkipped ) ;
end ; { of if/for/if }
end ; { of if Eof() }
Inc( LinesRead ) ;
end ; { of ReadNextLine }
function NextWord : KeyWordString ;
* NextWord - Extract the next word from NextLine starting at character
* offset Index.
SomeWord : KeyWordString ;
SomeWord:= '' ;
while (LineIndex<=Length(NextLine)) and
(NextLine[LineIndex]=' ') do
LineIndex:= Succ(LineIndex) ;
while (LineIndex<=Length(NextLine)) and
(NextLine[LineIndex]<>' ') do
SomeWord:= SomeWord + NextLine[LineIndex] ;
LineIndex:= Succ(LineIndex) ;
end ; { of while }
NextWord:= SomeWord ;
end ; { of NextWord }