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Assembly Source File
3,268 lines
; --------------------------------------------------------
; DDT.COM is a part of the collection of programs which
; one receives when buying CP/M from Digital Research. Of
; all the programs in the CP/M package, it is one of the
; weakest, and seems to have been mainly intended to use
; to insert the custom part of BIOS into CP/M when it is
; desired to generate a new system. Its strongest point is
; its single step facility and its suppression during the
; execution of BDOS. Its most frustrating point may be its
; lack of transparency to the command line of programs to
; which it is to be applied.
; The present program was based on a disassembly of the
; Digital Research version, which has now been very
; extensively rearranged, even though vestiges of that
; original program still remain. Several minor errors
; have been corrected, but the important changes consist
; in the greatly expanded capabilities of most of the
; options, besides a complete replacement of both the
; assembler and the disassembler. Many commands now admit
; a repeat factor, examination of registers and memory is
; much more extensive, and a bitmap can generated to mark
; significant memory locations. Other modifications or
; extensions may be deduced from the change log below.
; Since DDT will be coresident with the program it will
; examine, it is convenient to relocate it to high memory
; and adjust the BDOS call to reflect less free space. If
; an origin for the relocated DDT can be assigned, a small
; translation program is included to move it once loaded.
; It has been disabled by commenting it out. It would have
; to be assembled by Microsoft's M80 or a similar assembler
; allowing phasing and dephasing. It is much more general
; to generate a bitmap for a page relocator, for which the
; following script will serve as a guide. It assumes that
; the utilities LOHD.COM, GENBIM.COM, and PAGREL.COM are
; available; also that two separate copies of DDT were
; prepared: NDDT at origin 100H, and ZDDT at origin 000H,
; but otherwise identical.
; -R100 [NEXT = 1600]
; -R1500 [NEXT = 1900]
; -S103
; . 0103 BB 00
; . 0104 BB 02
; . 0105 EE 00
; . 0106 EE 16
; h 0107 68 .
; -^C
; NDDT.ASM -- Copyright (C) 1983
; Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
; 20 November 1983
; ---------------: B generates a bitmap, L shows X's.
; ---------------: V is a T which ignores CALLs.
; 24 October 1982: R sets 007C to zero before starting.
; 24 October 1982: I will read an entire command line.
; 06 November 1982 - preliminary circulation copies.
; 12 December 1982 - XA shows both HEX, ASCII values.
; 12 December 1982 - X confirms register changes.
; 13 December 1982 - 007C zeroed while opening file.
; 13 December 1982 - I <pop h> when leaving HEX option.
; 13 December 1982 - <no extension> taken as .COM
; 13 December 1982 - P "Peek" added.
; 16 December 1982 - E "Execute" added.
; 18 December 1982 - S accepts quoted character.
; 20 December 1982 - edition for Assembler II.
; 7 August 1983 - correct overwrite of b in G.
; 7 August 1983 - zero 7C after initial program load.
; 20 August 1983 - clear memory before loading.
; 20 August 1983 - decimal prefix to all commands.
; 22 August 1983 - new format for display line.
; 22 August 1983 - En,xxxx superseded by nG,xxxx.
; 23 August 1983 - nV/, nT/, nU/ suppress display lines.
; 23 August 1983 - X=xxxx displays a window around xxxx.
; 23 August 1983 - nU superseded by nT/.
; 23 August 1983 - P incorporated into X.
; 26 August 1983 - M moves overlapping interval backwards.
; 26 August 1983 - A does not leave 3 0D's on exit.
; 28 August 1983 - General rearrangement and revision.
; 30 August 1983 - Edition for Languages II.
; 20 November 1983 - X - jz for jnz refused flag changes.
; 20 November 1983 - ASM - assembly of RST N was wrong.
; 20 November 1983 - stor - xra a to avoid false signals.
; [Harold V. McIntosh, 20 December 1982]
; [Harold V. McIntosh, 30 August 1983]
; --------------------------------------------------------
HT equ 09H ;tab
LF equ 0AH ;line feed
CR equ 0DH ;carriage return
KZ equ 1AH ;^Z
RO equ 7FH ;rubout
;ddtorg equ 09000H ;absolute DDT origin
;; Move DDT up to higher memory.
;X0100: lxi b,enddt-begn
;X013D: lxi sp,begn
; lxi d,ddtorg
; lxi h,X0165
;X0158: mov a,b
; ora c
; jz ddtorg
; dcx b
; mov a,m
; stax d
; inx d
; inx h
; jmp X0158
;X0165: ds 0
;; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; .phase ddtorg
org 0100H
begn: jmp init ;initialize DDT
; ========================================================
; Assembler for the INTEL 8080. As a "small" assembler,
; it is subject to the following restraints:
; 1) only hexadecimal numbers are accepted
; 2) opcode identification is merely sufficient
; 3) source code is not confined to a single line
; 4) error detection only for an unintelligible
; opcode or field; then three zero bytes are
; deposited to allow patches, assembler line
; is abandoned
; 5) implausible combinations are not rejected
; Register pair HL points to the byte in which the
; assembled opcode will be stored. If necessary, hex
; data or address fields will be read and HL will be
; incremented by 1, 2, or 3 as required. Flags are valid
; on return; zero means no error.
; No RAM memory is used directly by the program, so that
; it may be inscribed in its entirity in a PROM. All its
; requirements for temporary storage are met from the
; internal registers of the 8080 or the stack.
; ========================================================
assm: push h
lxi h,stor
push h
call alfa
jmp aopco
; Read an alpha field by ignoring leading separators,
; storing letters in registers C,D,E, and terminating
; reading when a separator is again encountered. All
; fields are held to three letters, so that the only
; letters in a chain that are stored are the first,
; second, and last.
alfa: lxi d,' '
ala: call relc
call sepa
jz ala
mov c,a
call relc
call sepa
call term
mov d,a
alb: call relc
call sepa
call term
mov e,a
jmp alb
; Read an alpha field with the intention of keeping only
; the last letter in the field. Otherwise the same rules
; apply as in the subroutine alfa: leading separators are
; ignored, trailing separators terminate.
beta: call relc
call sepa
jz beta
bet: mov b,a
call relc
call sepa
jz bta
call term
jnz bet
bta: mov a,b
; Locate the operation codes. A simple linear search is
; made of some sixty mnemonics, grouping them mostly in
; sets of eight because their position within an octet
; translates directly into a source or destination field
; in the 2-3-3 decomposition of INTEL 8080 opcodes.
aopco: mvi b,0CH
lxi H,AT4 ;Quadrant 0 with minor modifications
call mnem
jp AQ0
mvi b,01H
lxi h,AT0 ;Quadrant 1: interregister movements
call mnem
jp AQ1
mvi b,08H
lxi h,AT1 ;Quadrant 3: arithmetic-logical
call mnem
jp AQ2
mvi b,08H
lxi h,AT2 ;Quadrant 2, column 6: immediate
call mnem
jp AB6
mvi b,11H
lxi h,AT5 ;All the sporadic opcodes
call mnem
jp qq
mvi b,08H
lxi h,AT3 ;Quadrant 0, column 7: accumulator
call mnem
jp AA7
mov a,c
cpi 'r'
jz AB0 ;Quadrant 3, column 0: returns
cpi 'j'
jz AB2 ;Quadrant 3, column 2: jumps
cpi 'c'
jz AB4 ;Quadrant 3, column 4: calls
mvi b,05H
lxi h,AT7 ;Assembler directives
call mnem
jp QD
jmp hexb
; Quadrant zero - memory to register - and some others.
