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1,227 lines
.comment `
This version of CCC.C is incompatible with the code generated
by the standard version of cc. It is missing sdei, etc., and
routines are at different addresses.
FALSE equ 0
USERST equ FALSE ;True to use a restart vector for CDB interfacing
RSTNUM equ 6 ;Use "RST n" as default debugger vector. Has no
;effect if USERST is false.
rstloc equ RSTNUM*8 ;Memory address where "RST n" vector falls
nfcbs equ 9 ;maximum # of files open at one time
base equ 0 ;start of ram in system (either 0 or 4200h)
.bdos equ base+5 ;the rest of these do not vary between CP/M systems.
tpa equ base+100h
tbuff equ base+80h
fcb equ base+5ch
origin equ tpa
exitad equ base ;warm boot location
cntrlc equ 3
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
newlin equ 0ah
errorv equ 255
conin equ 1 ;get a character from console
conout equ 2 ;write a character to console
lstout equ 5 ;write a character to list device
dconio equ 6 ;direct console I/O (only for CP/M 2.0)
pstrng equ 9 ;print string (terminated by '$')
getlin equ 10 ;get buffered line from console
cstat equ 11 ;get console status
select equ 14 ;select disk
openc equ 15 ;open a file
closec equ 16 ;close a file
delc equ 19 ;delete a file
reads equ 20 ;read a sector (sequential)
;writs equ 21 ;write a sector (sequential)
creatc equ 22 ;make a file
renc equ 23 ;rename file
sdma equ 26 ;set dma
gsuser equ 32 ;get/set user code
readr equ 33 ;read random sector
writr equ 34 ;write random sector
cfsizc equ 35 ;compute file size
srrecc equ 36 ;set random record
org origin
; The "lxi sp,0" instruction at the start of the code is changed by
; CLINK, if the "-t" option is NOT used, into:
; lhld base+6
; sphl
; If "-t <addr>" is used, then the sequence becomes:
; lxi sp,<addr>
; nop
; If "-n" is used, to indicate no-warm-boot, then the the sequence becomes:
; jmp snobsp
; nop
lxi sp,0 ;These two instructions change depending on whether
nop ;or not the CLINK "-t" or "-n" options are given.
jmp skpfex ;skip over the following vector (don't ask...)
fexitv: jmp exitad ;final exit vector. If "-n" used, this
;becomes address of the "nobret" routine.
skpfex: call init ;do ARGC & ARGV processing, plus misc. initializations
call _main ;go crunch!!!!
jmp vexit ;close open files and reboot
extrns: ds 2 ;set by CLINK to external data base address
cccsiz: dw _main-origin ;size of this code (for use by CLINK)
codend: ds 2 ;set by CLINK to (last addr of code + 1)
freram: ds 2 ;set by CLINK to (last addr of externals + 1)
; Jump vectors to some file i/o utility routines:
error: jmp verror ;loads -1 into HL and returns
.exit: jmp vexit ;close all open files and reboot
.close: jmp vclose ;close a file
setfcb: jmp vsetfcb ;set up fcb at HL given filename at DE
fgfd: jmp vfgfd ;return C set if file fd in A not open
fgfcb: jmp vfgfcb ;compute address of internal fcb for fd in A
setfcu: jmp vsetfcu ;set up FCB and process user number prefix
setusr: jmp vsetusr ;set user area to upper 5 bits of A, save previous
rstusr: jmp vrstusr ;restore user area to what it was before setusr call
snobsp: jmp vsnobsp ;set up SP for non-boot ("-tn") CLINK option
nobret: jmp vnobret ;return to CCP when non-boot ("-tn") in effect.
;khack: jmp vkhack ;Kirkland interrupt vector initialization
ds 3
clrex: jmp vclrex ;routine to clear external data area
;no ds 9 ;reserved
; The following routines fetch a variable value from either
; the local stack frame or the external area, given the relative
; offset of the datum required immediately following the call;
; for the "long displacement" routines, the offset must be 16 bits,
; for the "short displacement" routines, the offset must be 8 bits.
; Flag conversion routines:
; Relational operator routines: take args in DE and HL,
; and return a flag bit either set or reset.
