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523 lines
* A program for adding or changing environment variable values for MSDOS.
* The "set" command provided by command.com is very limited. It fails to
* provide the ability to use quotation marks and escape characters and
* octal/hex constants in the value definition. Setenv provides these
* abilities.
* Usage notes:
* setenv <symbol> = <value>
* <symbol> ::= legal MSDOS environment symbol. Lower case converted
* to uppercase.
* <value> ::= environment symbol value in one of three forms:
* * No quotation marks. The value is the literal string
* of characters starting IMMEDIATELY after the equal
* sign and extending to the end-of-line.
* * Single quotation marks ('). The value is the literal
* string enclosed in quotation marks.
* * Double quotation marks ("). The value is the string
* enclosed in double quotation marks. Backslash escape
* constructions are processed -- this includes the usual
* C language constructions such as \n for newline and
* \r for carriage return plus octal and hexadecimal
* constants (\ddd & \0xdd, respectively).
* Based on a program by Alan J Myrvold (ajmyrvold@violet.waterloo.edu)
* WARNING WARNING WARNING - virtually no error checking is done !!
* use at own risk !!
* This program by Larry A. Shurr (las@cbema.ATT.COM)
* I added checking for env seg overrun, so now it's a little more robust.
* Notes by Alan J Myrgold:
* Technical information : A program's PSP contains a pointer at
* offset 44 (decimal) to a COPY of the parent's environment.
* The environment is a set of strings of the form NAME=value,
* each terminated by a NULL byte.
* An additional NULL byte marks the end of the environment.
* The environment area is ALWAYS paragraph aligned
* i.e. on a 16 byte boundary.
* Searching backwards from the PSP, I consistently find
* two copies of the envronment area.
* The program : finds the two areas
* reads one into memory
* udpates the specified environment variable
* writes updated environment to parent environment
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
struct mcb { /* MSDOS Memory Control Block */
unsigned char tag4D; /* Tag field must = 0x4D */
unsigned int next; /* Segment base for next block */
unsigned int size; /* Memory block size in paragraphs */
unsigned env_size = 0; /* Maintain size of environment */
int env_size_bytes(unsigned env_seg)
/* Determine the length of the environment area in bytes */
int n;
n = 0;
while (peekb(env_seg,n) != 0) {
while (peekb(env_seg,n) != 0) n++;
int env_size_strings(unsigned env_seg)
/* Determine how many strings are in the environment area */
int k,n;
k = n = 0;
while (peekb(env_seg,n) != 0) {
while (peekb(env_seg,n) != 0) n++;
int peek_cmp(unsigned seg1,unsigned seg2,int nbytes)
/* A trivial compare routine for segement aligned data items */
int i;
for (i = 0; (i < nbytes) && (peekb(seg1,i) == peekb(seg2,i)); i++);
return(i == nbytes);
void find_env(unsigned seg_ray[2])
unsigned psp_seg,copy_of_seg,env_seg;
int k,n;
/* Find first copy of environment */
psp_seg = _psp;
copy_of_seg = peek(psp_seg,44);
/* Set return value to non-garabage */
seg_ray[0] = seg_ray[1] = copy_of_seg;
/* Search back to find 2 copies of environment */
env_size = n = env_size_bytes(copy_of_seg);
env_seg = copy_of_seg - 1;
for (k = 0; (env_seg != 0) && (k < 2); k++) {
while ((env_seg != 0) &&
(peek_cmp(copy_of_seg,env_seg,n) == 0)) {
if (env_seg != 0) {
