OS/2 Collection - Online Library - January 1996
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What's new in SCRT
Softcopy Receiver Tool Version 1.3 now provides the following
additional functions over version 1.2, and these functions are documented
in the user's guide (GC23-3663-03):
o Support for use with CD/Showcase--in that, the SCRT will detect
encrypted or 'locked' files and prevent copying.
o Support for 'types' other than Books, Bookshelves and Bookindices
(although at this time, there are no other types on the kits).
o Added flexibility for selections from the Global Select panel.
o Support for OMA 3423 device types.
o Increased error checking for SCRT/MVS target space routines.
NOTE: If you have previously installed any other version of SCRT, you
should replace that version by following the procedures described in
"Installing SCRT/VM" and "Installing SCRT/MVS."
Also, if you want to use older softcopy kits on your workstation,
follow the procedure found in "Installing SCRT on your hard disk (for
users of early softcopy kits)."
What is SCRT?
The Softcopy Receiver Tool (SCRT) is included as a part of every IBM
softcopy publications kit. A softcopy publications kit is a special
collection of softcopy publications distributed on tape and CD-ROM.
SCRT is used to receive publications from the kit and place them into
your permanent storage.
SCRT comes equipped to run on DOS, OS/2, VM/CMS, and MVS/TSO. If you
have a kit that was distributed on tape, you would use either the VM
or the MVS flavor of SCRT to transfer the softcopy publications to
your host storage. If you have a kit that was distributed on CD-ROM,
you could choose to transfer the files to your host or your
workstation environment. Use the following table to choose which
flavor of SCRT is best suited for you:
| KIT ON TAPE | | | x | x |
| KIT ON | x | x | with OMA | with OMA |
| CD-ROM | | | | |
For CD-ROM>Host users (those needing OMA)
SCRT requires the IBM S/370 and S/390 Optical Media Attach/2 (OMA) to
transfer softcopy publications from a CD-ROM to a VM or MVS host. IBM
softcopy publications kits distributed on CD-ROM can be accessed as a
tape volume. The IBM S/370 and S/390 Optical Media Attach/2 provides
access to the data on the CD-ROM by emulating a host tape drive. See
the user's guide for more information.
SCRT is designed to operate in any of the following DOS or OS/2
o DOS 5.0 and above
o OS/2 1.3 and above
SCRT/2 and SCRT/DOS require:
o At least 400KB of system storage
o 425KB of system memory
Additional space is required for the SCRT history file and for each
publication transferred to the target drive.
Starting SCRT/2 or SCRT/DOS
No installation is required for SCRT/2 or SCRT/DOS. These versions of
SCRT can be run directly from a CD-ROM.
When you use SCRT to receive publications, SCRT writes work files to
your fixed disk as well. These files include:
o a profile
o temporary work files
o the history file
The profile and temporary work files are, by default, placed in C:\.
To change the location of these files, see "Optional placement of SCRT
work files."
1. To run SCRT in an OS/2 session, type:
where drive is the drive assignment for the CD-ROM.
2. To run SCRT in a DOS session, type:
where drive is the drive assignment for the CD-ROM.
NOTE: Multiple OS/2 sessions of SCRT running on the same
workstation, or running SCRT/DOS and SCRT/2 sessions concurrently,
can cause errors.
3. The Setup Options window is displayed.
4. Type the drive (A-Z) of the CD containing the softcopy
publications kit.
5. Type the path name for the SCRT history file. This file is used
by SCRT and we recommend that it is installed on your fixed disk
with at least 200KB of storage space.
The history file provides a record of SCRT activity. SCRT
displays information from the history file if you attempt to
overwrite existing files. So, you should use the same target path
each time you start SCRT to keep your history file current.
6. Press ENTER to read the publication list from the CD.
7. SCRT is now ready to use. Use the online help (F1) or see the
user's guide for more information.
NOTE: You must exit and restart SCRT to display a publications list
from another IBM softcopy publications kit.
Optional placement of SCRT work files
The profile and work files are, by default, placed in C:\. To change
the location of these files, use a text editor and edit your
CONFIG.SYS file (for OS/2) or your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (for DOS) and add
the following line:
where path is an existing OS/2 or DOS path.
NOTE: SCRT work files need 200KB of storage.
Installing SCRT on your hard disk (for users of early softcopy kits)
Earlier softcopy collection kits did not contain the workstation
versions of SCRT. If you want to use the workstation version of SCRT
with these early kits, you must install SCRT/DOS or SCRT/2 Version 1.2
on to your hard disk. To install and start SCRT on your hard disk:
1. Copy the following files from a newer softcopy collection kit to a
directory of your choice:
2. Run SCRT from that directory by typing:
EBRSCRT2 (for an OS2 session)
EBRSCRT (for a DOS session)
NOTE: Multiple OS/2 sessions of SCRT running on the same
workstation, or running SCRT/DOS and SCRT/2 sessions concurrently,
can cause errors.
