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SB180 Spec Sheet
The MICROMINT SB180 computer packs a lot of computing power in
a very small package! The SB180, only 4" by 7 1/2", offers a Z-80
compatible CPU running at 6 MHz, 256K bytes of RAM, up to 32 K bytes of
ROM, two serial ports, a parallel port, expansion bus, and an industry
standard 765A-compatible disk controller for up to four disk drives -
any combination of 3 1/2", 5 1/4", or 8" drives. Whether you use the
SB180 as the basis for a complete disk based computer system or use its
32K of ROM space for a battery-powered dedicated controller application
program, you will appreciate its ability to run standard 8080/8085 and
Z-80 software at up to twice the speed of a 4 MHz Z-80.
The SB180 uses the most powerful of the new generation 8 bit
CPUs - the Hitachi HD64180. The HD64180 is based on a microcoded
execution unit and advanced CMOS manufacturing technology. It provides
the benefits of high performance, reduced system cost and low power
operation while maintaining complete compatibility with the large base
of standard CP/M software. Performance of the HD64180 derives from it
high clock speed, instruction pipelining, and an integrated Memory
Management Unit (MMU) with 512K bytes memory address space. The
instruction set is a superset of the Z80 instruction set; twelve new
instructions include hardware multiply and a SLEEP instruction for low
power operation. System costs are reduced because many key system
functions have been included on-chip. Besides the MMU, the HD64180
boasts a two channel Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC), wait state
generator, dynamic RAM refresh, two channel Asynchronous Serial
Communication Interface (ASCI), Clocked Serial I/O port (CSI/O), two
channel 16-bit Programmable Reload Timer (PRT), a versatile 12 source
interrupt controller, and a "dual" (68xx and 80xx families) bus
Because the SB180 uses the Z80 instruction set, it can run CP/M
2.2, CP/M Plus, Z-System, MP/M II, TurboDOS, and Oasis operating
systems. These operating systems can be custom configured to make use
of the 256K bytes on board memory for enhanced performance. And
popular program development tools for these operating systems - BASIC,
FORTRAN, Pascal, PL/1, C, Forth, assembler, etc. - are widely
available; thousands of proven application programs will work, too!
* Hitachi HD64180, an 8-bit CPU on a 64 pin chip
* Superset of Z-80 instruction set, including hardware multiply
* Integrated Memory Management Unit with 512K bytes address space
* Dynamic RAM refresh
* Wait state generator
* Clocked serial I/O port
* 2 channel Direct Memory Access Controller
* 2 channel Asynchronous Serial Communication Interface
* 2 channel 16-bit Programmable Reload Timer
* 12 interrupts
* Dual bus interface to 68xx and 80xx support chips
* 6.144 MHz system clock
* 256K bytes dynamic RAM on board
* Either an 8K 2764, 16K 27128, or 32K 27256 EPROM usable
* Optional full function 8K ROM monitor
* Console I/O RS-232 serial port with auto-baud rate select to 19,200 baud
* Peripheral RS-232 serial port, full handshaking, 150-19200 baud
* Line printer parallel I/O port
* 19-bit address decoding, I/O port decoding, and dual bus interface
brought out to expansion bus connector
* Uses Standard Microsystems 9266 disk controller chip
* Compatible with NEC 765A controller
* On-chip digital data separator
* Can control 3 1/2", 5 1/4" and 8" drives - up to 4 in any combination
* Handles both FM encoded (single density) and MFM encoded (double
density) data
* + 5 volts +/- 5% @ 300 mA (all CMOS); @ 500 mA (TTL)
* +12 volts +/- 20% @ 40 mA (plus disk drive requirements)
* 4" by 7 1/2" board with mounting holes
* 20 pin DIP header for RS-232C serial console I/O
* 20 pin DIP header for RS-232C serial peripheral port
* 20 pin DIP header for parallel port line printer
* 34 pin header for 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" floppy disk
* layout for 40 pin and 8 pin headers (unpopulated) for I/O expansion bus
* layout for 50 pin header (unpopulated) for 8" floppy disks
* temperature: 0-50 C (32-122 F)
* relative humidity: 10-90% relative humidity, non-condensing
The Micromint ROM Monitor
The ROM monitor provided with the SB180 is a complete set of
utilities and debugging aids in an 8K byte PROM which supports four I/O
CON: - Console RS-232 serial port
AUX: - auxillary RS-232 serial port
CEN: - Centronics parallel printer port
DSK: - floppy disk storage device
Monitor Commands include:
A - ASCII table: prints an ASCII code table
B - Bank select: selects a 64K memory bank
C - Copy disk: systems with 256K RAM can perform single drive copies