AQ0: mov c,a
call juta
dw X0 ;pop pair
dw AA1 ;lxi pair,addr
dw AA0 ;stax pair - beware - only b, d legal
dw AA0 ;inx pair
dw AA4 ;inr register
dw AA4 ;dcr register
dw AA6 ;mvi register,data
dw AB7 ;rst digit in opcode
dw Y0 ;push pair
dw AA0 ;dad pair
dw AA0 ;ldax pair - beware - only b, d legal
dw AA0 ;dcx pair
X0: mvi c,0C1H
jmp AA0
Y0: mvi c,0C5H
AA0: call beta
call apair
ora c
AA1: call AA0
jmp addq
AA4: call rdst
ora c
AA6: call AA4
jmp datq
AA7: add a
add a
add a
ori 07H
AQ1: call rdst
mov c,a
call rsrc
ora c
ori 040H
AQ2: add a
add a
add a
mov c,a
call rsrc
ora c
ori 080H
qq: cpi 09H
jc ss
lxi h,adata
cpi 0BH
jc rr
lxi h,aaddr
rr: xthl
ss: lxi h,AT8
jmp reta
; Quadrant 3 - mostly program counter modification
AB0: mvi a,0C0H
jmp abb
AB2: mvi a,0C2H
call abb
jmp addq
AB4: mvi a,0C4H
call abb
jmp addq
abb: push psw
mvi c,' '
mvi b,08H
lxi h,AT6
call mnem
pop b
jm error
add a
add a
add a
ora b
; Immediates.
AB6: add a
add a
add a
ori 0C6H
jmp datq
; Restarts.
AB7: call beta
ani 038H
ori 0C7H
; Assembler directives.
QD: call juta
dw D0 ;data byte
dw D1 ;data word
dw D2 ;data space
dw D3 ;origin
dw D4 ;end
D0: inx sp ;data byte
inx sp
pop d
call hxar
mov l,a
mvi a,0FDH ;error
inr a ;(org)
mov m,e
inx h
D1: inx sp ;data word
inx sp
pop d
call hexf
mvi a,0FDH ;error
inr a ;(org)
mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d
inx h
D2: inx sp ;data space
inx sp
pop d
call hexf
mvi a,0FDH ;error
inr a ;org
dad d
D3: inx sp ;origin
inx sp
inx sp
inx sp
call hexf
mvi a,0FEH ;org
dcr a
D4: inx sp ;end
inx sp
inx sp
inx sp
mvi a,0FFH ;done
; If the operation field did not hold a valid opcode or
; assembler directive, try it out for a one-byte, two
; nibble hexadecimal byte.
hexb: lxi h,error
push h
mov a,e
cpi ' '
mov a,c
call cnh
add a
add a
add a
add a
mov b,a
mov a,d
call cnh
add b
inx sp
inx sp
; Read and deposit a hexadecimal address field.
addq: inx sp
inx sp
aaddr: mov b,a
call onar
pop h
mov m,b
inx h
mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d
inx h
; Read and deposit a one-byte hexadecimal data field.
datq: inx sp
inx sp
adata: mov b,a
call hxar
jnz error ;<missing field>
pop h
mov m,b
inx h
mov m,e
inx h
; Deposit the assembled operation code
stor: pop h
mov m,a
inx h
xra a ;don't return the wrong signal
; Load accumulator with nth item in the list whose
; origin is contained in register pair HL, when n
; lies in the accumulator.
reta: add l
mov l,a
mov a,h
aci 00H
mov h,a
mov a,m
; Find numerical equivalents for register designations.
; Source registers are reported at their true value, but
; destination registers are multiplied by eight to have
; their value positioned correctly for its field.
rsrc: call beta
srce: mvi b,08H
lxi h,atr
call regi
jm error
rdst: call beta
dest: call srce
add a
add a
add a
; Find numerical equivalents for register pair symbols.
; They always left-pack their destination field.
apair: mvi b,05H
lxi h,atp
call regi
jm error
cpi 04H
sbi 00H
mov b,a
add a
add a
add a
add a
; Search a list of bytes whose origin is contained in
; in HL to find the one, if any, which matches the
; accumulator. The length of the list in is B on entry;
; on exit A contains either the position or FF if no
; match was found.
regi: dcx h
cmp m
jz reg
dcr b
jnz regi
reg: xra a
dcr b
ora b
; Search a table of three-letter mnemonics to find the
; code contained in registers C,D,E. Enter with the
; table origin in pair HL, the table size N in the
; accumulator. On exit the accumulator will contain
; either the position, ranging between 0 and N-1, of
; the item in the table, or else FF(hex) if it was not
; found.
mnem: dcx h
mov a,m
cmp e
jnz mnb
dcx h
mov a,m
cmp d
jnz mnc
dcx h
mov a,m
sub c
jnz mnd
mna: dcr b
ora b
mnb: dcx h
mnc: dcx h
mnd: dcr b
jnz mnem
jmp mna
; Table of mnemonics grouped by octets and dodecuplets.
dtr: db 'bcdehlma'
atr: db 'bdhpw'
atp: db 'mov'
AT0: db 'add','adc','sub','sbb'
db 'ana','xra','ora','cmp'
AT1: db 'adi','aci','sui','sbi'
db 'ani','xri','ori','cpi'
AT2: db 'rlc','rrc','ral','rar'
db 'daa','cma','stc','cmc'
AT3: db 'pop','lxi','stx','inx'
db 'inr','dcr','mvi','rst'
db 'puh','dad','ldx','dcx'
AT4: db 'nop','ret','pcl','spl'
db 'xtl','xcg','di ','ei '
db 'hlt','out','in ','jmp'
db 'cal','shd','lhd','sta','lda'
AT5: db ' nz',' z ',' nc',' c '
db ' po',' pe',' p ',' m '
AT6: db 'db ','dw ','ds ','org','end'
AT7: db nop
db ret
db pchl
db sphl
db xthl
db xchg
db di
db ei
db hlt
db 0D3H ;(out)
db 0DBH ;(in)
db 0C3H ;(jmp)
db 0CDH ;(call)
db 022H ;(shld)
db 02AH ;(lhld)
db 032H ;(sta)
db 03AH ;(lda)
; T7 is the end of one table, T8 is the beginning of another.
AT8 equ AT7
; =====================================================
; Disassembler for the INTEL 8080. Register pair HL
; points to the byte to be disassembled. HL will be
; incremented by 1, 2, or 3 according to the type of
; instruction encountered. No RAM storage is used
; within the program, which may therefore be entirely
; resident in ROM.
; =====================================================
dism: mov a,m
push h
lxi h,done
push h
cpi 76H
jnz split
halt: lxi h,td
jmp three
; separate the instruction field into groups of 2,3,3
; bits and then continue according to quadrants.
split: push psw
push psw
ani 07H
mov c,a
pop psw
ani 07H
mov b,a
pop psw
ani 03H
lxi h,jq
jump: call bndx
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
; Indexing subroutines which add corresponding multiples
; [3,4,2,1] of A to the register pair HL.
tndx: mov e,a
add a
add e
jmp indx
qndx: add a
bndx: add a
indx: add l
mov l,a
mov a,h
aci 00H
mov h,a
; -------------------------------------------------------
; Quadrant 0 contains accumulator operations, increments,
; decrements, loads, stores and immediate moves, all of
; which must be detailled further.
; -------------------------------------------------------
DQ0: mov a,c
lxi h,ja
jmp jump
; Column 0 contains NOP together with seven unused codes
DA0: mov a,b
ora a
jnz node
noop: lxi h,tc
jmp trey
; Column 1 alternates lxi to a register pair with dad
; from a register pair. The lxi's require data words,
; but not the dad's.
DA1: mov a,b
ani 01H
call aa
mov a,b
ani 01H
call sngl
jmp daddr
; Column 2 alternates storing and loading instructions.
; The first six refer to register pairs, the last two to
; the accumulator; the last four require addresses.
DA2: mov a,b
lxi h,DT5
call vier
mov a,b
ani 04H
jz putp
jmp daddr
; Column 3 alternates inx of a register pair with dcx of
; the same pair.
DA3: mov a,b
ani 01H
adi 02H
aa: lxi h,DT4
call drei
jmp putp
; Column 4 contains inr, 5 containd dcr, both modified
; by the register list.
DA4: mov a,c
lxi h,DT4
call drei
mov a,b
lxi h,dtr
jmp ein
; Column 6 contains the mvi's, which require a data byte.
