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Text File
1,271 lines
; ----------------------------------------------------------
; FFYNDE.A86 is a variant of FYNDE.A86 in which a family of
; files can be searched for many different keywords, which
; are taken one at a time from an auxiliary file. Indices or
; cross-reference listings are readily prepared by using it,
; supposing that a previous pass has isolated the indexing
; items and placed them in the auxiliary file. XREF.CNV can
; be used for the initial pass.
; Beware:
; spaces count as part of patterns, especialy the
; first ones: <file.ext patt> has ONE space. So
; does <file.ext patt >.
; {?} requires at least ONE character.
; FFYNDE.A86 Copyright (C) 1984
; Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
; [Harold V. McIntosh, 1 August 1984]
; ----------------------------------------------------------
bdos equ 224 ;BDOS interrupt
HT equ 09H ;horizontal tab
LF equ 0AH ;line feed
CR equ 0DH ;carriage return
KZ equ 1AH ;^Z
; Delimiters for the command line
LSQ equ '[' ;begin alternative list
RSQ equ ']' ;end alternative list
LBR equ '{' ;begin iterated expression
RBR equ '}' ;end iterated expression
ORR equ '!' ;separate alternatives
; Representatives of characters or classes.
TAB equ '_' ;substitute for tab
QUE equ '?' ;represent any byte
ALF equ '@' ;represent any alphanumeric
; CP/M and other locations and parameters
csiz equ 0080H ;CP/M's record size
ksiz equ 26 ;sector capacity of IN buffer
isiz equ ksiz*128
hsiz equ 257 ;max characters in Huffman code
; -------------
org 005CH ;CP/M's file control block
cfcb rb 0
org 0080H ;CP/M's record buffer
cbuf rb 0
org 100H
; -------------
begn: mov stak,sp
cmp cfcb+1,' ' ;file name
jnz ntut
mov bx,(offset M1) ;tutorial
ferm: call mssg ;message to console
exit: mov sp,stak
mov dl,00
mov cl,00
int BDOS
ntut: mov bx,(offset M2) ;signon message
call mssg ;message to console
mov cx,12
mov si,(offset cfcb) ;CP/M's file control block
mov bx,(offset sfam) ;search family
call miuc ;block move
mov cx,12
mov si,(offset cfcb+16) ;CP/M's file control block
mov bx,(offset kfil) ;keyword FCB
call miuc ;block move
mov cx,(offset 0015H) ;21 0's
call fiuc ;block fill
mov bx,(offset kfil+9) ;keyword FCB
cmp (byte ptr[bx]),' '
jnz kext
mov (byte ptr[bx]),'S'
inc bx
mov (byte ptr[bx]),'Y'
inc bx
mov (byte ptr[bx]),'M'
kext: mov cx,9
mov si,(offset cfcb+16) ;CP/M's file control block
mov bx,(offset xfil) ;.XRF FCB
call miuc ;block move
mov (byte ptr[bx]),'X'
inc bx
mov (byte ptr[bx]),'R'
inc bx
mov (byte ptr[bx]),'F'
inc bx
mov cx,(offset 0015) ;21 0's
call fiuc ;block fill
mov bx,(offset cbuf) ;CP/M's record buffer
mov dl,(byte ptr[bx])
mov dh,0
inc dx
xchg bx,dx
add bx,dx
mov (byte ptr[bx]),0
xchg bx,dx
; Skip any initial spaces.
ispa: inc bx
mov al,[bx]
or al,al
jnz G1
jmp X029C ;message 'bad pattern'
G1: cmp al,' '
jz ispa
; Skip over file name.
sfil: inc bx
mov al,[bx]
or al,al
jnz G3
jmp X029C ;message 'bad pattern'
G3: cmp al,' '
jnz sfil
; skip over blanks
sblk: inc bx
mov al,[bx]
or al,al
jnz G5
jmp X029C ;message 'bad pattern'
G5: cmp al,' '
jz sblk
; skip keyfile name
skey: inc bx
mov al,[bx]
or al,al
jz hedr ;no header desired
cmp al,' '
jnz skey
inc bx ;pass over last space
; Read header description.
hedr: call bala ;check balance of [], {}.
call nula ;check for null alternatives
mov si,(offset patt) ;command line pattern
call muve ;copy & semicompile cmd line
; Open keyword file.
