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PLOT33.DOC July 31, 1984
General Information
Running PLOT
Application Programming
PLOT Commands
Pitfalls and Limitations
Error Messages
BASIC Programs
Sizing the Memory Map
Printer Settings
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
This collection of programs contains a graphics system
that can produce high resolution graphics on dot matrix
printers and other graphic devices. This system consists of
three parts:
- high level language subprograms that you include in your
application programs,
- a disk file created by the application program which is
used to describe the pictures to be printed,
- and low level device drivers that read the file and
produce the pictures on whatever sort of hardware you are
The application program "plots" by writing simple plot commands
to a disk file, which is later read and printed by the low
level driver. This file is the key to the whole system,
because it makes the application program independent of the
plotting device and vice versa. It also makes it possible to
plot pictures that were created on different computers or to
plot the same picture on different types of hardware, such as
CRT's and printers.
The system contained in this collection has high level
subprogram libraries written in BASIC (GRAPH.BAS), Turbo
library is being debugged. It contains one assembly language
device driver, PLOT33.ASM, which will plot on a variety of dot
matrix printers. These printers include the Epson MX-80 etc.,
CItoh Prowriter, Okidata 92, NEC, Gemini-10, Apple Dot Matrix,
and IDS printers. PLOT33 lets you treat your printer as if it
were a plotter capable of true vector graphics. All future
versions of PLOT (3.x) will support the same basic file format
and will be compatible with each other.
This documentation describes how to get PLOT33 installed,
specifies the format for the disk file of plotting vectors
(".VEC" files), and gives an overview of the high level
language packages. You will probably want to briefly skim over
the descriptions below and go right to the Installation
section. If you intend to mainly use the programs and
subprogram libraries provided, the exact details of the format
of the commands in the file are not important.
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
PLOT's command set includes instructions for device
independent graphics and commands that provide access to the
unique capabilities of specific devices. The device independent
commands are patterned after a pen plotter's characteristics,
with a rudimentary capability for filling areas on raster scan
devices. These device independent commands include the
capability to move to a point without plotting, to plot points
and straight line segments, to change the current color, and
fill in a trapezoidal area. More complex areas can be
decomposed into simpler regions for filling.
The device dependent commands include the ability to
plot/print a string using hardware character capabilities. The
Upload command can be used to upload the red-green-blue values
used for the color table on color graphics terminals (or
stipple patterns to be used for "colors" on monochrome devices
as in PLOT33). The Erase command will clear the screen,
establish the background color, or advance the page, as
appropriate for the type of plotter or display. An Output
command is used to produce hardcopy output or print the memory
map. A general instruction that can be used to extend the
command set for any other non-standard command required rounds
out the device dependent commands.
Bug Fixes and Future Versions
The assembly language and BASIC programs in this system
have been tested so far on four different computers and six
different types of printers. I would appreciate hearing about
any problems you have or changes that you make to the program.
I am particularly interested in versions for different printers
or drivers for other plotting devices such as graphic terminals
and plotters. Please send your comments and questions to the
author at:
Tom Speer
887 Briddlewood Ln.
Dayton, Ohio 45430
It is important that a common version be maintained that
incorporates fixes to all of the bugs and implements the
improvements that are of general interest.
As mentioned above, all future updates to this version of
PLOT will be compatible with the existing plot files and high
level software. Future drivers are also planned for creating
and interpreting the vector command file on mainframe computers
using CALCOMP or Tektronics plotters and terminals. As much as
possible, the eXtend command should be used for adding neat new
features for your printer or taking advantage of the
capabilities of more advanced devices. This will make it
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
possible to maintain the file format as a means of exchanging
information without a fatal proliferation of exclusive
I owe a special debt of thanks to all the people that have
been my guinea pigs in adding new printers and discovering
bugs. Especially Hal Carter for his help and encouragement,
Kirk Horton for really wringing out the system in his VLSI
applications, and Mike Gingrich for his critiques of the system
and documentation.
To use PLOT, first create a sequential disk file of plot
commands. These are described fully in the next section. Then
execute PLOT by typing:
PLOT33 ifn [ofn]
ifn is the input file name. A file type of .VEC is
assumed if no file type is given.
[ofn] is an optional output file name. If no output file
is given, the output from PLOT will go directly to the printer
(CP/M LST: device). If an output file is specified, all of
the information normally sent to the printer will be stored in
the disk file instead. In this case, no printed output will be
produced. PIP or some other utility may be used to print the
picture. This option is useful for making multiple copies or
for including graphics in the middle of text files. The
default output file type is .PLT .
Note: Output files are large- typically 40 to 60k. Be
sure to leave enough space on the disk for the entire file.
Application programs "plot" by writing the appropriate
plot command to a disk file. This file later becomes PLOT's
input file. The plotting area is a square, with the
coordinates (0.0 , 0.0) located at the bottom left corner, and
the coordinates (1.0 , 1.0) located at the upper right corner.
These coordinate values are independent of the resolution or
aspect ratio of the plotting device. PLOT converts these
values to the actual number of rasters (dots) used by the
printer to produce a square plot approximately eight inches on
a side.
