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GFONTS.LBR 1987-01-25
Thσ font≤ iε thi≤ librar∙ werσ createΣ fo≥ usσ witΦ GEEFONT¼ ß ì
publiπ domaiε NL╤ printe≥ prograφ fo≥ GeminΘ anΣ Epsoε printers¼ ì
and¼ iε thσ samσ spiri⌠ a≤ GEEFONT¼ ╔ aφ hereb∙ placinτ theφ iε ì
thσ publiπ domain.
AlthougΦ GEEFON╘ lack≤ certaiε formattinτ capabilitie≤ founΣ iε ì
othe≥ NL╤ printe≥ softwarσ sucΦ a≤ BRADFOR─ (eg« - proportiona∞ ì
printing¼ thσ capabilit∙ t∩ interpre⌠ anΣ handlσ Wordsta≥ ì
formattinτ commands¼ etc.)¼ i⌠ als∩ ha≤ ß numbe≥ oµ uniquσ ì
advantages¼ includinτ thσ capabilit∙ t∩ handlσ subscript≤ anΣ ì
superscripts¼ t∩ usσ ß wide≥ rangσ oµ characte≥ sizes¼ anΣ t∩ ì
handlσ extendeΣ characte≥ set≤ whicΦ ma∙ includσ scientifiπ anΣ ì
mathematica∞ symbols¼ foreigε characters¼ anΣ othe≥ graphics.
Thi≤ librar∙ offer≤ severa∞ genera∞ purposσ fon⌠ style≤ iε ß widσ ì
rangσ oµ sizes¼ includinτ ß ful∞ se⌠ oµ box-drawinτ linσ ì
graphics« ╔ havσ madσ ever∙ effor⌠ t∩ makσ eacΦ fon⌠ a≤ ì
attractivσ a≤ possiblσ a≤ wel∞ a≤ consisten⌠ withiε eacΦ style¼ ì
withiε thσ limitation≤ imposeΣ b∙ ß 9-wirσ prin⌠ head«
Thσ font≤ arσ designeΣ t∩ takσ ful∞ advantagσ oµ thσ capabilitie≤ ì
oµ GEEFONT¼ sucΦ a≤ variation≤ iε heigh⌠ anΣ width« Fo≥ example¼ ì
iε somσ oµ thσ fonts¼ especiall∙ thσ full-seriµ one≤ sucΦ a≤ thσ ì
F╘ anΣ F╥ fonts¼ thσ "m"¼ "wó anΣ certaiε othe≥ character≤ werσ ì
madσ ß fe≈ dot≤ wide≥ anΣ repositioneΣ slightl∙ t∩ stea∞ ß littlσ ì
whitσ spacσ froφ thei≥ neighbors--no⌠ quitσ proportiona∞ spacing¼ ì
bu⌠ ß noticeablσ improvemen⌠ ove≥ softwarσ tha⌠ make≤ ever∙ ì
character the same width.
Thσ origina∞ GEEFON╘ librar∙ releaseΣ b∙ it≤ autho≥ demonstrateΣ ì
thσ usσ oµ mathematica∞ symbols¼ Greeδ characters¼ etc« Thσ ì
font≤ iε thi≤ librar∙ d∩ no⌠ pursuσ thσ subjec⌠ oµ mathematica∞ ì
symbols¼ etc« sincσ thσ possibilitie≤ arσ endless¼ anΣ user≤ wil∞ ì
wan⌠ t∩ customizσ thesσ fo≥ thei≥ owε needs.
Thσ bes⌠ wa∙ t∩ seσ wha⌠ GEEFON╘ caε d∩ witΦ thi≤ librar∙ i≤ t∩ ì
tr∙ it« First¼ UNCRuncΦ GF.CZM¼ *.BZN¼ anΣ *.GZ¼ usinτ UNCRUNC╚ ì
2.│ o≥ higher« (Thσ 2╢ .BI╬ file≤ wil∞ tota∞ approximatel∙ ì
156╦ wheε UNCRunched« Thσ .DA╘ sourcσ file≤ woulΣ tota∞ ì
approximatel∙ 700╦ iµ the∙ werσ al∞ UNCRuncheΣ -- CRUNC╚ i≤ ver∙ ì
effective on files of this kind!)
Then type:è
gf allfonts.gf <-e> (default is the Gemini 10 printer)
(add -e if using an Epson printer)
Whilσ thi≤ i≤ running¼ g∩ ge⌠ ß cu≡ oµ coffee--thσ printinτ timσ ì
i≤ roughl∙ proportiona∞ t∩ thσ numbe≥ oµ bits¼ anΣ the large≥ ì
font≤ usσ aε awfu∞ lo⌠ oµ bitsí Thσ abovσ wil∞ takσ abou⌠ ß halµ ì
hour¼ dependinτ oε you≥ CP╒ speed« Thσ resul⌠ i≤ ß completσ ì
reference printout showing all fonts in all sizes.
