Online Bible 1995 March
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Septuagint render it, the_ventricle, or maw; which
was 'given to the priests, Dent. xviii. 3. and in which
the dung was contained: and one shall take you away
with it; with the dung spread upon them; they look-
ing like a heap of dung, being covered with it, and
had in no more account than that: or to it t; tint is,
as Jarchi explains it, to' the dung of the beasts of your
sacrifices they shall carry you; or you shall be car-
ried to it, that ye may be rejected and despised as that.
Kimchi's note is "the iniquity (you are guilty
shall carry you to this contempt; measure for m,
"sure; you have despised me, and ve shall be
"despised:" or with him, or to himself {}; meaning
he, or it that shall take them away; ell. her the wind
or dung; or the enemy, as Aben Ezra interprets it;
by whom the Romans may be designed, who took
them away out of their own land, 'and carried them
captive. According to the Septuagint, Syriac, and
.Arabic versions,-this is to be understood of God,
who render the words, I will take you together, or
with it.
Vet. 4. And ye shall lcnow that I have 'sent this eom-
mandment unto you, &c.] See the note on vet. 1: that
my covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of
hosts; not that the ceremonial law. might be confirmed
and established, on which the Levitical priesthood
was rounded; for it was the will of God that that
should be abolished, because of the weakness and un-
profitableness of it; but that the covenant of grace
made with Christ, the antitype of Levi, with whom
the true Urim and Thummim are, Deut. xxxiii. 8, who
has a more excellent ministry and priesthood than his,
might take place, be made manifest, and be exhibited
under the Gospel dispensation; of which, and of the
person with whom it is, an account is given in the
following verses.
Ver. 5. My covenant was with him of life and peace,'
&c.] Not with Aaron, nor with Phinehas; nor is it
to be understood of a covenant, promising temporal
life and outward prosperity to either of them; Aaron
living a hundred and thirty-three years, Numb.
xxxiii. 39. and Phinehas, according to some Jewish
writers, above three bundled years, which they gather
from Judg. xx. 0,8. but of the covenant made with
Christ from everlasting, called a covenant of life, be-
cause it was made with Christ the Word of life, who
was with the Father from all eternity, and in time was
made manifest in the flesh; and was made in behalf of
persons ordained to eternal life, and in which that was
promised and given to them in him; and in which it
was agreed that he should become man, and lay
down his lifeas such, that they might enjoy it: and it
is called a covenant of peace, because the scheme of
peace and reconciliation was drawn in it, and agreed
unto; Christ was appointed in it' to be the Peace-
maker; and in consequence of which he was sent to
procure peace, and he has made it by the blood of his
cross: and this covenant may be said to have been
and to be with him; because it was made with him
from all eternity, as the head and representative of his
people, and he had all the blessings and promises of it
put into his hands; and it stands fast with him, and
will do so for evermore. And I gave them to him;
namely, the blessings of life and peace; eternal life is
the gift of God; and not only the promise of it, but that
itself, was given to Christ in covenant for his people,
and a power to give it to as many as the Father gave
to him, Psal. xxi. 4, o+ Tim. i. 1. I John v. le2. John
xvii. 2. he gave him also peace to make, put this
work of peacemaking into his hand; and he allows it
to be made by him, and that it is rightly effected; and
from his blood and righteousness peace springs to his
people; and they enjoy peace in him and through
him, yea, all prosperity and happiness: for the fear
wherewith he feared me; because of his obedience to
the precept and penalty of the law; because of his
righteousness, and sufferings, and death, by means of
which life and peace came to his people, and in which
he shewed great fear anti :'evefence of God, Heb. v. 7.
the word for iS not in the original text, and may be
left out in a version, or supplied with and; and the
sense be, besides the blessings of life and peace, I also
gave-him the fear with which he feared me; which
must be understood of the grace of fear bestowed on
him as man: so the Septuagint version, I gave unto
him in fear to fear me; an{t the Vulgate Latin version,
andl gave him fear, and he.feared me: and the Arabic
version, I gave him fear, that he might fear me: the
'Fargum is, "I gave him the perfect doctrine of the
"law, or the doctrine of the perfect law(see Jam. i.
"that he might fear betore me." And he w. as afraid
before my name; aftrighted, and put into consternation,
as he was when in the garden, and he began to be
heavy and sore amazed, Mark xiv. 3,3. or he was
broken and bruised, as Kimchi interprets the word
here used, because of the name of the Lord, to sa-
tisfy his justice, fulfil his law, and glorify all his
Ver. 6. The law of truth was in his mouth, &c.'] The
Gospel, the word and doctrine of truth; which comi, s
fr6m the God of truth; is concerning Christ the truth
and men are guided into it by the Spirit of truth; it
contains most glorious truths, and nothing but truth:
and this was in the mouth of Christ, being put there
by his Father, who gave .him what he should.say, and
what he should speak; and which was preached by
him in the most faithful manner, and so as it never was
by any other, for which he was abundantly qualified:
and iniquity was not found in his lips ;' there was none
in his nature; nor in his heart; nor in his life; nor
in his lips; none could be found there by men nor
devils: there was no falsehood in his doctrines; no
deceit in his promises; no dissimulation in his expres-
sions of love to men; nothing vain, light,' frothy, and
unprofitable, dropped from him in common conver-
sation; no reviling. in return to his enemies; nor any
impatient expressions or murmurSags at the time of
his sufferings and death, 1 Pet. ii. 22, 23: he walked
-with me in peace and equity: he walked with God, he
had communion with him; though he was sometimes
left alone, he was not alone, God was with him; he was
conformable to his will, and walked according to it,
{t} \^wyla\^, \~eiv to auto\~, Sept.; ad istud, so some in Vatablus, De Dieu.
{u} Ad se, Pagninus, Montanus, Munster, Tigurine version: Junius &
Tremellius, Piscator, Drusius, Calvin, Burkius.