mov cl,15 ;(0F) open file
mov dx,(offset kfil) ;keyword FCB
int bdos ; - B D O S -
inc al
jnz okey
mov bx,(offset nkey) ;'cannot open keyword file'
jmp ferm ;final (error) message
; Create crossreference file.
okey: mov cl,17 ;(11) search for file
mov dx,(offset xfil) ;.XRF FCB
int bdos ; - B D O S -
inc al
jz cxrf
mov bx,(offset yexi) ;'file already exists'
jmp ferm ;final (error) message
cxrf: mov cl,22 ;(16) create file
mov dx,(offset xfil) ;.XRF FCB
int bdos ; - B D O S -
inc al
jnz gogo
mov bx,(offset nxrf) ;'can''t open file'
jmp ferm ;final (error) message
gogo: mov bx,(offset M2) ;signon message
call xref
mov cx,4
mov si,(offset lzer) ;zero line for counter
mov bx,(offset ktot) ;keyword total
call miuc ;block move
mov xctr,(offset csiz) ;CP/M's record size
mov xptr,(offset xbuf) ;crossreference buffer
mov kctr,0000 ;keyword counter
mov lapo,0000 ;label pointer
mov bx,(offset patt) ;command line pattern
cmp (byte ptr[bx]),00
jz golu
mov lapo,bx ;label pointer
golu: mov si,(offset kwrd) ;keyword pattern
mov bx,(offset keyr) ;raw keyword
call meuv ;read & semicompile keyword
cmp al,01AH
jz golv
xor al,al
mov [si],al
mov [bx],al
mov enth,al ;search-again counter
mov bx,(offset kwdi) ;'keyword is'
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
mov bx,(offset crlf)
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
call ongo
mov bx,(offset ktot+3) ;total # keywords
call inco ;increment counter
jmp golu
golv: mov bx,(offset ktot) ;'keyword totals'
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
call zxrf
jmp exit
ongo: mov cx,4
mov si,(offset lzer) ;zero line for counter
mov bx,(offset dtot) ;total throughout disk
call miuc ;block move
; Scan the directory for file names.
scan: mov cl,26 ;(1A) set DMA address
mov dx,(offset cbuf) ;CP/M's record buffer
int bdos ; - B D O S -
mov bx,(offset cfcb+12)
mov (byte ptr[bx]),00
mov cl,17 ;(11) search once
mov dx,(offset sfam) ;search family
int bdos ; - B D O S -
mov bx,(offset enth) ;search-again counter
inc (byte ptr[bx])
mov cl,(byte ptr[bx])
fnth: inc al
jz done ;we're all done
dec cl
jz this
push cx
mov cl,18 ;(12) search again
mov dx,(offset sfam) ;search family
int bdos ; - B D O S -
pop cx
jmp fnth
; We're all done.
done: mov bx,(offset dtot) ;total throughout disk
call xref ;message to .XRF file
jmp mssg ;message to console
; A prospective file has been located
this: dec al
and al,03
mov ah,32
mul ah
add ax,(offset cbuf+1)
mov cx,12
mov si,ax
mov bx,(offset cfcb+1) ;CP/M's file control block
call miuc ;block move
mov bx,(offset cfcb+9) ;CP/M's file control block
call dcom ;disregard .COM files
jz jsca
mov bx,(offset cfcb+9) ;CP/M's file control block
call dcmd ;disregard .CMD files
jz jsca
mov bx,(offset cfcb+9) ;CP/M's file control block
call dsys ;disregard .SYS files
jz jsca
mov bx,(offset cfcb+9) ;CP/M's file control block
call dxrf ;disregard .XRF files
jnz ofcs
jsca: jmp scan
; Open the file, check for squeezing.
ofcs: mov cl,15 ;(0F) open file
mov dx,(offset cfcb) ;CP/M's FCB
int bdos ; - B D O S -
inc al
jnz G20
jmp exit ;quit [without message]
G20: xor al,al
mov cfcb+32,al ;block pointer
mov dens,al ;z/nz=un/squeezed
mov mult,al ;repeat factor
mov ictr,0000 ;input counter
mov bx,(offset cfcb+10) ;CP/M's file control block
cmp (byte ptr[bx]),'Q'
jz cota
jmp nsqz
cota: call rwor ;fetch one word
cmp bx,0FF76H
jz rchk
jmp nsqz
rchk: call rwor ;fetch one word
mov dens,0FFH ;z/nz=un/squeezed
; unsqueezed file name
mov cx,(offset 200CH) ;twelve spaces
mov bx,(offset uzfn) ;unsqueezed file's name
call fiuc ;block fill
mov cx,8
mov si,(offset uzfn) ;unsqueezed file's name
luup: call gbyt ;fetch one byte
or al,al
jz luut
cmp al,'.'
