OS/2 Professional
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Text File
212 lines
* *
* T - A Tiny Editor *
* *
* tkeys.def Sample Custom Definition File *
* *
* This is an example of a Custom Definition File used to customise *
* the T editor. It contains the definition that describes the *
* default configuration. *
* *
* If you want to customise your version of T it is recommended that *
* you make a copy of this file with another name and make your *
* changes to your copy rather than to this original. That way if *
* you ever get a new copy of the editor (which will include this *
* file) you won't lose your changes. *
* *
* To customise the editor use the TKEY program from the DOS or OS/2 *
* command line: *
* *
* TKEY YOUR.DEF T.EXE for the DOS version *
* or TKEY YOUR.DEF T2.EXE for the OS/2 version *
* *
* The format of this Custom Definition File should be fairly clear *
* but refer to the T documentation for full details. *
* *
* By: Tim Baldwin *
* IBM UK Laboratories, Hursley Park, Winchester, UK *
* baldy@vnet.ibm.com *
* (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1987, 1993 *
/*--- Colour Definitions --------------------------------------------*
* Colour definitions give the colours used for the various screen *
* areas. Two sets are defined: "mono" colours are used with true *
* monochrome screens or with colour screens in the black-and-white *
* modes (e.g. MODE BW80); "colour" colours are used with all colour *
* screens in normal colour modes. *
* *
* You can spell "colour" as "color" if you prefer! *
// Colour display colours ...
colour data lines = bright white on blue
colour mark lines = bright white on brown
colour show lines = bright turquoise on blue
colour shadow cursor = black on white
colour command line = bright white on turquoise
colour status line = bright turquoise on blue
colour help line = bright white on blue
colour message line = yellow on blue
// Monochrome display colours ...
mono data lines = normal
mono mark lines = reverse
mono show lines = normal
mono shadow cursor = bright underline
mono command line = reverse
mono status line = normal
mono help line = normal
mono message line = bright normal
/*--- Keyboard Definitions ------------------------------------------*
* Keyboard definitions assign the editor's "Keyboard Functions" to *
* key combinations. When the key is pressed the function is execu- *
* ted. *
* *
* The following Keyboard Function is also available but not assig- *
* ned in the default configuration: *
* file *
// The F-keys ...
key f1 = help
key f2 = save
key f3 = quit
key f4 = safe file
key f5 = user
key f7 = name
key f8 = edit
key f9 = undo
key f10 = next file
key f11 = previous file
key f12 = focus
// Cursor and data movement ...
key s-f1 = scroll left
key s-f2 = scroll right
key s-f3 = scroll up
key s-f4 = scroll down
key up = up
key down = down
key left = left
key right = right
key pgup = page up
key pgdn = page down
key home = start of line
key end = end of line
key tab = next tab
key s-tab = previous tab
key padenter = next line
key c-left = previous word
key c-right = next word
key c-home = top of file
key c-end = end of file
key c-pgup = top of screen
key c-pgdn = end of screen
// Character and line insertion and deletion ...
key ins = insert toggle
key del = delete character
key backspace = backspace
key enter = new line
key c-enter = insert line
key c-padenter = insert line
key c-backspace = delete line
key a-t = truncate line
key a-r = repeat line
key a-s = split line
key a-j = join line
key a-a = adjust line
// Line marking ...
key a-l = set mark
key a-u = clear mark
key a-c = copy mark
key a-m = move mark
key a-d = delete mark
key a-y = top of mark
key a-e = end of mark
key s-f7 = mark left
key s-f8 = mark right
// Miscellaneous ...
key esc = command toggle
key a-f = repeat find
key a-x = escape
key c-2 = ascii 0
// Box drawing characters ...
key a-1 = ascii 192 // Bottom left corner
key a-2 = ascii 193 // Bottom intersection
key a-3 = ascii 217 // Bottom right corner
key a-4 = ascii 195 // Left intersection
key a-5 = ascii 197 // Centre intersection
key a-6 = ascii 180 // Right intersection
key a-7 = ascii 218 // Top left corner
key a-8 = ascii 194 // Top intersection
key a-9 = ascii 191 // Top right corner
key a-- = ascii 196 // Horizontal line
key a-= = ascii 179 // Vertical line
// All other keys do nothing, for example ...
key a-q = nothing
/*--- Editor Settings -----------------------------------------------*
* Editor settings allow various aspects of the editor's appearance *
* and operation to be changed to suit individual preferences. The *
* settings are divided into two groups: General Settings contains *
* those things most people might want to alter and Special Settings *
* contains things normally best left alone. *
// General settings ...
set command toggle = command // Start up on the command line
set insert toggle = replace // Start up in Replace mode
set replace cursor = line // Underscore cursor in Replace mode
set insert cursor = half // Half block cursor in Insert mode
set focus line = 2 // Focus on the second data line
set right margin = off // No right hand margin
set exact match = on // Match case exactly when searching
set help command = "T THELP.HLP"
set user command = "DOS"
// Help text ...
set help line =
"F1=Help F2=Save F3=Quit F4=File F5=DOS F7=Name F8=Edit "
"F9=Undo F10=Next F11=Prev F12=Focus"
// Special settings. These are not normally altered.
set tab spacing = 8 // Tabs positioned every 8 columns
set tab expand = on // Expand tabs to spaces on loading
set command recall = on // Save previous commands for recall
set automatic indent = on // Align cursor when inserting lines
set keyboard type = default // Use default keyboard style
set cga snow = off // Remove CGA screen "snow"
set line end = default // Accept DOS and UNIX style files
set segment size = default // Use default size storage segments