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disassembler for Z-80 programs
Version 2.0 by Dave Barker
Let me open this file with a note of appreciation to Ward Christensen
who wrote RESOURCE for 8080 programs. ZESOURCE is a modification to
Ward's original program (CPMUG vol. 42) to give it the capability of
disassembling Z-80 object into TDL mnemonic source files. Thanks to
Ward this must be the most powerful disassembler available for 8080/Z-80
code. (Note: ZESOURCE still runs on an 8080 machine)
A file called Z80TEST.COM was used to test ZSOURCE. When Z80TEST.COM
is disassembled it will result in what would be an alphabetic listing
of all of the Z-80 opcodes if the mnemonics were Zilog's instead of
TDL's. This object file should agree exactly with the listings that
Zilog has in their 'Z-80 CPU Programming Reference Card' and in the
back of 'Z-80 Assembly Language Programming Manual'.
It should be pointed out that ZSOURCE will generate TDL opcode mnemonics
but not TDL pseudo-op mnemonics. The pseudo-op mnemonics are the same
as those generated by RESOURCE (ORG, DB, DW, DS, and EQU). If one is
using a TDL type of assembler it is a simple matter to use .OPSYN to
equate ORG with .LOC, DB with .BYTE, etc.
The primary documentation for ZESOURCE is Ward's RESOURCE.DOC (CPMUG
42.19). Listed below is a description of the enhancements added to
1.Disassembly to TDL mnemonics
2.Typing 'Rfilename.ALL' will cause the .DOC, .SYM, and .CTL
files to all be read in for 'filename'. If one of the files
is missing from the disk the read operation will abort.
Note also that the 'Uxxxx' command must still be used prior
to using 'R'.
3.Typing 'Sfilename.ALL' will cause all three of the files
mentioned above to be saved.
4.When the 'E' command is used to create a new symbol the existing
symbol at that address (if there is one) will be automatically
killed with a message sent to the console so stating. If there
is more than one symbol at that address (impossible if the
.SYM file was created under ZESOURCE) only the first in the
table will be killed.
5.Use of 'L' command in the format 'L=xx,addr' causes the new
default length, xx, to take effect immediately (this is a bug
in CPMUG 42.18).
As time and ambition are available it is planned to modify ZESOURCE to
produce Zilog mnemonics.
Any questions, suggestions, or (ugh!) bugs? If so:
Dave Barker
2293 Ralston Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93063
Or leave a message on CP/M-Net (tm) at (805)-527-9321.