Online Bible 1995 March
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\\Thèmes ne figurant pas dans le Manuel\\
Notes sur la version AV (Authorised Version) 9951
Variations de la version AV (Authorised Version) 9952
Les livres à posséder dans votre bibliothèque 9902
BBS (Bulletin Board Support) 9909
Historique de la Bible Online 9908
Usage commercial de la Bible Online 9906
Préparation des "Englishman's Strong's Numbers" 9903
Procédure de distribution du logiciel 9904
Dictionnaire Segond pour Word 5.5 *F* 9907
Utilisation Rationnelle de MS-DOS 5.0 *F* 9905
Basic Christian Resource Material
We recommend that all Bible students have at least the following
books in their library besides their Bible.
The 1992 Greek lexicon is keyed to this work. If you can not
afford the ten volume Kittel, this one volume "Little Kittel" is
an excellent substitute. This contains many word studies.
1992 Hebrew lexicon is keyed to this work. This extensive,
scholarly work includes discussions of every Hebrew word of
theological significance in the Old Testament. It contains over
1,400 articles written by 43 Old Testament scholars.
Christian Book Distributors offer this special price if you order
both of these books at the same time.
4. NEW MATTHEW HENRY COMMENTARY (CBD #75516 $39.95) This classic has
just been redone in easier to read print.
5) HOW THEN SHOULD WE LIVE? by Francis A. Schaefer, Published by
Crossway Books, Westchester, Ill., 1983. In school you were
taught what happened in history. Schaefer tells us why! He traces
the rise and decline of western thought and culture and the
breakdown of the Christian ethos. One of the few books written in
this century that is worth rereading.
These books are available from either of these two stores.
Christian Book Distributors Good Book Services
P.O. Box 6000 Priority Works
Peabody, MA Gurdry Lane, Bridport
01961-6000 Dorset, DT6 3RJ
United Kingdom
Tel: (508) 977-5000 Tel: 0308 421515
Fax: (508) 531-8146
Dr. C. D. Cole wrote a three volume set called, "Definition of Doctrines".
He is a master at explaining the doctrines in a manner the layman can readily
understand. This set is available from:
Byrant Station Baptist Church,
3175 Briar Hill Road,
Lexington, Kentucky,
The price for the set was in 1992 was $8.40 plus shipping. The booklet on
"Election" costs about a dollar.
Prices shown are for the summer of 1992. Please verify the prices
and shipping charges before ordering.
Englishman's Strong's Numbers Revised for Version 6
In version 6, we completely reworked the Strong's numbers. The
number set you now have is a super-set of the Englishman's Greek
and Hebrew concordance and is the most accurate set of Strong's
numbers in existence. These numbers are so accurate we use the
term "Englishman's Strong's Numbers" to describe them. This
allows you to distinguish between ours and other sets of
Strong's numbers. The average set now used by most Bible
programs contains about 35000 errors or omissions. We are the
only organisation that will pay you $10 for each error you find
in our numbers. Read on for the details.
General Observations and Problems
We used the Englishmen's Greek and Hebrew Concordance (keyed to
Strong's) published by Baker Book House. We found no errors in the
Greek Concordance. The main Hebrew Concordance was also free from
error. We found a handful of errors in the name concordance at the
end of the Hebrew concordance. These were obvious and were
corrected. Strong's system worked perfectly for the NT. The OT had
some problems that are inherent in the Hebrew itself.
a) Lack of capitalisation. This causes ambiguity in assigning
numbers. For example:
0520, 0521 are both the same Hebrew word, Adam or Man. The
number you assign in some cases in arbitrary. We followed
the Strong's concordance in this case. In Ho. 6:7 the word
is translated "men" but the marginal reading in the AV is
"Adam". Both are correct.
b) Hebrew synonyms. These are words that are assigned different
Strong's numbers but are written exactly the same in the Hebrew.
The English equivalent for the Hebrew words given in Strong's
lexicon in his concordance, was used to sort these out.
Proper Place names
Beth-el 01004, 0430 This is composed of two Hebrew words ,
"house", and "God". Sometimes it is translated as
Beth-el and other times as "house of God". The context
would determine it. The NASB translates this as Beth-el
in Jud. 20:18, 26, 31, 21:1. Gill disagrees with this
and gives excellent reasons for it. To be safe, we
double listed this using the number 8677 as follows
"house <01004> of God <0430> <08677> <01008>" This way
no matter how you search you should find both.
