OS/2 Professional
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YaBomp v1.20
Yet Another Binkley Outbound Manager
OS/2 Version
(C) Berin Lautenbach 1991-1992
Well, here it is, the OS/2 version of YaBom. Functionality
wise it is nearly exactly the same as YaBom v1.10 for DOS - the
only differences arising from changes necessary for it to run under
OS/2. Note that there is NO version 1.20 for DOS. After this
release, all OS/2 and DOS versions will be released more or less
concurrently, and with the same version number.
I have inlcuded the DOS v1.10 documentation, since it is more
or less the same. (The only difference being CtrlPgUp and
CtrlPgDwn in the nodelist lookup - see WHATSNEW.TXT).
The only other difference is that this version requires
registration before it will work properly. There is an irritating
"register me" message at the start of the program, and the
facilities to view the internals of mail and redirect mail have
been turned off unless Yabby finds a key present.
Registration is only necessary for the OS/2 version, and is
there to cover costs of libraries and other things necessary to
create a program I can't even use <GRIN>. The DOS version will
always be a $0 program, and the key sent to you will work for all
future versions (or if the key format changes, a new key will be
sent to you).
The cost of registering is $20 Australian, to be sent to
Berin Lautenbach
20 Yiman St
ACT Australia 2611
along with the form at the end of this text. I will do my best to
crash the key through to you, or to your host system in the case of
non CM nodes, wherever that may be. In last resort I will send it
YaBomp V1.20 registration form
Please put your name and main address EXACTLY as they appear
in your YaBom configuration, since both are used to generate keys.
(Your main address being the first address in YaBom's configuration
Name : ____________________________________________
Main Address : ____________________________________________
Method by which you would like the key sent to you. (Please note I
would prefer to crash the key through, and will only use snail mail
as a last resort)
[ ] Crash Mail [ ] Host routed Crash [ ] Snail Mail
If the above network address is not fidonet, please give either a
valid fidonet address to crash to, or a phone number that I can get
through to.
Address to Send : __________________________________________
Please fill out this form, and send along with a cheque for $25 to
the address given above. I will endeavour to get the key to you