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Instructions for LOCKDRIVE Filter
LOCKDRV.FLT converts Removable DASD and R/W Optical
drives to fixed disks which are managed by the
OS/2 DASD Manager (OS2DASD.DMD).
Disks supported by the OS/2 DASD Manager may be
paritioned and formatted with either FAT or HPFS
file systems.
The LOCKDRIVE filter also issues commands to
prevent media removal while OS/2 is running.
ADD/DM Toolkit Installation of LOCKDRV Source
LOCKDRIVE source is contained in the directory
This directory will be added to the ADD/DM Toolkit
by unzipping the LOCKDRV source:
The filter can be rebuilt be doing an NMAKE in the
LOCKDRV directory.
LOCKDRV Filter ADD Installation
1.) Copy the LOCKDRIVE filter ADD - LOCKDRV.FLT to
\OS2 directory of the boot drive.
2.) Add the following statement to CONFIG.SYS on
the boot drive.
/UNIT: - Specifies devices to be locked.
Devices are numbered starting with the
first Removable DASD or R/W Optical Device
(SCSI Types: 0 or 7).
Notes: 1.) CDROM and Diskette (A:, B:) devices
are not included in this count.
2.) The BASEDEV= stmt for LOCKDRV.FLT may
be put in any where in CONFIG.SYS.
However, if other Filter ADDs are installed,
then the LOCKDRV stmt must appear in the
proper order with regard to other Filter ADD
3.) Ready the devices to be locked. A cartridge
must be present in the device during the
OS/2 boot process.
4.) Reboot the system.
5.) Use OS/2 FDISKPM, FORMAT utilities to parition
and format the media.
Note: FDISKPM may show incorrect partition sizes for
media which was previously non-paritioned.
This condition may be corrected by selecting
and deleting the incorrect parition entries.
When all the entries have been deleted, FDISK
should show the correct size for the media
in its FREESPACE entry.
6.) Media in the drive will be unlocked after a SHUTDOWN
or Ctrl-Alt-Del reboot of OS/2.
If the LOCKDRV filter cannot lock the devices specified
on its command line in CONFIG.SYS the following message
will be issued:
LockDrive Filter: Some devices requested could not be locked.
If the syntax of the command line in CONFIG.SYS is incorrect,
the LOCKDRIVE filter will uninstall with a SYS1201 error.
Installing OS/2 on Removable Media
OS/2 may be booted from a locked cartridge device provided,
the DASD adapter provides INT 13 support for removable
The LOCKDRIVE Filter must be manually installed at the
completion of OS/2 installation and prior to rebooting the
system following the procedures above.
The installation diskettes can be booted to access HPFS
partitions or DOS may be booted to access FAT partitions.
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that OS/2 be installed on a
Primary Partition rather than an Extended Parition
(Logical Drive).
If you install in an Extended Partition, and your
ADD recognizes addtional drives (beyond what the adapter's
BIOS recognizes) or additional drives are later added to the
configuration, then the drive letter of the bootable partition
will change and you will probably not be able to reboot
the system!
Restrictions and Known Problems
1.) Locked drives may unexpectedly become unlocked if an ADD
issues a SCSI Device Reset or SCSI Bus Reset to clear
an abnormal SCSI bus condition.
This will be addessed by having the LOCKDRV filter
reestablish the lock condition when it detects a
UNIT ATTENTION (Device Reset) from the device.
2.) Certain devices (especially large optical devices) may
timeout during a FAT format, which issues large
a Read Verify operations. This will be addressed by
the DASD Manager by setting a non-default IORB timeout
for these operations.
3.) Devices with other that 512 byte default sector
sizes are not supported.
The LOCKDRV Filter does not currently set block
sizes to 512 (via a SCSI Mode Select).
4.) There is currently no low-level formatting support in
OS/2 2.0.
Support of low-level formatting is being investigated.
5.) The GA version of (IBM2SCSI.ADD) does not currently support
the Lock IORB Command Code and will not work with the
LOCKDRV filter.
This is being addressed.