jz luuw
mov [si],al
inc si
loop luup
luuz: call gbyt
or al,al
jz luut
cmp al,'.'
jnz luuz
luuw: mov cx,3
mov si,(offset uzfn+8)
mov [si],al
inc si
luur: call gbyt
or al,al
jz luut
mov [si],al
inc si
loop luur
luus: call gbyt
or al,al
jnz luus
luut: mov bx,(offset uzfn+9) ;unsqueezed FCB
call dcom ;disregard .COM files
jz jscn
mov bx,(offset uzfn+9) ;unsqueezed FCB
call dcmd ;disregard .CMD files
jz jscn
mov bx,(offset cfcb+9) ;CP/M's file control block
call dsys ;disregard .SYS files
jz jscn
mov bx,(offset cfcb+9) ;unsqueezed FCB
call dxrf ;disregard .XRF files
jnz ldic
jscn: jmp scan
; load code directory
ldic: call rwor ;fetch word
cmp bx,(offset hsiz+1)
jnc ldii
mov bx,(offset M8) ;'code table won't fit'
call mssg ;message to console
jmp scan
ldii: add bx,bx
add bx,bx
mov cx,bx
mov si,(offset code) ;code table
ldij: call gbyt ;fetch one byte
mov [si],al
inc si
loop ldij
mov roco,1 ;rotation count
nsqz: mov cx,4
mov si,(offset lzer) ;zero line for counter
mov bx,(offset lnum) ;'line number'
call miuc ;block move
mov cx,4
mov si,(offset lzer) ;zero line for counter
mov bx,(offset ftot) ;'file total'
call miuc ;block move
mov cx,8
mov si,(offset cfcb+1) ;file name
mov bx,(offset fnam) ;'file name'
call miuc ;block move
mov cx,3
mov si,(offset 0065H) ;extension
mov bx,(offset fext) ;'file extension'
call miuc ;block move
mov bx,(offset fhed) ;'header ----> FILE'
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
mov al,dens
or al,al
jz sixs
mov bx,(offset hesq) ;'[original]'
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
sixs: mov cx,(offset 2006H) ;six spaces
mov bx,(offset llbl)
call fiuc ;block fill
X01C8: mov bx,(offset lnum+3) ;line number
call inco ;increment counter
mov bx,(offset lbuf) ;line buffer
mov ch,0FFH
X01E0: inc ch
js X01FD
push cx
push bx
call inch ;char from big bffr to line bffr
pop bx
pop cx
mov [bx],al
inc bx
cmp al,KZ
jnz X01E8
mov bx,(offset ftot)
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
jmp scan
X01E8: cmp al,LF
jnz X01E0
jmp X0202
X01FD: mov (byte ptr[bx]),CR
inc bx
mov (byte ptr[bx]),LF
inc bx
; Check console for termination request. If one
; is present, clear it out before leaving.
X0202: mov (byte ptr[bx]),00 ;guarantee right hand fence
mov cl,11 ;(0B) console status
int bdos ; - B D O S -
or al,al
jz culi
mov cl,1 ;(01) read console
int bdos ; - B D O S -
cmp al,03H ;^C
jnz skpf
mov cl,19 ;(13) delete file
mov dx,(offset xfil) ;.XRF FCB
int bdos ; - B D O S -
mov bx,(offset M4) ;"search terminated"
jmp ferm ;final (error) message
skpf: mov bx,(offset M5) ;"remainder of file skipped"
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
jmp scan
; Scan the current line.
