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title 'Z-80 Floppy Disk Test'
; Floppy Disk Test for Z-80 CP/M Systems
; version 1.0 16 December 1980
; The purchaser may freely create any number
; of copies of this program on magnetic media
; as necessary to support his computer system(s).
; Further resale of this program is prohibited.
; Copyright (c) 1980 by
; Ray Duncan
; Laboratory Microsystems
; 4147 Beethoven Street
; Los Angeles, CA 90066
org 100h
cpm equ 5 ;references to
wboot equ 0 ;operating system
; references to ASCII char
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
ff equ 0ch
tab equ 09h
; parameters for disk
; (supplied as single
; density, soft sectored)
$drvf equ 1 ;first drive to allow
;testing (0=A,1=B,etc)
$drvl equ 3 ;last drive to allow
$trkf equ 0 ;first track
$trkl equ 76 ;last track
$secf equ 1 ;first sector
$secl equ 26 ;last sector
$bps equ 128 ;bytes per sector
$bpt equ $bps*$secl ;bytes per track
;number of digits to
;accept in track and
;sector assignments
$dig equ 2 ;(should be set larger
; for devices having
; track or sector
; numbers >99 )
; program identification
$ver equ 1 ;version
$rev equ 0 ;revision
jp dtst ;enter from CP/M
; global variables for use by all routines
pass dw 0 ;current pass number
errors dw 0 ;error count for pass
;the following variables
;are used by RDBUF and
;WTBUF to address the
;disk, and by PERR to
;display failing disk
;addresses ---
drv db 0 ;drive to test
trk dw 0 ;current track
sec dw 0 ;current sector
buffer dw 0 ;current memory address
iolen dw 0 ;bytes last transferred
;the following variables
;define the area to be
;tested on the selected
;disk drive ---
trkf dw 0 ;first track to test
trkl dw 0 ;last track to test
secf dw 0 ;first sector to test
secl dw 0 ;last sector to test
;the following variables
;define the test mode ---
bypass db 0 ;0=do not bypass error
;itemization, 1=bypass
;error itemization,print
;total errors per pass
skew db 0 ;0=no sector skew
;1=use sector skew for
; increased test speed
list db 0 ;0=print errors on
;terminal, 1=print errors
;on list device.
lockio db 0 ;0=no lock
;1=lock on read
;2=lock on write
restor db 0 ;0=do not restore original
;data, 1=restore original
;data on diskette
lockpt db 0 ;0=use variable test
;data pattern, 1=lock on
;user supplied data pattern
pattrn db 0 ;contains user supplied
;8 bit data pattern
passl dw 0 ;last pass to do on this
;test run
digits db $dig ;maximum number of digits
;to be accepted during
;decimal or hexadecimal
;numeric input.
xtran dw sectrb ;address of sector
;translation table
; disk test --- main control
dtst equ $ ;entry from CP/M
ld de,dtsta;print program title
ld c,9
call cpm
ld hl,(cpm+1)
ld de,buffend
or a,a ;make sure enough user
sbc hl,de ;memory to execute test
jr nc,dtst01
ld de,dtsts;not enough memory,
ld c,9 ;print warning and exit.
call cpm
jp wboot
dtst01 ld c,12 ;check CP/M version
call cpm
ld a,l ;make sure 2.x
and 0f0h
cp 20h
jr z,dtst02
ld de,dtstz;not CP/M 2.x, print
ld c,9 ;error message and exit
call cpm
jp wboot
dtst02 xor a,a ;initialize variables
ld (bypass),a
ld (skew),a
ld (list),a
ld (lockio),a
ld (restor),a
ld (lockpt),a
ld (pass),a
ld (pass+1),a
ld (errors),a
ld (errors+1),a
;now set up test
ld de,dtstb
call getyn ;itemize errors?
cp 'y'
jr z,dtst03;yes
ld a,1 ;no
ld (bypass),a
jr dtst04 ;skip query for output
;device, since errors
;will not be listed
dtst03 ld de,dtstc;audit errors on console
call getl ;or line printer?
cp 'c'
jr z,dtst04;c=use console
cp 'p'
call nz,query
jr nz,dtst03;no match,try again
ld a,1 ;p=use line printer
ld (list),a
dtst04 ld de,dtstd;lock on read or write?
