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854 lines
include BDSYM.EQU
include EPDATA
.comment `
/* Move print head to beginning of line and down*/
/* accumulated 'skdots' */
int needmore;
{ /* here page */
if (skdots < 0)
if (mx) skdots = 0;
if (vposition + skdots < 0) skdots = -vposition;
vposition += skdots;
while (skdots <= -216)
{ PTESCCH('j'); PTCH(216);
skdots += 216;
if (skdots < 0)
{ PTESCCH('j'); PTCH(-skdots);
skdots = 0;
if (vposition + skdots + needmore + bm > pl)
{ if (!fm) skdots = pl - vposition + tm;
{ skdots = pl - bm + fm - vposition;
vposition = 0;
skdots += bm - vposition + tm;
vposition = tm;
else vposition += skdots;
while (skdots >= 216)
{ PTESCCH('J'); PTCH(216);
skdots -= 216;
if (!skdots) return;
PTESCCH('J'); PTCH(skdots);
skdots = 0;
} `
;call paperup before printing a line, to do accumulated skips and
; if necessary, footing and heading lines
pop d
pop h
push h
push d
;if called while doing a title, don't trigger page break
lda nospec
ora a
jnz ejct
;if this will be the first line of a paragraph, add
; widow threshhold to needmore
lda val + 54*('P'-'@') + 2*('P'-'@')
ora a
jz .ppm1
lhld val + 54*('W'-'@') + 2*('I'-'@')
dad d
push h ;save needmore
;if vposition is -1, this is the very first time we are being
; called, so initialize vposition, and do top of page business
lhld vposition
inx h
mov a,h
ora l
jnz .tti0
;init _savec
lda ec
sta _savec
lhld tm
lhld hm
call cmh
dad d
shld vposition
lhld skdots
push h
lxi h,0
shld skdots
call ttitle
pop d
lhld skdots
dad d
shld skdots
pop h
call ejct
;call ttitle to check if time to print heading, and if so do it
;also, here is a good place to set noprint flag, if pn is out of range
;(well, it's a place, anyway)
lhld pn
; before beginning page?
lhld bp
mov a,h
ora l
jz .pchk2
call albu
mvi a,0
jc .pchk3 ;(noprint)
; after ending page?
.pchk2: lhld ep
mov a,h
ora l
jz .pchk4
call blau ;c if pn > ep
mvi a,0
jnc .pchk4 ;(yes print)
.pchk3: inr a
.pchk4: sta noprint
;see if time to print heading
lda hdgdone
ora a
;otherwise, if heading is not requested, just skip down to tm
lhld hm
mov a,h
ora l
;if hm = 0, no heading
;... (this doesn't seem necessary -- would have done the 'rnc' above)
;- jz .tti1
;try just ret, instead:
;else do heading
;now print the heading
lhld val + 2*('H'-'@')
call dopageno
;and set the flag
lxi h,hdgdone
inr m
;here set skips to to tm
lhld vposition
lhld skdots
dad d
call cmh
lhld tm
dad d
;now HL is additional distance to skip to get down to tm
;don't skip up and print text over heading
lhld skdots
dad d
shld skdots
;and go do them
jmp .pu9
;; jmp .pu10
;;?? ret
;call ejct to do a conditional page
;(called once at very end from epm)
;save needmore
shld needmore
; if (skdots < 0)
; if (mx) skdots = 0;
lhld skdots
mov a,h
jnc .pu6
lda mx
ora a
jz .pu1
lxi h,0
shld skdots
jmp .pu6
; else
; {
; if (vposition + skdots < 0) skdots = -vposition;
lhld vposition
lhld skdots
dad d
mov a,h
jnc .pu2
lhld vposition
call cmh
shld skdots
; vposition += skdots;
lhld vposition
lhld skdots
dad d
shld vposition
; while (skdots <= -216)
lhld skdots
lxi d,VINCH-1
dad d
mov a,h
jnc .pu4
; { PTESCCH('j'); PTCH(216);
; skdots += 216;
; }
mvi a,'j'
