Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
991 lines
Intelligent Terminal Emulator for
CP/M Systems
Copyright (c) 1983
CompuServe Incorporated
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CSEXEC(TM) for CP/M is an easy-to-use, powerful
communications program written for CompuServe by Susan
Cavanaugh. This program allows your CP/M system to
communicate with the CompuServe Information Service as well
as any other host computer system with telephone answering
capabilities utilizing the same communications standards.
This manual explains how to use the CSEXEC software with
examples illustrating its use on CompuServe. For
information on accessing and using a particular host
computer, refer to the User's Guide for that system.
1.1 Hardware Required
CSEXEC requires a CP/M computer system with at least 32K of
RAM, one disk drive, a serial communications interface, and
an RS-232 modem.
Due to the variety of I/O configurations possible among
computer systems running under CP/M, you will need to
customize the Executive's I/O routines for your particular
system configuration. This requires a basic knowledge of
programming in 8080 assembler language.
2.1 The Input/Output Overlay
Your CSEXEC diskette contains a file called OVERLAY.ASM
which contains assembler source code of the serial I/O
routines which service the modem. It is to be used for
customizing the executive to different serial I/O
configurations. OVERLAY.ASM contains three subroutines:
SIOINI - initializes the UART.
SIOGET - checks modem receiver and returns with:
Z = 1 if no data ready.
Z = 0 if data was read, data is in
the accumulator.
SIOPUT - stores the contents of the accumulator in
the UART's transmitter. It waits until
the transmitter accepts data before
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Modify OVERLAY.ASM according to your own communications UART
specifications. For instance, it may be necessary to modify
the initialization routine to specify the baud rate and you
may need to change the sense of the receive and transmit
flags in the get and put routines.
Timing considerations require that the console and listing
devices be capable of handling data at a speed which is at
least TWICE the baud setting of the modem serial port. If
this is not the case for your computer, it is probable that
incoming data will be lost.
The necessary specifications are:
8 data bits
no parity
1 stop bit
Included in OVERLAY.ASM are the program stack and the
compressed ascii dictionary. These don't need to be changed
for your system. They are included in the overlay because
they must follow the I/O routines in memory.
2.2 Creating CSEXEC For Your System
After you have made all the necessary changes to
OVERLAY.ASM, assemble it.
Then, type the following at the CP/M prompt:
R <cr>
This will overlay your I/O routines with the generic CP/M
Executive, EXECOR.COM, in your computer's RAM. Now type
CTRL-C to exit DDT and return to CP/M.
To save the completed CSEXEC for your system on your
diskette, type:
Note that if you have supplied more than two pages of code
in OVERLAY.ASM, you will need to save more than 24 pages.
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If you have a printer connected to your computer, you can
use it to obtain hardcopy with CSEXEC.
3.1 Copying Data To The Printer
If you type a CTRL-R on the keyboard, a copy of all
subsequent characters received will be sent to the printer.
A CTRL-T stops the copying. When a CTRL-R (ASCII character
DC2) is received from the host, the copying to the printer
will start. When a CTRL-T (ASCII character DC4) is
received, the copying is stopped. If the printer is not
ready, an error message will be displayed.
To load and execute CSEXEC, type "CSEXEC" at the CP/M
CTRL-X will display the menu, at which time, typing an "X"
(for eXit) will exit CSEXEC and return control to CP/M. To
continue the terminal session, reload and execute CSEXEC.
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Auto logon allows you to keep logon information for many
different systems. It also has the capacity to act in place
of the user for a number of applications.
6.1 Auto Logon Control
The auto logon menu allows you to control all available auto
logon operations. To display the menu, type CTRL-X. While
looking at the menu, press the letter that corresponds to
the operation you want. The figure below shows the menu.
Auto Logon Functions
C Create Auto Logon File
E Execute Auto Logon File
A Abort Auto Logon
T Transmit CTRL-X
X Exit program
Press your choice or <RETURN> for terminal mode.
To return to terminal mode, press <RETURN>. Type "X" to
exit the program and return to CP/M.
