Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
245 lines
.. by: Alan Wayne Warren Date 9/10/85
.. 866 Williamsbury - #168
.. Pontiac, MI 48054
DBL.CO═ wa≤ writteε t∩ usσ thσ compresseΣ modσ oµ mos⌠ ì
printer≤ iε usσ today¼ t∩ prin⌠ file≤ tw∩ page≤ a⌠ ß ì
timσ oε ß singlσ shee⌠ oµ paper¼ sor⌠ oµ likσ this:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pg 1 Pg 2
Thσ firs⌠ version≤ (whicΦ werσ no⌠ releaseΣ t∩ thσ ì
public⌐ useΣ CP/M'≤ randoφ disδ reaΣ functioε ì
extensively« Thesσ version≤ werσ harΣ oε disδ drives¼ ì
thσ ligh⌠ oε thσ drive≤ woulΣ comσ oε anΣ sta∙ oε unti∞ ì
thσ printinτ quit« Thσ firs⌠ versioε releaseΣ t∩ thσ ì
publiπ useΣ al∞ oµ thσ computer≤ availablσ RA═ spacσ a≤ ì
ß gigantiπ disδ buffer« Thi≤ versioε coulΣ reaΣ mos⌠ ì
file≤ a⌠ onσ time¼ theε begiε printinτ them¼ greatl∙ ì
reducinτ thσ drivσ activity« Thσ seconΣ versioε ì
releaseΣ t∩ thσ publiπ (DBL2⌐ containeΣ ß ne≈ feature¼ ì
i⌠ alloweΣ thσ printinτ t∩ star⌠ iε thσ middlσ oµ thσ ì
file¼ unfortunately¼ i⌠ containeΣ severa∞ mino≥ ì
inconvienences¼ anΣ a⌠ leas⌠ onσ bug« I⌠ didn'⌠ likσ ì
t∩ star⌠ printinτ oε ß pagσ tha⌠ occurreΣ afte≥ thσ ì
seconΣ disδ access« Thσ thirΣ versioε cureΣ thσ ì
problem¼ o≥ seemeΣ t∩ anΣ tooδ carσ oµ somσ oµ thσ ì
inconvienence¼ bu⌠ neve≥ go⌠ releaseΣ t∩ thσ public« ì
DBL┤ cure≤ thσ problem≤ froφ DBL│ anΣ contain≤ ß numbe≥ ì
oµ ne≈ options¼ includinτ aε assortmen⌠ oµ prin⌠ modσ ì
option≤ anΣ ß se⌠ prin⌠ forma⌠ options.
Iµ ß filenamσ i≤ specifieΣ wheε thσ prograφ i≤ calleΣ ì
u≡ a≤ i⌠ wa≤ iε DBL2¼ sucΦ as:
Al∞ oµ thσ defaul⌠ option≤ arσ takeε anΣ printinτ ì
proceed≤ jus⌠ a≤ iε DBL2.
Iµ n∩ filenamσ i≤ specified¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ promp⌠ ì
fo≥ ß filename« Thi≤ filenamσ i≤ entereΣ iε thσ ì
followinτ format:
Wherσ 'Dº i≤ thσ drivσ t∩ bσ useΣ (┴ thr⌡ P)¼ ì
'FILENAMEº i≤ thσ primar∙ filσ namσ oµ eigh⌠ o≥ les≤ ì
characters¼ 'TYPº i≤ thσ secondar∙ namσ (TYPE⌐ iε threσ ì
o≥ fewe≥ characters« Thσ prograφ assume≤ tha⌠ thσ ì
seconΣ characte≥ wil∞ bσ ß coliε (':')¼ iµ ß drivσ i≤ ì
beinτ specified¼ otherwisσ thσ defaul⌠ drivσ wil∞ bσ ì
used« Iµ thσ 'FILENAMEº i≤ morσ thaε eigh⌠ (8⌐ ì
character≤ iε lengtΦ o≥ iµ thσ do⌠ separatinτ i⌠ froφ ì
thσ 'TYPº i≤ omitted¼ al∞ character≤ beyonΣ thi≤ poin⌠ ì
wil∞ bσ discardeΣ unti∞ eithe≥ ß do⌠ o≥ thσ enΣ oµ thσ ì
specificatioε i≤ reached« AlthougΦ i⌠ take≤ ß carragσ ì
returε o≥ aε escapσ t∩ terminatσ thσ entry¼ inter-ì
pretatioε oµ thσ entr∙ wil∞ terminatσ iµ ß spacσ i≤ ì
entered« Finally¼ thσ previou≤ filenamσ i≤ copieΣ t∩ ß ì
buffe≥ beforσ thσ ne≈ entr∙ i≤ interpreted¼ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ ì
t∩ usσ thσ samσ filσ specification¼ yo⌡ merel∙ neeΣ t∩ ì
pres≤ thσ [Escape] key.
