OS/2 Professional
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Blackbeard/2 (BB2) is a self-contained program. The documentation is
built into the program itself. The help and menu system provide complete
information on all of Blackbeard/2's functions.
Alt-H calls up Blackbeard/2's help system. Blackbeard/2's help
system is context sensitive and available for status line prompts and menu
selections. The help system is hypertext style, allowing you to move quickly
from topic to topic. The message line at the bottom lists the help function
Introductory help information topics are:
Running Blackbeard/2
System Configuration
The key to using Blackbeard/2 is the menu system. All of Blackbeard/2's
functions are available through the menu system. The Esc key will pop up the
menus. The menu consists of grouped commands. Each menu contains a list of
functions and corresponding key bindings. Help is available directly on the
menu for each topic.
Please note that Blackbeard/2's Manual generator (BB2MAN) is uses this
help information and does not produce any additional information.
Other topics of general interest are:
Copyright & Redistribution Limitations
Questions about Blackbeard
Blackbeard/2 Installation Instructions
Blackbeard/2 is (sometimes) distributed in an self-executing archived format.
To unarchive Blackbeard/2, run the BB2103 executable and specify the directory
(for example \BB2) where you want Blackbeard/2 installed. The directory must
exist for proper unarchiving.
For example,
BB212 \BB2
After, BB2103 has unarchived itself, you will probably want to include the
Blackbeard/2 directory in your path command. This allows BB2 to run from
any directory. Do this by modifying your AUTOEXEC.BAT file with the following
type of commands:
cd \cb
BB2 \autoexec.bat
... Add C:\BB2 to the PATH command, then ...
^Z -- BB2 Saves File
ctrl-alt-del -- Reboot system
In addition, Blackbeard/2 uses the BB2DIR symbol, to locate many of its
configuration and help files. Place the following command in your
SET BB2DIR=<directory> for example: SET BB2DIR=C:\BB2
Blackbeard/2 will look in the BB2DIR directory for the help file,
configuration file, paste file, etc. Additional system configuration is
also available.
Running Blackbeard/2
To run Blackbeard/2 use:
BB2 <filename>
Blackbeard/2 will display the startup screen and ask you for a file to
edit (if one is not present). For a list of files press just the enter.
NOTE: BB2 with no filename and the save/restore option on will load the
previously edited files.
Alt-H will pop up help. Esc will pop up the main menu.
Esc gets you out of both help and menus.
To use more than 25 rows or 80 columns, specify the number of rows and columns
on the command line. Otherwise, Blackbeard/2 will not access the screen
properly. Use the following command:
BB2/r#/c# <filename>
for example BB2/r50/c80 will run Blackbeard/2 with 50 rows and
80 columns.
ATTN: CGA / VGA monochrome users, (why I'll never know) The current
versions of BB will come up using colors that translate to very odd
levels of grey. No problem just use <ALT-F9> to change to black and white
this will be saved away when you learn how to save the configuration.