Online Bible 1995 March
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elect angels and elect men, to all the churches, and the
members thereof, in all ages; and this always has been
and ever will be communicating to them. The Tar-
gum is, \*"and ye shall receive a new doctrine from the
"chosen, the righteous;"\* or of the righteous; which is
true of the doctrine of the Gospel, received by the hands
of chosen men, the apostles of Christ. The Jews {s} make
use of this passage, in confirmation of the ceremony of
drawing of water at the feast of tabernacles; and say {t} it
signifies the drawing of the Holy Ghost; that is, his grace.
\*Ver. 4. \\In that day shall ye say, praise the Lord\\, &c.]
On account of his being and perfections, for blessings
received from him, especially spiritual ones; and par-
ticularly such as are before mentioned, fulness of grace
in him, strength and salvation by him, a view of
interest in him as a Saviour, and divine comforts com-
municated from him; which is done by giving him
the glory of them, and thanks for them. This is a
work very proper for Gospel times; it always was a
duty, and there was ever reason for it under the former
dispensation, and much more under the present one;
and there will be still more reason for it in the latter
day here referred to, when antichrist will be destroyed,
the kingdom of Christ will be enlarged, and his church
will be in a very glorious state and condition, her walls
will be salvation, and her gates praise; when the saints
will be stirring up one another to this service, and
engaging in it with all readiness and cheerfulness; see
\\#Re 11:15-17 15:2,3 19:1-7 Isa 60:18\\:
\*\\call upon his name\\: which takes in the
whole of religions worship, of which Christ is the
object, being the true Jehovah; and particularly prayer,
in which his name is invocated together with faith in
him, and expressions of affection to his name; which is
precious to believers, and is as ointment poured out:
\*\\declare his doings among the people\\; not merely his
works of creation, in which he was equally concerned
with his divine Father; nor so much his miracles
which he wrought when on earth, in proof of his
deity and Messiahship, and in confirmation of his
doctrine; but his acts of obedience and righteousness,
which were perfect; and his bearing the sins of his
people, and the punishment due to them; and so
fulfilled the whole law, and hereby accomplished the
great work of redemption and salvation; which, ac-
cording to his orders, have been published among the
Gentiles, for their good, and his glory: \*\\make mention
that his name is exalted\\; that is, he himself, who has a
name given him above every name; for having obeyed,
suffered, and died in the room of his people, he is by
his Father, according to promise, exalted, by raising
him from the dead, receiving him into heaven, placing
him at his right hand, giving him all power in heaven
and in earth, and causing angels, authorities, princi-
palities, and powers, to be subject to him; all which is
to be made mention of, to the honour of his name: or
else the sense is, to speak of him, to make mention of
his name, of his person, of his offices, of his grace and
salvation, that he may be exalted in each of them by
his people; for he is, and ought to be, exalted in their
hearts, and with their lips, since he is above all in the
excellency of his person, and is their only Saviour and
Redeemer, Head and Husband; and so he will be ex-
alted more abundantly in the latter day. \\See Gill on "Isa 2:11"\\.
\*Ver. 5. \\Sing unto the Lord\\, &c.] Psalms, hymns,
and spiritual songs, vocally and together, as Gospel
churches, to the glory of God; or %sing the Lord% {u}, let
him be the subject matter of the song, as in \\#Isa 12:2\\ sing
how great and good he is; sing what he is in himself,
and what he is to others: \*\\for he hath done excellent
things\\; he hath wrought out an excellent salvation,
which excels all others, being of a spiritual nature,
complete and everlasting: it is emphatically a great
one, in which God is glorified in all his perfections,
and which issues in the eternal glory and happiness of
his people. He has brought in an excellent righte-
ousness, a righteousness that excels any righteousness
of the creature, men or angels; it being the righteousness
of God, a perfect, pure, and spotless one, which serves
for many, even all his spiritual seed, and is everlasting:
he has offered up an excellent sacrifice, a sacrifice that
excels all that were offered up under the law; in the
matter, which is himself; in the use and efficacy of it, to
atone for sin, and take it away; in the continuance of
that efficacy, and in its acceptableness unto God: and
he has obtained an excellent victory over all his and his
people's enemies, sin, Satan, the world, and death, and
made them sharers in his conquests; reference seems
to be had to \\#Ex 15:1\\: \*\\this [is] known in all the earth\\;
that such a salvation is finished; such a righteousness
is brought in; that peace, pardon, and atonement, are
procured, and all enemies are conquered; for the
Gospel publishing all this has been sent into all the
world, and will be more fully preached throughout it
in the latter day.
\*Ver. 6. \\Cry out, and shout\\, &c.] By singing aloud,
with the high praises of God in the mouth: \*\\thou in-
habitant of Zion\\: born and brought up there, free of
Zion, that is settled and dwells there, and so happy;
since there plenty of provisions is had, health is en-
joyed, and the inhabitants in the utmost safety and
protection, having the greatest privileges and immu-
nities; and therefore have reason to sing and shout for
joy, and especially for what follows: \*\\for great [is] the
holy One of Israel in the midst of thee\\; by %the holy One
of Israel% is meant Christ, the Redeemer and Husband of
this church; see \\#Isa 48:17 54:5\\ because, as
God, he is the God of Israel, the spiritual Israel, and
as such is holy, even glorious in holiness; and, as man,
sprung from Israel, literal Israel, and as such is holy
in his nature, acts, and offices; and is the sanctifier
of the whole Israel of God, from whom they receive
all their holiness: he is %in the midst% of his church, in
the midst of Zion, and the inhabitants of it, to whom
he has promised his presence, and grants it, and which
causes such joy and gladness, as nothing else can give;
and here he is %great%, and shews himself to be so, the
great God, and our Saviour; a Saviour, and a great
one; a great King over the holy hill of Zion; and a great
High Priest over the house of God; wherefore greatness
should be ascribed unto him, and praise be given him.
{s} T. Bab. Succa, fol. 48. 2. & 50. 2.
{t} Bereshit Rabba, sect. 70. fol. 62. 3. T. Hieros. Succa, fol.
55. 1.
{u} \^hwhy wrmz\^ %canite Jehovam%, Cocceius; \~wmmh?ate to ?noma\~
\~kwrw\~; Sept.
\~a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z\~