Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
964 lines
.comment \
zmp 1.5 overlay, version 1.0
computer: ampro lb+
terminal: wyse 50 (optional)
- works with or without nzcom present.
- displays baud rate, data bits, stop bits and parity in the
wyse 50's host field (top line, above scrollable screen)
if you set the equate hostline true. otherwise these are
just shown on your screen when set.
- provides a dtrexit equate which, when set true, will prompt
you to see if you want DTR signal turned off when you exit
ZMP. i have an old bell dataphone 1200 modem, and the only
way i've found to keep it from answering my phone automatically
when i don't want it to is to keep DTR off except when in a
modem program. DTR is automatically turned on on entry to ZMP
in any case. the prompt allows you to exit a terminal session
temporarily to your o/s level for whatever reason, without
disconnecting your session.
- screen print function not currently implemented.
- be sure to set ALL config equates (in praticular the disk/user
for overlay files).
al grabauskas
i'm reachable at: lillipute z-nodes 1&2
(312) 649-1730
(312) 664-1730
the advocate
(312) 939-4411
; Sample Overlay for ZMP (Z-Modem Program)
; Name ZMO-BLNK.Z80
; Dated Sep 14, 1988
; Written by -
; Ron Murray, c/o Z-Node 62, 061-9-450-0200, Perth, Western Australia.
; Modified to ZMP v1.2 standard rjm 15/9/88
; Modified to ZMP v1.3 standard rjm 11/10/88
; Modified to ZMP v1.4 standard rjm 20/11/88
; 89/04/12 - Modified to ZMP v1.5 - George Conover
; System-dependent code overlay for ZMODEM
; Insert your own code as necessary in this file. Code contained herein
; has been written in Z80 code for use with M80 or SLR. Assemble as follows:
; SLR ZMO-xx01/h
; or
; M80 =ZMO-xx01.Z80
; (Don't use L80 without changing the source for assembly as a
; cseg file.)
; Notes on modifying this file:
; C requires that functions do not change either index register (IX or IY).
; If your overlay requires either of these to be changed, ensure they are
; restored to the original values on return.
; Since collecting parameters from C functions can be tricky, only change
; the parts marked 'Insert your own code here'. Do NOT modify the jump
; table at the start. Do NOT modify the entry/exit sections of each
; function. Do NOT pass 'GO'. Do NOT collect $200.
; Apart from defining modem functions, this file also defines terminal
; characteristics. Examples provided are for ADM-3A (with a few of my own
; additions). Modify to suit your own terminal. An inline print routine
; is provided for printing strings in the usual way: usage is
; call print
; db 'required string',0
; Don't forget to set your clock speed at the clkspd variable.
; If you find your overlay exceeds the maximum size (currently 0400h),
; you will have to contact me for another version. If too many people need
; to do it, we haven't allowed enough room.
; Ron Murray 15/8/88
false equ 0
true equ not false
; User-set variables:
; configuration equates for ampro overlay
dtrexit equ true ; if true, the userout: routine will prompt
; you to see if you want to turn off DTR
; completely on exiting ZMP. DTR is automati-
; cally turned on when entering ZMP. turning
; DTR off prevents some modems from auto-
; answering the phone. the prompt allows you
; to leave a session temporarily to your o/s
; and not disconnect.
hostline equ true ; controls whether your line parameters are
; displayed in the host field of a wyse
; terminal at all times in ZMP, or if they
; are simply echoed to the screen when set.
clkspd equ 4 ; Processor clock speed in MHz
debug equ false ; to allow debugging of overlay with Z8E etc.
; end configuration equates for ampro overlay
;Set the following two equates to the drive and user area which will contain
; ZMP's .OVR files, .CFG file, .FON file and .HLP file. Set both to zero
; (null) to locate them on the drive from which ZMP was invoked.
overdrive equ 'F' ; Drive to find overlay files on ('A'-'P')
overuser equ 15 ; User area to find files
; NOT user-set variables
userdef equ 0145h ; origin of this overlay
; This address should not change with
; subsequent revisions.
mspeed equ 03ch ; location of current baud rate.