call getl
cp 'n' ;n=no locks
jr z,dtst06
cp 'r' ;r=lock on read
jr nz,dtst05
ld a,1
ld (lockio),a
jr dtst12 ;bypass querys about
;restore mode and
;data pattern: since
;we are locked in read
;mode, they are
dtst05 cp 'w' ;w=lock on write
call nz,query
jr nz,dtst04 ;no match,try again
ld a,2
ld (lockio),a
jr dtst08 ;bypass restore question,
;since we are locked in
;write mode.
dtst06 ld de,dtste;restore user data?
call getyn
cp 'y' ;y=restore
jr nz,dtst08
ld a,1 ;n=do not restore
ld (restor),a
dtst08 ld de,dtstf;lock on data pattern?
call getyn
cp 'n'
jr z,dtst12;n=use variable pattern
ld a,1 ;y=lock on pattern
ld (lockpt),a ;supplied by operator
ld de,dtstg;accept data pattern
call geth ;from keyboard
ld (pattrn),a
dtst12 ld de,dtsth;select drive to be
call getl ;used for test
sub 'a' ;convert to logical #
cp $drvf ;make sure its legal
call c,query
jr c,dtst12 ;too small,try again
cp $drvl+1
call nc,query
jr nc,dtst12 ;too large,try again
ld (drv),a ;save drive assignment
add 'A' ;also format for output
ld (dtsti1),a
ld de,dtsti;confirm selected drive?
call getyn
cp 'n'
jr z,dtst12;not confirmed,try again
;initialize track
ld hl,$trkf
ld (trkf),hl
ld hl,$trkl
ld (trkl),hl
dtst15 ld de,dtstj ;test all tracks?
call getyn
cp 'y' ;y=use all of them
jr z,dtst20;n=user wants to specify
; range of tracks
dtst17 ld de,dtstk;enter first track
call getn ;to test
ld (trkf),hl ;save it
ld de,dtstl;enter last track
call getn ;to test
ld (trkl),hl ;save it
ld de,(trkf);make sure first
or a,a ;track<=last track
sbc hl,de
call c,query ;wrong,start over
jr c,dtst17
dtst20 ;initialize sector
ld hl,$secf
ld (secf),hl
ld hl,$secl
ld (secl),hl
dtst22 ld de,dtstm;use all sectors
call getyn ;of each track?
cp 'y'
jr z,dtst26;y=use all sectors
;n=user wants to specify
;range of sectors
dtst24 ld de,dtstn;enter first sector
call getn ;to test.
ld (secf),hl ;save it.
ld de,dtsto;enter last sector
call getn ;to test.
ld (secl),hl ;save it.
ld de,(secf);make sure first
or a,a ;sector<=last sector
sbc hl,de
call c,query
jr c,dtst24;error,start over
;all variables set up
;now --- how many
dtst26 ld de,dtstp;test passes should be
call getn ;made?
ld (passl),hl ;save # of passes
;print advisory message
ld de,dtstt;as test begins
ld c,9
call cpm
ld de,dtstu;remind user whether he
ld a,(restor) ;is using restore
or a,a ;mode
jr z,dtst32
ld de,dtstv
dtst32 ld c,9
call cpm
dtst40 ;begin a pass
ld hl,(trkf)
ld (trk),hl;initialize current track
dtst42 ;process next track
ld c,6 ;check for interruption
ld e,0ffh
call cpm ;from console
or a,a
jp nz,dtst94 ;break detected,quit
ld a,(restor)
or a,a ;is this restore mode?
jr z,dtst45;no,jump
ld hl,buff3;yes, save current
ld de,merr1;disk contents
call rdbuf
dtst45 ld a,(lockio)
cp a,1 ;is this lock on read?
jr z,dtst47;yes,jump
ld hl,buff1;set up test pattern
ld de,$bpt
call bufpat
ld hl,buff1;write test pattern
ld de,merr2
call wtbuf
dtst47 ld a,(lockio)
cp a,2 ;is this lock on write?
jr z,dtst70;yes,jump
ld hl,buff2;read back test pattern
;(or just read existing
; data if locked on read)
ld de,merr3
call rdbuf
dtst50 ld a,(lockio)
or a,a ;is this lock on
;read or write?
jr nz,dtst70 ;yes,jump
;no, compare test data
ld hl,buff1;written to data read
ld de,buff2;back from disk. If
ld bc,merr4;difference found,
call bufcmp ;print error message
dtst70 ld a,(restor)
or a,a ;using restore mode?
