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736 lines
include BDS.LIB
include EPDATA
.request EPEXEC
.comment `
/* Initialization of Epson & other things */
{ int i;
loadi(0); /* initialize values using 'ep.ini';
sets mode and tabwid */
emode = tallflag = 0;
pn = 1;
outbuf = xoutbuf;
attrbuf = xattrbuf;
widbuf = xwidbuf;
spdots = skdots = 0;
vposition = tm;
brccount = brcpt[0] = 0;
PTESCCH('@'); /* Epson master reset */
unidir = FALSE;
/* This was for broken 8th bit on Sluder
; loadi(0); /* initialize values using 'ep.ini';
; sets mode and tabwid */
lxi h,0
push h
call loadi##
pop d
; emode = tallflag = 0;
xra a
sta tallflag
lxi h,0
shld emode ;done by mreset(0) below?
; pn = 1;
inx h
shld pn
; outbuf = xoutbuf;
; attrbuf = xattrbuf;
; widbuf = xwidbuf;
lxi h,xoutbuf
shld outbuf
lxi h,xattrbuf
shld attrbuf
lxi h,xwidbuf
shld widbuf
; newinline();
; newoutline();
call newinline##
call newoutline##
; spdots = skdots = 0;
lxi h,0
shld skdots
;?? shld spdots (not currently used)
; vposition = tm;
;;; - hm
; lhld tm
; xchg
; lhld hm
; call cmh
; dad d
lxi h,-1 ;HM now 0 -- paperup will init this
shld vposition
; brccount = brcpt[0] = 0;
lxi h,0
shld brcpt
shld brccount
; PTESCCH('@'); /* Epson master reset */
;call mreset first to init bios vector in presc routine
lxi h,0
push h
call mreset##
pop d
mvi a,'@'
call presc1##
; unidir = FALSE;
mvi a,0
sta unidir
; mreset(mode);
lhld mode
push h
call mreset##
pop d
; newfonts();
jmp newfonts##
.comment `
int errn;
{ errcode = errn;
pop d
pop h
shld errcode
; lxi h,$errprog
; push h
; call exec##
call epexec##
lxi h,$errmsg
; push h
call puts##
lxi h,-1
push h
; call exit## ;or call exit ??
call .exit
; db 'EPERROR',0
db 0AH,0AH,'ERROR',0AH,0
.comment `
/* Load in from disk one font of graphics data */
int fntreq;
int fdft, i, k, ftrecs;
char fullname[17];
/* if no more room, load over last font */
if (fntreq == NUMFTS)
{ fntreq--;
ftp[fntreq] = 0;
/* maybe already loaded? */
if (ftp[fntreq]) return(0);
errtype = fntreq;
if ((fdft = open(fullname,0)) == ERROR)
{puts("\nno font\n"); eperror(120+fntreq);}
/* read the index to where data for each char is */
if (read(fdft, fix[fntreq], 2) != 2)
{puts("\nbad font\n"); eperror(130+fntreq);}
/* only read enough of the font to get info for char's
up to ascii nul (which is not used) */
ftrecs = (fix[fntreq][127]+127)/128;
/* get memory space -- overwrite old fonts, if necessary */
k = nextft - 1;
( !(ftp[fntreq] = alloc(ftrecs * 128))
&& k > 0
{ if (k == fntreq) { k--; continue; }
if (ftp[k]) free(ftp[k]);
ftp[k] = 0;
/* this should never happen */
if (!ftp[fntreq]) eperror(111);
if (read(fdft, ftp[fntreq], ftrecs) != ftrecs)
/* calculate widths of characters for later reference */
ftlen[fntreq][0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 127; i++)
ftlen[fntreq][i] = (fix[fntreq][i+1] - fix[fntreq][i])/3;
pop d
pop h
push h
push d
push b
;B = fntreq
mov b,l
; /* if no more room, load over last font */
; if (fntreq == NUMFTS)
mov a,b
jnz .ldf1
; { fntreq--;
dcr b
dcr l
; free(ftp[fntreq]);
;HL still = fntreq
dad h
lxi d,ftp
dad d
push h ;for next stmt
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
;check if allocated?