"Waters of Strife" in Ps. 106:32 Eze. 47:19,48:28 was
treated in a similar manner as Beth-el.
b) Hebrew synonyms. Sometimes two different Hebrew words are spelled
exactly the same way. We followed the English renderings for each
number as given in the back of the Strong's concordance to sort
these out. Fortunately, very few numbers have this problem.
Example 7122, 7125, we assigned 7125 to the Qal Infinitive and
7122 to all the other forms.
This is a list of problem numbers.
c) The verb parsings for the OT come from the Hebrew concordance.
These differ at times from what the BDB lexicon uses especially
on the rarer forms. Since we found no errors in Wigram's work and
errors in BDB we followed Wigram's material.
In some of the more difficult cases, we used Gill's Expositor to
sort out the Hebrew. (9 Volumes 1760) What John Gill forgot about
Greek and Hebrew is more than anyone today will ever know about
these subjects.
Strong's Number Correction Procedure
The following procedure was used to correct the Strong's numbers.
1) The contents of the New Englishman's Hebrew Concordance was
entered using topics 20001 to 28674. Each unique Strong's
number was entered as a topic in verse note format. The verb
parsings were entered as comments in the topic.
e.g. Strong's Number 7 was stored in topic 20007 as
* perish
* p'al future
# Jer 10:11
* aphel infinitive
# Da 2:12,24 7:26
* aphel future
# Da 2:18,24
* hophal preterite
# Da 7:11
2) A computer generated list of Strong's numbers was created for
each verse in the Bible. This was compared against the text and
all differences printed for correction.
3) All kithiv, qere, and multiple entries for a number were noted
using numbers 8675 through 8679. See the lexicon definitions for
these numbers.
4) Verb parsings were summarised and assigned numbers 8680 through
8809. These numbers were then added to all 71000 verbs in the Old
5) If a proper name was composed of several Hebrew words, generally,
we listed only the Strong's number for the proper name. e.g.
Beth-el. The number for "Beth" and 'el" would not be listed,
but the number for Beth-el would.
6) The main Hebrew concordance was very well done; we found no other
errors. The name concordance was not done as well and the numbers
were sometimes incorrectly assigned.
The following are possible sources of errors:
a) If the concordance listed a Hebrew word more than once but used
only one line in the concordance. In typing in the text, the
entry should have been made more than once but may not have been.
Our proof reading of the English text should have caught most of
b) If the same verb occurs more than once in a verse, the verb
parsings may be crossed. This was triple checked so is not
c) The Hebrew concordance lists several numbers for a grouping. We
may have misassigned the numbers.
The New Testament was done in a similar fashion.
1) The contents of the New Englishman's Greek Concordance was
entered using topics 10001 to 15624. Each unique Strong's number
was entered as a topic in verse note format.
2) A computer generated list of Strong's numbers was created for
each verse in the New Testament. This was compared against the
text and all differences printed for correction.
3) Some multiple entries were noted using the suffix number 5625.
4) Sometimes Strong listed a Greek phrase as one number, e.g. 3363,
3364. The Englishman's Concordance often listed these under
these numbers and the individual Greek words as well. We chose
to list the number used to represent a phrase.
5) J.B. Smith's Concordance frequency counts were checked for
each number. All numbers agreed except
846 - short by 205
848 - short by 12 (Smith missed at least one, Mr. 9:16)
1437 - short by 53
1519 - short by 3
1722 - over by 16
2443 - short by 41
3739 - short by 85
3756 - over by 82
In checking the Greek, we found errors in Smith's work so did not
continue to check these eight categories. We have yet to see a word
study on these words so this should cause no problems for the user.
Since we added the Strong's numbers for the epilogues to the Pauline
Epistles, we adjusted the Concordance counts accordingly. We found
about a dozen categories in J.B. Smith's work that were inaccurate,
usually short by one. We corrected these in our lexicon.
6) In the New Testament the following numbers are omitted.
