Online Bible 1995 March
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Christ's suffering without Jerusalem, and of his being
preached not only there, but in the Gentile world; see
Heb. xiii. 11, I2. this was the work of the first day of
the consecration of the altar.
Ver. 22. And on the second day thou shalt offer a kid
of the goats without blemish for a sin-offering, &c.]
Jarchi observes, that this was not in the tabernacle, but
ordered to be in future time by him that speaks; instead
of this, another ram was appointed by the law, Exod.
xxix. 15, 19. this shews the ceremonial law to be
changeable, and now abolished: this was typical of
Christ, without spot and blemish, and yet figured by the
goat, being made sin for his people: and they shall
cleanse the altar, as they did cleanse it with the bullock;
see the note on vet. 20.
Vet. S3. When thou hast made an end of cleansing it,
&c.] The altar, by the sacrifices of the bullock and
the kid, on the first and second days; then, on the
third day, thou shalt offer a young bullock without ble-
mish, and a ram out Of the flock without blemish; all
these sacrifices point at the. one sacrifice of Christ;
which was pure andperfect, and once offered up for
the sins of many, and Deeds no reiteration; only the
doctrine of it is to be frequently inculcated in the mi-
nistry of the word and ordinances.
Vet. S4. And thou shalt offer them before the Lord,
&c.] Upon the altar of burnt-offering, which stood
before the house or temple where Jehovah dwelt, oh.
xl. 47: and. the priests shall cast salt upon them; which
was to be used in all sacrifices under the law, Lev. it. 13.
this may denote the sayDuty doctrines and lives of the
ministers of the Gospel, who thereby recommend the
truths they deliver, concerning a crucified Christ, .his
blood, righteousness, and sacrifice, to others; see Matt.
v. 13: and they shall offer them up for a burnt-offering
unto the Lord; throughout the whole seven days of the
consecration and cleansing of the altar, as follows:
Vet. 25. Seven days shalt thou prepare every day a
goat for a sin-offering, &c.] By this it appears that
the altar was seven days a consecrating and cleansing;
and that on each day a goat was. prepared and offered,
typical of Christ, as before observed. Here Kimchi
owns that this was not according to the order of
Moses, or was done by those that came out ofthe cap-
tivity of Babylon; and is oblig. ed to confess that there
will be a change or an innovation in the order of sacri-
fices in time to come, or under the Messiah. They
shall also prepare a young bullock, and a ram out of
the flock without blemish; which, either one or all of
them, should be offered up on each of the seven days;
see the note on ver.
Ver. 26. Seven days shall they purge the altar, and
purify it, &c.] Which denotes the perfect purity and
sanctification of it; which how to be applied to Christ,
see the note on ver.
selves: the priests shall consecrate themselves, or de-
vote themselves to the service of the altar; so Gospel
ministers to the ministry of a crucified Christ: or they
themselves should consecrate the altar by the above
rites: or rather it may be literally rendered, and they
shall fill its hands, or their own hands {b}; that is, either
they shall fill the sides of the altar with sacrifices, as
much as it could hold; or the hands of the priests
with parts of the sacrifice, or with gifts, as a token of
their being inaugurated into, and invested with, the
priestly office: so Gospel ministers should have their
hands full of, or be filled with, the gifts and graces of
the spirit, and with the knowledge of Christ, his person,
offices, grace, righteousness, and sacrifice, that they
may minister unto others.
Ver. 27. And when these days are expired, &c.] The
seven days of consecration, and all these rites and sa-
crifices observed: it shall be, that upon the eighth day,
and so forward; that is, on the first day of the week, or
Lord's day, the Christian sabbath, the next day after
the seventh, and so upon every return of it; in which
Christian ministrations areexercised,the word preached,
ordinances administered,. and works of righteousness
and charity done; see John xx. 19, 26. Acts xx. 7.
1 Cot. xvi. 2. The priests shall make your burnt-offerings
upon the altar, and your peace-offerings; or thank-offer-
ings {c}; preach Christ and him crucified to the people,
and offer up the sacrifices of prayer and praise unto
God for them: and I will accept you, saith the Lord
God; through Christ the Mediator, in whom he is
well-pleased; who is the altar on which such sacrifices
are accepted, and become well-pleasing to God, Isa.
lvi. 7. 1 Pet. ii.
THIS chapter treats of the eastern gate of the temple 1{
being appropriated to the use of the prince, ver. 1, 2, 3. 11
of the sin of the Lord's people, in admitting. strangers II
and unholy persons into the sanctuary, either to officiate
or communicate there, ver. 4-9. of the degrading of i]
the Levites, that went astray, assigning them inferior
posts and service in the house of God, yet. 10--14. andIi
of the establishment of the sons of Zadok in their mi- 1S
nistry, who-were faithful, ver. 15, 16. then follow se- 1
verai laws relating to their garments; shaving of their ][
heads; drinking wine; their marriage ;, performance [[
of their ministerial work; their regard to the dead,
and their food and maintenance, ver. 17--31.
Ver. 1. Then he brought me back the way of the gate
of the outward sanctuary, &c.] The prophet was
brought by his divine guide, from the altar of burnt-
offerings, which stood before the house, where he had
given him the dimensions of it, and the ordinances
concerning it, to the temple or holy place, called the
outward sanctuary, in distinction from the inward
sanctuary, or holy of holies; and to one of the gates
of it, which was a gate of the inner court: and which
{b} There is a double reading of the words; the Cetib or textual read-
ing is \^wdy\^, "its hand"; the Keri or marginal reading is \^wydy\^,
"their own hands".
{c} \^Mkymlv\^ eucharistica vestraz Junius & Tremellius, Polanus,