Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | person | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: 1. Define the site, source, and cause Consider the less invasive thera- peutic alternatives Hematemesis is almost always from the stomach, duodenum, or most -proximal jejunum Pass nasogastric or larger -bore orogastric tube to evacuate clot. Perform upper gastrointestinal endoscopy Consider injection, electrocoagulation, photocoagulation for sions acid peptic disease gastritis, Mallory -Weiss tear, or sclero- therapy for varices. Mel lena or bright red blood around the rectum Perform sigmoidos- copy to rule out source 11 distal 25 cm of colon if no blood is found in nasogastric aspirate Consider angiogram actively bleeding lesion seen in small bowel o colon consider infusional or occlu- sional therapy Consider radionuclide- labeled erythrocy te scan as diagnostic alternative to angiogr ram ...