Online Bible 1995 March
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changed; that is, that his dispensations of providence
might be changed; that he would bring him out of
these afflicted, sorrowful, and melancholy circum-
stances, into a more comfortable one: as these words
may be understood as what the psalmist comforted him-
self with, that there are changes of the right hand of the
most High; I have been greatly troubled and distressed,
and I have been so weak as to call in question the mercy
and fayour of God, and his promises to me, which I
own is my sin; but I have reason to believe it will not
be always thus with me, God will take off his hand,
it shall not always lie thus heavy upon me; though he
cause grief, he will have compassion, and turn again
to me; there will be a change, and I'll wait till that
comes: but Kimchi thinks the word \^rwkza\^, I will re-
member, which stands at the beginning of the next
verse, belongs to that and this; and is to be supplied
here, as it is in our translation, and interprets the whole
to the like sense; but I will remember the years of the
right hand of the most High; which the psalmist pro-
posed to do as a means to remove his doubts, despon-
dency, and unbelief, and to relieve and strengthen his
faith; as that God was the most High in all the earth,
and above his enemies; that he had a right hand of
power, which in years past had been exerted on the
behalf of his people, and on his behalf; which was not
impaired and shortened, but the same as ever, and
sooner or later would be again used in his fayour.
Ver. 11. I will remember the works of the Lord, &c.3
His works of creation and providence, his govern-
ment of the world, and particularly his regard for his
own people, and his preservation of them, especially the
people of Israel, whom he had not cast off. nor would
and so might serve to strengthen hisfaith, that he would
not cast him off for ever: and in like manner, what
God has done for his people in a way of grace, in their
redemption by Christ, and in a work of grace upon their
souls, may be improved to the removing of doubts and
fears, and unbelief, and for the strengthening of faith:
there is a double reading of this clause, that in the mar-
gin is followed by us; but in the text it is written, I
.will cause to remember; that is, I will declare and shew
forth to others the works of the Lord: surely
remember thy wonders of old; such as were done in
Egypt, at the Red sea, and in thewilderness; which ex-
ceeded the power and reason of man, and which shewed
ancient love and old friendship subsisting between
God and his people; so the remembrance of God's ever-
lasting love, his ancient covenant, and the grace and
blessings given in Christ before the world was, may be
of use against despondency, and for the support and
encouragement of faith.
Ver. 12. I will meditate also of all thy work, &c.] Or
workst, which were many; he desired not to forget
any of them, but remember the multitude of his tender
mercies, and not only call them to mind, bat dwell
upon them in his meditations and contemplations, in
order to gain some relief by them under his present
circumstances: and talk of thy doings : for the good of
others, and so for the glory of God, as well as to im-
print them on his own mind, that they might not be
forgotten by him; for all things that are talked of, and
especially frequently, are better remembered, see Psal.
cxlv. 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12. the-Targum is, "I will medi-
"tale on all thy g?,od works, and speak of the causes
"of thy wonders.'
Vet. 13. Thy way, 0 God, is in the sanctuary, &..c.3
Or in holiness {y}; that is, is holy, so the Syriac version,
and to which the Targum agrees. "O God, how holy
"are thy ways," see Psai. cxlv. 17. or in the sanctuary,
the temple, the church of God, where he takes his
walks, and manifests himself, and where the reasons of
his providence, and dealing with his people, are opened
and made known unto them, see Psal. lxviii. 24. and
xxiii. 17. who is so great a God as our God ? the Tar-
gum is, as the God oF Israel; he is g. reat in Iris per-
sons, perfections, and works, and is greatly to be
loved, feared, and praised.
Ver. 14. Thou art the God that doest wonders, &c.] In
nature, providence, and grace; it seems chiefly to re-
gard what was done for the Israelites in Egypt, and in
the wilderness, see Psal. lxxviii. 12_, 43. thou hast de-
dared thy strength among the people; the nations of
the world, who heard what the Lord did for Israel by
his mighty power, and with a stretched-out arm, as
Ver. 15. Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy peo-
ple, &c.] The people of Israel out of Egypt, which
was typical of the redemption of the Lord's people
by Christ, the arm and power of God: the sons of Ja-
cob and Joseph. Selah. Joseph is particularly men-
tioned for honour's sake, and because he was the means
of supporting Jacob and his family in Egypt; and had
special faith in their deliverance from thence; the
Targum is, "the sons whom Jacob begot, and Joseph
Ver. 16. The waters saw thee, 0 God, &c.] The
waters not of Jordan, but of the Red sea; these felt
and perceived the power of God, in causing a strong
east wind, which dried it up, and made way for the
children of Israel to pass through it as on dry land:
compare with this Psal. cxiv. 3. Hab. iii.. 10. the wa-
_ters saw thee; which is repeated for the confirmation
of it, and to excite attentton to it, as well as to ex-
press the psalmist's admiration at it; the Targum is,
"they saw thy ma. iesty in the. midst of the sea, O God;
"they saw thy power upon the sea ;" not the Egyp-
tians, but the sons of Jacob and Joseph; the old Sy-
riac church understood these waters of the waters of
Jordan, at the baptism of Christ, when in their way
they saw the incarnate God, and felt his sacred body
laid in them, by which he was made manifest to
Israel; but Jerom better interprets them, by the help
of Rev. xvii. 15. of people, nations, and tongues; some
of which sawChrist corporeally, others 'spiritually, and
by faith, as preached in the Gospel to the Gentile
world: they were afraid; of the majesty of God,
obeyed their Sovereign, of whom they stood in. awe,
gave way unto him, and fled at his rebuke, see Psal.
cxiv. 5. orwere in pain {},as a woman in travail, as were
{t} \^Klep lkb\^ de unoquoque opere tuo, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator.
{y} \^vdqb\^ in sanctitate, Pagninus, Montanus, Tigurine version, Junius
& Tremellius, Gejerus, Michaelis.
{z} \^wlyx\^ parturierunt, Montanus, Vatablus; dolore corruptae sunt,
videl. dolore parturientium, Piscator; so Ainsworth.