; First see if it is labelled.
culi: mov si,lapo ;label pointer
or si,si
jz X0217 ;no label requested
mov bx,(offset lbuf)
call chek
jnz X0217 ;label not found
push bx
mov cx,(offset 2006H) ;six spaces
mov bx,(offset llbl)
call fiuc ;block fill
pop bx
mov si,(offset llbl+5)
mov cx,6
didl: dec bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,HT ;ignore tabs in text
jz didl
cmp al,' ' ;quit at head of line
jc dido
mov [si],al
dec si
loop didl
dido: mov cx,4
mov si,(offset lzer) ;zero line for counter
mov bx,(offset lnum) ;line number
call miuc ;block move
; Now look for the pattern
X0217: mov bx,(offset lbuf) ;line buffer
X021A: mov si,(offset kwrd) ;keyword pattern
push bx
call chek
pop bx
jz X0263
cmp (byte ptr[bx]),CR
jnz ginc
jmp X01C8 ;increment l.c. at X026A
ginc: inc bx
jmp X021A
; Pattern matches, so type label & line containing it
X0263: mov bx,(offset llbl) ;line label
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
mov bx,(offset lbuf) ;line buffer
call xref ;message to .XRF file
call mssg ;message to console
mov bx,(offset ftot+3)
call inco ;increment counter
mov bx,(offset dtot+3) ;total throughout disk
call inco ;increment counter
jmp X01C8 ;increment l.c. at X026A
; Increment ASCII counter at (HL-3).
inco: or (byte ptr[bx]),30H
inc (byte ptr[bx])
cmp (byte ptr[bx]),':'
jnz incr
mov (byte ptr[bx]),'0'
dec bx
jmp inco ;increment counter
incr: ret
; Memory to console
mssg: mov dl,(byte ptr[bx])
inc bx
push bx
mov cl,2 ;(02) write console
int bdos ; - B D O S -
pop bx
cmp (byte ptr[bx]),00
jnz mssg ;message to console
X029C: mov bx,(offset M3) ;"bad pattern"
call ferm ;final (error) message
; decode next character
dnch: mov bx,(offset code) ;code table
dncr: call rbit
jnc dncs
inc bx
inc bx
dncs: mov ax,[bx]
cmp ax,0FEFFH
jz dnct
or ax,ax
jns dncu
not al
dnct: stc
; Calculate <code>+4*<offset>.
dncu: mov bx,(offset code) ;code table
add ax,ax
add ax,ax
add bx,ax
jmp dncr
; read one bit at a time
rbit: push bx
dec roco ;rotation count
jnz rbiu
mov roco,8
call gbyt ;fetch one byte
mov roby,al ;rotating byte
rbiu: rcr roby,1 ;rotating byte
pop bx
; read one word
rwor: call gbyt ;fetch one byte
push ax
call gbyt ;fetch one byte
pop bx
mov bh,al
; Fetch the next byte. The input buffer will be refreshed if it
; is necessary. For normal files, one byte will be extracted from
; the input buffer; for squeezed files, one byte will be decoded
; from the incoming bit stream and subtracted from the checksum.
inch: cmp dens,00 ;z/nz = un/squeezed
jz gbyt ;fetch one byte
cmp mult,00 ;repeat factor
jz gusq
dec mult ;repeat factor
mov al,lach ;last character read
gusq: call dnch
jnc guss
mov al,1AH
guss: cmp al,090H
jz gusu
mov lach,al ;last character read
gusu: call dnch
or al,al
jnz gusv
mov al,090H
gusv: dec al
dec al
mov mult,al ;repeat factor
mov al,lach ;last character read
; unsqueezed (normal) text
gbyt: cmp ictr,0000 ;input counter
jnz gbyu
call indi ;disk to IN area
gbyu: dec ictr ;input counter
mov bx,iptr ;input pointer
mov al,[bx]
inc iptr ;input pointer
indi: mov al,ksiz
mov ictr,(offset isiz) ;input counter
mov iptr,(offset ibuf) ;input buffer
mov dx,iptr ;input pointer
indd: push dx
push ax
mov cl,26 ;(1A) set DMA address
int bdos ; - B D O S -
mov dx,(offset cfcb) ;CP/M's file control block
mov cl,20 ;(14) read one record
int bdos ; - B D O S -
or al,al
jnz inee
pop ax
pop dx
dec al
jz inss
add dx,(offset csiz) ;CP/M's record size
jmp indd
inee: pop ax
pop dx
mov (byte ptr[bx]),01AH
inss: ret
; Fetch next keyword byte.