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
All plot commands are written to disk one after the other,
with no spaces or delimiting characters between them. Each
command consists of an ASCII character followed by the binary
data which it requires. Many languages, such as BASIC, insert
extraneous characters, such as carriage returns or line feeds,
at the end of each block written. Because of this, plotting
commands should not be split between blocks, as these extra
characters will be interpreted as data in a command. If the
extraneous character occupies the position of a command
character, however, it can be detected and ignored. The
current application programs output plot commands in 128 byte
blocks. If a command will not fit in a given block, the block
is written to disk, and the next command written in a new
block. This ensures that the extraneous characters will fall
between commands where PLOT can deal with them. When using
fixed length blocks or records, each can be padded with "N"'s
to preserve its length before it is written.
The recommended command sequence to produce a picture is:
1. Set the color to black or white (color values 127 or
0) for a background. Usually white is used.
2. Erase the picture to initialize the memory map area
and establish the background.
3. Set the color value for plotting. Usually black (127)
is used.
4. Establish a starting point by using the Move command,
plotting a single point, or plotting a line segment using
the Draw command.
5. Proceed to create the remainder of the plot. The
Increment command is recommended when one line segment is
connected to the previous one, as in a curve.
6. Be sure to include an Output command to print the
final plot.
7. Use the Quit command to stop plotting. PLOT will
terminate automatically at an end-of-file, but with an
error message, and without printing the picture.
Each command is of the form:
"A" represents the single ASCII character as explained below.
"data" represents 0 to 86 bytes of data required for the
particular command. Usually this consists of fixed point
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
numbers giving the coordinates of points or ends of line
segments. No spaces or delimitating characters are used
between fields within a command or between commands. The
individual commands are described in Table 1.
The data values required for the plot commands are not
ASCII character strings. Thus, they cannot be made using
normal formatted output of the coordinate variables in the
application program. The coordinate values are 16 bit fixed
point numbers. These are created in a high level program by
multiplying the floating point value (between 0.0 and 1.0) by
32767 and truncating the result to an integer. In BASIC, the
MKI$ function can be used to store the data in a string
variable, which is then written to the disk file. FORTRAN
programmers can simply use unformatted files or convert
everything to characters and use A formats. Under PASCAL, the
file can be declared to be a FILE OF CHAR and the binary values
converted the characters using the CHR function. This does not
work well for Turbo Pascal, however, since Turbo places the
file size and record length at the head of a FILE OF CHAR.
Turbo Pascal users should use TEXT files instead. The
different word lengths, internal storage formats, and file
structures have to be considered when constructing the command
file on mainframes and microcomputers other than CP/M based
machines. The ablility to structure a file as a byte stream is
the basic requirement. The CP/M Dump utility can be used to
ensure that the contents of the file are what you expected.
The 16 bit data values are stored with the low order byte
first (swapped format). This is the standard way of storing
words for the 8080 and Z80 processors. In the case of the one
byte integer required by the Color command, the first element
of the string created by MKI$ should be used, as MKI$
automatically places the bytes in swapped format.
Note that because the data values are not ASCII strings,
the CP/M TYPE command will not properly display the file at the
console. In addition, the [O] option must be specified when
using PIP to transfer either the vector command file (.VEC) or
the printer (.PLT) file.
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
Command Length
Name Character Data (bytes) Command Data Description
Color C b 2 8 bit integer specifying one of a range of
colors. 0 indicates white,
127 indicates black.
Draw D X1,Y1, 9 Coordinate pairs for ends of line segments.
Erase E 1 Sets the entire ploting area to the
currently selected Color value.
Fill F X1,Y1, 11 Coordinate pairs for ends of line segment
X2,Y2,Yf and horizontal level (Yf) defines area to
be filled in with currently selected color.
Incre- I X,Y 5 Coordinate pair for end of line segment.
ment Starting coordinate is last point plotted.
Move M X,Y 5 Coordinate pair for new "pen" position.
No-op N 1 Ignored. Used as space filler in sequence
of commands to exactly fill a disk record.
Output O 1 Causes current picture to be printed.
Point P X,Y 5 Coordinate pair for point to be plotted.
Quit Q 1 Commands normal termination of program.
String S X,Y, 6 Coordinate pair for start of character
string to string to be printed. String
86 MUST end with a Carriage Return.
Text T string 2+ String of arbitrary length. String MUST
end with a <NULL> (00H) character.
Upload U N, 3 N is a 16 bit unsigned integer giving the
values to number of values to follow. Values
N+3 specify basis for creating new "colors".
eXtend X N, 3 N is a 16 bit unsigned integer giving the
values to number of values to follow. Values are N
N+3 bytes of whatever data is necessary.
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
The following sections describe the way in which the
commands have been implemented in PLOT Version 3.3 (PLOT33).
Other drivers may not implement them in exactly the same way,
but the general sense should be preserved.
Colors are simulated in PLOT33 by using stipple patterns.
These patterns apply to all points, lines, and filled areas.
These patterns are based on 8 dot by 8 dot cells that tile the
entire picture area. Imagine cutting each figure out of a
sheet entirely covered with the desired pattern and then
pasting it on the plot in progress. This gives a general idea
of the way in which the patterns work. Three different methods
of generating the patterns are used. Each method trades off
the memory required to store the basic patterns with the
ability to specify exactly what the pattern will look like.
When a Color command is given, all subsequent plotting
will be done with that "color", or pattern, until it is changed
with another Color command. The Color command simply acts as a
selector to pick one of a number of colors or patterns that are
currently available. A color code of 0 corresponds to white.