6.2 Creating A New Auto Logon File
In order to create a new auto logon file on your diskette,
follow these steps:
1. Type CTRL-X to display the auto logon menu. Press "C"
(for Create) and you will then be prompted for the auto
logon file name you wish to use. If you press <RETURN>
with no file name, the program will assign a default file
name of CSEXEC.ATO. To abort auto logon file creation,
type a CTRL-C at any time during the creation process and
the file will be erased from your diskette and the menu
2. You will then be asked for a prompt to wait for from the
host. If you do not want to wait for a prompt, just
press the <RETURN> or <ESC> key. Otherwise enter the
host's prompt. The prompt sequence is translated to
upper case before it is stored on disk. All received
characters are translated to upper case for matching with
the prompt. The maximum length of a prompt from the host
is 20 characters. A prompt length of four to five
characters or less is recommended due to the possibility
of noise occurring over the phone lines and garbling the
incoming prompt. You may press the <RETURN> or <ESC> key
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to terminate the prompt. Neither terminator will be
included in the prompt to be searched for.
3. You will then be asked for a response to transmit. Enter
your response terminated by <RETURN> or <ESC>. The
carriage return will be transmitted with the response.
The <ESC> will transmit no terminator when the response
is sent. If you enter just an <ESC> for a response, a
null response is indicated. The maximum length for a
response is 64 characters. A response of more than 64
characters can be transmitted by entering the response in
two or more parts, each less than 64 characters, while
entering a null prompt between each part of the response.
4. Repeat the prompt/response input sequence as many times
as is necessary to complete your logon sequence. When
you are done, type an <ESC> at the next prompt and
response request. The auto logon menu will reappear and
allow you to specify which action to take next.
6.3 Executing An Auto Logon
To execute an auto logon file, press CTRL-X to display the
menu, then "E" (for Execute). You will then be prompted for
the auto logon file name to read from disk. The default
file name CSEXEC.ATO will be used if you press <RETURN> at
the file name prompt. If the file exists on your diskette,
CSEXEC will enter auto logon mode. To abort execution of an
auto logon sequence, press CTRL-X to return to the menu,
then type "A" (for Abort). When using auto logon for
logging on to a system, you should wait until the remote
system answers the phone to begin the auto logon sequence.
CSEXEC will automatically exit auto logon mode when all
prompts have been found and all responses sent.
The keyboard remains active during an auto logon execution.
This allows you to type during auto logon without affecting
the execution of the auto logon file.
6.4 Additional Auto Logon Features
Auto logon can do more than simply log on to a host system.
The prompt-seeking function allows CSEXEC to act in your
place on the keyboard to provide a response to a host
program. A prompt should always be specified after a
response that will cause the host to display text. Prompts
can be any text that the host displays. Typical prompts
are: "!", ":", and "OK". The response from auto logon can
be any text or control characters. To enter a control
character into the response, type a carat (^) then type the
letter of the control key.
Page 6
To obtain a delay of one-half second, enter ^&
(carat-ampersand) into the response. For a delay of two
seconds, enter ^% (carat-percent) into the response.
A single carat mark is entered into a response by entering
two consecutive carats.
6.5 Auto Logon File Chaining
The execution of a new auto logon file may be started from
an already-executing auto logon file. This feature allows
you to create an auto logon sequence in multiple files. To
change a part of the sequence, re-create the file containing
that part. The other files do not need to be re-created.
When the CTRL-X is executed from an auto logon file, the
current file is closed and the file specified is then
executed. The contents of the auto logon file after the
"CTRL-XEfilename<RETURN>" is ignored.
6.6 Auto Logon Examples
A sample auto logon creation sequence to log on to
CompuServe is shown below.