DA6: call DA4
call sngl
jmp ddata
; Column 7 contains the accumulator operations.
DA7: mov a,b
lxi h,AT2
call tndx
jmp trey
; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Quadrant 1 consists of interregister movements.
; ----------------------------------------------------------
DQ1: lxi h,tb
call three
mov a,b
lxi h,dtr
call ein
call sngl
mov a,c
lxi h,dtr
jmp ein
; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Quadrant 2 consists of arithmetic operations
; ----------------------------------------------------------
DQ2: mov a,b
lxi h,AT0
call drei
mov a,c
lxi h,dtr
jmp ein
; ---------------------------------------------------------
; Quadrant 3 has returns, calls, jumps, pushes, pops,
; and a variety of miscellania needing a detailed study.
; ---------------------------------------------------------
DQ3: mov a,c
lxi h,jb
jmp jump
; Column 0 contains all the conditional returns
DB0: mvi a,'r'
bb: call aout ;A to console
mov a,b
lxi h,AT5
call tndx
inx h
jmp two
; Column 1 contains the pops, together with the unconditional
; return, pchl, sphl, and an undefined code.
DB1: mov a,b
lxi h,DT7
call vier
mov a,b
cpi 03H
jz dopco
ani 01H
jmp putq
; Column 2 contains all the conditional jumps.
DB2: mvi a,'j'
call bb
jmp daddr
; Columnn 3 is an assortment, requiring many distinctions.
DB3: mov a,b
lxi h,DT8
call vier
mov a,b
cpi 04H
cpi 01H
jz dopco
jc daddr
jmp ddata
; Column 4 contains all the conditional calls.
DB4: mvi a,'c'
call bb
jmp daddr
; Column 5 contains the pushes, simple call, 3 undefined.
DB5: mov a,b
ani 01H
jnz xx
lxi h,tf
call four
jmp putq
xx: mov a,b
cpi 01H
jnz node
lxi h,te
call four
jmp daddr
; Column 6 holds all the arithmetic immediates.
DB6: mov a,b
lxi h,AT1
call drei
jmp ddata
; Column 7 contains all the restarts.
DB7: lxi h,DT4+21
call three
mov a,b
adi '0'
jmp aout ;A to console
; ------------------------------------------------------
; a collection of copying and spacing routines.
; ------------------------------------------------------
vier: call qndx
jmp four
drei: call tndx
jmp three
ein: call indx
jmp one
four: call quad
jmp sngl
three: call trey
jmp dubl
two: call dpair
jmp dubl
quad: mov a,m
call aout ;A to console
inx h
trey: mov a,m
call aout ;A to console
inx h
dpair: mov a,m
call aout ;A to console
inx h
one: mov a,m
jmp aout ;A to console
; -------------------------------------------------------
; Commonly used transferrence and conversion routines.
; -------------------------------------------------------
putp: mov a,b
ani 06H
lxi h,dtp
call indx
jmp dpair
putq: mov a,b
ani 06H
lxi h,tq
call tndx
jmp trey
done: pop h
inx h
daddr: inx sp
inx sp
pop h
inx h
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
push h
call word
jmp done
node: lxi h,ta
call three
dopco: inx sp
inx sp
pop h
jmp goby
ddata: inx sp
inx sp
pop h
inx h
goby: mov a,m
push h
call byte
jmp done
; --------------------------------------------------------
; Jump tables
; --------------------------------------------------------
jq: dw DQ0,DQ1,DQ2,DQ3
ja: dw DA0,DA1,DA2,DA3,DA4,DA4,DA6,DA7
jb: dw DB0,DB1,DB2,DB3,DB4,DB5,DB6,DB7
; --------------------------------------------------------
; Tables of mnemonics for the 8080 instructions
; --------------------------------------------------------
ta: db 'db '
tb: db 'mov'
tc: db 'nop'
td: db 'hlt'
te: db 'call'
tf: db 'push'
dtp: db 'b d h sp'
tq: db 'b '
db 'd '
db 'h '
db 'psw'
DT4: db 'lxi','dad','inx','dcx'
db 'inr','dcr','mvi','rst'
DT5: db 'stax','ldax','stax','ldax'
db 'shld','lhld','sta ','lda '
DT7: db 'pop ','ret ','pop ','db '
db 'pop ','pchl','pop ','sphl'
DT8: db 'jmp ','db ','out ','in '
db 'xthl','xchg','di ','ei '
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
DP equ 16 ;paragraph length for D
NL equ 12 ;default lines in L
NR equ 12 ;number of registers to examine in X
WW equ 5 ;window halfwidth in register display
BDOS equ 0005H ;jump to BDOS
RST7 equ 0038H ;DDT breakpoint handler
TFCB equ 005CH ;DDT's file control block
TBUF equ 0080H ;DDT's sector buffer
TORG equ 0100H ;program origin
bsiz equ 2000H ;8K = size of bitmap
XDOS: xthl ;<<DDT analogue of 0005>>
shld sica ;site of call to BDOS
GDOS: jmp 0000 ;BDOS address
; Initialize DDT
init: lhld BDOS+1
shld GDOS+1 ;BDOS address
lxi h,XDOS ;DDT analogue of 0005
shld begn+1
lxi h,begn
shld BDOS+1
xra a
sta bkpt ;breakpoint data
lxi h,TORG ;CP/M transient origin
shld lorg ;origin for L
shld dorg ;origin for D
shld pmax ;program high limit
shld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
shld savmr ;memory reference
lxi sp,savhl ;breakpoint
push h
lxi h,0002
push h
dcx h
dcx h
shld savhl ;HL at breakpoint
push h
push h
mvi a,0C3H ;(jmp)
sta RST7 ;RST 7 destination
lxi h,rtbk ;return from breakpoint
shld RST7+1
lxi b,begn ;top of memory
lxi h,TORG ;bottom of memory
mov a,c
sub l
mov c,a
mov a,b
sbb h
mov b,a
zero: mov a,c
ora b
jz zerd
mvi m,00
inx h
dcx b
jmp zero
zerd: lxi h,logo ;"DDT/UAP"
call mssg
mvi c,25 ;(19) read logged in disk
call XDOS
sta ldsk ;logged disk
mvi b,80H
lxi d,TBUF
lxi h,ctex
shld cptr ;pointer to command buffer
lxi h,clen
muve: ldax d
mov m,a
inx h
inx d
dcr b
jnz muve
mov m,b
lxi h,loop ;DDT loop
push h
lda TFCB+1 ;file name
cpi ' '
lxi h,TFCB+9 ;extension
mov a,m
cpi ' '
jnz scom
mvi m,'C'
inx h
mvi m,'O'
inx h
mvi m,'M'
scom: lxi h,0000 ;zero offset
call opra ;R with implicit argument
jmp opia ;I after discarding program name
; ----------------------------------------------
; DDT loop: waits for commands and executes them
; ----------------------------------------------
loop: lxi sp,savde ;DDT's private stack
lxi h,loop ;DDT loop
push h
call past ;check limit transgression
jc looq
lxi h,XDOS ;link to BDOS
shld 0006H
looq: call crlf ;type CR,LF
mvi a,'-'
call aout ;A to console
call incl ;fetch a command line
call decf ;read decimal field
cpi CR
shld rept
call alta ;alternate table
db 14
db 'A'
dw opta ;A = assemble
db 'B'
dw bmap ;B = bitmap
db 'D'
dw optd ;D = display
db 'F'
dw optf ;F = fill
db 'G'
dw optg ;G = go
db 'H'
dw opth ;H = hex sum, difference
db 'I'
dw opti ;I = initialize CCP command line
db 'L'
dw optl ;L = list program
db 'M'
dw optm ;M = move
db 'R'
dw optr ;R = read file
db 'S'
dw opts ;S = store
db 'T'
dw optt ;T = type registers
db 'V'
dw optv ;V = single step w/ call as 1 step
db 'X'
dw optx ;X = examine registers
; (A) Assemble 8080 code. <nAx> will assemble n lines
; of code beginning at address x. Defaults are x=lorg,
; while no limit is set if n is missing or zero.
