Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
152 lines
The Van Nuys Bridge Toolkit is a collection of text processing
tools, operating on CP/M 2.2, which are similar to the type of
tools generally provided in UNIX. They can be used to shape or
change text for a great number of purposes.
Most of the tools have two inputs and an output. One input is
the command line itself. That generally provides any options or
arguments as well as providing specifications for the standard
input and standard output stream. Without any specification for
the standard I/O, input is from the console and output is to the
console. Input from the console uses a "*" prompt.
Input may be redirected by specifying a file name with the format:
A>TOOL <filename
The default output is to the console screen. Output may be
redirected to a file, to a printer or to both the screen and a
Redirection can take the following forms:
> fid Output redirection to file
< fid Input rediredtion from file
+ fid Output redirection to file and screen
~ fid Output redirection to file and printer
>> fid Append to file
+> fid Append to file and output to screen
~> fid Append to file and output to printer
> LST: Output to LST device
>> LST: As above
+ LST: Output to LST device and screen
> LP1: Output to LP1 (IOBYTE = 0x80)
>> LP1: As above
+ LP1: As above and to screen
> LP2: Output to LP2 (IOBYTE = 0xC0)
>> LP2: As above
+ LP2: As above and to screen
>> OUT: As above
+ OUT: As above and to screen
~ OUT: As above and to printer
< IN: Input from READER device
| prog Pipe output to next program
+| prog As above and to screen
~| prog As above and to printer
Redirection and pipe character may be separated from
the file or program name by white space or not.
File specifications may be complete with user number (##) and
disk name (d) in the form:
Pipe specification will be first tried as is, if the file
does not exist, disk A, user 0 will be tried using the same
Control C will abort program and submit file execution.
When inputing from keyboard use Control C except at
column 1. (CP/M catches it there.) If an old version of
the output file existed, it will be recovered by Control C.
It is permissable to input and output from the same file,
BUT the input specification must be first and the output
specification must be second! otherwise the order and
location of the redirection specifications is not
A number of the tools use ambiguous file names or wildcards to
identify a list of file names. The format is the same for all
tools. The ambiguous file name characters are a superset of
those used by CP/M DIR. * means any number of any character, ?
means exactly one of any character. Unlike DIR, a list of
ambiguous file names may be used. Also, if an ambiguous file
name is preceded by a !, files matching that specification will
be EXCLUDED from the list. See LS to get more information.
These tools have some limitations. They are able to only handle
normal CP/M text files. Files must have these characteristics:
1) They must not be null or totally empty.
2) They must have a CR LF pair at the end of each line
including the last line.
3) Lines more than 132 characters will cause the programs
to blow up.
4) Both kinds of CP/M eof conditions are handled well.
5) Some of the tools will behave badly if they get text
with CR's, backspaces and other control characters
in the text. This is noted in the individual HELP files.
6) The output file must be on the current logged on disk.
Specification of another disk will be ignored and
the output will end up on the current disk anyway.
(Final output file is created by REN of a temp file.)
7) Input files and tools may be on other disks. Tools
are searched for on the current disk first, and on
disk A: second if no specification is made. It is
handy to put the tools all on disk A: and work on
another disk.
CLEAN may be able to clean up many files with these problems.
Error messages are prefixed by the tool name which generates the
message. An exception is when an error is made in the input or
output redirection or in the pipe specification. In these cases,
the message is prefixed with the name DIO: for Directed IO.
Note that where tools have "-" options such as -U, the options
may be run together so that 2UP -N4M10S2 is the same as -N4 -M10
-S2. The redirection specification and "-" options may be in any
order on the command line. They are processed and removed before
the parameters, if any, are passed to the tool. Thus SUB <A ABC
DEF >B is the same as SUB >B <A ABC DEF. Also, any tools that
have options, have the option -H. By saying TOOL -H, you will
get, on the console, a summary of all the legal options.
You cannot specify as the standard output a file on another disk.
This is because a temp file is created on the current disk first
and then renamed correctly at the end. This does allow both
standard input and standard output to be the same file name. If
you use a +file to specify the standard output, you can abort the
process if you see that the results are not as expected (easy to
happen when using many metacharacters with SUB or SELECT). A CTL
C will kill the process without wiping out file. Operations such
The full power of these tools is shown when they are used within
.SUB files with SUBMIT. Once a sequence is worked out to to a
particular task, it can be canned and put to general use by
creating a .SUB file.
The tools are partcularly useful in creating a .SUB file
containing a string of commands to operate on a list of files. LS
can create a list of file names, and SUB can transform them into
a series of commands for each file in the list. There is an
example in the page on SUB.