Lines and filled areas plotted with this color will absolutely
erase any dots that were previously plotted. Color codes from
1 through 48 will produce cross hatched patterns that generate
checkered areas and other distictive patterns. Codes from 49
to 63 correspond to 15 special patterns that can be programmed
to exactly match any desired pattern based on the 8 x 8 dot
cells. Codes from 64 through 127 are generated using an
ordered dither matrix, in which each succeeding code is the
same as the previous one, except for one more dot per cell
being plotted. These are currently set to generate a range of
shades of gray. All of these patterns can be changed under the
control of the application program by using the Upload
Each dot is added to the memory map by OR'ing it with the
dots previously plotted. Each subsequent figure does not
totally obscure the existing picture. For example, suppose
that a gray shade is being used that consists of every other
dot being plotted. The dots that are not plotted will not
cause the existing dots to be set to white if they were
previously plotted. Negative color values (-1 to -127) will
use the same pattern as their positive counterpart, but will be
XOR'ed with the existing picture. This means that the figure
will be plotted black on white or white on black, depending on
what the existing background is. Plotting the same figure
twice with a negative color value will have no net effect on
the picture. Filling the whole picture with -127 (negative
black) will have an effect like making a photographic
The String command is used to mix printed characters and
graphics. The characters are printed using the printers normal
character set. No facility is provided in PLOT33 to send <ESC>
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
codes or control characters to the printer to change character
sizes or font styles. The string is printed starting near the
coordinates given in the command. The exact position will
vary, but the first character will cover the coordinate
location. The ambiguity comes from the fact that most printers
can only print characters at their normal location on the page,
and can't use graphics commands to position the characters at
any arbitrary place on the line. In addition, a printed
character can't be part on one line of print and part on
another. Therefore, PLOT33 computes the closest character
location to the desired coordinates and begins the string
The Text command will immediately send a text string to
the printer when the command is encountered. This is quite
different from the String command, because the text is not put
in the memory map and is not part of the picture. This command
is useful for positioning the plot on the page, for printing
titles and headers, and for advancing to the next page after
the plot is printed. Any ASCII characters may be included in
the string, including control codes, escape sequences, carriage
returns, and linefeeds. The only exception is the null
character, 00H, which is used to signal the end of the string.
The string may be of any length. This makes it a convenient
way of imbedding a figure in the middle of a document, since
all of the text above the figure can be included in one Text
command, as can all of the text after the plot. Any text to be
included in the plotting area itself must be entered one line
at a time with the String command.
Upload Command
The Upload command deserves some special attention,
because it is the least standard of all of the commands
currently implemented. Most dot matrix printers can, of
course, only print in black. To give these printers a "color"
capability, different patterns have been programmed to produce
shades of gray and distinctive cross hatched patterns. The
cross hatched patterns are intended to be used for bar charts,
dotted and dashed lines, etc. The shades are the closest that
PLOT33 can come to true colors. The special patterns are very
useful for matching patterns produced by other systems, and for
anything that just can't be done with the other two methods.
The Color command acts as a selector to choose between the
pre-defined patterns. The Upload command is only needed if the
default patterns are not capable of producing the desired
effect. It will redefine the patterns from which the Color
command can select.
The cross hatched patterns are based on seven bytes that
provide the basic patterns in both the vertical and horizontal
directions for each cell. One byte from the seven is selected
as the X pattern and one byte from the seven is selected as the
Y pattern. The X pattern is extended vertically throughout the
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
cell, and the Y pattern is extended horizontally throughout the
cell. The two patterns are reversed (XOR'ed) where they
cross. The effect is much like weaving a plaid material. The
selection of the bytes for the X and Y patterns is made by the
Color code. The lower three bytes of the Color value select
the X byte and the next three bytes select the Y byte. The
best way to determine the exact apperance of each pattern is to
experiment by filling blocks with different patterns.
If the existing patterns are not acceptable, new ones can
be Uploaded. Set the number field, N, to 07H. The next seven
bytes will be the bytes that form the basis for the patterns.
Each bit corresponds to a dot in the pattern. A byte of 07H
for the X pattern would produce the pattern .....*** . If an
F0H is used for the Y pattern, the final cell will look like:
The second type of pattern, used for the 15 special
patterns, is specified by giving the 8 bytes that produce the
pattern. Thus, the sequence 00H 00H 99H 00H 00H 99H 00H 00H
will produce the pattern:
These patterns are uploaded by specifying 120 for N followed by
the 120 bytes that define all 15 of the special patterns. No
facility is provided for just uploading one set of 8 bytes.
The other method for producing patterns for "colors" is an
eight by eight byte dither matrix. In this method, each byte
in the matrix corresponds to one dot in the eight by eight dot
cell. These cells tile the picture plane, as before. Color
code values from 64 to 127 are used to select the 64 patterns
created by the dither matrix. Each element of the matrix is
assigned a value from 63 to 126. If the Color value is greater
than the value in the matrix corresponding to a given dot, that
dot is plotted. Thus, 127 is greater than all of the elements,
and all dots in the matrix will be plotted, producing black.
If each element of the matrix is assigned a different value,
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
then a unique pattern will be associated with each Color
value. For example, if the Color code is 64, only the element
with a value of 63 will produce a dot. If the Color value is
65, those elements with 63 and 64 will produce dots. As the
Color code is increased, and figures are plotted, another dot
in the "tile" has the potential for being plotted.