; ==, >, < :
eqwel: mov a,l ;return Z if HL == DE, else NZ
cmp e
rnz ;if L <> E, then HL <> DE
mov a,h ;else HL == DE only if H == D
cmp d
blau: xchg ;return C if HL < DE, unsigned
albu: mov a,d ;return C if DE < HL, unsigned
cmp h
rnz ;if D <> H, C is set correctly
mov a,e ;else compare E with L
cmp l
bgau: xchg ;return C if HL > DE, unsigned
agbu: mov a,h ;return C if DE > HL, unsigned
cmp d
rnz ;if H <> D, C is set correctly
mov a,l ;else compare L with E
cmp e
blas: xchg ;return C if HL < DE, signed
albs: mov a,h ;return C if DE < HL, signed
xra d
jp albu ;if same sign, do unsigned compare
mov a,d
ora a
rp ;else return NC if DE is positive and HL is negative
stc ;else set carry, since DE is negative and HL is pos.
bgas: xchg ;return C if HL > DE, signed
agbs: mov a,h ;return C if DE > HL, signed
xra d
jp agbu ;if same sign, go do unsigned compare
mov a,h
ora a
rp ;else return NC is HL is positive and DE is negative
ret ;else return C, since HL is neg and DE is pos
; Multiplicative operators: *, /, and %:
smod: mov a,d ;signed MOD routine: return (DE % HL) in HL
push psw ;save high bit of DE as sign of result
call tstn ;get absolute value of args
call tstn
call usmod ;do unsigned mod
pop psw ;was DE negative?
ora a ;if not,
rp ; all done
mov a,h ;else make result negative
mov h,a
mov a,l
mov l,a
inx h
; nop ;maintain address compatibility with some
; nop ; pre-release v1.4's.
usmod: mov a,h ;unsigned MOD: return (DE % HL) in HL
ora l
push d
push h
call usdiv
pop d
call usmul
mov a,h
mov h,a
mov a,l
mov l,a
inx h
pop d
dad d
smul: xra a ;signed multiply: return (DE * HL) in HL
sta tmp
call tstn
call tstn
call usmul
smul2: lda tmp
mov a,h
mov h,a
mov a,l
mov l,a
inx h
tstn: mov a,h
ora a
mov h,a
mov a,l
mov l,a
inx h
lda tmp
inr a
sta tmp
usmul: push b ;unsigned multiply: return (DE * HL) in HL
call usm2
pop b
usm2: mov b,h
mov c,l
lxi h,0
usm3: mov a,b
ora c
mov a,b
mov b,a
mov a,c
mov c,a
jnc usm4
dad d
usm4: xchg
dad h
jmp usm3
usdiv: mov a,h ;unsigned divide: return (DE / HL) in HL
ora l ;return 0 if HL is 0
push b
call usd1
mov h,b
mov l,c
pop b
usd1: mvi b,1
usd2: mov a,h
ora a
jm usd3
dad h
inr b
jmp usd2
usd3: xchg
usd4: mov a,b
lxi b,0
usd5: push psw
usd6: call cmphd
jc usd7
inx b
push d
mov a,d
mov d,a
mov a,e
mov e,a
inx d
dad d
pop d
usd7: xra a
mov a,d
mov d,a
mov a,e
mov e,a
pop psw
dcr a
push psw
mov a,c
mov c,a
mov a,b
mov b,a
jmp usd6
sdiv: xra a ;signed divide: return (DE / HL) in HL
sta tmp
call tstn
call tstn
call usdiv
jmp smul2
cmphd: mov a,h ;this returns C if HL < DE
cmp d ; (unsigned compare only used
rc ; within C.CCC, not from C)
mov a,l
cmp e
; Shift operators << and >>:
sderbl: xchg ;shift DE right by L bits
shlrbe: inr e ;shift HL right by E bits
shrbe2: dcr e
xra a
mov a,h
mov h,a
mov a,l
mov l,a
jmp shrbe2
sdelbl: xchg ;shift DE left by L bits
shllbe: inr e ;shift HL left by E bits
shlbe2: dcr e
dad h
jmp shlbe2
; Routines to 2's complement HL and DE:
cmh: mov a,h
mov h,a
mov a,l
mov l,a
inx h
cmd: mov a,d
mov d,a
mov a,e
mov e,a
inx d
; The following routines yank a formal parameter value off the stack
; and place it in both HL and A (low byte), assuming the caller
; hasn't done anything to its stack pointer since IT was called.
; This routine takes the first 7 args on the stack
; and places them contiguously at the "args" ram area.
; This allows a library routine to make one call to arghak
; and henceforth have all it's args available directly
; through lhld's instead of having to hack the stack as it
; grows and shrinks. Note that arghak should be called as the
; VERY FIRST THING a function does, before even pushing BC.
