Online Bible 1995 March
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File List
81 lines
This File is __FILES.LST
Description of Files in \Bible Directory
Basic Files
av.old - pattern batch file to run a version
bible.exe - Bible program
*fonts.exe - displays Greek & Hebrew in verse notes
*manual.doc - manual
*messages.bbv - bulletin board messages file for bible.exe
messages.txt - message file for bible.exe
paragrap.map - bit map of paragraph markers in Bible
screen.opt - colour settings
to_order.doc - ordering documenation
version.doc - documentation for this point release
Change CRT Display Size
Adjust number of lines for various CRT adapters
crt25.com - set CRT in 25 line mode
choose.exe - mini-menu program
mm.bat - mini-menu batch file
mm0.bat - batch file used by mini-menu
mm1.bat - batch file used by mini-menu
mm2.bat - batch file used by mini-menu
view.com - view and print files
Notes Facility
*bldnotes.exe - custom notes file builder (used in notes.bat)
*notes.bat - build notes batch file
notes.map - bit map to notes in Bible
diet.doc - documentation for note compression routines
UED Editor
Basic ACSII notes editor
ued.exe - UED editor
ued.cfg - monochrome UED settings
uedcfg.exe - configure program for UED editor
Windows Support Files
Windows support files
*online.ico - sample ICON
*online.pif - sample full screen application PIF file
*windows.doc - documentation
Word Processor Support
_bible.exe - Bible TSR
*bible.dct - spelling dictionary of words for AV that are not found
in Word Perfect 5.1 British spelling dictionary.
See topic 9907 for details.
*dosclip.com - cut and paste utility for DOS 5.0 shell
See topic 9905 for details.
* - indicates a file that is not required to run basic Bible
program or TSR
Pattern Files
These are pattern files used for network node installation and CD-ROM installs.
_av.old - pattern TSR batch file for all versions
av.old - pattern Bible file for all Bible versions
mm.old - pattern mini-menu batch file
mm1.old - pattern mini-menu batch file
mm2.old - pattern mini-menu batch file
notes.old - pattern notes batch file
ued.old - pattern ued.cfg file for monochrome UED.
required for CD-ROM & Network installs
If you are not running from CD-ROM or on a network node, delete
these files after installation.