The existing arrangement of values in the dither matrix is
designed to produce shades of gray with a minimum appearance of
organized patterns. This matrix came from Foley and Van Dam's
"Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics". A common use
of the Upload command is to change the matrix to provide
diagonal patterns for shading areas. This would produce a
pattern that looks like (for four cells):
To design an Upload sequence for a given pattern, lay out
a matrix representing a single cell. Start with 63 and place
the numbers in the matrix in the pattern desired. For example,
a cell from the diagonal pattern above could be created from
the matrix:
63 111 85 103 75 115 93 95
112 64 104 86 116 76 96 94
79 105 65 117 87 97 77 121
106 80 118 66 98 88 122 78
71 119 81 99 67 123 89 107
120 72 100 82 124 68 108 90
91 101 73 125 83 109 69 113
102 92 126 74 110 84 114 70
To see the pattern, look at the matrix part way through its
63 75
64 76
65 77
66 78
71 67
72 68
73 69
74 70
For this matrix, the Color code 79 will result in all of the
above points being plotted in any filled in area, and the
diagonal pattern will emerge.
Once the matrix is constructed, the Upload command to load
it is formed by an ASCII "U" followed by 40H, 00H to indicate
64 bytes to come, and finally 03H, 6FH, etc., the bytes of the
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
matrix. The matrix is read in one row after another ( the
[1,1] element followed by the [1,2] element, ..., to the [1,8]
element, then the [2,1] element, ...). All of the matrix
values are binary 8 bit values. In BASIC, use the MKI$
function to convert the integers to strings, then use the first
To summarize the Upload command: The Color codes from 1
to 48 are produced by cross-hatched patterns based on eight
pattern bytes. These can by Uploaded by a "U" 08H 00H followed
by eight new pattern bytes. The Color codes from 49 throuth 63
are Uploaded by a "U" 78H 00H and the 120 bytes that define the
15 cell patterns. The Color codes from 64 through 127 are
produced by a dither matrix. This is created by assigning
elements of an eight by eight matrix the values 63 through
126. The matrix is Uploaded by a "U" 40H 00H followed by the
64 elements in row major order.
This section amplifies the more subtle points and
limitaions of PLOT33's commands.
The valid range for coordinate values is 0 to 1. This
corresponds to binary integer values from 0 to 32767. As each
point is plotted, a check is made to insure that the coordinate
is within the memory map. If it is not, the point is not
plotted. This is mainly to keep the program from running amok
and writing over parts of memory that are not part of the
memory map of the picture. This is not intended to be a form
of windowing. If you want to zoom in on a part of a larger
picture, the picture should be clipped by the application
program. Note also, that most high level languages will not
deal with positive integers that are larger than 32767, as
these larger numbers represent negative integers.
In contrast to the coordinate values used for all of the
graphic commands, any coordinate value outside the picture used
to indicate the start of printing a string will be set to
zero. This is intended to make the String command act as much
as possible like a normal printer. When the string goes off of
the right hand side of the plot, the X coordinate for the next
character will be set to zero and the string will wrap around-
just like a carriage return without a linefeed. All characters
that attempt to be printed above or below the plot will be
printed on the bottom line.
String has a few other points of interest. Only printable
characters should be used. Control characters and escape codes
will occupy their respective positions in the memory map but
will not be printed. This will cause the rest of the line to
be shifted to the left and destroy its alignment with the rest
of the page. Also, the character pitch must agree with the
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
character width set at assembly time, or the alignment will be
The coordinates for the start of the string are truncated
to the nearest multiple of the size of the character. Thus the
specified point will be within the first character, but the
character will not be centered or aligned with the given
coordinate position. This was done because most printers
insist that the printed characters occupy these locations, and
PLOT33 has to respect this or the aligment of the rest of the
line will again be affected.
PLOT33 prints the strings, it does not plot them as line
segments. Because of this, a printed character will absolutely
occupy its location on the plot, and any overlapping lines or
points will not appear. If a character is printed on a
patterned background, it will appear as if it were in a white
box the size of the character. If true graphic characters are
desired, they must be drawn by the application program as line
segments. An additional implication of the printed characters
is is their size relative to the graphic bit images that are
sent to the printer. The graphics are printed in "strokes"
that are one dot wide and seven dots high. Many printed
characters are higher than seven dots especially those that
have descenders. A printed character occupies a space that is
seven dots high in the memory map. Thus, the top line of
capital letters and the lower case descenders can overlap the
graphics area above and below the nominal area of a printed
character. The distance that the paper is advanced between
lines is dictated by the height of a graphic "stroke", and is
nearly always smaller than the normal single spaced distance.
Printed lines must therefore be "double spaced" by specifying
starting coordinates that are well separated vertically. This
is a device dependent aspect, and a litle experimentation may
be needed to achieve a good appearance.
The last caution about the String command is that it MUST
end with a carriage return character. This signals the end of
the string, and without it, the program will continue to read
the rest of the input file as part of the string until it
either encounters a carriage return or the end of the file.
The String and Text commands are the only commands with this
potential, as all of the others have a definite number of bytes
of data. All these caveats regarding the String command may
sound a little gruesome, but it is really not much different
from normal printing. If its limitations are too inhibiting,
you must draw the characters instead of printing them.