gkey: push bx
cmp kctr,0000 ;keyword counter
jnz gkez
call kndi ;disk to IN area
gkez: dec kctr ;keyword counter
mov bx,kptr ;input pointer
mov al,[bx]
inc kptr ;input pointer
pop bx
kndi: mov kctr,(offset csiz) ;CP/M's record size
mov bx,(offset kbuf) ;input buffer
mov kptr,bx ;input pointer
mov (byte ptr[bx]),KZ
push bx
push dx
push cx
xchg bx,dx
mov cl,26 ;(1A) set DMA address
int bdos ; - B D O S -
mov dx,(offset kfil) ;keyword FCB
mov cl,20 ;(14) read one record
int bdos ; - B D O S -
pop cx
pop dx
pop bx
or al,al
; Send line to .XRF buffer.
xref: push bx
xreg: mov al,[bx]
or al,al
jz xreh
inc bx
push bx
call wxrf
pop bx
jmp xreg ;message to .XRF file
xreh: pop bx
; Write next crossreference byte.
wxrf: cmp xctr,0000 ;crossreference counter
jnz wxrg
push ax
call xndi ;disk to IN area
pop ax
wxrg: dec xctr ;crossreference counter
mov bx,xptr ;crossreference pointer
mov [bx],al
inc xptr ;crossreference pointer
xndi: mov xctr,(offset csiz) ;CP/M's record size
mov dx,(offset xbuf) ;crossreference buffer
mov xptr,dx
mov cl,26 ;(1A) set DMA address
int bdos ; - B D O S -
mov dx,(offset xfil) ;.XRF FCB
mov cl,21 ;(15) write one record
int bdos ; - B D O S -
cmp al,00
mov bx,(offset xwre) ;'can''t write'
jz G67 ! jmp ferm ! G67: ;final (error) message
; Close crossreference file.
zxrf: mov bx,xctr
xchg bx,dx
mov al,dl
or al,dh
jz clos
mov bx,xptr ;crossreference pointer
zxrg: mov (byte ptr[bx]),01AH ;^Z
inc bx
dec dx
mov al,dl
or al,dh
jnz zxrg
call xndi
clos: mov cl,16 ;(10) close file
mov dx,(offset xfil) ;.XRF FCB
int bdos ; - B D O S -
inc al
jnz G71
mov bx,(offset cclo) ;'can''t close'
jmp ferm ;final (error) message
; Disregard .COM files
dcom: mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'C'
jnz G71
inc bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'O'
jnz G71
inc bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'M'
jnz G71
mov bx,(offset M6) ;".COM file disregarded"
call mssg ;message to console
xor al,al
G71: ret
; Disregard .CMD files
dcmd: mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'C'
jnz G74
inc bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'M'
jnz G74
inc bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'D'
jnz G74
mov bx,(offset M7) ;".CMD file disregarded"
call mssg ;message to console
xor al,al
G74: ret
; Disregard .XRF files
dxrf: mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'X'
jnz G77
inc bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'R'
inc bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'F'
jnz G77
mov bx,(offset M9) ;".XRF file disregarded"
call mssg ;message to console
xor al,al
G77: ret
; Disregard .SYS files
dsys: mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'S'
jnz G78
inc bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'Y'
jnz G78
inc bx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'S'
jnz G78
mov bx,(offset MA) ;".SYS file disregarded"
call mssg ;message to console
xor al,al
G78: ret
; Advance to next alternative
nexx: mov bx,[bx]
next: mov al,[bx]
or al,al
jz G80
inc bx
call enda
jz G80
call begb
jnz next
G80: ret
; Block fill with C B's starting at (HL).
fiuc: mov (byte ptr[bx]),ch
inc bx
dec cl
jnz fiuc ;block fill
; Block move of cx bytes from [si] to [bx].
miuc: mov al,[si]
mov [bx],al
inc si
inc bx
loop miuc
; Read and semicompile the keyword.
; si store semicompiled pattern
; bx store raw pattern
; quit for CR or ^Z
meuv: call gkey
cmp al,CR
jnz G85
jmp gkey ;remove following LF
G85: cmp al,01AH ;^Z
jnz G86
ret ;end of file
G86: mov [bx],al
inc bx
cmp al,TAB
jnz mvnt
mov al,HT
mvnt: mov [si],al
inc si
cmp al,RBR
jz mvrb
cmp al,RSQ
jz mvrb
cmp al,LBR
jz mvlb
cmp al,LSQ
jz mvlb
jmp meuv
mvrb: mov ax,bx
pop bx
mov [bx],si
mov bx,ax
jmp meuv
mvlb: push si
inc si
inc si
jmp meuv
; Move and semi-compile the command line.