Creating New Auto Logon
Enter file name: cpusrv.ato Select the file
Prompt: <ESC> Don't wait for prompt,
transmit immediately
Response: ^C<ESC> (<Carat><C>)
Transmit a CTRL-C
with no carriage return
Prompt: ID: Wait for 'USER ID:'
Response: 70000,1 Then send '70000,1'
Prompt: word: Wait for 'PASSWORD:'
Response: SECRET Then send 'SECRET'
Prompt: ! Wait until DISPLA
prompts for input
Response: GO HOM-1 Transmit 'GO HOM-1'
Prompt: <ESC> Terminate the input
Response: <ESC> sequence by entering
null prompt and null
Page 7
A sample auto logon creation sequence to log on to
CompuServe through TYMNET is shown below.
Creating New Auto Logon
Enter file name: tymnet.ato Select the file
Prompt: FIER Wait for 'PLEASE
Response: A<ESC> Transmit an 'A'
without a carriage
Prompt: IN: Wait for TYMNET login
Response: CIS02 Request connection
to CompuServe
Prompt: ID: Wait for 'USER ID:'
Response: 70000,1 Then send '70000,1'
Prompt: word: Wait for 'PASSWORD:'
Response: SECRET Then send 'SECRET'
Prompt: ! Wait until DISPLA
prompts for input
Response: GO HOM-1 Transmit 'GO HOM-1'
Prompt: <ESC> Terminate the input
Response: <ESC> sequence by entering
null prompt and null
Page 8
The following example shows how the autolog feature could be
used to automatically dial and login with the D. C. Hayes
Smartmodem. This example programs the Smartmodem to dial
'555-1234' using tone dialing. Refer to the Smartmodem
manual for instructions on creating a programming string.
Creating New Auto Logon
Enter file name: smart.ato Select the file
Prompt: <ESC> Don't wait for prompt,
transmit immediately
Response: AT DT555-1234 Program the Smartmodem
to dial 555-1234
using tone dialing
Prompt: CONNECT Wait for connection
Response: ^%^C<ESC> Delay for two seconds
and transmit a
CTRL-C with no
carriage return
Prompt: ID: Wait for 'USER ID:'
Response: 70000,1 Then send '70000,1'
Prompt: word: Wait for 'PASSWORD:'
Response: SECRET Then send 'SECRET'
Prompt: ! Wait until DISPLA
prompts for input
Response: GO HOM-1 Transmit 'GO HOM-1'
Prompt: <ESC> Terminate the input
Response: <ESC> sequence by entering
null prompt and null
Page 9
The following auto logon could be used to get to the CB
simulator program from most any other menu on CompuServe.
HOM-21 is used for illustration only and may not be the
actual page number of CB on the system.
Creating New Auto Logon
Enter file name: cb.ato Select the file
Prompt: <ESC> Don't wait for prompt
Response: T Send T for TOP
Prompt: ! Wait until top menu
is displayed
Response: GO HOM-21 Transmit 'GO HOM-21'
Prompt: ? Wait until CB prompts
for handle
Response: (Your handle) Transmit handle
Prompt: <ESC> Terminate the input
Response: <ESC> sequence by entering
null prompt and null
The following shows how the auto logon might execute. It is
initiated by typing a CTRL-X and responding with 'E' (for
Execute) at the menu, then typing 'cb.ato' at the file name
CompuServe Page CIS-1
CompuServe Information Service
1 Home Services
2 Business & Financial
3 Personal Computing
4 Services for Professionals
5 User Information
6 Index
Enter your selection number,
or H for more information.
!GO HOM-21
CompuServe Page HOM-21
Request Recorded,
One Moment, Please
Thank You for Waiting
CB Simulator Ver 3(45)
What's your handle? (Your handle)
(Channel) users tuned in
Which channel: 1
(1,Susana) Hi, CB'er
Page 10
Most of CompuServe's CSEXEC programs contain the ability to
transfer a file from the microcomputer's disk to CompuServe.
While this is a feature found in many other terminal
programs, most of them merely transmit the contents of the
file or write exactly what is received. CSEXEC uses an
error-free communications protocol to perform file transfer.
This means that if noise occurs on the communications line,
the error will be detected and the data block will be
The procedure for performing a file transfer on CompuServe
is relatively simple and is described below. A few terms
must first be defined in order to explain file transfers.
