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10.0 ZCPR2 Resident and Alternate Commands
ZCPR2 Resident Commands
Likσ thσ CP/═ 2.▓ CCP¼á ZCPR▓ contain≤ somσ command≤á withiε ì
itself«á I⌠ contain≤ al∞ oµ thσ CC╨ command≤ (excep⌠ USER¼ whicΦ ì
isn'⌠á needeΣá anymore⌐á anΣ ß fe≈ more¼á bu⌠ al∞á oµá thσá ZCPR▓ ì
residen⌠á command≤á arσ differen⌠ witΦ logica∞ extension≤ t∩á thσ ì
CC╨ commands.
Thσáá followinτá discussioεá applie≤á t∩áá thσáá recommendeΣ ì
configuratioε oµ ZCPR2«á Therσ arσ man∙ way≤ t∩ configurσ ZCPR2¼ ì
anΣá thi≤ discussioε canno⌠ possibl∙ cove≥ al∞ oµ them¼á s∩ ╔á aφ ì
coverinτá thσ recommendeΣ configuratioε wherσ al∞ oµ thσ residen⌠ ì
command≤ arσ enableΣ witΦ al∞ oµ thei≥ option≤ turneΣ on.
Iεá thσá followinτá discussion¼á "afnó refer≤á t∩á thσá CP/═ ì
ambiguou≤á filσ namσ forφ (containinτ "?ó and/o≥ "*óá characters⌐ ì
anΣ "ufnó refer≤ t∩ thσ CP/═ unambiguou≤ filσ namσ forφ (doe≤ no⌠ ì
contaiε thσ ambiguou≤ characters).
Thσ DU║ prefi° ma∙ bσ useΣ wheneve≥ ß filσ namσ i≤ used« B∙ ì
attachinτá thi≤ prefix¼á thσ filσ i≤ identifieΣ t∩ residσ iεá thσ ì
indicateΣá director∙á (disδ anΣ use≥ area)«á T∩ revie≈á thσá DU║ ì
form¼áá i⌠á i≤á ßá logica∞á extensioεá t∩á thσá D║á prefi°á unde≥ ì
conventional CP/M. The user number is added, however.
Iµá ß prefi° oµ D║á i≤ used¼á i⌠ refer≤ t∩ thσ curren⌠á use≥ ì
areß oε thσ indicateΣ disk« Iµ ß prefi° oµ U║ i≤ used¼ i⌠ refer≤ ì
t∩ thσ indicateΣ use≥ areß oε thσ curren⌠ disk«á DU:¼ oµ course¼ ì
refers to the indicated user area on the indicated disk.
Fo≥ example¼ iµ yo⌡ arσ loggeΣ int∩ Disδ B¼ Use≥ 1¼ theε thσ ì
following is true:
A:MYFILE.TX╘ -- refer≤ t∩ MYFILE.TX╘ oε Disδ A¼ Use≥ 1
4:MYFILE.TXT -- refers to MYFILE.TXT on Disk B, User 4
A4:MYFILE.TXT -- refers to MYFILE.TXT on Disk A, User 4
MYFILE.TXT -- refers to MYFILE.TXT on Disk B, User 1
10.01 The DIR Command
Thσ DI╥ commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ displa∙ thσ name≤ oµ thσ file≤ iε ì
the current directory. It has three basic forms --
Display $DIR File Names DIR DU:afn
Display $SYS File Names DIR DU:afn S
Display All File Names DIR DU:afn A
Assume you are logged into Disk B, User 1. Examples:
DIR 4: <-- Gives all non-System files
on B4
DIR 4: A <-- Gives all files on B4
DIR A4:*.HLP A <-- Gives all files of type
HLP on A4
DIR *.* S <-- Gives all System files on B1
10.02 The ERA Command
Thσá ER┴ commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ erasσ files«á I⌠ i≤ no⌠ ablσ t∩ ì
erasσ Read/Onl∙ files¼ bu⌠ i⌠ caε erasσ Systeφ files« I⌠ ha≤ tw∩ ì
basic forms --
Erase Specified Files ERA DU:afn
Erase with Verify ERA DU:afn V
ER┴á print≤ thσ name≤ oµ thσ file≤ i⌠ erases«á Iµ yo⌡á havσ ì
selecteΣ thσ Verif∙ option¼á i⌠ als∩ prompt≤ yo⌡ beforσ i⌠ erase≤ ì
them (or aborts, if you desire).
10.03 The REN Command
Thσá RE╬ commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ changσ thσ namσ oµ onσá filσá t∩ ì
another«á Again¼ i⌠ caε no⌠ changσ thσ namσ oµ ß Read/Onl∙ file« ì
It has only one basic form --
Renamσ Filσ RE╬ DU:ufn1=ufn▓
Like ERA, REN can "see" System files as well as DIR files.
Iµ ufn▒ alread∙ exists¼ RE╬ wil∞ asδ thσ use≥ iµ hσ want≤ t∩ ì
Erase it (with the prompt "Erase ufn1?").
10.04 The TYPE and LIST Commands
TYP┼á anΣ LIS╘ arσ useΣ t∩ displa∙ file≤ oε thσ consolσá anΣ ì
printer¼á resp« TYP┼ page≤ b∙ default¼ stoppinτ afte≥ thσ screeε ì
is filled. These two commands have three basic forms --
Print File on Console TYPE DU:ufn P
Without Paging
Print File on Console TYPE DU:ufn
With Paging
Print File on Printer LIST DU:ufn
The file may be either System or DIR.è
10.05 The SAVE Command
Thσá SAV┼á commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ savσ thσ content≤ oµá thσá TP┴ ì
ont∩ disδ a≤ ß file«á I⌠ accept≤ tw∩ arguments║á ß numbe≥ anΣ ß ì
filσá name«á Thσá filσá namσ ma∙ bσ optionall∙ followeΣá b∙á thσ ì
lette≥ "Só t∩ indicatσ tha⌠ thσ numbe≥ i≤ thσ numbe≥ oµá 128-bytσ ì
Sector≤á (Blocks⌐á t∩ bσ saved¼á and¼á iµ thi≤ optioεá lette≥á i≤ ì
omitted¼ thσ numbe≥ i≤ assumeΣ t∩ bσ thσ numbe≥ oµ 256-bytσ Page≤ ì
to be saved. The SAVE command has two basic forms --
Save Memory into File SAVE n DU:ufn
Save Memory into File SAVE n DU:ufn S
and Specify Number of
Iµ thσ number¼á n¼ i≤ followeΣ b∙ thσ suffi° "H"¼ a≤ iε "FHó ì
o≥á "2DH"¼á theεá ε i≤ takeε t∩ bσ ß hexadecima∞á value«á Iµá n∩ ì
suffi°á i≤ given¼á ε i≤ assumeΣ t∩ bσ decimal«á Thi≤ hexadecima∞ ì
optioεá eliminate≤á thσá neeΣá fo≥á conversioεá froφá thσá value≤ ì
supplied by debuggers, like DDT.
Iµ thσ indicateΣ filσ alread∙ exists¼ SAV┼ wil∞ asδ thσ use≥ ì
if he wishes to erase it with the prompt "Erase ufn?".
10.06 The GET Command
GE╘á i≤á useΣá t∩ loaΣ ßá filσá anywherσá int∩á memory«á I⌠ ì
require≤ tw∩ arguments║á ß numbe≥ (assumeΣ t∩ bσ hexadecimal⌐ oµ ì
thσá 256-bytσá pagσ iε memor∙ a⌠ whicΦ t∩ star⌠ thσ loaΣ anΣá thσ ì
name of the file.
Load File Into Memory GET adr DU:ufn
Notσá tha⌠ thi≤ "adró i≤ ß pagσ number¼á s∩ adr=▒ refer≤á t∩ ì
100H, adr=2d refers to 2D00H, etc.
10.07 The GO Command
Thσ G╧ commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ reexecutσ thσ las⌠ prograφá loadeΣ ì
into the TPA without having to reload it.
Reexecute Last Transient GO params
Without Reloading It
Thσ parameter≤ arσ parseΣ a≤ witΦ an∙ transien⌠ command¼ anΣ ì
thσá appropriatσ buffer≤ arσ loadeΣ b∙ ZCPR2«á A≤á usual¼á ZCPR▓ ì
"callsó thσ prograφ loadeΣ a⌠ 100╚ afte≥ i⌠ ha≤ finisheΣ witΦ thσ ì
parsing and buffer loading.
