Oakland CPM Archive
Assembly Source File
1,847 lines
title 'LEVEL2.ASM'
;* *
;* *
;* X.25 level 2 (HDLC) protocol handler *
;* (note that some level2 real time tasks, *
;* such as flag generation/detection, bit *
;* stuffing/stripping and CRC generation/ *
;* checking are handled by the Level 1 *
;* hardware (SIO)) *
;* *
;* rev 1.52 08/08/84 E. Elizondo *
;* *
;* (c) 1984 E. Elizondo - all rights reserved. *
;* *
;* This program may be used freely for non- *
;* commercial applications. It may not be sold *
;* or used for commercial applications without *
;* written permission of the author. *
;* *
maclib Z80 ;DR Z80 macro library
; assembly time options
false equ 0
true equ not false
debug equ true ;display V(s) of tx I frames
; design parameters
kconst equ 4 ;max # of unack. frames
n2 equ 10 ;max # of re-transmissions
kack equ 10 ;acknowledgement delay count
; X.25 standard parameters:
; frame addresses (X.25 para 2.4.1)
; bit # 8765$4321
addra equ 0000$0011b ;address A
addrb equ 0000$0001b ;address B
; frame control (id) bytes (table 3/X.25)
; bit # 8765$4321
ifid equ 0000$0000b ;I
rrfid equ 0000$0001b ;RR
rnrfid equ 0000$0101b ;RNR
rejfid equ 0000$1001b ;REJ
sarmfid equ 0000$1111b ;SARM (not used in LAPB)
dmfid equ 0000$1111b ;DM
sabmfid equ 0010$1111b ;SABM
discfid equ 0100$0011b ;DISC
uafid equ 0110$0011b ;UA
cmdrfid equ 1000$0111b ;CMDR
frmrfid equ 1000$0111b ;FRMR
badfid equ 1111$1111b ;bad frame for testing
; misc constants
cr equ 0dh ;carriage ret
lf equ 0ah ;line feed
tab equ 09h ;horizontal tab
; hooks for other modules
; subroutines
public initl2 ;initialize level 2 parameters
public rxfrm ;process a received frame
public txifrm ;transmit I frame if avail
public conlk ;connect link
public disclk ;disconnect link
public qlksta ;query link status
public gettxb ;get address of free tx bcb
public txbadf ;transmit bad frame
; addresses
public lkstat ;level 2 link status bits
public l2stat ;level 2 status bits
public dtemod ;DTE/DCE mode flag
; level 2 parameters
public vs ;V(s)
public vr ;V(r)
public lastnr ;last received N(r)
public lastvr ;last transmitted V(r)
public lastvs ;last transmitted V(s)
public maxvs ;highest tx V(s)
public pfbit ;P/F bit
; diagnostic counters
public rxifct ;received I frame count
public rxcfct ;received cmd frames
public rxrfct ;received resp frames
public rbafct ;received bad addr frames
public rxbcct ;received bad cmd frames
public rxbrct ;received bad rsp frames
public txfct ;transmitted frame count
public txifct ;transmitted I frame count
public txirct ;tx I retransmission log
; definition of lkstat status bits
; (note DTE busy comes from level1)
; bit set condition
; 0 link connect in process
; 1 link disconnect in process
; 2 link connected
; 3 DCE busy
; 4 DTE busy
; 5 unassigned
; 6 DTE REJ condition
; 7 DCE REJ condition
; definition of l2stat status bits
; bit set condition
; 0 link query in process
; 1 DTE FRMR condition
; 2 DCE FRMR condition
; 3 unassigned
; 4 unassigned
; 5 unassigned
; 6 retransmit old I frame
; 7 timer recovery condition
; external subroutines
; from buffers module:
extrn inibuf ;initialize all buffers
extrn putbuf ;put char in buffer
extrn getbuf ;get char from buffer
extrn dcrbuf ;delete last char in buffer
extrn bpoint ;point to selected bcb
extrn rlsrxb ;release rx buffer
extrn clrbuf ;clear buffer for new use
extrn clrtxb ;clear all tx buffers
extrn savbcb ;save bcb pointers
extrn getbct ;get buffer count
extrn getrdy ;get state of buffer ready flag
; from level1 module:
extrn txwake ;wake up transmitter
extrn t1on ;turn on timer T1
extrn t1off ;turn off timer T1
; from level 3 module:
extrn initl3 ;initialize level 3
extrn txstar ;transmit restart packet
; from xutil module:
extrn ilprt ;in line print routine
extrn pdec ;print <hl> in decimal
extrn phex ;print <a> in hex
extrn pbin ;print <a> in binary
extrn ctype ;print ASCII char in <a>
extrn poll ;poll non-interrupt hardware
; from files module
extrn fstat ;file status flags
extrn ctxfil ;close transmit file
extrn crxfil ;close receive file
extrn logdat ;write byte to log file
; external addresses
; from level 1 module
extrn tistat ;timer status flags
extrn txstat ;transmit status flags
extrn txaddr ;transmit address byte
extrn txctrl ;transmit control byte
; from buffers module
extrn rxfree ;A(list of free rx buffer #'s)
extrn rxflst ;A(list of rx frame buffer #'s)
extrn rxplst ;A(list of rx packt buffer #'s)
extrn rxbtab ;A(table of rx bcb pointers)
extrn txbtab ;A(table of tx bcb pointers)
extrn txbcbp ;A(active tx bcb for I frames)
extrn txubcb ;A(tx bcb for CMDR frames)
; from files module
extrn fstat ;file status
; *********************************
; * initialization section *
; *********************************
cseg ;code section
; initialize level 2 parameters
; (externally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
initl2: lda dtemod ;get mode flag
cpi 1 ;DTE mode?
