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INDEX to B. W. Johnson's Notes on Revelation
Chapters 2 and 3 9654
Chapter 4 9657
Chapter 6 9661
Chapter 7 9701
Chapter 8 9704
Chapter 9 9707
Chapters 10 and 11 9712
Chapter 12 9754
Chapter 14 9760
Chapter 15 9763
Chapter 16 9764
Chapter 17 9801
Chapter 18 9803
Chapter 19 9804
Chapter 20 9806
Chapter 21 9807
The Appearance of Christ 9652
The Seven Stars 9653
The Fate of the Seven Churches 9655
Alleged Opposition to Paul 9656
The Four Living Creatures 9658
The Four and Twenty Elders 9659
The Doxologies 9660
The Meaning of the First Seal 9662
The Fulfilment of the Second Seal 9663
The Fulfilment of the Third Seal 9664
The Fulfilment of the Fourth Seal 9665
The Fulfilment of the Fifth Seal 9666
The Meaning of the Sixth Seal 9667
The Fulfilment of the Sixth Seal 9668
The Meaning of Symbols in Chapter 7 9702
The Four Winds 9703
The Fulfilment of First Four Trumpets 9705
The Fulfilment of the Fifth Trumpet 9708
The Fulfilment of the Sixth Trumpet 9709
The Time of the Sixth Trumpet 9710
Note on Symbols and Events in History 9711
The Fulfilment of the Open Book 9713
The Fulfilment of Measuring the Temple 9714
The True Church 9715
The Fulfilment of the Two Witnesses 9716
Twelve Hundred and Sixty Days 9751
The Triumph of the Witnesses 9752
An Analysis of Part I 9753
Revelation 11:19 9755
The Meaning of the Beast 9756
The Mortal Wound That Was Healed 9757
Forty-Two Months 9758
The Number of the Beast 9759
The Lamb on Mount Zion 9761
Babylon 9762
The Fulfilment of the First Bowl 9765
The Fulfilment of the Second Bowl 9766
The Fulfilment of the Third Bowl 9767
The Fulfilment of the Fourth Bowl 9768
The Fulfilment of the Fifth Bowl 9769
Mystery, Babylon, the Great 9802
The Coming of Christ 9805
He was arrayed in a priestly robe and girt with a kingly
girdle of gold. Heavenly purity was indicated by the dazzling
whiteness of his head and hair, and the splendour that shone from
his countenance was like that of the unclouded sun. Every
manifestation of the divine glory is accompanied with brilliance
and splendour. "In him is no darkness at all."
# 1Jo 1:5
The burning bush of Horeb, the glory of Sinai, the Shekinah of
the tabernacle, the City of which God and the Lamb are the
light, the transfigured Saviour of Hermon, the Son of Man of
Patmos, and all the visions of the prophets of both covenants,
indicate that whenever the Deity manifests itself, there is a
revelation of heavenly splendour. The Son of Man, the Man of
Sorrows, the Lamb of God, is also the Bright and Morning Star,
and the Sun of Righteousness. It is thus, crowned with majesty,
garbed in light, and shining as the sun, that John beholds the
Son of Man walking amid the golden candlesticks and holding the
seven stars in his hands.
(Johnson TPNT 418)
I shall not take up space to discuss the various views as to
the nature of the angels of the churches. It has been held that
they were heavenly angels, were diocesan bishops of the cities,
were pastors or elders, or were messengers sent from the
churches to visit John in Patmos. The word "angel" means a
messenger, and is equally applicable to the messengers of God
and those of men. John the Baptist is called \\angel\\, or
messenger, and the term is often applied to human beings.
# Mr 1:2
It is certain that it is in this passage. John is told to
\\write\\ to these angels, and certainly the letters were not
sent to the angels of heaven. Nor does this language suggest the
idea of messengers sent to visit John in Patmos. In that case
the letters might be sent \\by\\ them to the churches, but would
certainly not be written \\to\\ them. It becomes evident,
therefore, that the angels were men filling some office in
connection with the churches. There is not the slightest
evidence that diocesan bishops existed until much later than
this age, and hence I do not think that they are meant. The term
can hardly apply to an elder, for there seems to have been a
plurality of elders in all the churches, and it is not likely
that one would be singled out. It is my judgment that the angels
were the preachers or evangelists of the churches. As these
evangelists not only laboured at home, but were often sent out,
and were messengers to carry the good tidings, there is a
fitness in applying the term to them. We know from the epistles
of Paul and from church tradition, that Timothy was long the
evangelist at Ephesus, and it is possible that he may have lived
and laboured until the time of John's banishment. If so, he was
the angel to whom the epistles to the church at Ephesus was
directed. Then we conclude that the seven stars held in the hand
of the Lord, supported and strengthened by him, shining with his
light, are the seven preachers of the churches of Asia.
