Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
49 lines
VERSION EQU 245 ; IMP (06/01/87) - CP/M-80 MODEM PROGRAM
; o Added capability to send a break tone. This is tripped by typing
; ESC Q. (ESC is the 'EXTCHR' character stored at 0114h and can be
; changed to another character if preferred. The 'Q' is stored at
; '011Dh and is the 'BRKCHR' in the new overlays dated 01 June 87.
; o Changed routine for sending batch header, constructs the header
; BEFORE looking for a 'C' from remote, also uses the conventional
; 'GTACK' routine, saving bytes.
; o Increased most "RECV" times for PC Pursuit satelite networks, made
; the manual abort routine more robust to give additional protection
; against inadvertent aborts.
; o Added 'TIG' option to toggle the 'IGNORCTL' option on/off. Normal
; use would leave this in the "only essential CTL-characters will be
; received" mode. If using a remote editor, you may need to receive
; all control characters so select the 'TIG' option at that time. A
; menu shows what is in use, by typing 'ESC ?' in the command mode.
; o File name being sent or received is now shown as part of the mes-
; displayed during file transfers.
; o If uploading in KMD batch file mode, will now say "File exists,
; select another name" if the host system (1) already has a file
; with that name and (2) is running KMD22 dated 22 Feb 87 (or newer
; if such exists when reading this update).
; o Goodbye routine significantly changed to insure any incoming char-
; acters are stopped if possible before attempting to disconnect the
; modem from the phone line. This routine was placed in the main
; program, simplifying the routine in each overlay.
; o Initialization routines in main program changed to insure the line
; is onhook when autodialing a phone number. (A few who use BYE for
; their RCPM needed this feature since BYE has an offhook option.
; When they selected (any) modem program after using BYE, they could
; not get a dial tone without an intentional abort which resets the
; modem to onhook.) This is no longer a problem.
; o Other modest changes, several messages changed slightly.
; - Irv Hoff