opta: call past ;check limit transgression
jnc error ;<A has been overwritten>
lhld lorg ;origin for L
call hef
opaa: shld lorg ;origin for L
call dubl
call tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
call dubl
call incl ;fetch a command line
jz opac
call assm
inr a ;FF means done
inr a ;FE means new origin
jnz opab
call crlf
jmp opaa
opab: call ctlx
lhld lorg ;origin for L
inr a ;FD means error - retry
jz opaa
opac: call dubl ;otherwise confirm & advance
call tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
call dubl
call dism
call crlf
call drnz ;decrement retn if nonzero
jnz opaa
shld lorg ;origin for L
; (B) Generate a bitmap of all bytes in the range
; 100H - (pmax) which could possibly be the address
; of an instruction.
bmap: lhld pmax
lxi h,begn
lxi b,-bsiz
dad b
mov a,l
sub e
mov a,h
sbb d
jc error ;<bitmap would overlap program>
lxi b,bsiz
bzer: mvi m,00H
inx h
dcx b
mov a,c
ora b
jnz bzer
lhld pmax ;program high limit
lxi h,TORG ;CP/M transient origin
mov a,e
sub l
mov c,a
mov a,d
sbb h
mov b,a
bbit: push b
mov a,m
call twob
jnc bbjt
push h
inx h
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
call wrib
pop h
bbjt: inx h
pop b
dcx b
mov a,c
ora b
jnz bbit
; Decide if opcode has one-byte sequel.
oneb: cpi 0D3H
jz oney
cpi 0DBH
jz oney
ani 0C7H
cpi 006H
jz oney
cpi 0C6H
jz oney
oney: stc
; decide if opcode has two-byte address
twob: push b
cpi 0C3H
jz twoy
cpi 0CDH
jz twoy
mov b,a
ani 0C7H
cpi 0C2H
jz twoy
cpi 0C4H
jz twoy
mov a,b
ani 0CFH
cpi 001H
jz twoy
mov a,b
ani 0E7H
cpi 022H
jz twoy
pop b
twoy: stc
pop b
; read bit corresponding to address HL
reab: push h
call biby ;addr = byte + bit
mov a,m
rea: rrc
dcr c
jnz rea
pop h
; define bit corresponding to address HL
wrib: push psw
call biby ;addr = byte + bit
push b
mov a,m
wra: rrc
dcr c
jnz wra
mov m,a
pop b
pop psw
mov a,m
wrb: rlc
dcr c
jnz wrb
mov m,a
; reduce an address to byte (HL), bit (C).
biby: mov a,l
ani 07H
inr a
mov c,a
mvi b,3
bib: mov a,h
mov h,a
mov a,l
mov l,a
dcr b
jnz bib
mov a,h
ani 1FH
mov h,a
lxi d,begn
dad d
lxi d,-bsiz
dad d
; (D) Display the memory in groups of 16 bytes, both as
; pairs of hexadecimal nibbles and as ASCII characters,
; when the latter is appropriate. The command <nDa,b>
; will display n lines, or else the interval between
; hexadecimal addresses a and b; the interval takes
; precedence but if a or b or both are null, the line
; count helps determine the interval. When a is null the
; display will usually continue from where it last ended,
; but nD,b will display b-n up to b. In general:
; nDa,b a through b-1, n lines of 16 bytes
; Da,b a through b-1, DP lines of 16 bytes
; nDa, a through a+n
; nD,b b-n through b
; nD, PC through PC+n
; Da, a to the end
; Da just line containing a
; D,b PC through b
; D, PC to the end
; D just line beginning at PC
optd: lxi h,pinc ;paragraph length
mvi m,DP
lhld rept
mov a,l
ora h
sui 1
sbb a
ani 01H
mov b,a ;1 means n=0
dad h
dad h
dad h
dad h
shld rept ;1 line is worth 16 bytes
lhld dorg ;default <a> is dorg
call hef ;read <a>
mov c,a
mov a,b
mov b,a ;0 means null <a>
lhld rept
dad d ;<a+n> is default <b>
mov a,c
sui CR
jz opda
lxi h,0FFF0H
opda: sui 1
mov c,a ;FF means CR
mov a,b
mov b,a ;1 means CR
call hef ;read <b>
mov a,b
mov b,a
inr c
jnz opdb ;z means CR
lhld rept
dad d
opdb: shld dorg
; At this point, DE=<a>, HL=<b>, B defines case,
; but a few anomalies still have to be resolved.
mov a,b
cpi 01H
jnz opdc
lhld dorg
lhld rept
mov a,e
sub l
mov l,a
mov a,d
sbb h
mov h,a
xchg ;else a=b-n
opdc: cpi 05H
jz opdd
cpi 04H
jz opdd
cpi 00H
jnz opde
opdd: lhld rept
dad h
dad h
dad h
dad h
mov a,h
sta pinc ;paragraph length
; The parameters are now ready to start typing.
opde: lhld dorg
mov a,e
sub l
mov a,d
sbb h
jc error ;<inverted interval>
lda pinc ;paragraph length
mov b,a
opdf: call crlf ;type CR,LF
call inst ;read console status
jz opdg
shld dorg ;mark stopping point
opdg: call tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
push h
call dubl
call hebl
call sngl ;type space
pop h
mvi c,10H
call ascl
dcr b
jnz opdh
lda pinc ;paragraph length
mov b,a
call crlf
opdh: mov a,l
sub e
mov a,h
sbb d
jc opdf
hebl: call oobl
oobl: call fobl
fobl: call tetr
jmp sngl
tetr: call duce
duce: call once
once: mov a,m
call byte
inx h
jmp sngl
; (F) Fill an interval. <Fx,y,a> will fill the interval
; from x to y with the hexadecimal value a.
optf: call onar
push h
call onar
call hxar
jnz error ;<nonstandard argument>
mov b,a
pop h
opfa: mov a,l ;cmp(HL,DE)
sub e
mov a,h
sbb d
mov m,b
inx h
jmp opfa
; (G) Go to the program for execution. The form <nG,a,b,c>
; allows the insertion of up to two breakpoints, b and c,
; before jumping to the address a. If a count n is also
; included, the breakpoints will be traversed n times
; before control is t returned to DDT. If the field a is
; null, the program will continue from the point where
; control was surrendered to DDT (or 100H if it is an
; initial call.
optg: call crlf ;type CR,LF
xra a
sta swtv ;T/V = z/nz
sta swgt ;G/T = z/nz
lhld rept
dad h
shld rept
lhld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
call hef ;fetch a
shld savpc
push h
cpi CR
mvi a,1
jz opga
call hexf ;fetch b
jnc gnex
shld gbrk ;nG's breakpoint
call hexf ;fetch c
mvi a,2
jnc opga
shld gbrl
inr a
mov b,h
mov c,l
opga: pop h
sta gbrn
ora a
jmp gprg ;G without arguments
; G without arguments
; z unconditional go (savsp)
; c ignore HL, but set breakpoints
; A number of arguments - 0,1,2,3
; HL explicit destination
; DE first breakpoint
; BC second breakpoint
gnex: call step
gprg: di
jz gnez ;no arg, unconditional go
jc gney ;comma, set breakpoint & go
shld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
gney: dcr a
sta bkpt
jz gnez ;one arg already noted
mov e,a
mov a,m
sta brkx
mvi m,0FFH ;RST 7
shld brkp
dcr e
jz gnez ;unless 2nd breakpoint
mov l,c
mov h,b
mov a,m
sta brky
mvi m,0FFH ;RST 7
shld brkq
; Restore registers and return to program.
gnez: lxi sp,savde ;DDT's private stack
pop d
pop b
pop psw
pop h
lhld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
push h
lhld savhl ;HL at breakpoint
; (H) Display a hexadecimal sum and difference. <Hx,y>
; will result in typing '+'x+y '-'x-y. Mainly used to
; help patch CP/M during system generation.