jnz init1 ;no, keep going
; initialize in DTE mode
mvi a,addra ;yes, set up address=A
sta rxcaddr ;for incoming commands
sta txraddr ;and outgoing responses
mvi a,addrb ;set up address=B
sta txcaddr ;for outgoing commands
sta rxraddr ;and incoming responses
jmp init3 ;and continue
init1: cpi 2 ;DCE mode?
jnz init2 ;no, keep going
; initialize as DCE
mvi a,addrb ;set up address=B
sta rxcaddr ;for incoming commands
sta txraddr ;and outgoing responses
mvi a,addra ;set up address=A
sta txcaddr ;for outgoing commands
sta rxraddr ;and incoming responses
jmp init3 ;and conitnue
; initialize for self test (with loopback connector)
init2: mvi a,addra ;set up address=A
sta rxcaddr ;for incoming commands
sta txcaddr ;and outgoing commands
mvi a,addrb ;set up address=B
sta txraddr ;for outgoing responses
sta rxraddr ;and incoming responses
init3: call reset ;reset all variables
xra a ;reset p/f bit
sta pfbit ;p/f=0
; reset all flow control variables
; (internally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: <a>,flags clobbered
reset: xra a ;initialize variables
sta vs ;V(s)=0
sta vr ;V(r)=0
sta l2stat ;clear level 2 status flags
sta lkstat ;clear link status word
sta tistat ;clear all timeouts
sta lastnr ;last received N(r)
sta lastvr ;last transmitted V(r)
mvi a,7 ;initialize...
sta lastvs ;last transmitted V(s)
sta maxvs ;max transmitted V(s)
call clrtxb ;clear all tx buffers
; *************************
; * link control section *
; *************************
; connect level 2 link
; (externally called)
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
call reset ;reset all flow control variables
call initl3 ;initialize level 3
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status word
setb 0,m ;set link connect in process
mvi a,n2 ;set retry counter=n2
sta rtryct ; /
call ilprt ;tell what's doing
db cr,lf,'L2: attempting link connect...',cr,lf,0
jmp txsabm ;and transmit SABM command
; disconnect level 2 link
; (externally called)
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
call crxfil ;close receive file if open
call ctxfil ;close receive file if open
call clrtxb ;clear all tx I buffers
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
res 1,m ;clear disc in process
bit 2,m ;is link connected?
jnz disc1 ;yes, keep going
call ilprt ;else tell operator
db 'L2: link is already disconnected',cr,lf,0
disc1: setb 1,m ;signal disc in process
mvi a,n2 ;set retry count= n2
sta rtryct ; /
call ilprt ;and tell operator
db cr,lf,'L2: attempting link disconnect...',cr,lf,0
jmp txdisc ;and transmit disconnect command
; query link status
; (externally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
qlksta: lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status word
bit 2,m ;link connected?
jnz qlk1 ;yes, keep going
call ilprt ;else tell operator
db 'L2: dte link is disconnected',cr,lf,0
; determine dte status
qlk1: push h ;save <hl>
lxi h,l2stat ;point to flow status word
bit 1,m ;DTE FRMR/CMDR condition?
pop h ;restore <hl>
jz qlk2 ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;else tell operator
db 'L2: dte in FRMR/CMDR condition',cr,lf,0
jmp qlk5 ;and get dce status
qlk2: bit 4,m ;dte busy?
jz qlk3 ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;else tell operator
db 'L2: dte busy',cr,lf,0
jmp qlk5 ;and get dce status
qlk3: bit 6,m ;dte reject condition?
jz qlk4 ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;else tell operator
db 'L2: dte in REJ condition',cr,lf,0
jmp qlk5 ;and get dce status
qlk4: call ilprt ;tell operator we are ready
db 'L2: dte ready',cr,lf,0
; interogate DCE status
qlk5: lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status
setb 0,m ;signal query in process
mvi a,n2 ;set retry count =n2
sta rtryct ; /
call ilprt ;tell operator
db 'L2: interrogating dce status...',cr,lf,0
; return here for retries
lxi h,pfbit ;set p=1
setb 4,m ; /
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
bit 4,m ;dte busy?
jnz txrnrc ;yes, transmit RNR command
bit 6,m ;dte rej condition?
jnz txrejc ;yes, transmit REJ command
jmp txrrc ;else transmit RR command
; *************************
; * transmit section *
; *************************
; *** miscellaneous ***
; get address of free tx buffer bcb
; (externally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: carry set if no free buffer avail
; <hl>= bcb address if buffer avail
; <a>, other flags clobbered
gettxb: push b ;save regs
push d ; /
lda lastnr ;get last acknowledged N(r)
dcr a ;back up two, mod 7
dcr a ; /
ani 7 ; /
mov b,a ;<b> is last possible bcb #
lda maxvs ;<a> is first possible bcb #
inr a ; /
ani 7 ; /
gettx1: cmp b ;are they equal?
stc ;yes, return with carry set
jz getxit ; /
lxi h,txbtab ;else, get bcb address
call bpoint ; /
call getrdy ;is buffer empty?
jz getxok ;yes, got one
inr a ;else, look at next one
ani 7 ;mod 7, of course
jmp gettx1 ; /
getxok: stc ;clear carry flag
cmc ; /
getxit: pop d ;restore regs
pop b ; /
; *** outgoing commands ***
; check for timeout condition and
; transmit I frame if available and
; a) link connected
; b) DCE not busy
; c) level 1 (SIO) not already transmitting
; d) not in FRMR condition
; e) new frame within window
; f) frame ready flag <>0
; if I frame can't be transmitted, transmit
; RR or RNR frame to acknowledge received I frames
; (externally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
; check for level 1 ready
lxi h,txstat ;point to level 1 (SIO) status
bit 0,m ;tx busy?
rnz ;yes, try again later
; check for timeout
lxi h,tistat ;point to timer status
bit 0,m ;timer T1 timed out?