The process of transferring a file from CompuServe to a
microcomputer is called DOWNLOADing. The process of
transferring a file from a microcomputer to CompuServe is
called UPLOADing. The CompuServe mainframe computer is
referred to as the HOST computer system and your
microcomputer is referred to as the REMOTE computer.
There are three types of file transfers: text, binary, and
machine specific.
A text transfer is used to transfer ASCII text files such as
untokenized BASIC programs and text files produced by word
processing programs.
A binary transfer is used to transfer eight-bit files such
as tokenized BASIC programs and machine language programs.
This can also be used to transfer most microcomputer's BASIC
data files. CSEXEC does not alter any data during a binary
file transfer.
A machine-specific transfer is used to transfer
machine-dependent files. CSEXEC inserts all the information
it needs to recreate the file exactly as it originally
existed. If an attempt is made to download a
machine-specific file to a microcomputer which is of a
different type than the microcomputer from which the file
was uploaded, CSEXEC will issue a warning message.
Machine-specific transfers can be used to transfer files
that have information kept outside of the file (usually in
the disk directory) that is essential to the file (such as
file type, record length).
For both an upload and a download, the CompuServe file
extension determines the type of transfer that will be
performed. The valid extensions and the transfer types are:
BIN Binary transfer
CMP Reserved for CompuServe
IMG Machine-specific (image) transfer
TXT Text transfer
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If any other extension or no extension at all is used, a
text transfer will be performed. To initiate a file
transfer, at the 'OK' prompt, enter:
CompuServe will respond with:
CompuServe File Transfer Program
Your machine will then be interrogated to see if you are
running a version of CSEXEC which supports file transfers.
If you are not running a CSEXEC program or if your version
of CSEXEC does not support file transfers, an error message
will be printed and you will be returned to the 'OK' prompt.
If you are running a version of CSEXEC which supports file
transfer, you will be asked for the direction of the
Select direction-
D if to your computer
U if to CompuServe
Enter a 'U' to transfer a file from your microcomputer to
CompuServe (upload) or a 'D' to transfer a file from
CompuServe to your microcomputer (download) at the ':'
You will then be prompted with:
Enter the CompuServe file name:
Enter an appropriate file name and extension. Remember that
the file extension determines the type of transfer
performed. For a download this is the name of the existing
file to be transferred to your microcomputer. For an upload
this is the name of the file which will be created in your
Programming Area. You will then be prompted with:
Enter a file name for your computer:
You may specify any file following the naming rules of CP/M.
This might include a drive designation, a file name
extension, or punctuation. The remote file name does not
affect the type of transfer performed. For an upload, enter
the name of the file to be transferred to CompuServe. For a
download, enter the name of the new file to be created on
your diskette. If the file already exists on your diskette,
you will be asked if you would like it to be replaced. If
so, CSEXEC will erase the existing file and download the new
contents. If not, the file transfer will be aborted and you
will be returned to the 'OK' prompt. The original file will
not be erased from the diskette. As a transfer proceeds, a
series of digits will be displayed on your screen, one for
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each block of data. For each 32 bytes of data transferred
within each block, a plus sign (+) will be displayed between
these digits.
When the transfer is completed, the message:
*** File Transfer Completed! ***
will appear and you will be returned to the 'OK' prompt.
To signal CSEXEC to abort a file transfer, hold CTRL-X until
the next digit appears on the screen.
The following information is provided for determining
compatibility with hosts other than the CompuServe network.
8.1 Flow Control
CSEXEC recognizes the standard ASCII flow control
characters, <X-OFF> (CTRL-S or DC3) and <X-ON> (CTRL-Q or
DC1). If CSEXEC receives an <X-OFF> from the host, it will
halt transmission. If an <X-ON> is not received in
approximately five seconds, transmission will be resumed.
CSEXEC expects the host to observe the same rules. An
<X-OFF> is sent to stop transmission from the host while the
menu is being used. An <X-ON> is sent when transmission can
be resumed. If the host does not respond to flow control,
characters may be dropped.