10.08 The JUMP Command
JUM╨ i≤ useΣ t∩ brancΦ t∩ anywherσ iε memory« I⌠ take≤ onl∙ ì
onσá argument¼á whicΦá i≤á thσ addres≤ a⌠ whicΦá t∩á jump«á Thi≤ ì
addres≤á caεá bσá t∩á an∙ bytσ iε memor∙ (i⌠á i≤á ßá ful∞á 16-bi⌠ ì
address), and it is assumed to be a hexadecimal number.
Call Subroutine Anywhere in JUMP adr
10.09 The DU Form for Changing Disk and User
Thσá D╒ forφ standinτ alonσ i≤ useΣ t∩ loτ int∩ ßá differen⌠ ì
directory. There are three basic forms of this command --
Change Disk D:
Change User U:
Change Disk and User at DU:
Same Time
10.10 Alternates to the ZCPR2 Resident Commands
A≤á thσá reade≥á caε seσ b∙ reviewinτ thσá hel≡á filσá nameΣ ì
Z2RES¼á thσá residen⌠ command≤ oµ ZCPR▓ arσ logica∞ extension≤ oµ ì
thσ residen⌠ command≤ oµ thσ CP/═ 2.▓ CCP« WitΦ thσ ZCPR▓ Systeφ ì
oµá Programs¼á however¼á come≤ ß se⌠ oµ transien⌠ program≤á whicΦ ì
providσá thσá samσá type≤á oµ function≤á a≤á thσá ZCPR▓á residen⌠ ì
commands but with many more options and much more flexibility.
A≤á aεá overview¼á thσ followinτ tablσá compare≤á thσá ZCPR▓ ì
residen⌠á command≤ anΣ thei≥ transien⌠ alternates«á Thσ residen⌠ ì
command≤ oµ SAVE¼á JUMP¼á GET¼á anΣ G╧ havσ n∩ alternate≤ b∙á thσ ì
nature of their functions.
Resident Alternate Additional Alternate Functions
-------- --------- ------------------------------
DIR XDIR Sorts Display, Prints File Sizes, Negative
alias Selection, Disk Output, Printer Output,
XDIR3 File Scan Function, Named Directories
ERA ERASE File List, Named Directories, Inspect Mode,
Can Erase R/O Files, System File Protection
REN RENAME File List, Named Directories, Inspect Mode,
Wild Cards Permitted, Control Mode,
System File Protection
TYPE PAGE File List, Named Directories, Screen Wrap,
Speed Change
LIST PRINT File List, Named Directories, Headings,
Page Numbering, Time Stamp, Paging,
Skip to Specified Page
Iεá additioε t∩ thσ transient≤ nameΣ oε thσ previou≤á table¼ ì
threσ transient≤ no⌠ relateΣ t∩ an∙ onσ specifiπ residen⌠ commanΣ ì
whicΦ kinΣ oµ fal∞ int∩ thσ categor∙ oµ "specia∞ systeφ transien⌠ ì
commands" are:
PROTECT -- Set Protection Codes and Tag Bits on Files
PATH -- Display and Set Command or File Search Paths
WHEEL -- Enable and Disable Certain Resident Commands
These will also be discussed in this HELP File.
Onσ notσ beforσ proceeding║ al∞ oµ thσ transient≤ discusseΣ ì
herσá whicΦ accep⌠ botΦ filσ name≤ anΣ option≤ a≤ argument≤á wil∞ ì
no⌠ accep⌠ ß filσ namσ beginninτ witΦ ß slash«á Thi≤ i≤ ß trade-ì
ofµ ╔ haΣ t∩ makσ ..«á ╔ wanteΣ t∩ makσ i⌠ eas∙ t∩ omi⌠ thσá filσ ì
namσ (assuminτ al∞ file≤ selected⌐ anΣ jum≡ righ⌠ t∩ thσ options« ì
T∩ bσ consistent¼á ╔ selecteΣ thσ slasΦ (nonσ oµ m∙ curren⌠ file≤ ì
begiεá witΦ ß slasΦ anΣ ╔ likσ i⌠ a≤ aε optioε delimite≥ froφá m∙ ì
experiences with DEC software).
Hence¼ a≤ ß genera∞ rulσ fo≥ al∞ transient≤ ╔ createΣ t∩ ruε ì
witΦ ZCPR2¼á iµ ß filσ namσ i≤ omitted¼ theε thσ » characte≥ mus⌠ ì
proceeΣá thσá firs⌠á option«á Additionally¼á aεá invaliΣá optioε ì
invoke≤á ßá built-iε Hel≡ facilit∙ withiε al∞ oµ thσá transients¼ ì
and / is never an option character. So, we have:
command filename.typ o... <-- form with file spec
command /o... <-- form sans file spec
command // <-- always gives help
Anothe≥á iteφ t∩ notσ i≤ tha⌠ man∙ transient≤á suppor⌠á filσ ì
list≤ wherσ ß singlσ filσ namσ wa≤ giveε before« Iε thesσ cases¼ ì
thσá use≥ caε specif∙ ß lis⌠ oµ filσ spec≤ separateΣ b∙ comma≤ iε ì
the file name position:
command dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
Als∩á iε man∙ cases¼á thσ DI╥ forφ ma∙ bσ prefixeΣá t∩á eacΦ ì
filσ name«á Thσ DI╥ forφ ma∙ bσ thσ namσ oµ ß nameΣ director∙ o≥ ì
it may be a simple DU form.
10.11 The XDIR Command
Thσá XDI╥á CommanΣ (XDIR│ program⌐ i≤ aε extendeΣá director∙ ì
display utility. It has the general form of:
XDIR dir:filename.typ ooo...
"dir:ó i≤ ß DI╥ prefix╗ i⌠ ma∙ bσ ß nameΣ directory¼
like ROOT, a DU form, like A5, or omitted
"filename.typ" is an ambiguous file name reference,
and it may be omitted
"o" is an option character, and, if "filename.typ" is
omitted, the first option must be proceeded by
a slash
Valid options under XDIR are:
Aa -- Set File Attributes
AA = Select System and Non-System Files
AN = Select Non-System Files
AS = Select System Files
D -- Send Output to Disk File XDIR.DIR as well as
to the Console
Ff -- Enable a Disk-Based File Scanner Function
FL = Log Names to FNAMES.DIR
FP = Print Names Stored in FNAMES.DIR
FS = Scan Disk and Compare to FNAMES.DIR
G -- Toggle Grouping (by filename/type or type/name)
H -- Toggle Display (Horizontal/Vertical)
I -- Inspect Logged Files (for FL option only)
N -- Negate Selection (File NOT Matching Wildcard)
P -- Send Output to Printer as well as Console
Usσá oµ al∞ oµ thesσ option≤ i≤ rathe≥ involved¼á anΣá XDIR│ ì
ha≤á ß Hel≡ Filσ dedicateΣ t∩ it«á Thσ nex⌠ informatioεá sectioε ì
chains to that Help File.
10.12 The ERASE Command
Thσ ERAS┼ commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ erasσ files¼á likσ ERA«á Therσ ì
arσá man∙ majo≥ differences¼á however«á Thσ genera∞ forφ oµá thσ ì
ERASE Command is:
ERASE dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
A≤á thσ reade≥ caε see¼á ß filσ lis⌠ i≤ permitteΣ a≤ wel∞ a≤ ì
the DIR prefix. The file specs may be ambiguous.
┴á majo≥ differencσ iε functiona∞ concep⌠ betweeε ERAS┼á anΣ ì
ER┴á i≤ tha⌠ ER┴ alway≤ "seesó botΦ Systeφ anΣ Non-Systeφá files« ì
ERAS┼ onl∙ "seesó Non-Systeφ file≤ anΣ mus⌠ bσ tolΣ explicitl∙ t∩ ì
matcΦá Systeφ file≤ a≤ well«á ╔ fee∞ tha⌠ thi≤ afford≤ aεá addeΣ ì
degreσá oµá protectioεá t∩ thσá ZCPR▓á environmen⌠á overall¼á anΣ ì
command≤á likσ "ERAS┼ *.*ó affec⌠ onl∙ workinτ file≤ anΣ no⌠á thσ ì
System files which may be hidden in the directory.
