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425 lines
; GATE.MAC - 1/17/87 - GateWay code.
maclib TNC.LIB
entry gcon1,gcon2,gcon4,gunp,gmon
entry gaton,gatoff,gate,gbye,gater
entry gm1,gm2,gm3,gm4,gm5,gm6,gm7,gm9,gm10,gm11,gm12
entry gm13,gm14
entry gmenus,gmenul,gateok,moncnt,montim,monok
external cmd,cmdlen,cmdtyp,getdat,getwt,const
external conmod,gotcon,gotlnk,ertime,ercant,erwhat
external mode,logout,event,log,logtxt,llogtxt,dis
external prtcmd,@prtx,@fill,@wait,@mcmd,movcal
external twotnc,cmdtnc,@docmd,wtcmd,itime,ynbq
external fcb2,f2st,f2l,scon,mtnc,stnc,mcall,scall
external @srcl,@srcn,@srcw,@srcc,@srct,@src
external prtcon,rdusr,uslst,uscnt,usport,uspath
; Addresses of the GateWay messages.
gateok: ds 1
gmenus: ds 2 ; short menu text
gmenul: ds 2 ; long menu text
gm1: ds 2 ; "not available" message
gm2: ds 2
gm3: ds 2
gm4: ds 2
gm5: ds 2
gm6: ds 2
gm7: ds 2
gm8: ds 2
gm9: ds 2
gm10: ds 2
gm11: ds 2
gm12: ds 2
gm13: ds 2
gm14: ds 2
monok: ds 1
moncnt: ds 2
montim: ds 2
mtyp: ds 1
count: ds 2
tcall: ds 6
linkit: ds 1
con: dw $+2
db 'CONOK ON',cr,0
coff: dw $+2
db 'CONOK OFF',cr,0
monon: dw $+2
db 'mon on',cr,0
monoff: dw $+2
db 'mon off',cr,0
clink: db 'G',cr,'C '
ccall: ds 6
db cr,0
; Linking code.
link: movw timer,itime ; Start timeout timer
mvim count,10 ; Count lines transfered
linka: master
call const
call nz,linkm ; Deal with line from master
call const
call nz,links ; Deal with line from slave
dtz timer ; Timed out yet?
jr nz,linka ; No
call ertime ; Yes, tell slave user
call ertime ; and master user
jp linknd ; Drop the link
; Deal with data from master
linkm: mvim getwt,false ; Dont wait after con req
call getdat ; Get line of data from master
movb mtyp,cmdtyp ; Save command status
ld a,(cmdtyp)
ckcmd linkma,linknd,linknd
cmpm cmd,linkcmd ; Wants to drop the link?
jp z,linknd ; Yes, do it
call prtcmd ; Send the line to the slave
movw timer,itime ; Restart timeout timer
ld hl,count ; Count lines
dec (hl)
ret nz ; Not enough yet
ld (hl),10 ; Restart count
prtx gm11 ; Tell system owner who using gateway
linkma: ret
; Deal with data from slave
links: mvim getwt,false ; Dont wait after con req
call getdat ; Get line of data from slave
ckcmd linkse,linksa,linksb
call gotcon ; Did someone connect?
jr nz,linksc ; No
mvim scon,true ; Change status to connected
ld de,scall
ld hl,cmd
ld a,(cmdlen)
call movcal ; Save call of station that connected
prtx gm9 ; Tell them who they talking to
prtx gm10 ; Tell user on master who connected
linksc: master
call prtcmd ; Send the line of data to master
call gotlnk ; Slave linked us somewhere?
jr nz,linksd ; No
ld de,scall
ld hl,cmd
ld a,(cmdlen)
call movcal ; Save call of station we linked to
linksd: movw timer,itime ; Restart timeout timer
ld hl,count ; Point to line count
dec (hl) ; Time to tell owner?
ret nz ; No
ld (hl),10 ; Restart the count
prtx gm11 ; Tell owner who using his system
linkse: ret
; Slave disconnected
linksa: mvim scon,false
jr linknd
; Slave timed out
linksb: master
call ertime
; Exit from linked state
linknd: slave
call cmdtnc ; Get TNC into command mode
docmd coff ; CONOK OFF
cmpm scon,true ; Slave is connected?
call z,dis ; Then disconnect...
movb cmdtyp,mtyp ; Restore command status
pop hl ; Return to link caller, not link
; Log end of event.
logend: ld hl,logtxt
ld (hl),'E'
inc hl
ld (hl),cr
call log
; Enable / disable GateWay.
gaton: mvim gateok,true
gatoff: mvim gateok,false
; Entry to GateWay from MailBox
gate: ld a, (gateok) ; See if gw is on now
call ynbq ; ..
ld hl,(gm1) ; Err msg if GW not avail
jp z,@prtx ; No
cmpm twotnc,false ; We have two tnc's?
jp z,@prtx ; No
mvim event,'G'
ld hl,logtxt
ld (hl),'S'
inc hl
ld (hl),cr
call log ; Log GateWay start
mvim mode,gmode ; Set GateWay mode
; Exit from GateWay - disconnect.
gbye: call logend
jp logout
; Exit from GateWay back to MailBox
gater: call logend ; Log end of gate
mvim mode,umode ; Set user mode
; Let the sucker monitor.
gmon: ld a, (monok) ; Monitor allowed now?
call ynbq ; ..
ld hl,(gm14) ; Msg if not
jp z,@prtx ; Sorry Charlie
ld hl,logtxt ; Set up text for log file
ld (hl),'M'
inc hl
ld (hl),cr
call log ; Log the event
prtx gm13 ; Tell user he listening to other TNC
docmd monon ; Turn on monitor
movw count,moncnt ; Init count of lines monitored
movw timer,montim ; Init # seconds to monitor
gmonb: slave
call const ; Anything from slave?