8.2 ESCAPE Sequences
CSEXEC responds to certain ESCAPE sequences when received
from the host computer. These sequences cannot be performed
locally; they must be received from the host.
8.2.1 Keyboard Lock And Unlock
When an <ESC><b> sequence is received, CSEXEC will lock the
keyboard and not transmit any more characters typed. This
condition is reset when CSEXEC receives an <ESC><c>
sequence. These sequences can be used by a host program
which does not want to be interrupted during critical
Page 13
8.2.2 Video Enable And Disable
When an <ESC><e> sequence is received, the video is disabled
and subsequent characters are not displayed. The video is
enabled again when an <ESC><f> sequence is received.
8.3 The Protocol
CSEXEC contains a data communications protocol which allows
error-free data transfer between CompuServe and your
computer. The details of this protocol are copyrighted by
CompuServe, Inc. and can only be disclosed under a special
license (not included with this software).
8.4 CompuServe Control Characters
This section is provided to demonstrate how control
characters are used on a host computer. In the following
table, "^x" means to hold the the CTRL key and press the
letter "x".
Transmitted Control Characters
^A Suspends output being displayed by CompuServe at
the end of the current line. Repeated issuance of
^A causes successive lines of output to be
displayed, one line at a time. Running output is
turned back on with a ^Q. ^A is not typed out.
^S Suspends output immediately.
^Q Restores the running display of output at the
point where it had been interrupted by a ^A or ^S.
^C Interrupts display or a program's execution so
that you can enter another menu selection or
^B Used as a type ahead ^C, forcing an interrupt when
CompuServe requests input.
Page 14
^P Interrupt display or a program's execution so that
you can enter another command to the program.
^H Backspaces, deleting the character that was there.
Same as BACKSPACE key.
^U Deletes the line currently being typed.
^V View current line; redisplays the line you are
currently typing.
^O Tells host to turn off output currently being
8.5 The ASCII Character Set
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 NUL DLE SPC 0 @ P ` p
1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q
2 STX DC2 " 2 B R b r
3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u
6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v
7 BEL ETB ' 7 G W g w
8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x
9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y
A LF SUB * : J Z j z
B VT ESC + ; K [ k {
C FF FS , < L \ l |
D CR GS - = M ] m }
E SO RS . > N ^ n ~
F SI US / ? O _ o
Typical Errors:
% VTXFAE - That file already exists on your disk.
Do you wish to replace it (Y or N)?
The file you specified for your system to download
to is already on your diskette. If you want to
overwrite it, reply "Y"; if not, reply "N" and
the file transfer will be aborted.
Page 15
% VTXPNR - Printer not ready!
The printer is not ready. Make sure the power
switch is on and the printer is online.
? VTXDKF - Diskette is full!
The diskette has run out of storage space during
file transfer. CSEXEC erases the partially
downloaded file from the diskette and aborts the
file transfer.
? VTXNEF - That file is not on your diskette!
The file you specified for upload to the host
doesn't exist on your diskette. The file transfer
is aborted.
% VTXFNC - This file may not be compatible with your
Do you still want to receive it? (Y or N)
This message signifies that you are attempting to
download an image file which was uploaded from a
different microcomputer than yours. A "Y"
response will cause the host to download the file
anyway, and an "N" response will abort the
Page 16
This glossary defines some of the more frequently used terms
associated with the CompuServe Information Service.
is a collection of information which is stored on the
are settings telling your terminal specific ways to
respond. For example, how many lines on a screen you
want to have displayed while scrolling, the first page
to see after logon, the number of characters to delay
after issuing a command, etc. These default setting
can be made permanent or can be in effect for the
current session only.
storage refers to the storing or saving of data in the
Programming Area on a device called disk. The data can
then be retrieved for use. Each Standard and Prime
Service customer is allocated 128,000 characters of
disk space at no extra charge. Additional storage can
be requested through Feedback for an extra charge.
is the program which accesses the Videotex Area from
the Programming Area.
is the process of transferring a file of data from your
on-line disk storage to your own personal computer
is the CompuServe Information Service Electronic Mail
is the specific key on the keyboard which enters the
current line into the computer; acts like a carriage
return on a typewriter.