The options recognized by ERASE are:
S -- Include System Files; if S is not present, then
ERASE does not "see" System Files
R -- Erase Read/Only Files without asking the user for
permission; if ERASE encounters a Read/Only
filσ whilσ i⌠ i≤ performinτ it≤ functioε
without the R option enabled, it will ask
the user if he wants to erase the file before
it does so; with the R option, it simply goes
ahead and erases the file
I -- Inspect; ERASE can be instructed to display each
file to the user and ask permission before
it erases it; if the user gives permission
and ERASE discovers that the file is R/O with
the R option off, it will ask a second time
before going ahead
ERASE A4:*.TXT Erase all Non-System files of type
TXT in directory A4; if a file is R/O,
ERASE will ask for permission before
Erase all Non-System files of type TXT
in the current directory and in the
directory named TXT; if a file is R/O,
go ahead and erase it; allow the user to
see the name of the file and approve its
erasure before it is erased
ERASE SCRATCH: SR Erase all System and Non-System files
iε thσ director∙ nameΣ SCRATCH╗ iµ ß
file is R/O, erase it without asking;
this erases absolutely every file in
that directory
10.13 The RENAME Command
Thσ RENAM┼ commanΣ i≤ ß brothe≥ t∩ thσ RE╬ residen⌠ command« ì
Therσ arσ man∙ majo≥ differences¼ however:
. RENAM┼ allow≤á ambiguou≤ filσ name≤ t∩ thσ used
. RENAM┼ supports an Inspect Mode, where the user is
presented with each name change and allowed to
approve of it before it is done
. RENAME supports a Control Mode, where the user is
presented with each file to be RENAMEd and allowed
to manually enter the new name or not rename the
. RENAME accepts a list of files
. RENAME does not "see" System files unless told to
. RENAME can rename Read/Only files
. RENAME sets the attibutes (R/O and SYS) of the
new file names to be the same as those on the
old file names
. RENAME supports Named Directories
The RENAME command is of the general form:
RENAME dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
The options to RENAME are:
S -- Include System Files
I -- Allow user to Inspect the file before performing
the rename
C -- (Control Mode) Allow the user to manually name
each of the selected files or to skip it
Iµ ß ne≈ filσ namσ i≤ thσ samσ a≤ aε existinτ file¼ thσ use≥ ì
wil∞á bσ askeΣ iµ hσ wishe≤ t∩ deletσ thσ existinτ filσ iεá orde≥ ì
for the rename function to be performed.
Rename all files of type ASM in A4 to type MAC; also
rename all files of type TEX in the current directory
to type TXT; include System files and Inspect (approve)
each file before the rename is done
Rename all Non-System files in directory TXT; the user
is presented with the name of the file and manually
enters a new name for it
Rename all Non-System and System files in User 1 of the
current disk whose file type is TXT and allow the user
to manually enter each new name
Rename all Non-System files in the current directory
whosσ filσ typσ i≤ TX╘ s∩ tha⌠ thσ firs⌠ lette≥ oµ
their names is an S and the rest of the letters are
10.14 The PAGE Command
Thσá PAG┼ commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ lis⌠ file≤ oε thσ console«á I⌠ ì
offer≤ ß fe≈ advantage≤ ove≥ TYP┼ iε tha⌠ PAG┼ know≤ thσ widtΦ oµ ì
thσ screeε anΣ handle≤ wraparounΣ (whicΦ i≤ ß biτ complain⌠á witΦ ì
TYP┼á wheεá tryinτá t∩á pagσ througΦ "wideóá listing≤á likσá tha⌠ ì
produceΣ b∙ thσ assemblers)«á PAG┼ als∩ accept≤ ß filσ lis⌠á anΣ ì
supports named directories.
PAGE is invoked by a command line of the following form:
PAGE dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
wherσá "dir:fn.typó i≤ aε ambiguou≤ filσ speπ (wilΣ card≤ ma∙á bσ ì
used⌐á witΦá ß DI╥ prefi° (nameΣ directorie≤ o≥ D╒ forφá allowed⌐ ì
and "o" is one or more of the following options:
P - do not pause for user after filling a screen
Sn, 0 <= n <= 9 - set initial speed (0=fastest)
Thσ SpeeΣ optioε oµ thσ PAG┼ commanΣ shoulΣ bσ discusseΣá iε ì
somewha⌠á morσ detail«á Whilσ ß filσ i≤ beinτ pageΣ t∩ thσ user¼ ì
thσá use≥ caε strikσ onσ oµ thσ digit≤ t∩ var∙ thσ speeΣá oµá thσ ì
outpu⌠ dynamically« ░ i≤ thσ fastest¼ ╣ i≤ thσ slowest« Iε thi≤ ì
way¼á thσá use≥ caε easil∙ scaε ß filσ b∙ runninτ PAG┼ witΦ thσ ╨ ì
optioεá (s∩á i⌠á doe≤ no⌠ sto≡ wheε thσá screeεá i≤á filled⌐á anΣ ì
strikinτá ß digi⌠ froφ timσ t∩ timσ t∩ speeΣ u≡ ove≥ section≤á hσ ì
isn't interested in and slow down for sections he is.
Whilσá thσá outpu⌠á i≤ beinτ directeΣ t∩á thσá screen¼á PAG┼ ì
support≤á thσ followinτ single-characte≥ command≤ t∩á changσá thσ ì
output display in one way or another:
0 to 9 - change speed (0=slowest, 9=fastest)
P or p - toggle pause when screen fills
(the user can dynamically turn on and off
the ability to delay when a screen fills)
C or c - issue PAGE immediate command
immediate commands include S to skip to next
file, R to restart current file, and Q or ^C
to abort to ZCPR2
Wheεá PAG┼ pause≤ wheε thσ screeε fill≤ (it≤á default)¼á thσ ì
use≥á ma∙á issuσ onσ oµ thσ immediatσ command≤ oµá PAGE«á Hσá i≤ ì
prompted for input at this time.
10.15 The PRINT Command
Thσá PRIN╘á commanΣá i≤ useΣ t∩ prin⌠ ßá filσá oεá thσá LST║ ì
device¼á likσ LIS╘ does¼á bu⌠ offer≤ man∙ morσ options«á I⌠ wil∞ ì
prin⌠á ß heading¼á pagσ thσ file¼á numbe≥ thσ pages¼á numbe≥á thσ ì
lines¼á placσ ß date/timσ stam≡ oε thσ output¼á pu⌠ thσ filσ namσ ì
oε thσ output¼ anΣ others.
The PRINT command is of the following form:
PRINT dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
wherσá "dir:fn.typóá i≤ aε ambigou≤ filσ namσ witΦ ßá DI╥á prefi° ì
(supportinτá thσ D╒ forφ o≥ ß nameΣ directory⌐ anΣ "oó i≤ onσá o≥ ì
morσ oµ thσ following:
E - Exact Print (Expand Tabs, Form Feed, No Line or
Page Numbers, No Heading)
F - Toggle default of file name display on page header
(iµ defaul⌠ i≤ ON¼ theε ╞ turn≤ ofµ name display)
H<delim>text<delim> - Define Heading text to appear
at the top of each page
L - Toggle numbering of each line
M - Toggle Multiple Run Flag
(if multiple run is ON, then no "Set Top of Form"
message appears for each file and PRINT moves
from one file to another unattended)
N - Toggle numbering of each page
Sn - Start printing on page n
T - Toggle date/time stamp in the header of each page
(a CLOCK subroutine must be assembled into PRINT
to enable the date/time stamp feature)
Thσ F¼á L¼á M¼ N¼ anΣ ╘ option≤ arσ se⌠ b∙ GENIN╙ initially« ì
Thi≤á allow≤ thσ installe≥ t∩ selec⌠ default≤ fo≥ thesσá options¼ ì
anΣá thesσá optioε character≤ iε thσ commanΣ linσ jus⌠á servσá t∩ ì
toggle the defaults.
Thσá specifiπá feature≤ oµ thσ printe≥ arσ als∩ se⌠á b∙á thσ ì
installe≥á witΦá GENINS«á SucΦ feature≤ includσá thσá numbe≥á oµ ì
physica∞ line≤ oε ß page¼á thσ numbe≥ oµ line≤ oµ tex⌠ oε ß page¼ ì
and the width of a line in characters.
