Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
78 lines
Changes in FIG version 1.4
Released 20 June, 1988
- Can now process WordStar files. Dot commands will still throw
off counting routines, but FIG no longer chokes on high-bit
codes or lines longer than 128 bytes.
- Sample size enlarged to 16K or 3000 words. Was originally only
100 lines or 500 words.
- Single precision (instead of integer) math used to calculate
statistics. Gives more accurate results.
- Improved handling of . . . unconventional punctuation :-)
- If no filename is given on command line, asks user for filename.
If requested file is not found (or is empty), asks again.
Originally either condition aborted the program.
- Simplified results display. No longer displays punctuation
counts unless they pertain to readability statistics. However,
these counts are still maintained in an integer array, PUN(255),
for anyone who may want to modify the program.
- Source code for compiler runs correctly under interpreter
without modification.
- MS-DOS version: There isn't one, this time. If anyone else wants
to make the rather trivial changes needed, feel free.
- Next version of this program will probably be in Pascal.
[Version 1.3 skipped]
Changes in FIG version 1.2
Released 17 June, 1988
- Twice as fast as version 1.1.
- More accurate counting of sentences.
- Fixed a bug which crashed the program if a file only
contained a single, unterminated sentence.
- Displays count of both open "(" and close ")" parenthesis.
- Displays total count of "quote marks" instead of calculating
number of quote pairs.
- Re-organized display (again).
Changes in FIG version 1.1
Released 4 June, 1988
- Up to 20% faster than version 1.0.
- Minor changes in the way statistics are displayed.
- Program exits with warm boot immediately after showing
results, instead of asking "Repeat display (Y/n?)" at end.
- Counts ( character for "parenthetical remarks" instead of )
- Added counter for colon characters.
FIG.LBR (no version number)
Original release 31 May, 1988
An extensive re-write of WRITER.BAS, which first appeared in
CODEWORKS magazine.