Afte≥ thσ filenamσ i≤ entered¼ eacΦ valiΣ printe≥ modσ ì
i≤ showε alonτ witΦ ß promp⌠ fo≥ you≥ choice« A⌠ thi≤ ì
poin⌠ thσ compute≥ wil∞ bσ waitinτ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ pres≤ ß ì
numeriπ ke∙ iε thσ rangσ oµ ▒ thr⌡ 7¼ iµ yo⌡ ente≥ aε ì
invaliΣ option¼ you'l∞ ge⌠ t∩ d∩ i⌠ over« A≤ sooε a≤ ì
yo⌡ pres≤ ß valiΣ key¼ it'l∞ prin⌠ thσ correspondinτ ì
modσ (iµ yo⌡ goofeΣ there'≤ ß wa∙ out).
Nex⌠ it'l∞ asδ firs⌠ fo≥ thσ star⌠ page¼ theε thσ ì
finisΦ page« Yo⌡ caε ke∙ iε an∙ decima∞ numbe≥ yo⌡ ì
want¼ bu⌠ i⌠ onl∙ see≤ number≤ froφ ░ thr⌡ 65535¼ bu⌠ ì
you'l∞ havσ t∩ pres≤ thσ returε ke∙ t∩ tel∞ i⌠ wheε yo⌡ ì
arσ enterinτ ß number« B∙ thσ way¼ don'⌠ ke∙ iε ì
anythinτ tha⌠ isn'⌠ ß decima∞ digi⌠ (░ t∩ 9)¼ i⌠ ì
terminate≤ thσ numbe≥ wheε i⌠ see≤ anythinτ tha⌠ isn'⌠ ì
ß decima∞ digit« Iµ yo⌡ ente≥ ß finisΦ pagσ tha⌠ come≤ ì
beforσ thσ star⌠ page¼ i⌠ wil∞ no⌠ accep⌠ it¼ ì
additionally¼ al∞ start≤ arσ roundeΣ dowε t∩ thσ ì
neares⌠ odΣ number¼ al∞ finishe≤ u≡ t∩ thσ neares⌠ eveε ì
Thσ pagσ forma⌠ come≤ next« Thσ prograφ print≤ eacΦ ì
item¼ theε thσ defaul⌠ anΣ wait≤ fo≥ you≥ input« I⌠ ì
want≤ ß number¼ a≤ above¼ bu⌠ onl∙ accept≤ number≤ iε ì
thσ rangσ oµ ░ thr⌡ 255« Thσ prompt≤ are:
Page Height (Default = ###): <in lines>
Page Width (Default = ###): <in characters>
Left Margin (Default = ###): <in characters>
Right Margin (Default = ###): <in characters>
Center Gap (Default = ###): <in characters>
Top Margin (Default = ###): <in lines>
Bottom Margin (Default = ###): <in lines>
Afte≥ al∞ oµ thσ forma⌠ option≤ arσ entered¼ i⌠ doe≤ ì
somσ mathmatics« Iµ somethinτ goe≤ wronτ iε thσ ì
mathmatics¼ yo⌡ ge⌠ t∩ d∩ thσ forma⌠ over.
Oncσ i⌠ ha≤ al∞ oµ thσ above¼ i⌠ wil∞ sho≈ wha⌠ i⌠ got¼ ì
anΣ wai⌠ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ approvσ i⌠ b∙ pressinτ thσ returε ì
key« Iµ yo⌡ pres≤ thσ returε key¼ it'l∞ reaΣ thσ disδ ì
anΣ star⌠ printing« Yo⌡ caε interup⌠ thσ printinτ b∙ ì
pressinτ thσ 'Pº key¼ theε resumσ b∙ pressinτ thσ 'Pº ì
agaiε ¿ 'pº anΣ Ctl-╨ d∩ thσ samσ thinτ )« Wheε thσ ì
printinτ i≤ donσ i⌠ wil∞ returε t∩ thσ filenamσ prompt.
Yo⌡ caε exi⌠ thσ prograφ a⌠ an∙ timσ b∙ enterinτ Ctl-Q¼ ì
enterinτ ß Ctl-╪ wil∞ returε yo⌡ t∩ thσ filenamσ ì
prompt« Pressinτ thσ Escapσ ke∙ whilσ printinτ i≤ ì
goinτ oε wil∞ als∩ returε yo⌡ t∩ thσ filenamσ prompt« ì
Additionally¼ thσ Escapσ ke∙ wil∞ takσ thσ default≤ fo≥ ì
al∞ oµ thσ item≤ iε ß serie≤ oµ prompts« ┴ singlσ ì
defaul⌠ caε bσ takeε b∙ merel∙ pressinτ thσ Returε ke∙ ì
fo≥ an∙ promp⌠ excep⌠ fo≥ thσ prin⌠ mode.