ovsize equ 0400h ; max size of this overlay
; ampro definitions
ioint equ 57 ;BIOS call of initialization routine
siob equ 52h ;Relative location in bios
siob1 equ 53h ;*eag*
siob3 equ 55h ;*eag*
siob5 equ 57h ;*eag*
ct1 equ 42h ;*eag*
; port definitions
modctl equ 8ch ; modem control port b
moddat equ 88h ; modem data port b
; bit definitions
mdrcvb equ 01h ; Modem receive ready bit (dav)
mdsndb equ 04h ; Modem send ready bit
mdparer equ 010h ; parity error
mdovrrn equ 020h ; overrun error
mdfram equ 030h ; framing error
mderrf equ mdparer+mdovrrn+mdfram ; *eag*
mddtrof equ 068h ; turn off dtr, rts
mddtron equ 0eah ; restore normal, 8 bits, rts on, etc.
; end ampro specific equates
esc equ 1bh
ctrlq equ 11h
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
bdos equ 5
.z80 ; use z80 code
aseg ; absolute
if debug
org 100h ; so you can debug it with cebug, zsid, etc
org userdef
esc equ 1bh
ctrlq equ 11h
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
bdos equ 5
codebgn equ $
;Jump table for the overlay: do NOT change this
jp scrnpr ; screen print
jp mrd ; modem read with timeout
jp mchin ; get a character from modem
jp mchout ; send a character to the modem
jp mordy ; test for tx buffer empty
jp mirdy ; test for character received
jp sndbrk ; send break
jp cursadd ; cursor addressing
jp cls ; clear screen
jp invon ; inverse video on
jp invoff ; inverse video off
jp hide ; hide cursor
jp show ; show cursor
jp savecu ; save cursor position
jp rescu ; restore cursor position
jp mint ; service modem interrupt
jp invec ; initialise interrupt vectors
jp dinvec ; de-initialise interrupt vectors
jp mdmerr ; test uart flags for error
jp dtron ; turn DTR on
jp dtroff ; turn DTR OFF
jp init ; initialise uart
jp wait ; wait seconds
jp mswait ; wait milliseconds
jp userin ; user-defined entry routine
jp userout ; user-defined exit routine
jp getvars ; get system variables
JP SETPORT ; Set port (0 or 1)
; Spare jumps for compatibility with future versions
jp spare ; spare for later use
jp spare ; spare for later use
jp spare ; spare for later use
jp spare ; spare for later use
jp spare ; spare for later use
jp spare ; spare for later use
; Main code starts here
;Screen print function
; <== Insert your own code here
call print
db 'This function not supported.',cr,lf,0
; <== End of your own code
; User-defined entry routine: leave empty if not needed
; this is a routine that locates the warm boot address whether nz-com is
; running or not and stores it at the word biospt. this allows access to
; ampro specific offsets in the bios. (note that this is bios base addr+3).
; note that this assumes the nz-com bios released with nz-src.lbr (vers. 1.4)
; if that isn't what you have you'll likely need to modify what's below.
eyectof equ 5ah ; Offset to "NZ-COM" eyecatcher
; from virtual bios base.
nzceye: db 'NZ-COM' ; Eyecatcher to match
eyelen equ $-nzceye ; Length of eyecatcher
; end most likely user mods ----------------------------------------------
push hl
push de
push bc
push af
ld hl,(1) ; This is some bios address..
ld l,eyectof ; Hl = ptr to "NZ-COM" eyecatcher
ld de,nzceye ; Ptr to an internal copy of it
ld b,eyelen ; Length
ld a,(de) ; Get a char
cp (hl) ; Compare to char at hl
jr nz,nonzc ; No nz-com
inc hl ; Bump ptr
inc de ; Bump ptr
dec b ; Decrement length
jr nz,nzckloop ; Repeat if apropos
ld a,(109h) ; get pointer to ENV descriptor
ld l,a
ld a,(10ah)
ld h,a
inc hl ; bump past jp opcode to console stat vector
ld e,(hl) ; Get real console status vector
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex de,hl ; Put it in hl
dec hl ; Convert to warm boot vector
dec hl
dec hl
jr biosret ; And return bios addr in biospt
ld hl,(1) ; Get original pointer
ld (biospt),hl ; and save it
call initall ; set up rest of the details
call dtron ; make sure DTR is set
pop af ; Restore regs and return
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; User-defined exit routine: leave empty if not needed
call print ; kill host message display on wyse
db esc,'A31',cr,0 ; host msg field = dim underscore
if dtrexit
call print ; dtr off yet?
db 'Kill DTR? (default no) ',0
call cyn ; get yes/no answer
ret nz ; not a "yes"
jp dtroff ; do it
endif ; if dtrexit
; Y/N input from console
push bc ; save regs
push de
push hl
ld c,1
call bdos ; print it
or a,' ' ; make small case
cp a,'y' ; yes?