;(should delete this)
arghak: lxi d,args
lxi h,4 ;pass over two return address
dad sp ;source for block move in HL
push b ;save BC
mvi b,14 ;countdown in B
arghk2: mov a,m ;copy loop
stax d
inx h
inx d
dcr b
jnz arghk2
pop b ;restore BC
; THIS POINT IN THIS SOURCE FILE (except for customizing the EQU
; statements at the beginning of the file).
;(Well, I did.)
; The following two routines are used when the "-tn" CLINK option
; was given, in order to preserve the SP value passed to the transient
; command by the CCP and return to the CCP after execution without
; performing a warm-boot.
lxi h,0 ;get CCP's SP value in HL
dad sp
shld spsav ;save it for later
lhld base+6 ;get BIOS pointer
lxi d,-2100 ;subtract size of CCP plus a fudge
dad d
sphl ;make that the new SP value
jmp tpa+3 ;and get things under way...
lhld spsav ;restore CCP's SP
ret ;return to CCP
; This routine is called first to do argc & argv processing (if
; running under CP/M) and some odds and ends initializations:
init: pop h ;store return address
shld tmp2 ; somewhere safe for the time being
;room on stack for arglst and comlin and fcbt
lxi h,-36*nfcbs
dad sp
shld .fcbt
lxi h,-131 -36*nfcbs
dad sp
shld .comlin
lxi h,-131-60 -36*nfcbs
dad sp
shld .arglst
; nop
dcx h
dcx h
;this is now arglst-2
;for now, let's keep total bytes the same 'til ram
push h
;Initialize storage allocation pointers:
lhld freram ;get address after end of externals
shld allocp ;store at allocation pointer (for "sbrk.")
; lxi h,1000 ;default safety space between stack and
;try 256
;(now a constant)
;- lxi h,100H
;- shld alocmx ; highest allocatable address in memory
; (for use by "sbrk".).
;(revise lib so don't need this stuff)
;Initialize random seed:
; lxi h,59dch ;let's stick something wierd into the
; shld rseed ;first 16 bits of the random-number seed
;Initialize I/O hack locations:
; mvi a,0dbh ;"in" op, for "in xx; ret" subroutine
; sta iohack
; mvi a,0d3h ;"out" op for "out xx; ret" subroutine
; sta iohack+3
; mvi a,0c9h ;"ret" for above sobroutines
; sta iohack+2 ;the port number is filled in by the
; sta iohack+5 ;"inp" and "outp" library routines.
; call khack ;initialize Kirkland debugger vector
;initialize raw I/O parameters
xra a
sta freeze ;clear freeze (^S) flag
sta pending ;no pending input yet
mvi a,1fh
sta .mode ;tty mode: all features enabled
mvi a,'C'-64
sta quitc ;this is the standard interrupt char
;under CP/M: clear console, process ARGC & ARGV:
mvi c,cstat ;interrogate console status to see if there
call .bdos ; happens to be a stray character there...
ora a ;(used to be `ani 1'...they tell me this works
; nop ; better for certain bizarre CP/M-"like" systems)
jz initzz
mvi c,conin ;if input present, clear it
call .bdos
lhld .comlin
lxi h,tbuff
;note that we COULD find our own name in CCP conbuf
; if we really wanted it for argv[0]
mov b,m ;first get length of it from loc. base+80h
inx h
mov a,b
ora a ;if no arguments, don't parse for argv
jnz initl
lxi d,1 ;set argc to 1 in such a case.
jmp i5
initl: mov a,m ;ok, there are arguments. parse...
stax d ;first copy command line to comlin
inx h
inx d
dcr b
jnz initl
xra a ;place zero following line
stax d
lhld .arglst ;where pointers will all go
mov b,h
mov c,l
lhld .comlin ;now compute pointers to each arg
lxi d,1 ;arg count
xra a ;clear "in a string" flag
sta tmp1
i2: mov a,m ;between args...
inx h
cpi ' '
jz i2
ora a
jz i5 ;if null byte, done with list
cpi '"'
jnz i2a ;quote?
sta tmp1 ;yes. set "in a string" flag
jmp i2b
i2a: dcx h
i2b: mov a,l ;ok, HL is a pointer to the start
stax b ;of an arg string. store it.
inx b
mov a,h
stax b
inx b
inx d ;bump arg count
i3: mov a,m
inx h ;pass over text of this arg
ora a ;if at end, all done
jz i5
push b ;if tmp1 set, in a string
mov b,a ; (so we have to ignore spaces)
lda tmp1
ora a
mov a,b
pop b
jz i3a
cpi '"' ;we are in a string.
