Oakland CPM Archive
Pascal/Delphi Source File
80 lines
Program DirectionsOnLabelmaker;
var ch:char;
writeln('This program was written to put mailing lists of names and');
writeln('addresses on labels, up to 3 across. Files may be organized');
writeln('alphabetically by last name,city, or state, or in ascending ');
writeln('zip code order. Addresses may be either 3 or 4 lines long or');
writeln('have 3 lines and a telephone number. You can also create or add');
writeln('to other files by picking out names for special lists you might');
writeln('wish to print out. They, too, can be either 3 or 4 lines long,');
writeln('and be alphabetized as you see fit. You can update or delete ');
writeln('names and addresses, and view the file on the screen as well.');
writeln(' This is a primitive file manager but I think it will to anything');
writeln('most people would want, and a monkey can run it. I have never');
writeln('run this with a file bigger than 350 names, but with even 100 ');
writeln('names you might want to put the file into a RAM disk; deletes');
writeln('take only 4 sec. instead of 35. (The Public Domain program MemBrain');
writeln('is a cinch to set up if you let the defaults run on it. ');
writeln('Only the file of addresses need be on the RAM disk- it takes');
writeln('about 10k of space per 100 names-maybe less. ');
writeln(' For a more detailed look at the main menu see below: ');
readln (ch);
writeln('#1: Enter: Enters names and addresses with an extra line after ');
writeln('the name if you asked for 4 lines or a line for a telephone no.');
writeln('at the end if you put ''T''. Every 10 names it will pause and ');
writeln('write them to the file. ');
writeln('#2: Retrieve and update: The name you enter to retrieve must be');
writeln('entered exactly as it is in the file. If you have six smiths');
writeln('in the file they will be retrieved one by one until you find the');
writeln('one you want to update or look at. Note that if you change the');
writeln('last name from jones to smith it will not be alphabetized and ');
writeln('will pile up any new names that begin j-s in front of it. Best');
writeln('to delete it and reenter. This applies to whatever field by which');
writeln('you alphabetize your list. Beware lest your smith was in the ');
writeln('file as Smith. Not sure? Use ');
writeln('#4: View whole file to see how it was spelled. ');
writeln('#3: Erase will erase the names in the file you are dealing with,');
writeln('though not the file itself in your directory. ');
writeln('#5: Delete: will show you the full names one by one of the six');
writeln('Smiths in your file and ask if this is the one you wish to delete.');
writeln('Again, it won''t show you anything unless it is spelled exactly ');
writeln('the same as the one for which you asked it to look. ');
readln (ch);
writeln(' #6:Design labels: Lets you put names and addresses anywhere on');
writeln('the page you want- up to 3 across. It will runthemalltogether,');
writeln('however, if you specify the second address to be put in a column to');
writeln('the left of the first one. The largest field width is 30 before ');
writeln('characters get truncated, but most names don''t take that much space.');
writeln('More specifically, the space is allocated as follows: Last Name-');
writeln('18 characters; first-18; street address,company or apt.-30; ');
writeln('city-15; state and zip code-10 characters each. So I would guess');
writeln('25 spaces between addresses is a safe bet. This was designed to put');
writeln('addresses in rows, so you cannot put ');
writeln(' one address here, ');
writeln(' the second one here, ');
writeln(' and the third here,');
writeln('for instance. #6 actually writes a file which is read by #7 when');
writeln('it comes to print out the page, so unless you want to change some-');
writeln('thing, you can boot the program, pick the file, and print it out.');
writeln(' #7: Output to printer prints the whole file to your design in #6.');
writeln(' #8: Make another file allows you to select whatever names you wish');
writeln('to include in another file so you can make special lists to print out.');
writeln(' #9: Lets you switch to another .LBL file - perhaps to look at');
writeln('the one you just made with #8.');
writeln(' Any questions, bugs, etc, please call or write:');
writeln(' Ian S. Richmond ');
writeln(' 608 Woodcrest Ave ');
writeln(' Ardmore, P. A. 19003 ');
writeln(' tel#(215)-649-1198 eves. ');
writeln(' I will back this up as best I can-help with changes to suit others''');
writeln('particular purposes.');