Thσá date/timσ stam≡ featurσ i≤ ver∙ machine-dependent¼á anΣ ì
PRIN╘á ha≤á t∩á bσ reassembleΣ t∩ suppor⌠á it«á Detail≤á oµá thσ ì
date/timσá stam≡ subroutinσ arσ includeΣ witΦ PRIN╘ iε thσá ZCPR▓ ì
10.16 The PROTECT Command
Thσá PROTEC╘ commanΣ replace≤ thσ attributσ se⌠ capabilitie≤ ì
oµá thσá STA╘ transien⌠ anΣ add≤ morσá flexibility«á PROTEC╘á i≤ ì
designeΣ t∩ allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩ specif∙ thσ attribute≤á (Read/Only¼ ì
System¼á anΣá Archive⌐ anΣ taτ bit≤ (thσ Mos⌠ Significan⌠ Bit≤ oµ ì
the eight characters in a file name) of a file or set of files.
The PROTECT command is of the following form:
PROTECT dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
A≤ thσ reade≥ caε see¼á ß filσ lis⌠ i≤ permitteΣ a≤ wel∞á a≤ ì
nameΣ directories«á Thσ filσ spec≤ ma∙ bσ ambiguous« Option≤ t∩ ì
the PROTECT Command are:
PROTECT always "sees" both System and Non-System files.
I -- Inspect C -- Control
R, S, A -- Turn on Attributes Read/Only, System, and
n, 1 <= n <= 8 -- Set Tag Bits
Inspec⌠á Modσ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ looδ a⌠ eacΦ filσ beforσ i⌠ ì
i≤á "protectedóá anΣá permi⌠á o≥á disallo≈á thσá functioεá t∩á bσ ì
performed on a case-by-case basis.
Contro∞ Mode¼ a≤ witΦ thσ RENAM┼ command¼ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ ì
seσá thσá namσá oµá eacΦá filσá selecteΣá anΣá manuall∙á se⌠á it≤ ì
attribute≤ anΣ taτ bits« Iε responsσ t∩ thσ Contro∞ Modσ prompt¼ ì
thσ use≥ caε typσ iε an∙ combinatioε oµ thσ letter≤ A¼á R¼ S¼ anΣ ì
the digits 1-8.
Set the Attributes of all COM files in directories A4
and ROOT to Read/Only and System. Turn off the Archive
attribute and all tag bits. Allow the user to inspect
each file before the operation is performed.
Clear all attributes and all tag bits of all files of
type TXT in the directory named ROOT
Allow the user to manually set all attributes and tag
bits of all files on Disk A in the current user
10.17 The PATH Command
Thσá PAT╚á CommanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ dynamicall∙ changσá ßá memory-ì
baseΣá filσ searcΦ patΦ o≥ thσ ZCPR▓ commanΣ searcΦá path«á WitΦ ì
PATH¼á thσá use≥ caε definσ ß ne≈ patΦ t∩ bσ followeΣ o≥á hσá caε ì
view what the current path is.
Thσá PAT╚ commanΣ i≤ installeΣ b∙ GENINS¼á and¼á durinτá thσ ì
installatioε process¼á GENIN╙ tell≤ PAT╚ thσ beginninτ addres≤ oµ ì
thσ patΦ i⌠ i≤ t∩ worδ with« PAT╚ ma∙ bσ installeΣ severa∞ time≤ ì
b∙ GENINS¼á giveε differen⌠ patΦ addresses¼á anΣ theε saveΣ unde≥ ì
different names to support each path the ZCPR2 System uses.
Thσá PAT╚á commanΣá deal≤ witΦá patΦá expressions«á ┴á patΦ ì
expressioεá i≤á ßá sequencσá oµá director∙á namesá whicΦá caεá bσ ì
expresseΣá a≤ "ambiguousó D╒ forms¼á absolutσ D╒ forms¼á o≥ NameΣ ì
Directory forms.
Aεá absolutσ D╒ forφ indicate≤ jus⌠ ß disδá lette≥á (curren⌠ ì
use≥á i≤ assumed)¼á jus⌠ ß use≥ numbe≥ (curren⌠ disδ i≤ assumed)¼ ì
o≥ botΦ ß disδ lette≥ anΣ ß use≥ number«á Aε "ambiguousó D╒ forφ ì
i≤á onσá iεá whicΦá thσ disδ lette≥ o≥ use≥á numbe≥á o≥á botΦá i≤ ì
replaceΣ witΦ ß "$ó character¼ meaninτ "curren⌠ diskó o≥ "curren⌠ ì
user"«á ┴ NameΣ Director∙ form¼ oµ course¼ i≤ simpl∙ thσ namσ oµ ì
a directory.
T∩ illustrate¼á let'≤ sa∙ tha⌠ yo⌡ arσ loggeΣ int∩ B1«á Thσ ì
$0 A$ A0 ROOT
represents the sequence
B0 to A1 to A0 to ROOT
Thσ PAT╚ Command¼ then¼ ma∙ bσ invokeΣ b∙ thesσ forms:
PATH // <-- Print Help
PATH <-- Display Path
PATH path-expression <-- Set Path
Actua∞á screeε display≤ illustratinτ thσ usσ oµ PAT╚ follow« ì
Comments are denoted at the size by being prefixed with "<<".
B7>path // << Print Help
PATH Version 1.0
PATH allows the user to display his current path
and set a new path. It is invoked by one of the forms:
PATH <-- Display Path
PATH path-expression <-- Set Path
PATH // <-- Print Help
B7>path << Print Current Path
PATH Version 1.0
Current Path in Symbolic Form --
A$: --> A 15:
Current Path in Absolute Form --
A 7: --> A 15:
Current Path in Named Directory Form --
R-WS: --> ROOT:
B7>path $0 a$ base root: << Set a Path
PATH Version 1.0 << Note: a named dir may have
Current Path in Symbolic Form -- << a : as a suffix
$ 0: --> A$: --> A 0: --> A 15:
Current Path in Absolute Form --
B 0: --> A 7: --> A 0: --> A 15:
Current Path in Named Directory Form --
DEV-BASE: --> R-WS: --> BASE: --> ROOT:
B7>path 0 base root help << Set a Path with an Error in It
PATH Version 1.0
Invalid Path Expression Element -- Error Flagged at:
This may be an invalid DU: form (disk or user out of range)
or an undefined named direcory.
Aborting to CP/M
B7>path a$ << I kept ROOT in the path before
PATH Version 1.0 << This is where my commands are
Current Path in Symbolic Form --
Current Path in Absolute Form --
A 7:
Current Path in Named Directory Form --
B7>path << Path Can't be found without ROOT being
PATH? << in the path expression
B7>a15:path a$ root << ... UNLESS the DU: prefix is used
PATH Version 1.0 << (DU: can be disabled by the ZCPR2
Current Path in Symbolic Form -- << installer)
A$: --> A 15:
Current Path in Absolute Form --
A 7: --> A 15:
Current Path in Named Directory Form --
R-WS: --> ROOT:
No≈á wσá arσá bacδá t∩ ou≥á origina∞á path«á Notσá tha⌠á b∙ ì
disablinτ thσ D╒ form¼á ß lo⌠ oµ securit∙ i≤ addeΣ t∩ thσ system« ì
Command≤ caε onl∙ comσ froφ thσ curren⌠ path¼ anΣ C─ MUS╘ bσ useΣ ì
t∩á loτá int∩ ß directory«á AddeΣ t∩ this¼á oµá course¼á i≤á thσ ì
abilit∙á t∩ hidσ Systeφ Directorie≤ froφ vie≈ b∙ PW─ anΣá forcinτ ì
thσá use≥á t∩á providσá ß passworΣ iε orde≥á t∩á ente≥á ßá Systeφ ì
10.18 The WHEEL Command
Thσá WHEE╠á commanΣá i≤ useΣ t∩ enablσ anΣá disablσá certaiε ì
selecteΣ (a⌠ installatioε time⌐ ZCPR▓ residen⌠ commands« ┴ WHEE╠ ì
optioεá caεá bσá specifieΣ wheε ZCPR▓ i≤ installeΣá oεá ßá targe⌠ ì
system« Iµ thσ WHEE╠ optioε i≤ enableΣ fo≥ ß particula≥ command¼ ì
tha⌠ commanΣ wil∞ worδ onl∙ iµ ß Whee∞ Byte¼ locateΣ somewherσ iε ì
memory¼ i≤ set« Thσ commanΣ wil∞ ech∩ a≤ aε erro≥ messagσ iµ thσ ì
Whee∞ Bytσ i≤ no⌠ set.