; push d
call free##
; pop d
; ftp[fntreq] = 0;
; }
pop h
xra a
mov m,a
inx h
mov m,a
; /* maybe already loaded? */
; if (ftp[fntreq]) return(0);
mov l,b
mvi h,0
dad h
lxi d,ftp
dad d
mov a,m
inx h
ora m
jz .ldf2
lxi h,0
pop b
; errtype = fntreq;
mov l,b
mvi h,0
shld errtype
;if drive prefix was stored with name, don't add another
call getftn##
;(2 copies for later)
push h
push h
inx h
mov a,m
cpi ':'
; fprefix(fullname);
lxi h,fullname
;nul in case go directly to strcat
mvi m,0
;well, was it a colon? then don't get def. prefix
jz .ldf2a
push h
call fprefix##
pop d
;first copy ftname ptr (one still on stack)
pop h
; strcat(fullname,ftname[fntreq]);
; call getftn##
; push h
mov a,m
ani 80h
sta itsagf
mov a,m
push psw
ani 7fh
mov m,a
lxi h,fullname
call strcat##
pop psw
;use 2nd copy of ftname ptr to restore 1st char as was
pop h
mov m,a
; strcat(fullname,".FN2");
lxi d,$xtbtp
; lda itsagf
; ora a
ani 80h
jnz $+6
lxi d,$xtfn2
lxi h,fullname
call strcat##
; if ((fdft = open(fullname,0)) == ERROR)
lxi h,0
push h
lxi h,fullname
push h
call open##
pop d
pop d
shld fdft
inx h
mov a,h
ora l
jnz .ldf3
; {puts("\nno font\n"); eperror(120+fntreq);}
lxi h,$no_font
call puts##
lxi d,120
.ldf2b: mov l,b
mvi h,0
dad d
push h
call eperror
; /* read the index to where data for each char is */
; if (read(fdft, fix[fntreq], 2) != 2)
lxi h,2
push h
mov h,b
mvi l,0 ;fntreq*100h
lxi d,fix
dad d
lda itsagf
ora a
jz .ldf3a
pop d ;discard 2 (rec count)
call fixfake
jmp .ldf4
push h
lhld fdft
push h
call read##
pop d
pop d
pop d
dcx h
dcx h
mov a,h
ora l
jz .ldf4
; {puts("\nbad font\n"); eperror(130+fntreq);}
lxi h,$bad_font
; push h
call puts##
; pop d
lxi d,130
jmp .ldf2b
; /* only read enough of the font to get info for char's
; up to ascii nul (which is not used) */
; ftrecs = (fix[fntreq][127]+127)/128;
mov h,b
mvi l,0
lxi d,fix + 127*2
dad d
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
lxi h,127
dad d
push h
lxi h,128
call usdiv
shld ftrecs
pop h
mvi a,80h
ana l
mov l,a
shld ftbytes
; /* get memory space -- overwrite old fonts, if necessary */
; k = nextft - 1;
;C = k
lda nextft
dcr a
mov c,a
; while
; ( !(ftp[fntreq] = alloc(ftrecs * 128))
; && k > 0
; )
mov l,b
mvi h,0
dad h
lxi d,ftp
dad d
push h
lhld ftbytes
; push h
call alloc##
; pop d
pop h
mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d
mov a,d
ora e
jnz .ldf8a
mov a,c
ora a
jz .ldf8
; { if (k == fntreq) { k--; continue; }
cmp b
jnz .ldf6
dcr c
jmp .ldf5
; if (ftp[k]) free(ftp[k]);
mov l,c
mvi h,0
dad h
lxi d,ftp
dad d
push h ;for next stmt
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
mov a,d
ora e
; push d
cnz free##
; pop d
; ftp[k] = 0;
pop h
xra a
mov m,a
inx h
mov m,a
; k--;
; }
dcr c
jmp .ldf5
; /* this should never happen */
; if (!ftp[fntreq]) eperror(111);
;to here from above only if nothing allocated, and k = 0
lxi h,111
push h
call eperror
; if (read(fdft, ftp[fntreq], ftrecs) != ftrecs)
; eperror(130+fntreq);
lhld ftrecs
push h
mov l,b
mvi h,0
dad h
lxi d,ftp
dad d
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
push d
lhld fdft
push h
call read##
pop d
pop d
pop d
lhld ftrecs
call eqwel
jz .ldf10
mov l,b
mvi h,0
lxi d,130
dad d
push h
call eperror
; fabort(fdft);
; lhld fdft
; push h
lda fdft
call fabort##
; pop d
; /* calculate widths of characters for later reference */
; ftlen[fntreq][0] = 0;
mov l,b
mvi h,0
; lxi d,128
; call usmul
dad h
dad h
dad h
dad h
dad h
dad h
dad h
lxi d,ftlen
dad d
mvi m,0
lda itsagf
ora a
jnz lenfake
; for (i = 1; i < 127; i++)
;C = i
mvi c,1
mov a,c
cpi 127
jnc .ldf12
; ftlen[fntreq][i] = (fix[fntreq][i+1] - fix[fntreq][i])/3;
; mov l,b
; mvi h,0
; lxi d,128
; call usmul
; lxi d,ftlen
; dad d
inx h
push h
mov h,b
mvi l,0
lxi d,fix
dad d
mov l,c
mvi h,0
;word array
dad h
dad d
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
;DE = fix[fntreq][i]
push d
inx h
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
;HL = fix[fntreq][i+1]
pop d
;- fix[fntreq][i]
call cmd
dad d
lxi d,3
call usdiv
pop h
mov m,e
inr c
jmp .ldf11
; return(0);
.ldf12: lxi h,0
pop b
;make up char lens for graphics font -- each is 0ffh
;HL points to the ftlen for this font on entry
xra a
mvi c,0ffh
mov b,a
.lfak1: mov m,b
cpi '@'
jc .lfak2
cpi '@'+40
jnc .lfak2
mov m,c
inx h
inr a
cpi 128
jnz .lfak1
jmp .ldf12
;make up a directory for graphics font
;HL points to the fix for this font on entry
push b
xra a
lxi d,0
lxi b,450
.ffak1: mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d
inx h
cpi '@'
jc .ffak2
cpi '@'+40
jnc .ffak2
xchg ;if char in range, len was 450
dad b
inr a
cpi 128
jnz .ffak1
pop b
$xtfn2: db '.FN2',0
$xtbtp: db '.BTP',0
itsagf: db 0
$no_font: db 0AH,'no font',0AH,0
$bad_font: db 0AH,'bad font',0AH,0
ftrecs: dw 0
ftbytes: dw 0
fdft: dw 0
;fullname: ds 17