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Assembly Source File
182 lines
; KERMIT - (Celtic for "FREE")
; This is the CP/M-80 implementation of the Columbia University
; KERMIT file transfer protocol.
; Version 4.0
; Copyright June 1981,1982,1983,1984
; Columbia University
; Originally written by Bill Catchings of the Columbia University Center for
; Computing Activities, 612 W. 115th St., New York, NY 10025.
; Contributions by Frank da Cruz, Daphne Tzoar, Bernie Eiben,
; Bruce Tanner, Nick Bush, Greg Small, Kimmo Laaksonen, Jeff Damens, and many
; others.
; This file describes the areas used to communicate between KERMIT
; and the customizing overlay. It is included by the overlay.
; This file should be changed only to reflect changes in the
; system-independent portion of Kermit (enhancements, I hope).
; revision history:
; edit 5: February 6, 1985
; Added a storage variable, "PORT", for the port-in-use value
; required for the port status routine (same purpose as SPEED).
; Also moved the printer copy flag (PRNFLG:) into the commun-
; ications storage area so machine dependant overlay can access it.
; [Hal Hostetler]
; Also, replace assembly-time conditional "ffussy" with run-time
; switch (CJC).
; edit 4: August 21, 1984 (CJC)
; Define a use for the third word of the linkage section: it points
; to the version string for CP4SYS.ASM. Add flsmdm, to flush comm line
; on startup. Add bufadr and bufsec for multiple-sector buffer support.
; Shift the entry section up two bytes so we can exit cleanly from DDT.
; edit 3: August 3, 1984 (CJC)
; put "mover" in CP4SYS, so we can do a Z80 block move if so inclined.
; edit 2: July 10, 1984 (CJC)
; integrate Toad Hall changes for LASM compatibility: CP4LNK is linked
; by CP4DEF, and links CP4SYS.
; edit 1: May, 1984 (CJC)
; extracted from CPMBASE.M80 version 3.9; modifications are described
; in the accompanying .UPD file.
; Define the entry section. These addresses contain jumps to
; useful routines in KERMIT. To show we know what we're doing,
; we store the length of this section (entsiz) in our linkage
; section. I didn't use ORG and DS because I don't want zeroes
; generated for all the space between here and the actual start
; of cp4sys.
entry equ 105H ; start of entry section
kermit equ entry+0 ; reentry address
nout equ entry+3 ; output HL in decimal
entsiz equ 2*3 ; 2 entries, so far.
; End of entry section.
; Linkage section. This block (through the definition of lnksiz)
; is used by Kermit to reach the routines and data in the overlay.
; The section length is stored at the beginning of the overlay
; area so Kermit can verify that the overlay section is (a) present,
; (b) in the right place, and (c) the same size as (and therefore
; presumably the same as) the linkage section Kermit is expecting.
lnkflg: dw lnksiz ; linkage information for consistency check.
dw entsiz ; length of entry table, for same.
dw sysedt ; address of overlay revision level message
; hooks for system-dependent routines:
; Input/output routines.
jmp selmdm ; select modem for I/O
jmp outmdm ; output character in E to modem
jmp inpmdm ; read character from modem. return character or 0 in A.
jmp flsmdm ; flush pending input from modem
jmp selcon ; select console for I/O
jmp outcon ; output character in E to console
jmp inpcon ; read char from console. return character or 0 in A
jmp outlpt ; output character in E to printer
; screen formatting routines
jmp clrlin ; erase current line
jmp clrspc ; erase current position (after backspace)
jmp delchr ; make delete look like backspace
jmp clrtop ; erase screen and go home
; these routines are called to display a field on the screen.
jmp scrend ; move to prompt field
jmp screrr ; move to error message field
jmp scrfln ; move to filename field
jmp scrnp ; move to packet count field
jmp scrnrt ; move to retry count field
jmp scrst ; move to status field
jmp rppos ; move to receive packet field (debug)
jmp sppos ; move to send packet field (debug)
jmp sysinit ; program initialization
jmp sysexit ; program termination
jmp syscon ; remote session initialization
jmp syscls ; return to local command level
jmp sysinh ; help text for interrupt (escape) extensions
jmp sysint ; interrupt (escape) extensions, including break
jmp sysflt ; filter for incoming characters.
; called with character in E.
jmp sysbye ; terminate remote session
jmp sysspd ; baud rate change routine.
; called with value from table in DE
jmp sysprt ; port change routine.
; called with value from table in DE
jmp sysscr ; screen setup for file transfer
; called with Kermit's version string in DE
jmp csrpos ; move cursor to row B, column C
jmp sysspc ; calculate free space for current drive
jmp mover ; do block move
; Local parameter values
pttab: dw ttab ; points to local equivalents to VT52 escape sequences
spdtab: dw spdtbl ; address of baud rate command table, or zero
spdhlp: dw sphtbl ; address of baud rate help table, or zero
prttab: dw prttbl ; address of port command table, or zero
prthlp: dw prhtbl ; address of port help table, or zero
timout: dw fuzval ; Fuzzy timeout.
vtflg: db vtval ; VT52 emulation flag
escchr: db defesc ; Storage for the escape character.
speed: dw 0FFFFH ; storage for the baud rate (initially unknown)
port: dw 0FFFFH ; storage for port value (initially unknown) [hh]
prnflg: db 0 ; printer copy flag [hh]
dbgflg: db 0 ; debugging flag
ecoflg: db 0 ; Local echo flag (default off).
flwflg: db 1 ; File warning flag (default on).
ibmflg: db 0 ; IBM flag (default off).
cpmflg: db 0 ;[bt] file-mode flag (default is DEFAULT)
parity: db defpar ; Parity.
spsiz: db dspsiz ; Send packet size.
rpsiz: db drpsiz ; Receive packet size.
stime: db dstime ; Send time out.
rtime: db drtime ; Receive time out.
spad: db dspad ; Send padding.
rpad: db drpad ; Receive padding.
spadch: db dspadc ; Send padding char.
rpadch: db drpadc ; Receive padding char.
seol: db dseol ; Send EOL char.
reol: db dreol ; Receive EOL char.
squote: db dsquot ; Send quote char.
rquote: db drquot ; Receive quote char.
chktyp: db dschkt ; Checksum type desired
tacflg: ; TACtrap status:
IF tac
db tacval ; when non-zero, is current TAC intercept character;
IF NOT tac
db 0 ; when zero, TACtrap is off.
tacchr: db tacval ; Desired TAC intercept character (even when off)
bufadr: dw buff ; Address of possibly multi-sector buffer for I/O
bufsec: db 1 ; Number of sectors big buffer can hold (0 means 256)
ffussy: db 1 ; if nonzero, don't permit <>.,;?*[] in CP/M filespec.
; space used by directory command; here because space calculation is
; (operating) system-dependent
bmax: ds 2 ; highest block number on drive
bmask: ds 1 ; (records/block)-1
bshiftf: ds 1 ; number of shifts to multiply by rec/block
nnams: ds 1 ; counter for filenames per line
lnksiz equ $-lnkflg ; length of linkage section, for consistency check.
IF lasm ; If we're assembling with LASM,
LINK CP4SYS ; get the next section.