call presc1##
mvi a,VINCH
call pr1##
lhld skdots
lxi d,VINCH
dad d
shld skdots
jmp .pu3
; if (skdots < 0)
.pu4: lhld skdots
mov a,h
jnc .pu5
; { PTESCCH('j'); PTCH(-skdots);
; }
; skdots = 0;
; }
mvi a,'j'
call presc1##
lhld skdots
call cmh
mov a,l
call pr1##
.pu5: lxi h,0
shld skdots
; if (vposition + skdots + needmore + bm > pl)
;see if time to do bottom of page action
;never print footing when doing heading or footing
lda nospec
ora a
jnz .pu9
lhld vposition
lhld skdots
dad d
lhld needmore
dad d
lhld bm
dad d
lhld pl
call agbs
jnc .pu9
;here it's time for a page break
;signal that we're going to want a heading on next page
xra a
sta hdgdone
;now see if we have to print a footing
; { if (!fm) skdots = pl - vposition + tm;
lhld fm
mov a,h
ora l
jnz .pu7
;no, no footing, so set skips to first line of next page
; (rest of this page and down to hm-tm on next)
lhld pl
lhld vposition
call cmh
dad d
lhld tm
dad d
lhld hm
call cmh
dad d
shld skdots
;now go set vposition
jmp .pu8
; else
; { skdots = pl - bm + fm - vposition;
;here we have to print a footing, so
; set skips down to that place
lhld pl
lhld bm
call cmh
dad d
lhld fm
dad d
lhld vposition
call cmh
dad d
shld skdots
; vposition = 0;
; dopageno();
; skdots += bm - vposition + tm;
;... and - hm
; }
;now do the footing line
;arg is address of '$f', which if 0 will give def. centered page num.
lhld val + 2*('F'-'@')
call dopageno
;next page number
lhld pn
inx h
shld pn
;set to skip over rest of this page, and down to first line of next
lhld pl
lhld vposition
call cmh
dad d
;check over past bm here?
lhld tm
dad d
lhld hm
call cmh
dad d
;(not this many ADDITIONAL dots -- just this many)
;- xchg
;- lhld skdots
;- dad d
shld skdots
; vposition = tm;
;... - hm
; }
;now set vposition to what it will be when we're done doing the
; skips that have accumulated in 'skdots'
;here we're going to be on first line of next page
lhld tm
lhld hm
call cmh
dad d
shld vposition
jmp .pu10
; else vposition += skdots;
;here we didn't hit a page break, so just add the skips in
lhld vposition
lhld skdots
dad d
shld vposition
; while (skdots >= 216)
;now do the downward skips, first by inches, then the remainder
lhld skdots
push h
lxi d,-PICA*2
dad d
mov a,h
ora a
jm .pu10.1
push h
lxi h,0
mvi a,newlin
call termput##
pop h
jmp .pu10.0
pop h
lxi d,-VINCH
dad d
mov a,h
jc .pu11
; { PTESCCH('J'); PTCH(216);
; skdots -= 216;
; }
mvi a,'J'
call presc1##
mvi a,VINCH
call pr1##
lhld skdots
lxi d,-VINCH
dad d
shld skdots
jmp .pu10
; if (!skdots) return;
lhld skdots
mov a,h
ora l
; PTESCCH('J'); PTCH(skdots);
mvi a,'J'
call presc1##
lda skdots
call pr1##
; skdots = 0;
lxi h,0
shld skdots
needmore: dw 0
;flag to remember whether have put a heading on current page yet
hdgdone: db 0 ;(initially: no)
.comment `
int soutpoint, sglen, slindent, snc, scc, sllength, sdpmode;
char sepsflag, sgrfflag, sduplflag, stallflag;
outbuf += outpoint+20;
attrbuf += outpoint+20;
widbuf += outpoint+20;
soutpoint = outpoint;
slindent = lindent[cc];
sglen = glen;
snc = nc; scc = cc;
sllength = llength;
sepsflag = epsflag;
sgrfflag = grfflag;
stallflag = tallflag;
sduplflag = duplflag;
glen = outpoint = lindent[0] = nc = cc = 0;