seg_ray[k] = env_seg;
/* If not found, display error message and abort */
if (k != 2) {
fprintf(stderr,"Two copies of the environment were not found\n");
void read_env(unsigned env_seg,int *k,char ***s,char ***t)
/* Read environment into a malloc'd array of malloc'd strings */
int i,j,n;
env_size = env_size_bytes(env_seg);
*k = env_size_strings(env_seg);
*s = (char **) malloc((*k)*sizeof(char *));
*t = (char **) malloc((*k)*sizeof(char *));
n = 0;
for (i = 0; i < *k; i++) {
for (j = 0; peekb(env_seg,n+j) != '='; j++);
(*s)[i] = (char *) malloc(j+1);
for (j = 0; peekb(env_seg,n+j) != '='; j++)
((*s)[i])[j] = peekb(env_seg,n+j);
((*s)[i])[j] = 0;
n += j + 1;
for (j = 0; peekb(env_seg,n+j) != 0; j++);
(*t)[i] = (char *) malloc(j+1);
for (j = 0; peekb(env_seg,n+j) != 0; j++)
((*t)[i])[j] = peekb(env_seg,n+j);
((*t)[i])[j] = 0;
n += j + 1;
void write_env(unsigned env_seg, int k, char **s, char **t)
/* Write the environment back out to memory */
int i,j,n;
struct mcb far *tmcb = (struct mcb far *)((long)(env_seg-1) << 16);
if (tmcb->tag4D == 0x4D) {
unsigned env_seg_siz = tmcb->size << 4;
if (env_size < env_seg_siz) {
for (n = i = 0; i < k; i++) {
char *si = s[i];
char *ti = t[i];
for (j = 0; si[j] != 0; j++) pokeb(env_seg,n++,si[j]);
for (j = 0; ti[j] != 0; j++) pokeb(env_seg,n++,ti[j]);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"Insufficient space in environment\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"Environment memory control block trashed\n");
char *get_env_var(int k,char **s,char **t,char *var)
/* Return the value of the environment variable or NULL if not found */
char *val;
int i;
val = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) if (stricmp(s[i],var) == 0) val = t[i];
void set_env_var(int *k,char ***s,char ***t,char *var,char *val)
/* Set a new or existing environment variable to a new value */
int i,done;
done = 0;
for (i = 0; i < *k; i++) {
if (stricmp((*s)[i],var) == 0) {
/* Existing variable */
done = 1;
env_size -= strlen((*t)[i]);
(*t)[i] = (char *) malloc(1+strlen(val));
env_size += strlen((*t)[i]);
if (!done) {
/* New environment variable */
*s = realloc(*s,(*k)*sizeof(char *));
*t = realloc(*t,(*k)*sizeof(char *));
(*s)[*k-1] = (char *) malloc(1+strlen(var));
(*t)[*k-1] = (char *) malloc(1+strlen(val));
/* Length of name + length of '=' + length of value + length of '\0' */
env_size += (strlen((*s)[*k-1]) + 1 + strlen((*t)[*k-1]) + 1);
void show_env(int k,char **s,char **t)
/* Display the array of environment strings */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) printf("%s=%s\n",s[i],t[i]);
void get_cmdline(char *cmd)
/* Read raw command line text into string buffer */
char far *pcmd;
int idx,odx;
pcmd = (char far *)((long)_psp << 16) + 128L;
for (idx = *pcmd++, odx = 0; idx > 0; idx--, odx++) {
cmd[odx] = *pcmd++;
cmd[odx] = '\0';
char_in(char ch, char *set)
/* Determine if a character is in a set of characters */
do {
if (ch == *set) return(TRUE);
} while ((int)*(++set));
char get_num(char *cmd, int *pidx)
/* Interpret octal or hexadecimal constant in string */
int accum = 0;
char ch;
int f_scan = TRUE;
int idx = *pidx;
int limit;
char *nch = cmd+idx;
char *och = nch+1;
int radix;
#define HEXDIG "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"
if (*nch == '0' && char_in(*och,"xX") && char_in(*(och+1),HEXDIG)) {
radix = 16;
limit = 2;
och += 1;
} else {
radix = 8;
limit = 3;
och = nch;