Then try:
gf cal.gf <-e>
Note║ Fo≥ convenience¼ ╔ havσ includeΣ severa∞ oµ thσ file≤ froφ ì
thσ origina∞ GEEFONT¼ v0.0┤ library¼ anΣ havσ renameΣ somσ morσ ì
t∩ m∙ likinτ (2-characte≥ name≤ fo≥ commonl∙ useΣ file≤ savσ ß ì
lo⌠ oµ keystrokes)« GF.CO═ i≤ thσ printinτ program¼ originall∙ ì
nameΣ FONT0.COM« ╔ havσ takeε thσ libert∙ oµ patchinτ thσ namσ ì
oµ thσ defaul⌠ fon⌠ filσ iε GF.CO═ t∩ FG.BIN¼ rathe≥ thaε thσ ì
origina∞ FONTDEF.BIN« ╔ havσ no⌠ includeΣ thσ tw∩ origina∞ fon⌠ ì
files« GF.DO├ i≤ thσ origina∞ doπ file¼ whicΦ provide≤ morσ ì
detaileΣ operatinτ instructions.
╔ havσ attempteΣ t∩ kee≡ thσ fon⌠ filσ name≤ simplσ anΣ shor⌠ ì
sincσ the∙ mus⌠ bσ entereΣ int∩ thσ tex⌠ t∩ changσ fonts« Fo≥ ì
othe≥ thaε thσ standarΣ 1░ character≤ pe≥ incΦ pitch¼ ╔ havσ ì
includeΣ thσ pitcΦ iε thσ filσ name«
(Notσ t∩ GEEFON╘ autho≥ - i⌠ woulΣ bσ nicσ iµ thσ .BI╬ extensioε ì
werσ madσ ß default¼ t∩ avoiΣ havinτ t∩ typσ i⌠ iε thσ tex⌠ eacΦ ì
time« Also¼ ß mino≥ buτ iε GF.CO═ -- ^Qfxxx.bin^╤ doesn'⌠ worδ ì
a≤ pe≥ thσ .DO├ file--i⌠ lose≤ thσ las⌠ character¼ "n"« Yo⌡ havσ ì
t∩ sa∙ ^Qfxxx.biε ^Q« Suggestioε -- eliminatσ thσ seconΣ ^╤ anΣ ì
terminatσ thσ fon⌠ filσ namσ strinτ oε thσ firs⌠ spacσ character¼ ì
addinτ thσ .BI╬ extensioε automaticall∙ a≤ ß default).
Al∞ font≤ havσ thσ samσ vertica∞ spacing¼ ╢ line≤ pe≥ inch¼ ì
excep⌠ fo≥ FH╡ whicΦ i≤ ┤ line≤ pe≥ incΦ anΣ FD5¼ FB╡ anΣ FR╡ ì
whicΦ arσ │ line≤ pe≥ inch« Notσ tha⌠ thσ usσ oµ thσ latte≥ ì
font≤ iε ß heading¼ etc« wil∞ fou∞ u≡ thσ linσ coun⌠ anΣ ì
thereforσ thσ paginatioε fo≥ you≥ worΣ processor« Similarly¼ ì
mixinτ font≤ oµ differen⌠ pitche≤ wil∞ fou∞ u≡ centering¼ tabs¼ ì
margins¼ etc« Yo⌡ mus⌠ manuall∙ adjus⌠ thσ spacinτ fo≥ thesσ ì
differences« Thσ ALLFONTS.G╞ filσ contain≤ severa∞ example≤ oµ ì
The ORATOR font is the tallest font which will fit in 1/6 inch.è
Thσ FR╡ fon⌠ i≤ ver∙ nearl∙ thσ larges⌠ tha⌠ caε bσ handleΣ ì
withou⌠ overflowinτ thσ limi⌠ oµ 65,53╢ bit≤ iε thσ fon⌠ file« ì
(Notσ t∩ GEEFON╘ autho≥ - MAKEFON╘ report≤ ░ bit≤ afte≥ thσ ì
SECON─ characte≥ iε thσ filσ ha≤ beeε assembleΣ -- ╔ suspec⌠ thi≤ ì
ma∙ bσ ß bug¼ anΣ thσ actua∞ coun⌠ ma∙ bσ onσ characte≥ greate≥ ì
thaε reporteΣ b∙ MAKEFONT.)
╔ havσ includeΣ thσ linσ graphic≤ character≤ onl∙ iε thσ 1░ cpΘ ì
fonts« Incidentally¼ onσ wa∙ t∩ dra≈ boxe≤ i≤ t∩ usσ thσ norma∞ ì
equivalen⌠ ASCI╔ character≤ first¼ theε usσ you≥ editor'≤ globa∞ ì
replacσ commanΣ t∩ selectivel∙ changσ "-ó t∩ "^W-"¼ etc.¼ a≤ ì
required« Remembe≥ tha⌠ iε Wordsta≥ yo⌡ caε usσ ^O─ t∩ togglσ ì
thσ displa∙ oµ al∞ thσ contro∞ character≤ oε anΣ ofµ -- the∙ makσ ì
aε awfu∞ mes≤ oε thσ screeε wheε drawinτ bo° graphics.