(Johnson TPNT 418-419)
The second and third chapters differ from all the rest of
Revelation in that they are letters dictated by the Lord to the
Seven Churches which have been chosen to represent the entire
church of God. The description of their varied conditions and
the commendations, rebukes, promises and warnings given them,
are a fitting introduction to a book which is designed to reveal
the various phases of the church in history, its fortunes, its
lapses, its tribulations, persecutions and final triumph. While
these Seven Epistles differ in details, they will be found to
have the same general plan and to have the following features in
(1) An order to write to the angel of the church.
(2) A glorious title of Christ taken from the imagery or
language of the visions of chapter 1.
(3) A description of the condition of the church, whether good
or bad, admonitions and exhortations.
(4) A promise to those who persevere and triumph.
(5) A closing injunction to "hear what the Spirit saith to the
Four epistles are contained in chap. 2, and three in chap. 3.
A close examination will show that there is a distinction. In
the last four epistles the closing promise is placed \\after\\
the injunction to "hear what the Spirit," etc.; in the first
three epistles the promise is \\before\\ the injunction. The
distinction makes two groups of epistles, one of three and the
other of four, just as the seven seals, the seven trumpets and
the seven bowls are divided into two groups each, of three and
The Church at Ephesus
# 2:1-7
The Church at Smyrna
# 2:8-11
The Church at Pergamos
# 2:12-17
The Church at Thyatira
# 2:18-29
The Church at Sardis
# 3:1-6
The Church at Philadelphia
# 3:7-13
(Johnson TPNT 419)
In view of the promises and threats of the Saviour to these
Seven Churches a concise view of their subsequent history would
be helpful. Two of the churches, Smyrna and Philadelphia, are
praised without the slightest censure. Three, Ephesus, Sardis,
and Laodicea, are severely blamed and threatened with
extinction. Two more, Pergamos and Thyatira, are both praised
and blamed, and admonished to repent.
The two first, Smyrna and Philadelphia, are now and have been
since the first century, the seats of churches and of a large
Christian population. Of Philadelphia the sceptical Gibbon says:
"Philadelphia alone has been saved by prophecy or by courage. At
a distance from the sea, forgotten by the emperors, encompassed
on all sides by the Turks, her valiant citizens defended their
religion and freedom alone for four score years, and then
capitulated with the proudest of the Ottomans. Among the Greek
colonies and churches of Asia, Philadelphia is still erect--a
column in a scene of ruins, a pleasing example that the paths of
honour and safety may sometimes be the same."--"Decline and Fall
of the Roman Empire," Chapter LXIV.
The three churches so severely censured and threatened,
Ephesus, Sardis and Laodicea, ceased to exist many centuries
since, and even the cities have long been uninhabited.
The two remaining churches, Pergamos and Thyatira, were never
entirely blotted out and a small Christian population is found
in both places to this time.
(Johnson TPNT 427-428)
Renan and some rationalistic critics of Germany have been
determined to see in Revelation a strong Judaizing spirit and a
bitter opposition to Paul and his work among the Gentiles. Their
interpretations illustrate how far astray a man may be led who
has a theory to sustain. They insist that the Nicolaitans, the
followers of Balaam, "that woman Jezebel," and those "who say
they are Jews and are not," are all adherents of Paul. These
interpretations are so improbable that they cannot be even
considered unless they have some historical basis. That is
wanting. Had John been the extreme Judaizer supposed he never
would have taken refuge among Gentile churches planted and
trained by Paul. Had he sought to revolutionize them traces of
his effort would have remained in the writings of the men who
had seen, heard and been taught by John. Of this extreme
aversion to Paul and his work, Polycarp, Papias and Irenaeus
knew nothing. It remained unknown to the whole world until
discovered by certain modern rationalistic critics. On the other
hand, there is not the slightest discord between the teaching of
Paul in his epistles and the Book of Revelation.
(Johnson TPNT 427)
It is generally agreed that with this chapter the third
section of Revelation begins. Chapters 4 and 5 are preparatory
visions. It is not until chapter 6 is reached that the future
begins to be uncovered. In these chapters there is revealed
through the open door of heaven the Almighty upon the throne in
glory surrounded by adoring creatures. The symbolism declares
that he holds in his hands the destinies of the world and
knowledge of the future. Then it is declared that to the Lion of
the tribe of Judah it has been given to open the book of destiny
and to reveal the future. To the Son, who appears in a symbolic
form, the book is given, amid the praises of Elders and living
It is noteworthy that the two greatest prophets of the OT,
those who had the clearest visions of the reign of
Christ, were permitted to behold a similar scene as a
preparation for their revelations. Ezekiel and Isaiah are each
allowed to behold the glory of God.
