Online Bible 1995 March
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is conversant with them, which enters into that within
the vail, Heb. vi. 19.----2. They are things future,
yet to come, and therefore hoped for; hence saints are
exhorted, to hope to the end, for the grace that is to be
brought unto them, at the revelation of Jesus Christ,
when he shall be revealed from heaven, and appear a
second time; and therefore are directed, to look for
that blessed hope, the hope laid up in heaven, the hope
of happiness to be enjoyed, at the glorious appearing
of the great God, and our Saylout Jesus Christ, 1 Pet.
i. 13. Tit. ii. 13. 3. Things hoped for are difficult
to come at and possess; many tr!bulations lie in the
way to the kingdom, throngh which men must enter
into it; the righteous, by reason of many afflictions,
trials, and temptations, are scarcely saved, though at
last certainly saved; and since the gate is straight and the
way narrow, whichlead to eternal life; hence there m'ust
be' a labouring and striving to enter in; of which there
is hope: and therefore,----4. Hope is of things possi-
ble, or otherwise it would turn to despair, as in Cain,
and those who said, there is no hope, bttt we will walk
after our own devices, Jet. xviii. 12. but there is hope
in Israel concerning this thing, eternal life and happi-
ness, as well as concerning all.things leading on to it;
and which will certainly issue in it; and therefore it is
good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for
the salvation of the Lord, Ezra x. 2. Lam. iii. 96. at
least he has encouragement to put his mouth in the
dust, if so be there may be hope, v 29. or seeing hope
of salvation is to be entortained.
2dly, The things, the objects of hope, or which are
to be hoped for, are more particularly salvation by
Christ, pardon of sin through him, all blessings of
grace, and the supplies of it for the present life; and
things after death, as the resurrection of the body and
eternal life.
1. Salvation by Christ: as soon as ever a soul is
made sensible of its lost state and condition by nature,
its inquiry is, What must I do to be saved ? and being
shown the way of salvation by Christ, and directed to
him for it, in whom it is complete, perfect, and every
wa.y suitable, it is encouraged to hope in him for it,
and sa.v, as David did, Lord, I have hoped for thy salva-
tion, Psalm cxix. 116. Salvation, though wrought out,
yet the full possession of it is to come; and the diffi-
culties in the way of enjoying it many; and yet it is
possible to be had, and therefore hope is conversant
about it.- (1.) It has been thought of, contrived,
and fixed; the thoughts of God were employed about
it iu eternity; he resolved upon the salvation of some
of the sons of men; he appointed theth to salvation,
and chose them to it through certain means; he con-
trived the sche,ne of it in the wisest manner, and settled
and established it in the covenant of grace: all which
serve to encourage hope of it. (2.) And as God
appointed some to salvation, he appointed one to be
the Saviour of them, and a great one, even his own
Son, his equal and his fellow, every way and on all ac-
counts capable of such a work; he promised him, he
sent him, and he came to seek and save lost sinners;
and he is become the author of eternal salvation, and his
name is called Jesus, because he saves his people from
their sins, and therefore have they reason to hope in him.
--(3.) Salvation is actually wrought out by Christ;
it is entirely finished, the work is done, and completely
done; it is a full salvation, nothing wanting to make
it perfect; wherefore, Let Israel hope in the Lord, for
with Mm is plenteous redemption, Psalm cxxx. 7. which
includes in it, and secures all the blessings of grace;
as justification, forgiveness of sin, adoption, and eternal
life. (4.) Salvation being wrought out by Christ,
it is in him, and to be had by him, and by no other;
so said the apostle Peter,. Neither is there salvation in.
any other, Acts iv. 12. but inasmuch as there is salva--
tion in him, it may be hoped for fi'om him; though
there is no hope of it elsewhere ; Truly in vain is
salvation hoped for from the hills and from the multitude
of mountains: Truly in the Lord our God is the salva-
tion of Israel, Jet. iii. 9.3. and in him only; and there-
fore such who are acquainted herewith, hope in him
only, and will have no other Saylout. . (5.) Great
encouragement is given by Christ to sensible sinners
to hope for and expect salvation from him; Look unto
me, s.ays he, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth,
men in every quarter of it, and in the uttermost parts
thereof, of whatsoever rank, quality, and character
For I am God, and there is none else; and so able to
save to the uttermost, Isa. xlv. 22. all labout'ing and
heavy laden sinners, burdened with a sense of sin, and
the guilt of it, he invites to come to him, and promises
them to give them rest for their souls, Matt. xi. ,08,
and assures them, that he will, in no wise, upon any
account, reject, and cast them out, but receive them m
the most kind and tender manner; and for their en-
couragement to come to him, and exercise faith and
hope on him, it may be observed, This man receiveth
sinners, and eateth with them, Luke xv. 2. ...(6.) Sal-
vation in and by Christ is to be had freely; it is wholly
of free grace, and not of works; God saves and calls
men according to his grace, and they are saved by
grace, and not of works; not by works of righteous-
ness done by them: but according to the abundant
mercy and rich grace of God in Christ: were any con-
ditions required on the part of sinners, qualifying them
for, and intitling them unto salvation, they might de-
spair of it; but since it is all of free grace they may
be encouraged to hope for it.. ..C7.) Salvation by
Christ is for sinners, even for the chief of sinners; as
Christ came to call sinners to repentance, so to die for
them, and by dying to save them: in this lies the high
commendation of the love of God to us; that wht'le
we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, Rom. v. 8. and
this is no small encouragement to such who see them-
selves polluted, guilty sinners, to hope for salvation by
a dying Saviour; and the rather, since he came into the
world to save sinners, even the chief, I Tim. i. 1
(8.) The gospel-declaration gives great encouragement
to sinners to hope in Christ for salvation; that he that
believes shall be saved; that he that seeth the Son, and
believeth on him, shall not perish, but have everlasting
life: to a soul inquiring after salvation the gospel thus
directs, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt
be saved/Mark xvi. 16. John vi. 40. Acts xvi. 31.
2. Pardon of sin through the blood of Christ: this
is what is immediately sought after and pray. ed for by
a soul convinced of sin, righteousness, and 3udgment;