(Notσ t∩ GEEFON╘ autho≥ -- horizonta∞ line≤ use aε awfu∞ lo⌠ oµ ì
^W'≤ -- perhap≤ anothe≥ code¼ sa∙ ^E¼ coulΣ bσ useΣ beforσ anΣ ì
afte≥ thσ strinτ t∩ definσ ß continuou≤ strinτ oµ character≤ froφ ì
thσ extendeΣ characte≥ set.)
Thσ 15¼ 1╖ anΣ 2░ cpΘ font≤ usσ thσ samσ characte≥ do⌠ structurσ ì
-- onl∙ thσ spacinτ betweeε character≤ wa≤ changeΣ (anΣ thσ ì
lengtΦ oµ thσ underline).
An∙ oµ thσ 1░ cpΘ font≤ caε bσ printeΣ a⌠ 1▓ cpΘ b∙ usinτ thσ ^┴ ì
code« However¼ therσ arσ tw∩ disadvantage≤ t∩ this« Firstly¼ a≤ ì
witΦ an∙ typewrite≥ o≥ printer¼ ß fon⌠ designeΣ fo≥ 1░ cpΘ look≤ ì
crowdeΣ a⌠ 1▓ cpi¼ anΣ ß fon⌠ designeΣ fo≥ 1▓ cpΘ look≤ to∩ ì
spaceΣ ou⌠ a⌠ 1░ cpi« Thσ seconΣ probleφ i≤ tha⌠ oncσ yo⌡ usσ thσ ì
^┴ codσ iε ß document¼ yo⌡ caε usσ thσ ^╬ codσ t∩ g∩ bacδ t∩ 1░ ì
cpi¼ bu⌠ spacing≤ othe≥ thaε 1░ o≥ 1▓ cpΘ apparentl∙ canno⌠ bσ ì
obtained« Therσ ma∙ bσ ß wa∙ t∩ ge⌠ arounΣ this¼ bu⌠ ╔ founΣ i⌠ ì
bes⌠ t∩ avoiΣ thσ usσ oµ thσ ^┴ anΣ ^╬ codes« Fo≥ mos⌠ oµ thσ ì
fonts¼ ╔ havσ includeΣ separatσ 1░ cpΘ anΣ 1▓ cpΘ version≤ whicΦ ì
providσ thσ bes⌠ appearancσ a⌠ eacΦ oµ thosσ spacings.
Fina∞ Notσ -- Al∞ oµ thσ font≤ werσ developeΣ anΣ testeΣ witΦ m∙ ì
Gemini-10╪ printer« ╔ can'⌠ thinδ oµ an∙ reasoε wh∙ the∙ ì
shouldn'⌠ worδ equall∙ wel∞ witΦ aε Epson¼ bu⌠ ╔ havσ no⌠ testeΣ ì
them that way.
Morσ Note≤ t∩ GEEFON╘ Autho≥ -
I⌠ woulΣ bσ nicσ iµ thσ printinτ prograφ woulΣ checδ fo≥ ß ^├ -- ì
therσ doesn'⌠ seeφ t∩ bσ an∙ norma∞ o≥ gracefu∞ wa∙ t∩ abor⌠ ì
┴ mino≥ point¼ bu⌠ i⌠ woulΣ bσ nicσ iµ thσ printe≥ werσ restoreΣ ì
t∩ it≤ standarΣ defaul⌠ vertica∞ spacing¼ ╢ lpi¼ fo≥ norma∞ ì
printing¼ wheε thσ printinτ prograφ exits.
I⌠ woulΣ bσ nicσ iµ GEEFON╘ coulΣ handlσ ß Forφ FeeΣ characte≥ a⌠ ìèthσ enΣ oµ ß pagσ -- ordinarily¼ Linσ Feed≤ arσ OK¼ anΣ Wordstar¼ ì
fo≥ example¼ wil∞ enΣ ß pagσ witΦ you≥ choicσ oµ either¼ bu⌠ wheε ì
usinτ othe≥ thaε ╢ lpi¼ thσ paginatioε get≤ fouleΣ up¼ anΣ iµ ì
GEEFON╘ coulΣ handlσ ß Forφ Feed¼ i⌠ migh⌠ ge⌠ thσ pape≥ bacδ iε ì
page synπ with less fuss.
Havinτ saiΣ al∞ that¼ ╔ supposσ therσ i≤ alread∙ ß ne≈ versioε oµ ì
GEEFON╘ whicΦ outdate≤ mos⌠ oµ m∙ comment≤ -- iµ so¼ m∙ ì
apologies!í Iµ somσ oµ m∙ suggestion≤ werσ t∩ bσ implemented¼ i⌠ ì
woulΣ requirσ mino≥ change≤ iε code≤ imbeddeΣ iε thσ text« ì
Hopefully¼ change≤ t∩ GEEFON╘ wil∞ no⌠ makσ m∙ librar∙ tooì
Stan Kazmiruk
28 Alder Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario
K1B 4X6