# Isa 6:1-4 Eze 1:25-28
As the OT prophets, when about to enter upon their work, were
inaugurated to the office of making known the future by a vision
of the Almighty, so John, the NT prophet, the last prophet of
the world, was permitted to have a similar vision. Though the
visions differ, the most striking symbols are beheld by all
three of the prophets.
(1) All see and describe the throne of God, with its sublime
# Eze 1:26-26 Isa 6:1,2 Re 4:2-6
(2) all speak of the One who sits on the throne, though they
make no attempt to describe his person;
# Eze 1:26 Isa 6:1 Re 4:2,3
(3) all record his glory;
# Eze 1:28 Isa 6:4 Re 4:3
(4) Ezekiel beholds living creatures around the throne, full of
eyes, with four wings and two hands;
# Eze 1:5-14
Isaiah sees the seraphim with six wings who cry, "Holy,
holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts."
# Isa 6:2,3
In John's vision the four beasts are about the throne, full
of eyes, with six wings who cry, "Holy, holy, holy, the Lord
God Almighty."
# Re 4:8
In the case of all the prophets the vision of God is
preparatory and indicates that he is about to impart the secrets
of his future, hitherto held in his own bosom.
(Johnson TPNT 428)
The meaning of the Twenty-four Elders and the Four Living
Creatures has been the subject of much discussion. It has been
held by many discreet commentators that the first symbolizes the
Redeemed Church, and the latter the Animated Creation, joined
around the throne in the praises of the Almighty. It is always
with hesitation and a degree of pain that I differ from those
whose opinions I have studied with profit, but I am compelled to
think that none of the explanations are entirely adequate. I
give below my reasons, and what I think the correct view:
THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES.--What is symbolized by these
forms? If the reader will turn to Ezekiel 1, he will find the
exiled prophet of the old dispensation saw by the river Chebar
of Babylon, the same beings that John described in this chapter.
While there are minor differences, the great features are the
same. Each prophet, John and Ezekiel, sees
(1) four living creatures;
# Eze 1:5 Re 4:6
(2) four faces, like those of a man, a lion, an ox or calf, and
a flying eagle;
# Eze 1:10 Re 4:7
(3) the living creatures of each prophet are full of eyes;
# Eze 1:18 Re 4:8
(4) in each case they are winged. There is one minor difference
in the wings: John sees six wings,
# Re 4:8
while Ezekiel mentions four wings and a pair of hands under
the wings, making six members.
# Eze 1:6,8
The seraphim of Isaiah had six wings.
# Isa 6:2
The similar appearance, and the fact that the same Greek term
is used to represent them, proves beyond doubt that the "four
living beings" of John are those of Ezekiel. If we therefore can
ascertain the significances of the symbols beheld by the OT
prophets, we will be able to ascertain what the same symbols
mean in Revelation.
We are not left in doubt about the identity of the beings
described by them. In the tenth chapter of Ezekiel describes
certain beings that he beheld the second time; and he says: "And
the likeness of their faces [was] the same faces which I saw by
the river Chebar, their appearances and themselves."
# Eze 10:22
He also says that these are the "living being I saw by the river
# Eze 10:15
Again, he affirms the same thing, and says: "I knew that they
[were] the cherubim."
# Eze 10:20
Isaiah, on the other hand, declares that the figures he saw were
# Isa 6:2
Here, then, is solid ground. The four living creatures of
John are not the four elements, four quarters of the earth, four
continents, or four evangelists, but are cherubim or seraphim.
The forms seen by these prophets are probably symbolical of
their nature and work. The information given in the Scriptures
is scanty, but they are always represented as being very near
the throne of God. When man sinned, it was cherubim who guarded
the way to the tree of life.
# Ge 3:24
In the tabernacle cherubim hovered over the mercy seat and were
figured upon the curtains.
# Ex 25:20 Heb 9:5 Ex 36:8
The Almighty is addressed elsewhere as the One who dwells
between the cherubim.
# 1Sa 4:4 2Sa 6:2 2Ki 19:15 1Ch 13:6 Ps 80:1 99:1 Isa 37:16
The brightness of the glory of the Lord is represented as
attending them in Ezekiel;
# Eze 1:28
and in the vision of John they are "in the midst of and around
the throne." In the fifth chapter the Lamb stands "in the midst
of the throne and of the four living beings."
# Re 5:6
In some way the cherubim are immediately about the throne of
# Eze 1:26 Re 4:6
The forms seen by Isaiah, Ezekiel and John have a symbolical
significance. These angelic intelligences represent the courage
of the lion, the patient strength of the ox, the intellect of
the man, and the swiftness of the eagle. They are full of eyes,
or see all things; their wings are always in motion, or they are
distinguished by tireless activity, and the continually cry,
"Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty"; or, without ceasing they
minister to the glory of God. Thus much can be said concerning
the "four living beings," or "cherubim," without indulging in
speculation. Cherubim are present at the fall of man; cherubim
also celebrate his redemption and the triumph of the reign of
Christ. Whether they also symbolize four forms of earthly
creation is a matter left to conjecture.