Page 17
is the program which enables you to provide your
comments, ask questions or get help with a problem from
Customer Service. You may also order documentation and
CompuServe Information Service products while in the
Feedback program.
is a collection of data, uniquely identified by a name
up to 6 characters long and optionally an extension of
up to 3 characters (for example, TEST.DAT).
is CompuServe's File Generator and Editor which is used
for creating and modifying files, for use in EMAIL, the
Bulletin Board, and the Programming area files.
is a printout or a paper copy of computer data.
is the CompuServe computer to which you are connected.
initial page
is the first page of information which is displayed
after logon.
is a user's individual session while logged onto the
CompuServe computer.
is the sequence of events which disconnects you from
the CompuServe computer.
is the sequence of events which connects you with the
CompuServe computer.
refers to the item choices from which you may select a
page to be displayed in the Videotex Area.
Page 18
is the communications link equipment that enables you
to connect to CompuServe's computers in Columbus, Ohio.
CompuServe operates its own network in most major
cities in the 48 contiguous United States. Access from
other cities in the U.S. and Canada is available
through a supplemental network (such as TYMNET or
DataPac) at an additional communications surcharge.
is a specialized communications computer which allows
many terminals to communicate through the same line to
CompuServe's large computer complex in Columbus, Ohio.
is the prompt which is used in the Programming Area to
indicate readiness to accept a command.
is any one of the 16-line displays which appear on your
is a unique set of characters that secures entry into
the service for a unique User ID. Your password is
your key to safeguarding your data and usage charges.
You are responsible for all usage of your User ID. The
CompuServe Information Service strongly recommends that
you keep your password in a secure place separate from
your User ID and never give it to anyone, verbally or
through the service. The most secure password consists
of two non-related words connected with a symbol.
is a set of machine instructions which the computer
uses to perform a defined function. References to
particular programs used on the CompuServe Information
Service are made by program name, such as EMAIL,
FEEDBK, DISPLAY. When a program is requested, the
computer loads and executes (runs) the specified set of
instructions (program).
is the message which is displayed to alert you that the
computer is waiting for input. For example, Key M for
menu! in the Videotex Area, or OK in the Programming
refers to one page of information.
is the program which accesses the Special Interest
Groups area. The SIGS offering contains many groups
with mutual special interests which have been given a
unique area to allow members to communicate with each
Page 19
is the name for the Software Exchange program which
allows a user who is equipped with the proper version
of the Executive to purchase programs on-line that can
be run on his/her personal computer. These programs
can be downloaded to the personal computer system upon
is a keyboard and printing or display mechanism used to
enter data into a computer and to display output from a
computer. A microcomputer which is running terminal
emulation software is considered to be a terminal.
is the process of transferring a file from your
personal computer system to your CompuServe disk
storage area.
User ID
is a unique number assigned to your account that, when
used with the correct password, allows access to
CompuServe Information Service. For example,
is an easy to use interactive menu formatted system for
accessing remote databases or programs. On CompuServe,
the Videotex format is in pages of text.
is a terminal emulator program which is specifically
designed for use with the CompuServe Information
Service and which is in the CompuServe Videotex format.
CSEXEC(TM) software is sold through computer dealers
and through the CompuServe Information Service on-line
product ordering area found in Feedback.
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Hardware Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Customizing the Executive to Your System . . . . . . . . . 1
The Input/Output Overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Creating CSEXEC for Your System . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Future Versions of the Executive . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Using A Printer With CSEXEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Copying Data to the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Running CSEXEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Exiting CSEXEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Auto Logon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Auto Logon Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Creating Auto Logon File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Executing An Auto Logon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Additional Auto Logon Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Auto Logon File Chaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Auto Logon Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
File Transfer Using CSEXEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ESCAPE Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Keyboard Lock and Unlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Video Enable and Disable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
CompuServe Control Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The ASCII Character Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
CSEXEC Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16