opth: call onar
call onar
xra a
sub l
mov c,a
sbb h
sub c
mov b,a
call crlf ;type CR,LF
dad d
mvi a,'s' ;"sum"
call aout
call tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
call sngl ;type space
dad b
mvi a,'d' ;"difference"
call aout
jmp tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
; (I) Input a command line, according to the same
; criteria used by CCP; in other words a parameter
; list can follow the file name.
opia: call fico
opti: lxi d,TBUF
lhld cptr ;pointer to command buffer
lda clen
mov b,a
inr b
moov: stax d
mov a,m
call lcfo
inx d
inx h
dcr b
jnz moov
mvi a,00
stax d
lxi h,TBUF+1
shld cptr ;pointer to command buffer
call fico
lxi h,adsk ;active disk
push h
mov a,m
sta TFCB ;CP/M default FCB
mvi a,10H
call fica
pop h
mov a,m
sta TFCB+16
xra a
sta TFCB+32
jmp crlf
zsep: ora a
cpi CR
cpi ' '
jc error ;<control chars in command line>
cpi '='
cpi '_'
cpi '.'
cpi ':'
cpi ';'
cpi '<'
cpi '>'
fsep: call zsep
call rech ;read one character
jmp fsep
; Advance to a non blank character in the console
; buffer unless there is none, indicated by a 00.
zonb: call rech ;read one character
ora a
cpi ' '
jz zonb ;zero or non-blank
; Generate a file control block in the manner of CCP.
fico: mvi a,00
fica: lxi h,TFCB
add l
mov l,a
mov a,h
aci 00
mov h,a
xra a
sta adsk ;active disk
call zonb ;zero or non-blank
push psw
jz ficb
sbi '@'
mov b,a
push h
lhld cptr ;pointer to command buffer
mov a,m
pop h
cpi ':'
jz ficc
ficb: lda ldsk ;logged disk
jmp ficd
ficc: call rech ;read one character
pop psw
call rech ;read one character
push psw
mov a,b
sta adsk ;active disk
ficd: mov m,a
inx h
mvi b,08
pop psw
call ffil
call fsep
mvi b,03
cpi '.'
jnz ficp
call rech ;read one character
call ffil
call fsep
jmp ficq
ficp: call bfil
ficq: mvi b,03
mvi c,00
jmp kfil
; Fill a field
ffil: call zsep
jz bfil
cpi '*'
jz qfil
mov m,a
inx h
dcr b
call rech ;read one character
jmp ffil
; Block fill
qfil: mvi c,'?'
jmp kfil
bfil: mvi c,' '
kfil: mov m,c
inx h
dcr b
jnz kfil
; (L) List the memory as 8080 operation codes. The
; command <nLa,b> will list n lines of code between
; the hexadecimal addresses a and b, with the interval
; taking precedence over the number of lines, unless
; either a or b is missing.
optl: call past ;check limit transgression
jnc error ;<L may have been overwritten>
lhld rept
mov a,l
sta pinc ;paragraph length
ora h
jnz opla
lxi h,NL ;default length
opla: inx h
shld rept ;line counter for L
xra a
sta pctr ;paragraph counter
lhld lorg ;origin for L
call hef ;read <a>
shld lorg ;origin for L
mov b,a
lxi h,begn ;bottom DDT = top memory
call hef ;read <b>
shld llim ;limit for L
jc oplc ;c means <b> not null
mov a,b
cpi CR
jz opld
oplc: lxi h,0000H
shld rept ;line counter for L
lda pinc ;paragraph length
sta pctr ;paragraph counter
; The parameters have been established, start typing.
opld: call inst ;read console status
lhld rept ;line counter for L
mov a,l
ora h
jnz oplf ;nz means counter working
lda pctr ;paragraph counter
ora a
jz oplg ;z means no paragraphing
dcr a
jnz ople
call crlf
lda pinc ;paragraph length
ople: sta pctr ;paragraph counter
jmp oplg
oplf: dcx h
mov a,l
ora h
shld rept ;line counter for L
oplg: call dubl
lhld lorg ;origin for L
call reab
jnc nox
mvi a,'X'
call aout ;A to console
nox: call tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
call dubl
lhld llim ;upper limit for "L"
lhld lorg ;origin for L
mov a,e ;cmp(DE,HL)
sub l
mov a,d
sbb h
call dism
shld lorg ;origin for L
call crlf
jmp opld
; (M) Move part of the memory from one place to another.
; <Mx,y,z> will move the interval x,y to begin at z. The
; direction of movement compensates for possible overlap.
optm: call onar
mov c,l
mov b,h
call onar
call onar
mov a,e ;cmp(DE,BC)
sub c
mov a,d
sbb b
jc error ;<interval inverted>
mov a,e ;cmp(DE,HL)
sub l
mov a,d
sbb h
jc opmb
mov a,c ;cmp(BC,HL)
sub l
mov a,b
sbb h
jnc opmb
mov a,e ;BC=DE-BC
sub c
mov c,a
mov a,d
sbb b
mov b,a
dad b ;HL=HL+(DE-BC)
opma: mov a,c
ora b
ldax d
mov m,a
dcx h
dcx d
dcx b
jmp opma
opmb: mov a,e ;cmp(DE,BC)
sub c
mov a,d
sbb b
ldax b
mov m,a
inx b
inx h
jmp opmb
; (R) Read into memory the file specified by TFCB.
; It was probably defined by a preceding I command,
; but might still be the program defined in the DDT
; command line. <Rx> will start loading at TORG+x.
optr: call hexf ;with zero default
opra: push h
call openf ;open file
cpi 0FFH
jz error ;<failure to open file>
call chex ;check for .HEX
jz ihex ;load INTEL HEX file
pop h
lxi d,TORG ;CP/M transient origin
dad d
shld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
oprb: push h
lxi d,TFCB ;CP/M default FCB
mvi c,20 ;(14) read one record
call XDOS ;DDT analogue of 0005
pop h
ora a
jnz efil ;EOF
lxi d,TBUF ;CP/M default FCB
mvi c,80H ;size of one record
oprc: ldax d
inx d
mov m,a
inx h
dcr c
jnz oprc ;move to memory
call rmax ;record upper limit
jmp oprb ;read another record
; Test whether HL beyond previous maximum.
tmax: xchg
lhld pmax ;program high limit
mov a,l ;cmp(HL,DE)
sub e
mov a,h
sbb d
; Record maximum program length.
rmax: call tmax
shld pmax ;program high limit
; Test for limit transgression.
past: push h
lxi h,begn ;lower DDT limit
call tmax
pop h
; Check for the extension 'HEX'
chex: lxi h,TFCB+9 ;extension
mov a,m
ani 07FH
cpi 'H'
inx h
mov a,m
ani 07FH
cpi 'E'
inx h
mov a,m
ani 07FH
cpi 'X'
; Load INTEL HEX file, whose records have the form:
; : start of line
; NN number of bytes in line
; AAAA first address of line
; 00 class of line (zero in CP/M)
; DD byte of data - NNH altogether
; XX checksum - full bytesum w/XX = 00
; :00AAAA - end of file, start address AAAA.
ihex: call renb ;next byte from CP/M buffer
cpi 01AH ;^Z
jz error ;<no EOF in legal text>
sbi ':' ;line begins with colon
jnz ihex ;load INTEL HEX file
mov d,a ;start checksum w/zero
pop h
push h
call nbyt ;next byte w/checksum
mov e,a
call nbyt ;next byte w/checksum
push psw
call nbyt ;next byte w/checksum
pop b
mov c,a
dad b
mov a,e
ora a
jnz ihxx ;read non-null line
mov h,b
mov l,c
shld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
pop h ;displacement not added to AAAA <<---
jmp efil ;EOF
ihxx: call nbyt ;next byte w/checksum
hlin: call nbyt ;next byte w/checksum
mov m,a
inx h
dcr e
jnz hlin ;read the full line
call nbyt ;next byte w/checksum
push psw
call rmax ;record upper limit
pop psw
jnz error ;<checksum failed>
jmp ihex ;load INTEL HEX file
; Form next byte, add to checksum
nbyt: push b
push h
push d
call renb ;next byte from CP/M buffer
call cnh
jc error ;<not hex digit>
add a
add a
add a
add a
push psw
call renb ;next byte from CP/M buffer
call cnh
jc error ;<not hex digit>
pop b
ora b
mov b,a
pop d
add d
mov d,a
mov a,b
pop h
pop b
; EOF after reading file
efil: mvi c,12 ;(0C) lift disk head
call XDOS ;DDT analogue of 0005
lxi h,rmsg ;header: 'NEXT PC'
call mssg
call crlf ;type CR,LF
lhld pmax ;program high limit
call tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
call sngl ;type space
lhld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
shld dorg ;origin for D
shld lorg ;origin for L
jmp tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
rmsg: db CR,LF,'NEXT PC',00
; (S) Store hexadecimal bytes. <nSx> will store
; n bytes starting at address x, read one by one
; from the console. Missing n means indefinite
; repetition, missing x means TORG. Confirmation
; and progression is automatic while hexadecimal
; bytes are being received; however, for
; - go back one byte,
; 'x deposit ASCII x,
; ^x deposit ctl x,
; CR go on to next byte.