(Johnson TPNT 429-430)
The meaning of the Twenty-four Elders and the Four Living
Creatures has been the subject of much discussion. It has been
held by many discreet commentators that the first symbolizes the
Redeemed Church, and the latter the Animated Creation, joined
around the throne in the praises of the Almighty. It is always
with hesitation and a degree of pain that I differ from those
whose opinions I have studied with profit, but I am compelled to
think that none of the explanations are entirely adequate. I
give below my reasons, and what I think the correct view:
THE FOUR AND TWENTY ELDERS.--What has been said will aid us
to determine the meaning of these heavenly elders. It has been
usually held that they were men, representative of the redeemed.
The number has been troublesome, but they have been supposed to
represent the twelve apostles and twelve patriarchs. I think
that a careful examination of all the passages in which they
occur will show that they are of kindred character to the
cherubim ("the four living beings") and to the angels.
(1) They are about the throne.
# Re 4:4,6
(2) When the cherubim give glory to God, they also worship.
# Re 4:10,9
(3) Together they sing the new song.*
# Re 5:8,9
(4) When the angels honour the Lamb, these unite in saying, Amen
# Re 5:14
(5) When the innumerable multitude of redeemed, clothed in white
robes, praise God for salvation, the angels and elders, and
four beasts are not with these redeemed ones, but about the
throne, and join together in a separate ascription of praise
from that offered by men.
# Re 7:9-12
(6) One of the elders informs John concerning those arrayed in
white robes, and it is evident that he does not belong to
their number.
# Re 7:13
(7) When the final triumph comes, and the seventh trumpet angel
proclaims that "the kingdoms of this world are become [the
kingdoms] of our Lord, and of His Christ," the four and
twenty elders who were sitting on their seats before the
throne fell upon their faces and gave thanks to God.
# Re 11:15-17
(8) The Lamb has one hundred and forty and four thousand saints
about him, who sing "a new song before the throne, and
before the four beasts, and the elders."
# Re 14:3
From all these passages, it will be seen that the elders are
grouped, not with the martyrs, or redeemed, or the one hundred
and forty and four thousand; not with saved men, but with the
angels and the cherubim about the throne of God. This
distinction marks their character. They belong to the heavenly
intelligences; to the same class as the cherubim and angels.
They are princes of heaven. They are twenty-four in number. This
number is probably associated with the twenty-four courses of
priests engaged in the service of the temple,
# 1Ch 24:3-19
the institutions of which were "patterns of things in the
# Heb 9:23
They are of the retinue that surround the throne and serve in
the presence of God, and they constantly join in the adoration
of the angelic hosts, and are incessantly employed in carrying
out God's plans for the salvation of the world.
* See the New Song in the ASV: ". . . for thou was slain, and
didst purchase unto God with thy blood [men] of every tribe, and
tongue, and people, and nation." The New Song praises the Lamb
for redeeming men and making them a kingdom and priests, but the
Four Living Creatures and the Twenty-four Elders neither here
nor elsewhere offer praises for their own redemption. They do
not belong to the redeemed.
(Johnson TPNT 430)
The action of chapter five is wonderfully dramatic. The Being
upon the throne with the sealed book in his right hand; the
proclamation of the strong angel calling for some one who was
worthy to open the book; the declaration that no created being
of the universe could open it; the apostle weeping, in his
anxiety to know concerning the future, and from disappointment
that no one could open the book; the assurance of the elder that
the Lion of the tribe of Judah had prevailed to open it; the
appearance of the slain Lamb who prevails as the Lion, and his
taking the book out of the right hand of God, are all calculated
to fix the attention with breathless interest, and to strike the
imagination with startling power.
And the picture grows still grander as the heavenly tenants
sing their doxologies in praise of the victory of the Lamb.
First, the four living creatures and the elders sing a new song;
then a countless number of angels, about the throne, the living
creatures and the elders join in the chorus. These praises ring
through the heavens, and the reverberations reach from heaven to
earth, and every creature "in heaven, and on the earth, and
under the earth, and such as are in the sea" join in the
ascription of praise to the Lamb.
# Re 5:13
To these praises the cherubim respond, Amen! and the elders fall
down and worship Him that liveth forever and ever.
(Johnson TPNT 433)
The wonderful scene in heaven when the Sealed Book is given
to the Lamb, pictured in the last chapter, shows the
transcendent importance of the Sealed Book itself, of the act of
placing it in the hands of the Lamb of God, and of the events
which be unfolded as its pages are opened. These seals are
opened in succession and with the opening of each seal John sees
and records an impressive vision. No system of interpretation
which does not make these represent events which follow each
other in time is reasonable. The vision following the opening of
the first seal must portray a period of events nearest to the
times of John, while the seventh seal must relate to the
remotest events, and when the last symbol that it contains is
reached we must have been carried to the end of time and to the
consummation of the history of the church and of the fate of the
world. As each seal is opened, a symbol is seen which is
designed to outline the character of a new epoch.