The Text command is output to the printer at a different
time than any of the other commands. Its contents are sent
immediately when it is read, whereas all other commands cause
their actions to be stored in the memory map and only printed
when an Output command is received. Thus, it cannot be used to
send escape sequences to the printer in the middle of the
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
plot. Whether graphics commands (such as Draw, Fill, etc.)
preceed or follow a Text command is immaterial, since these
commands affect the memory map at the time that they are read
and not the printer. What really matters is the position of a
Text command relative to the Output commands in the file.
Like the carriage return at the end of the String command,
omitting the 0 byte at the end of the Text command can have
disasterous consequences.
The line spacing used in the Text command is different
from the line spacing in the plot itself. The Output command
sets the line spacing to be appropriate for graphics, and then
resets it to the normal text single spacing when done. If a
uniform appearance is required throughout, each Text command
should contain the control characters or escape sequences
required to set the line spacing to match that used in the plot
The final consequence of the line spacing is that the form
length and the top of form position set in the printer will be
wrong. The Output command will result in the printer being
positioned at the bottom of the plot. This is to allow several
plots to be printed sequentially as one continuous picture
without any gaps between them. In order to advance to the top
of the next page, the Text command must be used to issue the
correct number of line feeds and then tell the printer to reset
the top of form.
The Output command does not erase the existing picture.
Thus several copies of the same plot can be produced by
repeating the command. In addition, this allows building up a
picture in stages and printing it at each stage. To print one
plot and start anew, you must Output the first, set the Color
to white, Erase the page, and then set the Color back to the
plotting color or pattern. The program does not automatically
execute an Output command at the end-of-file or when Quitting.
You must include an Output command to get any output at all.
This philosophy is to accomodate those devices, like graphic
terminals, that display the plot as it is being made, and only
need an Output command for hardcopy.
Disk is Full.
Fatal error. No more room exists on the designated disk
for writing the output file. Ensure that enough room is
available and run PLOT again. Note that a different disk drive
may be specified for the output file than the one used for the
input file. If disk space is not available, run PLOT in the
direct printing mode.
PLOT33.DOC PLOT User's Guide July 31, 1984
Any remnant of the output file may be printed, but the
last record will probably contain an incomplete graphic output
sequence. The printer will expect to receive additional bytes
of graphics. This will produce a swath of dots with a random
apperance, unless nulls are sent. In addition, the printer
line spacing will remain set for the size of the graphic
End of File.
Fatal error. The end of the input file was encountered
when PLOT attempted to read the next record. Add a Quit
command for the normal termination of the program.
File not Found.
Fatal error. The file name given for the input file could
not be found on the disk. Make sure that the spelling was
correct, that the proper drive is specified in the file name,
or the right drive is logged in as the default drive.
No Directory Space Available.
Fatal error. When PLOT tried to make a new output file,
there was no more room in the disk directory. Erase a file,
use a different diskette, or run PLOT in the direct printing
mode, without making an output file.
No File Specified.
Fatal error. No input file name was given. PLOT will not
prompt you for a file name, and there is no interactive mode
for entering commands. Create an input file and try again.
Undefined Command Character Encountered.
Warning error. When PLOT attempted to interpret the ASCII
letter portion of a command, a character was found which did
not correspond to one of the established commands. PLOT
ignores these characters and attempts to interpret the next
character as a command. If a command does not have the proper
number of data bytes, or if an extraneous character is inserted
in the middle of the data portion of a command, the rest of the
file will be out of sequence. Eventually, PLOT should get back
in step with the command stream, but the overall effects are
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
Several sample BASIC application programs are included as
examples of possible implementations. BASIC was selected
because it is almost universally available on CP/M systems and
is a good language for quick one-of-a-kind plots. The first
file is GRAPH.BAS. This file contains a plotting "library" of
routines that give direct access to the low level commands used
by PLOT. It also includes routines for scaling, and for
drawing a complete graph with labeled axes. This file is used
by the other programs. For each command that can be written to
the .VEC file, there is a corresponding subroutine in
To use these subroutines, first load the appropriate
variables with the necessary data. For example, to draw a line
segment, set X1 and Y1 to the starting coordinates, and set X2
and Y2 to the ending coordinates (remember that all coordinate
values are between 0.0 and 1.0). Then GOSUB to the subroutine
for that function, in this case the DRAW LINE SEGMENT routine,
which is currently line 177. That's all that is required.
Drawing axes or graphs is done the same way. Set the required
values and GOSUB to the appropriate routine. All of the
variables are documented in the REM statements at the top of
the file, and a sample plot is depicted, followed by the
settings that would produce it. The BASIC package
automatically issues the commands to initialize the plotting
area, so you can start plotting immediately when the the
application part of the program starts executing. End the plot
by calling the QUIT PLOTTING routine, at line 200. This will
automatically add the commands to print the picture and close
the file.
Four statement functions are provided to make it easy to
scale your data and compute plotting coordinates. Functions RX
and RY will convert your "real world" values to X and Y
coordinates for plotting. Functions UX and UY do just the
opposite, converting coordinates on the page to the equivalent
coordinates in the user defined plane. These functions require
that you have established the margins, etc. as if you were
plotting a graph. The default values for these settings will
result in the conversion functions simply returning the same
value as their input. Note that although the margins are
useful for confining the plotting to one section of the page,
no clipping is done to insure that all of the points plotted
are indeed confined to that area.