jr z,dtst80;no,jump
;yes,write back user's
ld hl,buff3
ld de,merr6
call wtbuf
ld hl,buff1;verify that
ld de,merr7;it was rewritten ok
call rdbuf
ld hl,buff1
ld de,buff3
ld bc,merr5;check restored data
call bufcmp
;if difference found,
;print 'data cannot
;be restored'
dtst80 ;advance current track
ld de,(trk)
inc de
ld (trk),de
ld hl,(trkl)
or a,a ;done with all tracks?
sbc hl,de
jp nc,dtst42 ;no,process another
dtst90 ;end of pass
ld bc,(pass)
inc bc ;count passes
ld (pass),bc
ld hl,dtstr1
call conv ;convert pass #
ld bc,(errors)
ld hl,dtstr2
call conv ;convert error count
ld de,dtstr;print pass and errors
ld c,9 ;on console
call cpm
ld a,(list);also using printer?
or a,a
jr z,dtst92;no,jump
;yes,also send pass
;and error count to
;list device
ld hl,dtstr
call perr9
dtst92 ;reset error count
xor a,a
ld (errors),a
ld (errors+1),a
ld hl,(pass)
ld de,(passl)
or a,a ;are enough passes done?
sbc hl,de
jp c,dtst40;not yet,loop
dtst94 ;done with all passes
ld de,dtstw;ask whether to exit
call getl ;or to continue test
cp 'c' ;c=continue
jp z,dtst
cp 'e' ;e=exit
jr nz,dtst94;if no match,try again
ld de,dtstx;print goodbye
ld c,9
call cpm ;and return control
jp wboot ;to CP/M
; routines to read and write up to one track
rdbuf ;read current track from
;secf to secl
;call hl=buffer base addr
; de=error msg addr
ld (rdbufa),de ;save message address
ld (buffer),hl ;save buffer address
ld hl,0 ;initialize transfer byte
ld (iolen),hl ;count
call seldsk ;select disk
ld hl,(secf)
ld (sec),hl;initialize current sector
rdbuf1 call setio ;set up track,sector,memory
call read ;now request transfer
or a,a ;was i/o successful?
jr z,rdbuf2;no error,jump
ld de,(rdbufa)
call perr ;i/o error, audit it
rdbuf2 call rwadv ;advance sector address
jr nc,rdbuf1;not done,read another
ret ;back to caller
rdbufa dw 0 ;address of error message
wtbuf ;write current track
;from secf to secl
;call de=error msg addr
; hl=buffer base addr
ld (wtbufa),de ;save message addr
ld (buffer),hl ;save memory addr
ld hl,0 ;initialize transfer
ld (iolen),hl ;byte count
call seldsk ;select disk drive
ld hl,(secf)
ld (sec),hl;initialize current sector
wtbuf1 call setio ;set track,sector,memory
call write ;request disk write
or a,a ;any i/o errors?
jr z,wtbuf2;no,jump
ld de,(wtbufa)
call perr ;error, audit it
wtbuf2 call rwadv ;advance sector address
jr nc,wtbuf1;not done,write another
ret ;back to caller
wtbufa equ rdbufa ;save address of error
rwadv ;advance sector and
;memory addresses
ld de,$bps ; de <- bytes per sector
ld hl,(buffer)
add hl,de ;update buffer address
ld (buffer),hl
ld hl,(iolen)
add hl,de ;count bytes transferred
ld (iolen),hl
ld de,(sec)
inc de ;advance current sector
ld (sec),de
ld hl,(secl)
or a,a ;done with all sectors?
sbc hl,de ;exit with carry set if
; set up buffer with test pattern
bufpat ;call hl=address of base
; of buffer
; de=byte length of
; area to set up
ld a,(lockpt)
or a,a ;are we locked on user
;specified data pattern?
jr nz,bufpa2;yes,jump
bufpa1 ld a,r ;read refresh register
xor a,h
add a,l
;make data a function of
;memory address
ld (hl),a ;and store it
inc hl ;advance buffer address
dec de ;count bytes stored
ld a,d ;done yet?
or a,e
jr nz,bufpa1 ;no,loop
;user specified pattern
bufpa2 ld a,(pattrn)
ld (hl),a ;store one byte
inc hl ;advance buffer address
dec de ;count bytes stored
ld a,d ;done yet?
