ocr: Typical Associated Subtype (Incidence) Bone Marrow Morphology Immunophenotype Genotype Comments AML-MO Type I blasts >30%; cytochemistry CD13,33,34 NA Poorer prognosis Undifferentiated AML negative HLA-DR (5% ofAML) AML-M1 Type I and Type II blasts >90%; CD13,14,15,33,34 OcC. inv(3) Inv(3) associated with AML with minimal Sudan black or peroxidose HLA-DR thrombocytosis maturation positive; occasional auer rods (15% of AML) present AML-M2 Type I, II, and III blasts >30% CD13,15,33,34 t(8;21) 1(8;21) has a favorable prognosis; AML with maturation and <90%; <20% monocytic HLA-DR in half of cases ...