Online Bible 1995 March
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5. It is observed, that it is said of the dead, that they
know not any thing, Eccles ix. 5. But this is to be un-
tierstoed of the things of this world; they do not know
the aflitirs of it, what is done or doing in it, no, not the
condition and circumstances of their own families they
have left behind; they do not know whether their sons
come to honour or to disgrace; whether they are in
prosperous or in adverse circumstances, Job xiv.
But then they know the things of the other world, in
which they ai'e; they know God, and Christ, and the
holy angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect,
and the happiness of these and of themselves; they
know even as they are known: .V. ea, wicked men know
and feel the lashes of an accusing, torturing consci-
ence, the pal.us of hell, and the wra,h of God, the fire
that is not quenched; and so are not in a state of iu-
sensibility. I go on
Thirdly, .to point out the work and employment of
separate souls, especially of good men, after the death
of the body, until the resurrection of it: and here I
shall not give a scope to fancy and conjecture, which
may lead persons to say' many things doubtful and un-
certain; and since the scriptures are sparing in the
aecotmt they o-lye of tiffs matter, I shall content my-
self with just observing some few things which may be
gathered from thence; and which may suggest unto
uS tb.e work they are employed in; for it cannot be
thought that they are idle and unemployed in the
happy state in which they are. And
Ist, It need not be doubted, but that they. are em-
ployed in celebrating and adoring the perfections of
God; since this is the work of their kindred spirits,
the angels, with whom they are now associated; they
are eonstanttly employed, in ascribing glory to God,
Rev. vh. II, |2. see also v. 11, 12. so holy souls adore
the perfections of God's holiness, to which they bear
some resemblance, and are thankful at the remem-
brance of it; and the almighty power of God, of which
they have had experience in this life, and in bringing
them to the happy state they are now in; and the wis-
dom of God, displayed in the works of nature, provi-
dence, and grace, of which they have now a clearer
understanding; and the grace, mercy, and love of God,
which appear in every branch of their salvation; and
the faithfulness of God to his counsels, covenant, and
promises; to dwell on these subjects will be no incon-
siderable part of their employment.
2dly, They are also employed in beholding God in
Christ, and the glory of Christ; being pure in heart,
and perfect in holiness, they see God wi. th tho eyes of
their understanding; behold him for themselves, and
not another, as their covenant God and Father in Christ;
and his glory as displayed in the Person of Christ; and
have as much knowledge of him as creatures are ca-
pable of; and solace and delight themselves in the
views of him, and in communion with him: and though
they see not Christ with the eyes of their bodies, as
they will after the resurrection; yet with the eyes of
their minds they gaze upon and wonder at those glo-
ries and excellencies they see in him; and this is the
end of Christ's intercession for them, that they be
with him where he is, and behold his glory, John
xvii. 24.
3dly, They are likewise employed in the exercise
of various graces: if is commonly said of faith, hope,
and love, that they are travelling graces, which ac-
company saints in this life; but cease, as to their ex-
ercise, at death, especially the two former; the latter
is indeed allowed to continue after death: but faith is
usually said to be changed for sight, and hope for fru-
ition; which, in some respects, and in part, is true;
yet I see not why faith and hope may uot be thought
to have their use, and to be in exei'cise after death,
and especially in the separate state, until the resur-
rection: it can scarcely be doubted, that separate souls
firmly believe the resurrectiou of their bodies, that they
will be raised again, and re-united to their souls; aud
as that will add to their happiness, it cannot but be de-
sired by them; and as it is what is at present unseen,
unenioyed, and is future, it must be the object of hope,
about which that grace must be conversant, until it is
brought to pass; and thus as Christ rested in hope of
the resurrection of his body, Psalm xvi. 9. so the souls
of saints in heaven rest in hope of the resurrection of
theirs; and tnay be truly said to wait for the redemp-
tion of the body. Some think Job has respect to this,
when he says, All the days of my appointed tinze will
I wait till my change come; meaning, not his change
by death, though that is a truth, but his change at the
,'esurrection, when Christ will change the vile bodies
of his people, and fashion them like to his glorious one.
Yea, patience, rest, and quietness, are to be, and are
exercised by souls in their separate state: to the souls
under the altar it is said, that they should rest yet for a
little season, until their fellow-servants also, and their
brethren that should be killed, as they were, should be ful-
filled; that is, be easy, quiet, and patient, till that time,
comes, and this is done, Rev. vi. I 1. And as for love,
there is no doubt but it will be in its highest act and
4thly, They are also employed in serving God; so
those come out of great tribulation are said to be be-
fore the throne of God, and to serve him day and night
"in his temple, Rev. vii. 14, 15. not by preaching, and
hearing, and attending on the word and ordinances; yet
there are duties which are performed in this state; if
not prayer, yet most certainly praise, in the highest
perfection: I see not why prayer may not be allowed
to the church triumphant and its members, though
not for themselves, yet for the church militant and its
members, that they may be delivered from their pre-
sent evils; and that the justice of God might be glo-
rified in titking vengeance on their enemies; and that
they may shortly join their general assembly; some-
thing like this is ascribed to the souls under the altar,
who are represented as expostulating with God after
this manner, And they cried with a loud voice, saying,
How long, 0 Lord, hol3t and true, dost thou not judge
and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth ?
Rev. vi. 1o. and, indeed, what is the earnest wish and.
desire of separate souls, after the resurrection of their
bodies and their reunion to thetn, but prayer, that so it
might be ? however, praise is their grand employment,
their principal business, in which they are continually
engaged; these ransomed ones come to Zion with
songs, and there they sing them; the songs of eleet-