1418 - used only as a prefix and not indexed by Strong
2717 - omitted by Strong
3203 to 3302 - omitted by Strong
4452 - used only as a part of a word and not indexed by
7) The verb parsings were done as follows:
a) A complete list of all the unique words in the Greek text
was compiled.
b) Using the "New Analytical Greek Lexicon" by Perschbacher, each
word was parsed and assigned a Strong's number. An errata was
sent to Dr. Perschbacher for correction when the lexicon is
c) About 6 spelling errors in the Online Bible Greek texts were
d) The verbs in the Stephanus Greek text were parsed using this
list. The Strong's number set was used to eliminate duplicate
e) The resulting set was moved into the English text
electronically. If a parsing could not be assigned accurately,
it was placed in the verse in the same order it occurred in the
Greek NT.
f) All 1900 ambiguous parsings were checked using Green's
Interlinear to verify the parsings occurred in the same order
in English as they did in the Greek. The following is a
list of difficult parsings found in the NT.
Mt 11:21 1096
Mt 11:23 1096
Mt 23:13 1525
Joh 13:15 4160
Joh 17:2 1325
Ac 7:35 1492
Ac 13:39 1344
1Th 3:5 3985
1Jo 2:6 4043
Re 18:6 2767
g) A list of about 1700 multiple parsings for a verb was
compiled, and the extraneous entries removed by examining the
context in the Greek. The parsings for some verbs differ from
Timothy Friberg's "Analytical Greek New Testament" in some
places. Friberg based his work on the Nestle's Greek Text not
the Scrivener text. We followed the old Davidson Analytical
Lexicon in most cases and only occasionally referred to
Friberg's work to get a second opinion. Some pasings were
clearly ambiguous and in such cases both parsings were
retained. The Greek makes perfect sense no matter which
parsing you choose.
The following are possible sources of errors:
a) If the concordance listed a Greek word more than once but
used only one line in the concordance. In typing in the
text, the entry should have been made more than once but may
not have been. Our cross check with the J.B. Smith's frequency
counts should have all these types of errors.
b) If the same verb occurs more than once in a verse, the verb
parsings may be crossed.
To correct the Old and New Testament represents several man-years of
work and a great expense on our part. Statistically, we estimate
there are about 50 errors left in the Old Testament out of 229,000
numbers and 71,000 verb parsings. We have accepted the Hebrew
concordance as accurate, however, we corrected some errors in its
Strong's numbers. Also note that Wigram used a different method to
parse verbs than the Brown Driver Briggs Lexicon. We followed
Wigram's. If Hebrew scholars cannot decide how to do it, what hope
is there for the rest of us? Please report any errors to us. The
first person to report an error will receive $10 for each incorrect
number. If two categories are reversed, we will pay a maximum of
$25. In addition, when we correct the numbers, you will be sent the
corrected text module free on Oct 1, 1994.
For the Greek 121,000 numbers and 28,000 verb parsings we expect you
to find no errors or omissions except in the eight numbers so noted.
The same offer holds for the New Testament except for these eight
numbers, 846, 848, 1437, 1519, 1722, 2443, 3739, and 3756. All
errors must be received by October 1 1994 to qualify. The "Read-Me"
on the Mini-Menu latest install disk, will contain a list of the errors
found to date and the names of the persons who found them. This offer
does not apply to the NKJV text or to the exact placement of the numbers.
On the latter there are bound to be differences of opinion.
If I cannot verify the error report, the Hebrew and Greek professor,
Dr. M. Robinson, will help me. His decision is final. Unless
you know Greek and Hebrew, you are not likely to find any errors.
"Englishman's Strong's Numbers" are not in the public domain. All
commercial Bible programs that use Strong's numbers contain
thousands of errors. You do not have the right to use these numbers
for any commercial purpose without written permission from us.
Misappropriation of these numbers will be subject to "due process of
Larry Pierce
R.R. #2,
West Montrose, Ont.
N0B 2V0
for permission to use these numbers. All our material may be licensed
for commercial use.
See topic 9906
for details.
Software Distribution
To help you distribute the Online Bible we suggest you use
COPYQM. This copies disks quickly and accurately. This is the
next best thing to a disk copying machine. Note that COPYQM is
not freeware; Please write or call Sydex for ordering
information. Cost is about $20.