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
;Get a character from the modem: return in HL
push bc
; <== Insert your own code here
in a,(moddat) ; in modem data port
; <== End of your own code
ld l,a ; put in HL
ld h,0
or a ; set/clear Z
pop bc
;Send a character to the modem
ld hl,2 ; get the character
add hl,sp
ld a,(hl)
; <== Insert your own code here
out (moddat),a ; out modem data port
; <== End of your own code
ret ; done
;Test for output ready: return TRUE (1) in HL if ok
; <== Insert your own code here
in a,(modctl) ; in modem control port
and mdsndb ; bit to test for send ready
jr z,monr ; modem not ready
ld hl,1 ; indicate ready
jr mordyret
monr: ld hl,0 ; indicate not ready
; <== End of your own code
ld a,l ; set/clear Z
or a
;Test for character at modem: return TRUE (1) in HL if so
; <== Insert your own code here
in a,(modctl) ; in modem control port
and mdrcvb ; bit to test for receive ready
jr z,minr ; modem not ready
ld hl,1 ; indicate ready
jr mirdyret
minr: ld hl,0 ; indicate not ready
; <== End of your own code
ld a,l ; set/clear Z
or a
;Send a break to the modem: leave empty if your system can't do it
; <== Insert your own code here
ld a,5 ; *eag*
out (modctl),a ; send to the status port
ld a,mddtrof ; turn off dtr, rts, send break
out (modctl),a ; *eag*
; <== end of your own code
ld hl,300 ; wait 300 mS
call waithlms
; <== insert your own code here
; To restore
; <== End of your own code
;Test UART flags for error: return TRUE (1) in HL if error.
; <== Insert your own code here
in a,(modctl) ; in modem control port
and mderrf ; bits to test: parity, overrun, framing
jr z,mnerr ; no error
ld hl,1 ; indicate error
jr merrret
mnerr: ld hl,0 ; indicate no error
; <== End of your own code
ld a,l ; set/clear Z
or a
;Turn DTR ON
; <== Insert your own code here
ld a,5 ; *eag*
out (modctl),a ; *eag*
ld a,mddtron ; restore normal, 8 bits, rts on, etc.
out (modctl),a ; *eag*
; <== End of your own code
; <== Insert your own code here
ld a,5 ; *eag*
out (modctl),a ; send to the status port
ld a,mddtrof ; turn off dtr, rts, send break
out (modctl),a ; *eag*
; <== End of your own code
;Initialise the uart
ld hl,2 ; get parameters
add hl,sp
ex de,hl
call getparm ; in HL
ld (brate),hl ; baud rate
call getparm
ld (parity),hl ; parity
call getparm
ld (data),hl ; data bits (BINARY 7 or 8)
call getparm
ld (stop),hl ; stop bits (BINARY 1 or 2)
; <== Insert your own code here
; using values below
;*eag* begin insertion
initall: ; alternate entry point for userin
ld de,(brate) ; Code to de
ld hl,baudtb ; Offset into table
add hl,de
ld a,(hl) ; Fetch code
or a ; 0? (means unsupported code)
jp z,pbexit ; exit if so
ld (bsave1),a ; Save it
ld a,(brate) ; get brate
ld (mspeed),a ; don't forget to load mspeed with the
; current brate value if the new rate is
; valid.