(Johnson TPNT 433)
In ascertaining the meaning of a series of prophetic symbols,
portraying events which follow successively, it is of great
importance to interpret the first aright. A wrong start will
lead astray along the whole line of interpretation. Before
giving my own views I will indicate briefly those of leading
commentaries concerning the significance of the White Horse and
His Rider.
"A symbol of Christ's victorious power."--Godet.
"A symbol of the conquering Gospel."--Alford. "The Ride is
Christ."--Archdeacon Lee in "Speaker's Commentary."
"It is our Lord riding prosperously."-- Dr. Wm. Milligan of
"Christ is going forth to judgment."--Hengstenberg.
"The Rider is Christ."--Lange.
"The Roman Empire. The Persian Empire was symbolized by a
ram, the Macedonian Empire by a goat, and here the Roman Empire
by a white horse and his rider."--Elliott.
# Da 8:3,5
"The prosperous period of the Roman Empire extending from the
Emperor Nerva to the end of the Antonines."--Barnes.
The preponderance of interpretation is in favour of the view
that the symbol signifies the conquests of Christ, either in
person or through the gospel. It is with some hesitation that I
dissent from the view that spiritual conflicts and victories are
(1) Four horses in succession follow. The latter three cannot
refer to spiritual changes. If the first horseman represents a
spiritual power the others cannot represent carnal powers. If
they refer to events in the secular world, the meaning of the
first must also be sought there.
(2) It has been urged that the Rider upon the white horse in
chap. 19 is the same as that of the first seal. There is nothing
common but the white horse. The Rider of chap. 19 is clothed,
armed and crowned differently. He wears garments sprinkled with
blood, has upon his head many diadems (kingly crowns) and out of
his mouth proceeds the sword of the Word of God. This warrior
holds a bow and wears a garland instead of a diadem.
(3) Christ appears often in Revelation, and there is always
something symbolical about the manner in which he is
represented. In the fifth chapter, he appears under the symbol
of a Lamb; and again, in chap. 14, it is the Lamb who stands in
Mt. Zion. In the fourteenth verse of the same chapter one "like
the Son of Man" is seen upon a white cloud, with a sharp sickle
in his hand, to indicate that the harvest time has come, when
the earth shall be reaped. In chap. 1, the Son of Man is seen,
radiant as the sun, with a two-edged sword proceeding out of his
mouth. In chap. 19 one sat upon a white horse, who was called
Faithful and True, wearing upon his head many crowns, clothed in
a vesture sprinkled with blood, and out of his mouth proceeded a
sharp sword, emblematic of the sword of the Spirit, which is the
word of God. The sword is constantly used as a symbol of the
Word, which is Christ's instrumentality for reducing the world
to his sway. The conquering Saviour is constantly pictured forth
with the sword proceeding out of his mouth, but never appears
with a bow.
For these reasons I accept, in part at least, the view of
Elliot and Barnes, and believe that a series of events affecting
the fortunes of the church but immediately connected with the
vast empire which embraced the whole church within its
boundaries is signified. The first four seals, all kindred in
their imagery, can only be satisfactorily explained by referring
them to events in the history of that empire. The "Decline and
Fall of the Roman Empire," by the sceptical Gibbon, is the best
commentary on the seals. Nor do I think that the Horsemen are to
be sought in individuals, but are representative of great
The First Seal must refer to the period of prosperity and
triumphant war closely following John's exile to Patmos. As it
has an earthly signification, it is probable that we must look
for an epoch in the history of the Roman Empire, beginning near
the opening of the second century. An age which meets every
characteristic wonderfully is the age of prosperity and conquest
beginning with the reign of Nerva, embracing that of Trajan,
Adrian, and the two Antonines. This glorious period has been
called THE AGE OF THE ANTONINES. John was an exile on Patmos in
the last year of the reign of Domitian, A.D. 96. In that year
the tyrant was slain. The human Nerva succeeded him upon the
Roman throne. With his reign begins a new epoch, at once the
most brilliant and the most prosperous in Roman history. He was
the founder of a new family of Caesars. He adopted as his son
and successor, the war-like Trajan. His incessant wars were
uniformly triumphant, and during his reign the Roman Empire
reached its greatest dimensions. Vast as were the limits of the
empire under Julius and Augustus Caesar, the empire ruled by
Trajan was much more vast. In order to show that it was an age
of conquest I quote Gibbon, vol. 1, p. 7.