Sydex, P.O. Box 5700, Eugene, OR, 97405 or call (503) 683-6033
Disk Capacity
DOS computers come with various kinds of floppy disk drives -
5-1/4 and 3-1/2 inch size, 360K, 720K, 1.2M and 1.44M capacity,
and others. The installation procedure for the Online Bible is
independent of the capacity of the media, so any DOS disk
format can be used to distribute the Online Bible. For example,
to distribute the Online Bible on 3-1/2 inch 720K disks, copy
the 360K disks to 720K disks in the same order you normally
install them; since two 360K disks fit on one 720K disk, you
should end up with half as many 720K disks as 360K disks.
Using Different Disk Sizes
Create a new master copy on a different disk size by observing
the following rules:
1. All 3 1/2 master must be formatted with a DOS 3.2 boot sector.
Otherwise, many DOS systems will be unable to read them. Either
format these using DOS 3.2 FORMAT command or order a preformatted
master disks from Rev. Phil Lindner. ($3 will cover the costs)
See To-Order doc for his address. Alternately, use COPYQM 2.26
or later to create the proper format masters.
For 1.44 meg floppies on A drive:
copyqm a: p=c:\bible\master.144 ret=0
For 1.2 meg floppies on A drive:
copyqm a: p=c:\bible\master.120 ret=0
For 720k floppies on A drive:
copyqm a: p=c:\bible\master.720 ret=0
For 360k floppies on B drive:
copyqm b: p=c:\bible\master.360 ret=0
This assumes you have the Bible program installed in c:\bible.
Notwithstanding MicroSoft's disclaimers, all 3.5" disks must
have a 3.2 boot sector for maximum compatibility. Otherwise,
some versions of DOS will incorrectly report that the disks
are unreadable. This is a DOS bug.
2. Use write protect tabs on the 5 1/4 inch disks and the write
protect latch on the 3 1/2 inch disks. Do this for your
master copy and all copies you make.
3. Copy all files using option "B" on the "install" menu
program. This procedure allows you to either make a
duplicate set of your masters or create new masters on any
size of disk media. DO NOT alter the date and time-stamps or
the install procedure will fail.
4. Install your new master copy BEFORE you use it to make
copies for your friends.
5. Avoid using a high density 5 1/4" drive to copy low density
disks. This is NOT reliable. If you must, first format the
low density disks on a low density drive.
6. Try your new install disks before you distribute them.
Mapping Files onto Various Sized Disks
Filename 360K 720K 1440K Disk No.
-------- ---- ---- -----
Installation Disk
bible.901 1 1 1
choose.exe 1 1 1
go.bat 1 1 1
install.901 1 1 1
install.exe 1 1 1
read.me 1 1 1
sharewar.doc 1 1 1
tutorial.doc 1 1 1
view.com 1 1 1
Cross References Text Module
cxref.001 2 2 1
cxref.902 3 2 1
Combined Authorised Version & Darby Text Module
av-dby.001 4 3 2
av-dby.002 5 3 2
av-dby.003 6 4 2
av-dby.004 7 4 2
av-dby.005 8 5 3
av-dby.006 9 5 3
av-dby.007 10 6 3
av-dby.008 11 6 3
av-dby.009 12 7 4
av-dby.010 13 7 4
av-dby.911 14 8 4
Lexicon Text Module
lexicon.001 15 9 5
lexicon.002 16 9 5
lexicon.003 17 10 5
lexicon.904 18 10 5
Topics Disks
topic.001 19 11 6
topic.002 20 11 6
topic.003 21 12 6
topic.904 22 12 6
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Verse Notes (Optional)
tsk.001 23 13 7
tsk.002 24 13 7
tsk.003 25 14 7
tsk.004 26 14 7
tsk.005 27 15 8
tsk.006 28 15 8
tsk.007 29 16 8
tsk.908 30 16 8
Utilisation Rationnelle de MS-DOS 5.0 .9905.
Nota: Le texte ci-dessous est la traduction d'un texte très intéressant,
mais avec lequel le traducteur n'est pas toujours d'accord...
Les Editions CLÉ à Villeurbanne accepteront votre avis avec intérêt.