; Any other input terminates the cycle.
opts: lxi h,TORG
call hef ;read hex field
opsa: call crlf ;type CR,LF
call typs ;verify the line
call incl ;fetch a command line
jz opsc ;null buffer, go next line
call hxar ;read one-byte arg
jz opsb ;<standard field>
cpi '-' ;go back
rnz ;leave the cycle
dcx d
jmp opsa
opsb: stax d
call ctlx
call typs ;verify the line
opsc: inx d
call drnz
jnz opsa
; Type the format line for S.
typs: ldax d
call prip ;type printable or .
call sngl
call word ;type DE as four nibbles
call sngl ;type space
ldax d
call byte ;type A as two nibbles
jmp sngl ;type space
; (T) Type the register status line while single-stepping
; through the program. <nT> runs through n steps typing
; each one, while <nT/> executes without typing. The option
; V, with the same alternatives <nV> and <nV/> treats a
; call or a conditional call as a single step, avoiding a
; detailled examination of the interior contents of each
; subroutine.
optt: xra a
oooa: sta swtv ;T/V = z/nz
mvi a,0FFH
sta swgt ;G/T = z/nz
call reuc
cpi '/'
jnz ooob
xra a
ooob: sta swtu ;T/U = nz/z
lhld rept
mov a,l
ora h
jz oooc
dcx h
oooc: shld rept ;repetition counter
call line ;type display line
jmp gnex
; (V) A variant of T.
optv: mvi a,0FFH
jmp oooa
; (X) Examine registers. Any one of the registers or
; register pairs A, BC, HL, DE, SP, PC may be examined,
; or one of the five flag bits C, Z, M, E, I, by typing
; Xr, with r = czmeiabhdsp*, or =xxxx with a hexadecimal
; address xxxx. The latter defines the register * at
; first. A display line is typed, of the form
; r=xxxx xx ... xx ... xx +++++ + +++++ ooo ooooo
; where xxxx is the contents of register r, xx etc is
; a window of hexadecimal bytes centered on xxxx, ++ etc
; is a similar window of ASCII characters, and finally
; ooo ooooo is the instruction, if meaningful, at xxxx.
; Once an examination is underway, the window may be
; moved by various operators:
; * indirect from window
; ^ indirect from instruction address
; excl save value
; ? recover value
; / next instruction
; + 1 byte forward
; - 1 byte backward
; # forward, stop at nonzero
; @ backward, stop at nonzero
; =xx search for byte xx ('x or ^x also)
; |xxxx search for pair xxxx
; > forward half-window
; < backward half-window
; . type crlf - make new line
optx: call relc ;char to A from buffer
cpi CR
jz ljne ;type display line
cpi '='
jnz opxa
call hexf
shld savmr ;save memory reference
mvi a,'*'
opxa: lxi b,NR ;B=0, C=# registers
lxi h,regs ;register list
opxb: cmp m
jz opxc ;modify given register
inx h
inr b
dcr c
jnz opxb ;repeat for all
jmp error ;<no such register>
opxc: push h
mov a,b
call gesr ;fetch saved register
shld savxx ;?/! cell
call reuc ;char to A from buffer
cpi CR
jnz error ;<null field>
push b
opxd: pop b
pop h
push h
push b
call ctlx ;type ^X
call tyfr ;type flag or register
call sngl ;type space
call incl ;fetch a command line
call hexf
pop b
jnc opxg ;nc means null hex field
push b
opxe: mov a,b
cpi 05
jnc uacc ;update register
mov a,h
ora a
jnz error ;<only one byte admitted>
mov a,l
cpi 02
jnc error ;<only 1 bit (0,1) allowed>
call fmaf ;fetch mask & flags
mov h,a
mov b,c
mvi a,0FEH ;-2
call shla ;shl(A,B)
ana h
mov b,c
mov h,a
mov a,l
call shla ;shl(A,B)
ora h
stax d
jmp opxd
; Window modifiers are possible with a null hex field.
opxg: push psw
mov a,b
call gesr ;fetch saved register
pop psw
cpi CR
jnz opxh
shld dorg
shld lorg
pop h
opxh: push b
lxi d,opxe
push d
call alta
db 14
db '*' ;indirect address from window
dw opxv
db '^' ;indirect address from instruction
dw opxu
db '!' ;save address
dw opxw
db '?' ;restore address
dw opxx
db '/' ;next instruction
dw opxy
db '+' ;advance 1 byte
dw opxz
db '-' ;return 1 byte
dw opxt
db '#' ;advance to nonzero byte
dw opxs
db '.' ;type crlf
dw crlf
db '=' ;=x: search for xx, 'x, ^x
dw opxr
db '|' ;|xxxx: search for pair xxxx
dw opxm
db '>' ;advance halfwindow
dw opxp
db '<' ;return halfwindow
dw opxo
db '@' ;return to nonzero
dw opxn
opxu: inx h ;^
opxv: mov e,m ;*
inx h
mov d,m
opxw: shld savxx ;excl
opxx: lhld savxx ;?
opxy: mov a,m ;/
inx h
inx h
inx h
call twob
dcx h
call oneb
opxt: dcx h ;- (beware - it's part of opxy)
opxz: inx h ;+
opxs: xra a ;#
oxs: inx h
cmp m
jz oxs
opxr: xchg ;=
lhld rept
call hxr ;hex argument w/default
shld rept ;be sure to find it again
mov a,l
oxr: inx h
cmp m
jnz oxr
opxp: lxi d,WW+1 ;>
dad d
opxo: lxi d,-WW-1 ;<
dad d
opxn: xra a ;@
oxn: dcx h
cmp m
jz oxn
opxm: xchg ;|
lhld rept
call hef
shld rept ;be sure we'll find the pair
inx h
oxm: mov a,e
call oxr
inx h
mov a,d
cmp m
dcx h
jnz oxm
dcx h
; shl(A,B)
shla: dcr b
jmp shla ;shl(A,B)
; Decrement REPT if it is non-zero.
drnz: push h
lhld rept
mov a,h
ora l
sui 1
sbb a
jnz dnz
dcx h
shld rept
mov a,h
ora l
dnz: pop h
; Update register
uacc: jnz ureg
mov a,h
ora a
jnz error ;<only one byte allowed>
mov a,l
sta sava ;save A
jmp opxd
ureg: push h
call gasr ;get address of saved register
pop d
mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d
jmp opxd
; Open file
openf: push h
push d
push b
xra a
sta TFCB-1
sta TFCB+32
mvi c,15 ;(0F) open file
lxi d,TFCB ;CP/M default FCB
call XDOS ;DDT analogue of 0005
pop b
pop d
pop h
; Read next byte from CP/M buffer,
; replenish when exhausted.