"The degenerate Parthians, broken by intestine discord, fled
before his arms. He descended the river Tigris in triumph,
from the mountains of Armenia to the Persian Gulf. He
enjoyed the honour of being the first, as he was the last, of
the Roman generals who ever navigated that remote sea. His
fleets ravaged the coasts of Arabia; and Trajan vainly
flattered himself that he was approaching the confines of
India. Every day the astonished senate received the
intelligence of new names and new nations that acknowledged
his sway. They were informed that the kings of Bosphorus,
Colchos, Iberia, Albania, Osrhoene, and even the Parthian
monarch himself had accepted their diadems from the hands of
the Emperor," etc.
This age of conquest, when the Empire reached its greatest
limits both in Asia and Europe, was also an age of prosperity.
Gibbon (Vol. I, p. 95) declares that
"If a man was called upon to fix the period in history of
the world, during which the condition of the human race was
most prosperous and happy, he would without hesitation name
that which elapsed from the death of Domitian to the
accession of Commodus."
We have found that the symbols are strikingly fulfilled in
the epoch of Roman history, known as the age of Trajan, or of
the Antonines, beginning with the reign of Nerva.
(1) It began immediately after John wrote.
(2) It was a period of prosperity.
(3) It was the period of the mightiest extent of Roman power.
(4) It furnished one of the mightiest conquerors of the Roman
(5) He was entitled to wear the garland of victory.
(6) This fulfilment is within the scope of prophecy, which
embraces the Roman Empire.
(7) I might add also that the bow itself may have a special
significance. Before this age the emperors were all of Roman
stock, and until the death of Nero were of the line of
Julius Caesar. Nerva, the founder of a new line of six
Caesars, was of Greek descent, and is said to have been of
Cretan stock. The Cretans were a race of bowmen, the most
famous of the ancient world. Some have seen this pointed out
in the bow.
(Johnson TPNT 434-435)
The next period is marked in the history of man by the most
prolonged and sanguinary civil commotion that history records.
"Peace was taken from the earth" for ninety-two years. During
this long period of nearly a century, the Roman Empire, that
portion of the "earth" which was the seat of civilization and of
the Christian religion, was constantly torn by bloody contests
between rival competitors for power. The history of this epoch
is epitomized by Sismondi in the following language:
"With Commodus commenced the third and most calamitous
period. It lasted ninety-two years, from 192 to 284. During
that period thirty-two emperors, and twenty-seven pretenders
alternately hurled each other from the throne by incessant
civil warfare. Ninety-two years of almost incessant civil
warfare taught the world on what a frail foundation the
virtue of the Antonines had placed the felicity of the
--Sismondi's "Fall of the Roman Empire," Vol. I, p. 36
A full history of this dark and unhappy period is also given
in the first volume of Gibbon. During the 92 years there were 34
emperors, besides nineteen pretenders, known as tyrants. Of
these all but two died violent deaths. What could more
strikingly represent such a period of civil contention, of
incessant warfare, of fratricidal bloodshed, then the red horse
and its rider, to whom was given a great sword, and the power
to take away peace, that men should kill one another?
# Re 6:4
I suppose that no such prolonged and terrible period of civil
warfare can be pointed out in the history of the world, and
there is certainly a wonderful correspondence between the vision
and the events of history.
(Johnson TPNT 435-436)
The first and second seals mark distinct epochs, clearly
separated from each other. We can determine the exact number of
years that belongs to each period. It is not possible to
separate, with the same distinctness, the events indicated by
the third and fourth seals. The prophecies are fulfilled with
startling accuracy, and the occurrences symbolized by each seal
follow each other in the same order as the seals, but the events
overlap, and are related to each other as effects to cause.
During the terrible period of civil commotion, indicated by the
red horse, the era of blood and anarchy produces the events
symbolized by the black horse, and as the combined result of the
two preceding seals there follow the events indicated by the
pale horse. There is a period of extreme taxation, enormous
prices, great scarcity, want and famine, due to the destruction
of armies and untilled fields during a period of civil war of
ninety-two years. There is first the civil war as the cause, and
the second the scarcity and famine as an effect. I will verify
this by historical quotations under the next seal, which also
relates to this calamitous period.
(Johnson TPNT 437)
Let the reader turn to the tenth chapter of the first volume
of Gibbon's Rome. It details a condition of things which existed
in the reign of Gallienus, when the 92 years of civil war were
drawing towards a close about A.D. 268. During that reign
nineteen pretenders to the throne aroused rebellions which were
quenched in blood. The chapter closes with a passage which I ask
the reader to compare carefully not only with
# Re 6:7,8
but also with
# Re 6:6,7
"But a long and general famine was a calamity of a more
serious kind. It was the inevitable consequence of rapine
and oppression, which extirpated the produce of the present
and future harvests. Famine is almost always followed by
epidemical diseases, the effect of scanty and unwholesome
food. Other causes must, however, have contributed to the
furious plague, which, from the years 250 to the year 256,
raged without interruption in every province, every city,
and almost every family of the Roman Empire. During some
time five thousand persons died daily in Rome; and many
towns that had escaped the hands of the Barbarians, were
entirely depopulated. Applying this authentic fact to the
most correct tables or mortality, it evidently proves, that
above half the people of Alexandria had perished; and could
we venture to extend the analogy of the other provinces, we
might suspect that war, pestilence, and famine had consumed,
in a few years, the motley of the human species."