Thσá WHEE╠ commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ se⌠ anΣ rese⌠ thσ Whee∞á Byte« ì
It supports the following forms:
WHEEL or WHEEL // <-- Print Help
WHEE╠ passworΣ SE╘ <-- Se⌠ Whee∞ Bytσ (Enablσ Cmd)
WHEEL password <-- Set Wheel Byte
WHEE╠ passworΣ RESE╘ <-- Reset¼ o≥ Clear¼ Whee∞ Byte
Thσ WHEE╠ concep⌠ caε bσ extendeΣ int∩ transien⌠ command≤ a≤ ì
well«á Thi≤ i≤ no⌠ donσ witΦ thσ transient≤ supplieΣ witΦ ZCPR2¼ ì
however. The WHEEL command is installed by GENINS.
.fo Section 11 - Help System Page #
11.0 Help System
11.1 The HELP2 Subsystem for Online Documentation
Thσá purposσ oµ HELP▓ i≤ t∩ allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩á interactivel∙ ì
quer∙á thσ *.HL╨ file≤ oµ thσ systeφ iε orde≥ t∩ receivσ informaì
tioεá summarie≤ oε variou≤ aspect≤ oµ thσ user≤ workinτá environì
ment¼á sucΦ a≤ thσ languagσ system≤ hσ i≤ usinτ anΣ certaiεá subì
system≤ availablσ t∩ him.
Wheεá thσ use≥ type≤ "HELP"¼á ß searcΦ i≤ donσ fo≥ thσ file≤ ì
*.HLP«á Thσá namσá oµá eacΦ HL╨ filσ i≤ displayeΣá t∩á thσá use≥ ì
optionall∙áá followeΣá b∙á thi≤á text«áá Iµá thσá use≥áá desire≤ ì
informatioεá oε ß specifiπ topiπ anΣ hσ ha≤ ß HEL╨ Filσá oµá tha⌠ ì
namσ (ie¼á CPM.HL╨ i≤ ß HEL╨ Filσ oε CP/M)¼á hσ ma∙ issuσ oµ HEL╨ ì
CommanΣ oµ thσ form:
HELP topic
"topicó i≤ thσ namσ oµ thσ HEL╨ Filσ (topic.HLP¼ likσ CPM.HLP).
11.2 HELP: Welcome to the HELP Command
Welcomσ t∩ thσ HEL╨ Commandí Thσ HEL╨ CommanΣ i≤ designeΣ ì
t∩ assis⌠ you¼á thσ CP/═ user¼ iε thσ usσ oµ CP/═ iε genera∞ ì
anΣ specifiπ CP/═ command≤ iε particular«á I⌠ i≤ designeΣ ì
a≤ aε interactive¼ on-linσ assistancσ system.
HEL╨á pull≤á iεá file≤ nameΣ <FILENAME>.HL╨á froφá disδá anΣ ì
display≤ thesσ t∩ thσ use≥ iε ß pageΣ mode«á Thesσ file≤ arσ oµ ì
tw∩ basiπ type≤ -- indexeΣ anΣ non-indexed.
IndexeΣá file≤á arσá thosσ HEL╨ file≤ whicΦá star⌠á witΦá aε ì
index«á Thi≤á i≤ aε examplσ oµ aε indexeΣ file«á Wheεá HEL╨ ì
load≤á aε indexeΣ file¼á i⌠ display≤ thi≤ inde° t∩ thσá use≥ ì
anΣá allow≤ hiφ t∩ selec⌠ entrie≤ froφ it«á Thσ use≥ ma∙ selec⌠ ì
a≤ man∙ entrie≤ a≤ hσ desire≤ iε an∙ orde≥ hσ desire≤ b∙ simpl∙ ì
typinτ thσ lette≥ oµ hi≤ selection«á Oncσ thσ use≥ ha≤ madσ hi≤ ì
selection¼á HEL╨á wil∞ looδ u≡ thσ bod∙ oµ tex⌠ hσá selecteΣá anΣ ì
displa∙ i⌠ t∩ hiφ iε ß pageΣ mode«á Wheε thσ use≥ ha≤ finisheΣ ì
readinτá hi≤á selection¼á HEL╨ theε return≤ hiφ t∩á thσá inde° ì
menu« Typinτ ß Control-├ wil∞ returε thσ use≥ t∩ CP/M.
Non-indexeΣ file≤ arσ thosσ HEL╨ file≤ whicΦ d∩ no⌠ star⌠ ì
witΦ aε index«á Iε sucΦ cases¼á HEL╨ wil∞ immediatel∙ displa∙ ì
thσá content≤á oµ thσ filσ t∩ thσ use≥ and¼á wheε thσ use≥á ha≤ ì
finisheΣ lookinτ a⌠ it¼ HEL╨ wil∞ returε t∩ CP/M.
HEL╨ i≤ menu-driven¼á anΣ al∞ thσ command≤ availablσ t∩á thσ ì
use≥ a⌠ an∙ giveε timσ arσ displayeΣ t∩ him«
Thσá versioε oµ HEL╨ describeΣ iε thi≤ HL╨ filσ i≤á designeΣ ì
t∩á worδ witΦ thσ ZCPR▓ systeφ anΣ takσ advantagσ oµ somσ oµá it≤ ì
special features.
11.3 HELP: How to Use the HELP Command
The HELP Command is executed in one of three ways:
(1) by just typing 'HELP'
(2) by typing 'HELP FILENAME', where FILENAME
is the name of a disk file named FILENAME.HLP
(3) by typing 'HELP FILENAME.TYP', where
FILENAME.TYP is the name of a file created in
the format of a help file
Iµá thσ use≥ type≤ jus⌠ 'HELP'¼á hσ wil∞ receivσ ß lis⌠á oµ ì
thσ availablσ HEL╨ File≤ anΣ m∙ elec⌠ t∩ reaΣ thσ basiπá HELP.HL╨ ì
file« Fo≥ al∞ othe≥ form≤ oµ thσ HEL╨ command¼ thσ use≥ wil∞ seσ ì
thσá specifieΣ hel≡ filσ information«á Generall∙á speaking¼á thσ ì
namσá oµá thσá hel≡ filσ shoulΣ bσ indicativσ oµá it≤á subject¼ ì
likσ CPM.HL╨ shoulΣ contaiε hel≡ informatioε oε CP/M.
The HELP File Search Hierarchy
Wheneve≥ HEL╨ look≤ fo≥ ß specifieΣ HEL╨ Filσ (eithe≥á froφ ì
thσá HEL╨á CommanΣá o≥á froφ aεá Informatioεá Sectioεá whicΦ ì
specifie≤ ß Nodσ [seσ later])¼ HEL╨ wil∞ perforφ ß searcΦ fo≥ ì
thσ indicateΣ file« Thi≤ searcΦ goe≤ a≤ follows:
1«á Unde≥á ZCPR2¼á HEL╨á caε bσ se⌠ u≡ t∩á follo≈á thσ ì
externa∞ path«á A≤ such¼á HEL╨ wil∞ searcΦ thσ curren⌠ director∙ ì
(disδá anΣá user⌐á first«á Iµ i⌠ i≤ no⌠ se⌠á u≡á t∩á searcΦá thσ ì
external path, it will search along its internal path.
2«á Iµá thσá HL╨ filσ i≤ no⌠ founΣ unde≥á thσá curren⌠ ì
directory¼ HEL╨ wil∞ searcΦ alonτ thσ ZCPR▓ patΦ fo≥ it.
3«á Iµ thσ HL╨ filσ i≤ no⌠ founΣ alonτ thσ ZCPR▓ path¼ ì
theε HEL╨ wil∞ searcΦ alonτ it≤ interna∞ patΦ fo≥ thσ file« Thi≤ ì
i≤ ß majo≥ differencσ betweeε HEL╨ anΣ othe≥ ZCPR▓ utilities« T∩ ì
configurσá HEL╨á witΦ GENINS¼á yo⌡ shoulΣ firs⌠ tel∞ GENIN╙á tha⌠ ì
HEL╨ doe≤ no⌠ usσ externa∞ paths¼á definσ thσ interna∞ path¼á anΣ ì
theε tel∞ GENIN╙ tha⌠ HEL╨ use≤ externa∞ path≤ anΣ wherσ thσ patΦ ì
4«á Iµá thσ HL╨ filσ i≤ no⌠ found¼á HEL╨á wil∞á eithe≥ ì
displa∙á thσ name≤ oµ thσ HL╨ file≤ alonτ thσ patΦ anΣ prin⌠á it≤ ì
interna∞ documentatioε o≥ finΣ thσ filσ HELP.HL╨ anΣ prin⌠ that.