; bx points to the command line
; si points to the pattern buffer
; copy until a zero byte is found
muve: mov al,[bx]
cmp al,TAB
jnz munt
mov al,HT
munt: mov [si],al
inc bx
inc si
cmp al,RBR
jz murb
cmp al,RSQ
jz murb
cmp al,LBR
jz mulb
cmp al,LSQ
jz mulb
must: or al,al
jnz muve
murb: mov ax,bx
pop bx
mov [bx],si
mov bx,ax
jmp must
mulb: push si
inc si
inc si
jmp must
; Check balance of []'s and {}'s.
bala: push bx
push cx
mov cx,(offset 0101H)
balb: mov al,[bx]
inc bx
cmp al,LSQ
jnz balc
inc ch
jmp balb
balc: cmp al,RSQ
jnz bald
dec ch
jz balx
jmp balb
bald: cmp al,LBR
jnz bale
inc cl
jmp balb
bale: cmp al,RBR
jnz balf
dec cl
jz balx
jmp balb
balf: or al,al
jnz balb
mov al,cl
cmp al,01
jnz balx
mov al,ch
cmp al,01
pop cx
pop bx
jnz G106 ! ret ! G106:
balx: mov bx,(offset M3) ;"bad pattern"
jmp ferm ;final (error) message
; Check for termination of alternative.
enda: cmp al,ORR
jz G107
endb: cmp al,RSQ
jz G107
cmp al,RBR
jz G107
or al,al
G107: ret
; Check for beginning of alternative.
bega: cmp al,ORR
jz G110
begb: cmp al,LSQ
jz G110
cmp al,LBR
G110: ret
; Check for null alternative.
nula: push bx
call nulb
pop bx
nulr: ret
nulb: mov al,[bx]
inc bx
or al,al
jz nulr
call bega
jnz nulb
mov al,[bx]
call enda
jnz nulb
jmp balx
; Check for given expression.
chek: mov ah,[bx]
mov al,[si]
inc si
call enda
jz chre
cmp ah,CR
jz chno
cmp al,LBR
jnz G116
jmp chlb
G116: cmp al,LSQ
jz chsq
inc bx
cmp al,QUE
jz chek
cmp al,ALF
jz chal
cmp al,ah
jz chek
cmp ah,'a'
jc chno
cmp ah,'{'
jnc chno
and ah,05FH
cmp al,ah
jz chek
chno: or al,0FFH
chre: ret
; Check alphanumeric.
chal: cmp ah,'0'
jc chno
cmp ah,':'
jc chek
cmp ah,'A'
jc chno
cmp ah,'['
jc chek
cmp ah,'a'
jc chno
cmp ah,'{'
jc chek
jmp chno
; Check list of alternatives.
chsq: push sqxx
push sqaa
push sqzz
mov sqxx,bx
mov bx,[si]
inc si
inc si
mov sqaa,si
mov sqzz,bx
chaa: mov bx,sqxx
call chek
jz chff
chbb: mov bx,sqaa ;fail so find next alternative
chcc: call next
cmp al,RSQ
jz chdd ;no more alternatives, so fail
cmp al,ORR
jnz chcc
mov sqaa,bx
mov si,bx
jmp chaa ;try next alternative
chdd: mov bx,sqxx
or al,0FFH
chee: pop sqzz
pop sqaa
pop sqxx
chff: mov si,sqzz ;good alternative, try rest
call chek
jz chee
jmp chbb
; Check iterative pattern.