jnz t1to ;yes, service it
; check for level 2 ready
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
bit 2,m ;link connected?
rz ;no, return
; check if in timer recovery condition
lxi h,l2stat ;point to flow status
bit 7,m ;timer recovery condition?
jz txi1 ;no, keep going
; timer recovery condition
push h ;save flow status word
lxi h,pfbit ;set P=1
setb 4,m ; /
pop h ;restore flow status word
bit 6,m ;time to transmit again?
jz txack ;no, see if we want to acknowledge
bit 2,m ;DCE FRMR/CMDR condition?
jnz qlksta ;yes, verify again & restart
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
bit 3,m ;DCE busy?
jnz txack ;yes, don't transmit I frame
lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status
res 6,m ;else reset restransmission flag
jmp txi2 ;and retransmit I frame
; not in timer recovery condition
txi1: bit 2,m ;DCE FRMR/CMDR condition?
rnz ;yes, don't transmit I frames
bit 0,m ;link query in process?
rnz ;yes, dont transmit yet
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
bit 3,m ;DCE busy?
jnz txack ;yes, don't transmit I frame
; did we transmit new frame already?
lda lastvs ;get last transmitted V(s)
mov b,a ;save in <b>
lda vs ;get present vs
cmp b ;same?
jz txack ;yes, don't transmit I frame
; else set up retry counter for new frame
mvi a,n2 ;else initialize retry count
sta rtryct ; /
lxi h,pfbit ;and set p=0
res 4,m ; /
; check that V(s) is within window
txi2: lda lastnr ;get last valid N(r)
adi kconst+1 ;calculate just past top of window
ani 7 ;mod 7
mov e,a ;save in <e>
lda vs ;get V(s)
cmp e ;is V(s) past top of window?
jz txack ;yes, don't transmit it yet
; is tx buffer ready?
txi2a lxi h,txbtab ;point to tx bcb table
lda vs ;get V(s)
call bpoint ;get address of bcb
call getrdy ;is buffer ready to tx?
jz txack ;no, some other time
; transmit frame if not empty and ready
shld txbcbp ;make buffer active
call savbcb ;and save bcb pointers
lda txcaddr ;<d>=outgoing command address
mov d,a ; /
lda vs ;get V(s)
sta lastvs ;update last tx V(s)
if debug ;if debug mode
push psw ;save V(s)
adi '0' ;convert to ASCII
call ctype ;display it
pop psw ;restore V(s)
endif ;end of debug mode
mvi b,ifid ;<b>=I control byte
rlc ;rotate V(s) into bits 1-3
ora b ;merge with control byte
mov b,a ;save result in <b>
lda vr ;get V(r) (outgoing N(r))
sta lastvr ;update last tx V(r)
mov c,a ;save in <c>
call txframe ;transmit frame
call t1on ;turn on timer T1
lhld txifct ;increment tx I frame count
inx h ; /
shld txifct ; /
mvi a,kack ;reset acknowledgement delay counter
sta ackcnt ; /
; timer recovery condition?
lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status
bit 7,m ;timer recovery condition?
rnz ;yes, don't update V(s)
; update V(s) to send next frame
lda vs ;get V(s)
mov b,a ;and save in <b>
inr a ;V(s)=V(s)+1 mod 7
ani 7 ; /
sta vs ;update V(s) for next frame
; update max V(s) for acknowledge routine
lda maxvs ;get current max V(s)
txi4: cmp b ;is max V(s)= last tx V(s)
jz txi5 ;yes, exit
cmp e ;past top of window?
rz ;yes, maxvs was max
inr a ;else bump max V(s) mod(7)
ani 7 ; /
jmp txi4 ;and keep looping
txi5: sta maxvs ;update max V(s)
ret ;and exit
; transmit acknowledgement instead of I frame
txack: lda lastvr ;get last transmitted V(r)
mov b,a ;save in <b>
lda vr ;get V(r)
cmp b ;same?
rz ;yes, nothing to acknowledge
; wait a few tries to see if any I frames are coming
lda ackcnt ;get delay count
dcr a ;decrement count
sta ackcnt ;and update count
rnz ;wait a little longer until 0
; delay count is 0, transmit acknowledge frame
mvi a,kack ;reset delay count
sta ackcnt ; /
lxi h,lkstat ;else point to link status
bit 4,m ;DTE busy?
jnz txrnrr ;yes, transmit RNR frame
jmp txrrr ;else transmit RR frame
; process timer T1 timeout condition
; (internally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
call t1off ;stop timer T1
lxi h,rtryct ;get retry count
dcr m ;last retry?
jz t1to9 ;yes, other end is dead
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
bit 0,m ;link connect in process?
jz t1to1 ;no, keep going
; link connect is in process
call ilprt ;print countdown
db tab,'SABM tries to go =',0
lda rtryct ;print countdown
mov l,a ; /
mvi h,0 ; /
call pdec ; /
call ilprt ; /
db cr,lf,0 ; /
jmp txsabm ;and transmit SABM
t1to1: bit 1,m ;disconnect in process?
jz t1to2 ;no, keep going
; link disconnect is in process
call ilprt ;print countdown
db tab,'DISC tries to go =',0
lda rtryct ;print countdown
mov l,a ; /
mvi h,0 ; /
call pdec ; /
call ilprt ; /
db cr,lf,0 ; /
jmp txdisc ;and transmit DISC
t1to2: lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status
bit 0,m ;link query in process
jz t1to3 ;no, keep going
; link query is in process
call ilprt ;print countdown
db tab,'query tries to go =',0
lda rtryct ;print countdown
mov l,a ; /
mvi h,0 ; /
call pdec ; /
call ilprt ; /
db cr,lf,0 ; /
jmp qdce ;and query dce
; check that link is connected
t1to3: lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status flags
bit 2,m ;link connected?