11.4 HELP: Moving Around within the HELP Command
Oncσ thσ use≥ i≤ runninτ HELP¼ hσ i≤ giveε ß se⌠ oµ command≤ ì
b∙ whicΦ hσ caε displa∙ thσ particula≥ item≤ oµ informatioε hσ i≤ ì
interesteΣ in.
Afte≥á issuinτ thσ HEL╨ command¼á thσ use≥ wil∞ comσ u≡ iε ì
onσ oµ tw∩ mode≤ (dependinτ oε thσ typσ oµ HEL╨ filσ referenced)« ì
Iε IndexeΣ Mode¼á ß Men⌡ oµ topic≤ i≤ displayeΣ t∩ thσ use≥ anΣ ì
hσá caεá selec⌠ thσ desireΣ topiπ b∙ typinτá thσá lette≥á iε ì
fron⌠á oµ thσ topiπ title╗á iε Non-IndexeΣ Mode¼á n∩ men⌡ i≤ ì
displayeΣ anΣ thσ entirσ filσ i≤ vieweΣ a≤ onσ Informatioε ì
Aεá Informatioε Sectioε i≤ ß collectioε oµ screeεá display≤ ì
(onσá screeε ful∞ oµ text⌐ calleΣá Frames«á Typically¼á aε ì
Informatioε Sectioε shoulΣ contaiε ß logica∞ groupinτ oµá relateΣ ì
datßá oε ß particula≥ topic«á Iε IndexeΣ Mode¼á eacΦ Men⌡ topiπ ì
refer≤ t∩ aε Informatioε Section« B∙ selectinτ ß topic¼ thσ use≥ ì
i≤ placeΣ int∩ aε Informatioε Section«á Iε Non-IndexeΣ Mode¼ thσ ì
entirσ HEL╨ filσ i≤ onσ Informatioε Section.
Moving From the Menu
A⌠á thσá Men⌡á oµ ß HEL╨ file¼á thσá use≥á ha≤á tw∩á basiπ ì
options« Thesσ option≤ arσ t∩ selec⌠ ß Men⌡ topiπ t∩ revie≈ o≥ ì
t∩á exi⌠ t∩ CP/M«á Iµ ß Men⌡ topiπ i≤ selected¼á thσ use≥á i≤ ì
placeΣ int∩ tha⌠ Informatioε Section.
┴á thirΣá optioε a⌠ thσ Men⌡ oµ ß HEL╨ filσá i≤á sometime≤ ì
available«á Thi≤á optioεá i≤ t∩ movσ u≡ t∩ thσ previou≤á HEL╨ ì
Level«á Somσá Informatioεá Section≤ arσ entirσ HEL╨á file≤á iε ì
thei≥ owε right¼ whicΦ caε bσ accesseΣ independentl∙ oµ thσ HEL╨ ì
filσ thσ use≥ i≤ currentl∙ in« Iµ thσ use≥ enter≤ onσ oµ thesσ ì
Informatioε Sections¼ thσ namσ oµ thσ curren⌠ HEL╨ filσ i≤ saveΣ ì
anΣ thσ ne≈ HEL╨ filσ i≤ loaded«á Wheε thi≤ happens¼á thσ use≥ ì
i≤ placeΣ a⌠ thσ nex⌠ HEL╨ Leve∞ (aε ascendinτ number¼ wherσ thσ ì
origina∞ HEL╨ filσ i≤ a⌠ HEL╨ Leve∞ 0¼á ß HEL╨ filσ calleΣá froφ ì
thi≤ leve∞ i≤ a⌠ HEL╨ Leve∞ 1¼ ß HEL╨ filσ calleΣ froφ thi≤ leve∞ ì
i≤á a⌠ HEL╨ Leve∞ 2¼á etc.)«á Wheε thσ use≥ i≤ a⌠ ß lowe≥á HEL╨ ì
Leve∞ (use≥ i≤ NO╘ a⌠ HEL╨ Leve∞ 0)¼ hσ ha≤ thσ optioε t∩ movσ ì
t∩á thσ nex⌠ highe≥ HEL╨ Leve∞ (froφ HEL╨ Leve∞ ▒ t∩ HEL╨á Leve∞ ì
0¼ fo≥ example).
Thσá concep⌠á oµ movinτ betweeε HEL╨ Level≤ i≤ deriveΣá froφ ì
thσ concep⌠ oµ ß Treσ datß structurσ froφ Compute≥á Science«á Iε ì
thi≤ concept¼á thσ use≥ start≤ a⌠ thσ roo⌠ oµ thσ treσ anΣ theε ì
climb≤á u≡á anΣá dowε thσ treσ t∩ variou≤á levels¼á o≥á nodes« ì
Froφ eacΦ node¼á thσ use≥ ma∙ onl∙ movσ u≡ o≥ dowε thσ treσá -- ì
hσá can'⌠á cros≤ ove≥ t∩ ß nodσ a⌠ thσ samσ leve∞ withou⌠á firs⌠ ì
movinτ dowε thσ treσ anΣ theε bacδ up«á T∩ illustrate¼ conside≥ ì
thσ following:
Node A Node B HELP Level
_________ ____________ 5
\ Node C /
-------------- 4
\ Node D Node E
------------ ---------------- 3
\ Node F / Node G
--------------------------- ----------- 2
\ Node H / Node I
-------------------------- ------- 1
\ Node J /
Root of Tree --> -------------------------- 0
Iεá thσ abovσ example¼á thσ use≥ mus⌠ alway≤ star⌠ a⌠á thσ ì
roo⌠á oµ thσ treσ (Nodσ J)«á Thi≤ i≤ analogou≤ t∩ HEL╨ Leve∞á 0¼ ì
whicΦ i≤ wherσ thσ use≥ i≤ placσ wheε hσ issue≤ thσ HEL╨ Command« ì
T∩ ge⌠ t∩ Nodσ C¼á fo≥ example¼á thσ use≥ ha≤ t∩ climΓ thσá treσ ì
froφá Nodσá ╩ t∩ Nodσ ╚ t∩ Nodσ ╞ t∩ Nodσ ─ t∩á Nodσá C«á Thi≤ ì
woulΣáá bσá likσá thσá use≥á enterinτá ┤á Node-Typσá Informatioε ì
Sections¼ iε whicΦ differen⌠ HEL╨ file≤ arσ successivel∙ loaded.
No≈ tha⌠ thσ use≥ i≤ a⌠ Nodσ C¼á let'≤ sa∙ tha⌠ hσ want≤á t∩ ì
g∩á t∩ Nodσ E«á Unde≥ thσ HEL╨ System¼á therσ arσ tw∩ way≤ t∩ d∩ ì
1«á Jum≡ ofµ oµ thσ treσ anΣ theε climΓ bacδ u≡ t∩ ì
Nodσá E«á Here¼á thσ use≥ woulΣ jum≡ froφ Nodσ ├ t∩ Nodσ ╩á anΣ ì
theε g∩ t∩ Nodσ ╚ t∩ Nodσ ╞ t∩ Nodσ E« Unde≥ HELP¼ thσ use≥ caε ì
d∩á thi≤ b∙ exitinτ t∩ CP/═ anΣ theε reissuinτ thσ HEL╨á CommanΣ ì
o≥ b∙ issuinτ thσ Roo⌠ CommanΣ (.)╗á oncσ a⌠ thσ roo⌠ oµ thσ ì
tree¼á hσ theε climb≤ i⌠ agaiε b∙ enterinτ thσá appropriatσ ì
Informatioε Sections.
2«á ClimΓ dowε thσ treσ anΣ theε bacδ up«á Thσ use≥ ì
woulΣá movσá froφ Nodσ ├ t∩ Nodσ ─ t∩ Nodσ ╞ anΣ theε bacδ u≡á t∩ ì
Nodσá E«á Thσ HEL╨ use≥ caε g∩ t∩ thσ previou≤ leve∞ b∙á issuinτ ì
thσá U≡ Leve∞ (^⌐ command«á Iε thi≤ example¼á hσ woulΣ U≡á Leve∞ ì
twicσ anΣ theε g∩ bacδ down.