D - Display memory: displays memory in hex and ASCII
E - Emulate terminal: console keyboard is echoed to the auxillary RS-232
output, and the RS-232 input is echoed on the console display
F - Fill memory: any portion of memory is filled with a data byte
G - Goto program: starts program execution at specified address and
optionally includes a breakpoint
H - Hexmath: prints the 20 bit sum and difference and 32 bit product
of the two arguments
I - Input port: prints the 8-bit data input from specified port
K - Klean disk: formats a specified drive
M - Move memory: moves a block of memory
N - New command: enables new commands from extended ROM space
O - Output port: byte is output to specified port address
P - Printer select: toggles printer selection between the Centronics
parallel port and the auxillary RS-232 port
Q - Query memory: searches memory for pattern of 1 to 4 bytes
R - Read Disk: reads specified sectors from drive into memory
S - Set memory: displays memory contents and allows new data to be
T - Test system: tests various system devices
U - Upload hex file: uploads Intel hex file from auxillary or console
serial port
V - Verify memory: compares two blocks of memory
W - Write disk: writes specified sectors to disk from memory
X - eXamine CPU registers: displays main and alternate CPU registers
and prompts for modification of main registers
Y - Yank I/O registers: displays the 64180 on-chip I/O registers
Z - Z-System boot: boots the Z-System DOS from disk
The Z-System is an enhanced 8-bit operating system which is a
complete replacement for CP/M 2.2 from Digital Research. Any of the
thousands of application programs, languages, or utilities which run
under CP/M will also run under Z-System. Z-System is a more advanced,
more convenient operating environment than CP/M, with many utility
programs which give the user more consistent, easier access to its
features. Named directories are provided rather than disk drive
designators and user areas. Multiple commands may be entered on the
command line. A sophisticated "search path" is implemented for
programs and files. Input/output redirection is supported. Password
protection for directory access is available, and user privilege levels
for commands can be provided. Z- System has been customized to make
use of the SB180's expanded instruction set, making it very fast and
extremely efficient.
Comparison of the SB180's Z-System, CP/M-80, and MS-DOS
Feature Z-System CP/M 2.2 MS-DOS
Software compatible with CP/M 2.2 yes yes no
No warm boot required when changing disks yes no yes
Multiple commands per line yes no no
Named directories yes no yes
Password protection for directories yes no no
Dynamically variable user privilege levels yes no no
for commands
Searching of alternate directories for yes no partial
invoked programs and files
Terminal-independent video capabilities yes no no
Input/output redirection yes no yes
Conditional testing and execution at the yes no no
operating system level (IF/ELSE/ENDIF)
Shells and menu generators with shell yes no no
Tree-structured on-line help and yes no no
documentation subsystem
512 megabyte file sizes, 8 gigabyte disks yes no no
Complete error trapping with recovery, yes no no
customizable messages and prompts
Screen-oriented file manipulation and yes no no
automatic archiving and backup
Full screen command line editing with yes no no
previous command recall and execution
The following items are available from:
The Micromint Inc.
25 Terrace Drive
Vernon, Conn. 06066
phone: (800) 635-3355 for orders
(203) 871-6170 for information
Item 1 SB180 computer board w/256K bytes of RAM.
Complete with user's manual and ROM Monitor.
Assembled and Tested order SB180-1 ...$369.00
Item 2 SB180 boot disk. Contains Z system with limited utilities and
BIOS. Provided on 5 1/4" SB180 format DSDD diskette.
order SB180-10 ...$ 49.00
Item 3 Z System including ZRDOS, ZCPR2, an editor and utilities, ZAS
assembler and ZDM debugger. Complete with manuals. Provided on
four 5 1/4" SB180 format DSDD diskettes.
order SB180-20 ...$190.00
Item 4 HD64B180 chip (6 MHz) with data manual and
12.288 MHz Xtal ...$50.00
Item 5 BYTE Readers Special ---- Complete SB180 computer board w/256K
of RAM, User's manual, ROM Monitor, and all the software
listed in Item 3.
Assembled and Tested order SB180-1-20 ..$499.00
All boards are complete with the exception of the 50 pin 8 inch drive
header which is not populated and optionally available. Printer, Disk,
and terminal cables available separately. Call for pricing.
Please include $10 ($7 less on Item 4) for shipping and handling in the
continental United States. $18 elsewhere. Connecticut residents please
include 7 1/2 percent sales tax.