rz ;no, just return
; information flow is in process
; timeout recovery (x.25 para
lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status
setb 7,m ;indicate timer recovery condition
setb 6,m ;set flag for retransmission
call ilprt ;tell what we're doing
db cr,lf,'L2: T1 timed out - '
db 'retransmitting I frame',0
lda lastnr ;make V(s)=last received N(r)
sta vs ; /
mov l,a ;print V(s)
mvi h,0 ; /
call pdec ; /
call ilprt ;and try number
db ' - tries to go =',0
lda rtryct ; /
mov l,a ; /
mvi h,0 ; /
call pdec ; /
call ilprt ;terminate line
db cr,lf,0 ; /
lxi h,pfbit ;set p=1
setb 4,m ; /
lhld txirct ;increment retransmission log
inx h ; /
shld txirct ; /
; retry count exhausted
t1to9: call ilprt
db 'L2: tx retry count exhausted - '
db 'no reply from DCE',cr,lf,0
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
bit 1,m ;was disconnect in process?
jz t1to10 ;no, keep going
; disconnect was already in process
res 1,m ;clear disconnect in process
res 2,m ;and clear link connect flag
t1to10: bit 2,m ;link connected?
rz ;no, return
; link was connected (?)
call ilprt
db 'L2; disconnecting link',cr,lf,0
jmp disclk ;and disconnect
; transmit SABM command frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txsabm: lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
setb 0,m ;signal connect in process
lda txcaddr ;<d>=outgoing command address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,sabmfid ;<b>=SABM control byte
mvi c,0 ;SABM is unnumbered
call txframe ;transmit frame
call t1on ;and turn on timer T1
; transmit DISC command frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txdisc: lda txcaddr ;<d>=outgoing command address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,discfid ;<b>=DISC control byte
mvi c,0 ;DISC is unnumbered
call txframe ;transmit frame
call t1on ;and turn on timer T1
; transmit bad command frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txbadf: lda txcaddr ;<d>=outgoing command address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,badfid ;<b>=bad control byte
mvi c,0 ;make it unnumbered
call txframe ;transmit frame
; transmit RR command frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txrrc: lda txcaddr ;<d>=outgoing command address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,rrfid ;<b>=RR control byte
lda vr ;get V(r)
sta lastvr ;update last tx V(r)
mov c,a ;save in <c>
call txframe ;transmit frame
call t1on ;turn on timer T1
; transmit RNR command frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txrnrc: lda txcaddr ;<d>=outgoing command address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,rnrfid ;<b>=RNR control byte
lda vr ;get V(r)
sta lastvr ;update last tx V(r)
mov c,a ;save in <c>
call txframe ;transmit frame
call t1on ;and turn on timer T1
; transmit REJ command frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txrejc: lda txcaddr ;<d>=outgoing command address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,rejfid ;<b>=REJ control byte
lda vr ;get V(r)
sta lastvr ;update last tx V(r)
mov c,a ;save in <c>
call txframe ;transmit frame
call t1on ;and turn on timer T1
; *** outgoing responses ***
; transmit RR response frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txrrr: lda txraddr ;<d>=outgoing response address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,rrfid ;<b>=RR control byte
lda vr ;get V(r)
sta lastvr ;update last tx V(r)
mov c,a ;save in <c>
call txframe ;transmit frame
; transmit RNR response frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txrnrr: lda txraddr ;<d>=outgoing response address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,rnrfid ;<b>=RNR control byte
lda vr ;get V(r)
sta lastvr ;update last tx V(r)
mov c,a ;save in <c>
call txframe ;transmit frame
; transmit REJ response frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txrejr: lda txraddr ;<d>=outgoing response address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,rejfid ;<b>=REJ control byte
lda vr ;get V(r)
sta lastvr ;update last tx V(r)
mov c,a ;save in <c>
call txframe ;transmit frame
; transmit DM response frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txdm: lda txraddr ;<d>=outgoing response address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,dmfid ;get DM control byte
mvi c,0 ;DM is unnumbered
call txframe ;transmit frame
; transmit UA response frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txua: lda txraddr ;<d>=outgoing response address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,uafid ;get UA control byte
mvi c,0 ;UA is unnumbered
call txframe ;transmit frame
; transmit CMDR/FRMR response frame
; on entry: no paramters
; on exit: all flags, regs clobbered
txcmdr: lxi h,txstat ;point to link SIO status
bit 0,m ;tx busy?
jnz txcmdr ;yes, wait
lxi h,l2stat ;point to flow status word
setb 1,m ;set DTE FRMR condition flag
lxi h,txubcb ;point to CMDR frame buffer
shld txbcbp ;and make buffer active
lda cmdrf1 ;get rejected cmd control byte
call putbuf ;put in buffer
lda vs ;get V(s)
rlc ;rotate into bits 1-3
mov b,a ;save in <b>
lda vr ;get V(r)
rlc ;rotate into bits 5-7
rlc ; /
rlc ; /
rlc ; /
rlc ; /
ora b ;merge with V(s)
call putbuf ;put in buffer
lda cmdrf3 ;get error indicator byte
call putbuf ;put in buffer
lda txraddr ;<d>=outgoing response address
mov d,a ; /
mvi b,cmdrfid ;<b>=CMDR control byte
mvi c,0 ;CMDR is unnumbered
call txframe ;transmit frame
; *** common routines ***
; transmit frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <b>=frame control byte
; <c>=0 if unnumbered, N(r) otherwise
; <d>=frame address byte
; pfbit=poll/final bit in pos 4
; on exit: flags, registers clobbered
; txaddr= address byte
; txctrl= control byte
lhld txfct ;increment tx frame counter
inx h ; /
shld txfct ; /
lxi h,txstat ;point to SIO status
txf1: bit 0,m ;tx busy?