renb: push h
push d
push b
lda TFCB-1
ani 07FH
jz ror ;read one record
rnb: mvi d,00
mov e,a
lxi h,TBUF ;CP/M default FCB
dad d
mov a,m
cpi 01AH ;^Z
jz reen ;end of record
lxi h,TFCB-1
inr m
ora a
jmp reex ;return
ror: mvi c,20 ;(14) read one record
lxi d,TFCB ;CP/M default FCB
call XDOS ;DDT analogue of 0005
ora a
jnz reen ;end of record
sta TFCB-1
jmp rnb
reen: stc ;end of record
reex: pop b ;return
pop d
pop h
; Error
error: mvi a,'?'
call aout ;A to console
jmp loop ;clear out the stack
; Read console status.
inst: push b
push d
push h
mvi c,11 ;(0B) console status
call XDOS ;DDT analogue of 0005
ani 01
pop h
pop d
pop b
; Fill command line buffer from console. The z flag
; on return indicates whether a null line was read.
incl: push h
push d
push b
mvi c,10 ;(0A) read buffer
lxi d,cbuf ;command buffer
call XDOS ;DDT analogue of 0005
lxi h,ctex ;command text
shld cptr ;pointer to command buffer
lda clen
pop b
pop d
pop h
ora a
; Read a one-byte argument, which may be hexadecimal,
; 'x or ^x. Blatant errors are rejected, but nz at
; return means null field not terminated by CR, ', or^.
hxar: lxi h,0000
hxr: call hef
jnc har
mov a,h
ora a
jnz error ;<not one byte>
mov a,l
har: cpi ''''
jnz has
call rech
cpi ' '
jc error ;<quoted ctrl char>
jmp hat
has: cpi '^'
call rech
sui '@'
jc error ;<number, symbol, &c>
cpi ' '
jc hat
sui ' '
cpi ' '
jnc error ;<beyond ASCII range>
hat: mov l,a
call rech
cpi CR
jnz error ;<not single character>
mov a,l
; Read a hexadecimal field; error if null.
onar: call hexf
jnc error ;<insufficient arguments>
; Type CR,LF.
crlf: mvi a,CR
call aout ;A to console
mvi a,LF
jmp aout ;A to console
; Type ^X [erase line]
ctlx: mvi a,18H ;^X
jmp aout ;A to console
; Type one or two spaces.
dubl: call sngl
sngl: mvi a,' '
; A to console
aout: push h
push d
push b
mov e,a
mvi c,02
call XDOS ;DDT analogue of 0005
pop b
pop d
pop h
; Lower case fold excepting rubout
reuc: call rech ;read one character
lcfo: cpi 'a'
cpi '{'
ani 5FH
; Upper case fold
relc: call rech ;read one character
ucfo: cpi '['
cpi 'A'
ori 20H
; Fetch a character into A from command line
rech: push h
lxi h,clen ;command string length
mov a,m
ora a
mvi a,CR ;fake CR from empty buffer
jz recx
dcr m
lhld cptr ;pointer to command buffer
mov a,m
inx h
shld cptr ;pointer to command buffer
recx: pop h
; Type A as two nibbles
word: mov a,d
call byte
mov a,e
byte: push psw
call nybl
pop psw
nybl: ani 0FH
adi 90H
aci 40H
jmp aout ;A to console
; Type HL as four nibbles
tyhl: xchg
call word
; Message terminated by zero to console
mssg: mov a,m
ora a
call aout ;A to console
inx h
jmp mssg
; Print printables, put dot for the rest
prip: cpi RO
jnc priq
cpi ' '
jnc aout ;A to console
priq: mvi a,'.'
jmp aout ;A to console
; Type minus or B, according to sign.
morb: rlc
push psw
mvi a,'-'
jnc morc
mov a,b
morc: call aout
pop psw
; Type 5 flags as letter (1) or minus (0).
feql: lda savf
mvi b,'s'
call morb
mvi b,'z'
call morb
mvi b,'i'
call morb
mvi b,'p'
call morb
mvi b,'c'
call morb
jmp sngl
; Type <R=XX x > to display a register.
reql: push psw
mov a,b
call aout
mvi a,'='
call aout
pop psw
push psw
call byte
call sngl
pop psw
call prip
jmp sngl
; Type <P=XXXX > to display a register pair.
peql: mov a,b
call aout
mvi a,'='
call aout
call tyhl
jmp sngl
; Test for separators, which are characters which can
; be passed over at the beginning of a field, but which
; terminate it when found at the end. The character to
; be tested is in the accumulator, where it remains.
sepa: cpi ' '
cpi HT
; Test for terminators, which mean that a field must
; end, even if it is null.
term: cpi ','
cpi CR
; Test whether the character in the accumulator is a
; decimal digit. If so, it is replaced by its binary
; value, otherwise remaining unchanged. The carry
; flag distinguishes the cases - carry if not decimal.
cnd: cpi '0'
cpi ':'
sui '0'
; Read a decimal field, leaving the last four
; digits read in HL, with leading zeros for fewer
; digits. BC, DE remain unchanged. A null field
; is zero. Leading separators are passed by, but
; trailing separators terminate. A null field is
; marked by the carry flag, which is 0 for a null
; field delimited by a terminator, 1 otherwise.
; A non-zero default value can be given to a null
; field using <call def> rather than <call decf>.
decf: lxi h,0000
def: call reuc
call sepa
jz def
call cnd
lxi h,0000
push d
dec: mov e,l
mov d,h
dad h
dad h
dad d
dad h
mov e,a
mvi d,0
dad d
call reuc
call cnd
jnc dec
pop d
; Test whether the character in the accumulator is a
; hexadecimal digit. If so, it is replaced by its
; binary value, otherwise remaining unchanged. The
; carry flag distinguishes the cases - carry if not
; hexadecimal.
cnh: cpi '0'
cpi ':'
jc cni
cpi 'A'
cpi 'G'
jnc cnj
sui 07
cni: sui '0'
cnj: cmc
; Read a hexadecimal field, leaving the last four
; digits read in HL, with leading zeros for fewer
; digits. BC, DE remain unchanged. A null field
; is zero. Leading separators are passed by, but
; trailing separators terminate. A null field is
; marked by the carry flag, which is 0 for a null
; field delimited by a terminator, 1 otherwise.
; A non-zero default value can be given to a null
; field using <call hef> rather than <call hexf>.
hexf: lxi h,0000
hef: call reuc
call sepa
jz hef
call cnh
lxi h,0000
hex: dad h
dad h
dad h
dad h
ora l
mov l,a
call reuc
call cnh
jnc hex
; Fetch mask and saved flags
fmaf: push h
lxi h,fmsk ;flag masks
mov e,b
mvi d,00
dad d
mov c,m
lxi h,savf ;save AF
mov a,m
pop h
; Get value of saved flag
fval: call fmaf ;fetch mask & flags
val: dcr c
jz vam ;ani a,01
jmp val
vam: ani 01
; Get address of saved register
gasr: sui 06
lxi h,rdsp ;list of displacements
mov e,a
mvi d,00
dad d
dad d
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
lxi h,savmr ;save memory reference
dad d
; Fetch saved register
gesr: call gasr ;get address of saved register
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
; Type flag or register
tyfr: mov a,b
cpi 05
jnc tyra
mov a,m
call aout ;A to console
call fval ;get saved flag
jmp nybl ;type A as DEC or HEX
tyra: mov b,m
jnz tyre ;type saved register
lda sava ;save A
jmp reql
; Type register and the memory pointed to in the format:
; r=value, window, ASCII window, dism
tyre: call gesr ;get saved register
call peql
call sngl
push h
lxi d,-WW ;go back window halfwidth
dad d
push h
call tyrg
call sngl
pop h
call tyrj
call dubl
pop h
jmp dism
; Type 2*WW+1 bytes centered on pointer, as nibble pairs.
tyrg: call tyrh
call sngl
mov a,m
call byte
call dubl
inx h
tyrh: mvi c,WW
tyri: mov a,m
call byte
call sngl
inx h
dcr c
jnz tyri
; Then type the same window using ASCII characters or points.
tyrj: call tyrk
call sngl
mov a,m
call prip ;type printable or .