Nous supposons que vous possédez une machine de la classe 386/SX, ou
mieux, avec au moins 4 Millions d'Octets de mémoire. Les précisions
suivantes proviennent du manuel du DOS 5.0, qui n'est pas évident.
Pour un achat, nous recommandons, en tant que "Hard" et que "Soft":
386/DX à 33 MHZ ou plus, avec 64K de mémoire Cache, 4 M de mémoire
(70 nano-secondes, ou plus rapide) Ecran Couleur VGA (ou SVGA) avec
0.29 "dot pitch", ou moins. Un "floppy" 3 1/2 pouces, Haute Densité
1.44 M. Un disque dur 110 M. (200 - 250 M. seraient mieux) 2 Ports
Série, et un Port parallèle.
MS-DOS 5.0 ou DR DOS 6.0 pour le système d'exploitation. Word
Perfect 5.1, version DOS. Il est, mondialement, un des traitements
de texte les plus populaires.
La souris est optionnelle, mais non nécessaire. Windows serait une
solution ... s'il y avait un problème ! Ne gaspillez pas votre
argent pour cela.
Un "floppy" de 5 1/4 pouces n'est pas nécessaire. N'importe qui
pourra convertir une disquette que vous recevriez dans ce format
désuet en disquette 3 1/2 pouces. Un /486 est seulement 20 pour
cent plus rapide qu'un /386 similaire, et sera plus coûteux, à moins
que vous n'ayez vraiment besoin du processeur avec virgule
flottante... Le coût du "hard" devrait être de $1500 (7500 F) et le
"soft" d'environ $300 (1500 F). Prix en dollars US pour 1992, et qui
vont baisser dans l'avenir.
Configuration de Base
Ne partitionnez pas votre disque dur. Ceci gaspillerait de la place.
DOS 5.0 est très à l'aise avec les disques de grande capacité (250
M.) Assurez-vous que la mémoire RAM est établie entre 640 K et un
Million. Voyez votre vendeur à ce sujet.
Pour obtenir un usage optimal de la mémoire, utilisez le modèle de
CONFIG.SYS ci-dessous:
device=c:\dos\emm386.exe noems
devicehigh c:\dos\ansi.sys
devicehigh c:\dos\mouse.sys
devicehigh c:\dos\setver.exe
devicehigh c:\dos\smartdrv.sys 256
devicehigh c:\dos\ramdrive.sys 1024 512 512/e
shell=c:\command.com c:\ /e:512 /p
1) Effacez la ligne MOUSE.SYS si vous n'avez pas de souris.
2) Effacez SMARTDRV.SYS si votre disque dur a au moins 256K de "cache"
Les autres lignes sont expliquées dans votre manuel DOS. Par ce Set
Up, vous aurez environ 624000 octets de mémoire libre. Utilisez la
commande MEM pour le vérifier, en tapant:
MEM puis (ENTER)
Trouvez ci-dessous un AUTOEXEC.BAT de base pour DOS 5.0
@echo off
rem RAM DRIVE est présumé être le disque D:
rem Le disque dur est présumé être C:
verify on
rem Set up Couleurs écran et "prompt"
prompt $e[0;32;44m$p$g
echo on
echo off
rem Set up Chemin d'accès
path c:\bible;c:\dos
rem Set up Clavier - Charge Résidents (TSR) en mémoire haute
lh c:\dos\doskey.com /bufsize=1024
lh mode con:rate=32,delay=1
rem Crée répertoire TEMP sur RAM drive pour accélérer les programmes
md temp
label 386-D-RAM
rem Fixe variables SET pour utilisation de RAM drive en espace tempo.
rem LHARC or LHA (si vous les utilisez)
set lharc.tmp=d:\temp
rem Produits MS-DOS
set temp=d:\temp
rem Word Perfect
set wp=/d-d:\temp
rem Ajoutez ici la suite du fichier autoexec.bat
Vous pouvez adapter le PATH (Chemin d'accès) selon vos désirs. Si
vous chargez un "Terminate and Stay Resident programs (TSR's)",
utilisez la commande LH pour le charger en mémoire haute. Par
exemple, pour charger un programme MENU.EXE, situé dans le
répertoire OUTILS, introduisez, dans l'autoexec.bat la ligne:
lh c:\outils\menu.exe
S'il est nécessaire d'introduire des paramètres, mettez les sur la
même ligne. Ceci vous laissera un maximum de mémoire pour faire
fonctionner les programmes. Lorsque c'est possible, chargez les
plus grands "TSR's" en premier. Sinon, DOS va fragmenter la
mémoire haute, et vous n'obtiendrez pas les meilleurs résultats.