jnz i3 ;check for terminating quote
xra a ;if found, reset "in string" flag
sta tmp1
dcx h
mov m,a ;and stick a zero byte after the string
inx h ;and go on to next arg
i3a: cpi ' ' ;now find the space between args
jnz i3
dcx h ;found it. stick in a zero byte
mvi m,0
inx h
jmp i2 ;and go on to next arg
i5: push d ;all done finding args. Set argc.
mvi b,3*nfcbs ;now initialize all the file info
lxi h,fdt ;by zeroing the fd table)
i6: mvi m,0
inx h
dcr b
jnz i6
call clrex ;clear externals, if CLINK -z option NOT used
xra a
sta ungetl ;clear the push-back byte,
sta errnum ;and file error code
lhld tmp2
pchl ;all done initializing.
; The following routine gets called to clear the external
; data area, unless the CLINK "-z" option is used.
vclrex: lhld freram ;clear externals
lhld extrns
call cmh
dad d ;HL now holds size of external data area
clrex1: mov a,h ;loop till done
ora l
dcx d
dcx h
xra a
stax d
jmp clrex1
; Initialize Kirkland interrupt vector... enables
; programs compiled with "-k" to run without the debugger:
; General purpose error value return routine:
verror: lxi h,-1 ;general error handler...just
ret ;returns -1 in HL
; Here are file I/O handling routines, only needed under CP/M:
; Close any open files and reboot:
;if under CP/M, close all open files
mvi a,7+nfcbs ;start with largest possible fd
exit1: push psw ;and scan all fd's for open files
call vfgfd ;is file whose fd is in A open?
jc exit2 ;if not, go on to next fd
mov l,a ;else close the associated file
mvi h,0
push h
call vclose
pop h
exit2: pop psw
dcr a ;and go on to next one
cpi 7
jnz exit1
jmp fexitv ;done closing...now return
; to CP/M or whatever.
; Close the file whose fd is 1st arg:
; call ma1toh ;get fd in A
pop d
pop h
mov a,l
push h
push d
sta ..fd
call vfgfd ;see if it is open
jc verror ;if not, complain
mov a,m
call setusr ;set user area to match current fd
ani 4 ;check if open for writing
IF NOT MPM2 ;if not MP/M, and
jz close2 ;the file isn't open for write, don't bother to close
push h ;save fd table entry addr
; call ma2toh ;get the fd in A again
lda ..fd
push b
call vfgfcb ;get the appropriate fcb address
xchg ;put it in DE
mvi c,closec ;get BDOS function # for close
call .bdos ;and do it!
pop b
pop h
close2: call rstusr ;reset user number to original state
mvi m,0 ;close the file logically
cpi 255 ;if 255 came back from .bdos, we got problems
lxi h,0
rnz ;return 0 if OK
dcx h ;return -1 on error
..fd: ds 1
; Determine status of file whose fd is in A...if the file
; is open, return Cy clear and with the address of the fd table
; entry for the open file in HL. If the file is not open,
; return Cy set:
vfgfd: mov d,a
sui 8
rc ;if fd < 8, error
cpi nfcbs
cmc ;don't allow too big an fd either
push d
mov e,a ;OK, we have a value in range. Now
mvi d,0 ; see if the file is open or not
lxi h,fdt
dad d ;offset for 3-byte table entries
dad d
dad d
mov a,m
ani 1 ;bit 0 is high if file is open
pop d
mov a,d
rz ;return C set if not open
ret ;else reset C and return
; Set up a CP/M file control block at HL with the file whose
; simple null-terminated name is pointed to by DE:
; Format for filename must be: "[white space][d:]filename.ext"
; The user number prefix hack is NOT recognized by this subroutine.
push b
call igwsp ;ignore blanks and tabs
push h ;save fcb ptr
inx d ;peek at 2nd char of filename
ldax d
dcx d
cpi ':' ;default disk byte value is 0
mvi a,0 ; (for currently logged disk)
jnz setf1
ldax d ;oh oh...we have a disk designator
call mapuc ;make it upper case
sui 'A'-1 ;and fudge it a bit
inx d ;advance DE past disk designator to filename
inx d
setf1: mov m,a ;set disk byte
inx h
mvi b,8
call setnm ;set filename, pad with blanks
call setnm3 ;ignore extra characters in filename
ldax d
cpi '.' ;if an extension is given,
jnz setf2
inx d ;skip the '.'
