Online Bible 1995 March
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dern writers among the Jews {p} themselves. This clause
respects his humanity, his incarnation and birth,
which is spoken of in the present tense, though fu-
ture, because of the certainty of it; that he should
really become man, assume a true body, and a rea-
sonable soul, partake of the same flesh and blood with
the children, be made flesh, and dwell among us:
and this was to us, \^wnl\^, %for us%: for our good, for our
profit and advantage; not for angels, but for men;
for the saints under the Old Testament, and under the
New; for all his people, his brethren, and children;
that they might have a sanctified nature; that law and
justice might be satisfied in that nature which had
sinned, and Satan be ruined by it, which he himself
had ruined; and that Christ might be a fit Mediator
and Redeemer of his people, and be capable of exe-
cuting his several offices to our advantage; his priestly
office, by satisfying and interceding for us; his pro-
phetic office, by teaching us; and his kingly office, by
ruling over us; and that he might answer the re-
lations he stands in of a father, husband, brother, and
friend: \*\\unto us a son is given\\: even he who is the son
of God, his own son, his only begotten son, his be-
loved son, the dear son of his love; all which aggra-
vate his love in the gift of him, to be the covenant
and head unto us, to be the Saviour of us, and a sacri-
fice for us; and in delivering him up into the hands
of men, justice, and death; this is a free gift of God's
love, a very large and comprehensive one, is unparal-
leled and unspeakable, unchangeable and irreversi-
ble. \*\\And the government shall be upon his shoulder\\:
not only of the world in general, but of the church in
particular; this child is born to royal dignity; he is
King of saints; his government consists in ruling in the
hearts of his people, in enacting laws for them, and
causing them to submit unto them, in subduing their
enemies, in protecting them, their persons and pro-
perties, rights and liberties, and in supplying them
with every thing necessary; and this government is de-
legated to him from his father, is devolved upon him
by him, is not of this world, but is spiritual; it is
righteously administered, is peaceable, and will con-
tinue for ever: and its being said to be %upon his shoul-
der% is an allusion to magistrates having a key or rod
laid on their shoulders, as ensigns of their office, or
carried by their officers for them, see \\#Isa 9:4 22:21\\
and it shews that it was laid upon him, or
enjoined him by his father, though not against his
will; and it denotes a weight of honour and care bore
by him, whose shoulders are fit for the same, and
equal to it; and that he is the prop and support of his
church and people, whoare safe under his government
and protection: \*\\and his name shall be called Wonder-
ful\\: not that he should be commonly called among
men by this name, nor by any of the following; but that
he should appear to be, or to have that in him, or to do
what would sufficiently answer to this name, and to the
rest: he is wonderful in his person, and in the glory
and beauty of it; that he should be God and man in
one person, and have two natures, so different from
each other, united in him; that he, being truly God,
should become man; and that he should be born of a
virgin; wonderful in the disposition of his mind, and
in the qualities he is possessed of; in his love to his
people, and his sympathy with them; in his humi-
lity, meekness, and patience; in his wisdom, conduct,
courage, and greatness of soul: wonderful in his life;
in his private life many wonderful things are recorded
of him; as the direction of the wise men to him by a
star, and their worshipping of him; the preservation
of him from Herod's cruelty; his disputation with the
doctors in the temple at twelve years of age; and his
living such a mean and obscure life for thirty years to-
gether: and his public life was nothing but a continued
series of wonders; his baptism in Jordan; his tempta-
tions in the wilderness; his doctrines and miracles,
and his transfiguration on the mount: wonderful in
his death; that he should die at all, who is the Prince
of life, the Lord of life and glory; that he should die
with his own and his father's consent, and that for
sinners, even the chief of sinners; and by dying pro-
cure life for us; abolish death; destroy him that had
the power of it, the devil; and obtain eternal salvation
and redemption: the circumstances attending his death
were marvellous: such as the darkness that was upon
the earth; the rending of the vail, and cleaving of the
rocks: wonderful in his resurrection from the dead,
which was by his own power, before he saw corrup-
tion, at the time signified by types and prophecy, and
with the same body exceeding glorious; and which
has an influence on our justification, regeneration, and
resurrection: wonderful in his ascension to heaven,
both in the manner of it, in a cloud, and in the effects
of it, receiving gifts for men, and giving them to them;
in his entrance into heaven; session at the right hand
of God; and intercession for transgressors: wonderful
he will be in his second coming to judgment; the signs
of it are many and marvellous; the manner of it won-
derfully glorious; the different effects of it on men,
filling some with joy, and others with terror; and
the things that will then be done; as the raising of the
dead; placing all nations before him; separating
the righteous from the wicked; pronouncing their
distinct sentences, and executing them; in a word,
Christ is wonderful, in all he is, has, or belong unto
him; in his person, offices, and relations; in his peo-
ple, who are for signs and wonders; in his doctrines
and ordinances; and in the manifestations of himself
and of his grace to his people, now and hereafter; nay,
the word signifies not only %wonderful%, but a %miracle%
itself, as Christ is in his person {q}, see \\#Jud 13:17-19\\:
\*\\Counsellor\\; this some read in conjunction with
the former title, thus, %Wonderful Counsellor%; so the
Arabic version; and the Septuagint, which calls him,
%the Angel of the great council%; and the Targum is,
\*"who does wonderfully in council;"\* and which agrees
with \\#Isa 28:29\\. This title belongs to Christ, as con-
cerned with his Father, and the blessed Spirit, in the
works of nature, providence, and grace. God stands
in no need of counsel, nor does it properly fall on
{p} Debarim Rabba, sect. 1. fol. 234. 4. Perek Shalom, fol. 20. 2.
Maimon. apud Maji Synops. Theolog. Jud. p. 121. Vid. Reuchlin de
Arte Cabal. p. 745.
{q} \^alp\^ %non admirabilis tantum sed% \~kat' exochn\~, %miraculum
ille est; per se Deus, per unionem hypostaticam%, \~yeanyrwpov\~,
Gusset. Ebr. Comment, p. 675.