jnz txf1 ;yes, wait
mov a,d ;get address byte
sta txaddr ;store address
mov a,c ;get N(r)
rlc ;rotate into bits 5-7
rlc ; /
rlc ; /
rlc ; /
rlc ; /
ora b ;merge with control byte
mov b,a ;save result in <b>
lda pfbit ;get poll/final bit
ora b ;merge it into control byte
sta txctrl ;store control byte
call logtx ;log transmission
xra a ;clear p/f bit for next frame
sta pfbit ; /
call txwake ;start transmission and T1 timer
; log transmitted frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: txaddr= address byte
; txctrl= control byte
; on exit: <a>, flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
logtx: push h ;save <hl>
lxi h,fstat ;point to file status
bit 7,m ;log file open?
pop h ;restore <hl>
rz ;no, return with no action
mvi a,1 ;else signal tx frame
call logdat ;put in file
lda txaddr ;get address
call logdat ;put in file
lda txctrl ;get control
call logdat ;put in file
xra a ;and put zeros in rest of block
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
; *************************
; * receive section *
; *************************
; process a received frame if available
; (internally and externally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: <c>=buffer # if available
; <hl>=bcb address if available
; <d>=address byte
lxi h,rxflst ;point to list of rx frames
call getbuf ;any waiting?
rc ;no, return
mov c,a ;save buffer # in <c>
lxi h,rxbtab ;point to table of buffer addresses
call bpoint ;get address of bcb
call dcrbuf ;discard CRC-1 byte
call getbuf ;get address byte
jnc rxfrm0 ;keep going if there
; empty frame
mov a,c ;else release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
call ilprt ;and tell operator
db 'L2: rx empty frame (no control byte)',cr,lf,0
rxfrm0: mov d,a ;save in <d>
lda rxcaddr ;incoming command?
cmp d ; /
jz incmd ;yes, process it
lda rxraddr ;incoming response?
cmp d ; /
jz inresp ;yes, process it
; process bad address
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'L2: bad rx address: ',0
mov a,d ;get bad address byte
call phex ;print address in hex
;*** dump entire frame in hex for debug
if debug
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'L2: frame contents: ',0
rxfrlp: call getbuf ;get next octet
jc rxfrm1 ;exit if no more
call phex ;print it in hex
mvi a,' ' ;and a separator
call ctype ; /
jmp rxfrlp ;and go back for more
endif ;end of debug option
call ilprt ;terminate error msg line
db cr,lf,0 ; /
mov a,c ;get rx buffer #
call rlsrxb ;and release it
lhld rbafct ;increment bad address counter
inx h ; /
shld rbafct ; /
; process incoming comand frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <c>= rx buffer #
; <d>=address byte
; on exit: <b>=control byte
; <c>,<d>,<hl> unchanged
incmd: call getbuf ;get control byte
jnc incmd1 ;if there is one
mov a,c ;else release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
lhld rxbcct ;increment bad command count
inx h ; /
shld rxbcct ; /
incmd1: mov b,a ;save control byte in <b>
sta cmdrf1 ;save it in case of CMDR
ani 0001$0000b ;extract P bit
sta pfbit ;set F bit for reply
push h ;save <hl>
lhld rxcfct ;increment rx command count
inx h ; /
shld rxcfct ; /
call logrx ;log received frame
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status word
bit 2,m ;link disconnected?
pop h ;restore <hl>
jz dphase ;yes, process disconnected phase
; link is connected
; branch to know frame id's
mov a,b ;get control byte
bit 0,a ;I frame?
jz rxi ;yes, process it
ani 1110$1111b ;extract all bits except p/f
cpi sabmfid ;SABM frame?
jz rxsabm ;yes, process it
cpi discfid ;DISC frame?
jz rxdisc ;yes, process it
; branch to numbered frames
ani 0000$1111b ;discard N(r) sequence bits
cpi rrfid ;RR command frame?
jz rxcrr ;yes, process it
cpi rnrfid ;RNR command frame?
jz rxcrnr ;yes, process it
cpi rejfid ;REJ command frame?
jz rxcrej ;yes, process it
; unrecognized frame identifier
mov a,c ;else get buffer #
call rlsrxb ;discard unknown rx frame
lhld rxbcct ;increment bad cmd counter
inx h ; /
shld rxbcct ; /
lxi h,cmdrf2 ;clear CMDR bit 13 for cmd
res 4,m ; /
lxi h,cmdrf3 ;set CMDR bit W
setb 0,m ; /
res 1,m ;and reset bit X
res 2,m ;and bit Y
res 3,m ;and bit Z
jmp txcmdr ;and transmit CMDR
; process link disconnected phase
mov a,c ;get rx buffer #
call rlsrxb ;and release buffer
mov a,b ;get control byte
ani 1110$1111b ;strip p bit
cpi sabmfid ;SABM frame?
jz rxsabm ;yes, process it
; reply DM to any other command frames with P=1
bit 4,b ;P=1?
rz ;no, exit
jmp txdm ;yes, send DM response
; log incoming frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <b>=control byte
; <d>=address byte
; on exit: <a>,flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
logrx: push h ;save <hl>
lxi h,fstat ;point to file status
bit 7,m ;log file open?