epsflag = grfflag = tallflag = duplflag = FALSE;
llength = ll - ir;
sdpmode = mode; mode = 0x100;
outbuf = xoutbuf;
attrbuf = xattrbuf;
widbuf = xwidbuf;
outpoint = soutpoint;
nc = snc; cc = scc;
lindent[cc] = slindent;
glen = sglen;
llength = sllength;
epsflag = sepsflag;
grfflag = sgrfflag;
tallflag = stallflag;
duplflag = sduplflag;
mode = sdpmode;
} `
; outbuf += outpoint+20;
; attrbuf += outpoint+20;
; widbuf += outpoint+20;
;save address of heading string
shld _hdgstrng
;flag disable global print mode features
lxi h,nospec
mov a,m
ora a
mvi m,1
lhld outpoint
push h
lhld endovr
call albu
jnc $+4
xchg ;if outpoint < endovr, use latter
; lxi d,20
; dad d
; xchg
lhld outbuf
push h
dad d
shld outbuf
dad h
lhld attrbuf
push h
dad d
shld attrbuf
lhld widbuf
push h
dad d
shld widbuf
; soutpoint = outpoint;
; slindent = lindent[cc]; (need only save indent[0])
; sglen = glen;
lhld lindent
push h
lhld glen
push h
; snc = nc; scc = cc;
lhld nc
push h
lhld cc
push h
; sllength = llength;
lhld llength
push h
; sepsflag = epsflag;
; sgrfflag = grfflag;
; stallflag = tallflag;
; sduplflag = duplflag;
lda brkflag
push psw
lxi h,bkaft
mov a,m
mvi m,0
push psw
lda epsflag
push psw
lda grfflag
push psw
lda tallflag
push psw
lda duplflag
push psw
;following added in case of internal break in head or foot
lhld co
push h
lhld ju
push h
lhld endovr
push h
lhld begovr
push h
;and still more
lhld bo
push h
lhld st
push h
lhld sh
push h
lhld cheight
push h
lhld cs
push h
lhld sl
push h
lhld ke
push h
lhld cw
push h
lhld be
push h
lhld align
push h
lhld uc
push h
;must have standard escape char
lhld ec
push h
lda _savec
sta ec
; glen = outpoint = lindent[0] = nc = cc = 0;
lxi h,0
shld co
shld ju
shld cc
shld nc
; shld lindent
; shld outpoint
; shld glen
shld uc
shld align
shld be
shld cw
shld ke
shld sh
shld st
shld bo
lxi h,POINT
shld cs
dad h
shld sl
lxi h,PICA
shld cheight
; epsflag = grfflag = tallflag = duplflag = FALSE;
;(done in newoutline)
; sdpmode = mode; mode = 0x100;
lhld mode
push h
;default print mode is font 1 with all style mod's off
lxi h,0100H
shld mode
call newoutline##
;if '$footing' or '$heading' defined, use it
lhld _hdgstrng
mov a,h
ora l
jz .dpg1
call shfdirect##
call processline##
call shfdown##
jmp .dpg2
; stowc(CEFLAG);
; call newoutline##
lxi h,ceflag
push h
call stowc##
pop d
; inject(pn);
lhld pn
push h
call inject##
pop d
; gstr();
call gstr##
;restoring now done off stack
; outbuf = xoutbuf;
; attrbuf = xattrbuf;
; widbuf = xwidbuf;
pop h
shld mode
pop h
shld ec
pop h
shld uc
pop h
shld align
pop h
shld be
pop h
shld cw
pop h
shld ke
pop h
shld sl
pop h
shld cs
pop h
shld cheight
pop h
shld sh
pop h
shld st
pop h
shld bo
pop h
shld begovr
pop h
shld endovr
pop h
shld ju
pop h
shld co
pop psw
sta duplflag
pop psw
sta tallflag
pop psw
sta grfflag
pop psw
sta epsflag
pop psw
sta bkaft
pop psw
sta brkflag
pop h
shld llength
pop h
shld cc
pop h
shld nc
pop h
shld glen
pop h
shld lindent
pop h
shld widbuf
pop h
shld attrbuf
pop h
shld outbuf
pop h
shld outpoint
; pn++;
;now incr pn in ejct above
; lhld pn
; inx h
; shld pn
;flag re-enable global print mode features
xra a
sta nospec
_hdgstrng: dw 0
_savec: db 0