Online Bible 1995 March
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enjoined them, particularly such as forbid respect of
persons, Lay. xix. 15. Deut. xvi. 19. some think, as
Aben Ezra, that a new section here begins, and that
the prophet proceeds to a new reproof, and for another
sin these people were guilty of, in marrying wives of
another nation, contrary to the law in Exod. xxxiv. 15.
which was dealing treacherousIv with one another, and
profaning the covenant of their ththers.
Ver. 11. Judah hath dealt treacherously, &c.3 Not
only every ,nan against his brother, by being partial in
the law; oragainst the women of their nation, by marry-
mg others; or against their wives, by putting them
away; but against Christ the Son of God by betraying
arid delivering him up into the hands of the Gentiles,
to be mocked, and scourged, and crucified: and an
abomination is committed in Israel, and in Jerusalem;
which was the taking of the true Messiah with wicked
hands, condemning him and putting him to death, even
the shameful and accursed death of the cross; which
was done in the land of Israel, and in and near the city
of Jerusalem: for Judah hath profaned the holiness of
the Lord, which he loved; Christ, who is the Lord's
holy One, holiness itself, the most holy, and holiness
to the Lord for his people; and who i8 his dear Son,
the Son of his love, whom he loved from everlasting,
continued to love in time amidst all his meanness, sor-
rows, and sufferings, and will love for evermore; him
the Jews prohned by blaspheming him, falsely ac-
cusing him, and condemning him; by spitting upon
him, buffeting, scourging, and crucifying him: some
interpret this holiness of the soul of Judah, which was
holy before the I,ord, and loved, as the 'Fargum; so
Jarchi of Judah himself, or Israel, who was holiness to
the Lord; and others of the holy place, the sanctuary,
and all holy things belonging thereto; and others of
the holy state of marriage, since it tbllows: and hath
married the daughter of a strange god; which the Tar-
gum paraphrases thus," and they were pleased to take
"to them wives, the daughters of the people ;, the
Gentiles, such as Moabites, Ammonites, and the like:
and Ibis sense is followed by most interpreters, though
the phrase seems rather to be expressive of idolatry;
and so the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions in-
terpret it of their being intent upon, and serving,
strange gods; and as the Jews rejected the Son of God,
and his word, ordinances, and worship, they had not
the true God, nor did they worship him, but became
guilty of idolatry; and besides, as they rejected the
King Messiah from being their King, so they declared
they had no king but Caesar, an idolatrous emperor,
and joined with the idolatrous Gentiles in putting
Christ to death, John xix. 12, 15. Acts iv. 27.
Vet. 12. The Lord will cut off the man that doeth this,
&c.] That is guilty of sucli treachery, wi,ckedness,
and idolatry: or to the man that doeth this {y}; all that
belong to him, his children and substance.' it denotes
the utter destruction, not of a single man and his fa-
mily only, but of the whole Jewish nation and its po-
lity, civil and ecclesiastical, as .follows: the master
and the scholar out of the tabernacles of Jacob; the
Targum paraphrases it, "the son, and son's son, out
"of the cities of Jacob;" agreeable to which is Kim-
chi's note," it is as if it was said, there shall not be
"left in his house one alive; that there shall not be in
"his honse one that answers him, that calls by name."
In the Hebrew text it is, him that is awake, and him that
answers {}; which the Talmudisis {a} explain, the former of
the wise men or masters, and the latter of the disciples of
the wise men; to which sense our version agrees: but by
him that waketh or watcheth, according to Cocceius, is
meant the civil magistrate, who watches for the good of
the commonwealth, and so may design the elders and
rulers of the people; and by him that answereth, the pro-
phet, who returns answers when he is consulted in things
belonging to the law of God, and such were the scribes
and lawyers. And him that offereth an offering unto
the Lord of hosts; the priests, that vilered sacrifice
for the people; so that hereby is threatened an entire
destruction, both of the civil and ecclesiastical polity
of the Jews, that there should be no prince, prophet,
and priest among them; all should be removed out of
the tents of Jacob, or cities of Israel; see Hos. iii. 4.
Ver. 13. And this have ye done again, &c,3 Or in
the second {b} place; to their rejection and ill treatment
of Christ they added their hypocritical prayers and
tears, as follows: covering the altar of the Lord with
tears and weeping, and with crying out; for the Messiah
they vainly expect, pretending great humiliation tbr
their sins: though some, as Kimchi and Aben Ezra,
make the first evil to be their offering illegal sacrifices
on the altar, complained of in the former chapter; and
this second, their marrying strange wives, on account
of which their lawful wives came into the h.ouse of
God, and wept over the altar before the Lord, com-
plaining of the injury that was done them: insomuch
that he regardeth not the offering any more, or receiveth
it with good will at your hand; which expresses an utter
rejection and abrogation of legal sacrifices; and which
some make to be the reason of their covering. the
altar with tears and weeping': or the altar is repre-
sented as weeping, because sacrifice is no more offered
upon it; see Dan. ix. 27. Hos. iii. 4.
Ver. 14. Yet ye say, wherefore? &c.] What's the
meaning of the women covering the altar with tears ? as
if they knew not what was the reason of it, when they
were so notoriously fuilty of breach of covenant with
them; which is an instance oftheirimpudence, as Abar-
binel observes: or, ifye say, wherefore ? as the Targum
and Kimchi interpret the words; should you say, what's
the reason why the Lord will not regard nor receive
our offerings ? the answer is ready, because the Lord
hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth:
when espoused together in their youthful days, the
Lord was present at that solemn contract, and saw the
obligations they were laid under to each other, and be
was called upon by both parties to be a witness of the
same; and at the present time he was a witness how
agreeably the wives of the Israelites had behaved to-
wards their husbands, and how treacherously they had
acted towards them; he saw and knew, that, whatever
{y} \^vyal\^ viro, Drusius, Cocceius, Burkius, De Dieu; filius et qui fe-
cerit istud, Piscator.
{z} \^hnew re\^ vigilantem & respondentem, Montanus, Vatablus, Dru-
sius, Grotius; vigilantem & responsantem, Junius & Tremellius; vigi-
lem & respondentem, Burkius.
{a} T. Bab. Sanhedrin, fol. 82. 1.
{b} \^tynv\^ secundo, Pagninus, Vatablus, Calvin, Cocceius, Burkius.