pop h ;restore <hl>
rz ;no, do nothing
mvi a,0 ;else signal rx frame
call logdat ;and put in file
mov a,d ;get address
call logdat ;and put in file
mov a,b ;get control byte
call logdat ;and put in file
xra a ;put zeroes in rest of block
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
call logdat ; /
; process received SABM command frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxsabm: call getbuf ;check if any I bits
jnc cfmterr ;yes, format error
mov a,c ;get rx buffer #
call rlsrxb ;release buffer
call t1off ;turn off timer T1
call reset ;clear flow control variables
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
setb 2,m ;set link active flag
call ilprt ;tell operator link is ok
db 'L2: rx SABM - link connected by dce',cr,lf,0
jmp txua ;and transmit UA
; process received DISC command frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxdisc: call getbuf ;check if any I bits
jnc cfmterr ;yes, format error
mov a,c ;release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
call t1off ;turn off timer T1
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
mvi m,0 ;clear everything
setb 2,m ;except link connected
setb 1,m ;and link disc in process
call ilprt ;tell operator link is down
db 'L2: rx DISC - link disconnected by dce',cr,lf,0
call txua ;transmit UA
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
res 1,m ;clear disc in process
res 2,m ;and link connected
; process received RR command frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxcrr: call ackdge ;acknowledge pending frames
jc badnr ;exit if invalid N(r)
call getbuf ;another byte in buffer?
jnc cfmterr ;yes, format errer
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status byte
res 3,m ;clear DCE busy
res 7,m ;clear DCE reject condition
jmp rxsc ;and process supervisory cmd
; process received RNR command frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxcrnr: call ackdge ;acknowledge pending frames
jc badnr ;exit if invalid N(r)
call getbuf ;another byte in buffer?
jnc cfmterr ;yes, format errer
mvi a,n2 ;reset tx retry counter
sta rtryct ; /
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status byte
setb 3,m ;set DCE busy
res 7,m ;clear DCE reject condition
jmp rxsc ;and process supervisory cmd
; process received REJ command frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxcrej: call ackdge ;acknowledge pending frames
jc badnr ;exit if invalid N(r)
call getbuf ;another byte in buffer?
jnc cfmterr ;yes, format errer
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status byte
res 3,m ;clear DCE busy
setb 7,m ;set DCE reject condition flag
mvi a,n2 ;initialize retry counter
sta rtryct ; /
mov a,b ;get control byte
call getnr ;extract valid N(r)
sta vs ;set V(s)=N(r) for retransmission
sta maxvs ;and update max V(s) for acknowledge
rxsc: ;process supervisory cmd
mov a,c ;release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
bit 4,b ;P=1?
rz ;no, do nothing here
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status word
bit 4,m ;DTE busy?
jz txrrr ;no, transmit RR response
jmp txrnrr ;yes, transmit RNR response
; handle invalid received N(r)
; on entry: <c>=rx buffer #
badnr: mov a,c ;get rx buffer #
call rlsrxb ;release it
;*** below message added for diagnostic
call ilprt
db 'L2: bad received N(r)',cr,lf,0
; set up FRMR information fields
lxi h,cmdrf3 ;point to CMDR field 3
res 0,m ;reset bits W, X and Y
res 1,m ; /
res 2,m ; /
setb 3,m ;set bit Z for invalid N(r)
jmp txfrmr ;and transmit FRMR
; handle received frame format error
; (I field in a non I frame)
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <c>=buffer #
cfmterr: ;error in command frame
lxi h,cmdrf2 ;point to CMDR field 2
res 4,m ;reset bit 4 for commands
jmp fmterr ;and continue
rfmterr: ;error in response frame
lxi h,cmdrf2 ;point to CMDR field 2
setb 4,m ;set bit 4 for responses
fmterr: mov a,c ;get rx buffer #
call rlsrxb ;release buffer
lxi h,cmdrf3 ;point to CMDR field 3
setb 0,m ;set bit W
setb 1,m ;and bit X
res 2,m ;reset bit Y
res 3,m ;and bit Z
jmp txcmdr ;and transmit CMDR
; process received I frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
; on exit: flags, regs clobbered
rxi: call ackdge ;acknowledge tx frame
jc badnr ;exit if invalid N(r)
rxi1: push h ;save bcb address
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
res 7,m ;clear DCE REJ condition
pop h ;restore bcb address
mov a,b ;get control byte
ani 0000$1110b ;extract N(s)
rrc ;move to bits 0-2
mov b,a ;and save in <b>
lda vr ;get V(r)
cmp b ;is N(s)=V(r)?
jz rxi2 ;yes, keep going
; process invalid received N(s)
mov a,c ;else get rx buffer #
call rlsrxb ;release buffer
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
setb 6,m ;set REJ condition
jmp txrejr ;and transmit REJ response
; process valid N(s) (update receive window
; and hand over packet to level 3)
rxi2: inr a ;V(r)=V(r)+1 mod 7
ani 7 ; /
sta vr ;update V(r)
push h ;save bcb address
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
res 6,m ;clear DTE REJ condition
pop h ;restore bcb address
call getbct ;empty frame?
jnz rxi3 ;no, keep going
; empty frame
mov a,c ;release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
call ilprt ;and tell operator
db 'L3: rx empty I frame',cr,lf,0
; frame is not empty
rxi3: lxi h,rxplst ;point to list of rx packets
mov a,c ;get buffer #
call putbuf ;hand over buffer
lhld rxifct ;update rx I frame counter
inx h ; /
shld rxifct ; /
; process received N(r) to acknowledge tx I frames
; (internally called)
; on entry: <b>=control byte with N(r)
; <c>=buffer #
; on exit: carry set if invalid N(r)
; <a>, other flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
ackdge: push b ;save regs
push d ; /
push h ; /
mov a,b ;get control byte
call getnr ;extract N(r)
mov d,a ;save N(r) in <d>
lda lastnr ;get last rx N(r)
cmp d ;same as this one?
jz ackexi ;yes, nothing new
; calculate top of receive window
lda maxvs ;max V(s)+1 mod (7)
inr a ;(=top edge of window)
inr a ;bump just past top
ani 7 ; /
mov e,a ; /
; check for valid N(r)
mvi b,kconst+1 ;<b>=k+1
lda lastnr ;<a>=last valid N(r)
ack1: cmp d ;<a>=N(r)?