setf2: mvi b,3
call setnm ;set the extension field and pad with blanks
xra a ;and zero the appropriate fields of the fcb
mov m,a
lxi d,20
dad d
mov m,a
inx h
mov m,a ;zero random record bytes of fcb
inx h
mov m,a
inx h
mov m,a
pop d
pop b
; This routine copies up to B characters from (DE) to (HL),
; padding with blanks on the right. An asterisk causes the rest
; of the field to be padded with '?' characters:
setnm: push b
setnm1: ldax d
cpi '*' ;wild card?
mvi a,'?' ;if so, pad with ? characters
jz pad2
setnm2: ldax d
call legfc ;next char legal filename char?
jc pad ;if not, go pad for total of B characters
mov m,a ;else store
inx h
inx d
dcr b
jnz setnm1 ;and go for more if B not yet zero
pop b
setnm3: ldax d ;skip rest of filename if B chars already found
call legfc
inx d
jmp setnm3
pad: mvi a,' ' ;pad with B blanks
pad2: mov m,a ;pad with B instances of char in A
inx h
dcr b
jnz pad2
pop b
; Process filename having optional user area number prefix of form "<u#>/",
; return the effective user area number of the given filename in the upper
; 5 bits of A, and also store this value at "usrnum". Note that if no user
; number is specified, the current user area is presumed by default. After
; the user area prefix is processed, do a regular "setfcb":
; Note: a filename is considered to have a user number if the first char
; in the name is a decimal digit and the first non-decimal-digit
; character in the name is a slash (/).
push b ;save BC
push h ;save vcb pointer
call igwsp ;ignore blanks and tabs
call isdec ;decimal digit?
jnc setfc2 ;if so, go process
setfc0: push d ;save text pointer
mvi c,gsuser ;else get current effective user number
mvi e,0ffh
call .bdos ;get current user area if implemented
pop d ;restore text pointer
setfc1: rlc ;rotate into upper 5 bits of A
sta usrnum ;and save
pop h ;restore junk
pop b
jmp setfcb ;and parse rest of filename
setfc2: mvi b,0 ;clear user number counter
push d ;save text pointer in case we invalidate user prefix
setfc3: sui '0' ;save next digit value
mov c,a ; in C
mov a,b ;multiply previous sum by 10
add a ;*2
add a ;*4
add a ;*8
add b ;*9
add b ;*10
add c ;add new digit
mov b,a ;put sum in B
inx d ;look at next char in text
ldax d ;is it a digit?
call isdec
jnc setfc3 ;if so, go on looping and summing digits
cpi '/' ;make sure number is terminated by a slash
jz setfc4
pop d ;if not, entire number prefix is not really a
jmp setfc0 ; user number, so just ignore it all.
setfc4: inx d ;ok, allow the user number
pop h ;get old text pointer off the stack
mov a,b ;get user number value
jmp setfc1 ;and go store it and parse rest of filename
; Test if char in A is legal character to be in a filename:
legfc: call mapuc
cpi '.' ; '.' is illegal in a filename or extension
cpi ':' ;so is ':'
cpi 7fh ;delete is no good
cpi '!' ;if less than exclamation pt, not legal char
ret ;else good enough
; Map character in A to upper case if it is lower case:
mapuc: cpi 'a'
cpi 'z'+1
sui 32 ;if lower case, map to upper
; Ignore blanks and tabs at text pointed to by DE:
igwsp: dcx d
igwsp1: inx d
ldax d
cpi ' '
jz igwsp1
cpi 9
jz igwsp1
; Return Cy if char in A is not a decimal digit:
isdec: cpi '0'
cpi '9'+1
; This routine does one of two things, depending
; on the value passed in A.
; If A is zero, then it finds a free file slot
; (if possible), else returns C set.
; If A is non-zero, then it returns the address
; of the fcb corresponding to an open file whose
; fd happens to be the value in A, or C set if there
; is no file associated with fd.
vfgfcb: push b
ora a ;look for free slot?
mov c,a
jnz fgfc2 ;if not, go away
mvi b,nfcbs ;yes. do it...
lxi d,fdt
; lxi h,fcbt
lhld .fcbt
mvi c,8
fgfc1: ldax d
ani 1
mov a,c
jnz fgfc1a ;found free slot?
pop b ;yes. all done.