The next file is called TEST.BAS. It is a sample program
that illustrates how to use the routines in GRAPH.BAS. To use
and RUN it. The program can produce one or both of two plots.
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
The first is a polygon with all of the vertices connected to
each other. This provides a good test of the line drawing
capabilities of PLOT. The second plot is a graph of a damped
sine wave. It illustrates nearly the complete range of PLOT's
Two programs, FILLS and UPLOAD, are an aid to
experimenting with the patterns used to represent colors by
PLOT33. Both are to be used with GRAPH.BAS in the same way as
TEST.BAS. FILLS.BAS will produce an array of blocks showing
the stipple patterns used to represent each "color". This
makes an easy reference for future plotting. UPLOAD.BAS is
similar to FILLS.BAS, except that before plotting the blocks,
it Uploads new definitions for the patterns. The dither matrix
used is like the example used in the previous section. The DATA
statements of this program can be changed to experiment with
different definitions and then incorporated into your
The final program is HANDPLOT.BAS. This is a general
purpose program for manual plotting of data. The program uses
a menu to display the BASIC plot package settings and allow
them to be changed. Data can be typed in from the keyboard,
saved in a disk file, and plotted. A limited number of symbols
are avalilable for identifying data points and the points may
optionally be connected by straight lines. Plotting scales and
axes may be specified manually, or determined automatically
from the range of values in the data. To make it easy to enter
this program directly from the operating system command level,
the routines in GRAPH.BAS have already been included and no
MERGE operation is required.
When HANDPLOT is first entered, it prompts the user for
the name of the .VEC file, and for the dimensions of the data
arrays. It then displays the menu. The menu is divided into
three parts which are concerned with the data, the format of
the graph, and the activities that can be performed by the
program. It will look like this:
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
No. of Variables 0 No. of Points 0
1> Data Entry KEYBOARD 2> Input File
3> Output File
4> X Variable 5> Y Variable
6> Symbol NONE 7> Connect points FALSE
X Axis 8> Min 0 9> Max 1 10> DeltaX 1
11> Label Chars 0 12> Divisions 0
Y Axis 13> Min 0 14> Max 1 15> DeltaY 1
16> Label Chars 0 17> Divisions 0
Margins 18> Left 0 19> Right 0
20> Bottom 0 21> Top 0
22> Color Value 127 23> Auto-Scale TRUE
24> Clear Plot Area First FALSE
25> Plot Output File Name JUNK.VEC
26> Read New Data 27> Edit data 28> Write Data
29> Plot Graph Axes 30> Plot Data 31> Title Plot
32> Advance Page 33> End Program
Enter Number of SETTING or ACTION?
From here, the program is operated by giving all of the
required settings their correct value, and then selecting the
desired action. This is done by entering the number printed
next to the entry on the menu. Each setting will then prompt
you for the data that it needs, if any. Several settings, such
as Data Entry, only toggle between two values; in this case,
KEYBOARD or DISK. The settings may be entered in any order.
The first thing you will probably want to do is to enter
some data to be plotted. If the data is to be read from a disk
file instead, then enter 1 to toggle to DISK. You will then
have to enter 2 to have the program prompt you for the input
file's name. If the data is to be typed in, you are already to
go. Now enter 26, and the program will start to read the disk
file, or prompt you for the data. Once the data has been read
in, it can be changed using option 27, Edit Data. The data can
also be stored on disk using option 28. The output file name
is handled in the same way as the input file name.
Next you will want to indicate, using settings 4 and 5,
which variables are to be used for the X and Y axes and whether
the points should be plotted with one of the available symbols
and/or connected with straight lines.
If you are simply plotting a figure, you are ready to plot
it using option 30, Plot Data. If you are plotting a graph,
then all of the settings in the next section should be given
their correct value before plotting the axes with option 29.
Several sets of data can be plotted on the same graph, simply
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
by changing the X and Y variables and symbol and plotting the
data again. Strings can be printed anywhere on the graph using
Option 31.
The DeltaX and Divisions settings are linked to each
other, as are the DeltaY and Divisions setting for the Y axis.
When the DeltaX or DeltaY setting is changed, the Divisions
settings will be reset to indicate the number of divisions
between the Min and Max values. If the Divisions setting is
changed, the DeltaX or DeltaY setting will be calculated to
give a good engineering value (multiples of 1, 2, 5, or 10),
and the Divisions setting will reflect the revised number of
divisions. Thus the value you enter into the Divisions setting
will only be approximately the value that will ultimately
result. If your engineering esthetics differ from the
program's, you will have use the DeltaX and DeltaY settings.
In a similar fashion, the Auto-Scale option will reset the
Max and Min values to include the actual range of the data, and
will use the Divsions settings to indicate the approximate
number of labels to use for each axis.
Advance Page will issue an Output command, clear the
frame, and set the color to black for further plotting. The
frames will be plotted one after the other with no space in
between them. End Program will issue an Output command, close
out all files and, return to the BASIC command level.
Several plots can be put on one page, simply by adjusting
the margin values between plotting each graph. If Clear Plot
Area First, setting 24, is TRUE, the area inside the margins
will be erased to white using the Fill command before the axes
are plotted. This is useful for plotting one graph as an inset
within a larger figure.