jz ack2 ;yes, valid N(r)
inr a ;bump <a> mod 7
ani 7 ; /
cmp e ;<a>=past top of window?
jz ackerr ;yes, invalid N(r)
dcr b ;decrement window count
jz ackerr ;error, below lower edge
jmp ack1 ;else keep looping
; valid N(r), acknowledge all tx frames up to N(r)-1
ack2: call t1off ;stop timer T1
lxi h,txbtab ;point to tx bcb address table
acklp: lda lastnr ;get last valid N(r)
cmp d ;is N(r)=last valid N(r)?
jz allack ;yes, all acknowledged
; acknowledge a new frame
dcr a ;calculate last N(r)-1
ani 7 ;mod 7
call bpoint ;point to bcb address of last N(r)-1
call clrbuf ;clear tx buffer for new use
lda lastnr ;get last valid N(r)
inr a ;bump last valid N(r)
ani 7 ; /
sta lastnr ; /
mvi a,n2 ;reset tx retry counter
sta rtryct ; /
jmp acklp ;and keep looping
; no more frames to acknowledge this time
allack: lda maxvs ;is N(r)=max V(s)+1?
inr a ; /
ani 7 ; /
cmp d ; /
cnz t1on ;no, some frames still outstanding
stc ;reset carry flag
cmc ; /
jmp ackexi ;and exit
; signal invalid N(r)
ackerr: stc ;set carry flag
; common exit routine
ackexi: pop h ;restore regs
pop d ; /
pop b ; /
; extract N(r) from control byte
; (internally called)
; on entry: <a>=control byte
; on exit: <a>=N(r)
getnr: ani 1110$0000b ;extract N(r)
rrc ;move to bits 0-2
rrc ; /
rrc ; /
rrc ; /
rrc ; /
; process incoming response frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <c>=rx buffer #
; <d>=address byte
; on exit: <b>=control byte
; <c>,<d>,<hl> unchanged
call getbuf ;get control byte
jnc inrsp1 ;if there is one
mov a,c ;else release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
lhld rxbrct ;incr bad response frame count
inx h ; /
shld rxbrct ; /
inrsp1: mov b,a ;save control byte
sta cmdrf1 ;save it in case of FRMR
push h ;save <hl>
lhld rxrfct ;increment response count
inx h ; /
shld rxrfct ; /
call logrx ;log received frame
pop h ;restore <hl>
mov a,b ;get control byte
ani 1110$1111b ;extract all bits except f
; now branch to known frame id's
cpi dmfid ;DM frame?
jz rxdm ;yes, process it
cpi uafid ;UA frame?
jz rxua ;yes, process it
cpi cmdrfid ;CMDR/FRMR frame?
jz rxcmdr ;yes, process it
; branch to numbered frames
ani 0000$1111b ;discard N(r) sequence bits
cpi rrfid ;RR response frame?
jz rxrrr ;yes, process it
cpi rnrfid ;RNR response frame?
jz rxrrnr ;yes, process it
cpi rejfid ;REJ response frame?
jz rxrrej ;yes, process it
; unknown frame id
badrsp: mov a,c ;else get rx buffer #
call rlsrxb ;and release buffer
lhld rxbrct ;increment bad response counter
inx h ; /
shld rxbrct ; /
lxi h,cmdrf2 ;set FRMR bit 13
setb 4,m ; /
lxi h,cmdrf3 ;and FRMR bit W
setb 0,m ; /
res 1,m ;reset FRMR bits X,Y,Z
res 2,m ; /
res 3,m ; /
jmp txfrmr ;and transmit FRMR
; process received RR response frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxrrr: call ackdge ;acknowledge pending frames
jc badnr ;process invalid N(r)
call getbuf ;another byte in buffer?
jnc rfmterr ;yes, format errer
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status byte
res 3,m ;clear DCE busy
res 7,m ;clear DCE reject condition
lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status
bit 0,m ;link query in process?
jz rxsr ;no, do common stuff
; link query is in process
bit 4,b ;is response F=1?
jz rxsr ;no, do common stuff
; process reply to query
res 0,m ;reset link query flag
call t1off ;turn off response timer
call ilprt
db 'L2: dce ready',cr,lf,0
jmp rxsr ;and do common stuff
; process received RNR response frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxrrnr: call ackdge ;acknowledge pending frames
jc badnr ;process invalid N(r)
call getbuf ;another byte in buffer?
jnc rfmterr ;yes, format errer
mvi a,n2 ;reset tx retry counter
sta rtryct ; /
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status byte
setb 3,m ;set DCE busy
res 7,m ;clear DCE reject condition
lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status
bit 0,m ;link query in process?
jz rxsr ;no, do common stuff
; link query is in process
bit 4,b ;is response F=1?
jz rxsr ;no, do common stuff
; process reply to query
res 0,m ;reset link query flag
call t1off ;turn off response timer
call ilprt
db 'L2: dce busy',cr,lf,0
jmp rxsr ;and do common stuff
; process received REJ response frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxrrej: call ackdge ;acknowledge pending frames
jc badnr ;process invalid N(r)
call getbuf ;another byte in buffer?
jnc rfmterr ;yes, format errer
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status byte
res 3,m ;clear DCE busy
setb 7,m ;set DCE reject condition flag
mvi a,n2 ;initialize retry counter
sta rtryct ; /
mov a,b ;get control byte
call getnr ;extract valid N(r)
sta vs ;set V(s)=N(r) for retransmission
sta maxvs ;and update max V(s) for acknowledge
lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status
bit 0,m ;link query in process?
jz rxsr ;no, do common stuff
; link query is in process
bit 4,b ;is response F=1?
