ocr: Institution Patients Dose (Gy) Outcome University of lowal59 3 20-25 Symptomatic improvement Brompton/Royal Marsden146. 160 12 50-55 2 asymptomatic for 4 years 2 with effusions controlled until demise Joint Center for Radiation Therapyl31 6 >40 4 with significant symptomatic relief 23 <40 Iwith significant symptomatic relief Institut Gustave-Roussyl81 14 35-50 4 alive at 1-41 mo 10 dead at 1-37 (median 15) mo Thomas Jellerson Medical School'62 9 60 2 with local control 20 and 40 mo Beatson Oncology Centre, Glasgowl6s 22 30 13 symptomatic improvement median survival 4 mo Peter MacCallum Cancer ...