The data file has a simple format, and can be made using
your editor or another program, rather than laboriously
entering all the data with HANDPLOT. The first record contains
the number of variables, or fields, in the data records to
follow. The next entries are names, up to 20 characters long,
for each of the variables. These can be on the same line,
separated by commas, or each may be on a record by itself. The
data values are next. One value for each variable is read in
turn, until the end of the file is encountered. The values on
any given line are separated by commas, and each logical record
(one value for each variable) may be spread over several lines
of data. A sample data file is shown below:
3 <--- Three Variables
X, Y, Z <--- Names for each variable
123, 4.56, 78.9 <--- First record: X=123, Y=4.56, Z=78.9
18.0, 19.0, 20 <--- Last record
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
Turbo Pascal support is provided in the form of two
"include" files and one test program. GRAF1.PAS contains the
global declarations and lowest level routines. These provide
direct access to the commands in the .VEC file. It also
provides functions to do scale conversions. GRAF2.PAS uses
these routines to provide the additional capability to plot
graphic characters, plot axes, and do whole Cartesian grids.
Each routine and its calling arguements are summarized in Table
Plotting is initiated with the procedure GRINIT. This
procedure opens the disk file and initializes the plot, as
discussed previously. It also initializes all global
variables. The GRFINI routine writes the Output and Quit
commands and closes the plot file.
The following routines correspond directly to commands in
Scaling is accomplished by using RWINDO to set the real
world limits and SWINDO to map the real world limits to a
specific area on the page. In the interest of execution speed,
no clipping is done to ensure that the plotting is confined to
either window. The functions SX and SY are used to convert
from the real world coordinates to the normalized device, or
"screen" coordinates. The reverse conversion is performed by
RX and RY.
GRAPH plots a complete grid given the range of data and
area on the page. AXIS can be used to make special graphs and
DXDY will calculate good engineering values for AXIS. The
graphic characters and strings are plotted by GCHAR and GWRITE,
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
Name Inputs Outputs Function
color Sets color/pattern- sends Color command.
code integer which selects color or pattern
erase Clears page- sends Erase command.
fill Fills trapezoidal area- sends Fill command.
x1 normalized X coordinate for start of segment
y1 normalized Y coordinate for start of segment
x2 normalized X coordinate for end of segment
y2 normalized Y coordinate for end of segment
yf normalized Y coordinate for fill level
gmove "Pen up" move to point- sends Move command.
x normalized X coordinate
y normalized Y coordinate
gprint Prints picture- sends Output command.
grinit Initializes .VEC file
name string specifying name of .VEC file
grfini Quits plotting, closes .VEC file
gstrng Prints string- sends String command.
x normalized X coordinate for first character
y normalized Y coordinate for first character
strng string to be plotted (no <CR> at end)
point Plots point- sends Point command.
x normalized X coordinate
y normalized Y coordinate
segmnt Plots line segment- sends Draw command.
x1 normalized X coordinate for start of segment
y1 normalized Y coordinate for start of segment
x2 normalized X coordiante for end of segment
y2 normalized Y coordinate for end of segment
vector "Pen down" move- sends Increment command.
x normalized X coordinate
y normalized Y coordinate
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
Name Inputs Outputs Function
rwindo Establishes real window for scaling.
xmini real world value at left side of window
xmaxi real world value at right side of window
ymini real world value at bottom side of window
ymaxi real world value at top side of window
swindo Establishes window on page for scaling.
sxlti normalized X coordinate for left side
sxrti normalized X coordinate for right side
syboti normalized Y coordinate for bottom side
sytopi normalized Y coordinate for top side
sx Converts from real world to normalized coord
rxi real world X coordinate
sx normalized X coordinate
sy Converts from real world to normalized coord
ryi real world Y coordinate
sy normalized Y coordinate
rx Converts from normalized to real world coord
sxi normalized X coordinate
rx real world X coordinate
ry Converts from normalized to real world coord
syi normalized Y coordinate
ry real world Y coordinate
axis Plots axis at arbitrary orientation.
r1 real world value at start of axis
r2 real world value at end of axis
dri real world increment for tic mark intervals
sx1 normalized X coordinate for start of axis
sy1 normalized Y coordinate for start of axis
sx2 normalized X coordinate for end of axis
sy2 normalized Y coordinate for end of axis
ticlen normalized length of tic mark
ticang CCW angle, in deg, from horiz. to tic mark
lblnum integer number of char's in tic mark label
lbldec integer number of char's after decimal pt.
lblang CCW angle, in deg, from hor. to lbl X axis
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
Name Inputs Outputs Function
graph Plots complete Cartesian grid.
xmini real world value at left side of graph
xmaxi real world value at right side of graph
nx integer- approximate number of X intervals
ymini real world value at bottom side of graph
ymaxi real world value at top side of graph
ny integer- approximate number of Y intervals
sxl normalized X coordinate for left side
syb normalized Y coordinate for bottom side
sxr normalized X coordinate for right side
chset Sets size and orientation of graphic char's
xsize normalized width of character
ysize normalized width of character
theta CCW angle, in deg, to char X axis from hor.
gchar Plots graphic character.
cx normalized X coord of bottom left corner
cy normalized Y coord of bottom left corner
charin ASCII character to be plotted
gwrite Plots string of graphic characters.
x normalized X coord of bottom left corner
y normalized Y coord of bottom left corner
chars string to be plotted
nchar integer number of characters to be plot
dxdy Calculates arguements for axis.