3. Continue with step 4 under Starting SCRT/2 or SCRT/DOS.
SCRT is designed to operate in any of the following VM/CMS
o VM/SP Release 5 or higher
o VM/SP HPO Release 5 or higher
o VM/XA SP Release 2 or higher
o VM/ESA Release 1.0 or higher
NOTE: SCRT does not support the VM Shared File System.
SCRT/VM requires:
o The IBM C/370 Runtime Library Version 1 Release 2 or higher. If
you use BookManager/VM, you already have the IBM C/370 Runtime
Library. PTF UN11350 must be installed if you are running the IBM
C/370 Runtime Library Version 1 Release 2. Contact your IBM
service representative for details (APAR PN08574).
o The equivalent of one cylinder of 3380 DASD for the SCRT/VM code
files. Additional space is required for the SCRT history file and
for each publication transferred to the target filemode.
o Four megabytes of virtual storage to run SCRT/VM.
o If a CD-ROM user, see "For CD-ROM>Host users (those needing OMA)"
earlier in this file.
Installing SCRT/VM
To install SCRT/VM:
1. Log on to VM/CMS.
2. Mount the IBM softcopy publications tape (sequential tape or
CD-ROM). If mounting a multi-volume set, mount volume 1 first.
3. Issue the following VMFPLC2 commands to install SCRT:
Default command Full syntax
vdev is the virtual address of the attached tape device (default
is 181).
fm is the target installation disk (default is filemode A).
The system response should be:
If all of the files shown are loaded, you have completed the
installation. (The files may not be loaded in the order shown.)
Starting SCRT/VM
To start SCRT on VM/CMS:
1. Ensure that you have R/W access to an 'A' disk.
SCRT requires R/W access to an 'A' disk for the SCRT history file
(EBRSCRT HISTORY A) and for temporary work files. The SCRT
history file provides a record of SCRT activity. SCRT displays
information from the history file if you attempt to overwrite
existing files.
2. Enter the CMS command:
The EBRSCRT EXEC will setup the IBM C/370 Runtime environment and
start SCRT/VM. Refer to the IBM C/370 User's Guide, SC09-1264,
for details about setting up the IBM C/370 Runtime environment.
3. The Setup Options window is displayed.
4. Type the virtual device address of the source tape (the default is
5. If the tape is already mounted, skip to the next step; otherwise,
enter your local tape mount command on the command line. SCRT
will pass the entered command to CMS subset. Be sure to specify
the same virtual device address from the Setup Options window
(default 181) in your local tape mount command.
Wait until the device is attached and the tape is mounted. IBM
softcopy publications kits distributed on CD-ROM can be accessed
as a tape volume. The IBM S/370 and S/390 Optical Media Attach/2
provides access to the tape on the CD-ROM by emulating a host tape
drive. Refer to the user's guide for more information.
6. Press ENTER to read the publication list from the tape.
NOTE: You must exit and restart SCRT to display a publications
list from another IBM softcopy publications kit.
7. SCRT is now ready to use. Use the online help (F1) or see
the user's guide.
SCRT is designed to operate in any of the following MVS/TSO
o MVS/XA (MVS/SP Version 2) with TSO/E Version 2 Release 1 or higher
o MVS/ESA (MVS/SP Version 3) with TSO/E Version 2 Release 1 or
o MVS/ESA (MVS/SP Version 4) with TSO/E Version 2 Release 1 or
SCRT/MVS requires:
o The IBM C/370 Runtime Library Version 1 Release 2 or higher. If
you use BookManager/MVS, you already have the IBM C/370 Runtime
o The equivalent of 3 cylinders of 3380 DASD for the SCRT/MVS
datasets. Additional space is required for the SCRT history file
and for each publication transferred to the target unit/volser.
o Tape mount authority from your TSO session.
o If using multi-volume tapes, access to Bypass Label Processing
o Read authority to IBM softcopy publications kits.
IBM softcopy publications kits include datasets with a high-level
qualifier of IBM. The IBM high-level qualifier may need to be
added to your MVS security system with read authority for yourself
and other SCRT users. If you and the other SCRT users are granted
read authority to the IBM high-level qualifier you will be able to
access any dataset included with an IBM softcopy publications kit.
When SCRT transfers the datasets from the tape or CD-ROM to the
target unit/volser, the files are written using the high-level
qualifier you specify.
o If a CD-ROM user, see "For CD-ROM>Host users (those needing OMA)"
earlier in this file.