Le programme DOSSHELL vous permet de faire fonctionner plusieurs
programmes à la fois, comme WINDOWS, mais chaque programme
s'exécute en mode plein écran. Vous n'avez pas à écarquiller vos
yeux par l'observation d'une minuscule fenêtre de texte. A la
différence de WINDOWS, presque tous les programmes fonctionnent
avec le SHELL, sans modifications ni de mise à jour coûteuse. Il
est facile à utiliser. Si dans l'AUTOEXEC.BAT la variable TEMP
est dirigée vers le disque RAM, assurez-vous que ce disque RAM
contient au moins 1.5 Mo. Sinon, achetez un complément de
mémoire, ou envoyez la variable TEMP vers le disque dur. Démarrez
tous les résidents (TSR) avant de lancer le SHELL.
1) Supprimez les souris non-standard. Le shell ne travaille qu'avec
la vraie "MS Mouse".
Une souris n'est d'ailleurs pas nécessaire pour utiliser le shell.
2) Tapez: DOSSHELL
3) Activez la "Commutation des tâches" si c'est la première fois que
vous utilisez le shell.
3a) Pressez F10 (Menu)
3b) Tapez O (Options)
3c) Tapez T pour sélectionner "acTiver la commutation de tâches"
3d) S'il n'y a pas de "." à côté de l'option pressez ENTER,
autrement pressez ESC.
Ceci n'est à faire que la première fois, les autres fois le "swapper"
sera activé.
4) Pour lancer un programme
4a) Pressez F10, ENTER
4b) Pressez E, pour sélectionner Exécuter
4c) Entrez la ligne de commande nécessaire au lancement du programme.
La commande peut être un fichier BATCH.
4d) Pour lancer un autre COMMAND.COM ne pressez pas SHIFT F9 mais tapez
Au message de commande, tapez:
command /e:512
Ceci permet au processeur de commande d'avoir un espace
d'environnement de 512 bytes, suffisant dans la plupart des cas.
5) Pour retourner au shell.
5a) Appuyez sur la touche ALT et pressez la touche TAB jusqu'à
être revenu au shell.
5b) Pour lancer un autre programme, refaites l'étape 4 quand vous
êtes revenu au shell.
5c) Pour basculer sur un autre programme, refaites l'étape 5a)
jusqu'à ce que le programme soit sélectionné.
6) Pour sortir de shell
6a) Sélectionnez chaque programme tournant sous shell, et terminez
le normalement. Pressez ENTER pour retourner au shell.
6b) Quand tous les programmes ont été fermés,
6b1) Pressez F10 et ENTER
6b2) Pressez Q pour Quitter
Le shell fait bien plus que cela, mais ces éléments sont suffisants
pour une utilisation courante.
DOSCLIP (Pour Versions U.S) ...
But : Utilitaire résident qui fournit un Couper-Coller identique
à celui de Windows pour les applications tournant sous le
shell du DOS 5.0, ceci permettant des transferts de blocs
de textes entre deux applications.
Format: DOSCLIP /B /U
Remarques DOSCLIP est chargé depuis le DOS et nécessite 10Ko de
mémoire en résident. L'option /B est un paramètre nécessaire
si la vidéo n'est pas conforme à la vidéo IBM standard.
L'option /U désinstalle le programme, avec les limitations
habituelles des TSR.
Les touches d'utilisation par défaut sont Alt+Ctrl+D, qui
amène DOSCLIP dans l'application et remplace le curseur normal
par un bloc utilisé pour définir une surface de texte devant
être transférée. Les flèches, les touches PgUp et PgDn, Home
et End sont utilisées pour le déplacement. Ctrl-Gauche et
Ctrl-Droite déplacent latéralement de huit caractères. Pour
bloquer une surface, placer le curseur sur un coin, par
exemple Haut à Gauche, puis déplacez-le vers le coin
diagonalement opposé en laissant appuyée la touche Shift. En
relâchant la touche Shift, la surface définie est sauvée en
pressant Enter ou la touche D.