chlb: push text
push texx
push rest
push rept
push repp
mov text,bx
mov texx,bx
xchg bx,si
mov si,[bx]
inc bx
inc bx
mov rept,bx
mov repp,bx
mov rest,si
chlc: mov si,rest
mov bx,text
call chek ;check rest
jz chzz
chii: mov si,rept ;rest failed
mov bx,text ;keep same text
call chek ;try out the repeater
jnz choo
mov text,bx ;repeater worked, record progress
mov bx,repp ;start alternatives over again
mov rept,bx
jmp chlc
choo: mov bx,rept ;repeater failed, try next
chxx: call next
cmp al,RBR
jz chyy ;this was the last, quit
cmp al,ORR
jnz chxx
mov rept,bx
jmp chii
chyy: mov bx,texx
or al,00 ;emphasize the RBR
chzz: pop repp
pop rept
pop rest
pop texx
pop text
M1 db 'The command line',CR,LF,CR,LF
db 'will search through all instances of FILE.EXT (which',CR,LF
db 'may be an ambiguous reference) on disk D for lines',CR,LF
db 'containing keywords taken from KEY.SYM (whose disk may',CR,LF
db 'be specified). Any of these keywords may be regular',CR,LF
db 'expressions. Then the whole family of files will be',CR,LF
db 'searched for each line in KEY, whose default extension',CR,LF
db 'is SYM. Results will be shown on the console and placed',CR,LF
db 'in [E:]KEY.XRF. LABEL, a regular expression too, is a',CR,LF
db 'reference for relative line numbers; if it is omitted',CR,LF
db 'lines will be numbered serially in each file. Regular',CR,LF
db 'expressions are formed as follows:',CR,LF
db ' [p1!p2!...!pn] alternative strings',CR,LF
db ' {p1!p2!...!pn} repeated alternatives',CR,LF
db ' ? any single character',CR,LF
db ' @ for any alphanumeric: a-z, A-Z, 0-9',CR,LF
db ' _ in place of horizontal tab',CR,LF
db 'Squeezed files will be searched as well as unsqueezed',CR,LF
db 'ones. Use ^C to quit, any other key skips rest of file.',CR,LF
db 00
M2 db 'FFYNDE.CMD 08/01/84 ICUAP',CR,LF,00
M3 db '-- Bad Command Line --',00
M4 db CR,LF,'-- Search Terminated --',00
M5 db ' -- Remainder of File Skipped --',CR,LF,00
M6 db '.COM file disregarded.',CR,LF,00
M7 db '.CMD file disregarded.',CR,LF,00
M8 db ' -- Code Table Won''t Fit --',CR,LF,00
M9 db '.XRF file disregarded.',CR,LF,00
MA db '.SYS file disregarded.',CR,LF,00
nkey db ' -- Can''t Open Keyword File --',CR,LF,00
yexi db ' -- Crossreference File Already Exists --',CR,LF,00
nxrf db ' -- Can''t Open Crossreference File --',CR,LF,00
xwre db ' -- Write Error in Crossreference File --',CR,LF,00
cclo db ' -- Can''t Close Crossreference File --',CR,LF,00
enth rb 1 ;search-again counter
sfam db 'DFilenameEXT',00
rb 20
sqxx rw 1
sqaa rw 1
sqzz rw 1
text rw 1
texx rw 1
rest rw 1
rept rw 1
repp rw 1
lapo rw 1 ;label pointer
kwdi db 'Keyword is: '
keyr rb 64 ;raw keyword
hesq db '[original] : '
uzfn db 'original.xxx' ;unsqueezed file's name
crlf db CR,LF,00
fhed db '~~~~~~> File '
fnam db 'xxxxxxxx.' ;filename
fext db 'xxx',CR,LF,00 ;file extension
llbl db ' +'
lnum db ' ',00 ;line number
lzer db ' 0' ;zero line for counter
ftot db ' lines found',CR,LF,00
dtot db ' instances in the entire disk',CR,LF,00
ktot db ' keywords processed',CR,LF,00
db 00 ;fence for line buffer
lbuf rb 85H ;line buffer
dens rb 1 ;z/nz = un/squeezed
roby rb 1 ;rotating byte
roco rb 1 ;rotation count
mult rb 1 ;repeat factor
lach rb 1 ;last character read
ictr rw 1 ;input counter
iptr rw 1 ;input pointer
ibuf rb isiz ;input buffer
kfil rb 33 ;keyword FCB
kctr rw 1 ;keyword counter
kptr rw 1 ;keyword pointer
kbuf rb csiz ;keyword buffer
xfil rb 33 ;.XRF FCB
xctr rw 1 ;crossreference counter
xptr rw 1 ;crossreference pointer
xbuf rb csiz ;crossreference buffer
patt rb 256 ;command line pattern
kwrd rb 256 ;keyword pattern
code rb 4*hsiz ;Huffman code table
stak rw 1 ;initialize stack pointer
fini rb 0