Moving Within An Information Section
Oncσá thσ use≥ i≤ withiε ß textua∞ Informatioεá Section¼á hσ ì
ha≤á severa∞ capabilitie≤ fo≥ movinτ withiε thi≤ sectioε anΣá ou⌠ ì
oµ thi≤ section.
First¼á t∩ movσ ou⌠ oµ aε Informatioε Section¼ thσ use≥ caε ì
returεá t∩á thσ men⌡ (iµ thσ curren⌠ HEL╨ filσá i≤á Indexed⌐á o≥ ì
returε t∩ CP/M«á Additionally¼á iµ thσ use≥ i≤ no⌠ oε thσ roo⌠ ì
(HEL╨á Leve∞á 0)¼á hσ caε returε t∩ thσ previou≤ HEL╨á Leve∞á (U≡ ì
Level)«á Iµá thσá use≥ i≤ no⌠ iε aε IndexeΣ HEL╨á file¼á movinτ ì
forwarΣá beyonΣ thσ EnΣ oµ Informatioε (EOI⌐ wil∞ returε hiφá t∩ ì
CP/═ iµ hσ i≤ a⌠ HEL╨ Leve∞ ░ o≥ returε hiφ t∩ thσ previou≤á HEL╨ ì
Leve∞ iµ not.
T∩ movσ withiε aε Informatioε Section¼ thσ datß i≤ typicall∙ ì
arrangeΣ sequentially«á Consequently¼ thσ use≥ caε movσ ForwarΣ ì
t∩á thσ nex⌠ Frame¼á BackwarΣ t∩ thσ previou≤ Frame¼á o≥ t∩ thσ ì
beginninτá oµ thσ Informatioεá Section«á Naturally¼á thσá use≥ ì
canno⌠á movσá backwarΣá beyonΣ thσ beginninτ oµá thσá Informatioε ì
Section«á Also¼á iµ thσ use≥ trie≤ t∩ movσ forwarΣ beyonΣá thσ ì
EnΣá oµá Informatioε (EOI)¼á hσ i≤ eithe≥ returneΣ t∩ thσá Menu¼ ì
returneΣá t∩á CP/M¼á o≥ returneΣ t∩ thσ previou≤á HEL╨á Leve∞á a≤ ì
describeΣ above.
11.5 HELP: HELP Command Prompts
Thσá followinτá arσ thσ basiπ prompt≤ fo≥á use≥á commanΣ ì
whicΦ HEL╨ display≤ t∩ thσ use≥ anΣ thei≥ meanings.
^C=CP/M ^=Level .=Root M=Menu S=Start L=Last CR=Next -
\ \ \ \ \ \ \__Goto Next
\ \ \ \ \ \__Goto Last Frame
\ \ \ \ \__Goto Start of Info Sec
\ \ \ \__Goto Menu of HELP File
\ \ \__Goto Root if NOT at Level 0
\ \ (this is displayed only if NOT at Level 0)
\ \__Goto Previous Level
\ (this is displayed only if NOT at Level 0)
\__Return to CP/M
EOI ^C=CP/M ^=Level .=Root M=Menu S=Start L=Last CR=Next -
\ \________\_______\________\_______\_______\_______\
\ \__ Same As Above __\
\__User is at the End of Information (end of Info Section)
Type ^C=CP/M ^=Level .=Root or Enter Selection -
\ \ \ \__Enter letter of desired
\ \ \ Information Section
\ \ \__Goto Root
\ \ (this is shown only if NOT at Level 0)
\ \__Goto Previous Level
\ (this is shown only if NOT at Level 0)
\__Return to CP/M
Preceedinτá eacΦ oµ thσ abovσ prompt≤ i≤ aε indicato≥á oµ ì
thσ HEL╨ Leve∞ anΣ Framσ Numbe≥ thσ use≥ i≤ currentl∙ at« Thi≤ ì
indicato≥ ma∙ takσ thσ followinτ forms:
\__The user is at the Menu of Level 0
\__Current Frame Number within Information Section
(the user is at Level 0)
Level lll/
\__Current Level Number (The user is at a Menu Frame)
(this is displayed only if the user is NOT at Level 0)
Level lll/fff:
\ \__Current Frame Number within Information Section
\__Current Level Number
(this is displayed only if the user is NOT at Level 0)
Summary of User Commands
Cmd Meaning
^ Go to Previous Level
. Go to Root Level
M Go to Menu of Current HELP File
S Go to Start of Information Section
L Go to Previous Frame
CR (Carriage Return or Space) Go to Next Frame
^C (Control-C) Return to CP/M
11.6 HELP: HELP Error Messages
Thσá followinτá arσ thσ erro≥ message≤ issueΣ b∙á HEL╨ ì
anΣ thei≥ meanings:
HELP FATAL ERROR -- File not Found
The specified HELP File cannot be found.
HELP FATAL ERROR -- File Name Contains Wild Car
Thσá specifieΣ HEL╨ Filσ contain≤ thσ characte≥ "*ó o≥á "?"« ì
Thi≤ i≤ no⌠ alloweΣ sincσ i⌠ specifie≤ aε ambiguou≤ name.
HELP ERROR -- Invalid Response
The user issued an invalid command.
Iε searchinτ fo≥ aε Informatioε Section¼á HEL╨ raε int∩á thσ ì
enΣá oµá thσ HEL╨ File«á Thσ IndexeΣ HEL╨ Filσ i≤á improperl∙ ì
structureΣ (morσ inde° entrie≤ thaε Informatioε Sections).è
HELP ERROR -- Not Possible to Backup Before Start of Info
Aεá ╠á CommanΣá wa≤ issueΣ wheε thσ curren⌠ Framσá wa≤á thσ ì
beginninτ oµ thσ curren⌠ Informatioε Section.
HELP ERROR -- Node Level Limit Reached -- Aborting
Thσá limi⌠á oµ thσ nestinτ oµ thσ HEL╨ Level≤á i≤á exceeded« ì
HEL╨ limit≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ HEL╨ Level≤ tha⌠ caε bσ traverseΣ t∩ 1░ ì
(default¼á whicΦá caε bσ changed)¼á anΣ aε attemp⌠ wa≤ madσá t∩ ì
ente≥ HEL╨ Leve∞ 1▒ (o≥ defaul⌠ ½ 1).
HELP ERROR -- Invalid File Name in Load
Aε Informatioε Sectioε whicΦ i≤ tryinτ t∩ loaΣ ß nodσá (g∩ ì
t∩ nex⌠ HEL╨ Level⌐ contain≤ aε invaliΣ filσ name.
HELP ERROR -- No Higher Level to Return to
Aεá attemp⌠ wa≤ madσ t∩ g∩ t∩ ß HEL╨ Leve∞ previou≤ t∩á HEL╨ ì
Leve∞ ░ (▐ CommanΣ issueΣ froφ HEL╨ Leve∞ 0).
HELP ERROR -- Not Enough Room for HELP File
Thσá selecteΣá HEL╨á Filσá i≤ to∩ largσá t∩á loaΣá int∩á thσ ì
availablσ memor∙ iε thσ user'≤ compute≥ system«á Thσ HEL╨ Filσ ì
shoulΣ bσ reduceΣ iε size╗ usinτ HEL╨ Level≤ (Nodσ references⌐ iε ì
thσ Informatioε Section≤ i≤ ß gooΣ wa∙ t∩ d∩ this.
11.7 HELP: How to Write HELP Files
File≤á useΣá b∙á thσ HEL╨ prograφ arσ eithe≥á simplσá CP/M-ì
standarΣá file≤ oµ ASCI╔ tex⌠ o≥ ASCI╔á file≤á generateΣ ì
b∙á thσ WorΣ Sta≥ tex⌠ editor/formatter«á Thesσ files¼á a≤ ì
mentioneΣá above¼á arσá oµ tw∩ basiπá types║á indexeΣá anΣá non-ì
indexed¼á anΣá eacΦ typσ i≤ relateΣ t∩ thσ othe≥ anΣ i≤ oµá thσ ì
samσ basiπ format.