jr z,gmonc ; No
dcxm count ; Count this line
mvim getwt,false ; No wait if con req
call getdat ; Get line from slave
ckcmd gmonc,gmonc,gmonc
call prtcmd ; Send line to master
gmonc: master
dtz count ; Monitored max lines allowed?
jr z,gmond ; Yes
dtz timer ; Monitored long enough?
jr z,gmond ; Yes
call const ; Line from master?
jr z,gmonb ; No
mvim getwt,false ; No wait if con req
call getdat ; Get line from master
ckcmd gmonb,gmone,gmone
jr gmone ; Quit monitoring
gmond: call ertime ; Tell user he timed out
gmone: slave
docmd monoff ; Turn off monitor
jp logend ; Log end of event and return
; Link the TNC's in unprotocol mode
gunp: ld hl,logtxt ; Set up text for log file
ld (hl),'U'
inc hl
ld (hl),cr
call log ; Log the event
prtx gm2 ; Tell user he talking to other TNC
docmd con ; Turn CONOK on
call conmod ; Go to unproto mode
mvim scon,false ; Slave is not connected
fill scall,6,' ' ; Nobody connected on slave
call link ; Go play gateway
jp logend ; Log end of event and return
; Attempt a connected link
ckp: cmpm usport,'A' ; User on COMM TNC?
ld a,(iobyte)
jr z,ckpa ; Yes
cp rbiob ; Path for same port?
ckpa: cp raiob ; Path for same port?
gcon1: ld hl,(gm3)
jp @prtx ; No call given
gcon2: mvim linkit,false
ld a,(f2l) ; Length of call
cp 7 ; More than six chars?
jr nc,gcon4 ; Yes, use what we got
srclst fcb2+1,uslst,uscnt,6,6
jr z,gconc ; We know this user
gcon4: mvim linkit,false
call prtcmd ; Show what we do
call prtcmd ; Send the connect as we got it
call wtcmd ; Wait for tnc response
push af
mvim linkit,false
jp gconf
; Connect to user.
gconc: zmov tcall,mcall,6 ; Save users call
ld de,mcall
ld hl,(f2st)
ld a,(f2l)
call movcal ; Get call of station to link to
zmov ccall,mcall,6 ; and save that too
call rdusr ; Read user record of station to link to
cmpm usport,'L' ; That staion linked here?
jr nz,x1 ; No
cmpm uspath,cr ; Have call of GateWay?
jr z,x1 ; No
mvim linkit,true ; We going to link thru another GateWay
fill mcall,6,' '
ld hl,uspath
ld de,mcall
ld b,6
x2: ld a,(hl)
inc hl
cp cr
jr z,x3
ld (de),a
inc de
dec b
jr nz,x2
x3: call rdusr ; Get user record of GateWay
x1: call ckp ; User last seen on same port?
jr nz,gcond ; No
call prtcmd ; Show what we do
call prtcmd ; Send the connect as we got it
jr gcone
; Ok, we really DO know how to get to this one!
gcond: call prtcon ; Show what we do
call prtcon ; Send connect to slave tnc
gcone: call wtcmd ; Wait for tnc response
push af ; Save status from command
zmov mcall,tcall,6 ; Restore loged in user call
call rdusr ; Get logged user record back
gconf: master
pop af ; Get status back
jr z,gcong ; TNC liked the command
dec a
jp z,ercant ; TNC not respond
jp erwhat ; TNC did an EH?
; Wait for response from slave
gcong: prtx gm4 ; Tell user we try the connect
movcmd logtxt,0,llogtxt-2
ld (hl),cr
movb mtyp,cmdtyp
gconh: mvim getwt,false ; Not to wait after con req
call const
jr nz,gcons ; Input from slave
call const
jr nz,gconm ; Input from master
jr gconh
; Input from master
gconm: call getdat ; Get the line from master
movb mtyp,cmdtyp ; Save type of input
ld a,(cmdtyp)
ckcmd gconh,gconma,gconma
cmpm cmd,linkcmd ; User wants to give up?
jr nz,gconh ; Nope
; Abort the connect attempt.
prtx gm7 ; Tell user we giving up
gconma: slave
call dis ; Disconnect on slave
jp gconng ; and quit
; Input from slave
gcons: call getdat ; Get line from slave
ckcmd gconh,gconsb,gconsc
call gotcon ; Is it a connect?
jr z,gconsa ; Yes
call prtcmd ; Show user the busy
jr gconh ; Keep trying
; Connect worked
gconsa: mvim scon,true ; Mark slave as connected
ld de,scall
ld hl,cmd
ld a,(cmdlen)
call movcal ; Save call of station connect to
wait linktim ; Wait a bit, remote bbs needs it
prtx gm9 ; Tell slave user who they linked to
; If we connected to another GateWay, send it the
; commands to connect to the station we really want.
ld hl,clink
cmpm linkit,true
call z,@prtx
prtx gm6 ; Tell master user connect worked
prtx gm10 ; and who they linked to
call log ; Log the connect
call link ; Go play gateway
call logend ; Log end of connect
movb cmdtyp,mtyp ; Restore command status
ret ; Back to menu
; Connect failed
gconsb: call wtcmd ; Wait for TNC
prtx gm5 ; Tell user no connect
jr gconng ; and exit
; Timed out waiting for connect
gconsc: call dis ; Disconnect slave TNC
call ertime ; Tell user he timed out
gconng: mvim logtxt,'A' ; Log as attempt, not connect
call log ; Log the connect attempt
movb cmdtyp,mtyp ; Restore command status
ret ; Back to menu