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279 lines
; PARSE.MAC - 5/12/86 - Command line parser.
maclib TNC.LIB
entry parse,dofcb,getcmd,ckname
entry fcb,fcb1,fcb2,fcb3,opt1,opt2
entry fcb1r,fcb2r,fcb3r
entry flds,f1l,f2l,f3l,f4l,f5l,f6l,f7l
entry f1st,f2st,f3st,f4st,f5st,f6st,f7st
external getdat,cmd,cmdlen,cmdtyp,ucase,@fill
external ascitb,c.file
; File control blocks
fcb: ds fcbsize
fcb1: ds fcbsize
fcb1r equ fcb1+33
fcb2: ds fcbsize
fcb2r equ fcb2+33
fcb3: ds fcbsize
fcb3r equ fcb3+33
flds: ds 1 ; # of fields found
; Starting addresses of fields in cmd
f1st: ds 2
f2st: ds 2
f3st: ds 2
f4st: ds 2
f5st: ds 2
f6st: ds 2
f7st: ds 2
; Length of fields in cmd
f1l: ds 1
f2l: ds 1
f3l: ds 1
f4l: ds 1
f5l: ds 1
f6l: ds 1
f7l: ds 1
; Options - the first 2 chars in the first field of cmd.
opt1: ds 1
opt2: ds 1
; Check the name in the file control block at (HL).
; Return zero set if not legal file name.
ckname: inc hl ; Point to first char of file name
ld c,11 ; Length of file + extension
ld d,0
cknamb: ld e,(hl)
push hl
ld hl,ascitb
add hl,de
ld a,(hl)
pop hl
and c.file
ret z ; No good
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,cknamb
retnz ; Name is ok
tfcb: ds 2
start: ds 2
len: ds 1
fst: ds 2
fl: ds 1
parse: xor a
ld (flds),a ; Count fields found
movb len,cmdlen
lxim start,cmd
call gtfld
movw f1st,fst
movb f1l,fl
ex de,hl
ld hl,fcb1
call dofcb
call gtfld
movw f2st,fst
movb f2l,fl
ex de,hl
ld hl,fcb2
call dofcb
call gtfld
movw f3st,fst
movb f3l,fl
ex de,hl
ld hl,fcb3
call dofcb
call gtfld
movw f4st,fst
movb f4l,fl
call gtfld
movw f5st,fst
movb f5l,fl
call gtfld
movw f6st,fst
movb f6l,fl
call gtfld
movw f7st,fst
movb f7l,fl
; Eat leading blanks.
eat: ld a,(len)
or a
ret z
ld hl,(start)
ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
jr z,eata
cp tab
ret nz
eata: inc hl
ld (start),hl
ld hl,len
dec (hl)
jr eat
; Get the next field.
gtfld: lxim fst,0 ; Assume no field
mvim fl,0
call eat ; Eat any leading blanks
ret z ; No more chars to parse.
ld hl,flds
inc (hl) ; Count the field
movw fst,start ; First char in field
ld c,0 ; Count chars in field
ld a,(len) ; Chars left in cmd
ld b,a
gtflda: ld a,(hl) ; Char
cp ' ' ; Blank?
jr z,gtfldb ; Yes, end of field
cp tab ; Tab?
jr z,gtfldb ; Yes, end of field
inc hl
inc c
dec b
jr nz,gtflda ; Keep counting
gtfldb: ld a,c
ld (fl),a ; Field length
ld a,b
ld (len),a ; Chars remaining in cmd
ld (start),hl ; Next char in cmd
; Parse next text lump in cmd into an fcb.
; Input: tfcb has address of fcb.
; fst has address of field start
; fl has number of characters in field.
dofcb: ld (tfcb),hl ; Save address of fcb
ld (fst),de ; Save text location
ld (fl),a ; Save text length
call inifcb ; Initialize the fcb
ld a,(fl)
or a ; Empty field?
ret z ; Yes
ld b,a ; (B) = chars remaining in field
ld de,(fst) ; First char in field
ld hl,(tfcb) ; (HL) point to fcb
inc hl ; Point to first char of file
cp 1 ; One char?
jr z,fname ; Yes, must be file name
inc de ; Point to 2nd char in cmd
ld a,(de)
dec de ; Point to 1st char in cmd
cp ':' ; 2nd char is : ?
jr nz,fname ; No, must be file name
ld a,(de) ; Get drive
call ucase ; Uppercase it
inc de ; Point to :
inc de ; Point to 1st char file
sub 'A'-1
dec hl
ld (hl),a ; Drive # to fcb
inc hl
dec b
dec b
; Transfer file name from cmd to fcb.
fname: ld c,8 ; 8 chars in file name
fnamea: ld a,b
or a
jr z,done
dec b
ld a,(de)
call ucase
inc de
cp '.'
jr z,fext
dec c
jp m,fnamea
ld (hl),a
inc hl
jr fnamea
; Transfer file type from cmd to fcb.
fext: ld hl,(tfcb)
push bc
ld bc,9
add hl,bc
pop bc
ld c,3
fexta: ld a,b
or a
jr z,done
dec b
ld a,(de)
call ucase
inc de
dec c
jp m,fexta
ld (hl),a
inc hl
jr fexta
done: ld hl,(tfcb)
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp '*'
jr nz,ckext
ld c,8
ckfila: ld (hl),'?'
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,ckfila
ckext: ld hl,(tfcb)
ld bc,9
add hl,bc
ld a,(hl)
cp '*'
ret nz
ld c,3
ckexta: ld (hl),'?'
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,ckexta
; Initialize fcb at (tfcb) with (zero, 11 blanks, 24 zeros).
inifcb: ld hl,(tfcb)
ld (hl),0
inc hl
fill ,11,' '
fill ,24,0
; Get a line from the current console, parse into 5 fields.
getcmd: call getdat
call parse
movb opt1,fcb1+1
movb opt2,fcb1+2
ld a,(cmdtyp)