inx h
call sngl
tyrk: mvi c,WW
ascl: mov a,m
call prip ;type printable or .
inx h
dcr c
jnz ascl
; Type display line.
line: call ljne
jmp crlf
ljne: mvi b,'b'
lhld savbc
call peql
mvi b,'d'
lhld savde
call peql
mvi b,'h'
lhld savhl
push h
call peql
pop h
mvi b,'m'
mov a,m
call reql
mvi b,'a'
lda sava
call reql
call feql
mvi b,'s'
lhld savsp
call peql
mvi b,'p'
lhld savpc
call peql
call sngl
jmp dism
regs: db 'czmeiabdhsp*'
rdsp: dw -10,-12,-4,-6,-2,0
fmsk: db 1,7,8,3,5
; Jump guided by a table of alternatves. The table
; should have the form:
; call alta
; db n
; db 'x'
; dw xxxx
; The last two lines are to be repeated n times, for
; each of which xxxx is the jump address corresponding
; to the alternative x. The table is used by jumping
; to its heading with the alternative in A. Registers
; C, D, and E are lost in the process.
alta: xthl
mov c,m
alt: inx h
cmp m
inx h
jnz alu
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
alu: dcr c
inx h
jnz alt
jmp error ;<alternative not present>
; Indexed jump through a table.
juta: pop h
mov e,a
mvi d,00
dad d
dad d
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
; Return from breakpoint
rtbk: di
shld savhl; HL at breakpoint
pop h
dcx h
shld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
push psw
lxi h,0002
dad sp
pop psw
lxi sp,savhl ;HL at breakpoint
push h
push psw
push b
push d
lhld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
mov a,m
cpi 0FFH ;RST 7
push psw
push h
lxi h,bkpt ;breakpoint data
mov a,m
mvi m,00
ora a
jz rtbb
dcr a
jz rtba
lda brky
lhld brkq
mov m,a
rtba: lda brkx
lhld brkp
mov m,a
rtbb: pop h
pop psw
jz rtbc ;if RST 7
inx h
shld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
lxi h,GDOS+1 ;BDOS address
mov c,m
inx h
mov b,m
mov a,e ;cmp(DE,BC)
sub c
mov a,d
sbb b
jc rtbc ;if RST 7
lxi h,0000
shld rept
lhld sica ;site of call to BDOS
mvi a,02H
ora a
jmp gprg ;G without arguments
; If RST 7 brought us to the breakpoint.
rtbc: NOP
lhld rept ;repetition counter
mov a,h
ora l
jz rtbd ;we won't continue
dcx h
shld rept ;repetition counter
lda swgt ;G/T = z/nz
ora a
jz rtbf
call inst ;read console status
jnz rtbd ;we won't continue
lda swtu ;T/U = nz/z
ora a
cnz line ;type display line
jmp gnex
; Return to DDT rather than program.
rtbd: mvi a,'*'
call aout ;A to console
lhld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
shld dorg ;origin for D
call past ;check limit transgression
jnc rtbe ;can't count on using L
shld lorg ;origin for L
rtbe: call tyhl ;type HL as four nibbles
jmp loop ;DDT loop - cannot be <ret>
rtbf: mov a,l
ani 01H
jnz gnex
lhld gbrl
mov c,l
mov b,h
lhld gbrk
lda gbrn
ora a
jmp gprg ;G without arguments
; Surround instruction by breakpoints for single-step.
type: lxi d,000DH
lxi h,mtbl ;table of type codes
tyqe: mov a,m
ana b
inx h
cmp m
inx h
jz tyse
inr d
dcr e
jnz tyqe
tyse: mov a,d
step: lhld savpc ;PC at breakpoint
mov b,m
inx h
push h
call type
call juta
dw xjmp ;jump
dw xcju ;conditional jump
dw ding ;call
dw dong ;conditional call
dw xret ;return
dw xrst ;restart
dw xpch ;pchl
dw xmvi ;immediate move
dw xmvi ;immediate arithmetic
dw xlxi ;lxi
dw xlxi ;lhld
dw xcrt ;conditional return
dw xmvi ;in, out
dw xoth ;others
ding: lda swtv ;T/V = z/nz
inr a
jz xlxi ;lxi, lhld
jmp xjmp ;jump, call
dong: lda swtv ;T/V = z/nz
inr a
jz xlxi ;lxi, lhld
jmp xcju ;cndl jmp, cndl call
; Jump or call
xjmp: call idos
jnz xtwo
; Return
xret: call xrtn
jmp xtwo
; qdos - check whether DE = BDOS
; idos - check whether (DE) = BDOS
idos: pop b
pop h
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
inx h
push h
push b
qdos: lda GDOS+1 ;BDOS address
cmp e
lda GDOS+2 ;BDOS address
cmp d
xrtn: lhld savsp ;SP at breakpoint
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
; Conditional jump or call
xcju: call idos
jz zdos
pop b
push b
mvi a,02
jmp xone
zdos: pop d
push d
jmp xtwo
; Restart
xrst: mov a,b
cpi 0FFH
jnz xsvn
xra a
jmp xzer
xsvn: ani 38H
mov e,a
mvi d,00
jmp xtwo
xpch: lhld savhl ;HL at breakpoint
call qdos ;does DE = BDOS?
jnz xtwo
jmp xret
jtwo: jmp xtwo
; Other.
xoth: pop d
push d
jmp xtwo
; Conditional return.
xcrt: call xrtn
pop b
push b
mvi a,02
jmp xone
xlxi: pop d
inx d
push d
; Immediate move or arithmetic, in, out.
xmvi: pop d
inx d
push d
xtwo: mvi a,01
xone: inr a
xzer: pop h
mtbl: db 0FFH,0C3H,0C7H,0C2H ;jump, conditional jump
db 0FFH,0CDH,0C7H,0C4H ;call, conditional call
db 0FFH,0C9H,0C7H,0C7H ;return, restart
db 0FFH,0E9H,0C7H,006H ;pchl, immediate moves
db 0C7H,0C6H,0CFH,001H ;immediate arithmetc, lxi
db 0E7H,022H,0C7H,0C0H ;lhlf, conditional return
db 0F7H,0D3H ;in, out
; ---------------------------------------------------------
logo: db ' DDT(8080)/ICUAP',CR,LF
db 'Universidad Autonoma de Puebla',CR,LF
db ' November 20, 1983',00
dw 00,00,00,00,00,00,00;can't overwrite logo yet
savde: dw 0000 ;save DE, tail of DDT stack 1
savbc: dw 0000 ;save BC 2
savf: db 00 ;save F 3
sava: db 00 ;save A 4
savsp: dw 0000 ;SP at breakpoint 5
savhl: dw 0000 ;HL at breakpoint 6
savpc: dw 0000 ;PC at breakpoint 7
savmr: dw 0000 ;save memory reference 8
savxx: dw 0000 ;storage for optx 9
sica: dw 0000 ;site of call to BDOS
swtv: db 00 ;T/V = z/nz
swtu: db 00 ;T/U = nz/z
swgt: db 00 ;G/T = z/nz
rept: dw 0000 ;counter for commands
gbrk: dw 0000 ;nG's breakpoint
gbrl: dw 0000 ;nG's second breakpoint
gbrn: db 00 ;nG's # of breakpoints
bkpt: db 00 ;number of breakpoints
brkp: dw 0000 ;first breakpoint
brkx: db 00 ;first opcode
brkq: dw 0000 ;second breakpoint
brky: db 00 ;second opcode
pinc: db 00 ;paragraph length
pctr: db 00 ;paragraph counter
dorg: dw 0000 ;origin for D
lorg: dw 0000 ;origin for L
llim: dw 0000 ;upper limit for "L"
pmax: dw 0000 ;program high limit
ldsk: db 00 ;logged disk
adsk: db 00 ;active disk
cptr: dw 0000 ;pointer to command buffer
cbuf: db 80H ;command buffer
clen: db 00 ;command string length
ctex: ds 80H ;command text
enddt: ds 0
; .dephase