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119 lines
; New program ZFILER created based on previous developments in VFILER41.
; The following changes have been made since VFILER version 4.1.
; Version 1.0f June 12, 1987 Jay Sage
; --- Added rudimentary group macro capability by having ZFILER construct
; and invoke a ZEX script.
; Version 1.0c April 27, 1987 Jay Sage
; --- Made changes for compatibility with ZCPR33. Now on manual invocation
; ZFILER returns to the command processor if ZEX is running so that ZEX
; can continue to supply commands even if there are no more commands on
; the current command line.
; Version 1.0b January 13, 1987 Jay Sage
; --- Added DateStamper support. Now on file copies and moves, the
; time and date stamp of the source file is carried to the destination.
; --- Modified handling of directories with 'L' (or 'N') command. The
; code now respects the DUOK flag in the environment. If it is set,
; then any attempt to log in a directory is checked against the maxdrive
; and maxuser values in the environment. If the request passes that
; test, then the directory is logged in even if it had been specified
; using a DIR form and even if a password is associated with it. If the
; requested directory is beyond the maxdrive/maxuser range or if DUOK is
; not set, then the named directory register is checked. Passwords are
; checked as needed using improved code (shorter and more accurate).
; --- Added small bit of code to the ZFILER initialization to change the JP
; opcode at 100H to RET so that ZFILER cannot be rerun using the "GO"
; command (this has bad consequences, since the shell stack entry then
; would have the command "GO" stored in it!).
; Version 1.0a January 1, 1987 Jay Sage
; --- IMPORTANT CHANGE: To make ZFILER consistent with other script
; processing programs, the default parameter designation character
; has been changed from '%' to '$'. The parameter '$', an alternate
; for 'P' (completed Pointed-to-file spec: du:name.typ) was therefore
; eliminated. These changes will require editing of any VFILER.CMD
; file when converting to ZFILER.CMD (the macro file used by ZFILER).
; --- Modified the way the shell stack entry is used. It now keeps
; both the original directory and the requested directory on the
; stack. This has two major advantages. By keeping the original
; directory on the stack, on exit with the 'X' command ZFILER can
; return to the directory from which it was originally invoked no
; matter how many other directories have been logged in by use of
; the 'Z' command or a macro. Keeping the requested (displayed)
; directory on the shell stack avoids the problem with a passworded
; directory of having to reenter the password every time ZFILER
; returned from a macro or 'Z' operation.
; --- Added feature with 'Z' command to allow avoidance of the "Strike
; any Key" message on return to ZFILER. If the command line entered
; with the 'Z' command begins with a space, then shell waiting will
; be disabled.
; --- Fixed a bug caused by the GA command. Once that command was used,
; an archiving flag was set and never cleared. A later GC command
; then used the group-archive prompting options instead of the
; group-copy options. This flag is now reset before all group
; operations.
; --- Added option on file copy and unsqueeze functions to allow
; the destination file attributes to be set to those of a file
; that is being overwritten. If there is no such file and the
; attribute setting option is engaged, then the source file
; attributes will be used.
; --- Changed code for file viewing so that scrolling will stop
; at the end of a file (carriage return and space will not
; cause the next file to start). Only control-X or control-C
; will be effective at the end of file. Also added control-Z
; option to go straight to the end of file without paging.
; --- Changed the code that allows interruption of group operations
; so that a carriage return will not cause an abort (many users
; answer some prompts that require no return with a return and
; found that group operations worked only on the first file).
; Any character other than carriage return will abort mass
; operations.
; --- Made it possible to get the macro help screen by pressing
; the leadin character a second time in response to the 'Macro'
; prompt (this is much easier and more natural than entering
; the '#' command).
; --- Fixed a bug in the macro help display that was echoing control
; characters to the screen. These are now filtered. One can now
; enter ESC ESC to see the macro help screen and a third ESC to
; return to the file display.
; --- Added ^J command to jump to next file that matches the last
; mask specified in a "J" command. This allows one to jump
; easily to the second or third file that matches a simple
; file spec.
; --- Fixed bug in "M" and "GM" commands that allowed source file
; to be deleted even when copy had not been performed.
; --- Added "GR" group reverse function to reverse file tags.
; Tagged files become untagged; untagged files become tagged;
; and soft-tagged files remain soft-tagged.
; --- Cleaned up log command ("L" or "N"). Removed special
; handling of answer "x" for directory name (no longer needed)
; and changed error handling code.
; --- Added a configuration option to automatically log in the
; displayed directory for the "Z" command if the user number is
; less than 16. If this option is configured in, then the disk
; system is reset before the command line is run (this is the
; disadvantage of using this option).
; --- Made rename command preserve all file attributes.
; --- Added options to copy attributes with files and to always set
; the archive attribute in the destination file. If the file
; is being moved, the attributes are always copied and the
; archive bit is left as it was; if the file is being
; unsqueezed, the attributes are not copied and the archive bit
; is set according to its option setting.
; See the VFHIST.DOC file in VFILER Version 4.1 for the history of the
; development of VFILER.