jz rxsr ;no, do common stuff
; process reply to query
res 0,m ;reset link query flag
call t1off ;turn off response timer
call ilprt
db 'L2: dce in REJ condition',cr,lf,0
jmp rxsr ;and do common stuff
; common stuff for supervisory response frames
mov a,c ;release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
lxi h,l2stat ;point to level 2 status flags
bit 7,m ;timer recovery condition?
rz ;no, exit
; process timer recovery condition
bit 4,b ;is F=1?
rz ;no, exit
res 7,m ;else clear timer recovery condition
; process received DM response frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxdm: call getbuf ;get next byte
jnc rfmterr ;process invalid format
mov a,c ;get rx buffer #
call rlsrxb ;release buffer
lxi h,lkstat ;link connect in process?
bit 0,m ; /
jz rxdm1 ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;yes, tell operator
db 'L2: rx DM - dce unable to connect',cr,lf,0
rxdm1: setb 0,m ;set link conn in process
res 2,m ;clear link connected
jmp txsabm ;and transmit SABM
; process received UA response frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <b>=control byte
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxua: call getbuf ;get next byte
jnc rfmterr ;process invalid format
mov a,c ;release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status word
res 3,m ;clear DCE busy
bit 0,m ;connect in process?
jz rxua1 ;no, keep going
res 0,m ;else clear connect in process
setb 2,m ;and set connect flag
call ilprt ;and tell operator
db 'L2: rx UA - link connected',cr,lf,0
call t1off ;turn off timer T1
call txstar ;transmit level 3 restart packet
rxua1: bit 1,m ;disconnect in process?
rz ;no, do nothing
res 1,m ;else clear disc in process
res 2,m ;and clear connect flag
call ilprt ;and tell operator
db 'L2: rx UA - link disconnected',cr,lf,0
call t1off ;turn off timer T1
; process received CMDR/FRMR response frame
; (internally called)
; on entry: <hl>=bcb address
; <c>=rx buffer #
rxcmdr: call ilprt ;display error msg
db cr,lf,'L2: rx CMDR/FRMR - frame rejected: ',cr,lf,0
call getbuf ;get next byte
jc rcmdr3 ;error if not there
mov b,a ;save byte in <b>
call ilprt ;print first I field
db tab,'rejected frame id = ',0
mov a,b ;get back byte
call phex ;else display first byte in hex
call ilprt ;and terminate line
db cr,lf,0 ; /
call getbuf ;get second error byte
jc rcmdr3 ;error if not there
mov b,a ;save byte in <b>
call ilprt ;display second field parameters
db tab,'rej frame type = ',0
bit 4,b ;command frame?
jz rcmdr1 ;yes, say so
call ilprt ;else was response
db 'response',cr,lf,0
jmp rcmdr2
rcmdr1: call ilprt ;command frame
db 'command',cr,lf,0
rcmdr2: call ilprt ;display other field paramters
db tab,' dce V(s) = ',0
push h ;save <hl>
mov a,b ;get back byte
ani 0000$1110b ;extract V(s)
rrc ; /
mvi h,0 ;print V(s)
mov l,a ; /
call pdec ; /
call ilprt ;terminate line
db cr,lf
db tab,' dce V(r) = ',0
mov a,b ;get back byte
call getnr ;extract V(r)
mov l,a ;and print it
call pdec ; /
call ilprt ;teminate line
db cr,lf,0
pop h ;restore <hl>
call getbuf ;get last byte
jc rcmdr3 ;error if not there
mov b,a ;save byte in <b>
call ilprt ;else print last field
db tab,'error bits ----zyxw=',0
mov a,b ;get back byte
call pbin ;in binary
call ilprt ;and terminate line
db cr,lf,0 ; /
call getbuf ;try for one more
jc rcmdr4 ;ok if not there
rcmdr3: call ilprt
db 'L2: format error in rx CMDR/FRMR frame',cr,lf,0
rcmdr4: mov a,c ;else release rx buffer
call rlsrxb ; /
; lxi h,l2stat ;point to flow status
setb 2,m ;set DCE FRMR condition
jmp conlk ;and reconnect link
; *****************
; * data area *
; *****************
; HDLC frame variables and sequence numbers
vr db 0 ;V(r)=receive state variable (0-7)
vs db 0 ;V(s)=send state variable (0-7)
lastnr db 7 ;last valid received N(r) (0-7)
lastvr db 0 ;last transmitted V(r)
lastvs db 7 ;last transmitted V(s)
maxvs db 0 ;max V(s) transmitted
pfbit db 0 ;poll/final bit (in pos 4)
rxcaddr db 0 ;address of received commands
rxraddr db 0 ;address of received responses
txcaddr db 0 ;address of transmitted commands
txraddr db 0 ;address of transmitted responses
; outgoing CMDR information field template
; (table 4/X.25)
cmdrf1 db 0 ;rejected command control field
cmdrf2 db 0 ;sequence variables & addr indicator
cmdrf3 db 0 ;error indicator bits
; level 2 status indicators & local variables
lkstat db 0 ;level 2 link status flags
l2stat db 0 ;level 2 status flags
dtemod db true ;0=DCE mode/0ffh=DTE mode
badadd db 0 ;storage for bad address
ackcnt db kack ;acknowledgement delay counter
; level 2 diagnostic counters
rtryct: db n2 ;tx retry counter
rbafct: dw 0000h ;bad rx address frames
rxbrct: dw 0000h ;bad rx response frames
rxbcct: dw 0000h ;bad rx command frames
rxcfct: dw 0000h ;rx command frames
rxrfct: dw 0000h ;rx response frames
rxifct: dw 0000h ;rx I frames
txifct: dw 0000h ;tx I frames
txfct: dw 0000h ;tx frames
txirct: dw 0000h ;tx I retransmission count