while (limit-- > 0 && f_scan) {
f_scan = FALSE;
while ((int)(*nch)) *nch++ = *och++;
nch = cmd+idx;
och = nch+1;
switch (ch = *nch) {
case '0' :
case '1' :
case '2' :
case '3' :
case '4' :
case '5' :
case '6' :
case '7' :
case '8' :
case '9' :
if (ch == 9 && radix == 8) break;
accum = accum * radix + (int)(ch - '0');
f_scan = TRUE;
case 'A' :
case 'B' :
case 'C' :
case 'D' :
case 'E' :
case 'F' :
if (radix == 8) break;
accum = accum * radix + (int)(ch - 'A') + 10;
f_scan = TRUE;
case 'a' :
case 'b' :
case 'c' :
case 'd' :
case 'e' :
case 'f' :
if (radix == 8) break;
accum = accum * radix + (int)(ch - 'a') + 10;
f_scan = TRUE;
default : break;
*pidx = idx;
get_escape(char *cmd, int *pidx, char quote)
/* Interpret escape'd (i.e., '\' (backslash) character */
int idx = *pidx;
if (quote == '"') {
char *nch = cmd+idx;
char *och = nch+1;
char *xch = nch;
while ((int)(*nch)) *nch++ = *och++;
switch (*xch) {
case 'a' : *xch = '\a'; break;
case 'b' : *xch = '\b'; break;
case 'c' : *xch = '\c'; break;
case 'd' : *xch = '\d'; break;
case 'e' : *xch = '\e'; break;
case 'f' : *xch = '\f'; break;
case 'g' : *xch = '\g'; break;
case 'h' : *xch = '\h'; break;
case 'i' : *xch = '\i'; break;
case 'j' : *xch = '\j'; break;
case 'k' : *xch = '\k'; break;
case 'l' : *xch = '\l'; break;
case 'm' : *xch = '\m'; break;
case 'n' : *xch = '\n'; break;
case 'o' : *xch = '\o'; break;
case 'p' : *xch = '\p'; break;
case 'q' : *xch = '\q'; break;
case 'r' : *xch = '\r'; break;
case 's' : *xch = '\s'; break;
case 't' : *xch = '\t'; break;
case 'u' : *xch = '\u'; break;
case 'v' : *xch = '\v'; break;
case 'w' : *xch = '\w'; break;
case 'x' : *xch = '\x'; break;
case 'y' : *xch = '\y'; break;
case 'z' : *xch = '\z'; break;
case '0' :
case '1' :
case '2' :
*xch = get_num(cmd, &idx);
*pidx = idx + 1;
get_qvalue(char *cmd, int idx, char quote, char **value)
/* Extract a quoted value part from command line */
char ch;
int f_esc;
*value = cmd + (++idx);
do {
while ((int)(ch = cmd[idx]) && ch != '\\' && ch != quote) idx++;
if (!(int)ch) return(-1);
if (ch == '\\') {
f_esc = TRUE;
get_escape(cmd, &idx, quote);
} else f_esc = FALSE;
} while (f_esc);
cmd[idx] = '\0';
for (idx += 1; (int)(ch = cmd[idx]) && ch == ' '; idx++);
if ((int)ch) return(-1);
get_parm(char **name, char **value)
/* Extract environment symbol name and value from command line */
char ch;
int idx;
int sdx;
static char cmd[128];
for (idx = 0; (int)(ch = cmd[idx]) && ch == ' '; idx++);
if (!(int)ch) return(1);
*name = cmd + idx;
for (; (int)(ch = cmd[idx]) && ch != '=' && ch != ' '; idx++);
if (!(int)ch) return(-1);
if (ch == ' ') {
cmd[idx] = '\0';
for (idx += 1; (int)(ch = cmd[idx]) && ch != '='; idx++);
} else cmd[idx] = '\0';
if (!(int)ch) return(-1);
for (sdx = (idx += 1); (int)(ch = cmd[idx]) && ch == ' '; idx++);
/*if (!(int)ch) return(-1);*/
switch (ch) {
case '"' : return(get_qvalue(cmd, idx, '"', value));
case '\'' : return(get_qvalue(cmd, idx, '\'', value));
default : *value = cmd + sdx; break;
main(int argc,char **argv)
unsigned env_seg[2];
char **s,**t;
int k;
long now;
struct tm *local;
static char *name = NULL, *value = NULL;
switch (get_parm(&name,&value)) {
case -1:
fprintf(stderr,"Invalid symbol definition syntax\n");
case 0:
/* Find and read environment */
/* Set the variable <name> to <value> */
/* Update caller's environment */
case 1:
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: setenv <symbol name> = <value>\n");