ld hl,baudtx ; Offset into second table
add hl,de
ld a,(hl) ; Get second value
ld (bsave2),a ; Save it also
ld hl,(biospt) ; Get location of bios
ld l,ct1 ; Add 42h to reach ct1 in i/o table
ld a,47h
ld (hl),a
inc hl ; Move to next location
ld a,(bsave1) ; Get first table value
ld (hl),a ; Store it
ld a,(bsave2) ; Get second table value
ld b,a ; And save it
ld l,siob1 ; Move ahead to siob+1 values
ld a,(hl) ; Get current value
and 3fh
or b ; Or it with second value
ld (hl),a ; Store it in work table
inc hl
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; Get last value and make
or 80h ; Sure msb is set
ld (hl),a ; Put it back in working table
ld a,(data) ; 7 or 8 data bits
sbc a,7 ; kill offset
ld h,0
ld l,a
ld de,bittbl ; Load lookup table
add hl,de ; get bit pattern
ld c,(hl) ; Save selection value
ld hl,(biospt) ; Get bios address
ld l,siob3 ; Move to siob+3
ld a,(hl) ; Wr5 info
and 9fh ; Mask
or c ; Add selection
ld (hl),a ; Store it
ld a,c ; Get selection
ld c,a ; Shift selection left
ld l,siob5 ; Move to siob+5
ld a,(hl) ; Wr3 info
and 3fh ; Mask
or c
ld (hl),a ; Store it
ld a,(parity) ; get parity
cp 'N'
jr z,parno
cp 'E'
jr z,parev
cp 'O'
jr z,parod
jp pbexit
parno: ld c,00h
jr setpar
parev: ld c,03h
jr setpar
parod: ld c,01h
setpar: ld hl,(biospt) ; Get bios address
ld l,siob1 ; Go to siob+1
ld a,(hl)
and 0fch
or c
ld (hl),a
ld a,(stop) ; stop bits
sbc a,1 ; kill offset
ld h,0
ld l,a
ld de,stptbl ; bit patterns
add hl,de ; ptr to bit pattern
ld c,(hl) ; get result
ld hl,(biospt) ; Get bios address
ld l,53h ; Shift to bios+1
ld a,(hl)
and 0f3h
or c
ld (hl),a
ld hl,(brate) ; get baud code
sla l ; *2
sla l ; *4
ld de,pbauds ; base of printable baud table
add hl,de ; printable baud
ld de,baudshw ; dest
ld bc,4 ; len
ldir ; move it
ld a,(parity) ; display that
ld (parshw),a
ld a,(data) ; display that
add a,'0' ; make ascii
ld (bitshw),a
ld a,(stop) ; display that
add a,'0' ; make ascii
ld (stopshw),a
call print ; display stuff on wyse
; the next few lines set the host message field on the wyse-50
; to the following string, which displays your currently set
; line parameters (baud, bits, parity and stop bits) in a
; permanent host field at the top of your terminal. if hostline
; equate is not set true, they will just be shown on the screen
; whenever they are set.
if hostline
db esc,'A3p' ; host msg field = dim underscore
db esc,"F" ; set set message
db ' Baud: '
db ' ' ; printable baud rate
db ' Bits: '
db ' ' ; bits per char
db ' Parity: '
db ' ' ; parity
db ' Stop: '
db ' ' ; stop bits
db cr,lf,0
jp ioinit ; Do the initialization
;*eag* end insertion
; <== End of your own code
;*eag* begin insertion
ld a,ioint ; Offset into bios jump table
ld hl,(biospt) ; Address of bios in hl
ld l,a ; Add offset
jp (hl) ; Go there with auto return
; routine to handle unsupported baud rates
call print
db 'Unsupported.',cr,lf,0
; table of baud rate divisors for supported rates
baudtb: db 0,208,139 ; 110,300,450
db 208,0,104 ; 600,710,1200
db 52,26,13,0 ; 2400,4800,9600,19200
baudtx: db 0,80h,80h
db 40h,0,40h
db 40h,40h,40h,0
pbauds: db ' 110',' 300',' 450',' 600',' 710'
db '1200','2400','4800','9600',' 19K'
bsave1: db 0 ; Current setting from
bsave2: db 0 ; Tables - uninitialized
bittbl: db 20h,60h ; 7 or 8 data bits
stptbl: db 04h,0ch ; 1 or 2 stop bits
biospt: dw 0
;*eag* end insertion
stop: dw 1 ; stop bits
parity: dw 'N' ; parity
data: dw 8 ; data bits
brate: dw 5 ; baud rate:
;Values of brate for each baud rate
; baud rate brate
; 110 0
; 300 1
; 450 2
; 600 3
; 710 4
; 1200 5
; 2400 6
; 4800 7
; 9600 8
; 19200 9
; 38400 10
; 57600 11
; 76800 12
; Set the port. ZMP supplies either 0 or 1 as a parameter.