Une surface de texte définie peut être collée dans une autre
application en pressant Alt+Ctrl+V ou en amenant DOSCLIP par
Alt Ctrl D puis en pressant V.
DOSCLIP doit être chargé avant les autres applications, dans
votre AUTOEXEC.BAT comme indiqué dans l'exemple du début.
DOSCLIP a été écrit par Douglas Boling et a été décrit le
14 Avril 1992 dans PC magazine. Ce programme est sous
Copywrit déposé, vous ne pouvez pas en faire de copies
payantes, ni l'utiliser pour un usage commercial.
Ce programme est inclus dans la Bible Online, il contient
d'autres options. Pour compléments, écrivez à PC Magazine.
Avec DOSCLIP et le shell DOS 5.0, qui a besoin de windows? Nous
avons vu tourner OS/2 version 2, et avons été très impressionné.
Les applications Windows tournent sous OS/2 sans le problème de
l'environnement DOS. Une version future de la Bible Online sera
orientée vers l'environnement OS/2 Presentation Manager.
---Fin t09905
Commercial Licensing
The following material may be licensed for commercial use. There are
two classes of users.
1) Class A: You allow your material to be freely copied, and
solicit no payment or shareware fee. You must have license to use
our material with yours. However, there is no cost to you for
2) Class B: You are not a Class A user. You must have a license and
pay a royalty for using our material for each copy of your
material that is sold. Copies given away gratis for any reason are
exempt from royalties. Also copies sold for at less than 35 per cent
of the standard retail cost to theological students, pastors, and
missionaries are exempt from royalties.
Material that can be Licensed:
1) 1769 Authorised Version, with marginal readings, with Webster
update, Englishman's Strong's Numbers and verb parsings plus
Greek and Hebrew lexicon. If you have a commercial Bible program
with Strong's numbers, you have a mess. Send us any sample of
text and we will return an error list to you to prove what we are
saying. The average Bible text with Strong's has between 15,000
and 35,000 errors in the numbers. We corrected over 15,000 errors in
the Version 5 text alone.
2) Cross references.
2a) Bare cross references without TSK text.
2b) Complete TSK text corrected and formatted for the
OLB verse note facility, including cross references.
3) Topics.
3a) Thompson Chain
3b) New Topical Text Book
3c) Other Topical material
4) Verse Notes.
5) Foreign translations, with and without Englishman's Strong's
6) Other English versions with and without Englishman's Strong's
7) Online Bible Search Engine with your custom text.
Source material that would normally be in the public domain is
covered by the "Performance Copyright" provision of the copyright
laws. This means because the material is now on a totally different
media and format from the original published editions, and we were
the ones to put it in that format and did not copy it from someone
else, our labours are protected by copyright law. This prevents
others from reworking our material and passing it off as their own
Write for a current list of available material and terms.
Larry Pierce
R. R. 2.
West Montrose, Ont.
N0B 2V0
Because most of the work for the Online Bible was done by
volunteers, it is not right that we should profit from their
labours. Therefore, all electronic rights have been assigned to the
"Institute for Creation Research" and all royalties will be paid
directly to them not us.
Dictionnaire Bible Segond pour WORD 5.5
Le fichier SEGOND.CMP, dans le répertoire de la Bible, contient la liste
de tous les mots se trouvant dans la version Segond, mais pas dans le
dictionnaire de base de Word 5.5 (En particulier les noms propres).
Cette liste est au format ASCII, et peut être facilement transposée à
d'autres dictionnaires de Traitements de Textes.
En rendant ce dictionnaire actif, votre vérificateur de document ne
s'arrêtera plus sur tous ces mots qu'il ne connaissait certainement pas !