Note the correspondence, John in round numbers states that
one-fourth of the people of the Roman Empire would perish;
Gibbon furnishes data for suggesting that one-half perished.
John assigns four causes for this awful mortality: the sword,
hunger, pestilence and wild beasts. Of these four Gibbon names
in the last sentence of the above quotation three, and writers
of the period itself speak of the fourth, the scourge of
ravenous wild beasts which had multiplied owing to the
depopulation of great provinces.
The first four seals, the Seals of the Horses, are
associated. The first I have pronounced the seal of the
Triumphant prosperity, the age of Trajan and the Antonines.
# Re 6:1,2
The red horse is the seal of civil war, fulfilled in the awful
convulsions that began around A.D. 186, and agitated the whole
civilized world.
# Re 6:4
The third seal, the black horse and balance, is the seal of
# Re 6:5
While the next, the pale horse, is the seal of death.
# Re 6:8
(Johnson TPNT 437-438)
The 92 years of civil turmoil began AD 192 with the death of
Commodus. They ended in AD 284. In that year Diocletian ascended
the Roman throne, and his reign was distinguished by the most
terrible, most prolonged, and most general persecution known in
the history of the ancient Church. The Church had often been
persecuted before, but no persecution had ever been so
universal, so long continued, and so terrible. The Emperor was
not by nature a persecutor, but the great men of the empire,
especially Galerius, whom he had associated in the duty of
government, were alarmed at the astonishing progress of the new
religion, and demanded its extirpation. At last Diocletian
yielded, and became the leader in the effort to root out the
religion of Christ from the very face of the earth.
Early in AD 303 secret councils were held in Nicodemia,
concerning the destruction of Christianity. "Perhaps," says
Gibbon, "it was represented to Diocletian, that the glorious
work of deliverance of the empire was left imperfect so long as
an independent people (the Christians) were permitted to subsist
and multiply in it." On the twenty-third of February, the first
blow was struck. An armed force was sent to destroy the great
church of Nicodemia, and to burn the sacred books, so carefully
preserved in that day when the printing press was unknown. This
was the signal for beginning a persecution which was, by the
consent of all historians, the longest, the most general, and
the fiercest ever waged against the Church. It is a remarkable
fact that a chronological era, dating from the time when
Diocletian began to reign instituted not for religious, but
astronomical purposes, and used until the Christian era was
introduced in the sixth century, has received its name from the
persecution, and has been called the era of the martyrs.
With regard to this period I make a quotation from Gibbon,
Vol. II, p. 69:
"The resentment, or the fears of Diocletian, at length
transported him beyond the bounds of moderation, which he
had hitherto preserved, and he declared, in a series of
cruel edicts, his intention of abolishing the Christian
name. By the first of these edicts, the governors of the
provinces were directed to apprehend all persons of the
ecclesiastical order; and the prisons, destined for the
vilest criminals, were soon filled with a multitude of
bishops, presbyters, deacons, readers and exorcists. By a
second edict, the magistrates were commanded to employ every
method of severity, which might reclaim them from their
odious superstition, and oblige them to return to the
established worship of gods. This rigorous order was
extended, by a subsequent edict, to the whole body of
Christians, who were exposed to a violent and general
This terrible persecution, conducted with such vindictive fury
that sometimes church buildings were surrounded by soldiers, the
doors locked and the congregations burned in them, continued for
over ten years.
In the answer to the martyrs there are three things that are
# Re 6:11
First, it is said that they must await the great judgment, which
would not be until another distinct set of martyrs was slain.
These are evidently the martyrs slain, not by pagan Rome, but by
anti-Christ. Second, they must wait "a little season." This
season is to be measured by God's standard, and not by ours.
Third, there were given unto them white robes. White robes are
a symbol of justification and of triumph. "The white robes are
given to him that overcometh." These souls are not in the inner
sanctuary, the type of heaven, but under the altar of the outer
court, the type of the world. The white robes, therefore, imply
their triumph and justification upon the earth. This came within
twenty-five years of their suffering, through the formal
acceptance of Christianity by the Roman Empire.