fgfc1a: push d
lxi d,36 ;fcb length to accommodate random I/O
dad d
pop d
inx d ;bump to next 3-byte table entry
inx d
inx d
inr c
dcr b
jnz fgfc1
fgfc1b: stc
pop b
ret ;return C if no more free slots
fgfc2: call vfgfd ;compute fcb address for fd in A:
jc fgfc1b ;return C if file isn't open
sui 8
mov l,a ;put (fd-8) in HL
mvi h,0
dad h ;double it
dad h ;4*a
mov d,h ;save 4*a in DE
mov e,l
dad h ;8*a
dad h ;16*a
dad h ;32*a
dad d ;36*a
xchg ;put 36*a in DE
;- lxi h,fcbt ;add to base of table
lhld .fcbt
dad d ;result in HL
mov a,c ;and return original fd in A
pop b
; The following two subroutines change the current CP/M user area for
; user with file I/O:
push b ;SET user number to upper bits of A, save current:
push h
push d
push psw ;save A
mvi c,gsuser ;get user code
mvi e,0ffh
call .bdos
sta curusr ;save current user number
pop psw ;get new user number byte
push psw
rar ;shift user number down to low bits
ani 1fh ;and mask off high order garbage
setu0: mov e,a
mvi c,gsuser ;set user code
call .bdos
pop psw
pop d
pop h
pop b
push b
push h
push d
push psw
lda curusr ;get last saved user number
jmp setu0 ;and go set current user area to that
; Ram area:
ram equ $
;no ds 20 ;reserved by BDS
errnum: ds 1 ;error code from file I/O operations
;pbase: ds 2 ;screen-DMA address
;ysize: ds 2 ;screen width
;xsize: ds 2 ;screen height
;psize: ds 2 ;screen length
;rseed: ds 8 ;the random generator seed
arg1: ds 2
arg2: ds 2
arg3: ds 2
arg4: ds 2
arg5: ds 2
arg6: ds 2
arg7: ds 2
;"arghak" puts args passed on stack here.
;iohack: ds 6 ;room for I/O subroutines for use by "inp"
;and "outp" library routines
allocp: ds 2 ;pointer to free storage for use by "sbrk" func
alocmx: dw 100H ;highest location to be made available to the
;storage allocator
;room: ds 30 ;reserved for use by BDS C system code
;uroom: ds 20 ;available for use by user
.comment `
(Too much garbage here)
tmp equ room ;this is misc. garbage space
tmp1 equ room+1
tmp2 equ room+2
tmp2a equ room+4
ungetl equ room+6 ;where characters are "ungotten"
unused equ room+7
curusr equ room+8 ;used to save current user number during file I/O
usrnum equ room+9 ;set by "setfcu" to user number of given filename
.mode equ room+10 ;tty mode
freeze equ room+11 ;true if output frozen (^S)
pending equ room+12 ;true if input character waiting
pendch equ room+13 ;if pending true, this is the character
quitc equ room+14 ;the general system abort character (^C usually)
spsav equ room+15 ;saved SP value from CCP
; equ room+17 ;where next thing goes
tmp: ds 1 ;this is misc. garbage space
tmp1: ds 1
tmp2: ds 2
tmp2a: ds 2
ungetl: ds 1 ;where characters are "ungotten"
curusr: ds 1 ;used to save current user number during file I/O
usrnum: ds 1 ;set by "setfcu" to user number of given filename
.mode: ds 1 ;tty mode
freeze: ds 1 ;true if output frozen (^S)
pending:ds 1 ;true if input character waiting
pendch: ds 1 ;if pending true, this is the character
quitc: ds 1 ;the general system abort character (^C usually)
spsav: ds 2 ;saved SP value from CCP
echo equ 1 ;masks for "mode" byte...echo mode
quit equ 2 ;quit enabled
flow equ 4 ;^S/^Q protocol honored
strip equ 8 ;strip parity
expand equ 16 ;expand '\n' into CR-LF on output
; The fcb table (fcbt): 36 bytes per file control block
;fcbt: ds 36*nfcbs ;reserve room for fcb's (extra byte for IMDOS)
; The fd table: one byte per file specifying r/w/open as follows:
; bit 0 is high if open, low if closed
; bit 1 is high if open for read
; bit 2 is high if open for write (both b1 and b2 may be high)
; bits 3-7 contain the user number in which the file is active (0-31)
fdt: ds 3*nfcbs ;3 bytes per fcb: 1 for active, r/w, etc., and
; 2 to specify highest sector num seen
; The command line is copied here by init:
; End of CP/M-only data area
.fcbt: ds 2
.comlin: ds 2
.arglst: ds 2
_main equ $ ;where "main" program will be loaded under CP/M