Grouping of Information
Informatioε displayeΣ t∩ thσ use≥ i≤ groupeΣ b∙ thσ inde° iε ì
indexeΣá HEL╨á file≤ anΣ ma∙ als∩ bσ groupeΣ b∙ line≤á beginninτ ì
witΦ Forφ FeeΣ (^L⌐ characters« Groupinτ i≤ aε effectivσ wa∙ t∩ ì
logicall∙á organizσá informatioε s∩ tha⌠ meaninτ wil∞á bσá morσ ì
clea≥ t∩ thσ use≥ anΣ unit≤ oµ informatioε wil∞ no⌠ pas≤á betweeε ì
screeε displays.
Thσá informatioεá displayeΣá t∩ thσ use≥ i≤á organizeΣá int∩ ì
logica∞á unit≤á calleΣ Informatioε Section≤ anΣá screeεá display≤ ì
(onσá screeε ful∞ oµ text⌐ calleΣ Frames«á Usinτ tex⌠á editors¼ ì
thσá use≥á caεá creatσá hi≤á owεá HEL╨á file≤á anΣá organizσá hi≤ ì
informatioε a≤ hσ desire≤ fo≥ displa∙ t∩ thσ HEL╨ user.
Non-Indexed HELP Files
Non-indexeΣá HEL╨á file≤ arσ simplσ ASCI╔ file≤ whicΦá star⌠ ì
witΦá ß coloε (:⌐ a≤ thσ firs⌠ characte≥ oµ thσ filσ anΣá consis⌠ ì
oµ ASCI╔ tex⌠ (witΦ eacΦ linσ terminateΣ b∙ ß carriagσ returε anΣ ì
linσ feeΣ characte≥ combination)«á Thσ informatioε iε sucΦá ß ì
hel≡á filσ consist≤ oµ al∞ tex⌠ afte≥ thσ leadinτ coloε u≡á t∩ ì
eithe≥á thσá terminatinτ end-of-filσ marδ (control-Z⌐ o≥ ßá ne≈ ì
linσ whicΦ start≤ witΦ ß colon.
Indexed HELP Files
IndexeΣá HEL╨á file≤ arσ simplσ ASCI╔ file≤ whicΦá d∩á no⌠ ì
star⌠á witΦá ß coloε (:⌐ a≤ thσ firs⌠ characte≥ oµá thσá file« ì
Thi≤á typσ oµ HEL╨ filσ consist≤ oµ onσ o≥ morσ norma∞á ASCI╔ ì
tex⌠á line≤á a≤á thσá firs⌠á line≤á oµá thσá filσá followeΣá b∙ ì
informatioεá section≤á whicΦá begiεá witΦá ßá linσá whosσá firs⌠ ì
characte≥ i≤ ß coloε anΣ enΣ witΦ eithe≥ thσ firs⌠ linσá oµ ì
thσ nex⌠ informatioε sectioε o≥ thσ enΣ oµ thσ file.
Tree Structures within Indexed HELP Files
A≤á mentioneΣ above¼á thσ IndexeΣ HEL╨ Filσ i≤ divideΣá int∩ ì
Informatioε Sections¼ wherσ eacΦ Informatioε Sectioε start≤ witΦ ì
ß coloε (:)« Therσ arσ tw∩ basiπ type≤ oµ Informatioε Section:
1«á Informatioε Section≤ containinτ textua∞ material╗ ì
thi≤ typσ oµ Informatioε Sectioε simpl∙ contain≤ readinτ materia∞ ì
whicΦá i≤á organizeΣ int∩ Frames¼á wherσ ß Framσ i≤ equa∞ t∩á onσ ì
screeε display.
2«á Informatioεá Section≤ whicΦ referencσ othe≥á HEL╨ ì
files╗á thi≤á typσ oµ Informatioε Sectioε begin≤ witΦ tw∩á colon≤ ì
(::⌐á insteaΣá oµá onσ a≤ iε (1⌐ above╗á thσá tw∩á colon≤á arσ ì
immediatel∙ followeΣ b∙ thσ namσ oµ thσ HEL╨ filσ (thσ HEL╨á filσ ì
typσ ma∙ bσ optionall∙ specified).
T∩ illustrate¼á thσ followinτ outline≤ thσ structurσ oµ thσ ì
tw∩ type≤ oµ Informatioε Sections:
:Title for Type 1 Information Section
: [next Information Section]
Figure: A Text (Type 1) Information Section
: [next Information Section]
: [next Information Section]è
11.8 HELP: The Tree Structure of HELP
-- Basic HELP File --
|Info Sect 1 |Info Sect 2 |Info Sect 3 |Info Sect 4 |
| Text | HELP File | Text | HELP File |
/ \ / \
-- SubHelp File 1 -- -- SubHelp File 2 --
|Info Sect 1 |Info Sect 2 | |Info Sect 1 |Info Sect2|
| Text | HELP File | | Text | Text |
/ \
-- SubSubHelp File 1 --
|Info Sect 1 |Info Sect 2 |Info Sect 3 |
| Text | HELP File | HELP File |
/ \ / \
-- Sub3Help File 1 -- -- Sub3Help File 2 --
|Info Sect | |Info Sect 1 |Info Sect 2|
| Text | | Text | HELP File |
/ \
-- Sub4Help File --
|Info Sect 1 |Info Sect 2|
| Text | Text |
Figure: Sample HELP File Structure
Thσáá abovσá diagraφá i≤á mean⌠á t∩á illustratσá ho≈áá treσ ì
structure≤á caε bσ implementeΣ unde≥ Version≤ 1.┤ anΣ beyonΣá oµ ì
HELP«á A≤á thσ use≥ caε see¼á ß ne≈ nodσ oµ thσ treσ i≤ createΣ ì
wheneve≥á ß HEL╨ filσ i≤ referenceΣ b∙ aεá Informatioεá Sectioε ì
(a≤á opposeΣ t∩ simpl∙ havinτ tex⌠ iε thσ Informatioεá Section)« ì
EacΦá nodσ become≤ thσ basσ oµ ß ne≈ tree¼á whicΦ itselµá ma∙ ì
contaiε reference≤ t∩ othe≥ HEL╨ files.
Froφ thσ previou≤ diagraφ (fee∞ freσ t∩ refe≥ bacδ t∩ it)¼ ì
SubHel≡ Leve∞ │ contain≤ tw∩ HEL╨ files«á Thesσ caε bσ entereΣ ì
froφá Informatioε Sectioε ▓ anΣ Informatioε Sectioε │ oµ SubHel≡ ì
Leve∞á 2«á B∙á simpl∙ enterinτ onσ oµá thesσá tw∩á Informatioε ì
Sections¼á thσá appropriatσ HEL╨ filσ i≤ loadeΣ anΣ thσ use≥ i≤ ì
placeΣ a⌠ thσ nex⌠ level« Froφ thesσ HEL╨ files¼ thσ use≥ ma∙ ì
movσá withiεá thσ HEL╨ filσ itselµ o≥ movσ u≡á t∩á thσá previou≤ ì
leve∞á (naturally¼á thσá use≥á alway≤ ha≤ thσ optioε t∩á exi⌠á t∩ ì
11.9 HELP: Sample HELP Files Illustrating Use of Tree Structure
Thσá followinτá Frame≤á sho≈ thσ sourcσá t∩á threσá HEL╨ ì
Files¼á nameΣ DEMO.HLP¼á DEMO2.HLP¼á anΣ DEMO3.HLP« DEMO.HL╨ i≤ ì
provide≤á thσá Roo⌠ Nodσ t∩ ß treσ whicΦ include≤á DEMO2.HL╨á anΣ ì
DEMO3.HL╨ a≤ subnodes«á Additionally¼á DEMO3.HL╨ ha≤ ßá subnodσ ì
whicΦáá reference≤á DEMO.HLP¼áá s∩á wσá havσá ßá recursivσá treσ ì
TEST 1 - OK <-- Menu
:TEST 1 <-- First Info Section (Text)
::DEMO2 <-- 2nd Info Section (Node)
::DEMO3 <-- 3rd Info Section (Node)
:TEST 4 <-- 4th Info Section (Text)
:TEST 2 <-- No Menu -- 1 Info Section
TEST 3A <-- Menu
:TEST 3A <-- First Info Section (Text)
the rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain
:TEST 3B <-- 2nd Info Section (Text)
::demo <-- 3rd Info Section (Node)