(Johnson TPNT 438-439)
Many have explained this startling symbolism to describe the
closing scenes of the world and the personal coming of Christ to
judgment. This cannot be the meaning, for the series of visions
continues on until the seventh seal is opened, and all it
contains is exhausted. Others have supposed that the rush of the
northern race which overthrew the Roman Empire is meant. I
believe that it refers to great events which have long since
taken place. The various phenomena in earth and sky, the
earthquake, the falling stars, the heavens rolled away, the
mountains and islands moved out of their places, all foreshadow
a violent, bloody, remarkable upheaval of systems, rulers,
governments, kingdoms, and the establishment of a new order upon
the earth. It is on earth, it is in history that we are to look
for the fulfilment of the prophecy. And since the "earth" that
is present to the mind of John is the civilized world known to
the ancients, the Roman Empire, it is within its boundaries that
we must look for the fulfilment. There can be no doubt that
this is the seal of revolution.
(Johnson TPNT 440)
Several circumstances help us to fix the meaning.
(1) The time. It follows immediately after the great
persecution indicated by the fifth seal, which closed in AD 311.
These events occur, then, near that time.
(2) It is a time of blood and mourning. Who are the mourners?
Kings, great men, rich men, bondmen and freemen. Are these
Christians? They are enemies of the Lamb, who fear his wrath and
mourn over his power. The mourners are the opposers of the
# Re 6:16
(3) The seal is followed by a period of great joy and
prosperity on the part of the Church. (see chap. 7). An
innumerable multitude are sealed with the seal of the Lamb, of
which the next chapter gives record.
Have we, near AD 311, the time when the great persecution
closed, a period of mighty revolution, that filled the
unbelieving world with mourning, and which was followed by a
time of triumph, and which was followed by a time of triumph,
prosperity and glory to the Church of Christ? In the year 312,
leaving Britain, marching through Gaul, Constantine launched his
armies upon Italy. The Church watched his progress with singular
interest; for although he had, as yet, made no profession of
Christianity, his mother, Helena, was a Christian, and it was
felt that he was favourable to his mother's faith. The Italian
emperor opposed to him, Maxentus, was defeated and in the last
was slain, and Constantine became the ruler of Rome. In the East
another emperor, Licinius, a Pagan and a persecutor, still held
the reins of power. Wars, truces and battles followed, until in
AD 324 he was crushed and put to death. In this period of
conflict, lasting about sixteen years, six emperors in all
strove for the pre-eminence, of whom Constantine remained the
sole survivor.
But these are not the most remarkable changes of this period.
Let us note these:
(1) The votaries of the old Paganism had rallied around the
enemies of Constantine, because he was felt to be its
unrelenting foe, who would compass its destruction. When he was
seated in triumph upon the ruins of six imperial thrones, there
was great mourning from the enemies of the Cross. They felt that
theirs was a doomed religion. They were right.
(2) In the year 319, before his final triumph, he had decreed
that his mother's religion should be tolerated as an
acknowledged faith of the empire.
(3) In 321 he decreed that Sunday, the sacred day of
Christianity, should be observed in all the cities by the
cessation of trade and labour.
(4) In 325 he abolished by decree the bloody combats of the
gladiators, where men killed each other to amuse the populace, a
Roman institution that had existed for a thousand years.
(5) He convoked, by imperial authority, a great council of
Christian bishops, the one known in history as the Council of
(6) In 331 he decreed that the Pagan religion should exist no
longer, and that all the heathen temples should be levelled, or
converted into churches.
(7) At the same time the old Roman laws were remodelled
according to the precepts of the Christian religion, and a Pagan
empire was transformed into an empire of the Christian faith,
under new institutions. Surely the old heavens were moved away
as a scroll is gathered together.
But this is not all. I name another wonderful change of this
age of revolution. In 324 he determined to shake the Roman world
to its very centre, and to deprive the imperial city of the
crown worn for eleven centuries, by removing the capital from
Italy to a new city upon the banks of the Hellespont, that
should henceforth be called Constantinople, from his own name.
The mighty mountain of the West is moved from its place.
Not only do these revolutions, the greatest in the history of
the world, fulfil the imagery, but the mournings of the heathen
in that age almost adopted the language of Revelation in
describing this period. The ruin of the Pagan religion is
described by the Sophists, says Gibbon, "as a dreadful and
amazing prodigy, which covered the earth with darkness, and
restored the ancient dominion of chaos and night."
Those who insist that the opening of the sixth seal portrays
the end of the world should bear in mind, not only the chain of
events continues on through the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th
chapters, and that it is only when the Seventh Angel sounds his
trumpet that the proclamation is made that "the kingdoms of this
world are become [the kingdoms] of our Lord, and of his Christ,"
# Re 11:15
but they should keep in mind also that the scenes beheld by John
are not literal pictures of the events, but symbolic visions.
The interpreter should ask himself not, What would be the
literal fulfilment of the visions? but, What do the symbols
signify? The earthquake, the blackened sun, the falling stars,
the moving mountains and islands of the sixth seal are not to be
regarded as literal any more than the pale horse in the fourth
(Johnson TPNT 440-441)
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