or a,e
jr nz,bufpa2 ;not done,loop
ret ;exit
; compare specified buffer and print error
; message if difference found
bufcmp ;compare buffers
;call bc=address of
; error message
; de=address 1st buffer
; hl=address 2nd buffer
ld (bufcma),bc ;save msg address
ld (bufcmb),hl ;save base of buffer
ld bc,(iolen) ;length to compare
bufcm1 ld a,(de) ;fetch byte from 1st buffer
cp a,(hl) ;compare it to 2nd buffer
jr nz,bufcm3 ;difference found,jump
bufcm2 inc hl ;advance buffer addresses
inc de
dec bc ;count bytes
ld a,b ;done yet?
or a,c
jr nz,bufcm1 ;no,loop
ret ;back to caller
bufcm3 ;difference found, print
;error audit trail
push bc ;first save registers
push de
push hl
ld de,(bufcmb)
or a,a
sbc hl,de ;find a buffer offset
push hl ;now divide by bytes per
pop bc ;sector to find relative
ld de,$bps ;sector number
call div
ld hl,(secf)
add hl,bc ;add relative sector to
;first sector to find
;actual address for use
;by PERR
ld (sec),hl
ld de,(bufcma)
call perr ;now audit error
pop hl ;restore registers
pop de
pop bc
bufcm4 ;advance memory address
;out of this sector where
;an error was found.
inc hl ;bump buffer addresses
inc de
dec bc ;done with all data area?
ld a,b
or a,c
ret z ;yes,exit compare routine
ld a,l ;check if on new sector
and $bps-1 ;boundary
jr z,bufcm1;found it, go compare
;more data
jr bufcm4 ;keep advancing until
;sector boundary.
bufcma dw 0 ;address of error message
bufcmb dw 0 ;base buffer address
perr ;error printing routine,
;prints pass,drive,track,
;sector, and message
;specified by caller on
;console or list device.
; call with de=address
; of message giving
; type of error
ld a,(bypass)
or a,a ;is error itemization
;bypass flag set?
jr nz,perr2;yes,skip printing
;and go count errors
ld (perra),de ;save message addr.
ld bc,(pass)
inc bc
ld hl,perrc;convert current pass
call conv
ld a,(drv) ;form drive name
add 'A'
ld (perrd),a
ld bc,(trk);convert current track
ld hl,perre
call conv
ld bc,(sec);convert current sector
ld a,(skew);is skew in effect?
or a,a
jr z,perr0 ;no
call sectran ;yes, translate sector
perr0 ld hl,perrf
call conv
ld a,(list);should output be on
or a,a ;console or printer?
jr nz,perr3;jump,use printer
;fall thru,use console
ld hl,(errors)
ld a,h ;is this first error?
or a,l
jr nz,perr1;no,jump
ld de,dtstq;print title for errors
ld c,9
call cpm
perr1 ld de,perrb;print disk address
ld c,9
call cpm
ld de,(perra)
ld c,9 ;print error type
call cpm
perr2 ;count errors
ld hl,(errors)
inc hl
ld (errors),hl
ret ;back to caller
perr3 ;errors to printer
ld hl,(errors)
ld a,h ;is this 1st error to
or a,l ;be printed this pass?
jr nz,perr4;no,jump
ld hl,dtstq;yes,print title
call perr9
perr4 ld hl,perrb;print disk address
call perr9
ld hl,(perra)
call perr9 ;print error type
jr perr2 ;go count errors
perr9 ;send a string
;terminated by '$'
;to list device
ld a,(hl) ;fetch next char
cp a,'$' ;is it terminator?
ret z ;yes,exit
push hl ;save string addr.
ld e,a ;send this character
ld c,5
call cpm
pop hl ;restore string addr
inc hl ;and increment it
jr perr9 ;check next char.
perra dw 0 ;addr of message
;describing error type
perrb db cr,lf
perrc db 'nnnn ' ;pass #
perrd db 'n ' ;drive
perre db 'nnnn ' ;track
perrf db 'nnnn $' ;sector
; disk interface to CP/M BIOS
seldsk ld a,(drv) ;select disk drive
ld c,a
ld de,24
;this routine links
;to the desired routine
;through the standard
;CP/M BIOS jump table
jpbios ld hl,(wboot+1)
add hl,de
jp (hl)
settrk ld bc,(trk);select track
ld de,27
jr jpbios
setsec ld bc,(sec);select sector
ld de,30
ld a,(skew);use sector skew?
or a,a
jr z,jpbios;no
call sectran ;translate sector addr.