ld hl,2 ; get port number
add hl,sp
ex de,hl
call getparm ; in HL (values are 0 and 1)
; <== Insert your own code here
; <== End of your own code
;Video terminal sequences: these are for ADM-3A: Modify as you wish
;Cursor addressing:
ld hl,2 ; get parameters
add hl,sp
ex de,hl
call getparm ; in HL
ld (row),hl ; row
call getparm
ld (col),hl ; column
; <== Insert your own code here
; using values in row and col
call print
db esc,'=',0 ; ADM-3A leadin
ld a,(row) ; row first
add a,' ' ; add offset
call cout
ld a,(col) ; sane for column
add a,' '
call cout
; <== end of your own code
row: ds 2 ; row
col: ds 2 ; column
;clear screen:
call print
db 01ah,0
;inverse video on:
call print
db esc,')',0
;inverse video off:
call print
db esc,'(',0
;turn off cursor:
call print
db esc,'`0',0 ; wyse 50 cursor off
;turn on cursor:
call print
db esc,'`1',0 ; wyse 50 cursor on
;save cursor position:
;restore cursor position:
;Service modem interrupt:
ret ; my system doesn't need this
;Initialise interrupt vectors:
ret ; ditto
;De-initialise interrupt vectors:
ret ; ditto
;****************** End of user-defined code ********************************
; Do not change anything below here.
;Modem character test for 100 ms
push bc ; save bc
ld bc,100 ; set limit
call mirdy ; char at modem?
jr nz,mrd2 ; yes, exit
ld hl,1 ; else wait 1ms
call waithlms
dec bc ; loop till done
ld a,b
or c
jr nz,mrd1
ld hl,0 ; none there, result=0
xor a
pop bc
; Inline print routine: destroys A and HL
ex (sp),hl ; get address of string
ld a,(hl) ; get next
inc hl ; bump pointer
or a ; done if zero
jr z,pdone
call cout ; else print
jr ploop ; and loop
ex (sp),hl ; restore return address
ret ; and quit
;Output a character in A to the console
push bc ; save regs
push de
push hl
ld e,a ; character to E
ld c,2
call bdos ; print it
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
ld hl,2
add hl,sp
ex de,hl ; get delay size
call getparm
; fall thru to..
;Wait seconds in HL
push bc ; save bc
push de ; de
push ix ; and ix
ld ix,0 ; then point ix to 0
; so we don't upset memory-mapped i/o
;Calculate values for loop constants. Need to have two loops to avoid
; 16-bit overflow with clock speeds above 9 MHz.
outerval equ (clkspd / 10) + 1
innerval equ (6667 / outerval) * clkspd
ld b,outerval
ld de,innerval
bit 0,(ix) ; time-wasters
bit 0,(ix)
bit 0,(ix) ; 20 T-states each
bit 0,(ix)
bit 0,(ix)
bit 0,(ix)
dec de
ld a,e
ld a,d
or e
jr nz,wait12 ; 150 T-states per inner loop
djnz wait11 ; decrement outer loop
dec hl ; ok, decrement count in hl
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,wait10
pop ix ; done -- restore ix
pop de ; de
pop bc ; and bc
;Wait milliseconds
ld hl,2
add hl,sp
ex de,hl ; get delay size
call getparm
; fall thru to..
;Wait milliseconds in HL
push de
ld de,39 * clkspd
dec de
ld a,d
or e
jr nz,w1ms1
dec hl
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,w1ms0
pop de
;Get next parameter from (de) into hl
ex de,hl ; get address into hl
ld e,(hl) ; get lo
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ; then hi
inc hl ; bump for next
ex de,hl ; result in hl, address still in de
;Get address of user-defined variables
ld hl,uservars
dw overdrive ; .OVR etc. drive/user
dw overuser
if ($ - codebgn) gt ovsize
toobig: jp errval ; Overlay too large!