Differen⌠ stroke≤ fo≥ differen⌠ folks« Therσ arσ morσ ì
differen⌠ printer≤ oε thσ marke⌠ thaε ╔ kno≈ about¼ ì
eacΦ oµ theφ take≤ ß differen⌠ sequencσ oµ contro∞ ì
codes« Fortunatel∙ Epsoε anΣ Okidatß seeφ t∩ bσ takinτ ì
u≡ thσ majo≥ portioε oµ thσ market¼ s∩ I'vσ writteε ì
overlay≤ fo≥ botΦ oµ them« Thσ onl∙ onσ tha⌠ ╔ aφ ì
absolutel∙ surσ work≤ i≤ thσ Epsoε RX-80¼ becausσ ì
that'≤ wha⌠ I'vσ got« Thσ tw∩ overla∙ file≤ arσ nameΣ ì
DBLEPSON.OV╥ ª DBLOKI.OVR¼ respectively¼ ge⌠ thσ onσ ì
tha⌠ matche≤ you≥ printe≥ anΣ renamσ i⌠ witΦ ß .AS═ ì
type« Usσ AS═ t∩ assemblσ i⌠ aε makσ ß .HE╪ file« No≈ ì
usσ DD╘ t∩ combinσ DBL4.CO═ anΣ thσ overla∙ a≤ follows:
A>DDT DBL4.COM Call up DDT & tell it to read
DDT VERS 2.2 (Note that DDT signs on with
NEXT PC information about itself and
0E00 0100 DBL4.COM)
-DD20,D3F Tell DDT to display last two
lines of program.
0D20 00 0A 50 61 67 65 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ..Page 1....
0D30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
-IDBLOKI.HEX Input overlay filename.hex
-R Read overlay
NEXT PC DDTs reply
0E00 0100
-G0 Exit DDT
A>SAVE 13 DBL+.COM Savσ thσ overlayeΣ filσ witΦ ß
ne≈ name - don't use old name.
A>DDT Call up DDT again
DDT VERS 2.2 This time theres not much sign on
because no other file was read
-F100,1000,FF Fill bottom of TPA with 0FFH
-IDBL+.COM Insert name of modified version
-R Read modified version
NEXT PC DDTs reply
0E00 0100
-DD20,D3F Tell DDT to display last two
lines of program (should match previous)
0D20 00 0A 50 61 67 65 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ..Page 1....
0D30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
If these lines match the previous dump,
then the new version is all there
-F5C,FF,20 Clear out the default file control block
(If you don't do this, it'll try to print
-G100 Start program running...and test options
If it works properly you can rename it
otherwise you get to try the
proceedure over again.
Therσ ha≤ t∩ bσ ß few¼ therσ alway≤ is¼ additionall∙ ì
somσ oµ thσ ne≈ feature≤ ma∙ no⌠ bσ implimenteΣ ver∙ ì
wel∞ anΣ neeΣ somσ refinement¼ s∩ don'⌠ thinδ thi≤ i≤ ì
thσ ultimatσ version.
┴ numbe≥ oµ peoplσ havσ askeΣ fo≥ ß do⌠ commanΣ ì
interpreter« ╔ supposσ tha⌠ it'≤ possiblσ t∩ do¼ bu⌠ ì
thσ problem≤ tha⌠ comσ u≡ wheε printinτ t∩ page≤ a⌠ ì
oncσ seeφ monumenta∞ righ⌠ now« Doinτ somσ oµ thσ ì
thing≤ tha⌠ program≤ likσ WordSta≥ d∩ i≤ fairl∙ eas∙ t∩ ì
d∩ wheε there'≤ onl∙ onσ page« Wheε there'≤ tw∩ page≤ ì
thing≤ likσ emphasizeΣ prin⌠ that'≤ oε severa∞ line≤ oµ ì
onσ pagσ bu⌠ no⌠ oε thσ othe≥ a⌠ all¼ i≤ morσ thaε ß ì
littlσ bi⌠ tricky« Doinτ heading≤ anΣ footing≤ posσ ì
simila≥ problems.
Thσ outpu⌠ froφ DB╠ look≤ sor⌠ oµ likσ thσ wa∙ tha⌠ ß ì
printinτ compan∙ woulΣ se⌠ u≡ thei≥ printinτ fo≥ ß ì
book« Publisher≤ usσ ß methoΣ oµ puttinτ thσ page≤ ì
togethe≥ knowε a≤ ß printer≤ gallery¼ thσ las⌠ anΣ ì
firs⌠ page≤ arσ oε thσ samσ sidσ oµ shee⌠ (iε tha⌠ ì
order⌐ anΣ thσ seconΣ anΣ nex⌠ t∩ las⌠ arσ oε thσ othe≥ ì
(iε tha⌠ order)« Thi≤ mean≤ tha⌠ thσ star⌠ oµ al∞ oµ ì
thσ page≤ havσ t∩ bσ locateΣ beforσ thσ printinτ ì
begins« Theε al∞ oµ botΦ page≤ ha≤ t∩ bσ iε memor∙ a⌠ ì
thσ timσ thσ printinτ begins« I⌠ coulΣ bσ done¼ bu⌠ ì
no⌠ ver∙ easily...it'≤ bette≥ t∩ prin⌠ thσ page≤ onσ b∙ ì
onσ anΣ tapσ theφ togethe≥ iε thσ prope≥ order.
Ho≈ abou⌠ sendinτ thσ outpu⌠ t∩ thσ consolσ o≥ t∩ ß ì
disδ file« BotΦ arσ possible¼ bu⌠ I'vσ haΣ abou⌠ al∞ ì
oµ thσ rampan⌠ featureitiu≤ tha⌠ ╔ caε takσ fo≥ now« ì
Maybσ thi≤ winter.