jr jpbios
setdma ld bc,(buffer) ;set memory addr.
ld de,33
jr jpbios
setio call settrk ;set up track,sector,
call setsec ;and memory address
call setdma ;for subsequent read
ret ;or write
read ;read one disk sector
ld de,36
jr jpbios
write ;write one disk sector
ld de,39
jr jpbios
sectran ;translate logical to
;physical sector number
;call bc=logical sector
;return bc=physical sector
push hl
ld hl,sectrb-1
add hl,bc
ld c,(hl)
pop hl
sectrb db 1,4,7,10,13 ;table built
db 16,19,22,25,2 ;with skew
db 5,8,11,14,17,20 ;factor =3
db 23,26,3,6,9,12
db 15,18,21,24
; messages for test initialization and
; error printing
dtsta db cr,lf,lf
db 'Z-80 Floppy Disk '
db 'Test version '
db $ver+'0','.'
db $rev+'0',cr,lf
db '(c) 1980 Laboratory '
db 'Microsystems',cr,lf,'$'
dtstb db cr,lf,'Itemize '
db 'errors? $'
dtstc db cr,lf,'Use '
db 'console or printer'
db '? (C/P) $'
dtstd db cr,lf,'Lock on read '
db 'or write? (N/R/W) $'
dtste db cr,lf,'Restore '
db 'original data? $'
dtstf db cr,lf,'Lock on '
db 'data pattern? $'
dtstg db cr,lf,'Enter data '
db 'pattern, hex 00-FF$'
dtsth db cr,lf,'Drive '
db 'to be tested '
db '(',$drvf+'A','-'
db $drvl+'A',') $'
dtsti db cr,lf,'Confirm: test drive '
dtsti1 db 'X ? $'
dtstj db cr,lf,'Test all '
db 'tracks? $'
dtstk db cr,lf,'First '
db 'track to test $'
dtstl db cr,lf,'Last '
db 'track to test $'
dtstm db cr,lf,'Test all '
db 'sectors? $'
dtstn db cr,lf,'First '
db 'sector to test $'
dtsto db cr,lf,'Last '
db 'sector to test $'
dtstp db cr,lf,'How many '
db 'test passes? $'
dtstq db cr,lf,lf,'Pass '
db 'Drive Track '
db 'Sector Error-type'
db cr,lf,'$'
dtstr db cr,lf,lf,'Pass '
dtstr1 db 'nnnn complete, '
dtstr2 db 'nnnn errors.'
db cr,lf,'$'
dtsts db cr,lf,'Not enough '
db 'memory to execute.'
db cr,lf,'$'
dtstt db cr,lf,lf,'Beginning '
db 'disk test - push '
db 'any key to abort '
db 'program.',cr,lf,'$'
dtstu db 'Warning: user '
db 'data will not be '
db 'restored.',cr,lf,'$'
dtstv db 'User data will be '
db 'restored.',cr,lf,'$'
dtstw db cr,lf,'Continue or '
db 'exit test? (C/E)$'
dtstx db cr,lf,lf
db 'Goodbye.',cr,lf,'$'
dtsty db cr,lf,'Use sector '
db 'skew? $'
dtstz db cr,lf,'Need CP/M 2.x '
db 'to execute.',cr,lf,'$'
merr1 db 'read error - original data$'
merr2 db 'write error - test pattern$'
merr3 db 'read error - test pattern$'
merr4 db 'compare error - test pattern$'
merr5 db 'original data cannot '
db 'be restored$'
merr6 db 'write error - restore phase$'
merr7 db 'read error - restore phase$'
; utility and console input routines
getyn ;get y or n response
;from operator.
;call de=address of cue
;return acc=y or n
push de ;save cue address
ld c,9 ;print cue message
call cpm
ld de,getyna
ld c,9 ;print possible answers
call cpm
call getchar ;get a character
;from console
or a,20h ;fold to lower case
pop de ;restore cue address
;in case needed again
cp 'y' ;make sure response
;is ok
ret z ;exit if y
cp 'n'
ret z ;exit if n
push de
call query ;print question mark if
pop de ;not y or n, try again
jr getyn ;
getyna db '(Y/N) ',tab,'> $'
getl ;get any letter response
;from operator.
;call de=address of cue
;return acc=ASCII char.
ld c,9 ;print cue message
call cpm
ld de,getla;tab and print
ld c,9 ;cue mark
call cpm
call getchar ;read console
or a,20h ;fold to lower case
getla db tab,'> $'
getn ;get a decimal number
;from the console.