x1 real world value at start of axis
x2 real world value at end of axis
nx integer- approximate number of intervals
lblnum integer number of char's in tic mark label
lbldec integer number of char's rt. of decimal
posang Converts angle to range in 0 to 360 deg
angle angle to be converted
posang converted angle
ticend Calculates values for ends of axis
rmin raw real world value for start of axis
rmax raw real world value for end of axis
dr real world increment between intervals
pr1 converted real world value at start of axis
pr2 converted real world value at end of axis
PLOT33.DOC Application Programs July 31, 1984
Name Inputs Outputs Function
writecmd Buffered output of command string to file.
cmd output string
cmdlen integer number of characters to be output
ne 4
buffout Flushes buffer.
outunit file variable specifying output file
outbuf string of characters forming buffer
size number of characters to be sent out
concat2 Concatenates portions of strings.
strng1 first string to be concatenated
nchar1 number of characters from strng1
strng2 second string to be concatenated
nchar2 number of characters from strng2
strng3 string containing strng1 and strng2
A collection of FORTRAN routines is also included in
GRAF.FOR. This file is the FORTRAN complement of the Turbo
Pascal library. The input and output requirements for the
FORTRAN routines are similar to those of the Pascal routines,
and are fully documented in the comments within them. They
communicate with each other through a labeled COMMON block.
These routines have been run under Microsoft FORTRAN-80, but
may require some modification for other compilers.
PLOT33.DOC Installation Instructions July 31, 1984
PLOT33 has been designed to keep the printer driver
program small while providing the necessary primitive graphic
operations for producing most pictures and plots. The reason
for the simplicity of the of the command set is because the bit
map for the picture is LARGE. It can use as much memory as
your computer can give it. The size of the memory available
for the bit-map, in conjunction with the resoultion of your
printer, sets the size of the plot that can be made. The first
step in installing the program is to decide how large the
memory area for the bit map can be. The program itself
occupies about 4K. Subtract this from the size of the TPA, and
reduce the result by a little more to provide a conservative
pad. The end result is the target size for the size of the
memory map.
Divide the target size by the printer resolution (dots per
inch) in the horizontal direction, and divide again by the
printer's vertical resolution. Multiply this result by 7 (7
dots are stored in each byte). You now have the number of
square inches that can be plotted. Take the square root, and
round down to a convenient size for each side of the plot.
Now multiply the height of the plot by the printer's
vertical resolution and round down to the nearest multiple of
7. The number of dots in the vertical direction should be a
multiple of 7 because seven dots are stored in each byte of the
memory map. PLOT33 has no provisions for handling a byte which
is contains bits that are part in and part out of the map. You
now have the total number of dots in the vertical direction,
and dividing by 7 gives the number of lines that will be
printed when the plot is made. Finally, divide the number of
dots in the vertical direction by the vertical resolution to
get the final size, in inches, of the plot.
Multiply the final size of the plot by the horizontal
resolution to get the final number of dots accross the page.
The final map size is the product of the number of dots
horizontally multiplied by the number of dots vertically,
divided by 7.
As an example, consider a 56K CP/M system. Subtracting 4K
for the PLOT program and 100H for the start of the TPA:
Target Size = 57344 - 4096 - 256 = 52992 bytes
PLOT33.DOC Installation Instructions July 31, 1984
The Epson MX-80 has 60 dots per inch horizontal and 72 dots per
inch vertical resolution.
Target Size/ Hor. Res./ Vert. Res. * 7 =
52992 / 60 / 72 * 7 = 85.9 sq.in
==> 9.2 in. per side
Since the MX-80 can only plot 8 inches horizontally, the plot
is limited by the physical limits of the printer, not by the
memory avalilable. Calculating the vertical number of dots for
an 8 inch plot:
8 * 72 = 576 dots ==> 82 lines @ 7 dots/line
==> 574 dots vertically
Since only 2 dots were lost due to truncating to the nearest
number of whole bytes, there is little point in trying to
adjust the horizontal size to keep the plot square. The
horizontal size is therefore:
8 * 60 = 480 dots
The final map size is calculated as:
480 * 574 / 7 = 39360
Once the plot has been sized, you are ready to modify the
settings in the assembly language source file (PLOT33.ASM).
This file is large, over 70K, so watch the disk space. If your
editor cannot handle a file this large, the CP/M standard
editor, ED, can. ED can also read from one disk and write to
another, if necessary. For each type of printer there is an
associated flag that controls the conditional assembly for that
printer. Set the flag for your printer to TRUE and set the
others to FALSE. If your printer is not listed, it may be
similar to one that is. For example, the Gemini-10 operates
identically (for the purposes of this program) with the Epson
printers. The IDS printers use the same method as the Okidata
printers for their graphics, and the NEC printers act the same
as the C.Itoh printers.
Next, the settings for your printer must be changed or
verified. MAPSIZE should be set to the value calculated
above. MAXX and MAXY must be set to 1 less than the number of
dots in the horizontal and vertical directions. For the
example above, MAPSIZE becomes 39360, MAXX is set to 479, and
MAXY to 573.
Once the settings are made for your printer, exit the
editor and assemble the program using ASM or another 8080
assembler. Use LOAD to create the .COM file from the .HEX
file, and the installation is finished.