Installing SCRT/MVS
To install SCRT/MVS:
1. Log on to MVS/TSO.
2. Create the following JCL:
1 //* Replace this line with your system specific job card
5 // VOL=SER=vvvvvv,LABEL=(3,SL)
7 // UNIT=dddddd,DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6160),
8 // SPACE=(TRK,1)
9 //SYSIN DD *
12 /*
3. Replace line 1 with your system specific job card: jobid,
accounting information, class, msgclass, etc.
4. Change 'tttttt' in 'UNIT=tttttt' on line 4 to identify the tape or
CD-ROM unit. Unit examples are as follows:
address 3F0, 3F8, 4F0, 4F8, etc.
device type 3422, 3480, 3380, etc.
esoteric name PCTAPE, TAPE, DISK, SYSDA, etc.
5. Change 'vvvvvv' in 'VOL=SER=vvvvvv' on line 5 to the volume label
on the CD-ROM or first tape.
6. Change 'xxxxxxxx' in 'DSN=xxxxxxxx.EBRSCRT.INSTALL.JCL' on line 6
to a high-level qualifier you choose for the target dataset.
7. Change 'xxx' in 'DISP=(xxx,CATLG,DELETE)' on line 6 to NEW if the
xxxxxxxx.EBRSCRT.INSTALL.JCL dataset does not exist or to OLD if
the xxxxxxxx.EBRSCRT.INSTALL.JCL dataset does exist.
8. Change 'dddddd' in 'UNIT=dddddd' on line 7 to identify the target
unit. Refer to the examples provided in step 4.
9. Submit the modified JCL through your normal batch-processing
system. The job will issue a tape mount request. Mount the IBM
softcopy publications tape (sequential tape or CD-ROM). After the
tape is mounted, the job will allocate the required space and copy
the install JCL from the tape or CD-ROM to the dataset
xxxxxxxx.EBRSCRT.INSTALL.JCL. Ensure that the job completes
without error.
10. Edit the install JCL dataset and follow the instructions contained
within the JCL (add your job card and change the UNITs, VOLs, and
high-level qualifiers). The install JCL is used to allocate space
and install SCRT.
11. Submit the modified install JCL through your normal
batch-processing system. The job will issue a tape mount request.
Mount the IBM softcopy publications tape (sequential tape or
CD-ROM). After the tape is mounted, the job will install
SCRT/MVS. Do not continue until the install job has completed
without error.
12. Edit the installed SCRT CLIST (qualifier.EBRSCRT.EBRCLT) and
change the 'XXXXXXXX' in the 'SET SCRTHLQ = &STR(XXXXXXXX)'
statement to the high-level qualifier used for the installed SCRT
Starting SCRT/MVS
To start SCRT on MVS/TSO:
1. Go to a TSO command prompt and enter the TSO command:
If the IBM C/370 Runtime Libraries are not accessible, you will
receive a protection exception. Refer to the IBM C/370 User's
Guide, SC09-1264, for details about setting up the IBM C/370
Runtime Libraries.
2. The Setup Options window is displayed.
3. Type the VOLID of the softcopy publications tape (the volume
serial is printed on the tape or CD-ROM label).
4. Type the Source Unit (the default is PCTAPE).
5. Type the History File High-Level Qualifier. This entry is for the
SCRT history file (qualifier.EBRSCRT.EBRHST). The SCRT history
file provides a record of SCRT activity. SCRT displays
information from the history file if you attempt to overwrite
existing datasets. If the history file does not exist, SCRT will
create it using the high-level qualifier, unit, and VOLSER
specified. If the history file already exists, SCRT will ignore
the unit and VOLSER specified and use the existing history file.
Use the same high-level qualifier to prevent the creation of
multiple SCRT history files.
6. Type the VOLSER and Unit for the SCRT history file. (The history
file VOLSER is not a required entry.) You must have read/write
and create authority for the history file. SCRT will use the
history file unit/VOLSER to store SCRT temporary work files and
the SCRT profile. The SCRT profile dataset
(userid.EBRSCRT.EBRPRF) is used to store all of the information
you enter on the Setup Options window. The first time you start
SCRT, message 'EBR027: User profile not found - one will be
created.' is displayed. SCRT will create a new user profile. The
next time you start SCRT, the entry fields in the Setup Options
window will default to the information in your SCRT profile. Be
sure to specify a unit/VOLSER that is NOT using temporary storage.
7. Press ENTER to issue the tape mount request and to read the
publications list from the tape. IBM softcopy publications kits
distributed on CD-ROM can be accessed as a tape volume. The IBM
S/370 and S/390 Optical Media Attach/2 provides access to the tape
on the CD-ROM by emulating a host tape drive. Refer to the
user's guide for more information.
NOTE: You must exit and restart SCRT to display a publications
list from another IBM softcopy publications kit.
8. SCRT is now ready to use. Use the online help (F1) or see
the user's guide for more information.