;call de=address of cue
;return hl=number
push de ;save cue message address
;in case needed later
ld c,9
call cpm ;print cue message
ld de,getna;print tab and cue mark
ld c,9
call cpm
ld hl,0 ;initialize forming
ld a,(digits)
ld b,a ;total characters allowed
;to be input
getn1 push hl ;save answer
push bc ;save char. count
call getchar ;read console
pop bc ;restore char. count
pop hl ;restore forming answer
cp cr ;is this return?
jr z,getn9 ;yes,exit with answer
cp '0' ;is this legal char.?
jr c,getn3 ;no, jump
cp '9'+1 ;is this legal char.?
jr nc,getn3;no,jump
and 0fh ;isolate bottom 4 bits
;previous data * 10
push hl
pop de
add hl,hl ;(*2)
add hl,hl ;(*4)
add hl,de ;(*5)
add hl,hl ;(*10)
ld e,a ;now add in this digit
ld d,0
add hl,de
djnz getn1 ;count characters accepted
jr getn9 ;enough accepted,exit
getn3 ;illegal character detected.
call query ;print question mark and
pop de ;restart input
jr getn
getn9 ;input complete,clean
;stack and exit with
;answer in (hl)
pop de
getna db tab,'> $'
getnb db '?$'
geth ;get $dig hex digits
;from keyboard
;call de=addr of cue
;return acc=lower 8 bits
; of entered number,
; hl=entire 16 bit no.
push de ;save cue address
;in case needed again
ld c,9
call cpm ;print cue message
ld de,getha;print tab and cue mark
ld c,9
call cpm
ld hl,0 ;initialize forming
ld a,(digits)
ld b,a ;max digits to accept
geth1 push bc ;save registers
push hl
call getchar ;read console
pop hl
pop bc ;restore registers
cp cr ;if carriage return exit
jr z,geth25
cp '0' ;make sure its legal
jr c,geth3 ;no,jump
cp '9'+1 ;if alpha fold to
jr c,geth15;lower case
or 20h
geth15 cp 'f'+1 ;make sure its legal
jr nc,geth3;no,jump
cp 'a' ;check if alpha
jr c,geth2 ;jump if 0-9
add 9 ;add correction
geth2 and 0fh
add hl,hl ;previous data *16
add hl,hl ;(left shift 4 bits)
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add a,l ;add this char. to
ld l,a ;forming result
djnz geth1 ;keep reading console
geth25 pop de ;clean up stack
ld a,l ;put lower 8 bits
;of answer in acc.
;(in case exit by
; carriage return)
geth3 call query ;print question mark
pop de ;then restart input
jr geth
getha db tab,'> $'
query push af ;save flags
ld c,9 ;print question mark
ld de,querya
call cpm
pop af ;restore flags
querya db ' ?$'
getchar ;get 1 character from
;console via raw input
;mode. do not echo a
;carriage return.
ld e,0ffh
ld c,6
call cpm ;read console
or a,a ;anything there?
jr z,getchar ;no,try again
cp cr ;is it a carriage return?
ret z ;yes
push af ;no,echo it
ld e,a
ld c,6
call cpm
pop af ;restore acc. and exit
conv ;convert binary to
;decimal ascii
;call bc=binary data, in
; range 0000-9999.
; hl=first byte addr
; to store output
ld de,1000
call div
call conv9 ;thousands digit
ld de,100
call div
call conv9 ;hundreds digit
ld de,10
call div
call conv9 ;tens digit
call conv9 ;units
ret ;back to caller
conv9 ld a,c ;turn quotient into
add '0' ;ASCII character
ld (hl),a ;and store it
inc hl ;bump output pointer
push de ;bc <- remainder
pop bc
div ;single precision divide
;call bc=numerator
; de=divisor
;return bc=quotient
; de=remainder
push hl
ld hl,0
or a,a
sbc hl,de
ex de,hl
ld hl,0
ld a,17
div0 push hl
add hl,de
jr nc,div1
ex (sp),hl
div1 pop hl
push af
rl c
rl b
rl l
rl h
pop af
dec a
jr nz,div0
or a,a
rr h
rr l
ex de,hl
pop hl
buff1 equ 1000h ;disk buffers
buff2 equ $bpt*2+buff1
buff3 equ $bpt*2+buff2
buffend equ $bpt*2+buff3
end 100h