OS/2 Professional
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August 11, 1993
The S3 video device driver support is now available for OS/2* 2.1!
This means that OS/2 users now have access to even better graphics,
faster video and higher resolution in a proven and reliable operating
"The S3 video driver is designed to provide OS/2 users with seamless
support for accelerated video graphics and advanced color resolution,"
says Wally Casey, director of marketing for PSP. "The new driver
ensures compatibility with the S3 technology shipping in today's newer
The OS/2 2.1 S3 video driver supports the following resolutions
and colors:
640 x 480 x 256 colors
800 x 600 x 256 colors
1024 x 768 x 256 colors
1280 x 1024 x 256 colors
PC manufacturers, such as the IBM PC Company and Dell Computer
Corporation, will begin shipping the OS/2 2.1 S3 driver with their
systems. The S3 driver has also been tested on and is compatible with
many industry leading S3 adapter cards.
The S3 driver is available from multiple electronic download services,
including Internet and CompuServe, or can be ordered on diskette for $15
(cost + shipping and handling) by calling 1-800-3IBM-OS2. It is located
on software.watson.ibm.com on the Internet, and in OS2SUPPORT, Library
17, IBM files on CompuServe. The file name is S3-256.DSK.
To make the driver diskette, you will also need the file
LOADDF.ZIP from OS2USER, Library 17, IBM file.
15 Questions & Answers About the S3 Driver
1. Does the S3 driver exploit the accelerated functions of the S3
Corporation's chipsets?
This display driver takes advantage of the hardware acceleration
capabilities of S3 Corporation's 86C801/86C805 and 86C928 chip
sets. It conforms to the OS/2 32-bit flat memory model and is
designed to function as a 32-bit Presentation Manager (PM) display
driver under the OS/2 32-bit graphics engine subsystem.
2. Which resolutions are supported?
The S3 display driver supports the following resolutions/colors and OS/2
full-screen columns/rows:
640 x 480 x 256 colors
800 x 600 x 256 colors
1024 x 768 x 256 colors
1280 x 1024 x 256 colors (minimum of 2MB video memory required)
OS/2 full screen 132,25
OS/2 full screen 132,43
3. What other features does it support?
* OS/2 PM Palette Manager
* Software Motion Video
* Static mode change.
4. When will it be available?
It will be available August 9, 1993, via electronic download. It
will be available on diskette via the 1-800-3IBM-OS2 number
approximately two weeks later.
PC manufacturers, such as the IBM PC Company and Dell Computer
Corporation, will begin shipping the OS/2 2.1 S3 driver with
their systems. In addition, IBM will add this S3 driver
to shrink-wrapped packages of OS/2 2.1.
5. Where will it be available?
The driver is available via multiple electronic download
services, including CompuServe and Internet, or can be ordered on
diskette for $15 (cost + shipping and handling) by calling
It is located on software.watson.ibm.com on the Internet,
and in OS2SUPPORT, Library 17, IBM files. The file name is
6. Does IBM fully support this driver?
Yes. It is covered by the same support plan as the OS/2 2.1
7. The 256-color driver is now available. Does IBM intend to enhance
the driver to include additional colors, ie., 65K and 16M (true
It is IBM's intent to enhance the current driver to support
additional colors. Beta-level code will continue to be
made available electronically as additional function
is added.
8. Did IBM develop this driver?
Personal Systems Programming views our customer requirements for
OS/2 drivers supporting the leading video chip sets as a top
priority. We invested in developing this driver to satisfy
these requirements.
9. This driver is compatible with which versions of OS/2?
This driver is compatible with OS/2 2.1, and it is covered by the
terms and conditions of the the Program License Agreement for the
OS/2 2.1 product.
10. Does this driver support less than 1 MB of video memory?
No, a minimum of 1MB of video memory is required.
11. Is this a seamless driver, ie., does it support Windows and OS/2
applications running side by side in windows on the desktop?
12. Is this a fully 32-bit driver?
13. Are there any functional restrictions?
This display driver may not support ALL S3 adapters or systems
with EVERY chip set. The S3 display driver has been tested on
and is compatible with the S3 adapters or systems with the chip
sets indicated in parentheses. Additional adapters or systems
may be added as testing continues in the future.
Actix (801)
Actix (928)
Diamond Stealth 24 (801)
Diamond Stealth 24 LB (805)
Diamond Stealth Pro (928)
Diamond Stealth Pro LB (928)
Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 (801)
Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 Plus (801)
Metheus (928)
Video 7 Win.Pro (801)
IBM ValuePoint (805)
Dell 433/L (805)
Dell 433/M (805)
Dell 466/L (805)
14. How do I install it?
With an easy-to-use command file. Instructions are in the
accompanying README file.
15. Is this the same driver that is available from the S3
No, this driver is the generally available version of the S3
driver that has been in beta test on IBM bulletin boards. In
addition, a 16-bit driver for the S3 chip has been available from
the S3 Corporation.
* Indicates trademark of the International Business Machines