History of the Online Bible
Oct. 1987 - AV text obtained from Public Brand Software
Mar. 1988 - Version 1
- AV text only and basic searching and printing facilities
Mar. 1989 - Version 2
- pull-down user menu interface
- NIV text added
Oct. 1989 - Version 3
- NT Strong's numbers and Thayer's Lexicon added
- Verse Note facility added
Mar. 1990 - Version 4
- AV text certified as accurate by Sharp Electronics in Japan
- OT Strong's numbers and Strong's Lexicon
- NT Cross References
Oct. 1990 - Version 5
- new install procedure
- Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon replaces Strong's
- topics facility added
- OT Cross references
Between Jan 1. 1991 and Oct. 1992
- Larry Pierce quits his job to work full-time on Online Bible
- Greek & Hebrew modules created that display actual
Greek and Hebrew
- 1989 Spanish RVA module
- 2 Dutch texts module
- 2 German texts module
- Combined AV-Creole Module created
- 1833 Webster Bible scanned in
- 1890 Darby Bible and Notes scanned in
- 1910 Louis Second French text created
- 1910 Louis Segond keyed to Englishman's Strong's numbers
- Operation Mobilisation mass distributes French Online Bible in
- Macintosh Version 1.0 beta tested at selected sites.
- Strong's numbers corrected using Greek and Hebrew Englishman's
- all verbs parsed in Greek, French and English Bible
- international dealer network setup in
U.K, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa
Oct. 1992 - Version 6
- new improved very simple install procedure
- new manual published based on NIV BibleMaster manual in England
- Combined English and European Languages with Englishman's
Strong's numbers created for first time in history.
- The only accurate set of Strong's numbers in the world
published under the name of Englishman's Strong's numbers
- frequency counts now in OT lexicon
- over 5000 topics added to Online Bible
- Macintosh Version 2.0 of Online Bible distributed, supports all
version 6 features of the IBM Online Bible.
- alternate notes, topics and definitions new supported
- hyper-text features added to notes facility
Future plans
- key the Greek and Hebrew Bibles to Englishman's Strong's
numbers and parse every word
- add "People New Testament Commentary" by B.W.Johnson
- add new language modules
- add new notes and topics modules
- migrate Online Bible to OS/2 Release 2.0 Presentation Manager
environment. MS Windows runs better under OS/2 than under DOS.
Therefore we feel OS/2 is operating system we can build
tomorrow's applications. MS Windows and DOS are dead ends.
The Online Bible was the first and is still the only Bible program in the
world that allows you to freely copy it. Based firmly on the principal of
grace not greed, this has enabled the Online Bible to be the most popular
Bible search program. The best things in life are free and you should not
try to commercialise the Bible. New languages and features are added almost
every other month. Send for the latest catalogue by writing your closest
international distributor. See the To-Order option on the Mini-Menu.
Those whose computer does not have a hard disk, or is not
IBM-compatible, can still use the Online Bible via modem from any
computer bulletin board system that makes the Online Bible
available. The screen display is shortened to 24 lines from the
normal 25 to permit a status display line for the bulletin board
software. To protect the bulletin board system from accidents or
deliberate misuse by callers, the system operator should install the
Online Bible in the normal way but start it as follows:
av-dby bb - or - call av-dby bb
The special startup parameter "BB" makes the Online Bible safe for
bulletin board use by preventing any user from either creating files
on the host system, or escaping to DOS. If your bulletin board
software requires that all programmes must use the BIOS for screen
I/O, start the Online Bible this way:
av-dby bb bios - or - call av-dby bb bios
This forces the Online Bible to write to the screen through the BIOS.
The bulletin board option uses the message file MESSAGES.BBV. The
ASCII control codes are used instead of the function keys and the
special PC keys. A user with a dumb ASCII terminal can access the
Online Bible. The special extended ASCII characters are used only on
the first screen displayed. The ESC key is mapped to "Control \" and
"Control C" is mapped to "Control _".
To provide the Online Bible on a bulletin board, so its disks can be
downloaded, we suggest the following procedure.
1. The bulletin board operator uses PKZIP to create an archive for
each disk in the distribution package.
2. Each ZIP file is downloaded and UNZIPPED to a single disk.
3. Do the installation using the installation disk in the normal way.
If the time stamps are changed on the Online Bible files, the
installation fails. If the files are downloaded using XMODEM, the
time stamps are lost and the file sizes changed. Hence, the files
must be downloaded in ZIP format.
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